THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, April 7, 1967 5 WHITBY DAY - BY - DAY ssue Toronto Men Purchase | Spruce Villa Hotel East Whitby Tax Rate ee eae itby Duplicate |s"y,2% irs,2., inom, Increased 16.35 Mills pene : . a |McCall, 8214; Mr. and Mrs. D. Bridge Winners COLUMBUS (Staff) -- The,tending the Oshawa, Port | Desrosiers, 77%; Mrs. M. Crossman and Miss B, Wilson, 'owners as residential and farm!Perry, Courtice and Uxbridge | WHITBY -- The winners and 7? property as well as those with|Schools amounted to $114,168, high scores in the games play WHITBY -- AJAX North and South--Mrs. P. N. = | commercial and industrial prop-|an_ increase of $35,478 overj¢d by the Whitby Duplicaoa/Spratt and Mrs. D. MacGill- tion villa Hote! wy a Witten we bn Rasiiat een ey jerty in East Whitby Township 1966. This resulted in a com-|Bridge Club were: vray, 93; Mrs. T. Bowman and , , of entertain-|here," said Mr. Snow, Vand we jwill pay more taxes this year.|mercial and industrial mill} East and West -- Mrs. A. Mrs. P. Irwin, 8744; Mrs. M. popular places il ' ; : : aa: MM. ment, has been purchased by enjoy being in Whitby." meet- rate of 26.88, an increase of 7.4 Welsh and Mrs, C. Stiner, 85143 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wells, 72. Council, jing this week, struck a rate of mills and a farm and residen- commercial and at a special RN - Ralph Snow, owner of the| Mr. Snow said that he will! : : hag : , industrial, a a motion Lambton Tavern in Torontol put more emphasis on dining! 85.56 mills on commercial and tial mill rate of 24.17, an in-|decrease of .19 from 1966 and Ss iere for a and Joe Seitz, also of Toronto. |and entertainment and encour-| Layo gy oS gimee : og peereth a farm and residential rate of NEW BEAUTY AID ' j ! , i D s s Y e school requisitions repre- § . j Robarts The hotel was previously,age such events as family Sun-| tarm fand. In the fitet instantelsented ac rears a Ba gop Jong an increase of .05 over A Japanese scientist, Dr. Bun- on of To- owned by Martin Chizen and day dinners, He mentioned that this is an increase of 17.56lover 1966. an nesaies or eas 5 Township requirements jiro Terada, says patient ap- 7 a oor ule is a Bagyen gy (a anills; while the increase onlmilis in commercial and Fete local 22.68 per cent of the | plication of olive a ph aa plans to carry on noviense chiwitl ba ieaat open for longa | the latter category is 16.35 trial and 12.29 mills in farm) ------ ni aaah eA naessed caeeleas Mi slosely. o % agit: ; | * ¢ re he spring- much the same manner as his|periods than is now the prac- ie and residential rates. The F redecessors, making improve-'tice at the hotel The expenditures of the town-ischool levies represent 53.7 per : P sbenideg. oe : ship this year will total $370,-|cent of the 1967 budget. ch about | 530.88. Of this amount $196.-| on Nie ky ARS on one o . ® | 154.80, or 53.07 per cent is for INTY LEVY arent. has Pinewood Derby Final Set For Saturday schools and public school de- The county levy totalling $91,- SR TORTS. anita cama nent tech- F bentures. The county levy of 15 is an increase of $22,294 on. Just During the past two beg bola may clear the starting 1$91,163.38 represents 24.25 per over 1966. This resulted in a Ise as an the Whitby and District Wolt aie ubrication wi he oe cent of the total levy; while|mill rate of 19.53 on both com- house ahd Cubs Packs have held a Pine- mitted. j /$83,212.75, or 22.68 per cent, is|mercial and industrial, and hav! wood Derby. 4--Entries must. be construct-| |for general township purposes, |farm os residential _assess- es ; 7 arse | This A iteradce Approximately 330 cars were ed only from materials furnish-! ASSESSMENT FIGURES 'en sath ee ee probable entered and through prelimin-/ed in the derby kits. | The assessment figures for county levy anranonts '04.95 aries there are now 30 cars in|} 5--Materials necessary to the several purposes are as fol- ¢ Seley eg per cent of the budget. lows: each category to enter the|construct a racer will be allow- Secondary School, county and oT finals April 8, from 1.30 to 4.30\ed; specifically glue or ce- The schools $85,535 and the county than in uestion, it p.m. at Anderson Collegiate and|ment, nails, brads or wood general township: commercial rons, Fede B6RT call