( 18--Mole Help Wanted [20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate For Sole 120--Real Estate For Sale |20--Real Estate for Sole |20--Reol Estate for Sale |20--Real Estate for Sale ! THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, April 10, 1967. 17 NIGHT "WATCH FOR THE SIGNS THAT | 2 | |20-----Real Estate for Sole |20--Real Estate for Sal WATCHMA T SCHOFIELD-AKER | | DE | 20--Real Ei . "Real Estate for Sale TCHMAN | SELL AND CALL THE HOT LINE' (°~"sracrot unr ee | H. MILLEN =| GRIFFIN 2 : " TOR | : fh ; | Bait Eslate Lid. | REAL ESTATE LTD. | DOUGLAS J. M. | FAREWELL AVENUE : ervicin w n Love' rane ri yea : Required by ( 3 R D OC N L pee ose tea | REALTY LID," lamer aibe vast | 185 SIMCOE ST.S. | BULLIED | oid bungclow with 5/4 cor ; 2 ne | = aati ri | | -- bedrooms, on four ag (ovadac ts gel eaglog {GARDENIA COURT | 16 Simcoe St. S. ond "erattanonshi, 723-8144 | i Exceptional ocation second to none combined with electric NO CHARGE -- TO LOOK | 'a REALTOR | landscaped : Gone ae 33 King Street West, | way, between public an | $21,900.00 East end ranch on the most desirable . x ab | h j : bungalow. 4 large bedrooms, | igh school. Owners leaving homes in Oshawa | broadioom, two bathrooms | 723-\ 168 country. Asking $17,900. | | Carries for $70. a month, | | quires mature; person able to work with minimum supervi- offering you living comfort in sion. Excellent wages ond this large two storey three 723-5281 benefits. bedroom home on a quiet Write BOX 63032 | REAL ESTATE LTD. [ae si aie at | 1 @ Live comfortabiey on the Priced below replace-) | | | heat, make this home| | | court. This home is only two DUPLEX erates | inished recreation room with Soe wih oad bar, attached goroge. Ask | "INVESTMENT Household furniture s for iia _ OSHAWA TIMES a finished Rec Room and Den main floor -- rent the 2nd 614%. ~NHA mort for Margaret Lee | PROPERTIES" easel 724-4908 - SERVICE STATION attendam wanted| : or 4th bedroom, double gar- floor for $100. monthly to help) | goge. Call 728-1678.! We t ' inc Hood: Grothe Liritted one local 'age. Apply in person to Dial 668-8826 668-8827 age and many extras Listed you poy for this lovely 1% =e GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY ice 2 Oe good aah ore Brothers Limited a05, jan's Garage, 83 Ritson Rd. South. $37,500, If you are interest- storey home close to No. 401/'SHARBOT ST. to buy this 3 year old 3 bed- | Triple Able ae Al 5123 TWO MEN required by leading food- i. ali South M letel : room brick bungalow on to- iplex and a sixplex a os: Tae ED ree leae by eae | fhe. 668-8828 668-8829 eel in fins eee venie 60 coll a beta je ibe Modern 3. bedioorh! day's market er yesterday's | with very good. financing. i earnings. Mist be 'neat and willing to | for on appointment to see. yard, Gar ge ell kep | brick homa with holly price Hellwwend Kitchen | Phone for complete details. | RETIREMENT AND INCOME meet the public. Training and trans b ill h | property inside and out. a alk kitel b I } IN NORTH WEST OSHAWA nt Msi eeamiled) No. selling' Wnvelven any number will reach us BRAEMOR GARDENS woo style itchen. | uilt-in stove and oven, | "KINGSDALE" | Write Box 63031, Oshawa Times 4 BEDROOMS | e Completely landscap-| close to public ,high schools | ® seca hhc home wis LICENSED MECHANIC. Apply Cana- | ed. High dry basement; and _ shoppina. This home is | $2,000. down buys a six \ % ' ah dian Tire Corp, 311 Brock Street North, 218 DUNDAS ST. E, NO. 2 HIGHWAY Four year old brick home with TERRIFIC INVESTMENT with lots of space for} spotless. Full price $17.500. | room home in this central and | eur attached --_gorage. ond Whitby. a ee WHITBY. ONT attached garage. Close to all I] @ Double brick house close rec' room. Priced at| See it today. Call now and | desirable rec. An_ inex- | bin led into 2 apartments ant SERVICE STATION attendant required. ' ° schools and shopping. Ideal to downtown in a good renting only $15,900. Call] ask' for Dolores Ross. | pensive family home at $11,- | le Nes ad $135 00 and ent ob ag NY _tnergetic . for the large family. Reason- area, One side has 2 apart 728-1656 NEARLY NEW | 900 | is Ws respectively. Lovely