Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Apr 1967, p. 8

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s true it sues e parte monds | make | were ig bid » dia- 1 good ake a ssume ll bid ember st as ake a score. should er of ou do ise in re not jump bid if 7-4, niss @ three mitted in cal- s, he hands ricka, time, first artner | only rd to show r ane re by » this, alues, yame, inced r by strain } t to for Dd De ee | G2 Ae As OE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, April 11, 1967 7 + ila SV Hs pS a A A AH OE ee a nee ae ee He Chain Link Fences TODAY'S STOCKS INDUSTRIALS TORONTO 10:40 A.M, STOCKS Distributed by CP te Stock Exchange--April 1) Quotations in cents unless marked $. #--Odd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- rights, xw--Ex-warrants. Net change Is from previous board-lot closing sale. 10:40 Net Stock Sales High Low a.m, Ch'ge Acad Uran 500 3% 3% IA*--Ne Acme Gas 2700 27 26 26 --1 Advocate 600 315 310 315 +15 Agnico $00 112: :112:«1112:--«O-- 3 Akaitcho $0 s7 57 S7 =--3 Ang THe 1000 141 140 140 --1 ev 6000 72 72 72 --2 Ares 500 325 325 325 +6 Argosy 1880 146 «145 146 +2 roadie 1) ose ) Bae Ad Atl C Cop 500 87 87 87 --3 jethim: 1400 660 660 660 -- 5 jounty Ex 500 174 17% l7s--" Bralorne 150 184 184 184 +7 roul Reef 1000 29 oT Brunswk 725 600 600 unker H 1000 24 24 24 Cam Mine 1500 Pad i 24-- Va Camflo 200 385 --10 Gamp Chip 100 os os 625 --25 $19% 19% 19% + % ---4 ung 6700 165 162 162 ¢ Dyno 2400 145 «(141 «(141 + 1 C Faraday 380 275 275 275 --10 Lencourt See list belo Cent Pat 200 155 155 158 Chimo 2300 71 70) «671 Coch Will $00 146 14 146 -- 1 Coniagas 0 50 50 50 =I Conigo See list below. -Key See list below. C_ Bellek 6000 74% 74 Mh CG Arrow 1000 15 #15 15 --2 50 ¢ Halll 60 5 --1 ¢ Marben 300 253 253 253 --7 ¢ Mateus 1000 15% 15% ISA-- ¢ Mogul 600 335 330 335 --5 € Morisn 2975 520 505 510 --20 ¢ Mosher 1000 31% 31% we ¢ Neg 19100 16 «15% Cen Nichol 1000 15 15 is ¢ Rembier 100 160 160 16 +1 ¢ Red Pop See list below. Conwest 25 600 600 600 mo 6 6 wl hU+D Cop Fields 500 12) 121 121 --2 Cop Man See list below. Craigmt 375 $13% 1344 13% Cstland 1150 28 8 D'Aragon 1000 «15 144 144--% D'Eldona See list below. Deni: $61 $60% 59% SIM-- KM €ndako 100 $11% 11% 11% Fi 1600 430 -s pliant Yk 300 775 760 775 +20 plenn Exp 1000 15 15 15 +1 poldray ARE «RIE sae Ff poldrm ws00 SK Oth Grendroy my HD W 200 590 56S 570 Green Pre 500 2% % +h heh 400 37) 35 8 1 2000 7 --"' 200 +7 Iron Bay T Jolex See list below. joliet 500 314 9 2 --% Kerr Add 2000 811% 11% 11% Kid Coper 84 684 BA Lab Min 160 $28% 28% 2% L Dufavit 200 $12% 12% 12% Lakehead 0 6 % % Lea Luz 630 $15V%e 15% 15% Langis 600 3% HOH Leitch 651 735 = 715 715 --W Liberian 144 810% 10% 10% LL Lae 330 160 180 160 Macasse 100 160 1600 10 --7 Madsen 306 142: 10 10 -- 4 Merchant 900 136 136 136 Martin 1300 27 27 Match 6125 2 Mattgmi 300 $4 14a 1+ Maybrun 1000 +11 1 Me Adam 1100 45 45 45 Me intyre 1 $90 88 Ww +h itor 1000 55 55 55 --3 Merrill 100 82 862 62 --8 Mata 3000 11% 1i'*% 11% Metal Min 74 110 110 110 Midrim 8000 46 454 4S Ve Min-Ore See list