ble In Orone Telephone 983- also Sia- Stud serve 29. rior work af compare. "German Shep- In foal "> quar- Vestern saddles, 2. 'da s for sale. smales $1. Also Telephone 725- iy. Spaniel, fe children, 47. one Telephone New: two mele and marked, excel- > months old, ne Port Perry oid filly éolt, and western ne year old, ge size. House hone after 6 nted URE wanted, anytime, Mac- 668-6526 portable tele- Telephone 725- "9S cent bills after 5S fed States sil- fore 1964, after 4, | -- Pipe ipe vise hes, pipe fing dies, AENT -- r jocks, npressors, er steam- y torches, AENT -- finishing ws, elec- mpressor, 1 trowels, ble heat- }, electric ower rol- ers, mos- 9g jacks, ar boxes, aw, elec- ns, sand st hole sonders, ine weld- p electric tals Ltd. showa 24 , Dish- , Coffee , Bridal s, White s NTALS 25-3338 ------____. one hundred lub for bane Bar, kitchen, beds, wa ROUGH ing and ree bed- } at $27, ortgage, ICKS 4234 truck (come Paying bus- n. Wired for ily equipped wa. Private, mes. Vanted repairs, re- Telephone By all 'ottlee offset: and "44 9. "small child two-year-old 723-1030. dows, walls homes. 725- 'of children week, Cedar ~eustom Wanted =R- HER -e cations cES East | 17--Femole Hel Top Notch Secretary Required If you can offer us: Shorthand skill Excellent typing Ability to deal with soles- men Pleasant telephone manner Working knowledge of French Small office adaptability Then we can offer you: Challenging career opport- unity Excellent salary Congenial working « tondi- tions For appointment call Mrs. Campkin NABOB FOODS LTD. 942-3881 CASHIER TYPIST REQUIRED If you have; --<a good personality ----0 good education --o liking for meeting the public --and ore on experienced clerk-typist We have a position for you. Contact; MR. ELLIES Niagara Finance Company | 286 King St. West Oshawa REGISTERED Laboratory Technologist To do bio chemistry in medi- cal clinic. No night calls, Please apply to ADMINISTRATOR Oshawa Clinic 117 King St. E Wanted |18--Male Help Wanted _ Beeline Fashions Now looking for part-time or full-time representatives in your area. Nationally adver- tised line of ladies fashions. No. experience necessary -- we will train. Samples sup- plied. Use of car necessary. For personal interview call: Mrs. Christoffersen 942-2347 TODAY SALESLADIES for full time employment THIS COMPANY OFFERS pleasant working conditions benefits including employ discouts, hospitilization, group insurance, pension summer ond winter vaca- tions opportunity fer edvance- ment. ZELLERS LTD. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Experienced OFFICE CLERK Capable of taking charge of office in retail store, five day week including Saturday, Write BOX 62553 OSHAWA TIMES RESPONSIBLE PERSON fo mind three while mother children, two schoo! age, works. Five-day week. Live in or out, 725-6679. AMBITIOUS, ACTIVE woman for cus- tomer service work, selling Beauty Counselor Cosmetics, full or part-time. Poise' and personality first considera- tion in applicant. 725-6816. EXPERIENCED waitress for night shift. Apply In person to Rainbow Resteurant, 163 Brock St, N. Whitby. WAITRESS REQUIRED, 1) p P. shift. Apply Mr, Campbell, Hotel, WAITRESS | experience ment. Telephone 668-3386. "Food and Steady required. preferred GIRL for Smith's Coffee Bar. Apply 317 Simcoe Street South or phone 725-3932, plus $25. monthly to rellable middie-age woman to care; 576- ROOM AND BOARD, for three children, two school-age. 0465 after. 4 p.m. HOUSEKEEPER, to live in, one day @ no heavy week off, comfortable home, work. Telephone 725-4167. HAIRDRESSER WANTED jence necessary. Apply in Guida and Dino's, 119 Byron South, Whitby. 