18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Apri 7, 1967 "To Buy, Sell, R , Rent or Hire...Read and Use Times Action W ant Ads' - 3 . e p. y y y 7 RV { f D SCOTT'S SCRAP B 8--Articles f Sure. K B on 8--Articl ihintfan. y R. J. SCOTT cles for Sale Acco HARLEY: BUY 10--Fir -- Buildi T bib lea Netie and ee oe. good used Sorntain DEAt yA wick Column B80 im IM DIAK F ine loc @|DEAD AN, Comat buckoeping service. Ty Sin -- Mortgages pee format dese oh Yr eo arene coe Street Ni ice. 178 Sim- ' DISCARD Ht S revi rone. Telephi . Mergwill Fur Fer wit orth 7280397. Res. 723-7605, j Septic Servi AROUSERS d weather severable winter aa aiken ae ye ore Cnienen 263. LiAl iO if A 9 67. MC. HALI in ice SIX red; 1 en; spriny dia Md th eal See ctr Mi Kae treet Bast: an crib SeRAR eis POORER? SERVICE BAYS fora have eitueainer ee s gaa tt arp GOOD, DIRY MIXED hay, 30c. oe oe King Street East Eavestroughin RTGAGE _ |sratt -, Prameh serv. tia 7s FOR FASTER SERVICE (oon: shansiter Coal, Sieea $16 3 est, ' i ~---- - me HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO. Charter Caulki i) Wnty carts eet) WHEEL ALIGN MOVING TO CALIFORNIA. Man! 11--Pets and L tng, 167 King yea East Trade Bull ng and Painting Surveyors % pee MENT SPECIAL. |ieci' condition' et IFORNIA. Must sel Alec ivestock , 725-3509; §. T. Hopkir we, Oo- S HE +, Dodge, Ford iat Taleoene feeteon ee ARDING st CA; E. Luk jopkins, CA) H. B. by DONEVAN sh mouth, Ponti , Ply- Janr boca lalla le ending or box stall able in Oronoy YALE, FR ee A. FO. Moneys avail DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, On. pw ae ere sas) ne ld 4 ad oe ee hae id Tt tered or ANDER aN COL Chee Wht & Sons and aecond ailable for first |Prints, 1 Onterle bir Commercial i a NORTH AMERICA 'enee alignment, inspect and chanae chesterfield, $10; putter ition bos CLIPMING. baie Benirapey, si simeoe svat" North Whitby 668-5906, 668-8901 | mortgages mortgages. Open iting aurvayar YROLLSPE: Os Fondcan Guevt f0 2 correct castor 'and comber, | arpa ri, rer, hi, a prices "Cai, ona Spare rit 8, 728-73) h, 5: ' nus. Fi and Si e ° -in ani , ae 4 compa cone _ aeat i ak Gane mortgages, secon 4 oo Land Surveyors, 111 Elgin LITA) eee en | correct sanen toe-out te FRIGIDAIRE $3 STOVE, large size, In good ALL TYPES OF Ho! re. 728- Accountant, Sulte 20: ied General Free ; J ' ments for sale C @ Part: . + + 7,95, Iphone condition. Reason in good|down. Teleph RSES for sal oe ping Centre, Bute, ZW, Onhawe vole estimates, chased. pure |tVasRedio Re i Pp rts extra if required 668-3795, able. Tele-lco jone 942-1101. je, $28 2 epairs : 2 @ Torsi ; mu: Aa ZY-) WANCH, Reg'd. G JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered accoun- orsion bar adjust: ST SELL! Kitchen ___| herds, pups. Shov Reg'd. German St Had Licensed Ba ay ber ge Chimney _ flashin M. F. SWARTZ J extra, an dha a0 Teppen stove, ts inteas| ter 'horse, Pony "Plata. In foal to ba ast Yelephone ts. See troughing piksel ag Rabel 26% Kino St Fost ' pie coe, oe! Weedete Ate leoicnanis: Sota' Aen eos Fo YAL " , Cc a dhe . r 5/BI rn, 65! XALE, FRIEDLANDER AND CO.. Char Gnd sanaing. Wark -puaronte: shawa, Ontario B CHESTERFIEL eee PEAUTIFUL BABY BUDS =e Bankruptcy. es Pesesigay oO Ch] ed. Free estimate: A ragiatlags 723-46 RAKE SPECIAL chrome sel, $22; tr TE, $39; kitchen pete fal REL ta ee gt ee aa Street North,| small. s. No job too | ---- -4697 Ou popular cars, Fi Sie tables an aa SINT hae bite PROFESSION wee Sas GeAGLe AN a SERVICE ality Royaline. 