yi \¢ i 'onditions. - 1 ireplace in living room, 2 Apply Imperial Oil Service Centre, High- . able down payment will ments, .other side hos 2)2 E SPLIT | ; : é way 401, Waverly Road, Bowmanvilie. | 44 chide IN hypcldgbdae yondedeoad handle this one apartments, Income $340. per 2-----10 ACRE LOTS Wh anna, ad i | POUR BEDROOMS": | Re ee nck oe or r ¥ " year old bric ngalow with extra city lot has many odvant- month, Tenont heat, hydro ; | carport, lands Boo rom Simcoe St. North bus HOW TO GET IT: If do not find th y 's y enonts pay heat, hydro carport, landscaped, 3 bed | Eve lent item you want in the Want Ads, place's| ages with wide sweeping lawn, shade trees for summer cooling, NORTH WEST " ond water, Plenty of parking Located on paved road] rooms, with lorger lot ie wae rey, ene ie | stop, shopping, school, and ein "Wanted" ad and get it! Dial 723-3492.! planned patio ond attached garage. Why settle for less when JUST LISTED e She hee ene spect todoy. Listed at only set es cekoo| sites Th } church --_----- ---------- --------| |, cy ° aunton , pric-} | Is. 3ef air | cost 19--Male and Female | you can have 13% baths, natural stone fireplace, heavy brood- Don't. mis this modern two ed ot only $6,000 per $19,200. Call Helen Bryont | ing room and 24 foot living | For further information call Help W loom in dining and living room, silent light switches and all round bedroom ranch brick bunga- $109. MONTHLY lot. Call h 1 today: | room with fireplace. Asking | Morris Fogel, 72 22) - Fe ae elp anted | pleasant living in a three bedroom home on a quiet street. low with otteched sarsoe bh II! @ 3 bedroom, bungalow with aay Cail 738 freee | MUST BE SOLD $17,900. | Cade Bey eri AC . WANTED -- Qualified and experienced | Hollywood kitche : te | ; ' idee exe Mantresser to tske over bullin chen-| WHITBY LYNDVIEW: IS DELIGHTFUL $25,000 uated on a nicely landscaped | Hollywood kitchen, 4 pee. Pol 4 LL ARMON Vendor anxious! 2 fomily $17,500." = bili- tele, Top wages paid to perscn selected.| A better Whitt bh ' | Jor 60 ft by 190° ft. with | 190m with colored fixtures, von: 5 RMONY RD. S. well Suitobl ' KEEWATIN STREET -- Three bed Telephone Collect Peterborough 745-3667 etter Whitby street is the setting for this 6 room brick bun- | several fruit trees. Large fin- | ity. Aluminum storms and welling, Suitable for some- is the asking: price for this [heme with garage. Finished rec spit ii si: a -| galow nestled on a high elevation on a wide frontage lot. Land- ished recreation anen with screens, wired for dryer. Finish Modern 3 bedroom) ong; starting out or retiring. beoutifully decorated 3 bed with bar and walkout basement. 6 per ne 20--Real Estate for Sale | scaping complete with iush green grass, high hedge and flowering | extra 3 pc. bath. Working in gd Sein In baverent, Public and ereosyae gs llelate paucies for $120, monthly. poner bungolow with finished Sune HEA mertoegs Carries for $29.15 sesh ean skeet . R it th ' | ¢ : C ' nci nd Interest. Call Cec ot to: | ee ke Whey hc aed agate bed pene about 8 this cheerful kitchen would separate school close by. Come! ely. ben bed Cl tna Tretorn Sere | rec room. The many extras gain or 125.9442. Carl +" Olah weal wi re with edrocms, sepa dining room, 1 r i oma # . . . Be Estat EEL JOHN F | fecteation room, cozy cpen fireplace ae Bier sures side be o pleasure for BOY. WOOD: ae see thie Mi Lien me todd) with cedar hedge include a large hedged back Ms 4 | , COZY P ' x $ Imitation fireplace in the -goestraprar tie 9 wn payment | Priced at $17,300 Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. yard, hedged front lawn and else = eee one owner, three. | | bright spacious living room isted at | ie teers dc : Member of O.D.R.E.B. aluminum awnings 7 'i m bungalow, paved drive, very ' van 14 NEAR ANDERSON HIGH $18,500 =| uailabie. Give us 0 call é | Nabe ical toe 44 $000 down requited. Call Willard. John | we 1% storey home is ideal for the fomily with 12' by 12' | Asking $19,700. with terms t : AFTER HOURS CALL ston, 728-1066. Schofield-Aker Ltd | itchen, separate dining rcom, 100 by 233' lot and so close to. | now, if you would like to FOUR BEDROOMS 247 POPLAR