20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, April 7, 1967 20a--Summer Properti For Sele or Rent HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES on geon Lake, two and three Sarcans: GET MORE R iodern . Tele- Ta SN sie ee) «FOR YOUR RENTAL DOLLAR 26--Apertments for Rent | Lake, Just south of Bancroft. 200' of la frontage, Asking $4,500. 725-8776 MAIJAC COTTAGES, good housekeep- ing, all facilities. Swimming, skiing, fishing. 725-2909 oe 723-8487. RICE LAKE Bebe Beach 2 miles east of Balleboro, 4 bedroom furnished cot- tage. Phone 725-7284 CAVALIER VISCOUNT DIPLOMAT AMBASSADOR APARTMENTS Modern and convenient, equipped with refrigerator and stove, broadloom in halls, intercom F. M., large bal- conies. One bedroom $95 and up. Two bedrooms $115 and up. Close to shopping cen- tre and all schools. CHANDOS LAKE, co beautiful mo- dern, three bedroom, fire place, car pert, boat house, sun deck, pine trees, telephone 725-031 21--Farms for Sale ANY SIZE -- Dairy, beef, horse, hobby, commuter, Oshawa, Orono, Port Hope areas. Good Investment. Call Clare Mc Cullough, 723-7843 or write 591 Oshawa Bivd. N., Oshawa. W. Frank Real/ Estate 114 ACRES, good clay loam, good build: ing, creek. Asking $20,000 with terms. Near Lindsay. Call John Sandy, 725-8010. W. 0. Martin Realtor W-ACRE LOTS, some with bush and stream, situated 15 min. drive from Oshawa. Terms to be arranged. Call Frank Smith 723-3533, J. B. McMullan! and Co., Realtor | LARGE LOT, 60° x 225'. This is an!' ideal building lot siutated in the north east. Call Frank Smith 723-3533, J. B McMullan and Co. | 47 ACRE FARM -- North side of 401, just west of Bowmanville, good barn, three-bedroom house with bath. Call Cec Elliott 723-1133 or 725-9442. Carl B. Olsen Real Estate. | 22--Lots for Sale : LOFT ZONED FOR APARTMENT BUILDING up to 20 Suites | Simcoe N. Area | | TAX! SERVICE BY APPOINTMENT FREE | | | CALL 728-4283 for appointment | Close to school, shopping and bus. For further information TELEPHONE e 725-8491 340 Marland Ave. LOT, 50 x 134, on Queensdale Avenue, sewer and service on lot. Telephone 723- 4 _ bandnedeineoad Apt. 111 1-ACRE LOT on paved road, good sized trees. Price $3,500. cash or terms. Call Call Leon Manitius, 728-2754 or 723-5281, Guide Realty Ltd Va ACRE LOT, large enough for VLA, between Oshawa and Bowmanville. Close to Highway No. 2 and school. Paved road, nice trees on property. Priced at $3,700, with convenient terms. Call Leon Nanitius, 728-2754 or 723 5281, Guide Realty Ltd | AND CHURCHES LAKE SCUGOO AREA Oshawa 20) | iles, 25-acre » _ river, 900. full) j Tish Bes "RantMtY ofttwa ines, tt] CLOSE TO SHOPPING CENTRE 150" X 200' PARTLY wooded lot on paved road, Zion. Telephone 725-1778. LOT FOR SALE, in very desirable north-east section of the city, all serv- ices prepaid and underground hydro. Telephone 728-0194. | FIVE iced Tots. od, or see Henry at ELEVATOR LOCKERS CONTROLLED | ENTRANCE | AMPLE PARKING | CLOSE TO SCHOOL APPLY OR TELEPHONE THE ABOVE NUMBERS serviced lots, NHA approved underground wiring. Name your own te phone 723-1191 $ SAVE $ THIS YEAR By Moving To GRENFELL SQUARE ONE and TWO BEDROOMS OSHAWA'S LARGEST SUITES No Reasonable Application Refused 24--Stores, Offices, Storage! FREE GARAGE W ag cee HEALTH CLUB @ SAUNA STEAM ROOM SWIMMING POOL (IN SEASON) NHA OVED building in_north end of city. All services prepaid. Terms reasonable, Telephone 723-1191 TEN ACRES well wooded, north-east of Oshawa. $2,995 full price. Call 723-6053. 23--Real Estate Wanted -- We have buyers for reason- ably priced properties, city end suburban, bungalows, two storeys, income homes, opartments, farms. For free evaluation call Don Stradeski Real Estate, 63 King Street West. 723-4651. HAVE CLIENT with all casn wishing to! purchase bungalow or two-storey home between King and Adelaide, Simcoe and Wilson Road area. Please call 728-5103, W. ©. Martin Realtor. A LARGE or double house In country between Oshawa Pickering. Must not, be foo old. Write stating information, | location to: Box 62834, Oshawa Times. | HOME -- desire in Oshawa, east of) Shopping Centre and west of Park | Anything considered. Have all Telephone 728-9921 URGENTLY NEEDED two-storey home near hospital, Buckingham District. Also @ bungalow in the north-west. Call Cec Elliott, 723-1133. Evenings 725-9442, Carl B. Olsen Real Estat Road. | cash GARAGE WANTED or storage shed,| lockable with floor and hydro. Telephone anytime 723-8951 STORE, 750 sq. ft, situated downtown, available immediately. For full infor- mation Call Frank Smith 723-3533, J. B. McMullan and Co., Realtor. | GROCERY AND VARIETY, low over |26--Apartments for Rent |26--Apartments for Rent |29--Wanted to Rent The best value in apartment "@ REGENCY TOWERS @ 349 MARLAND AVENUE PHONE 725-2227 AND 321 MARLAND AVENUE PHONE 728-6722 MODERN 1 AND 2 BEDROOM SUITES NEWLY DECORATED STOVE AND FRIDGE BALCONIES FABRIC DRAPES LAUNDRY FACILITIES FREE HYDRO BROADLOOM IN HALLS ELEVATOR LOCKERS CONTROLLED ENTRANCE AMPLE PARKING CLOSE TO SCHOOL AND CHURCHES _[@ PREMIER @ | | | | | | | CLOSE TO SHOPPING CENTRE APPLY OR TELEPHONE THE ABOVE NUMBERS Enjoy the Modern Trend To Luxury Living Princess Anne Apartments you will our indoor pool, sauna room, large bal- conies, spacious suites, ample parking, delivery, per- sonalized service, PLUS the moderate rental et enjoy mail monthly PRINCESS ANNE APARTMENTS 1221 SIMCOE ST. N. Our model suite is furnished by WILSON'S FURNITURE and | broadioom by ANGUS GRAYDON open daily 8 p.m. till 9 p.m. Sat., & Sun. 11 a.m. till 7 p.m. PHONE 725-9934 - 576-3864 OSHAWA'S BEST RENTAL VALUE SEE TOWER on the GREEN Overlooking the park located on Mary St. North. Swimming pool, sauna bath, gym room and rec room. FREE UNDERGROUND PARKING TO THE FIRST 65 TENANTS ONLY $50 DAMAGE DEPOSIT OPEN DAILY FROM 1 P.M, - 9 P.M, or by appointment. 