Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Apr 1967, p. 26

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94 HE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, April 6, 1967 '26--Apartments for Rent |26--Apartments for Rent |26--Apartments for Rent |26--Apartments for Rent |29--Wanted to Rent 30--Automobiles For Sale (34--Automobile Repalr UPSTAIRS apartment, heated, three|OREW STREET, 74 -- Three or tWolTHREE - BEDROOM house for family|"66 CHEVROLET Impala, four - door FRED STONE ing, The best value In apartment NOW R NT N rooms and bath. Private entrance, Stove|"0oms, furnished, central, adults oF with two children, seventeen and eleven. |hardtop, V-8, automatic, power steeri 20--Real Estate for Sule |25--Houses for Rent fivthg Con be"seen "ot | and | refrigerator. oA, 1389 King ee eee three individuals, NolLong tease desired. References. Avail-|radio, tinted windshield, white walls, Brooklin -- 655-3653 : ree! ast. Telephone 263-8835. ie : c " FOUR BUILDERS lots from which to|BUNGALOW, three bedrooms, laundry hts tt ----__. |able May 1, north end_or near Oshawa.| 6,000 miles. 725-1492. choose. Telephone 725-2159. facilities. All furnished. Apply 750 Olive More and more of Oshawa's |pACIFIC AVENUE, 29. Three large FLOOR, modern two - bed-| Telephone after 6.30, 728-9709. 1955 CHEVROLET, licenced, sell or REBUILT ENGINES : pit 'oom rtment, heat, laundry facilities, . Avenue or after 5 call 725-3971. Ask for i en room basement apartment, pri hh ry ONE - BEDROOM unfurnisned apart-|trade? Telephone 723-0418 after 6 p.m. PRIVATE -- Sell or tra "| Martin. 8 REGENCY peo Ble Hest at tie (ee etiunce. ne eueeiee nee welcome, Teleohone S7ei0s4e" "TS®"| ment needed for business couple by April| Tax® i a lor Hes 00 X ROOMS, oll furnace. Close to modern kitchen. $100 monthly. 725-9308) ------ 15, In Whitby. 668-8517 after 4 p.m. Fri-|1 schools. $125 monthly. Apply 212 Mc O 8 CYL. Exchange Price Naughton Avenue. qT WERS Se . A 958 OL E, radio, ic. In after six. LARGE two a bedroom apartment in oy we Saturday; up to 3 p.m.from Us condition. Cheap. Telephone 725- = OM elecricallo hentaa nny (Small apartment buiiding, quiet, central|Monday on. t 2-BEDROOM electrically heat t- ONE-BEDROOM basement apartment in ment Whew. bulline., Nee Ou: and close to transoprtation, all facilities, HOUSE, spacious apartment or duplex,|1960 PONTIAC Laurentian, six, auto as low as $200.00 i . 'oom: good 7 5 1 apartment building. Adults, Available] R ond Seat hc etc ZS eal deca ares, Excellent reterenceee S150 tor Vne| E000 or rentontule. otter', Telephone. 12s AUTOMATIC H i a . et . A : 20a--Summer Properties May. 15, $77.80 monthly. $41 Simcoe 349 MARLAND AVENUE M se Rone sone eee etter S_ THREE-ROOM apartment, small build-|monthly. Write Box 61536, Oshawa| 7802. TRANSMISSION For Sale or Rent ec caacom ba tow, ol teal PHONE 725-2227 stove, builtin" cupboards. Private 'en|i03 Abstainers. Adults only. $98 month-|Times. asl Gadhia be gh Me og od CENTRE oe ----- |TWO - BEDROOM brick home, o! . S trance, $6§ monthi h ly. Available May 1. 103 Wilson Rd. TWO - BEDROOM house wanted July 1,|hardtop, power equipped. Telephone 728- HOUSEKEEPING corte & veal = $100 monthly. Telephone ino aneee ron ed ly. Heat, hydro in-| North, 725-3296 for appointment. by family with two children, aged 'two|6466. 1038 Simcoe St. N. 728-7339 eon Lake, two and three bedrooms. . Pere Ade nl THREE-ROOM, second-floor apariment.|and three. Telephone 576-3437 i ; tere | ST agree eres ge eer) " . . ' 1961 IMPALA, black, white trim, 8 cylin- I phone rer heal perenne fee $135 MONTEL; two - family erage Benen PERE ati ee i ee piven Propriece oh ae entrance.|COUNTRY HOME with two bedrooms, ad popes ce Bg power brakes, Yeates. oe ee a er use. | a J f "| Stove, refrigerator, parking, bus at door. lace In excellent running order, and condition. Pa " = bel rage gl ar a0! of ake OF ed luteolin a Aly iat PREMIER cour, ae saloon Gch laedenadik Adults only. $75 monthly. 725-6473, sock, hear ekinoriar Ils rte Telephone 725.3742. ments, Exchanges. All Work Lake, just south of Bancroft, 21 Street. | e @ saat A NICELY furnished one-bedroom apart-|have reasonable rent for couple attend-|4¢ MARLIN hardiop. Privale. aa7 en:| Guaranteed. frontage. Asking $4,500. : WANTED: Owner would like to share eis rnished apartment. Private|ment, clean and quiet, suit business|ing school June. Write D. Heintz, 21\cine, four speed, bucket seats. Power COTTAGES, good housekeep-|three-bedroom bungalow, couple with no ath and \enirance. Clean. Abstainers!couple, no children. Apply 310 Richmond|Virgllwood Drive, Willowdale, Ont, s MAIJAC ly. Te ply disc brakes, radio, Cash, trade, terms.|35----Lost and Found Ing, all facilities. Swimming, skiing, Hypa yf righ big chelate coy 321 MARLAND AVENUE only. Telephone 728-0797. Siri ast. Telephone 728-8792, 3 7 bil F Sal 728-4046, fishing. 725-2909 oe 723-8487. furnished. alley Drive, phone 728- re nly, ROROOM -- apariment. $125|/TWO-BEDROOM apartment, bath, pri:|2@0--Automobiles For Sale |---~ -|LOST -- Silver Timex watch, automati RICE LAKE Bebe Beach 2 miles east ULE PHONE 728-6722 monthly. Apply 291 Marland Avenue,|yate entrance, ka F 1962 FORD Galaxie V-8, standard trans le, leboro, 4 bedroom furnish cot- fave, Phone 725-7284. 