Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 Apr 1967, p. 19

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A TIMES, 1967 ys EB Be Es FR BOB Be | _ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, Apel 7, 1967 17 ieee | "BOND MARKET GE SMallwood ANNOUNCES 2205.0"... ECKER oer |double - your - money Canada Savings Bonds have been a wedi TODAY'S STOCKS 'susmess spotucet. Control Of Javelin Ltd. {2% oth sides ul- TORONTO 10:40 A.M. STOCW:S advised that the following companies! 10:40 Net he 21-y i 1g has been: ° ; | a : : Zs ; In the 21-year history of Can- Torento gg dd diclal e 71 ee Soe ee Sree ee eel Sek ss wane Mead a gg nih 4 ST. JOHN'S, Nfld. (CP) --Jernment. has agreed that his, Mr. Smallwood's announce- ada Savings Bonds, nothing has st North Quotations In cents uniess marked $.| treasury shares of these ccmpanies be-| Neb Dlg sas as as | ° ° " Premier Smallwood announced/own shares will also be voted|ment followed by a few hours|approached the purchase of ss 6 619 Tait MWEiCNaTTENS He Rc Ae i ne Gurrently through) Nt Contein 18° $544" $M Me) rain Tralns | Thursday night the government!by that committee." Mr. Doyle,|the withdrawal of _ Javelin's|$2,236,000,000 scored by the cen- 'from previous board lot closing "sale. | Am Moly 5000 29 27 27 --3 Hale : = irae Boog on } jhad taken over 6,000,000 voting/|a Javelin director, holds more stock from the American Stock |tennial issue in the October-De- id now with | Coe ee at) | Nor CO $s sla lm 13. 4M }shares in Canadian Javelin Ltd.'than 1,000,000 shares. : Exchange, after 70.000 shares.cember sales period last year. pase pcg MINES len Se ne Nor Tar pr 100 $21%4 2194 71% + V4 e "which gives the government a Premier Smallwood said the were traded in two days. The closest year was 1962, at wing 4 Net | Cop Man 3000 3512 35Va 35! Oshawa A 175 $34 33% 34 a chance to control Javelin' as government took the step be-, The Securities Exchange $1,600,000,000 ' Pac Pete 7255 $14 13'4 134 -- : ¥ t Jay g 1 : ' Sei s E) 600,000 K97S hQ04 Seek Seine High Lew ema Chee] Cre peo ate ath ste | pening ao Ste Wie | Oo O1se ess V long as it 1s guaranteeing loans cause "we don't want to find/Commission of the United States) It was not primarily new 3 1% 114 j - | : 62 &Q7658 tee" Se ihm lee 1000 2 ede so le Wid ravers for the company. ourselves involved in a com- imposed the suspension, pend-|savers who put cash into the J73 dpAJ62 Saree Re None Price Com 930 $14 14 14 + 4 MONTREAL (CP) -- "Brain! The computer, now a vital tool The premier said in a state- pany that might have quarrelsjing further information from|Centennials. It was existing 74 &hKQO8S fern ine wo br en 4 a 4 Pee Expl 5000 77 76 76 ety a ie ge ae 370 370 "trains" roll from time, to time|in dozens of railway procedures, ment that, as a condition ofjand arguments between differ-|talks on the Stephenville plant|bond - holders, by converting Me 3a} | : ; ' d i Akaitcho 1000 60 OO aie, Wie 20% tf ted | Rank Org 4760 475 455 460 --30 at the CPR headquarters here.