below. Muilti-Mi $00 149 149 147 + N Exp 27000 154 4% 15 +1 N Golivue 6500. § 5 Hosco 600 245 243 243 N imperal 2450 380 375 380 New Jason 1000 § 5 5 =-- Newlund ae io 610 (WO N Mylame ae an Bla i -3 nN +1 45 415 --6 See list below. list below, 1200 505 505 505 5 Bed rie 1c 28 Yai i) "ao 104 a ag ---5 ey re +2 166 1 ---7 94 935 935 --l6 See list below. v1? Pine Point us $52 62 32+ Placer $10 $34 Preston 257 $15 15% 15% Q Mattgmi 500 63 83 83 +3 Radiore g00 00 = 6 --2 Rayrock 1400 132 127 1322 +4 Reeves 200 198 «198 198 +6 Rio Aigom 545 $277 27% at + Ve Rio Alec cw 40 $13 +13 #13 Roman 237 815% 15% 15% + ve Ryanor 1500 «11 10Ve 10a + Va San Antom 500 20% 20% 204+ Ve Satellite 3000 23 23 23 Sherritt 994 400 400 400 Silvetids 400 325 325 325 Sil Miller 60 1) Wo md Slivma See list below. Sil Stand 2000 105 102 105 +3 Siscoe 750 465 460 465 --10 Stanrck 200 239 «239 2399 +1 Steep R 275 595 590 S90 -- 5 Sullivan 220 375 «(375 «(378 Teck Corp 750 500 500 500 Tex-Sol J ERS | Baie: baer Tombill $00 107 107 107 +1 Torbrit ooo §) 65) OC Tundra 2200 35 435 35 U Butfadn 2004 Us 334 MAt+ Un Keno 400 350 340 350 --10 Vespar 1000 35% ae br mag West Mine 300 440 440 White Star 3000 30 "0 n= a Wilco 1000 38a 384 38 Willroy 600 111 Tse wr ib | m5 85 «85 «(BS Yukon 00 95 9 Zenmac 2400 25a 25% 250 OILS, GAS Alminex 575 45 405 408 Am cedue 200 18 18 18 +% Asamera 100 370 370 370 Bantt 900 $15 14% 15+ % Calvert 2200 230 23 23 C Ex Gas 4650 395 385 395 ¢ Gridoil 600 600 595 -5§ C Homestd 500 215 212 215 +10 Cc LI Pete 500 21% 21% 214-- Cdn Sup O $354 35 35%4--\% Cdn Tricnt m5 475 475 Cent Dei 540 $10% 10% 10% Chieftan D 200 675 665 665 --I Dynamic 2500 128 127 (127 'argo 700 345 340 345 +8 Gt COllsds 350 $12 12% 124 Int Hellum 355 355 355 -- 8 Mideon 2200 44 «44 44 Mill. City 1100 134 134 (134 = 1 Numac 3350 340 325 330 --58 Numec wh 2100 70 67 67 = 4 Permo 2500 23) 2323 Place @ $00 235 235 25 +3 Provo Gas 9921 625 620 620 +8 Ranger 800 250 245 250 -- 6 Spooner 4380 63 62 63 (+1 Triad Oll 300 192 192 192 --8 Canso 356 245 240 245 + BF U Cansor 11033 7 5 7 W Decalta 1550 265 265 265 Primary Distribution Distribution of Treasury Shares The Toronto Stock Exchange has been advised that the following companies have entered Into underwriting and op- tlon agreements which may result in tomy shares of these companies be- Ing under distribution currently through the facilities of Re Exchange: 11000 Cn Lnert Va 16 Oia " Conigo 6800 20% 20 Con-Key 1000 13/2 13% 14 + "" C Red Pop 2500 242,244 2am Ve $e Man 400 33 33 33 -- 1 D'Eldona 2100 139 «137: 138 --4 Irish Cop 600 «15 5 15 Jelex mo ee Min-Ore 1000 10% 10% 10% Norpax 1500 8 8 8 North Exp 100 30 30 30 --1 Pce Exp 1370 75 73 74 --1 Slivmq 3050 330 32% 224-1" FOR SALE SAND FILL In 10 load quantities PH: 723-2287 Stock Abitibi Acklands Agnew-S Alta Gas T Alta Gas p Alta Gas w Alta Nat Algo Cent Alg Cent W Alcan Alcan pr Alumin pr Alumin 2p Argus B pr Argus C pr Asbestos Atl Sugar Bank Mtl Bank N $ Barclona Bathrst A Bathrst w Beaver L Bell Phne Bow-m pr Bramalea Bramal w Brazilian BA Constr BA Oil BCPh 4.84 Br Intl Fin Burns