26--Aportments for Rent CHANDOS LAKE, cottage, beautiful mo- dern, three bedroom, fire place, car Bee yes oa. sun deck, pine trees, GET MORE 21--Farms for Sale FOR YOUR poe IT tea sae eee ey NEWTONVILLE = Agar fee so Highway No, 2, loca' m Oshawa. Three-bedroom home, all mod- ern conveniences. Good sandy soil, all RENTAL DOLLAR workable. Asking approximately $2,500 down, Call Shirley Moske!, Griffin Real Estate, 723-4134, ANY SiZE -- Dairy, beef, horse, hobby, commuter, Oshawa, Orono, Port Hop Call Clare Mc- parking, heavy du' .30|'n Sunset Heights vicinity. Reward. Tele Apartment 107 or telephone 723-6134. - '|cable, TV outlet, 'heat, hydro. Avallouie Ney Meee Senge Ne a Y p.m. Phone 725-8072. WHITBY -- Modern, two-bedroom apart.|April 15. Apply 344 Buena Vista, 725-0746 MODERN 1 AND 2 ment in elght-plex building, refrigerator|after 4 p.m. : ed Toner Preaatebet ee auto WATCH, Lady's Omega, yellow-gold, lost BEDROOM SUITES | and 'stove, balcony, heat, hot water, $1251 FURNISHED, healed three > room apart: H AC KN FY re eee exceptionally clean car./April 3 vicinity Ontario Street or King ke i K2-692, U 5-10. ® NEWLY DECORATED | PHONE 728-9724 | monthly, very central. 725-5223, ment, modern furniture. Automatic co ee eee fon cork, Plaza. Reward. 723-2126 after STOVE AND FRIDGE | FOUR - ROOM apartment on main floor.|washer, dryer. Private entrance, park- i -|ing. Hospit E ' a 1963 CHEV four-door sedan, BALCONIES iba er ince arate ict rh Ay hl Pegs paailey ee radio, white walls, chrome discs. Gcod 36--Legal SHELDIAN u FABRIC DRAPES Street. Telephone 725-3938. Two - Sperinant in ee cieen Tee id 575679. r] LAUNDRY FACILITIES MANSIONS TWO = BEDROOM apartment, free serv-|plex, $115 monthly. Available June 1. PRIVATE SALE. Ci in good FREE HYDRO 1, 2 ond 3 bedroom suites. [1,657 AUh NANO ee core ee ena, EE, dition, '56 Lincoln "tourcioor. ereniier: NOTICE J . -9872. tA DRIVE -- Triplex. One- ! ; ne Cee IN HALLS Sublet -- reduced rent apts. |FIVE-ROOM apartment, $125 month In-|bedroom 'basement apariment" Ont. BES] PRICES PAID Tea recipe easter eee eens wn TO CREDITORS M4AZG2 17> 0> i dows, steering, brakes, $350 cash or con- LOCKERS | available without lease. Swim- {cluding hydro and heat. Available April|extra small room. Rent Includes refrig- FOR LATE MODEL CARS sider pick-up or small car as trade plus A fs 1. Telephone 723-2024 after 5 p.m. erator, stove, washing, drying, paved h. 725-3043. I t th Ls that hertecctantl! Sac Bi sehd sD iy Cash. CONTROLLED OR. Pow. Opposite. 0Ou FURNISHED two-room apartment, near |POrking. 723-4670. secant MUST BE SHARP 1983 VALIANT coach, big six, standard. AND OTHERS ENTRANCE GM. Children welcome. Two | downtown, for one or Nee oan Apply| PRIVATE, Furnished or unfurnished, Radio, good tires. Excellent" condition Srees, Good Investment. MPLE PARKING baths in all two and three {195 Albert Street. : kitchen, living, bedroom and bathroom, TRADE OR CASH $925, Telephone 728-9552 ; Cullovgh, 723-7843 or write 591 Oshawa AMPL bedroom suites. - ONE., TWO- AND THREE-BEDROOM SUI! couple or gentleman, ciose Shopping en id i denn IN THE ESTATE OF . Nw Oshawa. W. Frank Real CLOSE TO SCHOOL x nd 4 THREE-BEDROOM 'Centre, 306 Pacific Avenue, side door FINANCING AVAILABLE '4 STUDEBAKER, V-8, automatic, cus- nd 885 OXFORD STREET apartments, In lovely Casa Manana, 230 tom-built radio. New plates. Very good LYDIA EVANGELINE . AND CHURCHES Nipigon Street, centrally tocated, Inter-/SPECIAL BACHELOR apartment in condition. Asking $125 or trade for Ford. 7O-ACRE FARM for sale, barn, running 728-7942 com, no -children under 12. Telephone|apartment building, bed - sitting room, 723-1370. DONEVAN, deceased. 20 Re water, twenty-five miles. east of Osh- CLOSE TO SHOPPING CENTRE | = Mrs. Hayes, 725-8876. kitchen, bathroom. Private. Parking. $85} 1965 FORD Custom 500 {723 Pe awa, river at the north, choice land. | APARTMENT -- Suitable for Doc.|Tormhly. Telephone 728-9672. Sedan. Lic. J98782, automa- 1964 BEAUMONT: 1w6-door nartie) high} ALL claims against the es- double Write Box 62931, Oshawa Times. M AT APPLY (OR TELEPHONE THE | LUSANNE VILLA [ter cettist or lewver. "Properiy' zoned /APARTMENT FOR RENT. Parlly fur| tic, power steering, radio, Performance, 283, speed, ra Barry 9 tate of the late Lydia Evon- 114 ACRES, good clay loam, good bulld- ABOVE NUMBERS on Simcoe Street South. Also two bed- nished. Tota! abstainers only. $70 month- a 1,7 3355. | D I f th F Ing, creek. Asking $20,000 with terms. | 330 GIBB STREET room apartment. Telephone 623-2368. _|ly includes lights and heat. Cali 668-3216] CTP: + --+++++++- ; or AURA Me in geline Donevan, late of the Near Lindsay. Call John Sandy, 725-8010. a Ash Hag FIVE - ROOM apartment, electric hear. | Crter 5:32. #4 CHEVROLET Impala, cenvertible,| City of Oshawa, in the Coun- Early B W. ©. Martin Realtor. A MB ASS ADO R dy prestige Rorsiek Ing, stove and refrigerator, downtown,|WHITBY -- One jomedroom "apartment! 1964 CHRYSLER 4 door hard- ing, vedio' Bat On nt Wenes| ty of 'Ontorio, Widow, he : entrally located, electrically elephone 728-3546. Ber ee Can ee ye es, ED An Lie. KI DBD tomatic Credit Union, 322 King West. died on or about the 20th 22--Lots for Sale Enjoy the Modern Trend heated. Roomy breakfast nook |THREE - ROOM apartment, main floor, MOMGln ater es: Reahor Lean 48: Aaa ba r ie one 1964 MORRIS 1100, A-1 condition, $795,| day of February, 1967, must ; E) 'i and kitchen. Tennis court {with sunroom, stove, refrigerator, wash- : Hina d ly power, p full price. Telephone d6e-iere " | be vled with He undaiece ¥} To Luxury Living 4 borhaeue ing machine, private entrance and bath.