Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Apr 1967, p. 16

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Norman, a biology professor at McMaster University in Hamil- ton, who went to the Falklands to study the qualities of the local peat, used for fuel by the | CUSO Teacher Loaned To India! Toronto Woman | Finds Fishing ENCORE IN WV ANN LANDERS Lived OnHindu Rice, Vegetables! interesting Job iar' o | t By MARILYN ARGUE ericton before going overseas. TORONTO (CP)--Isobel PPT Bs Foord Rie yap oom jeer LADIES' WEAR j ellie ad She had wanted to be a physi-|forth is one woman who never i ' 5 a ver flock of misnamed fish. For ex- oe on teacher and says|plays the role of fishing widow. |ample one species that grows she 5. not the home science; If anything, it's the other|tg g "Jength of 10 inches is |type." Her decision to take the way round in her family. the New and Gently Used Styles for the fashionable female. OTTAWA (CP)--Rice from a ' Hindu temple was the staple part of Janet Tripp's diet dur- ing two years as a home science Teenager Suggests Way| called trout by islanders To Force New Gun Law teacher in India. A volunteer with the Canadian |University Service Over- seas, Janet taught at Sri Ven- jcourse followed a lecture she} Mrs. Radforth is a research jheard on nutrition problems injassociate at the Royal Ontario | Thailand. Museum's department of ich- HELPED BY STUDENTS thyology. As an expert on fish, but isn't. And the smelts aren't really smelts, the mullets aren't mullets and the cod aren't cod. They got those names because At the Top of the Stairs! 22 Simcoe St. $. OSHAWA Dear Readers: In all the;newspapers and sent to the sen- ' : eS ( S years I have been wriiing this|ators and congressmen in Wash- kateswara University in Tiru-| In India she worked mainly sta pense ton ages to islanders of early times they ington. If you don't know the |pati, a city of 40,000 about 90)with 10 graduate students on a vetoed of iuarine life © study!resembled the fish back | seneaeseconaranamnaemnti, column I have never received such a barrage of vitriolic, abusive and downright nasty letters as was provoked by my plea for tighter gun laws, I printed some of the less veno- mous letters yesterday and promised that today I would print the best letter in support of my position. I am happy to say it was written by a teen- ager. Here it is: Dear Ann Landers: I am a 17- year-old boy who agrees em- phatically with your stand on thie easy availability of guns. You asked your readers: to write to their senators and congressmen urging them to pass some decent gun laws. If you know anything about hu- man nature, Ann Landers, you kiiow that very few people will name of your senator or con- gressman, call your newspaper and don't forget to follow the boy's suggestion and jot down a request that he forward the column to the speaker of your state legislature. Dear Lawmaker: Do you want to buy a gun? Well, go jright ahead. Nobody will ask a mental defective, if you have a criminal record, or if you know how to use firearms prop- erly. If you can pay for a gun you can have one--a rifle, a bazooka, a pistol, an anti-tank blaster, any kind of gun your little heart desires. If you can't get a gun store or a pawn shop, fill out a coupon and get a gun through the mail. you how old you are, if you are! | JANET TRIPP, a volun- miles from Madras. The 10-year-old university has about 5,000 students and is spon- sored by Andhra Pradesh state and a nearby Hindu temple. During periods when food was hard to get, the temple supplied the' university with rice and vegetables. "People visiting it always bring a gift, like coconuts, ba- nanas or betel leaves, but the lower - caste Hindus usually bring rice." The temple is one of the rich- jest in the country, and many of ithe university buildings were built with its funds. It is the second most important pilgrim- age centre for Hindus. "Children are supposed to visit it before they are three years old to have their hair cut |development program in four) esas Her latest trip was to the nearby villages. Falkland Islands, off the coast The work included adult lit-lof South America, in January jeracy classes, a school lunch|where she poached on some |program and explaining general|angry sea lions to gather speci- jnutrition to the village women.|mens of fish for the museum. | The students also tried to en-| She accompanied her husband jcourage the women to use a |'smokeless stove' which they|to India, I had the usual idea would build from cow dung,/of me out among the mud huts jhay, water and a tin pipe sup-land bullock carts learning the |plied by the school. language and getting things "The villagers live in one- done. jroom round mud huts and cook| "But there's not much you jover an open fire in the rut. |can do that way. The Indian "The smoke is good for get-.aitls can explain so much |ting rid of mosquitoes, but it|better. _ means the woman is crouched| "The girl who replaced me at jon the floor all day. It takes a/the university was one of my long time to cook an. Indian|Students. That sums up all I was | meal." jtrying to do."" Saturday and Sunday Janet) take the time and trouble to do|Lee Oswald did it and nothing Madras, Indi i 4" r i , a. Although off. And people pray to Sri/and the students visi =f ae, pg By ag ed Pagal since then. You teer with ee caneghe Un- ~ ee to ced 'ea Venkateswara if they have alcal boenital grin Rage BRUNO'S I ; ; : Pit jaa : iversity Service Overseas, cal education teacher, she |problem and promise to give|mothers in the care and feeding} Ihave a suggestion which I) If all this sounds unsettling,! sound rice from a Hindu took a home science course their hair if he helps them." _|of babies. pt _-- oo ree ) i i .