18--Male Help Wanted _ liquor employ- Apply Hotel Spruce Villa, Whitby. SUPERVISORS To provide residential super- vision, counsel and guidance to boys 14-16 years of age. QUALIFICATIONS: Integrity, good choracter, self - control: ability to in- struct and supervise adole- scents, previous experience in youth work desiroble, pre- pared to work shifts. Appli- cants must pass an educa- tional background test. BENEFITS: Starting salary $2.06 per hour rising to $2.51 per hour with experience and training. Full Ontario Civil Service benefits such as vo- cation, sick leave and pen- sion plans, partially paid life and medical insurance plans. 40-hour week with opportuni- ties for promotion in challeng- ing and progressive service. Apply in person Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. -- 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. -- 4:00 p.m. or write for application form to The Superintendent, Pine Ridge School, Bowmanville, Ontario. EXCELLENT CAREER OPPORTUNITIES for young men 18 - 24 yeors of age to enter the bonking field, as: Management Trainees If present position does not offer sufficient challenge and future we would be pleased to discuss our training pro- gram with you FOR APPOINTMENT CALL Mr. Thompson 725-1188 SPORTING GOODS MANAGER Experienced manager for Sporting Goods Department is required by a leading De- partment Store. Good start- ing solory, plus commission based on soles, pleasant working conditions and good compony benefits. Apply in person or in writing to: National Employment Service Order No: E&P-37 |19--Male and Female [FULLER | NEEDS managers. |make $40, for ten hours weekly. "Help | Wanted _ WANTED IMMEDIATELY EXPERIENCED MALE or FEMALE For renting apartments in two new buildings. Duties are to rent and lease apartments only. Salary and commissions. Contact JOHN D, ROSART Real Estate Ltd. Toronto 366-9717 For interview. You can Choose your own time, part or full time. Tele- jPhone 778-4922. 20--Real_ Estate for | Sale 2 MEN NOW IS THE TIME. We ore opening up 3 new areos and con offer the best trade in ar- rangement in town. Our mo- dern office can offer per- sonal assistance and on the job training. If you have ever considered the selling profes- sion do both of us o favour and see me for @ confidential interview. You moy not have any exper- lence but if you don't mind long hours and ere at least 21 years old this may be your opoprtunity to enter a vital and interesting profession. Now is the time. Call Jim McMullen. J.B. McMULLAN & CO, 725-3557 Member Oshawa & District Real Estate Boord. BODY MAN Ist Class Top wages. Hourly rote. HILLTOP BODY and FENDER 852-3803 UXBRIDGE ASK FOR LEO EATON'S of Canada OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Requires an experienced Furniture Salesman Excellent opportunity. Com- pany benefits, No exper- person to Street | SET-UP MAN FOR PRODUCTION MACHINE SHOP Must have proven back- ground in machine shop prac- tice. Please reply in writing giving full details of past experience to BOX M63220 __Oshawa_ Times: SINGLE MAN --Experienced with dairy herd --Permanent position with medical coverage, pension plan and alternate week- ends ~--Lodging available. Reply to Box M63223 Oshawe Times APPLY: Personnel Department SALESMEN Required immediately for Oshawa Paving. Sell Oshawa and surrounding area. 20% commission or par. Paid daily or weekly, CALL 576-1020 SERVICE STATION attendant by local garage. Apply Jan's Garage, 83 Ritson Rd. MALE COOK, over 25, married man pre- ferred. Apply In person. Scott's Chicken Villa, 301 Dundas West, Whitby. WATCHMAN AND SECURITY guard. Apply Box 62556, Oshawa Times. YOUNG MAN for