|27----Rooms for Rent owner, like new .... $1,895 _ |full_price. Tele : e file e undersigne L O af APARTMENTS nibble ike Telephone 725-1483, 1967 CAMARO, $$ 0, #speed trans-| on or before the 27th day of wired ver ' mmission, wide oval tires, yellow wi April, 1967, after which date oo SAU -- Two-room furnished apart- ATTRACTIVELY j black vinyl top, black interior, bucket ae? ' ' FOR RENT @ ment, refrigerator and stove supplied, 1964 CHEVROLET 2 door, YA oe gore the estate will be distributed 7 ZONED FOR Princess Anne Aue. Homes, Reoire: Recm | eae: Touma Wiest FURNISHED ROOM V-8, Lic. S6010E, automatic, [Station 08 King West P| Oe ae law Modern and _-- convenient, : (ae : |ONE-BEDROOM apartment, heated, $70 i i i good clean cor .... $1,295 : q A APARTMENT BUILDING d ' : " A tments ond Board, Office Hours: ROnIhIV Moke abe plicit Ais Available in private home. ' i966 custom SPORT, two door hard. Th Pie eee me: 20 Suit equipped with refrigerator par n Tues. to Fri, 10:30 a.m. to Iplied, laundry facilities Telephone 668-| Call between 5 ond 7 p.m. lop, 327, four speeds, reverberator. Sold iomas Kelso. Creig U | up to uites : 7. 5 *il 3 vat2, he 96 to highest offer placed before April 8th. Gilbert Logan Murdoch Simibe N. Aree and stove, broadloom in halls, pm, Sat. 'til 3 p.m. 82 PARK RD N 1 afro) egos convert- | 725-8470. uae ime ; j i i SMALL furnished tment, refrigera- . - ib! ic. 15234, radio, two- |i95 ' FL M., | bal- ou will enjoy our indoor , apartment, refrigera e, Lic , radio, 1959 PONTIAC, automatic, $297. Can be Intercom jorge y LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION : tor and stove, close to hospital; also fur- i financed. Tel 576-268. c/o Creighton, Drynan, Close to school, shopping and conies. One bedroom $95 and pool, sauna room, large bal- 55 Bruce St. 728-1070 _ |nished_bedroom. _138_or 143 Prince St. 728-867 | ee ee epee " 'i ; ' ae eG LOW Sate es es: 1,895 |1958 "PONTIAC, Laurentian shccylinder, Murdoch & Victor, ae, FOUR bus. up. Two bedrooms $115 and conies, spacious suites, ample boda oo ROWER, Goplex, two bee. COMFORTABLE ROOMS $ standard transmission. Excellent' condi, Barristers and Solicitors, Bes it ar For further informotion up. Close to shopping cen- parking, mail delivery, per- NEW BUILDING i if 5 tion. No d , $6. : i : manville. Telephone 728-6798 atter_5_p.m. WEEKLY RATES 1963 DODGE convertible, Lic. |bicence' 235. Wellman', "Feephone| Oshawa -- Ontario. tre and all schools. sonalized service, PLUS the One, two or three bedrooms |BASEMENT APARTMENT, private en- MAID SERVICE erste TELEPHONE moderate monthly rental apartments, 835 Oxford St. |france, three rooms and _bath- J79060, V-8, automatic, ra- 728-7351. . : ; 1962 VOLKSWAGEN, one owner, no "SEALED ' room, hydro included, washer and dryer,| A La Carte Restaurant on dio, A-1 condition .. $1,695 now available. Mala Glen .|near bus. Telephone 728-3076, Apply asi] Premises, : down payment, $38 per month. Licence ] oh 3 49933. Wellman's. Telephone 728-7351. . 725-8451 FREE TAXI SERVICE BY Free hydro, free moving. | Beverley Street. Mrs. James Maher 1959 CHEVROLET, green, four - door TENDERS i | APPOINTMENT Now open for inspection. |THREE - ROOM unfurnished epariment, WHITBY HOTEL 1963 CHRYSLER' four 'door |squn' mn snlsrd necoht realises resently be led fo i ivat bath, heav iring, Ring, h d to He ; 67887H i iy * ard. ash. elephone ore Presen y C ing calle r P LOTS IN BOWMANVILLE. Just re Telephone 725-0657, 728- {Private av: Mannie | Daring ard top, Lic , auto- -- |728-5223 after 6 p.m. the construction of a. six- duced to $1,995 full price for this lot. In PRINCESS ANNE 2226. ' adults please. Working couple. preferred. ' 668-2337 matic, two-way power, ra- |PRIVATE. 1959 Chevrolet Impalas two. palit: setiGal' with: Gener ' sien 100 x 9 4 | Ma ' ? n pala, . ' aeiwer kya naw here, Cail Shirley CALL APARTMENTS TWO - BEDROOM aparimenty six.) COMFORTABLE ROOMS dio, outstanding .. $1,695 bay Bi hia Arie Telechent otis, al Purpose Room addition to Moskal, Griffin Real Estate, 723-4134. re REGENT ARMS monthly Including hydro, heat, private WEEKLY RATES 1966 CHEVROLET Caprice, fours door| the existing St. Christopher's tor Be Lc cas Als 1221 SIMCOE ST. N. propel Ro enicancey "Parking, "stoves, frig, Pees MAID SERVICE 1962 ACADIAN convertible, |hardtop, 427 motor, full power equipment | School located on Annapolis sewer and service on lot. Telephone 723- 6 at Two bed May 1. Whitby 668-5958. A La Carte Restaurant Lic. J98784, automatic, re- Maat) brakes, steering, windows and} Ave:, Oshawa. Tenders will eS ie aE LOT "road Goud ned - Our model suite is furnished De ee Tere hee WHITES ax Lower erie AIDEN te on_ premises. built motor, new shocks and [best otter: Terns (rieege Mill Sell for! be accepted not later than f }O-ACRE on paved road, 9 siz -- ga has Sah SEN and_ parking. Starting at |bedrooms. Electric heat. Telephone 668- CENTR 1964 OLDSMOBILE 98, four - door hard- ' i API \ 27 723-5281 2 i AL HOTEL top, one owner, low mileage, full at the office of the Architect, Sy gt gacealad el dagiade for appointment broadloom by ANGUS GRAYDON | $109. monthly. Adults only. {343 heen Siecouubera: : ment. Heat, lights and water. Sult work- i ik ; ,| fish Road, West Hill, Ontario. between Oshawa and Bowmanville. or see Henry at épenidolly @ pin: MIS oi between 6 and 9:30 p.m. Ing 'couple. Telephone Whiiby 568 Dal, TWO comfortably furnished rooms.