14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, oar T WONDER HOW COR, SAWYER W'S SUPPOSED TO BE A LONELY BACHELOR, PERHAPS F LN cone LIKES HIS WOMEN AND D IMPRESS HIM AS BEING MORE OFA HOMEBODY, | | Monday, April 10, 1967 GET IT YLL TELL WHAT'S HIS FAVORITE COLOR? © BRIDGE = By B. JAY BECKER a (Top Record-Holder in Masters' ot : | Individual Championship Play) T z= 3 FAMOUS HANDS Zz 2 South dealer. tide a Sa North-South vulnerable. e Toront NORTH Quota 4 ah, bac asian if 'Sy 9 A1086 from "pr @KQJ109 9753 It WEST I Rae CaO aSuvess gkorrsa ina WITH THE WAGON 943 WKIT52 Acme o542 o76 Advocat =| ab sourH ai Pi m Mo A Ang Rt z $0 Nd oAss Argosy . #AKQI1062 Armore The bidding: ie South West North Kast BL Ha 2h Pass 2NT 46 Hate Ch 6h Th Pass H Pass 76 Pass Pass Bunker TNT vitdd Camfio ' ' Cc ' 7 NO MEN MAH CUZZIN IS PETITE Opening lead--king of spades. Tung ALLOWEDIT-- FIND MAH PLUMP-AN' BLONDE.-AN' iA This hand occurred in the C Fara . CUZZINZZ QUITE NICE. LOOKIN' match between Sweden and Fin- candor" =--FO' A MANS? e o land during the European cham- Cassiar r / a] |S pionships staged in Ostend, Bel- cory ea _ : 7 gium, in 1965. Chimo He > At the first table, the bidding Psat M = hal went as shown when a Swedish Cones 4 a pair held the North-South cards C Callir eG and staggered into seven no- yey tt trump after a wild and woolly Cc Mori = E |sequence. omy a | eG North's pass of seven spades Cc Ram ond o was an invitation to South to Baad e contract for seven notrump pro- Coprcor vided he had the ace of spades os is and a hand sufficiently diversi- Craigmt fied to justify undertaking a padlbedaa grand slam in notrump. The Delon eae Ee aa a EE" Swedish South was pleased to Deihi_ laccept the challenge, having ee 1 ! jnine tricks to start with, and East $ W it |duly scored 2,220 points for haved making the grand slam. Gnt Mi © PARISIENNE © SPORTS COUPES The hand 'was. replayed on Sha e |Bridge-O-Rama before a large Gulch © LAURENTIAN 4-DOOR SEDANS jaudience, but this time, of Gunnar jcourse, a Finnish pair held the High-B! North-South cards. Hollinge @ STRATO CHIEF ® 262 KING | When the bidding started, the bic & ST. WEST i wea was, as usual, aware Bi - * . of what had h yi de Where Your Mills Men Are Men of & L : a e esis tate vad weotacod, emia eee Action! Now e 723-4634 ~~, : f} |much excitement, whether or Som Is Z Zt jnot the Finns would be keen K Anac anit... ttl, cancels, cso. ER. DS ETS ee ae LF ="BN enough to duplicate the success- re : ful Swedish effort. Gute They were not left long to Lakehes TELEVISION LOG ma ae Te et 1H UP ON THE ROOF HAS FAITH IN MES come because the bidding pro- Langis AOAINs, TARNATION/ Oe ee a -- tote prooene} tae Ree Tell Petey 4--Dick Van Dyke. Show fashion: pred -6-7-12--0 Channel 7--Buttale ScRunctr Your tie | gover: 'South West North East MacLeo Chane! &--Rochester 10:30 P.M. pak (tet 1m Pass 1@ 1 Manor Channel Toronto 9--New Hearts For Old | y--Money' Movie $ yl os Ghent ischwehern | oO nee Luncheon "Date 2 et Paes Mein MONDAY avenine" ida Lert Weather, te 7@ Dble Meta 3: "M. Weather snd Sports 2--Popeye and Pais " : eer 12--Three. Stooges w128 PA Jig 4 The bidding was perhaps not we HAA Hessel) Bl otiad ee eee 12--Movie as elegant at this table as it Net © 7--Highway Patrol 4-Greatest Headlines iain ne had been at the first table, since A Hos PES AT PR ag P.M. 8--Eye Guess North, instead of doubling seven YY Kero B oO P.M. secconiny, Carton $4--Search tor Tomorrow spades, should have passed to N Sen 2 Gilligan's island 12.00 AM. Dare, eine: permit South to make the final Hell A rw Mg os a decision in the matter. Neorg Music Hop Sports $-4--Quiding Light But when the Finnish South, Nerpex ae aaa TUESDAY Gaahee P.M. exercising fine judgment by Northce $--How's Business punt AM Nah ho Ub overruling his partner's double, Pee Bag oA gO --University