ST. Dolores Ross -- 728-1964 | KEITH PRIVATE SALE -- One year old bunga | ai Alig issoal High schoolg; Reasonaely low. cewn payien! have a look at this home { IV @ Brick and stone split | 3 bedroom brick bung Heid Rg Ais ray aes | view 'Golt Course, Only. $1,000 dew wari = | i: ? level home in excellent condi aah aes ea Ci fs at dlrs ree phone 725-3043 big cn AR Real Estate Ltd | ADVENT H u tT a CHARMING LOCATION Neh Ae x 108t 6k. kL Hapad alow with detached Ethel Tranter - 728-5917 ae | / eae b age. Nic brigh Hel / 'ests | - FAMILY HOME -- T T 14 Frank Street | This pH gL NR sath ig hati $3,000. DOWN fal, vd lees ail We fen id | ki ah Ste suite re (iene? Ta er EE FONTHICS Chie ine | tidy with many extras for better living Why buy more space | Five room brick bungalow in -- ane, Base. Sees aig | exposure. Completely beinronucneneei mani Bhd pay part 6F Your wens A Bowmanville | than you need when you can hove a better built brick home in | A-| condition -- 4 years old, ae ssinahaia tiki rie "ies | | landscaped with patio | Realty Ltd, -- 728-7328 ee valle re cl Coady at 728-7576 | immaculate condition with all the work of a new home finished | with large recreation room, $22,500. Cal seobibirinld ner | in rear. Priced at only W.-L. | UA Reel estate hte 623 3950 and ready to hang up your clothes and watch the world go by | preg eer in living room, Act ' . Call tonight. | | $16 900. Call 728 | 103 KING STREET EAST paid pee, wal uy this three-bed - ef M : His genuine bargain i 1 946 ] REALTOR ~~ rge landscaped lot Full price for this comfort is only $18,800 quick on this 9 9 e 656. on the east side of Oshawa, Early pos 4 -- full price $16,900. | session. Call Les Hall 728-5513 or J rain Ld } | , 3 J sive DAIRY FARM, 230 acres WHITBY HOME FOR MOTHER-IN-LAW | SUTHERLAND AVE GRIERSON AT GRETA NORTHWEST OSHAWA OU ie a tN) | ATHOL ST." EAST--Asking [McMullan snd Go, Resin, 7abas nen, Large milk controct. Stone Two family modern home with large 63' by 145' lot in residential | Guntand \ lv | ' 2° Brick puna ail the | Just like new. 3 year only hayes ear Ril abi room. ination ey Bet eae ca- house. All modern convenien- section of town, Rooms are spacious with two fireplaces, two MGNGING voIue Te 2 iving space a sma family | old brick bungalow room brick home, 2 + |bath, plus a large garage. Only $100, stra- ces. Large barn, stable clean- kitchens, two bathrooms and two bedrooms in each apartment. | Storey, four bedroom brick would ask for. A big cheery liv | 3 bedrooms, Leshapedi Realtor separate dining room,. hot monthly, Gall Willard Johnston, 728-1066, it of r. Asking $55,000 A visit will convince you that Mother-in-law can live here too. | home with finished recreation ing room 25 ft. long with dining living and dining| water heat with oil, extra | eine : ' ing ' ; Asking $20,900 with low down payment | room, and extra 2 pc. both;) | area Large kitchen with lats of ate Tana RAKEIOLIE 1363 Simcoe St. N. toilet in basement, excellent | TRIPLEX -- $20,800, $3,000 down fo one PORT PERRY. 76 acre farm. ' : Py | wall-to-wall broadioom in liv- work and storage space. Custom raadern Behan Cont | financing. See tonight. lovtecan asl Shope Canis seri Brick home, oil heated, 4-pc. OSHAWA POSSESSION NEXT WEEK $3000 | ing room, hallway and bed- | built for present owner ond in pletely landscoped.| 725-1109 ORCHARD View -- $13,500 |-a83! ay i i /. room; Bermuda Room 12' x perfect condition, an - pat ' $2000 DOWN pi rere sar - bath. Barn. Pond. Asking down will buy this neat three bedroom bungalow with 2 car | Priced t $18,500 WN plus $90 per month buys a 0 . r | 16'. Professionally landscap- ul CENTRAL close to Simcoe St. North, |three - bedroom home, one block from $28,500. Terms. garage, recreation room in poured cement basement, neat land-. | ed' and fenced [ot Full price. | e with carrying charge Rithon aad 5 clean and in good condition, [O'Neill Collegiate. Phone today. Douglas a | | ey ! n n in a J Bul Bal MARCO ST ee ee ee etceoe, ingecr, -| Cleces win mpoulont We | BLAZABETH CRESCENT of $86 principal andl Ritson, ond King, rec. See | 2 storsy home, toxal only [a reres On ail MONTH: FL OIME ° ge, Asking