| Lic. J82857, two tops, radio, Original price new $8,004. Will sacrifice A F; Close to Highway No. aly teeny Sot 7k San. HI ee till 7 THREE-ROOM apartment, private bath-|ried couple or teachers. Telephone 668- goodies rink Telephone 723-6541. essarily accepted. Plans and ' Get at Hr with See fering M : +, & Sun. 11 a.m. p.m. BON us om, heavy wiring, TV ey ee aad Street, Whitby. trseessees $1,195 [i953 BUICK, new valve job, completely! specifications are available a! eon janitius, <i or ry room, for gentlemen to : a p.m. Adults preferred, 366 Park Road N. ' ; |, $281, Guide Realty Ltd. 340 arland Ave PHONE We Pay Moving Expenses TWO-BEDROOM --apeciaiealyTeHGOra.[ereitegetinnsmaker, abe ainers.. Kitchen! TRY OUR FINA PRODUCTS 02 fice of the Architect. 1 and 2 bedroom, large apart- for and stove, Simcoe Street North, : AND SERVI i s The Ow is the Board of miles, 25-acre lots, river, $5,900. full wi py 2 D '|ROOMS FOR RENT, $10 and $12 iv, CE ical_ condition, body fair, $75 or best e ner is e Boor price. Box M61726, Oshawa Times. Apt. | 725-9934 - 576-3864 ments, fully equipped. Jaundry POC, ggg SOPHO 72-433 maid service, restaurant on' preminn: i a7 Chevrolet coach, perfect body] R.C. Separate School Trus- RAVINE LOT for sale, 56' x 247', in very 190 N. Road TWO LARGE i 1180 Si offer; also Volkswagen parts and 230| tees, Oshawa." desirable easy section of the city. All | onquon Koa furnished rooms, heat /stoRE FOR RENT 1 Bi ile. imcoe St. North 4 services prepaid. Call Harold Segal at ELEVATOR and hydro, on bus line, parking. Rea: "-lAvailable July 15 or sooner. "Telephone 7 cubic Inch six cylinder Chevrolet motor, "SEALED PETE us 28-0031 i956 DODGE, V-8, automatic, custom 1956 DODGE, V-8, automatic, cust ) paved 'road, Zion Telephone 75.ne. °"| © CONTROLLED RENTAL VALUE FOUR-ROOM apariment, two bedrooms, |LARGE nicely furnished -- bea-siffing radio. Fair condition. Telephone 725-977. sais 'oung couple preferred ; ; merithoaet i ihe city, all serv. CLOSE TO SCHOOL isras cdi ane bith. Sloss, Teoh, & ah Slog ping Centre, Gentleman only. 460 King models our specially. Courtice Auto! are presently being called ces prepald and underground hydro. TWO - BEDROOM heated apartment In| more 59 eee = i Telephone 728-0194. ND CHURCHES TOWER APARTMENTS ted apa N|TWO FURNISHED housekeeping rooms,| cash. METEOR Montcalm 500, V8 auto) nine-cl hool in P FIVE serviced lots, NHA approved, " en RGe on Hampton. Telephone 263-2240. kitchen - living room, bedroom, refriger- mati _ Excellent condition. Telephone} "!NE-Classroom sc to be . kitchen, living room, bedroom, private|or two girls. Mary. Hillcroft . 728 1954 CHEVROLET, ; ¢lean,| cated on the east side of Ath. terms. Telephone 723-1191. N schools and shopping. bath. Southern location. Adults." 'Tele.| 3109. eee T with plates. $110. 'Teresrere Sasa" abasca St., Oshawa. Tenders rn NHA APPROVED building lot in north! APPLY OR TELEPHONE THE c Telephone 942-0130 phone 725-9685. |SINGLE ROOM for gentleman. Very 137 King West a ti ' ts. Fi h t hak best offer. Terms if required. 723-6541. . x Wien. Price $15 Coan oF dete. Call by WILSON'S FURNITURE and | ments. Free hydro, water, heat [sublet by May 15.. New building. Two MR. JAMES MAHER brakes. A-1 condition. $885 ee April 20, 1967 at 4:30 p.m. s William Saccoccio, 215 More & | HeaCRW LOT, terge enough for -VEK, 723-6944 or 723-6455 |CENTRAL, tworoom bachelor apart. 723-9121 1960 AUSTIN Healy Sports, [This car Is in. show room conaitigg 2, K Stove and refrigerator. Suitable for mar-| overdrive, wires for best offer. Terms can be arranged.| Lowest or any tender not nec- Paved road, nice trees rty. Ae , facilities, parking. | Phone Seupholstered, A-1 condition. $100. Apply! on deposit of $50 at the of- LAKE SCUGOG AREA, Oshawe 2 '58 FORD station wagon, mechan- after 5 p.m., 728. Queen's Hotel, 67 Simcoe North. and motor, collector's item, $125 or best 725-3557. J. B. McMullan and Co. LOCKERS OSHAWA'S BEST 728-9726 able. clean and quiet. South end area. |473%, fits "63 car and up. 725-9819. i i room, hot and cold water In room, re- ---- scsi i dadihe LOT FOR SALE, in very desirable RAG ekiNG S E E AJAX bal ii Ht ig entrance, heat, hydro|trigerator, five minutes to Oshawa Shop- W A N ef E D GRILLS, radiators, all car parts. Late TEN DERS Street West. Good clean local cars for |Wreck ae for the construction of a new Sih eAA Da bn tbe htod Bens cn Oe RCE ic. ; underground wiring. Name your own) CLOSE TO SHOPPING CENTRE in apartment building. Near |FURNISHED three-room apartment,|ator, stove and TV, single beds, sot see MORLEY STALKER arte called John XXIII School lo- Brand t MOTORS end of city. All services prepald. Terms 723-831 f will be accepted not later reasonable. Telephone 723-1191. ABOVE NUMBERS Ovatoukinn: he eek iseutes Hie ROOMS 'and bath. Two people|central to downtown. Apply 182 Athol |_723-8311 723-6322 _|31--Compact Cars