4 - iat ome cen ante Sask $22: Clipping, ial Bo --~SeRvicEs x me Accountant ine Stee) ee EASTER MONIES AVAILABLE FOR isk ght fe $14 88 wheels, [ol space heater, $25, rei saath St ly. re olkup and ae out spe tario, 725-3509. ribs East, Oshawa, On- -4797 M DENS YIY OF A : el hay We Shi hea fae $33; (wed. Geernan at Douarman Fi board. Beadie, CA; E. + meee Mew e E IALL TYPES building and ret ORTGA or A PECULIAR HARD Plus $2.00 if: Oe ae Rohe ee tae inschers U CA. ES buildin ---------- BLAC Pw PATTERN ¢ / per wheel MAGNUS | at Kennel, Esa for sale. ing, roof 9 and repai K and W p WORN BY WOM (lab $25.; ELECTRIC - | BUD iSite se Blueprinti ing, Free estimat rs, fram- HITE oF 4 EX jor cost) davenport organ, like ne GIES FOR SAL ae = ing ROOFING, chimney, lei Nb LOAN 4 E INTERIOR, 1000% i Gareerart 915), pyanie Milbrosding Coote iOeresin tony = G, chimn a F OF THE TURK) 000% 4ycaf o e 2212. x 12° rug, cleaned, eater, | 4144 ges for sale. Telephone Aisa BELL DRAFT SE Gc eck. aussie OR REPUBL si AME ARIK ADRESSE ) $35. Sela one 725 Uke Sime Si North, ary pat Fe Mccann, RR 3, Oshaw we Hak and 2nd. mort THE BEST CALL © Wt Fare Syatane i' Nara) halal aeaads gue bid er BALANCE SPECIAL Mittra Kena as "slat springs, fe Ce, en eae fe 'and photostatic coples. ATLANTIC PAV! " ea pen. Ni rigages. Yon I, Wel he mem 43 uding weight both » head and foo! 9s, feltlyear old. with 1 ING a . No bonus, Moi each ights per wheel |tween 10. best offei Prag mst Mecalbsanc di de children, one Bui your driveway pave nd concrete. Get and a rtgages 'ac! ' tween 10.00 r. Call 728-6812 FOR isd oe sere fA Wor" auton oii] Purchased 7 4--Motorbikes eos wes A aT aie co, AO, moe Yh Lis ER cao . : ae 5A. 's f FLERS, ox trailer, » like new, $100. saddle. Telephot lish and weste ' R pret ai ° Ls : 2A- Camping FRONT-END WORK Street. new, $125. Apply 253 Gibb| REGISTER ne 725-8977. rn guaranteed work. Murray ollie ruce V. Macke TELEVISION N MAHA os COMPARABLE hy McCLARY - EASY Western Re black -- thoroughbred <i ay, 725- ;: i __ New model good ; automatic Regist and well To ALTERATIONS | (bo te aun 36% King St. E rad a FOR 350 +250 s-- 180% Hera! VISIT UNIROYAL gost endian Tuga oan ee Mg mannered. ie » large and prave < a AN al CL AC. PH -- with brakes . le herse trail- DDITI Roofing and. Ci small jobs. L. ER. SHA le on all used bik PHILLIP'S REF Be eu Telephone 728-0 ail NS lyou construction. and H ' RPER 0; ikes. ja. cad hieeenran ee eee - 80735 Yo _725-6937. TV pen E ellent condi for sale, ITER--fiv es Homes crime ge ete, Sete] -- YOUR OWN ONTARIO CYCLE CENTRES ieee ae by shameless, ene, peg -OFFICES-FACTOR ings install repaired % ----~ OW bg 'FM STERE! = booste ad all needles fer- 1ES ed, roofs repaired, gas lin- ee N 140 King S he New N player, EO component, _recorc booster._Mowing force les_including Ree DRIVE fepaired. 723-2997. N 9 St. W. ED ame of layer, tape recorder, ent, record | BA' |_forces sale. 723-761 Rome. end, Kitchens four, EWAY GRAVEL, good quality | NEED MONEY ? ee DOMINION TIRE STORES "elec, enti i dcroanie radio, re-|inehe tained Pal, een hands a y ard. 725-0697 ivered at $2. per HIGH A , 65 cc, 5,000 1 17 P. tric drill ic kit, paint s , valvejlent horse f nglish, gentle, e : : Wh ; ? Apply 199 Huron Sti See the fi lark Rd. S. Te Oct Maavinion wate prayer, elec-|home lor beginner or lady excel- James Allen & Sons |Garpentry data wih oa ee re mile YAMAHA 308. Tk camping eee Phone 725-6511 GEAOI co pei se On Ane automa: 728: RE Also English sedate 725-6126 REMODE payerient wilh: low monthly Miles, $460 or best Hike new, $000 Neier Tartien. tere) UPRIGHT PEPSI" can dispenser. one 'oy : ee ALL TYPES BUILD Tteatanc team sta Gere Pree ant mortgage Hal Ta low cost 15 HONDA, good" Telephone) = --Built In 3" foal FOR SALE -- USED dg May be. teen ot willl Articles Wanted B roofing, chimney: ING REPAIRS -- mates. Telephone aoe Free esti-| For 2 Telephon » good condition, new plates. --Wall to midline oad, hipaa Highway 2 at Dearborn|@0OD USEIO FURNITURE ( places, a er a QuaLity complete det Pg csyhircla ole i ted BO wall floor coverin TV. SETS Hise 2g Snarborn ete Highest prices, 'all 'any ord May, Whitby 666.