|let me assur ; : ; | | _ ee ~ nagpusrl pees writing eon Goes tus and temple was the staple diet and joined CUSO after hear- | Brown-haired Janet graduated! "It was all done through the| speciality. Why dont you write a le A you alone can put an end to during a two-year teaching ing a lecture on nutrition /from the University of Western|students, To me, that's the only! 212 King St, W., Oshawa and print it in the paper an this appalling situation. We need stint at Sri Venkateswara problems in hailand. Ontario in 1961 and worked for} way it can be done. 576-2010 i (CP__Photo) .:two years in Montreal and Fred-| 'When I first thought of going' ask your readers to tear it out ard mail it to their senator or congressman in Washington? This is to let them know we want a federal law prohibiting the: shipment of guns across state lines. Instruct your read- ers-to write the following mes- sage across the column: "Please read this column and} then forward it to the Speaker of The House in Our State Legis- lature." This is to let him know we also want state laws strictly controlling sale and registration of all kinds of guns. If several thousand columns hit the desks of our legislators 4 (béth national and state), we Pog Courtice United will surely get the kind of action] BALLET FOR THE BRAIN urch, we need to make this country a} yancoyvER (CP) -- Sybil RECEPTION | safer and saner place to live. Thank you.--R. 8. F. of Chi- University in irupati, near lin the British Isles. | | For all your drapery needs see. Botty Haydl INTERIOR DECORATOR 15 King Street East CUSTOM MADE DRAPES Phone 725-2686 state laws that make it d tory for every gun owner to be registered, According to the Gallup Poll taken in January for NBC, ap- proximately 75 per cent of the American people want tougher gun laws. We have no paid lob- byists, no organization to es- pouse our cause, no one to speak for us, so we must speak for ourselves. We ask your help, Mr. Lawmaker, in the name of the 17,000 Americans who died last year from gun- shot wounds.--Sincerely, Your Constituent Spencer came here from the Royal Academy of Dance in cago London to examine ballet stu- Dear Chicago Teen: Thank/dents for RAD diplomas. "Bal- you for an excellent suggestion. |let gives poise and control, both SOCIAL NOTICES FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. R. Bruce Walk- er wish to announce the forth- coming marriage of their daugh- ter, Constance Maxine, to Ed- ward Alexander Milgate, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Milgate, all of R.R.3, Bowmanville, The wedding is to take place on Saturday,May 13, 1967 at 3.00 dick, Jarvis Street, will be hap- py to receive their relatives, friends and neighbors at Adel- Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Red-| Below is the letter which I hope/mentally and physically, andjaide House, 199 Centre Street, will be torn out of thousands of/makes them quick - thinking,"!/o9n 'Tuesday, April 25, 1967 she said, saying she was de-/p1. ¢ 99 es to 10 00 Wher lighted to see more boys in sleet dehoiis aD King st THE STARS SAY |aliet classes because theyjon the occasion of their 50th blind | have such a vigorous approach.|wedding anniversary. make By ESTRELLITA El it Ist FOR TOMORROW 7 Fi d y Ow Id ; seach Good stellar influences gov- 0 m our n entity book, a wool, w erning personal relationships continue. Especially benefitted are domestic, sentimental and social interests. A good period for making new friendships, cementing old ties and for par- ticipating in group activities. In|dering what opportunities lie in spending a beautiful spring aft- ernoon listening to a lecture on Today's Discontented Women--| and the Miserable Mess They business pursuits, aspects sug- gest sticking to routine. FOR THE BIRTHDAY Stand Up AndStep Forward By ROBERTA ROESCH At times, I find myself won- 6. To plant a garden, rake a yard, take a walk, clean a closet, paint a chest or cook a meal while--in this hour by our- selves--we use our own mental resources to pull our. identity together and reinforce its gird- ca La Is | If tomorrow is your birthday,|Are Making of Their Miserable|ers. your horoscope indicates that, Womanhood. ' By GAR for the next year, stars will be| The title may not be as long|ANOTHER SELF PROJECT Over thi equally propitious for personallas this, but often the lecturer's|,, Like many other things in life, I have r concerns, occupational and| verbosity is. finding