|soon may move out of the office|government involvement in a ent elements of their sharehold- between the. government here $1,546,000,000 worth of earlier OKQ05 hh? a yi baer ae BO, | Win-Eld me Ro fh ee ae They don't make any noise and onto the trains themselves. $120,000,000 pulp and linerboard ers. ____ and Doyle interests. lissues. Responses by Ang Ruyn 1000 160 160 160 , | Ronald Fd 100 $11% 114 Nia and you can't even see them, Engineers say it is possible to|plant at Stephenville, Nfld., the SRE eat PERS IDUEly ies 2000 as 315 15 ; INDUSTRIALS Rothman of 202 BB % but company officials say it is|incorporate computers in vari- government demanded these STOCK MARKET fferent cate- Armore 1ooo 18 18 | shock Sales HIGn Low ie city |. Russell H 100 $13 13%6' 13¥4 -- Se the modern way to run a rail- ous Fit Pages in a long train | voting rights. | 3 Arcadi 1 1 | oc! 'ales High Low a.m. Ch'ge) Salada 2535 $11 10% 11 + % way elp rai ve " = bas z made -by & Banktield 3000 Hy ai on Abitibi 220 $1138 11% 11%4-- Ye! Selkirk A 2000 $934 94 ee bin imulated trains teach eft | iy sf agbeardlenecg The government has im-| TORONTO (CP) --A_ late ver passed. Bary Expl 1000 19 19 1% --1 | Acklands 730 ™ Shell Inv p 215 $29 29 ese simulated tains tea guapins posed upon Canadian Javelin spurt by bank stocks pushed ee B-Dqu 2100 15 #15) (8S Alta Gas T 140 37% + %) Shell Inv w 805 910 895 910 +20 researchers the most efficient; The computers could figure he effect that 5,300,000 cirle hig th al pass indi- f , F oe... to the effect that 5,300,000 the industrial list higher on the jal p Belletere 500 22% 224 'Be +12 Algoma St 240 24 Shell Can 710 $25Va 25% 25'2 way to handle real trains, They out the stresses and strains in- ; fr . > ngth requir- Bethim 150 660 660 680 Alcan 3400 334+ 9%! Shop Save 7250 $13 13 13 B : i , : eae hndalabile S | preferred voting shares will be Toronto Stock Exchange Thurs- Hid te lack Black Bay 509 9 9 Alcan or 190 40%4--%\ Silverwd A 300 $16% 16% 164+ % make railroad operations easier volved when part of the train issued by Canadian Javelin to day ANNANDALE C s ary min 210 45 7 e 26¥2 264 , re is st is i i hi ioe . : ay. oun i u hanatore not ol aan 1300 Fl i 264 -- ' pci oe a eae Picea : Hi ae ae i ule study although there is a -- is going upall while another be placed under the voting con- 'The index advanced .28 to 1, regardless Brou! Reef 1000 30 30 3p Ashdwn B 100 6%+%!) ST Radio 300 $202 29% 29% + % difference in atmosphere e- part is going. down trol of a committee of three|165.74 , t Brunswk 120 585 585 sa5 --g | At! Sugar 200 9% + Ye) Steel Can 1402 $234 23% 23% tween an air conditioned com-| The data would be used auto- reed to by the government Tradi was slow. Only f he thinks Bunker H 2000 25 25 25 ae fe pat wes ee ter ri d the cab of aimatically to. apply power or S8°ee@ 0 Dy 8 aCe nee Wage ime ; . game Cam Mine 7100 24 - 23%4 24 Bank Mtl -- 709 67% + %, Suptest od $30 $24 . 