E [TORS JERS WALTER \KRDNER, eased. ig claims f WALT- AARDNER, sed, who e lst day are here- in to the refore the 1967, full ir claims. the said e said de- yuted hav- claims of hen have this 4th ARDNER UST ANADA '$s NARTZ & /ARTZ, tors t East OF THE EUGENE -- OF THE MANVILLE OF DAR- 4E PRO- TARIO, BUSINESS iE BUILD- 2 IN THE ANVILLE, E OF ON- jiven that ethune of vanville in Ontario, nt on the ch, 1967, neeting of eld on the 1967, at o'clock in the office 922 Sim- n the City rovince of AW A 1967, Yale, C.A. lee -D RS ng called 1 of a new ool to be School lo- ide of Ath- 0. Tenders not foter 7 at 4:30 -e of the Saccoccio, West Hill, r any ten- ) accepted. ations are sit of $50 Architect. Board of 1001. Trus- this roperty of 73 Clover- turn right on South- verdole St. at 12:30 suite, rug, fatt elect- tor, radio, jum clean- ike new), (VY yr , wardrobe, e, electric rner cup- pes, gard- er articles, nention, erve. ctioneer, shawa 1 Prizes .. 8th SRY'S TUM NORTH ION 1S . 10 Hams ch 25th ibled on Ficket lot Admitted 9 EMPLE PRIL 8th A, -- $8 Vealth ts To Go ot To Go ot admitted 1 on Page 14 COLUMNIST DIES Sir William Connor, 57, | better known as the acid writing columnist Cassan- dra, died last night in Lon- don. He had been hospital- ized for nearly a month after fracturing his skull. | Connor was knighted by Queen Elizabeth last year. (AP Wirephoto) Reunion At Vimy Ridge | ARRAS, France (CP)--A re-|force, backed by one British di- the brave will be held at Vimy Ridge this weekend. The 50th anniversary of Vimy climactic Sanadian arms, a and the first real allied triumph of the First World War. senting the unit in which he hey stormed April 9, Easter Monday of that bloody ttack began at 5:30 sleet and snow. The anniversary was planned union of the old, the dead andjvision with Canadian and Brit- ish heavy artillery in support. PHILIP TO ATTEND Prince Philip, jual on the ridge amid the pines | The ceremony, matched | battle honor Vimy 1917. They | are the 2nd Battalion Royal) Canadian Regiment, 2nd Bat-| jtalion Princess Patricia's Ca-! representing |nadian Light Infantry and the is being marked in a specialjthe Queen, will be a central|2nd Battalion Royal 22nd Regi- way as a stunning victory for/figure at Sunday's military rit-|ment, the Van Doo. A troop of the Royal Cana- event in Canadian nationhood|planted to symbolize the fallen./dian Horse Artillery will take by|jup position with four guns. The| simultaneous observances in Ot- guard of honor will be preceded |mitted by Early Bird satellite. at the centennial flame before the Peace Tower Thursday night will be carried in Ottawa) | Seventy - three veterans from tawa and London, is scheduled by the band of the Royal Cana- throughout Canada--each repre-|to be televised in Canada, trans- dian Ordnance Corps. lfought at Vimy -- will gather) Late tonight an RCAF Yukon/BRITISH FOLLOW |Sunday at the great white stone|plane will arrive at Orly Air- |memorial on the hogback ridge|port, 100 miles from this north-|will march on after the Cana- 1917,/ern French town. Lamps lighted dian. The British guard of honor! Plans for a similar French guard were squelched by the French government, apparently The a a.m., the soldiers lashed by|aboard the Yukon by Brig. J.|miffed at the prime role ac- |A., de Lalanne, honorary treas-'corded Prince Philip, who will urer of the Royal Canadian |inspect the troops. In French THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridoy, Apr 7, 1967 91! 73 Veterans To Attend -- = & as a three-allies affair--Cana-|Legion and Mr. Justice F. J. G./eyes, Philip is simply the hus- dian, French and British -- al-/McDonagh, both Vimy survi-'band of the British monarch though French participation ap-|vors. and the Canadian connection is parently will be less than ex-! The lamps will light a cere- not understood, a Canadian of- pected by organizers. | The attack itself was launched by the four divisions of the monial flame at Vimy Satur- day. ficial said. In Ottawa, Conservative A Canadian guard Sunday will Leader Diefenbaker said in the Canadian Corps, going into bat-|consist of contingents from three|Commons Thursday it is "'im- Canada Hopes To Resume