for Sale | {j,,,, April 20, 1967 at 4:30 ; $600 § TEN ACRES well wooded, north-east of : FURNISHED and M i p.m. at the office of the Lit Oshewa. $2,995 full price. Call 723-6053. on Mary St. North. UNFURNISHED TWO-BEDROOM"aparineni newiy "dec. irene faclifiog, Patty oebeen key ORE CASH ZOLTAN and NICK'S Architect, William Saccoccio, $600 R 23--Real Estate Wanted $ SAVE $ Swimming pool, sauna bath, 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apart. |27at*s;,, lose to, Oshawa Shopping Cen-|874 Crerar Street. Paid for Good Clean' Cars. Your Authorized Datsun 215 Morrish Road, West Hill, $450 S room ond rec room. : refrigerator, laundry faclll-CENTRALLY LOCATED Clean, fur: ; ; and Fiat Dealer Ontario. Lowest or any ten- Don't fo git nang P il suing FURNISHED one aa ove, Quiet home, "Ty "outet Porking. $13 ee ee ee Specializing in Volkswagen Gir Tek necessarily accented. ee WINK ATTA GIRL? FREE ai febiced "plcvorcund 8 refrigerator, double bed. dining 'set, pri-|Weekly. 725-8560, : DODD MOTOR SALES Repair and Service Bini Sei We Aneahons $50 ; ea a ; ' IN ' i vate three-piece ih. Heat, hydra In-\5 E : ; i available on deposit o' jus Trying to sell a heme without | THIS YEAR | {UNDERGROUND PARKING. -2347 mony. gaia mms, Mice deunown Yemsane ras] S14 PARK RD, SOUTH 7280051 oe oe i @ sign is like a salesman THREE-ROOM furnished epartment for|CLEAN, TWOBE peble dM Bs < The Owner is the Board of | winking ot a girl In @ dark ONLY $50 two ladies, Refrigerator na Hove. Ine quiet, private g ctetaa My geatlsiell 'e eng oom sauna. room, central, % VOLVO and PEUGOT R.C. Separate School Trus- ; Tyo B cluded. 's. Garage .|cludes stove, refrigerator, antenna,|-2.'_Nowsekeeping. Telephone 728-8402. RAMBLER MERCEDES BENZ tees, Oshawa," RUMMAGE room. Get your message ac- y DAMAGE DEPOSIT $20 weekly. 235 Clark St., 728-5348. Parking, laundry facilities, heat and. hot|LARGE furnished room for gentlemen, SALES SERVICE * 4 eee : aes ene ross call on H. KEITH LTD. Moving To OPEN DAILY AVAILABLE MAY 1 -- Modern apart-|Weter. April 26._m723-6329. five minutes to four comers, quiet home, ee General Repair and ny ments in Whitby. One, one-bedroom/TWO-ROOM, cosy apartment, self-con-/ "ea" _North GM. 723-3356. and PAINT Auto-Electric Service 38--Coming Events ! NEARLY N REAL ESTATE REPRESENTA- FROM 1 P.M. - 9 P.M, apartment and one, two-bedroom apart-|tained. Private entrance, heat, hydro)COMFORTABLY furnished room for New and Used Ca Jake and Bill's Garage , Seon TIVE and have him list your ment. Close to Sklar, Dunlop. Stove, re- een $75. monthly. Telephone 723- Le close to bus. Wilson Road South. Med ; i Easy to finance at 449 Ritson Rd. South at -- or by appointment. frigerator, laundry facilities, electric |3211. 'elephone 725-8845. ry e a Dat home under Oshawa Photo G R F N F F q L 576.2280 eco' bocacid el apart | , MONTHLY, Basement, Bachelor |FURNISHED room: with kilghen"privile NICOLS MOTORS LTD. Oshawa 728-0921 SPECIAL F 39--Not ie a "conta irt- irtment, rivate ai . e | weel . 4 pron § ¥ % 3 MLS for fost results, or 725-9750 ment. Private bath, $70. monthly. Im-|suitable for' couple. Telephone 728-1731 Telephon ings. 660-654. was WHITBY. 668-3331 ped ale Caden onan pledge mediate possession. Telephone Whitby |after 5 p.m. aa iced taal ASC * throughout. @ new way | Idso Wiersma 728-5683 S Q U A RE 668-4560. ie i - : pe Aner hed = housekeeping room, RAMBLER Telephone 728-9567. i, New and ge iid pean aie CENTRAL. Furnished apartment, sult, parking, working couple or. gentleman. Doug Carmichael 723-7463 W. FRANK ONE-, AND TWO-BEDROOM apart-|three gentlemen, available now, heavy|Apply 194 King Street West. 1969 SIMCA, clean, economical trans- 2 ee portation, in good running condition. Te- 4 Goal Chariton 728-8569 REAL ESTATE LTD. Pent a? Manica Avenue, Available cu Stove and refrigerator. Apply 128/41) KING STREET EAST, two bedrooms, SALES -- SERVICE lephone 725-5351. é ONE ord TWO now. For Information apply 371 Albert|Elgin East or 728-0252. front room, kitchen, bathroom. Tele. and PAINT pays BOW) 21 King St. W., Bowmanville | Street.__ nee lao ______|ARTHUR STREET, Oshawa, S-room|phone 723-2549. RENT THAT VACANCY through Rent We have buyers for reason- BEDROOMS 22 F three- room, _upstairs|furnished apartment, private 'bath, all FURNISHED bedroom. Very centre, New and Used Cars Ads -- Call 723-3492 today for action! THIS WEEK ably priced properties, city apartment, in duplex. Private entrance,|services paid. r n y orinters, asy to finance ™ ar' le a id rs. E and suburban, bungalows, | OSHAWA'S LARGEST al hater eee oer | eee tae Telephone Taessca." "YN? S™) NICOTS MOTORS LTD, |22--Trucks for Sale SUITES FRIDAY High Triple eh Sore eos FIVE-ROOM apartment, electric heating, |EURNISHED ~coreep ace 1953 CHEVROLET haif-ton, é J. 'Hart 713 ROYALE THREE-BEDROOM apartment, _unfur-|stove and refrigerator, downtown. Tele, FURNISHED corner room, clean, quiet, WHITBY -- 668-3331 lyr elf-fon, body 'com FRIDAY W. Helmecke two storeys, income homes, opartments, farms. For free : "f plete! radio, new tires, good nished, in lower duplex. Use of base-|phone 728-3546. Seeving: susan Sy cook, Tent house running condition. Telephone 728-4977" Wotton 650 | ki ment, lawn, garden, garage. Children|once-ne; piel the AIT Dey le it dO ES eT -- ; B. Nichols. 