of the Air | @--Dialing for Dollars contracted for seven notrump, N Rock 6--Gilli Island 'cia_Weather, Sport nae es ea ie i AND BRING ME MY \) |the hand turned out to be an Coane gan's n --Albert Steed § i eei ik Rompe Room itea"te ters | HE= INDIGESTION PILLS OFF i Wil sieht tase oo me pee bx N--Pierre Berton 7--Dialing Wor Dollars, | is ow 2 MY DRESSER! was much ado about nothing. Sore P -3--News, Weather, Virginia. Graham 64--As The World Turns | fs . al ita Little People seemed ye atacand © Qvemer Barc tittle Feo Newt hime 3 BARGES PROTECTED Rayrod 'caihane he AcBonnie, Prudden 44612--Password i When the Florida Barge Rio s8 Soriligan's eis ral t 24--Days of Our Lives { Canal is finished, there will be Roman t--True Adventure a--Pick (A Show 12--Calendar | a 26,000-mile protected water Nae 4-Midwestern Hayride | 8--Gloria Fat sv ppt wal . route from New England to Sherritt 3--Rat Patro! 4--Love of Life 6--Coronation Street } Texas. Silvrsis 2--News, Weather, 12-11-9--Ontarlo Schools 4--House Party | Silvmq iepekith tone tecenne | eras ! Stenrek -- Jack LaLanne t g " $--Lucille Ball 10:00 A.M. $---Words and: siusie ° SALLY S SALLIES Steep Ff 7--I\ron Horse M--Ed Allen Time @-2--Another World Sud Co y ry 4--Gilligan's Island 9--Cartoon Playhouse 7--General Hospital Wh Teck C Hy 3-6-12--Don Messer 8&-2--Snap Judgment 4--To Tell The Truth Territor i 2-6--Monkees 4--Candid Camera +6-12--Take 30 exmon a 200 P.M, 3-6-12--Canadian 228 P. Texore f | 9--Bewitched Schools «News he f Ss ; Mr erie | teMoenine tine, ssa Un cn ; Morning Time Marriage 3-6-12--The Saint 9--Fractured Phrases Confidential Upp "e 3 Re Sa | nn, (SP RSSRIMN ang | Sika Yor Ho YOUR HEALTH Veter B 4 i 1--Occasional Wite 4--Beverly Hillbillies Bor a SE Night White oO e 9--Andy Griffith 3-6-12--Friendly Giant 2-8---You Don't Say E Willroy = 8--Coptain Nice 10.45 FM. haa Bl d 7 Will R ] ; Wine | ¥ = 7 Saal ale Peanuts special eels sin ® nae 1--Super Comics 00 est | evea Zenmac Eg M1--Petticoet Junction Teeiike 'Douglas tMatch Caine' ; ee | ooeeny Musle heft ow ane mre. ap dl Training Edu-| am » '08 s' 6--Pat ~ B Tait nm on| Ketetttty we | scien Disease In Pregnancy ae Comedians 4--Andy Griffith 1 ca C Ex | abt Roc ats wen | Sane ate | am PM ne 9:30 PM. 28, A.M, N=Zorre By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD : Can su a tad kt lu aeRO ee ne D Dr. Mol I ; F - Cdn Tr --Peyton Place t \ ovie Fi H 2 58 - Cent 4King Sisters 9--Magistrate's Court 3-6-12--Mad Movies 65 ent Ate ati pougehat NP. m Sela] tery ner rery "Til take that one, but rough charter have had black and blue spots} Yes, blood tests. show that it ip hg little. I want it to Dynami CROSSWORD all over my body and arms andidisease, and testing for it is look like I baked st. pele Ba legs. I should describe them as|part O00: Sree, C28, Gr Pi ) ; h un AOROSS 44, Roman 45. Sting. patie) ag este got i Bmore states require it by law.| are an Issue of the tobacco, Im He & td manele ing They come and go. Some-| Dear Dr. Molner: My hus- by Ls aot pi as sree Non = pif (eo DOWN 27 -- times there is pain but usually|band has a very bad case of MONET On TNE Pare furee Levenson 1. Peanut waiian A not. Several doctors have ob-\emphysema, He has 60 or 70) Near Dr. Molner: Is bed-wet- Bice. ~ 9. Propelled, 2. Auk genus gar- LJO} Allule] {Served this but made no sug-/pigeons which he races. Whea ting inherited?--E.M. Provo | fal asaraft 3. Dissolve land IBIRIOMMRIEIFIORIM) |gestion as to what might be|we are away on vacation he No, but attitudes of nervous Ranger ba 10. Attempted 4, Name- 20. Open: eS ee done, except that my regularjfeels very much better, butliencion (habit rather than her- Heil =) 12, Reclines sakes poet. lulNwinjolielsioime) {Physician suggested lemon juice|when we are home and when edity) sometimes run in fam- Stanwel = \ 13. Belgian of Mr. 21.Seize {GIRIAILINIMEIIDIEIR| |in the morning. Could you dis-jhe is anywhere around the penS|itieg and this is usually an im- ate marble Sullivan 22. Persian (HIOIMIEIVEESITIAIRIK} |cuss this?