2314 234 PULOK T00m an : uf pane : "Mr, John C. Doyle, who-has 2.983,000 shares changed hands MEMBERSHIPS a 3 Camfio 200 390 390 2p0 Bank N $ 440 774+ 'a| Tamblyn 226 $23 22% 23 throbbing diesel locomotive. brakes at various points to re- sitenas i : h tl compared with 3,372,000 Wed: md response Cc Tung $00 177 177 «177 ~g | Beaver & $25 $37 37% 37¥a+ %2| Texaco 700 $26 26 «2% +'% 'The brain trains are a-mathe- duce sudden jolts and strains been negotiating with the gov- é lay pel North to € Lencourt See list below Bell. Phne 137 $507 SO 50% + Ya) Thom NP 350 $24 24. 24% Heal he nresentation pf a teil that might damage caroo sie nesday. a : / Candor 70000 28 «2525 31 jowater $72 74 a Tone Craft 300 $54 54 5i4--% malic " penta £ i . 0 1% to 81% ,Im y mn es oe Can-ter 300 95 95 BST Brazilian 2907 $134 13% I3e-- Ye] Tor Om Bk 920 $7 4? 47) | train system, run through a| The computer now is well es- nenel Chaaeeer % un 72% Now Being Accepted < tea 100% ent Pat 1100 Ma uh pid!" _ | BC Forest 450 arate aie aie '«| rogers' a' ito vara ne oe Me computer and called the Monte tablished in, the railway's ac- PRODUCE Nova. Scotia and 'Toronto-Do- te the thre Chestrvile 500 20% 20% 2012 %| BC Phone 45 $66 66 666 6+ M2) 'Trader Ap 225 $23 23 23 Carlo Simulation. counting and marketing depart- minion 14 each to 77 and 69 For 1967 Season 1 is the ti ree Chimo 1650 71 71) 71 -- 1 | Calgary. P 200 $2344 23¥a 23% + %4| Tr Can PL 1195 $294 2 24+ 4 By varying inputs from run ments, and while it is not yet! TORONTO (CP) --Wholesale _ i Montreal 1% to 67! ng. North is Conigo 1000 16 «16-36 +2) Calgy 540 p 308107 107 107 Tr Can Pl p 100 $49%4 49% 4994 + y it vatchine Hi nie een OraliNeh i ate SCR tail. cart sogs averaged 294 Montreal ¥% to 672. a: . Con-Key See list below. Can Cem 115 $4134 41% 413%4+%! TrCanPw 130 680 880 880 +5 to run and watching the per- generally found on trains, it has to retail carton eggs averag Among other industrials, hee if he feels CG Arrow 500 17. 17 17 Can tron 425 $21% 21% 214+ 4) Trans Mt 1050 $17% 17% 17% + % formance it is possible to ex- proven itself at the complicated|weighted prices quoted by the , ,, md tea 'climbed $1; ¢ RATES: sdeedieed > made. The ¢ Halli 700 53 §3 «$3 +1] Can Pecm 650 $1134 11% 11%4--%| Trans PPL 205 $7% 7% 7% -- Ve Macc) sithout 'task of finding parts of trains depart t of agriculture as of L.T.L. Industries climbed 214 to 4 seg ee € Mogul 600 330 330 330 | CSL 100 $33. 33 33 + M4) Un Carbid 217 $24'a 24j4 242 + % PEriment with changes without task of finding parts of trains department of agriculture as 171%, Famous Players end Wes- f th Hd C Morisn 4200 545 535 535 | can Brew 275 Si & & Un Gas 805 $12% 122 12% disrupting actual operations. Ul- anywhere in Canada. Thursday: A large 46.8; A me- feel 1 each to 38 and 28 and Men Lage Shh eek Oe ti aA | coMA WY oN ee 8 | Von de ae placa it iy pny to r MAY SET RATES dium 42.6; A small 31.7. Inland Gas % to 11%. Con Nichol ) C Chem w 500 670 655 670 +10! Versatile 550 $347% 34% 34% + \« able to simulate its entire rail- "\* 5% AES ie Tholesale price tO. Gras fide te acs < Rorier ar i ic 1 +5 | C_ Curtiss 300 67 65 67 +2) Walk GW 1112 $3394 39% 33% way operation There have been suggestions Povo Akoscamy ANS sg Great Lakes Paper dropped Women orere < o a