Vocational Institute. iscrews f achi ms stri 59 966, ring 65 ills on boone ert TE - a Papers fam and residential aso) ihe commercial and Industrial and design. Among the judges|t0 bring cars up to weight, or a total of $4,667,861. BPserr cee an ill atone le believe will be Brooklin Reeve Heber Plastic wood or other fillers, Public School and Public pashan Es eeu that meme in down and Whitby Mayor ee ate and i ga Sean ae ok cent of the 1967 budget. ' inference; mond Newman. A TV person-/ Paints . astacabiepnastidarh tle toed fae : 'as er a role ality, Uncle Bob of channel 0 pee - > pe are 32 residential, $3,910,203 Dig eens faptoh foasity: " ; s sent. n basic y sign, style or a total o 402,51 ont, sluding roads, bridges, rties can (ee Oe car and finish only. Separate School (Oshawa Services, administration, ete., for this, Aah | --Dual entries will not be Board): commercial and in- amount to $83,212.70,. an_ in- ° rdly vote Sopa Ae eceuins ae 45' permitted at the final race. En- dustrial, $6,300 and farm and Crease of $4,170 over 1966. This NEW COMPACT: Dort is an altogether new kind of the gov- af j P |tries must compete in one class industrial, $259,060 or a total of resulted in mill rates of 19.89 on compact! It's small enough to be @ them of heen ne agg geal nc either racing or design, $265,360. ne =. compoct! Big enough to be by Dodge! ; Championship sha e Cars!at their option, Dd id \ ° ; . og built after Jan. 1, 1966. 7_--Trophies will be awarded sect beethA tale @) S femenee and confor ar che" gies Youre seit oh oer hers 2--Entries must not) exceed|in the racing class and in the | The Public School requisition ne- top ahd nk . Ae bara be Fre AA Mel Aga Retell Takis with ees tute inches in Helgi tis il enon clave RETIRING SCHOOL CARETAKER HONORED ince 00, fo tucson) DAO AiNG. || Sees sane we at eto ak Bok OF oppos- The staff and officials at to retire from service. He David Wordley congrat total of $77,373 is an increase of st to the s | ' ' Beha daa Stadt ngrau- bah sn as DART FEATURES THE NEW IMPROVED t It Almonds Group Plans Centennial Feast) tne rickering pistrict nigh Doran, work in, 1951 when Iates Mr. Found and his |$27,768 over 1988, resulting in a SHOP a ecg Bi i tad tRallal nial od G le : 5 hig aki : MPLET! mies aa The Almonds United Church|Fallaise, who said the Bible School honored Gores was completed and served lazy chair, a gift from the |rate of 19.28 mills, an increase @ Wallpaper and Murals Lo CAR WARRANTY BACKED BY a a eeod Women Afternoon Group had/tells us that there is a time to, Found at a reception Thurs- . the school until this year. staff, was presented to Mr. |Of 6.25. mills over 1966; and a eh h dence CHRYSLER ! . as its guests the Evening Group) /24 She reviewed a book) day afternoon. Mr. Found is Pickering District High Found. lfarm and residential mill rate] @ Custom Vraperies he wm fl / that won the Stephen Leacock! the school's first caretaker School Board Chairman --Oshawa Times Photo |of 17.36 mills, an increase of|] @ Broadloom h abiageted members. Mrs. 'Orval Atkinson | prize for humor entitled HOM a -- --__--___---- |5.63 mills over 1966. @ C.l.L, Paints ond Varnishes Ws welcomed members. and guests.|Brew and Patches" by Harry! The separate requisition 1s] @ Benjamin Moore Paints | Hee It was announced that in/J. Boyle. TO MEET BOARDS based on what the Public School é 1 nas place of a father and son ban-| The book describes the life rates will raise on the Sepa-| Dood & SOUTER | parties. quet, a men and boys centen-|on a farm during the depres- rate School Assessment; in-| nial banquet will be held April/sion days of the 1930's. Mrs. e e creasing the amount provided) DECOR CENTRE LTD, re it then It 18. A special speaker will ad-|Fallaise read chapters dealing by $1,544 over 1966 PHONE 668-5862 WHITBY ONT. areice a dress the gathering on "'The|with The Grand Trunk Rail- The Secondary School requi-|| 107 Byron St. S., Whitby BO OT OF ll a lot of Advantages of Sport in the|road, an Oyster Supper, The sition to pay tuition fees at- the: Game Community." |Mail Order Catalogue and --_--__-------- - Mrs. George Bowcott was in|Grand Father with Mrs. Mar-| e eation on charge of the devotional period. | shall. endorse+ She continued the aster} Thanks were expressed by u 1eSs or S u e the prov. theme. Her message, though|Mrs. Bowcott. Refreshments brief, was inspiring. Mrs. Nor-| were served by Mrs. Loyal) mld build man Wood gave the ee and her cc | WHITBY (Staff) -- Whitby,ture if council intended to con-jwith the town industrial com- Robarts, reading. | The next meeting wi © Town C il barel ot its|Struct curbs, gutters and storm'mission and Consulting Engi- '0 be one Mrs. Percy Pascoe intro-|May 3, with Mrs. F. J. Reed as le i niga fi end . t . sewers in a vacant field. neer R. E. Sims. . 