6 Fool tec as tons eee No APARTMENTS welcome. Close to south General Motors. Eph edptatis lal ig RL FURNISHED BEDROOM for refined OSHAWA TRANSMISSION Bay eile ee ets cerinipe at Phil Cormier , & 2 5 , . 4 : i West. 723-4651, Reasonable 655-4726. heating hydro Ineluded, Telephone 725-[2rqner en getult home. | Apply, 272 SERVICE less box $875, 985-7191, Port Perry. at 8:00 P.M. Ane ee HAVE CLIENT with all casn wishing t Application Sine ir aeiiaes drapes, appliances, bat: pass after_4 p.m. Specializing in rebuilt auto- 1961 INTERNATIONAL Tandem Dump Taylor 251. ol oe wieing fo 1 and 2 Bedroom Cony. Laundry, storage every floor. BUS! modern "building. aeerene a iment I WHITBY -- 85) Dundas Sireet West| matic and standard transmis. | Truck. Telephone 668-3509, MOVING BACK TO Points. Tak Purchase bungalow or two-storey home eTuse modern building. Appliances suppliled. 7 ; between King and Adelaide, Simcoe and : Availabl at door, adiacent shopping. Free. ser!cioss to bus, Apt, 6 105 Craydon Road. |,urmished light housekeeping room with! -- sions, '38 CHEVROLET half-ton Fleetwood, os 0 ie Witton Rose: aton. 'Plasis call see sine Suites Available vices, Child welcome. 723-5035, 725-9872, bs AB By *|bath, Ti 668-6365 between 4 p.m. with long box. Excellent condition. $500 mount 3, PI W. ©. Martin Realtor. i FREE : 4 nes secs 4 to 9 p.m. ONE BEDROOM apartment, furnished|and 8 p.m. GUARANTEED WORK or best cash offer. Telephone 723-1375. HOLY CROSS 2, Reynolds 'or comfort and convenieni ® OOM apartment. deluxe. 4aoc|0F unfurnished, suitable iGHT -- ------------ , ONE BEDROOM iaeariment, deluxe, $35 couple or 'single person, d BE ras rem oma 7, 576-2610 1958 GMC panel truck, good condition; DOWNTOW? Write stating. informati HEALTH CLUB see these all electric apart |oreg tor $65 per month. 'Suit ekdery: ar| Barking» downtown 'area, drapes supplied, | envi! aFée. Clo privileges optional. i983 FORD Va BP Siero athens repels. Apply Sim St High Trip . rite stating Information, ef 725-8964 after 6. " ig » four door, cust + S location to: Box 62834, Oshawa Times." SAUNA STEAM ments, Located near schools couple. = T 668-4363, ' Aberdeen Street. 728-|radio, good ti sd aldol IMCOE or Emendolia 7 R res, Best offer. Telephone |'62 CHEVROLET half-ton long Fleetside Smith 705, T < opping, with direct bus : | ae «(728-0265 after 6. box, One '59 GMC half- . Schi Shopping Centre and west of bart Rose, oe EULALIE - LASALLE -- Three-room|™ent In Posses:'FURNISHED light housekeeping room, : inthe Save Gotean Salat Anything considered. Have ail cash, . re Power steering, tr 314 Bloor West. High Sing! : Sing! come. $85.|BEAUTIFULLY SITUATED to Oshawa Centre. . igh Sing Bilal bani SWIMMING POOL balconies and closet space. cnontniy. Telephone TEAR itor Fonte Wns beara ralaghene a lteasane isa 728-8410 Private 1955 GMC panel truck, new plates, rons Goodman 30 URGENTLY NEEDED two-storey home (IN SEASON) 09, = : H "|FIVE ROOM newly decorated apart- ' =A x, Can b route into town. Extra large apartment in apartment building. |S10_Telephone 987-4303. newly decorated. Private entrance, Close|power steering, Senrernar , four door,|o0x-pcan, be seen at Mike Starr Garage, Bat FR EE iad Cae sea Indoor Parking SIMCOE AT ARLINGTON -- Complete.|Parking. Telephone 728-5774. Idnor. Also. parking. Apply 313 Rrench or MOTOR ¢ Bantams: | Bell 315, Wa wet bd iS, ci " i: " 4 .| ONE-BEDROOM -- furnished basement | available, 221 Liberty Street North, Bow- tees : hie 289, F @ bungalow in the north-west. Call Cec with bath, heat, hydro, water supplied. | 0! h Z Cars, '55's and up, Trades accepted. | paint-bod jeb last fall. Will taki © ralhiainaadl Elliott, 723-1133, Evenings 725-9442. Carl French Provincial Kiichans 728-5282 Also five-room apartment, $90. monthly. |apartment. Suitable for two gentlemen |manville. 623-7122 after 6 p.m. Terms arranged. R. B. Motor Sales, $09|trade in ol e299 cane Will fake car as -- FREE -- 260, 34-101, Jim's Free Hydro kitchen, private bath, Near hospital, |balcony, refrigerator, stove. Apply Apt. = ished "Tight house. eon' fromaover 60 cars. No down pay-|Volkswagen, or best 'offer. Telephone| _ 20 Reg. Games--Total $300 Towers 8980: GARAGE WANTED or storage shed, Fabric Draperies F286.) 7417 schools, bus. Parking. Adults. Telephone|5, 123 Annes after 5. Te Fok Gu oe ea Wiens ment. Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 728-7375. hahaa OE SNOWBALL--$190 in 56 Nos, lockable with floor and hydro. Telephone unfurilshed = aecend figocifive imlnuies from donntown. Telephone | CONVERTIBLE: 1959 FORD, V-8, auto-|1964 DODGE half-ton, outstanding shape, 83853-19-86; " bat iol laced Roa ca RS Regular Jackpot--$200 840 57-13-69, ' ; paved drive, near schools, shopping.|room walls new ceramic. tile. Reason- ean'465 VALIANT 200 Custom. Radio, auto- 5 Walking Distance of Don't Wait Share bath. Heated. $100 monthly. 728-| ably priced. 723-3132. No children under 6. RO Giireh tear Neeutan ee ore matic, small six. 19,000 miles. $1,800.|33----Automobiles Wanted Oshawa Shopping Centre Investigate, the new 426 evenings. bachelor apartment, consist-|Nicely furnished. Refrigerator, hot plate,| \cl¢Phone 728-8934. CENTENNIAL 'iets i MUST GO High Trip! ACRES : CAR PAYMENTS e, . Hot plate available, Close to bus stop.|1963 RAMBLER, Classic, one owner. 