division of local company. aptitude helpful. Benefits, son to D. A. Houlden, ers Ltd., 57 Simcoe St. S. General MEN REQUIRED for landscaping, gar- Apply In person Limited, den maintenance, etc. ~~ |to Oshawa Garden Thickson Rd. North, Service, 655-3331. wanted in person to th, expanding ~~ mailing Mechanical Apply in_per- Print- TIMES ACTION CLASSIFIED ADS SELL. cand SELL. ¢, and SELL... CENTRAL! ONTARIO. | | TRUST | | 19 SIMCOE ST. N. | REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT | 9:00 A.M. to 5:30 P.M, | 723-5221 Ralph Schofield Manager S. J. Phillips School Are you looking for a good family house in this. most de- sirable area? Don't pass up this modernized older type 3 bedroom home with its added family room on main floor, Call to-day for full de- _ tails and appointment to see. . | YON ace oe | JOHN BALLARD | | HOMES | presents | THE BETTER HOME for the | AVERAGE INCOME | Yes it's true, these 3 bed-| room brick bungalows dis- ploy the finest workmanship with the best materials avail- able that cannot help but create o spirit of pride and} appreciation that all home| owners should have. Peace- | fully situated in the beauti- | ful town of Port Perry, these homes afford you the con-| venience of town and coun- try living. Aequoint yourself with more details by calling | our office at once | Good Returns for Small Investor Comfortable 3 bedroom bungalow within easy walk- ing distonce of G.M, North Plant. Would show better than 20% return on a down payment of $3,000. Call to- night for full details Income Bungalow Asking $18,900. Northeast Oshawa. Ideal bungalow with accommodation for extra in- come from lower floor with separate entrance to lovely. patio. Upstairs has large kit- chen, 3 bedrooms and spo- cious living room -- down- stairs has laundry room, rec room orea ond separate 2- room apartment with privote bath. Near all schools. Scarce One acre building site on Highwoy 12, with good well. Because of existing By-laws, lots of this size are scarce. Asking $4,500. Try your of- fer. OUR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE MAY HELP YOU SELL OR BUY LIST WITH CENTRAL ONTARIO. TRUST AFTER HOURS PLEASE CALL Tom Houston 668-4416 Allan Thompson 728-2870 Harvey Hogan 655-3663 Grant Burns 942-3733 Ralph . Schofield 725-5067 H.KEITH AN ONTARIO WIDE REALTOR 499 and 501 Ritson Rd. N. perfect brick semi. Have your three bedroom home, and in- come pays your monthly paoy- ments. With small down pay- ment vendor will hold bal- ance on. easy terms. Cail Doug Carmichael 723-7463. OSHAWA BLVD. N._ | TWO FOR ONE | Eight beautiful rooms now bringing' in $40 monthly makes. this a natural money maker plus your own home. Two washrooms, garage, $2,- | 000 down buys. Call Idso Wiersma 728-5683. HOSPITAL LOCATION Lorge nine room family home | close to hospital at 304 Golf | St., walk-out basement, pav- ed drive, garage. Only $16,- 900. Terms. Call Gord Chari- ton 728-8569. DINING ROOM -- WHITBY 338 Ash St. location of this six room ranch bungalow, double paved driveway, love- ly future basement apartment set-up. Call Idso Wiersma 728-5683. SERVICE STATION Gas it! and make money at this perfect location. only 8 miles North of Oshawa. $5,- 000 down buys station prop- erty equipment and future independence. Call Gord Chariton 728-8569, S794 PAT. 292 Wilson Rd. S. cute five room brick bungalow, finish- ed recreation room, close to schools, shopping and nice neighbours. Call Doug Car- michael 723-7463 LOSE SOMETHING? Place a lost ad in classified to reach the fin 3492 for an ad-writer today, r. Dial 7ay} |20--Real Estate for ' Sale GUILDS REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-5281 e HIGHWAY LOCATION | @ on Highwoy 2 just west of Thickson's Road an _ excellent piece of land 150' x 192'. This property hos 2 houses, one a very well built 3 bedroom bung- alow with basement garage, the other house is a frame 4 room with separate garage. This prop- erty must be sold as one parcel, but is very reasonably priced.