1 the PC duced the speaker, Mrs, H. T.!speaker. {VeOHL. ANNO, 16 sive yea) ver: WP Councillor Donald McQuay|-------------- aE "I pa gr gre pass capital S24 the added industrial land| 27 Futera 20° Seastrae mrerence ' het Ag s gee wou e a great asset to the Steeps 4 r oeod i Sheltered Workshop Work Explained |vors totating 125,000 a8 part yn and added that althousn! S@@ Our tl se Se Percy Wolcott, director of] Two printing presses are in) > ena aap (Ne did not believe that a munici- s mainly | Council decided to meet with|nality should go into the land the sheltered workshop andiuyse and are getting more work ' ' pality g and) | build-up training centre for retarded |tatepayers, the industrial com-|development business he thought, young adults in Whitby, ad- than the group can do from|mission and school boards be-)whitby should have developed| ls build. i iiressed the general meeting|firms and individuals. Ceramics|fore deciding on several major| industrial land they presently | t in the of the St. Mark's United/is another project. Pupils/items in its five-year Program. 'own five or six years ago. 6 n from a Church Women. He was intro-|range in ages from 16 to 18 6 7 | "Manufacturers want immedi-| th | |SCHOOL FORECAST man the duced by Mrs. Ross Hall. Mrs.|years. | high school forecast of/ate occupancy and a large per-| R. A, Smith thanked the] Many things are needed to/¢1'599 999 in 1970 and a five-year |centage of industrial asere want BONANZA obarts is speaker. keep going. A domestic sci- public school forecast totalling|buildings already constructed,' | ire today Mr. Wolcott, a native of Bar-jence class is held every Fri-|s1 415 999 did not reach discus-|Said Councillor McQuay. iding job bados, who trained as a psychi-|day. Most needed are egg beat-| °° atane ' | | m being atric nurse in England, wasjers, pots and pans, an ironing) @ |SERVICED LAND BARGINS employed at the Ontario Hos-|board, leather, cloth, a radio,| Four capital works items for Deputy Reeve "Bobby"! ant part pital until he was chosen tolete. |1967 passed by council included/Attersley said that the whole| speech, direct the centre which meets} Mr. Wolcott stressed the fact|$25,000 for the town's portion of|trend was to serviced industial| SAVE HUNDREDS ike it we daily in All Saints' Anglican|that the shelter gets no finan- |the cost of reconstruction of the/Jand and added that this was] OF $$ ON 25° Future same. Church parish hall. cial help and can carry on/|Henry Street Bridge, $25,000 foriwhere neighboring Ajax had| Sleeps 4 He said 'these youngsters|only by the money made from|the purchase of a parking lot,/done so well. He said Whitby is . i inti |$75,000 for a hydro electric sub- i '| BRAND HEY need our help. Any kind of work/the printing. |$75,000 for a hydro electric sub-|competing against all munici- BISCAYNE V/8 SEDANS is undertaken to keep them| Miss Ila Newton, deaconess,|Sstation on Centre Street and |palities in the province for in-| GO busy and give them the oppor-|spoke briefly on her work.|$10,000 for the purchase of new /qustry, | BEL AIR V/8 SEDANS tunity to make a living." Lunch was served by Unit 4, equipment by the arena board. | Gounojjior Hu gh O'Connell|{ !MPALA V/8 HARDTOPS A $53,000 ae ate Pro- agreed with the servicing of the} ) 8 gram, mainly along Anderson|jand but added that he would Heart Fund Appeal Raises $1,300 |Street, Med tabled iat homelike to see a layout of the pro-| st. presi- z g . . owners In the area cou @ 8P-iposed services before deciding |§ Het a It was announced, at a meet chapter, expressed the appre lpraised of the local improve- fs spend $500,000 8] ; : P ing of the Whitby Chapter of the|ciation of the chapter to those| ont cost involved ; shed 33° Fature 33' Seastrake pen and ; + i hat ment cost invo . The industrial land purchase! 