Mineral Rights Negotiations OTTAWA (CP) -- Canada| hopes to resume negotiations soon over a French claim to offshore mineral rights around! St. Pierre - Miquelon, France's| tiny colony off the south coast} of Newfoundland. |tle for the first time as a single'regular regiments that have the! possible to understand' why France refused a guard' of honor for the ceremonies. | Prime Minister Pearson re-| plied that there are no grounds | for suggesting that France| plans inadequate representation | at the ceremony. | French and British armies) Thomas C. Gorham, 20 of West Palm Beach, an ap- prentice electrician, who single - handedly subdued SUBDUED ACCUSED KILLER '¢ DISCOUNT BOMBSHELL © officers Thursday. Gorham is a Vietnam veteran who won the silver star for heroic action in combat. junsuccessfully to take Vimy be-| & ' : \fore the job was done by the} An oil search now is under | affairs department said Thurs-| Canadians. | and disarmed the accused killer of two city police ,_ way in the region. jday the discussion is being con-| pan, ti rd Initial exchanges of views|tinued through diplomatic CHAM | soctvanmect Ganlay gre took place in Paris in January. |nels and Canada is hopeful that|Caqieux, associate defence min- They were recessed without ajdirect negotiations will resume /jctor British representative will definite renewal date. |"sometime soon. |be Sir Patrick Reilly, ambas- Montreal GE (AP Wirephoto) HARWOOD WESTERN PANTS @ Front zipper closing Atlantic Well Managed Letter Said Before Collapse TORONTO (CP)--The presi- dent of British Mortgage and Trust Co. of Stratford, Ont., wrote a letter three months be- fore the collapse of Atlantic Acceptance Corporation saying the corporation was. well-man- aged and progressing well. The letter, along with several others written about that time to the Ontario registrar of loan and trust companies, was ta- bled as an exhibit Thursday in the royal commission investiga- tion into Atlantic's collapse in June, 1965. British Mortgage invested heavily in Atlantic and was taken over by Victoria and Grey Trust Co., of Lindsay, Ont., shortly after Atlantic's collapse. Wilfred P. Gregory wrote the letter to Registrar Cecil Rich- ards after a telephone call ask- ing him about some of his com- pany's loans and investments. At that time British Mortgage had about double its capital stock, reserves and undivided profit invested in Atlantic and associated companies. The Ontario Loan and Trust Corporations Act provides that all investments by trust com- panies in shares and deben- tures of other companies which do not fall within specific ca- tegories be limited to 15 per cent of paid up capital and re- serves. DESCRIBE POLICY Mr. Gregory's letter said British Mortgage was following a policy of concentration and | A spokesman in the external] Under a 1958 Geneva conven- jtion, coastal states have a right to exploit minerals under the ocean floor along the continen- tal shelf. CANADA CLAIMS SHELF Canada claims its huge sur- jcurrently is preparing an opin- jsador to France. | Brig.-Gen. Marquez, a lower- |ranking representative, came jfor France in earlier anniversa- \ries, rounding continental shelf and} the Supreme Court of Canada} had increased its holdings injion on whether control of the} those companies where can exercise a close degree of influence." The commission, which is winding up its hearings with an investigation of British Mort- gage, was told the collapse of Atlantic left British Mortgage with $12,000,000 outstanding in loans and securities of the com- pany and its affiliates. Mr. Gregory's March 22 let- ter also said that the company's investments to various individu- als were safe and that "prac- tically every borrower is a mil- lionaire."" The investments to individu- als were shown to the commis- sion as loans to people asso- ciated with Atlantic and its companies, secured by deben- tures, stocks and notes of these companies, They totalled $3,407,000 at the time of Atlan- tic's collapse, : A. W. Moreton, commission accountant, sald about $2,847, 000 had been recovered up to Dec. 31 of British Mortgage's outstanding funds of $12,000,000. He said it is expected