| Please 'phone tonight for fullest information. e R.R. 2 OSHAWA Il @ Five room bungalow with aluminum § siding situated on large lot east of the city limits: Storms, screens, garage, new furnace, low taxes, T.V. tower make this a real buy ot $13,- 500. Call and moke an appoint-} ment tonight e INCOME HOME II] @ Excellent 4 bedroom 112 storey home. Nice large rooms presently divided into 2 opart- ments bringing in $175 per month. Hot water oil heating A down payment of $3,000 is sufficient for the vendor to hold his own mortgage. It will be a pleasure to show you this clean home any evening e PRIDE and JOY IV @ Most homes today offer some broadioom, T.V. tower, modern bathroom, oil heat, This 4 bedroom bungalow near Osh awa Shopping Centre with love- ly modern kitchen and built-in stove and oven will appeal to your taste but the lovely recreo-| tion room is the owner's pride and joy from the carefully re finished real old born wall pan elling to the cleverly built-in bor. Here is a real home enter- toinment centre. You are cor-| dially invited to visit by appoint- ment @ ATTACHED GARAGE V @ You may hove immediate possession of this 3 bedroom bungalow with attached gorage| ond tiled recreation room. Very convenient to downtown. Asking only $18,900. Close to schools,! transportation, churches. Lots of closet and cupboard space. Of- fers considered. Call. tonight and make an appointment to see this one. * RITSON RD. SOUTH VI @ Nice neat income home, 3 rooms and both on second floor renting for $90 a month Basement apartment rents for $80 a month with 2 bedrooms,| living room and modern kit- chen for owner on main floor Owner ~e out of town. OWNER "MOVING TO U.S Vil @ This clay Een bungalow) One} must be sold at once. N.H.A. 61% % mortgage. Holly- wood kitchen, double stainles: steel sink. Built-in stove and oven. Forced air oi! heating T.V. tower, wired for dryer, potio and rear yard completely fenced. Asking only $17,900. | Don't wait for prices to go up. | Call now. * 2¥2 STOREY BRICK HOME Vill @ service. This home provides a good income as it is presently divided into three completely equipped apartments. Listed at $17,900 we will make on ap- pointment for you to inspect if you will give us a call Only $3,000 down. e COUNTRY LIVING IX @ is your invitation to in- spect one of the nicest homes only a short drive east of the city. Large 23 x 10' kitchen, 17 x 12' bedrooms, breezewaoy| ond attached garage. All this) for only $15,500. Yes we'lll take you out and show it to you! on short notice, Please call us now, e VACATION LAND X @ A small which to build your be improved, scenic view of a bay on Lake Scugog. e | 263 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH | XI @ Corner commercial prop- erty, Simcoe St. Street. Large older home which could be converted for or offices. Complete area paved for parking. High trafic and population density. Please phone for all the information. e 8 PLEX xii street, close to schools and shop- ping. Monthly income of $660) on this 8 suite apartment. The price is right, the down payment) is reasonable. Your 'phone is) in front of you. Dial 7-2-3-5-2- 8-1 and we will give the rest of! the particulars e MORE: FOR YOUR MONEY XII @ A pace setting home in} an approved residential! district, we are pleased to offer for sale this 4 bedroom brick home, with family sized living room, dining room, kitchen, 2 bathrooms. New furnace. Price $16,500 Give us a call today. e COMMERCIAL -- SIMCOE NORTH XIV @ Corner location. Seventy-| five foot frontage. Large enough to build three small stores. Over) 500 apartment suites in a half-| mile area. Solid 6° room house} now on property. e- Call 723-5281. Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. GUIDE REALTY LIMITED, 16 Simcoe St, South. In preferred southeast orea, quiet street close to bus now acreage upon) country} home on a paved road due to} overlooking 9} South, at Gibb) stores|' @ Locoted on the mein! !20--Real Estate For Sale 120--Reol Estate for Sale |20--Real Estate For Sale , SCHOFIELD-AKER REALTOR LIMITED | Servicing Oshawa ond | District for over 31 years | | 723-2265 | | 4 YEAR OLD BEAUTY If you need three large bed- rooms, a lovely recreation room and large kitchen -- this is really it! Full grown pine trees in the rear yard. | Owner will look at a reason- able offer 4 BEDROOMS SPLIT LEVEL NORTHWEST | This large two year old home has a two car garage, family room, electric heating, fire- | place, 2 washrooms, large rooms throughout. Very close to all schools in. northwest. Good financing available with reasonable down payment $14,900 FULL PRICE $3,000 DOWN Three bedroom brick one own- er bungalow. Very clean and tastefully decorated. Paved | drive ond fenced lot. One of the best buys in the city and first time. offered for . sale. Call now for appointment, $14,400 TWO BEDROOM Brick bungalow off Park Rd S. Only require $2,500 down for this dandy. Ideal for new lyweds or people wanting to retire. Don't delay NORTHWEST This lovely three bedroom frame bungalow is situated in the heart of the school oreo. Owner will consider three thousand down ond $100 per month. For full particulars call 723-2265 Willard Johnston 728-1066 Irwin Cruikshanks 728-5205 George Twoites 723-2008 Mike Belmonte 725-8300 | Mel Dole 623-5638 | Irene Brown 725-3867 | Marg Holl 723-1358 | Ed Drumm 725-9345 Maible Boudreau 728-2233 Reg Aker 725-0201 | Bill McFeeters 725-1726 | OPEN DAILY 9 TILL 9 Members of ODRE.B WE LIST ond SELL ML.S. | | | | MORTGAGES ARRANGED | 360 King St. West, Oshawa GORDON REAL ESTATE LTD. 218 DUNDAS ST, €. WHITBY No, 2 Highway Dial 668-8826 || LIVE RENT FREE in a two bedroom apartment | with kitchen and living room and rent out the remainder of the house for $80 per month, Full price only $15, 300. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE is only two blocks away from this three bedroom home. Neot os a pin for only $13, 900 $1,500 DOWN for a three bedroom, two storey house on a lot zoned for high rise apartment site. Full price $10,500. BRICK and STONE | A three bedroom brick bunga- low with « large kitchen, a dining room and a living room that is spacious, Only two | yeors old and selling for $18, 00. NEW HOME Pick your colours as the house is being finished. The rooms ore all large, the basement is divided for extra rooms, the heating is oil and the lot is 50' by 140'. The mortgage is 634%. The monthly pay- ments are $113 PIT, Call for appointment, STORE Brock St. S. $3,000 down with one mortgage for bal- ance WANT A LOT ? We have several now. For the large rancher or a small bungalow or apartment. George Abramoff 723-4871 [Merlow Hancock 723-0288 | |N. Vanden Broek 668- 2675 | Clore Shank 723-5145 | Barbara Reynolds 723-1887 | | Gecras Sullivan 668-6226 | |Gordon White 668- sald | RES AOITSICHER | OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE LTD. 668-5853 OSHAWA Neat 2 bedroom bungalow near Park Rd. South. Panelled living