576-2280 or 725-9750 W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LTD. 21 King St. W., Bowmanville | THREE-ROOM furnished apartment forjrefrigerator, double bed, dining set, pri in-|vate three-piece bath. Heat, available. cluded. | | _55 Bruce St 728-1070 two |cluded. ; and barbeque. |26--Apartments for Rent |26--Apertments for Rent SUNNYSIDE APARTMENTS Wilson South. Children con sidered. Close to schools and shopping. Includes stove and fridge, water, hydro and elec- tric heatina, Some with bal- conies and broadioom. Ample parking. Two bedroom and bachelor's only. $80 and up. To be seen by appointments only ofter 4 p.m. call; Super- intendent 723-5325. SHELDIAN MANSIONS 1, 2 ond 3 bedroom suites. Sublet --- reduced rent apts. available without lease. Swim- ming pool, opposite south GM. Childreh welcome. Two baths in all two and three bedroom suites. 885 OXFORD STREET 728-7942 PACIFIC AVENUE, 290. Three large OREW STREET, 74 -- Three or two! room basement apartment, private bath rooms, furnished, central, adults or] and entrance, stove, refrigerator. Nice working couple or three individuals. No} modern kitchen, $100 monthly, 725-9308 Children, abstainers. Available now. | after six. GROUND FLOOR, modern two - bed-/ 2-BEDROOM electrically heated apart. [00M apartment, heat, laundry facilities, ment in new building. North Oshawa controlled entrance, to sublet, Children Utilities included in. rent. Near schools Welcome. Telephone 576-1034 jand shopping. Phone 728-0626 after 5. LARGE two - bedroom apartment in TWO-ROOM apartment, refrigerator and|S™al! apartment building, quiet, central | stove, built-in. cupboards. Private en- and close to transoprtation, all facilities, | trance, $65 monthly. Heat, hydro in-/Paved parking, adults only. Telephone} jcluded. 728-2907. | 723-1408, | |TWO - BEDROOM apartment in new | THREE-ROOM apartment, small build-) |building, electric heating, stove, refrig-|in9- Abstainers. Adults only. $98 month-| | erator, di . Av April 18. Agin-|!¥. Available May 1 103. Wilson Rd eee TE me enable ABEL'S, AOl™ North. 7253296 for appointment 'SMALL furnished apartment. Private) THREE-ROOM, second-floor bath and entrance. Clean, Abstainers Private three-piece bath and entrance.|3.bedrooms, 4 adults, lonly. Telephone 728-0797. Stove, refrigerator, parking, bus at door.!area | fd Sinners $75 monthly. 725-6473, monthly. |TWO - BEDROOM apartment, $125! : Toei |monthly, Apply 291 Marland Avenue, NICELY furnished one-bedroom apart-| Times. % [anermoare 107 or telephone 723-6134. ee Coen ane plan ty pine TWO BEDROOM house wanted July 1, chlit AedolAce faa ose ROEM e, i : ichmond 'by family with t Idren, WHITBY -- Modern, two-bedroom apart- Street East. Telephone 728-8792. bate oaL: Tukbhens aN aged two! ye ment in eight-plex building, refrigerator - - + - |and stove, balcony, heat, hot water, $125|TWO-BEDROOM apartment, bath, pri-\COUNTRY HOME with two bedrooms, © parking, heavy duty preferably with fireplace and garden| |monthly, very central. 725-5223. vate entrance, ' -- cable, TV outlet, heat, hydro. Available space, near Kingsway College. Must | 725-0746 have reasonable rent for couple attend- J FOUR - ROOM apartment on main floor. April 15. Apply 344 Buena' Vista, ing school June. Write D. Heintz, any |Private bath, heat, water, stove and re- after 4 p.m. frigerat includ ii . i i i eel stot, Incense. 10 rent: 60: WANS | ce NigHm, hesied three - room apart- Virgilwood Drive, Willowdale, Ont. ._ modern -- furniture. -- Automatic LIGHT housekeeping room, ground fioor.| Street. Telephone 725-3938. 'ant |FIVE-ROOM apartment, $125 month in- washer, dryer. Private entrance, park- Gentleman pensioner. Temperate, clean, Business couple. Pos- good references. Present address sold, | cluding hydro and heat. Available April ing. Hospital area. ji, Telephone 723-2024 after 5 p.m. ___ session April 27. Telephone 576-0832. must vacate early April. 723-7715, ask for FURNISHED two-room apartment, near' LANSDOWNE DRIVE -- Triplex. One- Stewart. downtown, for one or WANTED Executive wishes to rent, or will consider agreement to purchase, with 2 bathrooms, kitchen, oiler living room, dining room, and rec room and garage. Oshawa __joffer or Whitby acceptable. |eubic fits "1 Telephone 725-1545 door and ical gcod residential! y9sq Excellent references, $150 to $175 | with Adults only. Write 61536, Oshawa - Box LUSANNE VILLA .330 GIBB STREET Exciting prestige building. Centrally located, electrically heated, Roomy breakfast nook and kitchen. Tennis court @ FOR RENT e@ Apts. Houses, Rooms, Room ond Board. Office Hours: Tues. to Fri. 10:30 a.m. to 7 p-m, Sat. 