Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Apr 1967, p. 3

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AU site ae 20 TELEPHONES USED IN KIWANIS AUCTION | The Oshawa Kiwanis Club utilized 20 telephone lines for seven hours last night while selling 417 objects at its annual radio auction. Vice - chairman, Jack Phinn, watches the opera- tion with fellow workers on phones. From left are: Lorne Goodman, Harold Armstrong and Al Statha Bids were taken on t telephone with other mem- club broad- casting high bids, eventual bers of the Reduce Unemployment Hope Of Government TORONTO (CP)--Air velopment kept the Ontario leg- islature busy Wednesday. First reading was given a bill that would give the govern- ment power to police all sources of pollution in the prov- ince, including automobile ex:| hausts. | Opposition Leader Robert Nixon brought up the other two) issues, calling on the govern-; ment to cut through red tape) in housing and to stimulate Ae gional development by Pollu-|decentralizing government of- tion, housing and regional de-/fices. | In other business: | --Stanley Randall, economics and development minister, said the government hopes to reduce unemployment in the} province to two per cent of SE the labor force by 1970. He said unemployment was. re-|bY duced to ri per cent in 1965| Dymond, amends the Air Pollu- jtion Control Act that since 1963) --Russell D. Rowe (PC --|allowed the province to control| Northumberland) called in a|industrial sources of air pollu-| resolution for federal agen-|tion but left most other sources| to market farm prod-|under municipal control. from 3.2 per cent in 1964. cies Charts Found OTTAWA (CP)--Two RCMP eorporals testified Wed- nesday that they found two naval charts marked "confiden- tial" and cryptic letters and notes in two lockers allegedly used by Bower Featherstone in the governmeht printing plant where he worked. Featherstone, 28, a pressman in the mapping branch of the resources department, is stand- ing trial in Carleton County court on two charges under the) Official Secrets Act. An opened envelope was A ; = |nesday with the Ontario Feder-|halted. He is accused of obtaining|found, with the address crossed das to. ~ i holding | ation of Labor that overtime} Gagnon said he was Punched, | A and retaining, for purposes pre-|out in ink and postmarked in ee! provision of housing in the) should be limited by law to 100/kicked, jumped upon and| BILL McFEETERS, vice-pres. judicial to state security, the|Cornwall March 5, 1966. The| Province, hours a year a man. broken. physically and mentally; two confidential charts, which are large scale reproductions of the ocean bottom off Newfound- land's southeastern tip. Such charts are used by navy ships as aids to hunt down foreign submarines. and the Crown alleges they would be useful to Soviet subs. Cpl. Paul Wendt testified that 0 Canada Now. Can Meet Test OTTAWA (CP)--A new set of| lyrics for O Canada that can} meet the test of peace or war have been turned out by two advertising men. | Tam Deachman of Vancouver| and Levis Lorrain of Montreal! complete defence of them, to| the special joint parliamentary |------ committee on the national an- them. | The committee has recom- mended that the music of O| Canada be officially adopted but is still deliberating on the words, | The Deachman-Lorrain ver- sion, in English, goes: 0 Canada, Majestic, sea to sea, We pledge our hearts To ever honor thee. Fiercely proud, your sons Faced the tyrant guns, For our rights and liberty; And we still do stand, 0, Canada, We stand on guard for thee. searched he and two other Mounties went| will to the map printing plant in|Coynty, Hamilton and London, where full-time control staffs now exist. Second will be Osh- awa, Ottawa, Windsor and St. Catharines part-time staffs with strong i: Robarts Against!" oe a} | | | He sai met Mr. Wagner} terest in air pollution. The third and fourth phases will cover the remainder of ie Overtime Law | province, ' : Mr. Nixon told the legislature . ; the government should "take q|ohn Robarts disagreed Wed-|him last Oct. 25 and two metal lockers after getting a master key from a resources department offi- cial. An unsigned note found in a can of soap said, 'Take bus corner Brookfield and Riverside Drive. Hydro post corner Met- calfe and Gilmour, Next date March 27 at 9 p.m. on Shilling- ton." Ottawa letter inside was March 5 and read: letter of Feb. 26, I wish to state that I have nothing to add to my last communication. It