|PAirs. Se carpentry and DOUG TER ails call 1966 | YAMAH, p.m. 3' open -- S 9 ainsoN aTRRNO Ro item saree, Call enya 2 rvini general WILLE 27 A, 100 twi ae leeps u v dee N Frckwo _-- ee urniture, 668- ytime. Mac TERRA PAVING. Free esti Fra: Honest, depandsble: service, 7 many BRANCH REALTY 728-5143 ie un ste 5tiaee Ta : fond an rong Tent ~ on Pei: dhicw = am aia crescent guitar, #950,| VACUUM CLEANER oa) sornbh fu i es grading and fill imate, in- . 25-8576, TN = N 500 twi rt windows--B TEL V_CONSO! -- ion, good cond! portable 4 u! antes, , two-yea "ID VE condition. Ni in, in good a --Bug Fla EVI ba: LE, overhi 070. dition, Tel ie Ein ptlgiters = bonnes 7 Rona EaREFOOT" SD 31 King Sh A IAMTED |----Somet Bend and Divisio Sun Ny Ba sth Sade"BO] out ete Quality Through- ee ee ie seein epnane| ILL PAY ta ts . OT, OR Osha n 1966 Hi . Ae -- ( ia a eS oe ise s . JOHN wa a ONDA 9 -- 35 Di FILING SUSU REEE IES shinplast 2S cent oii eiravey 172 King see Eest," oa Hi _723-1157_Res. 725-6210 SUZUKI, 30 Saas -- OO ge gh Rie FBGK COV St. and NG "CABINETS, weed, $29. we. Cash (hinplasters). "Telephone afters pme me LASS! RATES 5171, lome Ow: LI aed el, only 150 eautiful Lecki VERI lon, Raglan. A\ Fath cath TRADE 1921 or 1922 Uni : we WORD ADS Dr 5 ner Phone This N ov. 723-9398. a7) Woltand' Aven| _Ladykirk--Si eckie NG Te Act now, save $ $ $ HO [or amiale die cers United "States "alle | Cash -- 1 inserti essmaking 2 lumber iva SUZUKI "| befor "Save by ordering BARGAINS TRL Ry IBN 31 INCH, fair condom |" jollars for Canadia States sil- pe a ion of 3 24 wo -562 " 'UK! motor ECLA eel re April 15. elephone 725- |) fair cond pply 200 Borid in before 19 For payee telat By aan cote arenes" Bond << Baperliy fied sun For an open , at Buk OSHAWA" ood, condition, ain Seigstene' Float ig Car-top Lina N Clearance of discontin Gees Fike oot os ttl BROWNIE oe arene firme ye Sete 446, Se larrenarios Geutioiy lta sie] 2nd morta 4 AT OUR OWN PLANT. |5 Tra pg hd New | pattems "thousonds of yorat [Se ® on a gr le Mr: ions secu ae 5 23; nd m 'e giv 'i e la yy ic f . lest. 725- el in g . tig loeerttonw of 28 woes, 8176; aod ALTERATIONS on" ee | nny Rertaene doen 1) Gee you & better fewer Trailers size Oo mint me of various | WI ' TRACTOR, Case 3108 TENT TRAILER 0 se 4 : ies ores ; ee 5 Ghorge----10 ber cant lal id jonally. Telephone 728- CALL "ANY TIAL cae wai rit railers in this LSON'S FURNITURE flaws LI Rene eet hae ae itton. Telephone 728- i within 8 days. je SSMAKING, | _includin Hae ILERS NTAL BOO! LAS FENDERS after 6. |13--A a ---- on Method of Count by experienced. sults, coats, et Fi luding weekends. Il Sizes . KINGS NOW -- and up. New S frem $29.95 13--Articles f for R ing -- ced woma: done|FIRST "AND " ate $349 BEING a built st and used aut 95 _ ent ae Warde GOUNIE ae OF Less than 24/2702: Reasonable rat in, East one | agreement SECOND mortoates, sale Book up 4 TAKEN oc SEMIN aire ate Bee 0 parts. Re- initiol, figure er abbi rds; each word ates, 725-8731. and Hen $s purchased and 4 sale Ve now for rentals, $ Kam x CHILDREN' on St. 725-2162. rators, 1175 Nel- ---- one word; reviation A nick, Barrist Sold. Hennick weekly u » $35 pin j N'S GOL sel ada kala ell pilin edd dla Gardening and Supplies FIRST" AND i ata a) ie Stree SUPPLY. LTD. Eauiorient Also Camping tae PORTRAITS sor EQUIPMENT -- New and used.| © RENTALS B . if er SOCAL, TODEATHS ° able, W. Se SECOND, mortgages avail- Fic et RD. E Open Weakéads 1 mile oe off Pet fee Ds J's dally. | Thunderbird mt values. Open F ALL KINDS ST CES | . jorth, Whit , 14 Brock ust East of Ritsor RU ' 28-9 ae. io Mounts Use Treertion with | arden . ¥, 668-3338. of Ritson) SSELL'S TEXA -9942 USED and dami REDUCING tonal "cara it fal 28 cents addl- pp 1e Nu 723-81 1600 Ki CO - ile, Reenter S$ EQUIPMEN t paid rse' one 31 Ki : | able prices, mater-| massagi ae "IN, MEMORIA' paid within 8 days.