an- other $2,706,000 will be forth- coming. This will leave British Mortgage with a net loss of $6,646,000 on its investment in Atlantic. The quick takeover of British Mortgage by Victoria and Grey left no depositor or guaranteed investment certificate holder with a loss, Mr. Moreton said. Nixon Criticizes Robarts In Niagara Parks Handling TORONTO (CP) -- The On-|ommended in a consultant's re-jing stunt across the Niagara tario Liberal Leader Robert Nixon said Thursday Premier John Robarts' handling of the resignations of six Niagara parks commission members was a "perversion of democ- racy" and called for a public inquiry. He said in a statement the premier was deliberately hiding the facts in order to cover up what appears to be a '"'provin- eial administrative mess." "If there is nothing wrong, what is the premier afraid of, and why does he hide behind the thin technicality that let- ters of complaint from mem- bers of the parks commission were marked private and con- fidential?"' Mr. Robarts had declined port commissioned by the city of Niagara Falls. An official said Ontario was not directly involved in the pro- ject although it would partici- pate in it if it were approved. Highways Minister Gomme said in the legislature he did not know if his department planned a four-lane highway through Victoria Park. In Niagara Falls, Mayor Franklin J. Miller said Thurs- day that Mr. Allan had 'un- mercifully' chastised Mr. |vested in the federal or provin- jcial governments. | France, however, is claiming a chunk of the Atlantic shelf.by virtue of its ownership of the St. Pierre - Miquelon island group. square miles of land. shore rights on an article of the Geneva convention that states: "Where the same continental shelf is adjacent to territories of two adjacent states, the boun- daries of the shelf shall be de- termined by agreement." CHALLENGES VIEW Canada has challenged this interpretation. It says only com- mon sense is needed to under- stand that the convention does not apply to this kind of situa- tion. There is a high potential for rich oilfields under the Atlantic shetznbt major discovery in the disputed region could touch off a classic diplomatic feud. But so far the dispute has been a quiet one with neither side raising a public fuss. If it came to a showdown, Canada could exert considerable pressure on the French by cut- ting off services to the islands. The general feeling here is that public opinion would sup- port a touch attitude by Ottawa towards the French claim and, conversely, that the government would be hurt politically if it backed down. of resignation, that three fac- tors were involved in the dis- pute: "A proposed tight - rope walk- /Gorge; remodelling plans for the Rainbow Bridge plaza in Victoria Park and a proposal for a public cocktail lounge at the refectory, location of the commission's headquarters. The mayor in his letter also made brief reference to "cer- tain remarks' by the chair- man, and added that "no one ever questioned my character before." "wejresources there should be) jing prices are producing a new \type of crime |from a Thedford, Ont., farmer Fishing is the only induatey| tae found. 30 NEED FUEL OIL ? for the 5,000 residents on 93|qays. France pin its claim to off-\sround level, the earth was re- Booming Prices Bring New Crime, ST. THOMAS (CP) -- Boom- --walnut tree rustling. Latest in the increasing re- ports of walnut thefts comes trees missing when he returned from holi- The trees were cut off below sodded and no trace left of branches or tree tops. An average good quality tree now is worth between $300 and $500, says E. F. (Pud) Johnson of St. Thomas, timber supervi- sor in the lands and forests department's Lake Erle dis- trict. Goes On Strike MONTREAL (CP) -- About, 1,000 workers employed at a. Canadian General Electric ap- pliance plant in east-end Mont-| real went on strike Thursday to! protest what they termed slow-| ness in negotiations between the company and the union that represents them. | The strikers, members of the) International Union of Electri-/ cal, Radio and Machine Work-| ers, rejected an appeal from a government - appointed concil-|f iator to