Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Apr 1967, p. 5

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n- int he WHITBY DAY - BY - DAY 98 Accidents Handled By St. John Ambulance | WHITBY (Staff) -- Greig, brigade superintendent,|/Sure of school work, The cadets| now have 10 members. Mr.) bi members of the Whitby scott is looking for 10 more| ranch of the St. John Am-\members. The boys, he said,| bulance Association that volun-jare doing good work at their teers had served 119 hours at Thursday night meetings. the Whitby Community Arena) Mrs. Frances Terry is the during March. A total of 307 new leader.of the nursing), hours of voluntary work were!cadets, who are busy with a! given at the arena during the/first aid course and a course first three months of this year. |in casualty simulation. Ninety - eight accident cases The members spent consid-| were handled. jerable time planning arrange-| § This, Mr. Greig said, empha-|ments fr the annual inspection sized the reason why the bri-jto be held at the Whitby Arena gade {s actively seeking addi-/May 7. The inspection will in-| tional members. jclude all St. John groups in Alex Scott, superintendent of |the district corps, including) 7 the ambulance cadets, reported'those in Oshawa. : Q p e Gideon Society Work Explained £4 R. P. "Dick Matthews, rep-|church hall any time during | ; resenting the Gideon Society,|April. Clothing is required ofr : addressed the St, Mark's Unit- all ages from bables to adults.| Sage McClure of India" is the! ; ed Churah congregation Sunday title of a colored film which E morning. Elder H. Hempstead|was produced by the CBC and assisted {he minister and Miss tells something of the work of Carol Webber of Columbus, ac-|United Church medical mis- companied at the organ by Miss|sionary Dr. R. B. "Bob" Mc-| Margaret Webber sang "He\Clure who serves at Ratlam,! # Smiled On Me". India. | The Sacrament of Infant Bap-| The Missionary and Mainte-| s tism will be observed next Sun-|nance Committee of St. Mark's, s, day morning. As in other years under the chairmanship of Dr.| good used clothing is being col-|J. B. Davies, has plans to show lected by the congregation for|this film to various church and Z local and overseas relief.|community groups during the| Bundles may be leftat the'week of April 16. CWL To Present Life Membership Mrs. Fred Parrott, social con-) The retiring president, Mrs. vener, told members of the|H. C. Munro, thanked those ' who assisted her during her Catholic Women's League of St two-year term of office. She John the Evangelist Church that was presented with a corsage. Mrs. A. C. Smith will be pre-| Father K. O'Driscoll conduct- sented with a life Mmembershipjed: the installation of officers in recognition of her 25 years'|as follows: President, Mrs. of devoted service. McCarroll; first vice-president, The president, Mrs. H. C.|Mrs: J. Corrigan; second vice- Munro, reminded members of|president, Mrs, Fred Parrott; the regional dinner to be held third vice - president, Mrs. April 18 at Denis O'Connor|David Jack; recording secre- High School. jtary, Mrs. Richard Sandrelli; Mrs. Dan O'Hagan reported corresponding secretary, Mrs.| 12 hours were spent visiting/Frank Kapuscinski: patients at the Ontario Hospi-|Mrs. Donald Sullivan. tal, Whitby, and four hours at!| The hostess, Mrs. Fairview Lodge. cinski served a dainty PPh ee earn ol Mrs. F.lincluding a nicely pellen, said that eight get-well|cake, thanking Mrs. Munro for!.p.o. , year' cards, two baby cards, twolher many services rendered to pene ee Mass cards and two visits were the league. | made to shut-ins during March. | The next meeting will be Annual reports were also sub-|held May 2 in the St. Joseph mitted. Imeeting room, Whitby Cubs Plan Centennial Cuboree The Cub Leader, Carl Johan- Willlemieee resignation due to the pres-| | Lawrence Pare of Otta- wa, with magazine in a beauty salon, is seen get- ting his powdered wig teased. Pare is wearing the uniform of the first .pro- 4 |particularly dominant in \the only means of The costumes will be made by laccountability to the the Brooklin Ladies Auxiliary. who their locat Johansen, Ross McCartney, and | Finances will be provided by Mrs. Elgin Finch, met to discuss|the active group committee. a centennial Cuboree to be held| The president of the Ladies' June 4 in the Whitby District. | Auxiliary is Mrs. Wayne Zy\stra | Only preliminary planning has|and chairman of the group com-| been done. The boys will wear|mittee is Fred Evans. With the |°W" Indian costumes of Canadian|co-operation from the groups a political tribes depicting the centennial/successful event is being : *\provement and civic better- oe Iplanned for the Cubs. ment. If at the end of the term the voters are dissatisfied WHITBY PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Frank Duclos,; Mr, and Mrs. Valere Ver-| ~, Byron Street North, have re-|faillie A soni a weekend 7 ag turned from a week's vacation/{Toit, Mich., as guests of Mr. when they visited their daughclane ae Sopris ee, ter and son-in-law, Mr. and); Mrs. Marjorie Richardson, | Mrs. Floyd Dupuis, Windsor|Centre Street South, is. in the} and also their other daughter|Oshawa General Hospital under| end son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs./observation. | ACKAGE TOURS FOR INDIVIDUALS OR GROUPS neers GUARANTEED DOWNTOWN MONTREAL HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS meee remem Glenn Moore, of Ced ing, | | Ont. oe oe The Fifth Cubs and Scouts| Mothers' Auxiliary, at its April Mr. and Mrs. J. Van Der By,|6 meeting will hold an auction 1621 Charles Street, had their/sale in charge of Mrs. Robert grandson Douglas Van Der By,|Gagnon. Proceeds will. go for Toronto visiting them for a few|company equipment. | . St. Timothy Presbyterian] Miss Nancy Richardson, who Church Women's Guild, Ajax, |" Inquiries to: NALD TRAVEL SERVICE WHITBY 668-8867 gen and his assistants, Mrs. Carl|the boys with the assistance of Jow, he said, few eaade ne lead- ers are. As more municipalities | adopt the longer three-year mu- | nicipal terms the local politicain will no longer be running on his Instead, a group will offer voters a platform of civic im- with the program or with the progress made on it the whole fessional ada while his companion, Arnie Black seen er |County, told the mid-term meet-jtics has Kapus-|ing of the Association of Ontario|creep into municipal govern- lunch|Counties Wednesday that party decorated | nolitics will dominate municipal | m Mr. Manning, who has served|missions and as both an elected representa- powers and duties to the localiaiso be am \tive and as a municipal official. or regional governments. said the party concept will be ~ WHAT'S NEW WITH YOUR ARMY? soldiers Watton, sports Watch outfit in Canada in County Official Sees Party Politics Growth TORONTO -- William Man-jcouncil will be voted out. of of-;z00d treasurer. /ning, clerk-treasurer of Ontario|fice, He said that »party poli-|fragmentation of local govert:lEvers of the Downsview Dis ment has confused our elector-|trict Fie ate and may be a contributing|Constable Vic : {factor to the present apathy of| Whitby detachment. He advocated abolishing the!the electorate . parelie multitude of boards and com-|sovernment." their) Mr already begun ent. returning "The disputes between ! the elected council and the urban and metropolitan areas. nointed boards and He said the party system is/sions providing | = are not in Can- first 1756. The uniforms are part of a to the|ties and ap-|tario's existing 927 WHITBY -- AJAX LOSS $10,000 Myrtle District Barn Destroyed By Flames | MYRTLE (Staff) -- A barn, R.|the barn along with a variety Beasley was destroyed by firejof farm equipment. Cause of the fire Is not known. > % belonging to William Tuesday evening. The loss was estimated at $10,000. At 8 p.m., fire swept through the 67-year-old frame barn. CNIB Aids 80 Persons WHITBY (Staff) -- David |Hatten, field secretary, said at la recent meeting of the Whitby- Ontario County Advisory Board jof the Canadian National In- lstitute for the Blind that 80 persons are receiving care from the organization. The chairman, WE. Steer, presided. the Canadian Forces Base in Chilliwack, B.C., which will be used in a military tattoo that will tour British Columbia dur- ing May and June (CP Wirephoto) collection at local government. This toward local Manning said there must | algamation and con-} See ur solidation of existing municipali- |! suggested that On- municipal commis-|ties could be reduced to about conducive tol400 It was announced that @ can: ivass for funds in the Ajax area lis being undertaken by the Ajax Lions Club and that the Port Perry Rebekah Lodge will do the canvassing in that area An enquiry was made regard- ing old eye glasses, Persons with such glasses are asked to forward them to John Wilson at Ajax. The board will hold its annual picnic for the blind of the dis- trict July 5, at Lakeview Park, Oshawa. Golf Equipment Stolen From Club PICKERING lat Pickering Golf Club, Brock ing with clubs and other new equipment. |OPP headquarters. The theft is being gated by OPP investi jpartment Neighbors arrived shortly alter the house would have burned |house to prevent the spread of (Staff) --|} |Thieves broke into the pro shop | Road, Wednesday night, escap-} $2,200: worth of golf) sports At 1.30 a.m. today OPP Con- stable Gary Chapman discover- ed that the shop door had been forced open and notified Whitby Corporal Don) headquarters and Mallory of the THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, April 6, 1967 § BUYERS