'til 3 p.m. LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION NEW BUILDING One, two or three. bedrooms apartments, 835 Oxford St. now available. Mala Glen ree hydro, free moving. Now open for inspection, Telephone 725-0657, 728- 2226 BONUS We Pay Moving Expenses 1 and 2 bedroom, large apart- ments, fully equipped. 190 Nonquon Road 728-9726 AJAX Large modern APARTMENTS in apartment building. Near schools and shopping. = Telephone 942-01 30 FURNISHED and UNFURNISHED 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apart- ments. Controlled entrance, Twin elevators, swimming pool, fenced playground. 723-2347 ladies. Refrigerator and stove Abstainers. Garage $20 weekly. 235 Clark St., 728-5348. AVAILABLE MAY 1 -- Modern apart-|\CLEAN, TWO-BEDROOM apartment in|LARGE furnished one-bedroom | quiet, two-bedroom apart-| cludes ment. Close to Sklar, Dunlop. Stove, re- parking, jaundry facilities, electric | water. ments in apartment and one, frigerator, | heating. THREE-ROOM, api ment. Private bath,+$70. monthly. medi |ONE-, |ments, 299 Montrave Avenue. Available duty stove and refrigerator. Apply now. For information apply 37) 2. | Street | FURNISHED, apartment, in duplex, Private entrance, services paid. jone child welcome. Close to south Gen- Telephone 668-5650. Whitby, One, laundry facilities, 668-6737 to Inspect. self-contained _ Possession, Telephone AND TWO-BEDROOM apa' three- room, | eral Mofors. 655-4726, |THREE-BEDROOM apartment, |nished, in lower duplex. ment, lawn, garden, garage. 655-4726. TWO-BEDROOM apartments, May and 4546. June 1, includes di cony. at vices. 4to 9 | ONE-BEDROOM apartment, deluxe, $95 i per door, adjacent Child welcome, p.m. shopping. Fr: 723-5035, month. Or janitor service consi ered for $65 per month. Sult elderly young couple, Telephone Whitby. EULALIE - LASALLE -- Three-room|., x apartment ih sion Telephone 987-4303. Adults. apartment Single persons welcome. 8 Im- included, Whitby (3211 Albert Elgin East or 728-0252. upstairs furnished apartment, ~untur-|stove and refrigerator, downtown. Tele- e Mails Gate eG eee, aie Use of base- phone 728-3546. bath, Telephone 668-6365 between 4 p.m. Children i ae CME : welcome. Close to south General Motors. ONE-BEDROOM furnished apartment.'BRIGHT, cheerful room. Pleasant resi- es, appliances, bal- Oe hehe . Laundry, storage every floor. a pata ea One - bedroom apartment in| 3928. ee ser-ic 725-9872, OF 725-8964 after 6 668-4363, bullding. | | two adults. Apply bedroom apartment, with extra small -- seo | j195 Albert Street. bedroom. Rent includes refrigerator, stovey 30-----Automobiles For Sale | ONE-, TWO- AND THREE-BEDROOM Washing, drying, paved parking, 723-4670. ---- ~ ~ | japartments, in lovely Casa Manana, 230 R # 3 Nipigon Street, centrally located, inter--27---Rooms for Rent com, no children under 12. Telephone ---- Mrs. Hayes, 725-8876. APARTMENT -- Suitable for Dec- tor, dentist or lawyer. Properly zoned on Simcoe Street South. Also two bed- ; room apartment. Telephone 623-2368. | Available in private home. FIVE - ROOM apartment, electric heat-| Coll between S and 7 p.m. ing, stove and refrigerator, downtown, 82 PARK RD. N: o | Telephone 728-3546. Ae | pape gg By oo Meg ed 728-867 | | COMFORTABLE ROOMS -- nished bedroom. 138 or 143 Prince St. UPPER OR LOWER duplex, two bed- WEEKLY RATES MAID SERVICE | rooms, on Liberty Street North, Bow- manville. Telephone 728-6798 after 5 p.m. A la Carte Restaurant on Premises. | BASEMENT APARTMENT, private en- and bath- Mrs. James Maher trance, three rooms WHITBY HOTEL room, hydro included, washer and dryer, | 668-2337 near bus. Telephone 728-3076. Apply 451) | COMFORTABLE ROOMS | Beverley Street. THREE - ROOM unfurnished apartment, WEEKLY RATES | MAID SERVICE | WANTED. Good clean local cars for cash. MORLEY STALKER MOTORS 137 King West 723-8311 723-6322 MORE CASH Paid for Good Clean Cars oe Trade up or down. Liens paid, rus DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 1955 RAMBLER ss SALES -- SERVICE ae and PAINT New and Used Cars Easy to finance at ATTRACTIVELY _ *: FURNISHED ROOM - 1964 duty less 1958 also $120. | private washing private bath, heavy wiring, parking, Available A La Carte Restaurant adults please. Working couple preferred. After 1 p.m., 725-4266. Two BEDROOM apartment, | on premises, WHITBY -- Lower five-room duplex to| MR. JAMES MAHER sublet by May 15, New building. Two bedrooms. Electric heat. Telephone 668- CENTRAL HOTEL THREE-ROOM apartment, private bath- store FOR RENT in B inville. jroom, heavy wiring, TV outlet, laundry avai) OT aohans facilities, parking. Phane 728-8796 after cas, OLY |S OF sooner. Telephone 6 p.m. Adults preferred vc eEeT - nicely furnished -- bed-sittini Pebapaitend deletes apartment, refrigera-|room, hot and cold water. in room, re. lhinate'. 'ities relackene Relay frigerator, five minutes to Oshawa Shop. gg) 'ot 'a pi tre. Gentl iT jafter 5 p.m., 728-4535 Te WE ee ae King |TWO "LARGE furnished rooms, heat sing OM x |and hydro, on bus line, parking. Reason- pits ig depntonn able. Clean and quiet. South end area. street East . Telephone 728-0717. iknag " furnished bedroom, _ kitchen, TWO - BEDROOM heated apartment in laundry facilities. Parking space. Apply Hampton. Telephone 263-2240. 574 Crerar Street. -|FURNISHED -- three-room apartment, CENTRALLY LOCATED -- Clean, fur. kitchen, living room, bedroom, private | nished TT I i |bath. Southern location, Adults, Tele- (Quiet home, "TV 'outler Poceing ai Phone 725-9685. ee weekly. 