your own identity is one ; A , from a pa monetary affairs. In the latter] As I sit through these|™MO0re do-it-yourself. " q oo four to 1 connection, look for a fine cycle|speeches in the line of voca-| And one good way to find few playn for' advancing your financial|tional duty--or read in daily pa-jyour own identity (and the op- hood in vy status between now and May|pers how literally hundreds. of portunities it brings) is to dom hear 15; again, from Sept. 15 through|my sex put on their new spring |stang up and covet forward the child Oct. 10, and between Oct. 23)bonnets and turn out to hearlthis spring instead of merely and neigh! and Nov. 15. It would be wise|a pedantic scholar explain why|<itting it out while speakers be mothers to consolidate all gains then, in]we have no identity--I question| hing a rostrum po aie. dis. homes anc preparation for an exception-|what we really gain in putting|content in trying to ed oa re34 column lik ally good two-month cycle, be-jin time at these sit-ins while)qay's women 8 y i ers in s ginning on Feb. 1, of next year.|we hear where we have lost . Cervera Dobe conservative during in-|out. 4 tervening periods, however,| Certainly everyone of us being especially careful to|knows we are living in a world avoid extravagance in August;|where we must re-assess our also to eschew all speculation in|roles and accept new chal- B ] R K Ss lenges. But frankly I'm afraid a a | November. | On the job front, the first) three weeks of July promise some unusual recognition for past efforts, with other good periods for advancement indi-| cated at any time between Sept < and Nov. 15 and-or late December. Those engaged in artistic or intellectual pursuits sould have a generally good| year, with outstanding months! for accomplishment star-prom-|/much better: ised in June, August and next} February. | In personal affairs -- except) I can't feel we will meet these challenges by sitting through luncheons and meetings where we are told in iconoclastic blasts that our present role as women is as mixed up and di- sheveled as an unsorted family wash. TRY A SWITCH Instead, depending on what we want, I think we would do J E EL 1. To turn our backs on prag- matic lectures and switch our attention to practical forums BIGGE HOUSE : for brief periods of possible|2nd symposiums where leaders stress in late June, early Sep-|in varied fields can point out tember, mid-October and mid- bes on on ae , -- - we ° a VY j a Ss an y s s y . " : sti : le gn bn ae ae can take to obtain them. Picture, with Oshawa Times very much in foreground, taken at BODIAM CASTLE near Hastings in Sussex, England, unusually pleasant. The tension| 2- To add to our education or in October could result from an|Vocational training by enrolling unexpected change of environ-|--t0day--in part-time or full- ment, but don't let this dismay xa Ege ee hg Bes ahd a I you, since the change will prove , pa beneficial. Most iti .education plans; home study H j M ee sae romance ese pe Schools ityouset im Find Everybody has an idea about his own an ad for BODIAM, one of the many tn, int gust and next January; for zAaVOFs. i mney travel: Mid-June, late August,| 3: To look for full-time or particular dream house. And, chances famous English castles sought out by ing money early September and the Dec. POO', "aesire next The Ideal Home tourists, you're certain to find the choic- 15-Jan. 15 weeks. -- La te dies ae hee codvinatel are, yours is waiting for you in the Clas- ' A child born on this day willl volunteer jobs at youth employ- For Your Famil ey est properties in Ontario County in our MUR be endowed with a fine mind;/ment services, day care cen- Special Offer or Your Family ified | f the Osh Tim could succeed i i- tutori i sitied columns O e Usnawa !imes. H in either the busi-jters, tutoring programs, soc al real estate columns er d Gre certa ness or artistic fields, accord-\agencies, hospitals, or charita-| Om Silver Care Through every. GRY: we can oh ing to his leanings but will have| De. Political and church: organ- products 9 Some home buyers, not to mention our ae ; me ga to curb tendencies toward over-) 5, 'To visit relatives or friends A Want Ad : Whether you re interested in buying, or For @ very aggressiveness. y : H j : Hippie s who need us Hagerty Tarnish roving photographer, will go to great selling, renting or building a home in Joted turn Preventive (8 oz. : : oe lent forced FOR THE FINEST | ark sve Jak In The lengths in quest of the ideal home. the Oshawa area, the Classified pages And Suk H é : ; : i f seg and | Duster-- both Oshawa Times While we can't promise that you'll find of The Times are for you. diene 6 eady Made Murphy S for only 2 .98 people in tl DRAPES (Regula veh: 3.96) ben! dety in the latest Shades and fabrics era Bikke & 7: M & ( "4 le Ww AND LET U | '4 5 Q Q Mes SAVIN Dry Goods & Draperies egerriy tusratis -- | OSHAWA SHOPPING | 74 CELINA STREET 723-7827 CENTRE "ONTARIO COUNTY'S OWN DAILY NEWSPAPER" MUR "Free Customer Parking While Shopping at Our Store" -- (Sreesrcreerverreze

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