is not my intention to be discour- teous, but I wish to decline to enter in any further communi- cations." ucts. little bargaining power cause "70 to 80 per cent of| the Canadian food trad controlled by stores." EK ACT AMENDMENT The pollution bill, introd Health Minister Mat Dr. Dymond said only * municipalities employed a full-| time staff for air pollution con- RCMP Corporals Testify trol although 26 passed bylaws junder the act. He said existing | municipal control. agencies will! In Locker -- by the eden | Phase one of the program) cover Toronto, where there also dated) ask LEASE FACILITY kers like ove : He called for simplification of| time," the premier said in dis-|had put him through ordeals| 'Dear Sir: In answer to your |4,, present 'jungle' of build-/Cussing the federation's annual|they described as "operation| ing bylaws, operation of public) >rie housing schemes by municipal authorities and extension of the principle of land lease in hous- ing development schemes. ---- He also suggested transfer of} . the Ontario Housing Corp. Set Of L TICS jurisdiction of an expanded mu-| y. nicipal affairs department to} provide a single department re- |sponsible for housing. Of Peace, War | Mr.: Nixon said regiona |velopment could be stimulated |by the decentralization of gov- now concen- All tongues have voice; All creeds have choice; le rnment offices In Canada aie in Toronto. A man will always be, | Under the Maple Leaf le Forever free. same sentiments He called for government en-| industries |locate in slow growth areas and The French-language version, |for an increase in grants to the have sent the new English and not a translation, renders what|Ontario Development Corpora- French lyrics, along with ajthe composers describe as the|tion and regional development 'councils. 'ouragement of He said farmers have five chain to private | By TOM MITCHELL whole defence debate. If Hell handed Defence Minister arrogant" and had given forces unification. Wednesday. External Affairs Minister|solved easily. Martin backed his cabinet col-} fling that adoption of a single|Hellyer and the public mitments better than ever. There were no signs of any and partisan attacks. let-up in the determined opposi-| went through its third day ofjtegrity. jCommons debate on clause-by- . Martin rejected (clause study. {Democratic suggestions Gordon Churchill, former Con- Canada could pull seph Goebbels, propaganda with Harold Winch (NDP couver East) blamed the minis- --Van- prove." The Western military wT buyers and a rundown of what was for sale. Sales from the auction were in excess of $5,000. --Oshawa Times Photo | PARLIAMENT m. he nesday that he suffered a bru- /1965, and that one officer broke/taken turns torturing him. his nose after he appealed in "massacre." j oes Gagnon, 34, is serving a_ life| consideration Wunteuney noe PRESS jsentence for the slaying' of Al-|ing aieeily. sa Ext ah » April 5, 1967 jberic Bilodeau, a key witness) Gagnon' Martin defended forces ast. | s ni- |; itv. fication in the Commons, say- eae was teeing at prelim- ing it wi } ; aa: carry cit ti teteuis cade inary hearing for 11 policemen! hook and ments more effectively. Conservative Gordon Chur- chill said the '"'credibility. gap'"' between Defence Mini- ster jHeliyer and the public Pe arson cases Oct. 20-21, as become a yawning g eels Pierre Elliott ieadeas Bell | In calling Gagnon to testify,/his mouth was held open his debut as justice minister with a statement that there is not yet a firm enough national | consensus to justify a con- | stitutional conference. jcotte. The gross national product | Gagnon, was reported to have in- creased 10.9 per cent to $57,- | 800,000,000 in 1966 from $51,- | 996,000,000 in 1965. A Liberal caucus heard sharp protests over state- ments by Ralph B. Cowan (L -- York-Humber) criticiz- ing Prime Minister Pearson. Chairman Russell C. Honey issued a statement saying he could not understand how Mr. Cowan could continue to associate with the Liberal party. said he was body and head. be- e is Louis Sicotte with intent {Ol taneously on both ears. uced | thew | to prove similar acts on the} at{accused in the Sicotte an accountant, four| him during. a period of deten- in late September and early October, 1965. S. He was then turned QUOTES. PROSECUTOR Peel he referred to Mr. Wagner asjhis pants Opposition Hands Hellyer Another Verbal Pounding Hellyer and the government an-/the information they needed to| WINNIPEG South Centre, other verbal