725-8560. -- cod THREE ROOMS and bath. Two people LARGE SAVE DOLLARS! Several good used clean furnished room, central 156! only. Completely furnished, Telephone |; 4 'cars, '55's and up, Trades accepted 1728-9005, light housekeeping. Telephone 728-8402. Terms arranged, R. B. Motor Sales, 509 LARGE furnished |TWO-BEDROOM apartment, newly dec- fecal RGA SE lL hbadlly each 7 WHITBY - 668-3331 RAMBLER SALES -- SERVICE and PAINT | New and Used Cars | Easy to finance t NICOLS MOTORS LTD. | WHITBY -- 668-3331 OSHAWA_ TRANSMISSION! SERVICE | Specializing in rebuilt auto- matic and standard transmis- | sions. GUARANTEED WORK 576-2610 5 monthly including hydro, heat, - 1966 346: 723-9121 entrance, parking, stove, frig, facilities. One small child. CENTRAL, 'two-room bachelor apart- ROOMS FOR RENT, $i : . » $10 and $12 weekly, ment. Heat, lights and water. Suit work- maid service, restaurant on premises May 1. Whitby 668-5958. Stree! ing couple. Telephone Whitby 668-2861 Queen's Hotel, 67 Simcoe North. gentleman. Very Apply 182 Athoi |1959 PONTIAC, automatic, | financed. Telephone 576-2685 PRIVATE. 1959 Chevrolet 3 bedroom home |'S8 FORD station wagon, good mechan-| GRILLS, radiators, all car parts. site Listens Rene ath bes Sh mode! 5 apartment. HOUSE, spacious apartment or duplex, Wreckers, 723-5238. .|31--Compact Cars for Sale Oshawa ZOLTAN and NICK'S Specializing in Volkswagen summer, Telephone 728-9567. ]1960 SIMCA, clean, economical trans-| portation, in good running condition. Te-! ----jlephone 725-5351. | 32--Trucks for Sale Wa COduLO0, A-1 CONDITION. paint-body jicb last fall trade in, or $295 cash, 942-5937, '$8 CHEVROLET half-ton or one-ton panel truck, NICOLS MOTORS LTD. Vauswasen,"r original CARS WANTED --_ Talk Car Dealer ond "Save". four loor six, standard. Cash. Telephone HOUSE [regen after 6 p.m. $297. Can be | Impala, two: automatic, radio, ciean hardtop, i0, Terms, Telephone 728-4983 reliable condition, body fair, $75 or best) '37 Chevrolet coach, perfect body} motor, collector's item, $125 or be: ; also Volkswagen parts and 230) Inch six cylinder Chevrolet motor,| 63 car and up. 725-9819. Late| Courtice Auto Is our specialty. CHEVROLET, automatic, clean, plates. $110. Telephone 723-5647. | VOLVO and PEUGOT MERCEDES BENZ General Repair and Auto-Electric Service ake and Bill's Garage 449 Ritson Rd. South 728-0921 Your Authorized Datsun ond Fiat Dealer Repair and Service 160 Simcoe South 728-0051 MGB, radio, seat beits, tuned for | excellent condition throughout. | CHEVROLET haif-ton, body ly refiniched, radio, new tires Teiephsne 72¢-4 1963 Dodge 300 heavy one ton, utility box, $925. Will sell box $875. 985-7191, Port Perry. GMC panel truck, good condition; | 1957 Pontiac, needs repairs. Apply | 637 Stevenson North. GMC panel truck, new plates, runs Telephone 723-5396 after 5 p.m. MERCURY, half - ton truck, new Will take car as '58 Chevro: trade for Telephone will best offer. truck, 8400 Eastiawn CHEVROLET half-ton miles. 728-7420, 111 t, Oshawa. 33--Automobiles : Wanted ARE YOUR MONTHLY CAR PAYMENTS TOO HIGH? Consolidate your bills. We trade up or down, BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD 1250 Dundas E., Whitby 668-5871 Buying A New Car? ell your used car to "Ted". "Cash" to the New TED CAMPIN. MOTORS 23-4494 Res, 725-5574 lorated Close to Oshawa Shopping Cen- Ald Se a adie Ue mde eal) LIENS PAID OFF. We trade up, down. tre. Stove, refrigerator, laundry facill- Choose from over 60 cars. No down pay- |ties, $110 monthly. 725-4521. COMFORTABLY furnished room for ment. Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 721 ~,FURNISHED two large rooms, stove, pf header rad WOR FORD South. 'GRILLS, radiators, all car parts. ite | chols. bis : models our specialty. Courtice Auto Wreckers, 723-5238. want only. 1966 PONTIAC four-door V-8, low mile-| Laur - ae - age, power steering and power brakes. housekeeping room, Sacrifice. Telephone 725-9854 after 6 p.m. $100 monthly In-| parking, working couple or gentleman. AOS ed Apply 184 King. Street West: | ____irunning condition, Asking $60. Telephone! 'April 7 eat a 411 KING STREET EAST, two bedrooms, 725-4995 wat pril 26. 723-6327. front room, kitchen, bathroom, Tele- TWO-ROOM, cosy apartment, self-con-|Phone 723-2549. ained. Private entrance, heat, hydro| EYRNISHED bedroom. Very \. Y central. $75. monthly, Telephone 723-\ parking, Gentleman only. No' drinkers. ___| Telephone 728-8644. sult FURNISHED corner room, clean, quiet, available now, heavy 'central. Bus stop at door. Light house. 93 CH meer ns keeping. Telephone 728-5984, 63 CHEVROLET Bel Air station wagon, ac V-8, automatic power throughout, radio FURNISHED BEDROOM for refined top condition. Telephone 725-4555 after 4 gentleman in adult home. Apply 272 p.m. | Gro A e teleph y 2 ~ | eccupancy.|atier 4 pin OY Telephone 723-4790 1955 PONTIAC _ station wagon, radio,| $125. Telephone 725-5555. _ -- 5 nm |WHITBY -- 859 D ~ Street j " SSE TEP Pd _ FIVE-ROOM apartment, electric heating, turnished light houckoccing eam "aii; 1962 CHEVROLET converlibie, auto- pri- cs 2 oe s in- FURNISHED room with kitchen privile- $65\9e5. $13.00 weekly. Gentlemen Telephone mornings 668-6534. hydro Available -- immediately, monthly. 