| C.1.L. 10-6-4 S ty. Sehewis wtuhindb ae Pi ge ye Hemme hot Snike aa : ee i ices, J. Foley Plumb: massaging belts, rowing mac ----____--___ - ing t . , bikes $2.30 for the 'i 13 ended Golfgreen 12-6-6 TODDLERS PARADISE 24 HOUR SERVICE RAMBLER Sea, bok aw ee afgrervations 23-3588 | phone a ike new. Tele: ig > lho tlt ged all Verse; 28e,edsitional ne of| Evergreen 6 FROB| TRA ed » Phone avold | dis. SiR p aPultie COnTE ae LUMBER'S. T( eo a charge if not paid| So-G -9-6 EL -- MONTESSOR T V ILERS 728-9942. Kamping Uni 7 12 RING COATS (tw ABER'S TOOLS -- Pi J 1 REN SALE -- REN] whe : imit- DE | years, also "twos size to-| cleanin Pipe SARD reen 7-7-7 Day Nurse re NT EXPO A PE Excellent sweaters dresses, ; 9 rods, pipe vi Plea ie Pike Pa ee ens finial Premium si your child bag ee agg Open. Sundays 2.- 4 P.M wallets sleeps Electric 15 foot erage ee alcay iiue SPRING a Me Sis-8ai9. ead pipe wretches; net te reafter with and 7c -G ; erful method je won- B M. pane refrigerator and ity, water, pro- (double knit suits $5," eck, $10; , pipe thread charge if not pald w 25¢ additional reen High O : Regi of teach UDDY T rom Expo, $100 stove. Eight double k ORR Stee Nas Boor: toilet a: ing dies, ithin 8 da Mil j g rganic egister now. ching. RAILERS weekly. 728-8253, miles o nit suit, size 18, ; brown] Pp. juger,. " C COMING EVENT: ys. ilorgainte ne . For appoint- P CAMPER ABL erage 135. 735-8646. AINTER'S S nt call 723-07 nt. RO ORT HOPE ra for sale for 1 18, cammod na EQUIPMENT per inch (displ Sheep M pen edehestet enaarind So 34, ICS Phone 725-6064 pick-up; $495, Tele- Nn good condition, T je and high chai stepladders -- fiat 20 words splay); $2.00 for the anure Painti es ae Lot at 401 a : ele- oud elephone 725-5498. Cl armel .« ladder jack 13 first 20, words end. Ge each thereafter Bonemeal inting and Decorating _ ccna at ADM end ey 6Men _ 7 HONDA RORTABLS : eel scaffolding Lala -- arine Equi 23-5278 att, AC DC. Generators, spr , compressor EXPERT 'ating PHONE qui Ica Ideal. for 300 'ay guns s, AUCTION SALE Cow Mani PAINTING Sh | pment mping trailers, cottage, boat: , wallpaper st _ $2.38 s ure Shee A eae comes: asta CITY TV BS | Shop, Osha' Only $229. 3,| ers, tarpaulin: aheielde Z PER INCH PER INSERTION. ag 4-12-10 Cana rice We tents guaranteed, bee 668-5679 R oe UNITED service aed ae radios, jourrir YOUR Comes Sem pronase ori pag torches, ° irs. H d rf Bo -- seperate ' . DEADLINES WL, 5-10-15 Pigibine ond : TV 'ees ambler RENT-ALL ahd MA te double tension bass "drum Ludwig 20° | ILDER'S EQUIPMENT S WORD ARs C.1.L. 10-10-10 a drone ind Heating | .V. Rentals Biss Alka 198% esles ond Sales, Service and "yal pie eV. touer en wenk, sam & Flat sovsacno palinat karhons cement mixers, fn se : . DAY PREVIOUS Pe = OF REP -- ais. Cc 'orts lack wers, color and |6557 t sousaphone, A. ne| trowels, wh : ishing or | at M ting. new AIRS and New Set : hrysler oF and white T.V. 557, extension 55 » Lang, 725- jae! barrow: Lost AND Oss he and used mi remodel- s R ; utboards, Ch nes, fF i V. Anten- |SORE FEET? : eos ie tric vibrato s, elece Sam. DAY OF PU Remucarion Lawn Seed pal sian fon ce ALCAN icha rdson's B-A Beats, | Sombardier | oom Me cscaal glee wey Arch ScREET? See fhe world's floes lek hone tea ee. T iphlag AND DEATH! Garden Tools Be Telephone y AND. HEATING -sup- FURNITURE and 4 lounton and Simcoe 5t. ae Castro} Homelite chain 248 Quebec Aga p.m. puRNT write or pho wien Shoes, Alax water pumps, a ee it IN pepo PUBLICATION prin Seeds Engineering, 255."Simooe "Heating and APPLIANCES | DEALERS WANTED burgh Tai ae Sine |e ee iin Woe he ae ie ee new fur phe ageless Sian i ing, 255 Simcoe Stree! 52 S | > a : Home Furni month: ; rator, Me u di CARD OF THANKS niversal Spri R th. imcoe So for urnishings, 42. y. Barons') | , Tamset pow KS | Sprayers ug - Upho uth W. 728-556 APRI B 1 424 Simcoe. S ers, elect er role 5 p.m, DAY PREVIOUS Weed Killers pholstery Service 723-0011 | pers Tent Trailers nedoe, King E. or Wil TV L TOWER SALE Roos OR SELLING furniture or ap auld 'aw, Assia nee som breathy DISPLAY Bug Killers OSHAWA T Waite: les ord Rentals Specializing ip Fil oh Towers TV Sets T WILL take bes 263-2294, res 265, |. Mortar iene: ding jacks, . A cts roel glee 9 previous; 2 col-| Everythin: RUG CLEA VES quolity for your pr hile Used : ables, free, from jay household _discard- chain hoist, ortar boxes, ee pales c] 10 a.m. day previous. 