pounding on armed make up their minds, the whole |Mr, question could have been re-'the same falsehoods time and the party for actusing the cab-| question. After Mr, Churchill said the Commons could no league with a speech maintain-| 'credibility gap'? between Mr.jon his word. force is the considered policy of|widened into a "yawning gulf," the government and will enable|Mr. Martin said differences of Canada to meet defence com-| opinion about the bill should not be used to launch such personal jcant | MPs could have confidence in|from the 1964 government white | york-Humt , y , tion stand against the bill as it|the minister's credibility and in-| bigger ek gage th at|permit back her|weapons. \servative defence minister, said forces serving with NATO in| ies Hellyer was using the same!Europe. This would be a mis- \"big lie' techniques of Dr. Jo-|\take at a time when "relations the Communist countries chief for the Nazi government.|of Europe are beginning to im-|government ter and the government for the ence had ; contributed to Convicted Murderer Testifies Received Brutal Police Beating 1",7t5.i% 37,8. 2 oe Gok who, es pres-|it admitted it would take an- , ' the|other five years to bring the nirus ails sasarat ate 1 Oily vatiaiin eon sharply criticized Mr. Cowan of quiet elegance : ABE ... for his outburst. The Honey i a of the forces statement followed. located in _) a | 7 ' 7 eth: tl Joe Macaluso (1, -- Hamilton SAYS HE'S ASTOUNDED -- MONTREAL (CP) -- A con-|book,"" "operation flagellation"|is following Canada's lead in in- Mr. Honey's statement. It was victed murderer testified Wed-)and 'operation play ball." tal beating at the hands of cused in the Sicotte case as| mained to be seen but somejhad made no decision on the dozen provincial policemen in|)"team members" who had/country had to start it. {vain to Claude Wagner, then' heatedly th > ati 7 | : Ph , y that much of the testi-| with |Quebec justice minister, to stop|mony was inadmissible, . MPs had mentioned the gener- AT A GLANCE the ; _|Henri Masson Loranger said he|ficers "A | The witness, Jean - Jacques|would take the objections into|Macaluso said there was some |the principle of bilingualism in| make a rul-/question whether they were out | Canada in one of a series of arson cases) kicked and punched in the legs,|had been affected by news re-|the Bulldogs the cabinet does | "Then they took a telephone ices. : L th put it on my head and) Douglas Harkness (PC--Cal-/ficial and four private investigators/started banging on it, at the|gary North), another former de-|by Mr. Pearson. jwho are charged with wounding|same time whacking me simul-|fence minister, had asked Mr.| jmaim while questioning him! After the telephone book Ithe Crown said it was seeking the interrogators spat in it. By this time he was lapsing\a unified service. part of all or some of the 15\into unconsciousness occasion-| == jaccused of having tortured Si-|ally and one of the interroga- tors, Maurice Miousse, another times burst into tears as he re-|kept opening his eyes to see! lated how police had treated| Whether he was all right. Next a large Sarbage can was tion he said he experienced at|Placed over his head and the QPP headquarters in Montreal | Officers drum med on it with what he thought were bats or sticks down with his head in the can At one point in his testimony|and the invesgiators pulled off} and proceeded "Himmler," and at another|pummel and squeeze his vital]! point he said he had been told|organs. Then someone abused! by a Crown prosector that the|him with a broom handle, he! THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, April 6, 1967 3 |. |Liberals Seek Resignation Of Member For Accusation for OTTAWA (CP)--Liberal mav-| Amplifying Wednesday, Mr. said erick Ralph Cowan was offi-| Cowan Said the party had never repeating cially invited Wednesday to quit/discussed the two - language He supports policies yin : enunciated by the party at open longer rely French-Canadian minority. convention, but not necessarily. . | ; The suggestion to depart/those of indivi s had| In defence committee éittings, came ae pointed statembatl inet ee Mr. Churchill said, the minister from Russell Honey, chairman} ---------------------------- jhad claimed he never said that of the Liberal caucus, which |unification would bring signifi-' comprises the party's federal financial Savings in de- MPs and senators. Mr. Cowan, | |fence. Mr. Churchill then read yp for the Toronto riding of'| | political stability