723-5874, Private home, boug! stove, refrigerator, be sold by end of week. Best offer. be seen at corner of Taunton-Sime '64 CHEVROLET station wagon, 283, V-0 standard, A-] condition. Telephone 623- CENTRAL. Furnished apartment, 7204. rt- three gentlemen, 3-room private bath, al! Immediate ARTHUR STREET, Oshawa, bucket seats, new tires, good top. Take trade or finance, Telephone 723-1246. town bus and) 6 PONTIAC Laurentian, two-door, six 1 ional, cylinder, radio, rear seat speaker, wheel Sptionalidiscs, whitewalls, Apply Shell Station,| 1 and 8 p.m. Private entrance, share bath. Parking, |dential area fy los heating hydro included. Telephone 723. portign), Saree, Kitchen privileges _|Reasonable, 58 Aberdeen Street. building. A supplied. | a "Foom,|1956 FORD stationwagon. Good condi- lose to bus. Apt. 6 105 Craydon Road. newly decorated. Private entrance, Close 'ti0n. $85, Telephone 668-6720. ONE BEDROOM apartment, furnished|to Oshawa Shopping Centre. Telephone "62 PONTIAC Laurentian, ~ automatic, or poriraehey, suitable for working 728-3690. radio, whitewall tires. couple or single person, no children, T os y Spi j 725-6426. | id- | ; 'WO BEDROOMS, cooking facilities AED parking, downtown area, drapes supplied, | available. 221 Liberty Street North, Bow-/1957 OLDSMOBILE, V-8, automatic, four-| April _ |Manville, 623-7122 after 6 p.m. door sedan, radio, new licence Plates, | Park '| HOUSEKEEPING ROOM, furnished, side|Y@TY Good condition, clean, two owner POSSES- door. Also parking. Apply 313 French ©@F- Telephone 725-938). |Street or telephone .723-7468. WAT: "\FIVE ROOM newly ment _in Newcastle. immed WANTED: Cars and trucks for wrecking. No charge for towing. Best prices paid. "| Telephone 728-4549 anytime. 1966 PONTIAC four - door Laurentian SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Cars 1953 FORD, with '58 motor, Continental, bought, 89 Bloor Street East. 725-2311. 2 : .|34--Automobile Repair '58 FORD six cylinder, standard, must ------ % 6 CYL. Exchange Price 8 CYL. Exchange Price 227 Simcoe Street South. Business --- Repairs, Adijust- ments, Exchanges. All Work Guaranteed. $1190, Telephone|35--Lost and Found 6 p.m. 1959 MERCURY hadrdtop, new trans- 36--Legal gp Cason ee Robert Ni- led for cash or cash and '64 Pontiac 'entian. Must be clean. 728-8410. ht, parts for sale. Iron and metals FRED STONE ~ Brooklin -- 655-3653 REBUILT ENGINES as low as $165.00 as low as $200.00 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION CENTRE 038 Simcoe St. N. 728-7339 ransmissions ore Our Only cH, Lady's Omega, yellow-gold, lost 3 vicinity Ontario Street or King- Plaza. Reward. 723-2126 after -- Two-bedroom apartment, | RAL, cl se . mission, A-] motor, fully powered. -Mus' refrigerator, stove. APPIY ABI: |KeeNing room Suit erat vo eiig Use: |Sell, best offer. Telephone 728-3141, $85. MONTHLY. Four-room ~ apartment |" 12 Annes after 5S, pert? five minutes from, downtown. Telephone |1959 BUICK, automatic, $300 or best with bath, heat, hydro, water supplied. |MODERN bachelor csegh antl consist-| 723-7257. Also five-room apartment, $90. monthly.|ing of large, comfortably furnished room,| HoysSEKEEPING ROOM for clean| 1965 PONTIAC ~ sport, n : és + custom ort, rt- \T 723-7088 days, 728-7288 nights.|kitchenette, | separate bath, private en-\centieman with steady employment. |ible. Mauve, with plum Soir interior, monthly. Telephone 725-8215. offer, Telephone 728-8690 after 3 p.m. head, high profits for this excellent in- vestment. Only $3500 plus stock. Good location, living quarters adjoining. Call now. 728-5103. W. O. Martin Realtor. 25--Houses for Rent CENTENNIAL ACRES 1304 Cedar St., Oshawa FOR RENT and three bedroom homes $120 -- $135 Broadioom in living room French Provincial Kitchens Indoor Parking Free Hydro Fabric Draperies Balconies Broadioom Corridors Walking Distance of Oshawa Shopping Centre Children's Playground Close to Public and Separate Schools Elevator Two FAMILY or ADULT FLOORS FURNISHER or UNFURNISHED RENTAL INFORMATION 723-5111 380-385 GIBB STREET Fully landscaped Call 723-7711 or 725-9991 from 9a.m.'- p.m THREE - BEDROOM brick bungalow, large kitchen, dining recom, attached! Garage, paved drive. Applehill area, | close to schools, $140 monthly. 728-0273. | OLDER TYPE FARM house, eight! miles Oshawa city limits, pressure sys- tem and paved road, $70 monthly Write} Box 63226, Oshawa Times | THREE-BEDROOM house for rent near| south General Motors. immediate pos session. $130 monthly. Telephone 723- NOW RENTING | More and more of Oshawa's nicest people are enjoying reasonable rents at the A R M 3 bedroom Recreation Ayal fam -1 NEWLY DECORATED, two bungalow on Apple H room, gerage. Near bus, schools able May. 723-8690 betweer om, DEAN AVENUE -- 'tourroer rouse Jarge lot, close to schon arvt but, avai able May 1, $75. month Telephone 725-6197, NEW, "Park enie EW, three-bedroom bungelow Road and King Street ares, eve April 18. Telephone 728-847 SIX ROOMS, oil furnace schools. $125 monthly Naughton Avenue TWO - BEDROOM brick home, ol) heat Burk Street. $100 monthly. Telephone 725- Cine te Apply 212 Me. $135 MONTHLY, two - family dwelling, seven-room house. Responsible couple one child welcome. Apply 295 Wolfe Street WANTED: Owner would like to share! three-bedroom bungalow, couple with no|/ children, or one child welcome. Partly! furnished. 