6 TOO HIGH? Separate Schools TWO - BEDROOM apartment in new $70_monthly. 723-5964, e 723-9058. cylinder, radio. Like new. No down pay- Steve Roznik APARTMENTS five-plex, built-in stove, drapes, balcony,|FOUR - ROOM apartment, refrigerator 627 (246, 230 fobol MLL 11.) aE after 4 lcounTRy LiviWer ci Panshortarone Bent varatOR: Blood: cheap BILL WHITTICK Extra Bus Service Lda RSS EES ES oe jean, modern, spa- ransportation. Best offer. Telephone 723- i Two and three bedroom homes FAMILY or ADULT FLOORS where your rental dollar goes |COURTICE.. Three - room apartment, |cious, self - contained one-bedroom apart- SINGLE ROOMS 8744, ' MOTORS LTD, pool, sauna room and gym, only. Telephone 728-8066, 6890 after 6 p.m. or anytime weekends. month. Licence K3642. Wellman', ivi iad PO ashlee thomas Becta RE eipetlagsy le . 's, tele- Broadloom In living room UNFURNISHED playground, 5 acres of park- |rwo-BEDROOM apartments, stove, re |ONE BEDROOM in clean, modern build. phone 728-7351. 2 a6 Cats, A Championship 170 Park Road. Shoppit Private. 668-5152. Sell your used car to "Ted" from 9a.m. - Sp.m. 723-5111 ery, PLUS many other extras. | FURNISHED bachelor apartment lady|THREE > ROOM onturnished apartment. ; "Cash" ad Preferred, complete, $65 per month.Ap-|Central location, quiet home. Suit couple.|ROOM AND BOARD for gentlemen, will-|GRILLS, radiators, all car parts. Late} Talk 'Cash' to the New garage, paved drive. Applehill area, SUBLET, one - bedroom apartment In/ed. Suitable for working couple without lieben Bede od Seeman: bead sont vitae am, Sone: 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 close to schools, $140 monthly. 728-0237. MON A LI S A modern building. Electrically heated with|children. Apply 202 Albert Street. A LI on hols 2 . IN RIZ S Branton 334 APPIY| dence Supervisor 725-1322 Pp E HS | Bi imi i immediately, frig, stove, laun-|101-Ritson Road North. perviser 725-1922. fe sn SECEDE) bells EEE ale reo eee 265, K. Hicks miles Oshawa city limits, pressure sys- available : We pe Bi ta EL LAA Sl a OOo zs ; 7 1966 PONTIA : fem and paved road, $70 monthly. Write) 1-2-3 bedroom spacious Phone 723-6022 {ary and parking facilities, call after sig WEEKLY for three - room, partly/ROOM AND BOARD for gentlemen, |'S8 FORD six cylinder, standard, must Or ach cath on enurentian : sas reel IE Lidiel ee Kirkham _ 34 south General Motors. Immediate pos- Heat and hydro included ONE and TWO |stairs, unfurnished, modern, new duplex, jentrance. | Stove, refrinerator. Adults|ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman will-|"64 CHEVROLET station wagon, 263, v-|SHAW AUTO WRECKING Co. Cars 52 and 54 Micheal 233, i 4 juded. a THREE ROOMS and new bath. Private|ROOM AND BOARD for retired gentle-| 7204 AT THE Smith 444 (2) 5) MELROSE STREET--Modern house Coll 723-5281 Also FOUR - ROOM apartment In large farm-jentrance, newly painted. Available now.|man -with middle-aged couple, on smali|'63 CHEVROLET Bel Air station wagon, ° % e é Telephone 723-7088 days, 728-7288 nights.|or working couple. Private entrance and E er MPATIRAE ke . Olsen Real Estate. HOUSEKEEPING ROOM, Bloor East, f Cesreclall least] AER aldticlsatl wlan dda 74, hd SS fag Hi fata '58 CHEVROLET half-ton or '58 Chevro- eae 85894-23-86, ; 723-3537. CENTRAL, i anytime 723-8951. Balconies GRACIQUE Tem 5 beac aoe IENT TG GoeO: newly painted, tiled. toota| 7257357. atic, power steering and brakes. $395. Hl Lg $1,000. Telephone Port Perry In 52 Nos. $20 Con, High Avera i ; THREE - ROOM apartment, abstainers.| ing of large, comfortably furnished room,|$10 weekly. 723-0258, 1960 FORD V-8 standard, best offer. ARE YOUR MONTHLY Children's Playground 725-0297. (331, 210, 2: ; Share The Wealth 1304 Cedar St., Oshawa ment. $40 per month. Licence Kov0y, Consolidate your bills. Elevator and Ron Pye Me" Rornik 23 |. Rozn ' Sarg - Di i $120 -- $135 FURNISHER or further, Featuring, swimming |™ain floor, private entrance and bath,|ment. You may have a garden if you so 1960 PONTIAC, convertibie, Va, auto.| 1290 rie yt] Whitby , : : ' 209, June Hil Fully landscaped. ; land, spacious suites with col- |frigerator and drapes. No damage de-|ing. Drapes, balcony, living room, din- . CARS SUNNYSIDE y P RENTAL INFORMAT!ON ored es and fridges, ample posit. One child welcome. Immediate /ette, refrigerator and stove. Available Apply: i964 CHEV. | two-door. 29,000 | original WANTED Consolation, : - Ing to share, single beds, lunches packed, |Models our specialty, Courtice Auto) Car Dealer and "Save" ERE AC ARM RE CE aE THREE - BEDROOM brick buncaiow,| 380-385 GIBB STREET Model suite eee daily ply Superintendent Marina Apartments, |Apply 175 Athol East. 4 A TO-NIGHT " Murphy 253, ; Kdren. Apply 208 Albert Street." _|Garrard Road by K-Mart, |Sacrifice. Telephone 725.9854 after 6 p.m.|WANTED. ? 300 00 aon ONE-BEDROOM bungalow with garage Fre aerator, stove and balcony. Tel-lijgap GENERAL MOTORS main clfice| pee Gars and trucks for wrecking. , ' 3 i 4:30, 725-6169 jood home cooking, luncties packed, 148|be sold by end of week. Best offer. Can |wanted for'cash or cash and '64 Pontiac Juniaret. 7 Box 63226, Oshawa Times. apartments. Bitrate . __. |furnished basement apartment with three yet SoKing, lunches packed, . Me JACKPOT NOS. close to Oshawa Shopping' Centre, 574lonly. 