This. bid ts Chea Poe iste tate, | CO, tgvet a5 shin sii Gin 41M) weldwod 16) St lew ow /UAY OPEraION _______ithat the computer has the abil. COI", "the woronto Board of iéjloqer sca ise Oo ove and ; soma $35.00 | 4 4 ; i Fe "Doin 97 + two clubs Cop' Fields ins toe te i" +1| Clmp Bnk 273 $72% Te 24 --Va\ Weste'st 350 $26%% 262.26 + Ve ity to cope with the complicated ade Pit wholesale wu deal: Clairtone i 12% . Junior, 18 years and under .....n:x0- $ 5. neither of Cop Man See list below. cit 450 $22V2 22% 222 + \4| Westeel 350 $23 23-23 NET EARNINGS railway freight structures and Albee Sale egg cea! 'Pacific Pete climbed % to sponse, The Craigmt 1200 $13. 1294 13 + %| C. Marcon! 260 $54 544 54+ %| W Pacific 910 $6 5% St%--ve set the actiak rates fers: Extra large 40; large 37-137, and paced the western oil Men - Weekdays reverere $60.00 sponse. Crowpat 1000 10 #10 *10 CPR 2320 $692 69% 692 + Se) Weston A 220 $20% 20% 20% oe aS : "tl 38; medium 34; small 24; B 33; croup higher. Banff added 7 + 8 8 0 ote toxerevererener: etter chance D'Ekdona See list below. a aoe a ie sie idee " pyaar lng ae ee BY. THE CANADIAN PRESS | "Whether the computer can ('99 et rE ad Ganatia Sanenior enison 827 ye p V/ etrofin Va s 124 ite Pas 4 44 --- Ve 4 a i 2 23. a 54 an an. n Su rior 2 gseadeye Discovry yey faba ar Hd C Wall A. 25 $80 80 80 + 5] Woodwd A 38s $2938 BeBe Canadian Refactories Ltd., pe ge for alate ae § Hi id Butter prices: Canadian l at 37% ; FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL-- 5 Donaida W000 17% 174} 174+ 1 mcell 1 al ae ad York Lam® 12/5 230. 22 5 +5 vear ended Dec. 31: 1966, $1,- from being resolved, bu Clinatey 30 sai siderable! Candore dec 21 981 s the over-all Engeko 900 SN VAR Ne en ee ee ee | 4 456.711, $1.46 a share: 1965, $1,- possibilities are under examina- Dairy Commission tenderable| Candore declined 2%4 to 28% Skip Williams, Professional; 942-3210 Fives! T WO 8 8 8M EN ee OO Sales to 11 @.m.: 670,000, ae $1.93 a ena 7% r\ton." W. G. Scott, CPR mana-|Catlots: Buying 39 score .62; cents on 179,000 'shares in spec- er 205 205 «205 | - 'a Pa Pe | 831,88 .23. ' Ags © a 4 0 Ni 63. lulativ. felt t Frobe 440 -- 5 | Cominco 1300 $32%% 32' 32% + 4 FOREIGN TRADING "ied 3 va ffi iq i, |Duying 4 selling .63.\ulative mines. A jump 0 aaa 1200 'Ss i. - 5) Compr Ap 100 $13% 13% 134 +1% Gt Plains 100 $14 «140 OAs Cosmos Imperial Mills Ltd., ser of trattic researon, said in) le ins hentdacant a caanaeaipelaiapati can narily indi- Glenn Exp 5000 16 '16 1 1° | Con Paper 210 $41% 40% 4114 Coch Will 150 160 160 160 year ended Dec. 31: 1966, $282,-/a recent Montreal speech. | 3, but, after Goldri Con Pap w 100 940 940 940 --10 | K Copper 200 105 105 105 and: err i if : Fe regglidieesaa Goran 00 ty 2s tT Con Papr p 720 $26% 2614 26% tk Boroult 200 $144 Tae. 144, 14 098; 1965, $374,614. The company recently} ith - Gradore See list bevow. Cons Gas 1940 $17 17 17 + Ye Multi-M 500 155 155 155 +1 Inspiration Ltd., year ended changed over to what computer with 11 to Grandroy 9000 344 * 3k -- th Seat Be a ee el ee ee OS =, (Dec. Si: 1066, $1,268,172, 80 |people call "'on-line'" processing. ye Granisie 4 0 te ae | Crestork 1800 $64 6% 64 |-- eich cents a share; 1965, $782,839, 30 It is a step towards "'real-time'"'| s : Green Pnt 500 251 2512 2514 | Crush Inf 415 $14 13% 13% | \cents. processing, which will provide i 101 1 10) v INN Y ? ny) . 