1284 Valley Drive, phone 728- 7777. YAZMZSADYVU>Y PHONE 728-9724 FOR Sy Sepaneee RESULTS TIMES ACTION CLASSIFIED ADS { | | REGENT ARMS GRENFELL STREET One and Two bedroom apart ments. Free hydro, water, heat and parking $109. monthly Starting at Adults only 723-3492 between 6 and 9:30 p.m. APARTMENTS 1 and 2 Bedroom Suites Available For comfort and convenience see these all electric apart- ments. Located. near schools and shopping, with direct bus route into town. Extra large balconies and closet space, To view anytime cal!- 728-5282 or 728-1717 Don't Wait Investigate, the new MONA LISA APARTMENTS 191.Nonquon Road where your rental dollar goes further, Featuring, swimming pool, sauna room and gym, playground, 5 acres of park- land, spacious suites with col- ored stoves and fridges, ample parking, individual mail deliv- ery, PLUS mony other extras. Mode! suite open daily 1 P.M, till 8 PLM, MONA LISA APARTMENTS __ Phone 723-6022 ONE and TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS |728:3570 Also FURNISHED SUITE New building on Gibb St Telephone 576-0360 723-6944 or 723-6455 | THOUSANDS read Times 'Adis "Ga 'fled eds daily, |SIMCOE AT ARLINGTON -- Complete-|sio ceontnin os sped. et east 84: \Good district near hospital, bus stop. black top. New fires, 38,000. miles, ex: ly furnished, two bedrooms, living room, | _ eat RAR Rea . {Nicely furnished. Refrigerator, hot plate,|cellent condition. $2,250. 723-8667. hospital, FOUR - ROOM apartment, refrigerator |$10 weekly, 723-0258. 1953 CADILLAC, two-door hardtop. $75.00 |kitchen, private bath. Near = x | |schools, bus, Parking, Adults, Telephone bed stove. $86 monthly. Telephone 725-|EURNISHED ROOM in private home.lor best offer. Telephone 668-8997" TE, oc ha eee ___|Hot plate available. Close to bus stop. ering | |SPACIOUS two - bedroom apariment in|COUNTRY LIVING? Clean, moderns spa-|Telephone 723-9058 | Pes AR BO Tee aeoe 80 $50.00. No front half of double house. Garage, Clous, self - contained one-bedroom apart- TWO FURNISHED bedr 3, all con-| . Perch del bs et | paved drive, near schools, shopping.| ment. You may have a garden if you so veniences, light housekeeping parking \'53 CHEVROLET, two-door sedan, stan- Share bath. Heated. $100 monthly, 728-\desired. Four miles from city limits. 723- immediate possession Apply 'on Jarvis | dard transmission. Dependable transpor- pada! raat | Sa after 6 p.m. or anytime weekends. | street or telephone 725-8384. $et/00: oer TERM THREE - ROOM apartment, abstainers.|ONE BEOROOM in clean, modern build-| cenTRAL WHITBY. Shared housekeep.|'%66, PONTIAC Laurentian, four-door, Adults. Heat and water si lied. 68 Mec-'ing. Drapes, balcony, living room, din-|; is i eight cylinder, automatic. Radio, power woes i ing room | for. young gentleman oF /cteering, whitewalls, discs, tinted wind- Millan Drive, side door, before 7 p.m. [ette, refrigerator and Available) i ve q -- Jimmediately or "May 1. Oshawa) loom and board. Parking, TV. Call 668: shield, "one owner, 13,000 miles, 728-6125 : after 6 p.m. |preferreds complete, 's6st' mer month acy | shopeing pen id eee 24 COLBORNE STREET WEST -- 7 de Sil EEA ae ne ea ply Superintendent Marina Apartments,|THREE - ROOM unfurnished apartment. |74, COLB bedrooms, kitchen privileges | 66 CHEVROLET impala, four - door |281 Simcoe South. Central location, quiet home. Sult couple.!i¢ required. Young business men prefer- bal Aas Abed gtbeldLAoe eggs ne -- ~ ---- "4 . radio, in windshield, white walls, SUBLET, "one bedroom | apartment i aL cea aaa Farnese resem Tz. 6,000 miles. 725-1492. modern building. Electrically heated with apartment, a rnish- | > furnished , kitchen and -- ---- a |refrigerator, stove and balcony. Tele-/ed. Suitable for working couple without! tYoocn orunta markion Suitatig. "ind 1955 CHEVROLET, licenced, sell or phone 728-6608. children. Apply 202 Albert Street. Jone or two persons. Apply 320 Frontenac|t"ade? Telephone 723-0418 after 6 p.m. |1958 OLDSMOBILE, radio, automatic. In ~|fair condition. Cheap. Telephone 725- |BACHELOR APARTMENT, main fioor,|NEAR GENERAL MOTORS main office AV | 1936. stove, Near |dry and parking facilities, call after|available with private entrance. Apply 4:30, 725-6169. |101 Ritson Road North, aw | THREE large bedroom apartment, up-|$!18 WEEKLY for three - room, partly} matic, radio, white walls, good condition, stairs, unfurnished, modern, new duplex, furnished basement apartment with three SINGLE ROOMS $600 or reasonable offer. Telephone 725. close to Oshawa Shopping Centre, 574 piece bath cee heat, private drive, O D 7802. Cartier Avenue. entrance. Stove, refrigerator. Adults AR 1966 CHEVROLET Caprice, two-door | jonly, 728-8385 after 3 p.m. | and B : , | |COMPLETELY furnished apartment. | j hardtop, power equipped. Telephone 728- | Centrai 6466, entrance, newly painted. Available now.| Apply: P. i Three - room apartment, pply: | 1961 IMPALA, black, white trim, 8 cylin- main floor, private entrance and bath, ee et ee, CURR: POET BAO 2 Ban 25 Divisi S jder, automatic, power brakes, steering. eat and hydro included, $80. A - } only. Telephone 728-8066, AVAILABLE NOW. Large kitchen, _pri- ivision St eS ory a - --~ivate bath and entrance. Bed-sitting sani anp BOARD Tor centiomer ger e aay Ta ONE-BEDROOM basement rT in ROOM AND BOARD for gentlem 'dtop, Private. 