Fds Burrard Calgary P Calgy 540 p Can Cem Can tron Can Perm Cdn Brew CB AlAw cB AIBW Cdn Can A ¢ Chem. w ¢ Hydro ¢ Imp Bnk Cc ind Gas CPR CPR pr C Petrofin C Refract Cdn Tire C Util 44% p C Vickers Chemcell Cominco Con Paper Crush Intl Cygnus A Dale-Ross Dist] Seag Dome Pete Domter pr D Textile Dupont East Chrir Hawker $ Home B HB Oll Gas Husky Oil Husky C pr imp olf Imp Tob Ind Accept In Accept p Ind Wire Intpr Steel Intpr Stl pr inv Grp A ITL Ind James Stl Jefferson Jeffersn w Lafarge Lafarge A Laura See Magna Bl Manoir in M Lf Mills Mass-Fer Met_ Stores MGFM Molson A Montex Nat Drug p Nat Trust Neon Noranda Shell inv w Shell Can Shop Save Simpson: Simpson § Sogemine St Paving ST Radio Steel Can Steinbgo A Tamblyn Texaco Thom N P Tone Craft Tor Dm Bk Tor Iron W Traders A Trader 65 w Te Can PL Tr Can Pip 10:40 Net Salés High Low a.m. Ch'ge 600 $11%4 11% WNK+ 300 $7 7% Vibe m55 $14 14 125 $367% 367% dir» + 125 $94 93% 93% 355 840 635 835 100 $20% 20% 20% + Wh 2100 $82 8% 86% 300 450 450 450 --25 1925 $3234 32% 32% -- 105 $40%2 402 40'2-- a 720 $204 20% 20'4 25 $44a Ada Ad' 15 $48 44 $11% 11% 1%+% 115 $224 22% 22% $970 We 9% 258 $67% 67% 67% -- 2 $76% 75a 75Va--lVe z10 190 90 190 25 $62 62% 62\4-- Ve 750 $10% 10% 10% 1050 $40 39 W%+ % 2339 $502 50% S0%-- Ve 710 $50 50 100 39% 9% I+ % 100 280 280 280 --10 700 $13 12% 12%%-- Ve 150 $6% 6% 6% 1920 $33¥a 33% 33% + Ve 250 $23% 23% 23% 100 290 290 20 --S8 600 $15 15 15 --% 100 $7 7 7 +% 125 $244 244 244 20$107 107 1077 +% 75 $42 42 42 --) 5 $2rh 2 Net 370 $11% 1% 11% 1623 $6% 6% 6% 1250 300 290 300 +10 4500 295 295 295 +30 160 $127 12% 12% 150 640 635 635 --15 100 $22% 22% 22% + ¥ 1056 $71% 71 M%-- % 210 $12% 12% 12% 1435 $68%4 68% 68% 450 $9% 9s 9% 235 $12% 12% 12% 480 $142 14a 4+ 100 $20% 20% 20% + % 30 $73 73 73 100 $14% 14% 144+ Ve 370 $14%e 14 4--M% 1575 $32% 32% 324--.M 85 $42% 42 42% 200 925 925 925 +8 605 $17 16% lba-- Ve 65 $30 20 75 $28% 28% 28% M75 $45 45 Sm 200 $6% 6% 6% + Ve 125 $17% 17% \Th-- Ve 350 $13% 13% 13% + Ve 500 380 380 380 --S§ 300 $11% Hh 1%-- 490 $38% "ws --% 100 $561 ry Shik Ve 235 $18% 18% 18% 260 $16% 16% 16% 25 $99%4 Wr 9996 320 $21% 21% 21% 220 % 8% £140 $20 19% 19% 700 $174 17% 17%+V 100 $199 19% 19% -- Ve 200 $2 6% 35 $37%4 37% 37% 225 $37 7 7 050 $13% 13% 134-- $50 $8614 864 6614 -- Va 1055 $37Y% 37% 37h 175 $6% 6% 6%-- VW 233277 37 27 =--V 635 $15 14% 15 zi] $82 81% 81% 2100 $10% 10% 10% 190 $28%e 28% 28% 1200 $22% 22% 22% 130 $10 10 10 115 $5234 52'4 5234 270 $22' 22% 224--W 250 400 400 400 --8§ 730 $844 84 84h 510 $10 10 0 --W 25 $56 56 6711 $20% 20% 20% + 500 $24 23% 24 + 580 $3214 32% 3244 -- Ve 172 $144 14% 14% 350 $57%4 572 57% + Ve 381 $58%4 58% 58% -- WO $14%4 14% 14% 40 $25 4% 24% 25 $794 792 9'2+ 2070 $6%e 6% 200 $10 10 10 + 290 $11" 11% 11% 100 $18%4 18% 18% 212 $38 3% 38% 779 $95 9A% 94% " 250 $30.4 20% 30%-- % 125 $32 32 32 238 $101 100% 101 75 $34 34 4 300 495 495 5 100 $20 20% 2WiA-- % 1375 $10'% 10Y%e 104+ Ve 150 $16 16 16 oe % 1060 340 340 340 --10. 240 $32 32 32 +% 1450 $24% 24 24a + Vel 100 395 35 3S 300 480 480 230 $23 23 3 = 200 $144 14h 14h $12 1% NW%e+ % 250 $12 124 Pil 150 495 495 ---6 265 $224 21% om mo 8. 