6 Ontario Heart Foundation, that) 144 qonated funds for heart re-| 300 Dundes s+. 8. WHITBY Steeps Sleeps 6 gel just over $1,300 was. realized ee en ae ne members of INDUSTRIAL LAND and development item. will be| oe from the combined mailing cam-|search and to the members | Most of the meeting was taken |{urther discussed at a meeting! ' paign in the Town of Whitby and |the committee for their co-oper-|4, with the discussion of a $500,-| n were the canvass, under the leader- ation. He also thanked Mrs. El-|000 industrial land purchase and| to cross ship of Mrs. D, P. Ellis, in|tig and the members of her|development plan for this year. | 0.M.H.A. Juvenile A Minor Hockey over the Brooklin: iw. Chale 'of the committee for their work in} Councillor Tom Edwards said| Oshawa F G. EL Ju Ys chairman 0 - | Brooklin, |that in his opinion the cost of; All oO t ® Fy é | Donations will continue to el brebeet gi mennniokey rig sould nrario inais W k P LT vetcomed. Cheques can be not be looked on in the same 27° Seastrake ies em, 30° Futura or. er ac |mailed to the chairman at 900/light as a parking lot. SA APRI L 8 Sleeps 4 : s Sleeps 6 wa girl, fs Greenwood Crescent or to the! Reeve George Brooks sug- oy rT] ae 4 avel all R t { ed treasurer, J. D. Reid, care of gested water and sewer ser- echoslo- a 1 | the Toronto - Dominion Bank, vices be taken only to the edge 3 P.M. s ice with hitb yl ntey: jof the industrial land. He said, WHITBY gga h t ¥| Films for showing at meetings|he would oppose the expendi- LEAMINGTON FLYERS ris- ra a Ae Town Council raliied a tw0- of organizations and literature a | " year ag ' fetributi bape z at the outside municipal employees a 10, AP AVCHOES FARM PLAYERS | vs. y s a -arrying Thursday night. ; LAKELAND, Fla. (AP)--} cLaugh- Members of the Canadian |Boston Red Sox scaled down to) WHITBY GOLD SEALS Lil a ne a : Union of Public Employees in-|ent include a provision of 200/the American League player see side works received a 9 per cent days accumulated sick leave in-|jimit Thursday by farming out increase this year with an addi- stead of 180 days, a stacking of |two pitchers and giving an out-| WHITBY ARENA a a tional 7.5 per cent in 1968. Canada Pension Plans subject|rjcht release to a reserve in- Outside union members re-|t0 permissive legislation, 20/fjelder. Sent to the Toronto| Adults 75¢ @ Children 25¢ ceived a total of 40 cents per/days' paid holidays after 18/Maple Leafs farm club of the r hour increase over two years|Years bing the oS s be International League were The increases consist of 20 cents|year an years In the secon@| pitchers Jerry Stephenson and) year of the contract. on April 1, an additional 10 cents |Gary Waslewski. Reserve in-) on April 1 of next year and a} The contract also included|fielder Al Lehrer was cut from further 10 cents Oct, 1 of 1968. [Provisions for 10 paid holidays|the squad and made a free! Evening Programs Start 7 and 9:05 Feature Starts at 7 and 9:20 BROCK WHITBY boat. And remember, Chris-Craft backs up its. work with a written warranty that's unique to the boat Seven superb boats all built in Canada with the care and attention to detail that has made the name Chris- AIR Other changes in the agree-'annually. jagent. ee oe | IT TEARS YOU || Craft known and respected throughout the boating _ building industry. La , ne ws ert world. Comfort, styling, seaworthiness, service avail- If you're planning to make a-move to a cruiser, Be by ] | ability and high re-sale value, these are the things invest in one that will live up to all your expectations, -- : | that Chris-Craft owners count on and get. Not only -- one that will never let you down. Move to Chris-Craft, -- | are Chris-Craft hulls and fittings far ahead of other | boats, but their engines, too, are built with the same precision that goes into every inch of the rest of the Chics Craft YOUR AUTHORIZED CHRIS CRAFT DEALER... OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN HARBOR ROAD-OSHAWA 723-8186 wmroutcd Begins of 7:00 & 9:20 Recommended As ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Also--Certoon----Sport -- ALL COLOR PROGRAM A UNIVERSAL PICTURE RUM NAVY- PALM BREEZE*WHITE CAP , LAMBS Special Saturday Matinee Attraction : TONY CURTIS in--Disneyland in "40 Pounds of Trouble" by