Churchill, they | present | OTTAWA (CP) -- Opposition |had not been "so adamant, s0' Europe MPs| Mr member Hellyer "keeps time again" on unification. The inet of knuckling under the paper on defence which said) wr. Honey said he cannot sufficient savings would be understand how Mr. Cowan New|made through unification to "can now in good conscience increased spending On 'continue to associate himself" rf : : ..,. With the party. kag Nag redid this minis-| The normal course for a Lib-! ol in won ane -- yOu eral MP who disagrees with the Ss 2 mS : Ai vane ' unity-strengthening policies of; Mr. Winch wondered why the prime Minister Pearson is to| wanted approval resign from the caucus, Mr. for unification now even though Honey said bluntly ridge a community if you ere looking for a let te buy . . . visit cedar ridge -- use a builder of your choice for | He said the rest of the world fore, said he was astounded by tegration. Whether it would also|an attempt to increase personal He named 12 of the 15 ac-|{rail along on unification re-|power. Moreover the caucus] information. matter. phone 723-1194 QUESTIONS VIEWS The fiery MP started the Defence lawyers protested] Noting that many opposition intra-party dispute last Friday OSHAWA F , vith a talk to the Canadian Judge ally solid attitude of retired of-/Bulldog Party, OS --__--_--_--------------s against unification. Mr.|SPeaking group which objects to} __|of touch with current military] Mr. Cowan, a loud-voiced for-| first|thinking or whether their views |mer Sunday school teacher, told/ ee Money To Invest ! ports since they left the sery-|the bidding of the French mi-| nority. He objected to two of- languages, adhered to earn Mr. Cowan added he was} Martin earlier whether he was|given a false answer in the p aware that all retired senior of-|Commons on the subject by| 1 treatment, he continued, he was|ficers who appeared before the|John Matheson, Mr. Pearson's 4 jtaken to a bigger room where|committee had said that Can-|parliamentary secretary. while ada would be unable to meet| 'This talk about two lan-| per annum guages is as false as a $3 bill,"| Mr. Cowan said. her defence commitments with Sort} 'or five years by investing in Gueranteed Investment Certificates which are Guoranteed--os to Principal and Interest. Flexible--may be used as Col- lateral for loans. Redeemable--by Executors In the event of death, case, A DAY OF PRAYER AND FASTING FOR REVIVAL FRIDAY, APRIL 7th Becouse of the critical times in which we live, ond the great need for a spiritual awakening we are inviting all true followers of Jesus Christ to another day of prayer and fasting for revival. Meetings will be held the first Fridoy of every month for one hour duration at the following times: 5:00 p.m. 8 am. 12:00 noon Speaker -- Rev. CLINTON BRIGHT Authorized--as Trustee Act In- vestments. CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUSI & SAVINGS CORPORATION 19 Simcos St. N., Oshewe 723-5221 upside to 23 King St. W., Bowmanville 623-2527 justice minister had issued or-|said. jders that "confessi in this|- | of the Free Methodist Church case must be obtained at all are in a corridor at QPP headquar-|f If you have a ters during a brief respite from} the beating, and received no| TORONTO (CP) -- Premier|answer when he appealed to To Sell or Lease to have the "'massacre'"| REG AKER, pres. "A lot of workers like over-|during the interrogation. Police} 723-2265 f to the government with|garbage can," 'operation spit-| good names to remember Commercial Property SCHOFIELD-AKER Over 33 years in Business OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS ond SATURDAYS Location The Salvation Army Citadel 133 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa ~ = reporters. ting," "operation telephone! to) 1 de- to Low Cost 2nd Mortgages | Get cash fast for house repairs, a new car, vacations, or any other good reason. You Borrow $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000: FOUR SEASON'S TRAVEL on their SUNTOURS TOUR to EXPO '67 Every Friday (7:00 p.m.), Bus leaving for 3 days. Every Mon- day for 5 days (including Upper Canada Village and Ottawa). All accommodation, transporta- tion, passes, return included. FOUR SEASON'S TRAVEL 57 King St. E. Phone 576-3131 WHY OUR PLAN IS NO BONUS CHARGE OR HIDDEN FEES: With the Associates, you get a mortgage agreement that is crystal clear. No bonus or hidden fees are ever charged, Prepayment privileges. 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