8 68 8 1350 135 135 135 500 $8 8 $ -- $8 8h 8h4~-- $28% 28% ie +% BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT TORONTO (CP) -- Triarch Corp. Ltd. of Toronto was the key firm in the $37,500,000 bid made last Friday to return con- trol of the John Labatt Ltd brewing firm to Canada, a com- pany official said Friday. A. G. S. Griffin, president of the investment banking firm called in by Labatt manage- ment 18 months ago, said in an Toronto Triarch Corp. Bids Canada Control Of Labatt interview Triarch put together' the combination which offerec the Jos. Schlitz Brewing Co. 0 Milwaukee $21 a share for La batt stock. : Schlitz, which bought 1,700,- 000 shares of the third-largest Canadian brewing firm in 196/ at $23 a share, accepted thc Canadian offer last Friday. The deal is still subject to United States court approval. BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE More than three-quarters of | ithe cases on the docket at Osh- *!awa magistrate's court Monday involved liquor charges. "It's people like you that turn an automobile into an instru- ment of death," Magistrate D B. Dodds, told one man charged with impaired driving. The driver was fined $150. Convicted of impaired driving. after pleading guilty, and fined $100 and costs or 20 days were: Joseph Klinek, 44, 208 Montrave Ave., and Cecil Gorrow, 42, of 151 Elliott St., Harold Dion, 22, of Clinton Ontario, pleaded guilty to the same change but was fined $150 due to the evi- dence presented by the crown. SEVEN DAYS Douglas Crandell, 43, of 301 Kingsdale Ave., pleaded guilty to having care and control of a car while intoxicated and was sentenced to seven days in the county jail as was Arthur Ber- gin of 152 Riverside Dr. N. for the same offence, Crown attorney, Bruce Af- fleck commenting on the breath- alizer test taken by Bergin said his 3.8 reading was approaching the area which can cause death. The breathalizer measures the amount of alcohol in the blood. THEFT William Martin, 16, of 1366 Currie Ave., Windsor, pleaded bra guilty to two charges of theft under $50 after being taken into custody at the Oshawa Shopping Dodds sentenced him to six months suspended sentence be- cause of his youth and the fact that it was his - first offence. The youth was also put on pro- bation with one of the stipula- tions being that he go back to Windsor. Tr Can Pw 200 90 890 890 +10) Trans Mt 500 $17% 174 17% Trans PPL 20 $7% 7% 7% UnAcc 2p 200 370 370 370 --18 Un Carbld 250 $244 24 24% Un Gas 2237 $12% 12% 12% $5 4s 5 +18 Un Wourn = 450 Versatile 275 $354 35 35 -- * Walk GW 410 $33% 33% 33% --! _ W Pacifle 950 $5%e 5% Weston A = 2150 $20% 20 Weston B 275 lla 21% is Wood Alex 200 350 --0 Woodwd A_ 205 ion 2 ay -v York Lam B 100 215 215 215 Zenith 1000 195 195 198 | Gunnar 600 170 170 170 Seles te VM @.m.: £43,000. Clairtone 240 $13% 13% 13% Agnico 9000 125 125 125 Bralorne 500 180 180 180 Highland B® 100 $12 12 12 K Anacon 100 125 125 125 K Addison $00 $12 12 12 Leitch @ 100 775 975 775 Lk Dufauit 100 $13 13 3 Mad RL 500 