4 A . .. Guniee "10 1 te FS Dist! Seag" z120 s37% 99 94° | PENNY FOR WEATHER | [ake Dufault Mines Ltd., year management with information| usual prac- Heath $000 8 8 + in) Dome Pele $00 $57% S774 57+ %) WORTHING, England (CP)-- ended Dec. 31: 1966, $18,858,169; about operations while the oper- | ; the tg Hiine: Seae ee B Brdge mie sigye 18% 19% --|Holidaymakers at this Sussex|1965, $16,934,816. ations actually are taking place. re. The in- Huds Bay 5 366 68 : | Dofasco 185 $22 22 22 lresort will be able to get the; McAllister Towing Ltd., year; "Real time" processing is ades next if Huron Meo Dore cass 100 Si ik Wika y/Weather forecast this summerjended Dec. 31: 1966, $1,292,566, similar to a live television pres- xpected. re- Iso i 150 ied ad 4 | Dom Store 400 $19% 1934. 19% -- ve |from Britain's first wWweather/$1.29 a share; 1965, $1,138,699, entation in that it keeps pace Partner will Jelex See list turlow. Bemar ae stig sen une % automat. Inventor Stan Ardley | $1.14. with events as they occur. It t the spades au Kotia $0 fi A J tf | exquisite 100 $694 64 6% 4 expects his penny -in-the-slot| St. Lawrence Columbium and will enable decision-makers to it " a Kerr Add 4425 $12% 12 12% an ely ae $394 ou 4 'amachine to be "90 per cent|Metals Corp., year ended Pee pike closer to company opera- mers Kid Coper 350)" mh 65 05 » . |accurate."" 30: 1966, $929,259; 1965, $452,697. 'tions. ely if North L Dufault 748 $12% 124 12% | Fann' 212 $32%4 32% 32% | : F | L Shore zi5 191 199 191 | Fed Grain 100 $6% 6% 6% | clubs. Le Luz 100 $154 '18% 15%-- Ve Fleet Mfg 2800 9 92 92 --2 | | s ten tricks Leitch 1800 700 695 700 Ford Cnda 24 $138 13812 138e i; Liberian 100 $10% 10% 10%--%| FPE Pn pr 25 $89% 89% 897% +2% ven a mini- L 1 1 | | Fruehaut 235 314% 14% 14% outh cannot irene 1200 "5 $s "5 | Godyear p 200 $47) 47) 47) +1 '0 bid three Louviert 1000 2114 21'4 2'%4-- | GL Power 100 $22% 22% 22% | : ae , ; . Madsen 4000 145 iS 14s | «CGT OW Life = 220 $524 52¥4 52¥4 esa : : : ; ir would al Match 1000 12 «#12 «12 Greyhnd 100 $22% 22% 22% + Ve t cae é sees : nd this vik Maybrun 500 11% 11% ll*'--1 heli one ad ag Leh ee 'i i ese ee cS : : : é Meta 500 10% 10% 10% rd Crp - ; : Midrl 22000 44 41¥2 44 «+2%4| Hawker S = 400 400 400 isupport of @&in-Ore ich | Home A 500 $21 Zt 21% + Na ssumes the Multi 1 154 46 154 + ome y Y hn A Newconx 200 535 #895 535 Home B 670 $24%a 24 24a + Va | F Hi Pit 1800 295 290 295 mete fH BB ae a hg | ey ce "ee sane tn thu | bid ce is Newlend 7000 17. «17.