WERE CHOOSY | CARDIFF, Wales (CP)--Lost]| @ LAWN a property being auctioned off at TUNE UP! \Cardiff central police station SALES & REPAIRS included a glass eye and an artificial leg. There were no WILDE | RENTAL bidders for the eye but the leg | wy; i 68-3226 was sold for 15 shillings ($2.25.) oirey,, Cotate . and temoved two horses from } aE the Brooklin Fire De hadn't arrived. so jquickly,"' said Mr. Beasley, |down, too." sae bp The fire brigade arrived shortly after the alarm was jturned in pouring water on the Walk in comfort with Walkeeze by WHITE CROSS Black Suede, Black Marocain Kid Widths Avoilable from AA to EE. From 4 te 11, the flames. Mr. Beasley said today that the barn was only partially covered by insurance, but that he intends to build a new one. | | OVERSEE HARBOR Tourists in Rotterdam can dine in a restaurant atop a 350- foot tower overlooking the Euro- port harbor. FREE 24.HOUR BURNER SERVICE By Our Local Service Contractors SAWDON'S FUELS FURNACE OIL -- STOVE OIL AND COAL 244 Brock St. S., Whitby 668-3524 Collins Shoes 119 Brock St. South WHITBY Open Friday Evening 'till 9.00 | | | | For all your Boating Needs see Gord's Marine Claremont | | Gord '| WAGON LOAD of BROCK Evening Programs Stort 7 and 9:05 WHITBY valk ius 4 HITCHEBEAS Begins at 7:00 & 9:20 Feature Starts at 7 and 9:20 APART WITH SUSPENSE! ; 'e ) TECHNICOLOR® in A UNIVERSAL PICTURE Recommended As ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Also--Cartoon--Sport --- ALL COLOR PROGRAM IT TEARS YOU BONANZA BARGINS SAVE HUNDREDS OF $$ ON BRAND NEW BISCAYNE V/8 SEDANS | BEL AIR V/8 SEDANS | IMPALA V/8 HARDTOPS NURSE WHITBY 300 Dundes St. E. Taylor Owner Gord has been @ MERCURY outboard motor decler for 13 years and has one of the top dealerships In Ontario. This has only been obtained by hard work and by giving his custom- ers first class service both in products he hondles end in service after the sole, co Saree eS had spent a week visiting atiis sponsoring a daffodil tea in the home of Mr. and Mrs.|the church hall this Saturday. Elmer Treen, Euclid Street, re-|The social convener, Mrs. Colin turned with her parents, Mr.|Mackie, will be assisted by and Mrs, Gordon Richardson of}members of her committee. Galt. They also visited his|Proceeds will go towards the mother, Mrs. V. D. Richard-|centennial project. son, Georgian Court. | S U IT S St. John the Evangelist par-| ish hall was decorated in a seni) Made to Mecsure 4% Savings Account ste Mee | TIP TOP YOUR NEST EGG The first deposit. in your Victoria and Grey tennial theme for the Denis O'Connor High School Parents' Auxiliary "Expo Dance'. More than 50 couples danced to the encourages the habit music of Steve Backwell's or-|] HOUSE OF HOBBERLI!N | of saving. chestra. The proce of tar AT dance are to provide scholar- | ships for pupils of Denis 0'Con-| usSS nor High School. EEVE'S VICTORIA oo GREY Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ville- MEN'S SHOP TRUST neuve, 1112 Centre Street South, 5 spent a day in Guelph where 129 Brock St. S. Whitby 668-5897 they took part in a_ bowling Whitby 668-2091 | tournament. | WISE HOME OWNERS INSIST ON HYDRA:PREST SIDEWALK SLABS rrov... brogklin concrete products urp. ) | mig "hydraulically pressed for maximum durability" © COMPLETE RANGE OF SIZES @ SQUARE AND TRUE FOR EASY PLACING AND PROFESSIONAL RESULTS IMMEDIATE DELIVERY phone 6553311 | | | | | | | | SAWDON"S BUILDING SUPPLIES AND HOME IMPROVEMENT CENTRE 668-6612 SEY ae td OMe ONO SS Vinyl Asbestos TILE EE eA gr sl 12x12,... 17° 1/16th Gouge 4 x 4 Plywood Underlay Aa LOUVERED HARDWARE 6.99 each Care-Free VINYL-TILE 9x9 Reg. 57c¢ Sq. Ft. ea ALUMINUM STORM DOORS 6.75 PREFINISHED V-GROOVED MAHOGANY PANELLING ax....,.4,89 @ GRAVEL @ STONE @ SAND FOR YOUR DRIVEWAY | pleted early in 1967. Russell has olso Fred Draper A resident of the Cloremont crea, has been with GORD'S MARINE for 2 yeors. In the 10 years previous, he operated his ewn garage. Fred is skilled in the repair of MERCURY OUTBOARDS, has taken @ course on SKI-DOO mechanics ond is o qual- ified BOAT RIGGER. | Russell Pinch Service Manager A resident of Oshawa, Russell joined the staff of GORD'S MARINE in Feb- ruory of this year. He hos 18 years experience as on outboard mechanic, | has taken two courses on MERCURY | motors, the second of which he com- JOHNSON and Whenever you token courses on EVINRUDE motors. have outboord motor troubles, Russell Is the man to call. On Display Now! The 1967 lines of Mercury Outbcards, Leavens Fibre Glass Runabouts Mark Twain "Deep V" by Cutter, Aluminum Springbok Boats and accessories. For full details phone 649-2007. Arborite 4x8 SHEETS ie hee GORD'S MARINE CLAREMONT "For All Your Boating Needs" 10 MILES NORTH OF PICKERING ON BROCK RD.

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