Fi . Inspect, i s 4 interest. Call 728 V $180.00, 6 rooms, new furn- |CARRIES FOR $65 MONTH, Pi. Older ene- 3. bedroom brick bungalow, make your offer ond get the buy of your life ancing available. Call . now VI @ Large spacious ranch 1678 | home priced at $16,900. ini Ate eehwol |brick bungalow, south - west area, three op- almost new, with garage. : : | ond arrange for your inspec- style bungalow, fireplace in liv | $4,000. down and. ewner ore peo Te ee, ae ee ey | itchen, Pe 9. Close to, school, etc, Priced WHITBY BRICK WITH EXTRAS $16,900 tion. ing room. Large lot, beautiful $13,800 |, 01 cory the mneetoage. Sev- ROWE ST.--Close to King |1us' plenty of, shade treas, List price = 395.2649 As, SACL. Serer South west residential section of bustling Town with three bed- IMMEDIATE view: 3 bedrooms, forced air oil| Where else con -you ae Te dinia Maing 8 cairn 2% storey brick home, very fee ee MeMUllen ARS CO Ranier ' rooms, facilities for recreation room and spacious kitchen, Excel- POSSESSION heated. Here is your opportunity | match this buy? 3 Pins i ne frente nerur nice condition, large gorage, | ppivate SESISSEP AE 7 BOWMANVILLE, High St., lent decoration, built in features and wired for dryer etc. You : to enjoy country living with all bedroom' bungalow, | boatice | salltatl at oce plus shade trees, extra toilet. Ask- [on shore LE Oe Tee ee rR 8 Gamba new hone with gor- can't go for wrong here but don't forget to ask about those --, ay et gee city tte 360 Asking a set detached Hie | mony other special extras, ing $15,700.00, {Stas e728. d t with paved drive located ona reasonable $19, ; : f = | | Tk TT) eT age. ee ogee floor cov- extras 136 fe daee lek With any en aac broad-| NORTH WEST RAVINE ROAD--Brick bun- IONE Y sL7is: Down tye es nev of Q ering. Living and dining room. OSHAWA DREW ST. BRICK $17,500 trees and shrubs. New corlon bd ARM nN are | Looking for a smaller home galow, attached garage, deep featuring aluminum siding and with low Many extras. Asking $20,- ' - flo hen wich and hall. Call today! in the $13,000 price range? 170 ¢ | | [Monthly payments of $90.44. For more 5 000. Coll: George VanDyk, Space galore in this seven room brick and clapboard | ¥2 storey. eines Eon itchen and KING ST. as this listing won't] We hove just listed vist lot 170 ft., very clean well |information ask for Harold Segal, at 725+ R 623-7437. Seven rooms in all with extra large bathroom, recreation room, bathroom. Forced air oil heot- |COMMERCIAL PROPERTY | last, 728-1678. large lot ae Pie sal kept home, 3 bedroom, Ask: Jase. J.B. "Memuilan and Ce ) ' dining room and fireplace. Landscaping is complete with hedge Hy abet! with Li Gra | VIL @ Valuable commercial Onna hos bouaht Gnd cen ing $16,300. CENTRE - JOHN STREET -- tour Ne ment and o ey $s D |rooms, ae ined, ( Over Ya ace et win 3 for extra privacy. Economical forced air oil heating here too. A a morioeae ra a property in downtown Oshawa N.H.A. RESALE | give immediate possession We hove several 10 ACRE | Telephone Min or 28, ; roome: ric ome under growing family will appreciate the many features in, this interest- Z Three quarters of an acre of 2 year old, 3 bedroom Try an offer, the lot is 106' parcels close to Oshawo, Pric- | PRIVATE = $2,500 down, seven-roor picasa peg ose eahgivaliny ea ing property. As low as $2,000 down may hondle. GOOD VALUE land. Frontages on three streets, Brick bungalow patil | by 394'. t Ey ey 470000 : ibrick home Oil heated, garage gh yeti . : ached garage. Asking $3,000. DOWN only four city blocks from the I ; vee elephone = 728-1773 for appoint. plete with built-in SES ment. 4 $19,500. = hte a ee a Well sa beoeh aes shay Gan ca mioection a King ah stove and oven Close| Lack apene | SIX-ROOM house near the Shopping hip, = imcoe. ere is a large por to Osk Shi | ooking r something sep- ' Centre, b . ot, fi ssa ee full size lot this may be your ticket. Be first to wear off the pH NE bgete bungalow with ing area with two entrances ied a eta bd cial?» Select family living OSHAWA"S BEST a '818.200 with 32.800 ee ely two t with Hollywood kitchen, patio, point in these three bedroom bungalows near school. A visit to