9 For The Garden Professional s HOUSE aravan Sales ' Brarection urniture Taw ee tric plane, miter saw, elec LATIONS A rug and uph CALLS BOX 3 72 KNITTING MA tarpaulli - © CORRECT! ND stery cleanin _ uphol- $2.50 6 CHRIS CRA 3-9525 Fis MACHINES Gee iO blaster, ins, sand am DAN "or PUBLICATION Cooper-Smith Co -- oe saya Call' for bess ork Ambersiview, Ont MeVey and SERVICE 378 King St. W., Osh yoens iy sR OCT oa oscillating ing rtisement . informati , or BE 'ay fibregl 5 $: " awa P Lisiieciisatiacs isc sand sander: publication wil cancelled before 16 CELINA ation. ED j eglas sail boa' Nea ; 1ANO -- A ORR Ae inders, acet Ss, OSHA -- 723-2312 "A A-1 USED TELEVISION RENTALS ne Peterborough poe r Shopping Centre Maan ie saw.| ina outfits, 200 Haig Men SRE 80x NUMBER RENTAL $1.00 nhac nis 725-9961 re te | Ce Tale aot Loe RUTHERFORD'S ltt 2 Toone ta wy -- ile every endea' , slivery Servic - S Traile ibe ent ard moto is roo! tion, $25. Telephon on- forw vor will be e rs, Reservot OSHA' rs. m groups, Livi tv 2 ephone 728-3506. oaverlsers a& s20n at umbers the INTERIORS by WINDOLF SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 cepted, ions now ac- WO), YACHTHAVEN > ale Oiity hase 'Sor all TOWER SP SPECIAL -- # ft, structure S T A N ' S fe) pt no. liability in gies Bicdyaes : % , $599 : , |vision, 728-5143. 390. TRIO Tele| 9h : Semaged alleged to arise thr of loss. or F ec Fast T. WILDE terms. | , $699. Easy |TY ele) SNarpenin ss : ; ; hs PE & souure sor delay in forwarding either ' e Seen DO MINION Whitby geo ey 12 SPECIAL sella ahi delivery or |$307 ah bad atjectic, $751 standard 233 hog St igh Ltd. Cape gence or pl alco whether@by negli- L AREA R @ Anti ia BERS - 668-3226 © eluminum cai RUTH Electric Multip! he cash register, Ph . W., Oshawa offic be responsible fi The Times will not ESIDENTS ques Restored TEL ACHE CAMPING tr top. ERFORD'S WE BUY, Ee __ Phone 72:3-3224 day in 20 days. jor replies uncalled for} Ced i EVISION condition, all ac trailer, excellent $159 ____ 156 Simcoe $ furniture ¢ LL AND EXCHANG! P. j lardale tree su 39 Simcoe N 728. Telephone 728- cessorles included, $500 r t. South Rahs St anne eu i i used olish Nati ' rgeons are : -5154 9am Fe 2217 after 5 p.m. $500. MARINE. ST! Sethe Post Store, 446 ve. The City ational Writ REGULAT present! 728-36 oo 'm, to 9 p.m, OOK'S TRAILER q a ORAGE RUS 1 outh, 723-1671; Simcoe Street Te OsiBIE ee a NOT sE sntine ee ee SURO JOE'S COLOR T igen eg Hf ae pi || . $55,364 'ia edges TEXACO rence UNIFORM all For Rent r FOR ERR ion work. Ai A NG : tions. Al jettes, Gi sd ours Dail " 'all 725-7903 AL TISEMENTS SU ORS IN ADVER- ny private 725-93 VY leew plese ae lenelies, Cita- Open to 9 GAS, TOWIN 4 MAP 7008 after 6B Wedd: FOR: TEES Sve ee orHerwise| tees needin © Wide Select 32 and Radio Servi Discount prices on new and. accessories, |BOAT, 13° 7" en to 9 PM. Auto P. IG, REPAIRS MAPLE "SYRUP. Take Hwy, ; ing Receptions, cen aterion oO POR MORE g attention will bs le Selection of Fabric ervice 8. 723-9534, 'and used trail.|seats, 7", Spoint hydro wi 'arts, Camping, Spi fo Con. 12," Manvers, jt Deady ule quets, Parties, e¢ s, _Ban- RESPON VERTISEMENT. NG NOT rota ape] De serviced at Workmanship Gu $s SPEC TRAVEL TRA ee seats, padded rate A hil bucket and: Coston Supell eed --_|call_Bethany_17r11. raw Heaslip,| if desired. F ic. We Cater, children, PRICE CHARGE FOR BEYOND | THE greatly reduced (five full years) rented IALIZING IN A Cereb ee See ei, catteera: Cie saline nena ite Carpeting. Cars Bough' plies BEST BUY -- ¢ tion or more informa- SERTION. IN WH tok A SINGLE IN-| "7teS By o bs years EUROPEAN and Corsa. Sales, Service, Part alcon| Outboard, and trailer. Ideal lercury 1600 Ki fought and Sold Pees a ains cna teennees call Mr. S. B ma- 1cH ERROR oc 4 requesting a fr sy Budget Term RADIOS AND Sales, '0) obuay. Sraer Bark Ac- ports. 