145 145 145 Sherritt 200 400 400 400 Sisco 200 470 470 470 Un Kene 125 400 400 400 1200 165 165 165 Man Charged Impaired Driving At Oshawa Magistrate's Court Centre on April 8. Magistrate) OBSTRUCTING Wayne Joseph Virgin, 20 of 117 obstructing justice and was fined $100 and costs or 20 days. Virgin gave his twin brother Larry his driver's licence when he was stopped by police while Larry. Virgin, $200 fine with the alternative being 40 days in jail. Affleck, "the ends of justice are thwarted by this kind of con- duct." DISMISSED A charge of rape against Rob- ert Talbot of 284 Festhubert was dismissed during a pre- liminary hearing when Magis- trate Dodds found that there was not sufficient evidence to pro- ceed with a trial. $25 FINES David Farrer, 79, of 480 Fair- leigh Ave., pleaded guilty to having liquor in a place other than his residence and was fined $25 or five days in jail. Fined $25 after pleading guilty to being drunk in public were: Dennis Branigan, 29, of 206 King St. E., Bowmanville; John Holley, 38, of 712 Dundas St.; Russell Meegan, 26, of 121 Bennett Rd., West Hill, and Margaret McGrath of 164 Wil- son Rd. §. BOND MARKET TORONTO (CP)--The Cana- dian bond market was lower in quiet trading Monday. Short - term Government of Canada «bonds eased § gee with the 414-per-cent April 1, 1968, issue closing at 100.18 bid jand 100.23 asked. Long-term Canada and pro- vincial bonds were down \% of a point with the 414-per-cent |Sept. 1, 1983, issue closing at {891% bid and 89%% asked. Day-to-day money traded at 4 per cent. Treasury bills remained un- changed with both the 91-day %\bills and the 182-day bills clos- jing at 4.04 per cent. SQUIDS TAKE OFF The sea squid can shoot 30 to 40 feet out of the water and glide 'gual than 100 feet through the air, LEWIS OPTICAL Established for over 30 years 10% King Street West 725-0444 100 105 105 we 312% tas Ti+ v 275 Sa , th 470 $14% 14% Uh-- Ve 100 240. 240 240 +5 150 $19%% 19% 19% + Vb 2530 $24% 23% 23% -- 120 $20 2% 20 2100 305 305 305 | 250 $24 24 24 + Uh 200 325 220 320 +10 x75 $15 1s 404 $1011 1 1014 -- | 100 $22% 22% 22% | 215 $12% 12% 12% 300 $19 19 «19 -- 100 $6% 6% 64 --% 904 951% Sie $1 477 $12% 12% 12% 235 $23% 10 $8% 8% 8% 4) $27 27) a7 = 65 $85 85) 85 +81 9434 $134 13% 13% +. 225 $12 11% 12 275 $13% 13% 13% 39 $11 nO 760 $8 6% 6 120 $94 94 9m 210 $79 " 100 $28% 28 26% 165 $81" 20% -- Ve 2130 $10% 10% 10% 550 3: 100 $122 12% 124--% 900 690 885 885 --§ 758 $25% 25%e 250+ Yo 225 $13% 13% 13% 70 $26 266 137 $17% 17% 17%--% 279 $12%e 12% 124+ Ve 120 $8 «8B 1300 $3014 30 = TAS $22% 22% 22% 720 $20Ye 20% 20% 700 $23 23 3 oO 625 $274 27 7 me 185 $25 25 25 = Vy 12 $54 $§ Sat 757 $692 OA WA-- 25 $33 33°33 9 98 9 +h 100 150 180 150 1243 $29%4 Bh 294+ 220 Assessment of Ontario. Remuneration on a fee basis. Apply on or before April 24th, ment, County of Onterio, 605 Onterio. County of Ontario Women wanted to take the Census for Assessment purposes in each local Municipality in the County Work must be completed during the month of June. Instructions and guidance supplied by Assessment Deportment. in each Township, Town or Village or the Assessment Depert- HELP WANTED Department 1967, to the Municipal Office Rossland Road East, Whitby, of the finest Canadian whiskies this country has ever taste by Gilbey's Russell St., pleaded guilty to} driving under suspension. | ies 219 Craburn. |which Brazilian Light was given one month to pay a|Power has a_ substantial but! square miles, Said Mr.