Adee Andie Sng Noiath OM ad We invite your enquiries. $101 principal, inter-| nd plenty of room ° for RENTAL VALUE MONI, CAN Las. Heike PeR-SBID. ord: Be 10 to see them should convince. pai ane Bihhd aad e ait cnd tenes, Coll, other + 19+ low. or any MeMuilan and Cen Recltor, Paeassr. © ONGECADeT 101, CIC to y "=| other memb f the family - Hates shone as - and ee Pe Wiki ell CORLON & BROADLOOM HERE $15,700 South Plant. Owner moving to KING ST. EAST a fos, Wickens, to. bette SEE ie Ve ee port- Call: George VanDyk 623. Popular priced home on trim lot near schools with start made on Toronto and very anxious to VII @ This lovely brick bungo : roe rooms, spotlessly clean FIVE - ROOM bungalow, east of city, -- 7437 recreation room needs new owner. This three bedroom bungalow sell. Arrange your inspection low is Hand 100%, only 3 W throughout and owner wonts TOWER on Ja, acre lot with pony stable. Asking only. edu- ; : can be the answer to your dreams if you act quickly and phone now, years old with one NHA mort : to sell quickly. List price NOS tO een Pay mrenes Oe will bi OSHAWA, EASTWOOD us tonight. bc tk aanoulne wall gage ot o> Mae monthly 519.901 Ae eee ee AVE. 6 roomed home. 10 ' ' payments of $123.90 principal, | or other homes, acreage, h GREEN taken RAUICD CH a - gram years old. All modern conven- WORKMANSHIP IN THIS HOME $15,900 723-2265 interest and taxes. Built-in stove forms, ete. call us anytime t ¢ [EARGE | EAMES. HOmn. Wil ony ANd iences. Nicely decorated with If you like tinkering around with tools and sawdust the equipment Irwin Cruik . and oven, 2 bathrooms, new! ° : residential area, close to bus. Servite oat finished rec. room. Asking is set up in this three bedroom bungalow for you. Mother will be Willord Heo i 4 broadioom in living room and| After Nine Overlooking the park located (24%, downtown," Immediate | possession. only $16,400. Terms. delighted with the freshly painted interior and the all round Maible Boudrecu 728-2233 halls, Sliding glass doors to) REAL ESTATE LIMITED | G. H. Schofield 725-2214 on Mary St. North. field-Aker Limited 4 cleanliness of this compact beauty. Interest is lower on this Ed D : patio, paved drive, fenced yard. | i W. L. Dougon 723-6557 PRIVATE SALE north.west area, BETHANY. 8 roomed home mortgage too Mel Dale. Lepee Extra room and bathroom down- ; , Lloyd Lafoy 725-0043 Swimming pool, sauna bath, |three-bedroom, large livingroom, dining on 6 acres. Asking price : Mia Bane 623-5638 stoirs 21 King Street West Bob Wells 793.5467 gym room ond rec room. |room, finished rec ro two bath- only $7,000. Terms. Coll: WHAT A KITCHEN FOR FAMILY $16,000 Mike Belmonte 725-8300 : Bowmanville : ' ENS OORT rooms, price $18,900. 728-4739 LIFE Ross Davidson, Bethany Not many 12' by 16! kitchens in a recently built home but here = oe oon tae MODERN 5 fe) 623-3393 | r 2 sam FREE hee $1000, down, | $85 "Fronthly. id 7 5 i ust north of Hampton, threa bedroom, 30R2. you have it with three large bed ore Hol eer STOREY two storey, | : lot. : c ' ge bedrooms too. Corner lot gives you Marg Hall 23- JNDERGROUND PARKING 'o. storey, low taxes, large lot. Im- BRICK HOME, on 114 acres more privacy in this roomy, tostefully decorated property. Extras Reg evi ret Jolt Meh rea re eh Member Gebawe & District KASSINGER ba a sep a apoio peg jossession. Telephone 725-654). R : ' : see this e: . 2 | -- three- it-level, Nicely decordted, 2. bath- go with this deal if sold this week. Bill McFeeters 725-1726 room, 2 storey home, natural Real Estate Board | | Hatached'< Say poorest pay gelal rooms. Garage. Highway loc- f OPEN DAILY |first mortgage. Garries for $133. 839- ar ite cah | yo eee a IN BRICK $16,500 OPEN DAILY 9 TIL 9] oe eee ee veg] . ORONO AREA -- We'll Cust FROM 1 P.M.-9 P.M, [Ml meee H 7 lave me and income in is Soll ric ungalow wi car 4 HR BEDROOM Completely furnish- George VonDyk, 623-7437. arage in Whitby. Kitchens are family size with five bedrooms Members of OD.RER. room, 2 bathrooms, partially TERRIFIC VIEW usTomM or by eppointmen led two storey home: Close is echo ty altand 3 baths, N hy like fi | completed recreation room. 62'| 5-r home with 1% ocre yO Ree ti And churches: Apaiv. ash Albert. clromt eorneaperereaniwepepmeetnioreene tate neater in all and two ece baths, Not many like is so come early 3 . 