623-2158, for all sum- King St. E. 723 Dam ttd ON Pe 'and types, headb mat-| 7446 or M jorek 723- The Oshawa T CURE estimot bed Call Now For A Fi es TAPE RECORD! gales. 1010: Dundas, $1.28 weark and OUTBOARD, 18 ae SETTEE ana ak -0851 |go, 723-3889. boards,| 728.37 r. Joe Diu classify jt rdide toed the right to e right away. THE FURNIT! ree Estimate ER REPAIRS TR Whitby. 668-| model, in good "Hh Avie NGA ee oval table for sal AT, $100, tract 18. gosz, " i een y 64 _Claremont 649-2 ié. Tele-|chain block or 136 bene benches Counselo proper' classification according to its 9 99 Si URE CENTRE 13 Bond W TRAILER | HITCHES made end install. Thee thes ee ee SEWING Paitin 5c., fi $15, popular mechanic "$10, Pois : . imcoe St. N BO ATi 576-1 Also all types ade and install.|1960 GALE 15 -6252. . MACHINE "clantancen NEw: ond » four flourescent chanic book} Table, Noe tie In the cases of 62-5662 orth in 76-1670 able _eauipm of welding don GALE 15 HP OEE SEMIN MACHINE 'clesrance, 'new motors $5, anti lights $15, elect Kd Chairs, 'Lin ion in 3 The. Times aan display advertisements oni AP ge ent for rent. 723- by gd Port-| Telephone 723-754 , excellent condition. ge White Singers, nd|foam rubber. on stove $15, dryer pile es, Cutler Q ens, Dish- EXPE pe re eat eer one tH S PROFESSION RIL TOWER GOLDEN ELACOW ax Gi wee Bond St. ina Sewing Cent Cah rae tte cree tear 5} Urn y, Glasses, Coff retge? han that le ans AL SALE oven, sleeps ) gas stov "Arkansas a oe ok ear Ol 728-339. lows $15, rubbe inum s, Punch offee pply in actuel error occu which the eng bros RUG C TV. 7 ed cg cee ing @ with|ible top, 40 Hi Traveller boat, GOLF cust 5. r boat $20,| We Bowls, Bi 183 Broc Aideaver te Tecrenlia The publishers)! EXCLUSI . LEANING owers TV Set pie oe bow, 10h: LOTR oo Frid Fn len" Wate tee oat, convert-/and bag, $4 iS -- six irons, two w aT Oh Te ee Mok ar, Men's Farmal ridal eins Soma coc eiln unt on cll adverising VE LAWN & 2 U ets |IEIE Prakes, approx. 1,500 hitch elec: fully. equipped. He Bus ce at OC , $45. Call after 6 p.m. a woous| GIN' savenanlie contest eer 'ox Furs, Mink als, White IRL fo fener correctly, Gut aeeame, 1p liability GARDEN 5S Day Service sed Furniture 2 1, Taylor Rd. Aichi Slecs Is Sauer wan ee mane 98s tanks, (DOUBLE BED, 5 723-4737. |tennae. en-mile range, plus m ie-taikle ink Stoles, Simcoe | oe D BED, ; : obile an.| SA eee any form are a inaccuracies in ERVICE Free Pick-Up and D. 15' GOLDEN FA oii ig for Ken or Don. s,;clean condition, Spring mattress, good elephone 986-5576, Bi ty RGEANT' ROOM 2 ined therein. 728-3 A elivery 723-9525 Seats slaara WERE Seatonl siove wit TARCRAFT", G bar tear, ice rolneainy eee 24-INCH ELECTRIC Bcd lesdhcase S RENTA to reli IT'S EASY TO 3 755 ngus-Gra d 378 K ia BOK Tellete Ree pfs A Evinrude motors. Ope Traveller bowte:| caet ot paiiper refrigerator for h jardiers, with oven, whi STOVE, four bur: SO! LS for te TIMES ACTION PLACE A ydon ing St. W., Osh brakes; 4 oilet, Reese hitch lights, |week. Marine St Open seven da sinavor er. 728-7616, ouse|Used one year. $6 ite, three years old, |EN n Rd. S. 725-3 ARs ANT AD In this fiel 728-6254 Near. Shosping | wo. \NaAO BARA one oh slectrie Sina ee rac |R "STOP BIKE SHOP ae $60, Telephone 7288687. ING? Finty -3338 Dabs afte Call Classified Di ield we are the b ey aaa epping Centre _Road._ » Olan, RR 1/cH iE ye Repairs. Cycle Cent Siies, favicns 119 "DUPONT NYL No! people? Oshawa Terres more att HOUSEK rect gest and_ best ig- 'OWERS SPECIAI nin Soar TRAE ae ee IEMONG YACHTH: E., 725-6344, fe. abl Bee Staelin ana ON rug, 10/2" Jquels, parties, Tennis Club undred week 