--«17,s a) CHB Ol Gas 550 $324 322 3244+ Yh ee * mSti- N Sen 21900 34% 33 34¥%e2+1%| Huron Eri 100 $10% 10% 10% + Ve be applied, a Sa a ae Norgold 40 9 9 9 usky C pr 57% -- Va | best to bid Norlex See list below. Husky D w 600 600 590 590 --10 tae ogee ae] pel" oe i ef 7 ve N Beave 220 44 44 44 Ind Accept 265 $25 24% 25 + % Opemske 400 $1034 10% 10% Ind Wire 600 $64 6Ya 614 + Ye! Orchan 100 240 240 240 +5 | Inglis 150 $10%e 10Ye 10¥e-- Ve/ { en Osisko 3200 63 63 (63 tlahe es "abs Site 14 WA -- | Pamour 100 175 «WS WS +8 4 18% 18% | Param 11000 10 «910 «+ 1 | CINE ONickel «= 385 $99% 99 991% Pax int 400 14 «14 #14 +24 Int Util 675 $30% 30% 30% | P. " i i Intpr Disc 500 25 25 25 --5 | Away Pine ePoint xs ssa st " Intpr Pipe $00$100 993% 997% + %| : Placer 220 $32% 22% 32% Int Pipe w 98 $33% 33% 33% + 4 | > \--The Uni Porc Pay 2000 10% 102 10¥2-- %| een oH fs a *. nf | / -- - P 365 Va 151 Columbia bere 1 Tr He Nise "VTL ind 1450 $18 «17 (17 -- Pyramid 400 390 390 390 --S§| Jefferson 1833 $3134 30% 31% +1 | ced to turn Q Mattgmi #100 91 88 91 +23 Jeffersn w 1650 $23¥2 23. 232+ %!/ student for Quemont 350 86D 860 860 Jockey C 200 395 395 395 +5 | ; to accept, Quonto 1100 @ «66 OS lig A 100 475 475 475 | ci Oa OER ei ' Radiore 1000 43 6363 aba 450 $23' 23' 23% . ie school. Rio Algom 680 $27% 27% 27% Lafarge A 500 $12. 12. 12 | Mr. Robert Brooks, 62 Dewey Drive; Scarborough, Ont. 50 le Rio 5.80 Pr 50 $100¥ 1002 10014 LOnt Cem 100 $5 5 5 | 50 peop Ramah 850 $26%4 16% 16% + V| Laura Sec 250 $124 12% 12%+ We & d to get Ryanor Hel i i | tau Fin 7 ss ss San Antoni 2000 21 20% 21 +1 Lav ; ere turned Real 3000. 12 «12, «12:«+ 'Val Levy 225 $165 165% 16% | we haven't Sherritt 1000 4900 400 400 Life invest 75 $5%e 5% Se . John Mc- Silvrfids 2000 325 320. 325 Lob Co A 207 $8¥e Be Bie Silvmq See list below. Lob Co B 150 $8% 8% 8% Sil Stand ws 1 108 Lob Co pr 720 $48 4343 | ig at the Siscoe 245 480 475 480 --8| LobGBpr 25 $28 2 2 --1 receives Stanrck 200 210 250 250 Loeb M 150 $1234 12% 12% y ; Steep R 750 6.0 600 600 --s| MB Ltd 710 $297% 29% 27% -- Ve ugh not all Territory 500 4 14 «14 +1.| Magna El' 500 $15% 15¥e 15¥e-- % gh enough Texmont 1500 67 67 67 +1/| MLE Mills 210 $19% 19% 19%-- Ye Texore Sey list belo Mass-Fer W775 $25% 25 25 --% Ww at they are Tribag 1600 923 123° 123 MEPC 160 310 310 310 medicine. Un Kene 100 355 355 355 --§ | Met Stores 7250 285 285 285 | on, a proe Upp Can 1800 143 140 140 --3 | Met Stors p 225 $21 21 21 | , Urban Q = 2166 «-17---s«17's«*17 | Molson A 250 $22% 22% 22% 'al school, Vespar 1000 383838 | Molson B 250 $234 23% 234+ 4 ons is that West Mine 200 4150 450 450 --I§ | Mon Food 100 $9 9 9 + oe error: Win-Eld See list below. Montex 700 300 300 300 rie Yukon € 2000 74 94 94 Montex w 489 165 165 165 +10 | S nbians, un- Zulapa NON AT MA Moore 185 $102 101% 102 + sown ans BOARS ; in Mani- Morse A -300 $23.» - 2214 2214 ' OAC ALORS 8 AA ai OILS, GAS Morse pr $55 55 SS + ¥2 Senn Tens ot AE Feats Am Leduc 3500 19. 18s I? | antt 3150 $15% 15% 15% -- Ve ns away a Cc Dehli 0 212 212 #212 +1 ment Ey ee ea 3. | OSHAWA TIMES 'Grido! 7220. 