9-room 4 . ta ae SF oe edi baat and ek evinced" " WE LIST AND SELL M.L.S. eee Asking price $21,-| land. Well treed lot. Immed Build Your Home 576-2280 NEW 3 bedroom bungalow with altach. i discuss reoson-| t ssession, Only $6,750. garape, Also 2 storey 4 Gedroom GROCERY BUSINESS MORTGA a" sain ake 725-9750 homes with to3 bathrooms" and. atiached ee WHITBY LOT FOR SIX PLEX GES ARRANGED | oble terms. | or 725- Barisan larsled ARCS APaa an $12,500 full price. Includes Build your future i on rd fle Ned lot, Now is the time to 360 K 5 e BECON HOMES A } i built by one of Gmawi's Fer ra LY. store, business, 3 bedroom investigate locations and build during the good weather months nae st set ehawe TRIPLEX -- OSHAWA -- nyw MG a a 5 W. FRANK Biss Pk atte "ps 2008, Boh home, plus 3 room opt., over Asking price $7900. ia --_--_--------_-- 2a: Tha salt investor Knows TAUNTON RD. W. REAL ESTATE LTD. Schofield Aker Real Estate, orts store. Terrific opportunity for 4 ROOM BUNGALOW LIKE A DOLL HOUSE that a triplex located close to| AND SIMCOE ST. FEATURING: 21 King St. W., Bowmanville | Oa--Summer Properties men young couple or retirement. with low taxes and economical heating, All newly decorated schools and transportaton willl New 3-bedroom brick bung- For Sale or Rent sports Ag, a Ee Fires "i athe Vlas coed be easily rented. We invite your| lows. Excellent workman . - USEKEEPING COTTAGES £8 iting. 4 wit pest Ngee tig ne iving hci ric ti oom th inspection today of a modern ship. Oshowa's best home @ Experience in Building, i HOU dehy ee SOE AGRE on. Sture 18 to Te GROCERY STORE smort colore throom fixtures. ake a point rea 1s unit with balconies and paved) Value. Mony _ extras Only planning, financing Reasonable. Modern conveniences. Tale ve @ ug $17,500 full price, busy high- Pipa Bie bedroom beauty before it is wropped up. Full price REAL ESTATE LIMITED parking. Price $35,000. with] $19,900 -- $3,660 down. fe dl eee OR rE lic By é ' . very reasonable down. payment 4 e ways on time--follow COTTAGE LOT for sale, 100 toot front i fie y way location, Post Office, gas 40 King Street East Call and make on appointment "TOWER ON THE schedule closely. age, well freed, near Moore Lake Es- ralifl CLOSE TO CENTRE OF WHITBY $12,300 PP " y tates and Highway 35, Telephone 725- work errs one oes. Bier See whot.a completely renovated older style home looks like CADILLAC AVE. N his evibing tp see thls property GREEN OFF NONQUON REAL ESTATE ETO. ate ee veer 2 furnover, Price includes Duel: after owner builder puts the finishing touches on this three bed- 3 bedrooms, 114 storay ik eed | RD. NEAR SIMCOE ST. . Sb aE easel " 728 7576 teareoat eatieee: ia ita ee enne ness, store, plus 6 rocm home. room 11 bath home with lower taxes and lower heating costs dining room, rec. room, broad- ON MINTO STREET | neice: met ale for alle : : horsepower motor, $40 Weekly. 655-3461 Excellent decoration, new furnace, wiring and other surprises loomed living room, stairs X! @ A very roomy brick 2) 2W'mming poo). Seung Bath, @ Use your plan of TWO BEDROOM coltage on Paudash BLDG. LOTS including broadioom, Clean as a pin and all you need is $3,000 extra washroom and so close storey semi-detached home. This hee ndstarous pars ina. hope tee Of AES ania BROCK ST. E. pele ye teina of Bancroft 2m" of Inks R Two lots, 100' x 170', $1, down. Hurry for this one. hi schools, park, shopping, is a well built eee vib has| St dc alge oO winning designs. lined. raat for hie g eine ee ee uate r 7 $l, us, etc. worm, clean, electric heating : , room brick two storey home Hilifeg" eveirneninigs akith ES 000 each full price. 4 mile PINE AVE. OSHAWA. ONLY $13,700 There is a dining room and three! KING ST @ Very competitive pricing private drive and deep lot ing, all daciivies. 