723-3492 Oshawa st equipped in L structure, all-ch L -- 40-foot tower | Wooden _b ER, 500 Ib. ci ______|modern mari AVEN -- Ti MA an reet|al chair, good rufiiton; Beloe" aecasion (races eda aa for ban- off i and surroundi lished 20 eee Blpe anteona, | ower ox. $80. Telephi apacity, with} mong. F ina_on beautiful L. TTRESS BARGAIN new. Tel condition; high asion- 23-7726. Bar, kitch work, Te For those unding area, | teed. years. -| Ro a TU Supply Limited, Tenmnen HITCH one 728-8253. st or summer sli ake Che-| tresses, all GAINS. All ty¢ elephone 668-6190, chair, like|WHEEL en, bo AL e who h ; Free estimat ad East, just e: imited, Taunton|t REESE forti lorage reserve slips. and winter | tresses, | reduced. § pes of mat-| FURN| Acedia tal a CHAIRS, "hoes HAIRDRI heard of ave never tresses. rebuilt, eae terms. Mate ast of Ritson Road railer, hardly ee ion bar for house|package deal now. Also year ert esses, $29.; crib matt mooth-top --mat-|t ITURE, new. Direct from. 's, reducing m faseltel bedi Bade. oi lence 'ne INDEX TO around for aie ls pays been ane Opnunecig: war Daan" finished. Welding -- : tate wane at ont price, Aaa eee Nien rentals. All antes tresses for 'bunk, eds, 688 ral met Gat Ales save" Danish Modern, pociory liskaomt ted Rentals, 108 gore) ae sure : " it wbeyears,. [GHRETRNINLBS venue, --E HOME, 4 'WELVE-FT. ture, 20 Churct 88. Wilson ay|holstery. Bef olstery and cust 1 ------ e, 725-1644, wr, _ CLASSIFICATIONS SUT WeARe ORLY" [SEEN Oa, a Ree area ae PELE, eB AM SPAS (isnt dy tn" sec aaumneg eee et ou, --Women's Colu If ag rial fe ree estimate. See and|Albert Street, and commercia Es B-| complete. Telephone t trall-|brushes, etc, all" makes, hoses, also 21-inch Phi p's, 17-inch, "EQUIPPED s nusic ste bert faecal you would like to kno pal fot recovering eur _mate 723-575) 1 16' NORTHCRAF Telephone 723-4781. | Flemi ; PIES, ee eee Philip's, Winch, $857] verted, bus), D "chip piano an dieitcs F sin ik ing Vacut very, 94; year warrant picture tube, |/ Can bi truck i. 3c Sportsman's Colume CALL US w more - |sireeh eas 722" Ushoiateringr 95 Onirtes 1--Women's Col Irie, horn and as _fivergias "boat, elec. Corre wim Service, Mein street pall raniy, $0. Telephone 'sve.|hydro.Telep energetic 'fied Paying (eon 1 ince Pry a "}LAWN ROLL ' jone 728-70; red f s S--Trailers \Sales : ENCORE! IV" umn Re re. oe Lealies a Peds GUARANTEED, USI USED nus LLER for sal ae DELIVE 039, lor SR EN pe yall and Service Terontal 1 Its open fo. you new from Ti BOAT, suitable for a trans ee wringer Washers:/SNAP-ON TOOLS te Telepnione (72m) Vas ERY BUSINESS for sale, thr 18--h a ints, m ' r . ------__--_-- on * " thr ica IAs for Sale JANSSEN'S APPLIANCE pai dete, Sat Ale Jan's " iy is Hein 'Evin' lee and Sine Soin arts SY ee SOLS a teammate Sr Ce 3S et Basket 22 Simcoe Felephe avy duty an ITERS Finance arran ed. 8 $400. ur ly 350 10--Farmer's C GARDEN South. | A ° phone 728-3297. box traller.jice all , NeW, used, sal Po! ce arranged. Telephone 728- 15--! \0--Farmer's Colume CENTRE REPA 2--Personal ction iy" PLYWoO! {eo all makes. Free ed sales, aerv.| PORTABLE le sel a niplovmenh 1--arti ivestoc® Comme IR forsee ky our Yoeal Royal: dealer, ates. Cali|foom rug, mant machine, _livi yment: - Wanted ances for Rent yeeros! en Expert repairs to : k Removal of Cl +f: Gator allen cones motor, 110 ve OUARANTER Soma Gishes. 75-1098," pov BUILDING REC "ROOW Pee ae usiness Opportu ing. all ma al o f d cludl letely equipped D, U LLOYD BAE 7 hoi repairs, \SEmplavma fined 728-94 59 no washers, dryers, see ae lee ght a8 hoir assitié sold one ont, Tie sackets jones ee sete eee, Sanne asters na, i lg eh Ps one. , like new. Tone) ™ vst plans. Telephone : nts Wanted - J hi ' e in if 3966 after 5|S! urniture and Apr and cream, $40. mes, bi AN, 7 17--Female Hel @ ALSO P. awa, April 17, 1 A iw ni i §|Simcoe South. 