327 en- apartment buildin: pL aga tH room. Stove, refrigerator. Free heat. $80 ing tq share, single beds, lunches packed, gine, speed, bucket seats. Power 15. $77.50 monthly, 941. Simeone |MOnInlY:._728-8839_Belore 9. p.m. laundry done. Telephone' 728-7978 disc' brakes, radio, Cash, trade, terms ONE - BEDROOM luxury apartment, all ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman, 728-4046. | ONE-BEDROOM furnished apartment, pri |vate bath, TV. aerial. Immediate pos. (09: , Lady preferred. Apply 91 Ritson' Garrard Road by K-Mart, |mission. Telephone 576.0425 after 5.30 session, 212 Athol Street' East. Tele- | __ ¢ er a LIMITED number of vacancies In YWCA/PM |ohone after 4 pm, 725-2442 TU OOOM, nay Pd ieahacell ee fe residence. For Information call the Resi. PRIVATE SALE. Clean and In good con- | VISTA € aa ' . ' se i - ae f Pi ier, LAKE VISTA -- Wanted, working monthly. Simcoe - Bloor area. 576-1314. jae ice visor 725. 1322. SA TRO) WE ood 56 Lincoln four-door remier, mother with one or two children to ceils te ARB rate TORE ak eth Ht OOM 1D BOARD for genti {everything power inciuding seats, win share furnished apartment. Day care THREE-ROOM apartment, good 1068 | ood home cooking, lunches packed, 148 dows, steering, brakes, $350 cash or con- given. Telephone 723-4569. |tion, available now. Telephone 725-8755, Ritson South. ai eda or small car as trade plus seer ethane = a cash, is . ment, stove, refrigerator, laundry "facil. TWO - BEDROOM es |ROOM AND BOARD for young working i943 VALIANT coach, big six, standard. ties. Centrally located. Couple only, |able now. Apply 91 Celina Street, Apt. 3. " Telephone 723-2715 % Y lite S GEREBER ooo cae tae ee ee eee $925, Telephone 728-9552. } a | "refrigerator, drapes, nov damage ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman, five-|19¢4 BEAUMONT, two-door hardiop, high |APARTMENT FOR RENT. Partly fur-|stove, refrigerator, drapes, no damage or seven-day week. Good meals. Park , dtop, jnished. Total abstainers only. $70 month-|deposif. Available immediately. Tele- ing Clase. 46 Bus: Kien large furnished | Performance, 283, 4-speed, radio, mags, [iy snehioee lights and heat. Cali 668-3216 phone 723-8844 or apply 170 Park Road housekeeping. rcom available. 728-4845. lly rise hood, oversize tires. Barry 942- after 5:30, |South. stat il | 3355. : : WHITBY -- One - bedroom apartment/TWO-BEDROOM -- modern aperiment,| ROOM AND BOARD for lady. near HOS-'44 CHEVROLET Impala, convertible, with countertop stoveand oven, refrig- stove, refrigerator, drapes, no damage) 3 : na |327, V-8 automatic. Power brakes, steer- McMullan and Co. Realtor, 668-6201. immediately. 723-8844. Apply 170 Park|room, Paver Lay eal use ine reeren crews Union, 322 King West. _ ee "are Road South. ition room and television, parking facili- a oa $795, TWO-BEDROOM apartment, $110 month. | 1964 MORRIS 1100, A-1 condition, $795, \v, free washer, dryer, stove, retrigera-|TWO - BEDROOM apsriment, $90 ties, Five or seven days. Telephone 723 iyi; price. Telephone 668-4074. : tor. South west corner, Gibb-Montrave.|monthly includes heat and hydro, pri Eee 11967 MA ~S§S 350, 4speed trans. Telephone -723-8322 vate bath and entrance. 1247 Dundas vine Waa oval 'irae 'alow with |TWO BEDROOM spacious duplex apart. Street East, Whitby. 728-7680 or 668-6229 black vinyl top, black Inferior, bucket ment. Private entrance, lovely kitchen; MAIN FLOOR -- one-bedroom | apart- SELL ! seats. Can be seen at. Centre BP Service with storage, laundry room, 4-piece bath. ment. Refrigerator, stove, laundry facil- . SELL ! SELL ! | 725-8470. | kitchen, living, bedroom and bathroom, stove. Private. Available now. Apply 206 |1964 OLDSMOBILE 98, four - door hard: | peult SAUnS er penviemieg, close Shopping Henry Street, Whitby, after 5.30. | TI is th J b }tope one owner, low mileage, full power | {SSSR acific Avenue, side docr. | WHITBY. Two-bedroom apartment. with | nats the Jo A "i for Times Want Ads Telephone 723-654) NO - ROOM apartment in five-| TWO-BEDROOM apartment, 204 Dunlop jplex, $115 monthly. Available June 1.|East, Whitby. One child accepted. Tele-| 723-3492 Aduits only, Telephone 728-2258, phone 668-4849, javailable immediately, frig, stove, laun.|and north plant. Bachelor apartment ---- oe 28--Room and Board ne nae 1960 PONTIAC Laurentian, _ six, o- Adults only. Telephone 728-8402, THREE ROOMS and new bath. Private COURTICE, In excellent running order, and condition, 742, Ma North, 728-3506. ' Be i conveniences, modern apartment bulld- nome cooked meals, TV, parking. 43/1962 FORD Galaxie V-8, standard trans-| THREE-ROOM, self-contained Raed en iaoal inset sil artment, avail. girl, seven day week. $18 weekly. Cen Ragio, good tires. Excellent condition. erator, four - piece bath, $95 month. J. B. deposit. One child welcome. Available|GENTLEMAN BOARDER, private bath-|ing, radio. Best offer. Auto Workers | Station, 408 King West. Ample cupboards and closets, balcony ities. One small baby welcome. Tele. 1964 CUSTOM SPORT, two door hard- over garage. Adults. Available June Ist. phone 728-9198. ! 