728-6385 after 3 p.m. ing to share, Telephone 725-8450. standard, A-1 condition, Telephone 623-|bought, parts for sale. Iron and metals sor NR Session, $130 monthly. Telephone 723-1 Cio. to 401, GM. south plont. BEDROOM APARTMENTS | 9 208 J. Bracey 33: electrically heated, exceptional location, jouse. Private bath. Four miles north|Apply at 186 Church Street after 5 p.m. jestate, ten miles from city, complete beg automatic power ris ka a DAILY NEWSPAPER READERS ; ; : Maa Alia lind ao sabe 728-6410, well. Telephone 723-5396 after 5 p.m. S ON Wm. Sheride near hospital, Buckingham District. Also To view anytime call $85. MONTHLY. Four-toom apartment B vacatlly SAVE DOLLARS! Several good used|'55_ MERCURY, half - ton truck, new ADMI S| phe SAL gs e ry wid lac ate fe S PAID OFE- Wethin : 1 94129-42-149, 24--Stores, Offices, Storage e ly furnished, two bedrooms, living room,|WHITBY -- Two-bedrcom apartment,|Street or telephone 723-7468, | LIENS PAID OFF. We trade up, down.'let one-ton panel truck, will trade for e i F Motor City . Plus $10 each horizontal line, x ices --..________| Telephone 728-2742. 25--Houses for Rent @ Broadloom Corridors front, halt of ,couble house, Garege,|four rooms, plus "kitchen, beth, (balh- | HOUSRKEMPING -- ROOM tor Geen lne oes e League -- B ONE JACKPOT nee e Adults. Heat and water supplied. 68 Mc-|kitchenette, separate bath, private en-|=jo; Tel dults. . g 8 4 FURNISHED ROOM in private home. @ Close to Public and MONA LISA Millan Drive, side door, betcre 7 p.m. |trance, in Sebaha s ceniceriel Sart eri: K (273, 255); J e refrigerator, parking, central. Available|and stove, $86 monthly. Telephone 725-|28-Room and Board Wellman's, telephone 728-7351. We trade up or down, Good Parkin FOR RENT 191 Nonquon Road now. Adults only. Telephone 723-4948 0369. 7 Fort 9 High Singl 4 Hill 226, D. n : N il heat and hydro included, $80. Adults|desired. Four miles from city limits. 723- and BOARD matic, radio, no down payment, $45 per 668- 0 Children Please . am . Playoffs st r miles. Immaculate condition. Will accept Buyi ? : da ried 4 A Possession. Telephone 723-8844 or apply|immediately or May 1. Near Oshawa ee ae uying A New rs Call 723-7711 or 725-9991 parking, individual mail deliv- 1/179 Park Road. South, Laisid Shopping Centre, 7232576. 25 Division St. small' motorcycle as partial payment. ying Ca BINGO , laundry done. Telephone 728-7978. Wreckers, 723-5238. ; large kitchen, dining room, attached 1 P.M, till 8 P.M. 281 Simcoe South. THREE ROOM apartment, all furnish- TED CAMPIN MOTORS LIMITE FIG 7 ii H Gallagher 34é : LIMITED number of vacancies in YWCA|1953 FORD, with '58 motor, Continental,|No charge for towing. Best prices paid. for rent. Telephone 725-3013. Ecsta -- | and north plant. Bachelor apartment i Anil ; 7 . Telephone 728-4549 i i. SLOER TYPE FARM ious aight FOR RENT APARTMENTS _ |pachetor apartment, main tor, srstianet wiht trier anae ence CUDMTslece Te ee peat a one wee ceepnena ete eee anyline: Robert N) g Logeman 388 SBS Laid SERS RESORTS Sms SCE i . Laurentian. Must be clean. y THREE-BEDROOM house for rent r From $115.00 monthly, THREE large bedroom apartment, up-|piece bath. Hydro, heat, private drive, Ritson be seen at corner of Taunton-Simcoe. SOM. [ee eale. GBEURT AVENUB Sos he iors re ee ee mermeaaaaas Ty ere bought. 89 Bloor Street East. 725-2311. Boys -- D. tuba, 306. h a three bedrooms, finished basement FURNISHED SUITE of Oshawa city limits. 7 263-| AVAILABLE NOW. Large kitchen, pri-|S2re-_For Information 263-2024, |! a 4) gat, average 300 million copies of 8,000 Seniors: Hi apariment, two four-piece bathrooms,| | GUIDE REALTY LIMITED N ie : 8835, vate bath and entrance, Bed-sitting|ROOM AND BOARD for young working |P.'™: Wold on ity aver Ween ee attached garage, adults. 723-7539. 16 Simcoe St. $., Oshawa lew building on Gibb St. ONE - BEDROOM, self - contained up-|room. Stove, refrigerator. Free heat. $80|girl, seven day week, $18 weekly, Cen-|1959 PONTIAC station wagon, radio, thate Psd a sae ati A B. Bowen 55 NEWLY © DECORATED, two -. bedroom Tel h 576 0360 stairs 'apartment, private home. Garage|monthly. 723-8839 before 9 p.m. _ |tral location. Telephone 728-0283. $125. Telephone 725-5555. vertise in The Times' Classified Secten 7 7:30 Pp M bungalow on Apple Hill. Recreation r -- | epnone [Included. Re cunt vi tees April ONE - BEDROOM luxury apartment, all|ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman, five-|1962 CHEVROLET convertible, auto-|. . . it's so popular It's the one place ; bie a (241, 252 room, garage. Near bus, schools. Avall- You ll Find Whatever ag (eA cic ct ob nd aren 7:00 Pm. c es, modern apartment build-jor seven-day week. Good meals, Park-/matic, Power steering and brakes, radio,|people look for your ad. To get your "f able between 10 a.m, - 1 You. Want he 7 THOUSANDS read Times Action Classi-|COMPLETELY furnished apartment.|ing. Lady. preferred, Apply 91 Ritsonjing. Close to bus. Also large furnished |bucket seats, new tires,-good top. Take|offer before 23,000 subscriber-readers at EXTRA BUSES ou Want--lIn the Times |tied eds dally. Central, Aduits enty. Telephone 728-8402.'Road North. housekeeping room available, 728-4845, 'trade er finance, Telephone 723-1246, 'how cost, just dial 723-3492,

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