590 590 590 ols in the Cdn Tricnt 1350 ces. Cent Del 1000 $114 114 114+ Ve §00 485 485 | 'he picture, Cc West ® 500 150 150 150 | PICTURE A lush, green lawn. Pride of the neighbourhood. That's what you'll have just one week after using EVERGREEN fertilizer. _ When you follow directions on the package. C-I-L guarantees it. ; 2 Dynamic 2000 137 135.135, Or double your money back. What makes us so sure you'll get sparta a int ccpred 17001 sa" u" ao = | R E-PRINTS the best results? EVERGREEN is a balanced plant food. able to re- LY Oe a a a '| W i t h Specially formulated and homogenized for lawns. And gardens. idents with Nccolls 200 290. 287 287 +2 Aveilable At | Apply it once and EVERGREEN'S nutrients provide growing power all season long. Easy to use. Safe. Won't ever burn your grass or nearby plants. With EVERGREEN, the grass is always greener. On your side! |. fications, Numac $100 335 330 330 | fications, -- Numac wt 1580 61 60 6 --3 | « Permo SOK 24 24 «24 \ Place @ 3900 242 238 24) +7 | | IES Provo Gas 7580 630. 625 630 +5 | aroma Ranger 1339 253 2: +6 ona aia ar ; Try these other C-!-L products: Scurry Rn 500 $24%4 2414 24% King St. E., 4-6 Special Problems? Try the Fs ner wm a & A i a ry s : Pega | e ERGREEN 0 EVERGREEN with weedkiller, Lawn Doctor R and Rose Doctor R. Triad OW 1300 198 195 198 --1 | k Pa TiLiSANT A ' ea U Canso 600-252, 250 252, -- 2 5x 7 -- 1.25 each zer ~ FER *If applied according to directions, Y Canso r 3086 A ah ik tick she FERTIL HG LAS spac count on le BuaNin® Wo GuGut We adel -'| aha tem Howe KING SIZE sane : LAWN & GARDEN FERTILIZERS | COOPER-SMITH CO. JOHN BROUWER GARDEN CENTRE 2 MILES WEST OF WHITBY ON HIGHWAY NO. 2 OR REGULAR Insists: "I smoke them An interesting | because | like them' '@ Gin & Conadien tod Baedere aren Git vA ie Up Coupons in their packs of Belvedere NG sine "Complete Garden Supplies" NEAR RED WING ORCHARDS--668-3396 me to file cigarettes. You could be the next winner 16 CELINA STREET -- 723-2312 723-1139 "ue ° " return." to tr "y of an RCA Victor Color T.V., Schick . wate High Quality Nursery Stock -- Electric Toothbrush, a Ronson table . ~ | 'OUR SU Ner, 9 one GF penne et Winer Felvede, JANSSEN'S GARDEN CENTRE, RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE valuable Instant Gifts. es hams "Complete Line of Garden Supplies" 1015 KING ST. E., OSHAWA 725-6551 "Everything for the Garden" | oe hang 3°. W. 728-9429 | Available Here With the Most Reasonable Prices in Oshawa = es e is : 3 g : HERE ARE SOME RECENT WINNERS: aS Mrs. C. T. Peck, Burlington; Robert A. Love, Burlington; Geoffrey Lott, Downsview; Reta Levine, Toronto 7; Rita Manssen, Scarboro; Annie Cox, Stoney Creek; J. D. McTavish, E S ' Internatio nal Newmarket; Jan Olszowy, Brantford; Michael J. Reed, Willowdale; Mrs. A. Dixon, VA fi B E L L E G A RD E NS JO H N SWA a # A R DWA R E LT D. Toronto 14; Mrs. Jonice Fama, Homilton; Ernest Foster, Toronto 16; Paul McMullen, : a e | | Toronto; George Potter, Toronto; R. Masini, Georgetown; J. C. Welch, Don Mills; Mr. , "Your Friendly Garden Centre OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE TOR ry AL |] M.A. G. Exon, Toronto 17; Mrs. G. W. Bater, Islington; Frank McKenna, Toronto 15. 5 MINUTES EAST OF OSHAWA : ~ NE 725-352? | ON HIGHWAY NO. 2-- 623-5757 | PHO 5-35

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