'nd a fa Jequipment including --air-canditioning SPECIAL BACHELOR apartment in/own basement. Unfurnished, heated, hy. f This car ts in show room __ condition. Japartment: building, bed - sitting room,{dro. water. Must have own appliances. | 9° eerie top, 327, four speeds, reverberator. Sold | | WHITBY, upstairs, three-room heated.) |to highest offer placed before April sth. PRIVATE, Furnished or unfurnished, furnished apartment. Refrigerator and! Original price new $8,004, Will sacrifice re kitchen, bathroom. Private. Parking. $85) Vacant now. $105 menthly. 668-2900 even- best offer monthly. Telephone 728-9672 ings '366 Park Road N. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of ALEX VAJDA, Gentleman, De- ceased, All persons having cloims against the estate of ALEX VAJDA, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of On- tario, Gentleman, deceased, who died on or about the 18th day of January, 1967, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 28th day of April, 1967, full particulars of their claims, Immediately after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distri- buted having regard only to claims of which she' shall then have notice. DATED at Oshawa this 5th day of April, 1967. GEZALA VAJDA Administratrix By her solicitors MANNING F. SWARTZ & RONALD L. SWARTZ 262 Kina Street East, QOshawo, Ontario. "SEALED TENDERS ore presently being called for the. construction of a six- classroom school with Gener- al Purpose Room addition to the existing St. Christopher's School located on Annapolis Ave., Oshawa. Tenders will be accepted not later than April 20, 1967 ot 4:30 p.m. at the office of the Architect, William Saccoccio, 215 Mor- rish Road, West Hill, Ontario. Lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. Plans and specifications. are ovailable on deposit of $50 at the of- fice of the Architect. The Owner is the Board of R.C. Separate School Trus- 38--Coming Events _ tees, Oshawa." |30--Automobiles For Sale |36--Legal 1959 CHEVROLET, green, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of WALTER STANLEY GARDNER, Gentleman, deceased. All persons having. claims against the estate of WALT- ER STANLEY | GARDNER, Gentleman, deceased, who died on or abcut the Ist day of February, 1967, are here- by notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 28th day.of April, 1967, full particulars of their claims, Immediately after the said date the assets of the soid de- ceased will be distributed hav- ing regard only to claims of which they sholl then have notice. DATED at Oshawa this 4th day of April, 1967. EMILY MAY GARDNER and GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY of CANADA Executors By their Solicitors MANNING F. SWARTZ & RONALD L. SWARTZ, Barristers & Solicitors 2614 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario IN THE MATTER OF THE BANKRUPTCY OF EUGENE LINDSAY BETHUNE OF THE TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE IN THE TOWNSHIP OF DAR- LINGTON IN THE PRO- VINCE OF ONTARIO, CARRYING ON BUSINESS AS GENE BETHUNE BUILD- ING CONTRACTOR, IN THE TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE, IN THE PROVINCE OF ON- TARIO, ' Notice is hereby given' that Eugene Lindsay, Bethune of the Town of Bowmanville in the Province of Ontario, Made an Assignment on the 23rd day of March, 1967, ond that the first meeting of creditors will be held on the 10th doy of April, 1967, at the hour of 1:30 o'clock in the afternoon, at the office of the Trustees, 52% Sim- coe Street North, in the City of Oshawa in the Province of Ontario. DATED AT OSHAWA Sth day of April, 1967. Bernard L. Yale, C.A. Trustee "SEALED TENDERS are presently being called for the construction of a new nine-classroom school to be called John XXIII School lo- cated on the east side of Ath- abasca St., Oshawa. Tenders will be accepted not tater than April 20, 1967 at 4:30 p.m. at the office of the Architect, William Saccoccio, 215 Morrish Road, West Hill, Ontario. Lowest or any ten- der not necessarily accepted. Plans and specifications are available on deposit of $50 at the office of the Architect. The Owner is the Board of R.C. Separate. School . Trus- tees, Oshawg," this 37--Auction Sale __ AUCTION SALE property of Mr. J. Tippett, 1173 Clover- dale St., Oshawa, turn right off Ritson Rd. S. on South- lawn Ave. to Cloverdale St. Saturday, April 8 at 12:30 p.m. Chesterfield suite, rug, writing desk, Moffatt elect- ric stove, refrigerator, radio, floor polisher, vacuum clean- er, Viking Dryer (like new), power lawn mower (14% yr, old), bedroom suite, wardrobe, sewing. machine, electric hedge clippers, corner cup- board, dressers, drapes, gard- en tools, many other articles, too numerous to mention, Terms cash. No reserve. Myies King Auctioneer, 725-3039, Oshawa MONSTER © BINGO SAT., APR. 8th AT 8 P.M. ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM SIMCOE ST. NORTH ADMISSION 50 CENTS Includes Tickets on 10 Hams to be drawn March 25th All Prizes Doubled on Admission Ticket BINGO Over $500 in Prizes Children Under 16 Not Admitted ORANGE TEMPLE SATURDAY, APRIL 8th 7:30 P.M, 20 GAMES -- $8 Share The Wealth 4--$40 Jackpots To Go 1--$150 Jackpot To Go Children under 16 not admitted vill not EY, 23 SWEENE 8 Drew St., Terms can be errenged. jbe responsible for any debts contracted -- in my name |1953 BUICK, new valve job, completely |date April 7, 1967 without my written con- Classifieds Continued on Page 14 re-upholstered, A-1 condition, $100. Apply/ sent | Signed, A. Sweeney by anyone on or after this PAs aaa = ~ EQ | , ='