'Swimming, skiing caeaerd south of village of Oakwood Six room home near shopping centre with three bedrooms, family ATHOL ST. E. large bedrooms. Priced to sell at! BOWMANVILLE : Only $3,000. down and bal- |¢HANDOS LAKE, cottage, beautiful mo- . size kitchen and full dining room. Clean decoration throughout. Immaculate in every way, 3 $17,700. Call now for an ap-| Ww. ance on one open mortgage. |dern, three bedroom, fire place, car N on paved Hwy., ideal location ¥ ; A y, | @ 'e can arrange complete ins gt a be alld: eatieent home Must be sold this week. Inspect and make your offer with $2000 bedroom bungalow, extra | pointment to see. ews COMMERCIAL -- financing ONLY $1,500. DOWN teas Shared sun deck, pine trees, sad resins 8 is, down: Less for cash, large kitchen. broadloor es e Modern brick bungalow, Lot ; , : pact Lied ading close to churches, shopping, livin ! bles | 1 pt N.H.A. or conventional | Priced ly $11,900. f : ; F g room and master bed- 48' x 102'. Nice clean 0 ; riced at only 900. for | 21--Farms for orting q only 8 miles from Lindsay WHITBY HOME WITH APARTMENT $15,300 room, finished rec oon, taree XH ean NEW | with 22' fronting on Ontario Mortgages availoble. - this two storey home with Pe aT Aes ho mae a re- . ; i ' D e is 1 pa ki f { = airy, beef, horse, hobby, Oe ct mies rom under | cenely cated ol sve home with incre apres & | [ead In nda ot 'A | Resin ih bcamart gor] Smt goa aagy |S compte oro lrg chen and plenty of or One ha i " . eauty, t * : } e reas. Gol nvestmen all Clare Mc vag be Harold Graham, Oakwood 26 lower on older homes but living is good, Why not save on gas : Renee age. The kitchen with poss thru Call 623-3393 rach aiaeeleaain fenced bock yard Bids N dais suai fis orem of re- R 3 or Bill Thompson, Oak- too with this convenient location to all services EMERSON AVE into dining room will delight the! sf esd as, PeOK rae C : . ; : g : TO REPAIR SHOP eu j wood 9 R 12. B AYVIEW 15.500 3 bedroom: ranch with large ie aloeninating of home-| After 9 p.m Phone Today ~ a aa . Nic hCRAEC ol GAVE og Bu in in- ea 4 righ cided vay sah lays broadloomed living room, es te ak ip fareuh Bob Johnston 725-6788 veoivigenld location with ling, creck." Asking 20.000 with, terms p or ight yeor old split level home with deep lot has pleasing decora- completely finished basement , room with von Ernie Wilson 725-9750 728 7 83 0 : uild- | Near Lindsay. Call John Sandy, 725-60 0 ; i } , J. ' - This is o genuine bar- {W.0. Martin Realtor st ten tion, lower interest mortgage and a family size kitchen. See this beautifully landscaped ond ity. Builder will sod front lawn) Clare McCullough 723-7843 5 ing V hatin BME must H, KEITH LTD. and compare for honest value. hedged-in lot. Low down pay- a ibe seine: Price. $18,995.) Joe Barnoski 723-5787 goin ot $11,900 (t AGRE FARM -- Novth side of 9 full ment and balance on | open s y: Rod Kruger 723-7900 : Inspect these listings by cal! three-bedroom house with' bath. Call. ¢ lectri- RES NEED A TRIM BRICK FOR $15,400 mortgage. Call now! e Pat Yeo 623-3077 _|- ing ter Jen Coady ot 728. | Eliott 723.1133 or 725-9442. Cari B KASSINGER =o [omp- 181 Eglinton Avenue Eost, We have a three bedroom bungalow in Whitby for the price you DOWNTOWN Ken Hockin 623-5055 7576. hited kd fea tice atnedP SUS - can afford to pay. The home is tidy and clean and has that extra {WILSON AND ADELAIDE Kill @ One of the best | Roy Foster Orono 983-5801 22--Lots for Sale Toronto 12, Ont. recreation room in the divided basement. Just right for a family Choice 3 bedroom bungalow if ' "a ° e best loca-) Weston Bannister Campbell- me : with that extra size kitchen and convenient to school, Buy finished rec. room, only 1% in ke se ie ely me eblie croft 102)12 RU TION AG a x) 4, on Gueensdale, Avenues i F é : ; se s, churches,| Howard Forde! Brook! PS Si TA Spas et . sewer ar rvicel on lot. Telephone 723 | MARIANNA cheaper thon you con build at this price. 