remain on the job for} another two days while negotia- tions continued, but returned to the plant later in the day to col- lect their pay. The union is seeking wage parity for its: members em- ployed at the plant with Cana- dian General Electric employ-| pired Monday, The strikers earn an average) Prices have gone up so fast that "a single tree is worth stealing," he said in an inter- view Thursday. The 30-tree theft was the eighth case reported during the|~ of $2.25 to $2.30 an 'hour, a spokesman said, while their On- |tario counterparts are paid an| Fag hourly wage of $2.50 to cricast win the may te HARWOOD AUTO BODY 655-3621 @ 2 Front pockets "@ Sizes 8-16 @ Colours--Blue or dark Beige vureny, DISCOUNT BOMBSHELL DISCOUNT BOMBSHELL Hershey's INSTANT CHOCOLATE 2 tbs --FREE--1 tb. can Hershey's Chocolate Syrup. Special Kmart price for the two. Weston's FIG BARS Big 14 bb. bog of tasty cookies @ FREE ESTIMATES @ COURTESY CARS FREE @ FREE TOWING K-Mart Discount Price AUTO BODY Simcoe St. North COLUMBUS, ONT, 655-3621 last year. Walnut is extensively used in the furniture industry. DAUGHTER FOR RICHARD MONTREAL (CP)--Henri Ri- chard, Montreal Canadiens' hard-working centre, had added) incentive in Thursday night's hockey game against New York Rangers in their Stanley Cup semi-final series opener. Richard's wife Lise gave birth to a baby girl three hours be- fore game time. The Richards now have three girls and two boys. INVESTIGATE (Semi Privote) e@ % Hol 3260 yords por 36 and per 27. (May be pleyed es @ Per 72, par or par 27). @ Apply Early (Limited Membership " Gollens and Shift Workers (Low Week Day Membership Rates) Sunny Brae Golf Course @ Just 12 minutes North of Oshawa and Whitby Between Manchester and Prince Albert) For Application Form Write R.R. No. 4 Port Perry Phone 985-2076 DISCOUNT BOMBSHELL BUCANEER PANTS 2 ply Linen with wide self belt Sizes 8-16 Colours--Beige, white, navy, green, powder blue. Kmart discount price. 9 hole 1200 yard 63, por 54, per 36 Openings) Do ~~ SATURDAY ONLY . 3-99 REPEAT OF A SELLOUT art|| A Division of the S. $. Kresge Compony Limited DISCOUNT BOMBSHELL DISCOUNT BOMBSHELL Pure Bristle PAINT BRUSHES 2, 2¥2, 3, 4 inch Sizes to fit all needs SWEATERS Choose from pullovers or cardigans. Styles and colors too numerous to mention, Special price for Saturday, CALL Daley at a meeting that pre- ceded the resignation of six of PERRY r] the 11 commissioners. | Y The mayor, one of those to! 723-3443 resign, said in a statement, is-| DAY OR NIGHT sued with a copy of his letter! in the legislature to table the) letters but said the members| were free to reveal their rea-| sons for resigning if they chose. | Mr. Nixon's statement came} after Charles Daley, a former| commission chairman who re-| signed along with five other) government - appointed mem-) bers, said the resignations were | sparked by a government deci- sion to build a four-lane high- way through scenic Victoria Park in Niagara Falls. REPLACES DALEY | James Allan, a minister with- out portfolio and former treas- NOW IS THE TIME TO CALL Take advantage of it! 24 hour ser- vice; and radio dispatched trucks always ready to serve ow i Fuel Oil Budget Plan Available OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE ! McLAUGHLIN urer, was recently appointed commission chairman to re- place Mt. Daley, a former On- tario cabinet minister. | Outside the legislature, high- | BASKETBALL ways department officials said) the road referred to by Mr. | Daley was apparently a modi- | fication of existing roads rec-| NOW OPEN! Youth sizes--7-13 110 Suen 723-3481 King St.W. | NORTH OSHAWA Rennie ond insole arc GOLF DRIVING RANGE rm guaranteed washable. & A. E. JOHNSON, 0.D. OPTOMETRIST 14% King St. East 723-2721 Boys sizes--1-5 @ 70 Tees @ Ample Parking @ Snack Bar @ Complete Line of Golfing Equipment @ 15,000 New Balls @ Minature Golf Phone 725-3092 Simcoe St. N. -- Oshawa Turn left at Oshawa Shrine Club Located on Highway 2 Between Oshawa and Whitby 4.99 || 1.47 DISCOUNT | BOMBSHELL | 5 Ib. FAB Borax added for extra cleaning power. Kmart Dis- count Price 4.23 v7 On Highway No. 2 Between Oshawa and Whitby PLEASE -- NO PHONE OR MAIL ORDERS