723-00) "52 |99-_ 728-0495 Spring for double bed, 4 years com years office | ean mae Cate CULTIVATING, Re ARTS AVAILAB! 19th. Pho , 18th and Ss" a" HUMBER LAPS' FREE! 11. "ab b fo Beslina, Bavrony chen en experience, Male oF p Wanted montng Bone: re eotoniling <a lawn A L ec LE © sca these " Ganodia Hotel Nible ton, fold-down NO Bost, conver-| Sue Furnace cleaned, dlusied, free. GIRL'S COM bleycle, mefaile Bi machines eke PRA el vp. Must 2--Real Estate. For {Help wantes Tonlior no 668-3239 pre A N lig lates for appoint- Bring Us 00 me a eee purchase { trovblefree winter if you ay Suet gen ee Biue 'and ; "od Macher nen ol I ottice grour aia ae rn ice ITURE and APP cae om 212. Company. B elephone 723.8864,| | TABLE SPAY" CARE or sis tice. Heath Ri Raed CENTENNIAL | Fiooi 452 Sime: LIANCE ELECTROLYS| FOR RENT -- 1965 Cara Trail, collepsi. RELAX-A-SAUNA = nailon's Tea 9--Market B in my home. Compa E for small chi Real ale SIA CAG te ee 'oe S. -- Oshawa S | aoubie. teed: Dining table seats <oilapsi:| Portable steam bath Nailon's leading et Basket iid, Thorton hice Na. we Tr] Pleas, u--stores state Wanted, small It you int walecie os a! Telephone 723-0011 -- 723-4641 | Fast double beds, $40 per seals four, Ws ment, office, sat aera ding SPRING S CLEANS arth: Wate furs r = baile Apartments 'or, Rent BASEMENTS, yards ant NOW ara undeserving Mg ie ~Yonae| Results Beets horsepower, _Viking on a |. aod Geode Sey sad ould ion te, "Pp . --Rooms for Rent bish removed, s, etc, cleaned, Bri a.m. Phon lay tank, $175. > 1964, | radio; oak | y $1 AQUA i %--Room and 723-2997. Rub- ng me your a e| 0830. Telephone el ue ki] | We vo 2UARIUMS -- Bi mowe RIDE <2 ed 723-|three pi mp? dishes; 'e also h b repaired zi B--Wanted ie Rent Money to Loan pose ar apa all nee sillen Trolls pee by two cane want 25 HORSEPOWER Evinru ia--long aha phone on ee shen "ste sad lat He 1 Jv Grade Soy pan oe on Balad and custom 31--Compact for Sale cw engines. Parts. arriving 8 and 9 oor and Simcoe,| manual remote > long shaft.|CHAIN SAW, Mccu mosph rolled at- {and ANY JOB. ett pies 'at rs LL se 'arts a a.m. 728-3) 'oe, a tanks. Ri 1 control, t WwW, Mccul eRe osphere McIn | cutting, Tree -- se mo Trueks. tr rs, for Sale Temonbie rte 7 ae BR aa inet oiseit: sertice 2 n. 728-3605. | TELEPHONE se ales nil. two gas[extra, chain and \ccullavah, "Reavy | duly Bring own cataines palin: ele. Free" toireate eee EecAutemoslis. Recor ee Oe eer re Conael 74 14" INTERNATIONAL class sailboa fina ae oposts:| ALGOMA OR : ThacKoa Khacbia Hes. 'Telephone BSeLost a epelr ily le purpose, providing y other worth- BARRIE AVE WANT R | 23-3492 Tee-Nee trailer, peg Class sailboat and|COMPA si Thick CHARDS LTD, {jm UCK AND DRIVE ay--Avele Trt Nt ont pa ESULTS? ao COMPACT VACUUM cleaner and floor|A ickon RAN, Whily She W auctions ds It. , USED 2 3 Teleph ed. Good oot | ARTICHOK -- sania f lephone 7: 38--Comi ' a = vacuu el: Seu al lephone 728-5779. condition. . $35. ES CJerusal --._ 2 ed LOSE SOMETHING? Pace» Ist adn Back Lees 79956, New' Rs SAAN Eat tai : 7--Swap and Barter TWO USED oi turns. ty Ne dale asians 8, Pie ----__---- - [et t Pate rols, Sy agin a , * gasrna ace eo. "Bah | oumeaney erat CLASSIFIED ADs other departeiants (Rantala Bact Meet tin ost PA--Eags & Poultry NEED A é Call 738-1742 regen Hi : .723-3474 Geehchin: end sine ivr eabinete, lush-| NORDHEIMER piano and bene oultry 7 'estimates, s fitth inks in H piano "a " ml eneere 8:30 p.m. -- 5.30 hinge rae: oes motors han Heineman, excellent condition, 3730' CLEMENT POULTRY, chicken 34 JOB ? meg s . m side. inn, OM p, : YY * Eee one a lo p.m. aoe in, 288 Hill aE id ies after 5 oe 'Newcaste 12 or more. Call] Roag quires Estate F She afl QUARTERS? Read Real pit ag 1 Aerts" conor its, na fine, Fanter Farms Siw, 16203 Ad Bhan Wanted on ntals, » new, ed up, deli M awa, 665-4 Ss i A ne wat -VaER a aire orton The il In benefi dae cm Gal S404 tiky tees imes 3492 today fer Rent ; y for action! Writ