3 years old. Reasonable down HhOpRInG Gnd iranaportanion'| r r see eans 4 A S H 11349 3 : ) BROOKLIN BEAUTY WITH LOT . $15,500 ie Lae Pere mane Street Poe all these) George Beaton Port Perry WOULD YOU aver: NT Lad othe Oshawa 20 DEVELOPMENTS You will appreciate the 97' by 137' lot, family size kitchen and BUYERS sala ee hheoiileai bcs AN 985-2987 pase: cuclfed buyer with (Gee Box Mé61726, Oshawa Times the extra bedroom in the basement plus the full three bedrooms Waiting for 3 bed bu mrorey otter Terrie, ol) DEBT Sd | a e erraces SNES is BELI ? ii a : |150" X20" PARTLY: - wooded. lot on oe stihl vp 9 legroom -bun- garage. Extra kitchen. Listed ot EVE f substantial amout of cash for {paved road, Zion. Telephone 725-1 ---- INVITES YOU to see and con- and finished: recreation room, Breathe clean fresh air in lovely galow or split with dining $16,950. with reosonable t : - heat sult on the real value of their village only a few miles from Oshawa and Whitby. Must see this room, Can you help? AS is Gee sere RAE R JONES Jarge 4 or 5 bedroom home jeoy FOR SALSy in "very desirable JR new 3 and 4 bedroom homes one quickly. bd ' $2,971 ; DOWN in Simcoe-Mary areo, south jices prepaid and indarattana <AVaeE: on OLIVE and HARMONY OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9 MOVE RIGHT IN REALTOR : st Recclond. Call Willard 1 (elbenone (ears RD. and the new location on PERRY .ST., WHITBY $13,900 Dial 728-4678 Se Possescion in 80. hon : to one 634% N.H.A. mort- jek , : FIVE serviced lols, NHA~ app TAUNTON RD. - SIMCOE N. , Six room yore with nasheed oe ag fy oped din- days of this beautiful 2 storey| 668-8841 gage, faypeds ack bung- ohnston jundergraund | wirin ame your ing room. Fruit trees, berries, on garden lot. lown may Joe Maga 725-9191 home on Ritson Rd. S., in Osh- alows, with attached garage, =iticonttehAsdNess B OPEN THIS WEEKEND take this one so act quickly. are Sock VaR esee 1 ewe Home features 4 bedrooms] TOURIST. CAMB $8,000 with electric radiant heating 728-1066 id of clly: All services, prepaid: 'Terme F TOL y ces prepaid. Terms TRADE-INS ACCEPTED { | in beautiful DOWNSVIEW reasonable, Telephone 9) Eldon K e di 0 NEAT BRICK BUNGALOW $14,400 ion Kerr 728-9178 ning room, living room and a 5 MILES FROM LINDSAY PARK ie be k Be 1D. P y en to z ' Frank Frankfurter 728-5416 very large kitchen, over 20 ft.| aa eS, , built by Jackson and SCHOFIELD-AKER TEN ACRES well wooded, north-east of For Aj Cal M ald All set t mming or Appointment Call Whitby economy home with three bedrooms, extra basement Roy Yeo 725-2217 long. This brick home is well ue oP cle set 5 Walter construction for only | LIMITED Oshawa. $2,995 full price. Call 723-6053 sea 723-0575 room and recreation room for children on those not so nice days. John O'Driscoll 725-8585 built. Give us a'coll and look it 9°, ne ie See sre $19,995. Most homes near- |igcome PROPERTY -- $4,000 down, |1°ACRE LOTS: some with bush and : . School, bus service and paved street with sidewalk, Compare this Jack Hogan 728-1554 over from the inside. You will E ing completion. Call for an |Vendor will hold balance on easy terms?/ocf ay. altuated 3 rnin av from only, : with others you have seen for this price. MEMBER O.D.R.E.B be pleasantly surprised. Priced] house for owner, one dou ¢ appointment to inspect. Ex- jfor this double house with three apart | Erank smith 723-3833, J Me CAREANULION 1d sal- ' ues ee: 14s | cabin, 6 single cabins, some clusive agent. ments, good down town location. For' sng Co., Realtor * TIMES ACTION Pe eee etd aad Sieh cs Sl ENON ETE ONS We list. exclusive & M.L.S. ot $14,500. | Sueniture, ebout 216 acres of more information al Cec. Elliott, ee sete eee | " 1133 725-9442. . Ol e 7, 60' x 225", Thi n eos CLA IFIE A George Abramoff 723-4871 Marlow Hancock i220 i Call 723-5281. Oper lv fo treed river frontage, with Estate. _ a {ideal build ng tot siutated in the art oO . Open daily from », 387 N. Vanden Broek 668-2675 Clare Shank 723-5145 | Sam. too pm two road frontages as well LLOYD METCALF incOMET BUILDING=Twostorey build-(cae%,, Call Frank Smith 723-3533 B SELL ae and SELL oe Barbara Reyno!ds 723-1887 -- George Sullivan 668-6226 WANT-ADS DON'T : For further information call REAL ESTATE LIMITED. |ingin downtown area. "Complete. with ---- and Co. " -- | Gordon White 668-6337 GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Mr. Jones ot 668-8841, Af- aloca afl fwex eparimmenis. S908 10r tone te: cattand ane. Thieon and SELL .. « COST---THEY PAY 16 Simcoe St. South ter hours 668-4003, AO King St. E. --- 728-4678 [small business, Drone or oot, OPP Neideprinis, $4595. Talephone. 725-5 on't Pay!