--MRS. H.P. |I notice he has much more trou-|ortant part ot the problem Vandoo Mes tt oe -- weight Saturday's Answer This doesn't sound like ordi-|ble breathing. NOR RAIS AISI eye 5 . Hurry a 23. Epoch nary bruising--although that is; The doctor has told me this W Dec or bee ipl MRS te gyulaid ayy ae Sicey Pov AS OU KOE) ee oo 16. Compass 6. Macaw 25, Test 32. Prophets something that rather 'fre-|is bad for him but my husband d t amb BEAUTIFUL... \Wliy/ " point 7. Aromatic 26, Terma- 35. Posture quently bothers folks who aren't|says the doctor hasn't told him good names to remember Di ale) WE | : > 17. Not high herb gant 36. Pieced tting enough calcium or vita-|that. He thinks I am just tryin The | -- Ze o 18.Twofold; 8.Withdraw 97, Slatted idles eee Just ye iE If you have a advine = ait eS . mee pe Bea out min C in their diet. The lemon|to make him get rid of the peg Z. =! i 4 prefix 9. Heavy vent 87. Song bird i vides vitamin C. igeons, but this is not so. Commercial Property ton a ZG <| 19, Danish timber «99, Western 88. Mythical. «= [/ce, Provides vilanlin a ror Holly a Ge Pei colin 11, Strong " state Gas It doesn't sound like a matter) He quit smoking seven years/i To Sell or Lease ina One Z TRU» S\ \; 22. Appear ' ookton 80. Outer 4b Constal. of broken veins, which wouldjago but has taken up chewing the fac 0 ges 24. W : ? appear primarily in the legs|tobacco and I wonder if that REG AKER, pres Am M e yp { inslow cloth garment lation " 4 : ' , . Con-Ke wae wy Homer, and be associated with a sting-|helps him, either.--MRS. R. H. : Say @'<: j for one Te Ts T+ oT ) fing sensation, Pigeons imply dust--and dust{f BILL McFEETERS, vice-pres. Cop 'M ' 4 26. Arabian This raises a suspicion (from|is bound to interfere with the D'Eldor Pg ry Irish ¢ o FH nomadic 4 Wy 7 your description) of some form|breathing of anyone with em- SCHOFIELD-AKER Jonsmi : . tribesman of purpura, or hemorrhaging in|physema. From the healt hagee Bak sa : 28. Messen- 2 CA the skin or other surface tis-jstandpoint, I certainly would 723-2265 Norpax 410 aan: ; ger's trip MZ sues. Purpura may result in alsuggest that he stay away from Oyie-54 vane if Buciness Pee ee ° i+ ZA decrease in blood platelets, or|them--but from the psychologi- . 72 oka Tee ! " special cells in the blood which|cal side, I don't know. It is very Win-El¢ NOT mal THERES ONE poate ted el HG Vy have to do with clotting. [hard to give up a hobby to -- ea GOING TO CATCH IT! j nr gees Lae _ Drugs, certain toxic condi-|which one has become attached.] pyEAT WITH OIL S 4 syllable 9 7, ag bi tions, or even allergies can be} Considering just dust, it is . ; factors in this. So also can a/possible--I suggest this but do ' Ley 5 im | gf's / bis bag GG deficiency in Vitamin C. not guarantee it--that a face DIXON 5 1 Ma | India a FX Oo 4 If your condition is purpura,|mask or breathing filter, used ' 7) \ , 37. Flutter Y and if'i* is bothersome enough|when near the pigeons, might OIL all ee Md | 89, Summon 32 to warrant more elaborate in-jhelp him. : : Y, vestigation, a complete blood}; He may also be allergic to 313 ALBERT ST. oT, sd V//131 [38 study, including a platelet count/the dust or feathers. vee and prothrombin time test may} Chewing tobacco does not re- 24-HOUR . SERVICE wn provide the necessary clues. lieve him from the effects of S$ Y nicotine, but at least it does not 723-4663 4 WY Dear Dr. Molner: I am three|irritate his lungs as smoking = e rm was, months pregnant. My doctor|does, so I doubt that chewing|] SERVING OSHAWA OVER allay has given me a blood test. Will|will bother . his emphysema 50 /EARS Box it show whether I have syphilis,'greatly. In this case I wouldn't