|---- Schlitz ran afoul of U.S. anti- 'ombines legislation after it yought control of Labatt and| was ordered to divest itself of ts holdings. FORMING COMPANY Mr. Griffin said that right from the beginning, Triarch oroposed a holding company to buy the Schlitz - owned stock. The holding company, Jonlab Investments Ltd., is in the pro- cess of being formed, although it was incorporated in Ontario| July 25, 1966. Jonlab, which also was the code name used for the re- patriation operation, will be the only company to act in the deal You owe Ht te yourself te get our price on eny fancing lob, residential jf or Industrial, big or small, Prompt service and quelity works manship et @ reasonable eost. Coll we now for @ free estimete, A-ONE FENCE Co. | call 723-5377 cnanaimnietienseenieel EXPERIMENTAL CAR idea Chevrolet's newest has an electric swing-back FOR SALE i Ea we ge gar car -- Astro 1 -- is termed roof and rear section that when the ' 44 : i ' wing : ; a "new look in passenger combines with power eleva os rs ae i ig ents packaging." The aero- tor seats that allow passen 1 only Colchester Dominion 15" (15" x.48") swing, . shares to Brazilian Light and) qynamic_ two-passenger gers to step upright into the mT vel hh valalt bed lath |Power Ltd. of Toronto and) coupe measures only 35.5 car. Here, (top picture) all geared head straight b " Complete with the following: 1-9" 3 Jaw Chuck--1-12" 4 Jow Chuek --1-3 Point stationary steady rest--1-Squore Turret tool post instead of standard tool. pest---1-Taper turning attachment, The abeve items were purchased mew in 1954 Price Complete $1500.00 Apply: Quinte Machine & Repair Co. Ltd., Box 548, Frankford Road, Trenton, Ont. Phone 613-392-3595 SE 300,000 shares to Investors Mu-| inches high (bottom picture) | Lynn Ros shows the closing tual of Canada, Investors al- h losed. However, it eque: of the Astro I. ready owned 36,083 shares of} ~~ ee ee ee Labatt. The remaining 400,000 shares JUST NEXT DOOR STEAM BEGAN HERE will be retained by Jonlab, in| The world's continental] The world's first steamship , and | shelves, areas of shallow water) made its trial run on the River jnear land, amount to 11,500,000| Rhone near Lyon, France, home the area of the\of the European silk industry moon. band the famous Jacquard loom not controlling interest. Yes, it's true Now a bank will pay you one-third more interest. Which bank? Bank of Montreal % 0 starting May 1. Bankof Montreal 4% on minimum monthly balance. Canada's First Bank 4% with cash withdrawals and free ser. . transfers for chequing. 5 Ask about a 4% True Savings Account at your nearest branch. True Savings Account

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