room, full dining room, fenced yard, Asking $12, 500. Call 668-5853 to in- spect. "SERENE" | There's serene beauty in | every room of this 3 bedroom bungalow, plus 2 finished rooms in basement with monthly income of $80. Ful- ly landscaped, paved drive, 1% bathrooms, $4,000 down. Balance on one mortgage. Centrally located in Whitby. Call Audrey Moore at 668- 5853 or 668-4088. Osborne 515 Brock St. S., Whitby ER ANK Bowman REAL ESTATE LIMITED 21 King Street West, Bowmanville 623-3393 Member Oshawa & District Real Estate Board TAUNTON ROAD -- 100 ACRES Exceptional fine stock farm. Solid brick 2-storey home, large born. Trout stream through entire property, $40, 000 -- Terms. TROUT STREAM RETREAT 150 acres near Omemee. Trout pond and four streams. Very scenic property. Large born. $22,500. SCENIC MANVERS. HILLS 100 acres mear Bethany. Stream with 20 acre pond site. 9-room home. Barn. Only $28,000 Stately 2-storey 8-room brick 2 bathrooms. Painted borns 75' x 110', 30' x 50 Stream, pond. This is one of Ontario County's finest farms. Locoted near Sunderland. $65,000 -- $20,000 Call 623-3393 ofter 9 p.m home, Bob Johnston 725-6788 Ernie Wilson 725-9750 Clare McCullough 723-7843 Joe Barnoski 723-5787 Rod Kruger 723-7900 Pat Yeo 623-3077 Ken Hockin 623-5055 Roy Foster Orono 983-5801 Weston Bonister Campbelicroft 102312 Howard Forder Brooklin 655-3853 George Beaton Port Perry 985-2987 Metcal REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 King Street East NORTHWEST -- 2 BEDROOMS Attractive 5 rooms, 1% storey home with paved drive and garage. Features cheer ful living room, separate din- room, kitchen, 2 bed- rooms, 4 pc. and 2 pe. bath, walkout 'basement, landscop ed lot 56' x 133'. Real value at only $16,200. Just listed be the first to inspect and make an offer INCOME Modern tri-plex. 2 - 2 bed- rooms, 1 ~ 1 bedroom apart ments. 3 stoves, 3. fridges, washer ond dryer. Lot 65' x ing 285'. Asking $33,000 with good terms, Shown by op- pointment EMERSON AVE. Spocious 5 room bungolow in spotless condition Broad- loom in living room and hall- way, 3 bedrooms, 4 pe. tiled both, finished rec room Hedged lot 65' x 110' with patio and utility shed. Ask ing $6,000 down -- one mortgage for balance SPECIAL Ranch bungalow with attach- ed garage ond breezewoy. Choice northwest location Try your down payment, own- er will hold mortgage. Don't miss this one --~ see it now. OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Dial 728-4678 Roy Yeo 725-2217 John O'Driscoll 725-8585 Jack Hogan 728-1554 Joe Maga 725-9191 Bob Johnston 725-9365 Frank Frankfurter 728-5416 member o.d.r.e.b we list exclusive and mls. JACK RICARD LTD., REALTOR Bowmanville 623-2503 VERDUN RD. Neot 2 bedroom brick home on landscaped lot. Gorage and sunporch. Only $13,900. FARMS NEAR NEWTONVILLE --~ 130 acres, good productive soil, 2 barns. 3 bedroom frame house. Pasture land with spring. Asking $30,000. 147 ACRES near SEAGRAVE. Good barn, drive shed, gar- age and comfortable 2 storey, 4 bedroom house with conveniences. $37,000. $3,000 DOWN For large 2 storey brick home on Mill St., Newcastle. Large treed lot. Some fruit trees. COTTAGES 3 bedroom cedar plank cot- tage on | acre near Sea- bright. Access to Lake Sim- coe. $5,900. GOOD WATER FRONT, -- with this 3 bedroom cottage near Fenelon Falls.. Suitable for hunting. Large lot. $9, 500. Howard Wight 623-2524 Dorothy Vivian 263-2138 Garnet Ricard 623-7397 Harold Peck, Blackstock 986-4252 Milford McDonald 623-3911 Wilf Hawke, Orono 983-5274 | 200 ACRE SHOW PLACE | |. REALTY. LTD., 728-7328 |.103 KING STREET EAST |} _ 655-4457 Gibson 145 BROCK SOUTH WHITBY 668-5823 OSHAWA Three bedroom _ split-level bungalow with finished rec room having walkout to gar den overlooking your own beach ae tok e Ontario Priced at 7,900. To. in- spect call ge M, Wood- ward WHITBY AREA Four bedroom bungalow with and finished room Situated on a a 'quiet street se To inspect call Mrs. M. Woodward BROOKLIN AREA 10 acres with qood bush and evertiowing stream pokey has a good well. This beoutiful spot to build : home. To inspect cali Mrs, M. Woodward Farms, Acreages, Homes, Of- 668-5823 GRIFFIN RE ap ESTATE LTD. 155 SIMCOE S$ 723-8144 TRI-PLEX 6 veaors old, Spacious apart- ments with income of $350 menthly, Complete with stove ond ¢ ne in eoch unit, TLV. tower, broadioom plus 2 pri vote drives. Close to shop ping centre. For more infor mation coll Dolores Ross ATTENTION Bl JIL DERS x 15 Ideal sloping lot | 20 f art af Oshawa. Low taxes. Full price $2,000. Ask for Helen Bry- ont rom ites DUPLEX $13,500 full price, converted legal duplex --- Income $155 monthly, $2,500 will handle. Close to north GM. ond hospital area. To see call Pouline Beal FAMILY GROWING ? Then you mdy need this 4 bedroom brick home. Carries for $110 including taxes Corport 2. bathrooms rec SGneA Gall bese Toner HOW. OPEN 9 AM. to 9 P.M. MEMBER OF O.D.R.E.B. AFTER HOURS CALL Margaret Lee ----- 723-2894 Ethel Tranter --- 728-5917 Helen Bryant -- 723-5369 Dolores Ross --- 728-1964 Pouline Beal 725-0239 KEITH PETERS Realtor WEST END Shopping Cen tre area, 3 bedroom brick bungalow with 18 ft. living room with wall to wall broad- loom, 4 piece tiled bath with coloured fixtures. fenced yard, paved drive. Only $18, 700. Call Bob Johnston 728- 2548 $1,600 DOWN 1% storey 6 room aluminum - siding home, close to north plant, taxes only $230, storms and screens, Owner anxious - try on offer. Call Earle Allen 725-7782. SOMERVILLE ST. --- 4 bed- room brick, nice condition, modern kitchen and dining room, paved drive and garage A good buy at $15,000. Call Morley Burgess 723-0049. FOUR BEDROOMS ---~ Ask ing $11,900, one and a half storey home, quiet street, close to bus, private drive, fenced yard, forced air oil heating, TV aerial and rotor. To inspect this 2m home tonight call Ratcliffe Six roc Bill DOUGLAS J. M. ULLIED REALTOR 333 King Street West 723-1168 "DOWNSVIEW" 4 bedroom home in Downs- view Park. Separte dining room, two baths and a park at the rear. Less than one year old. Phone today "INCOME PROPERTIES" We hove several good income properties including a tri plex ond plex, All with good financing. Plon ' for your retirement now, Phone for details "BEST. BUY" $14,500 is the asking price for this 3 bedroom bungalow complete with large rec room and bar. Situated in a quiet area close to shopping and asking only $3,000 down, "BUNGALOW" Immaculate 3 bedroom bung- alow complete with rec room six and bar, exceptionally large back yard, aluminum awr ings, broadioomed living roor are only a few of the many extras included in this buy. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, April 6, 1967 23 20--Real Estate for Sale '20--Real Estate _for Sale KASSINGER || RAE_R. JONES REALTOR | CONSTRUCTION 668-8841 We'll Custom TOURIST CAMP $8,000 5 MILES FROM LINDSAY . ti Must be sold now. All set. to Build YourHome} 24 ee = w | a Price includes small house for owner, one double Anywhere Aap ee} cabin, 6 single cabins, some furniture, obout 2% acres of FEATURING: treed river frontage, with | two road frontages as well. For further information call @ Experience in Building, Mr. Jones at 668-8841, Af- __ter hours 668-4003 | RETIREMENT AND INCOME | IN NORTH WEST OSHAWA planning, financing @ Always on time -- fo!low schedule closely, @ Strict inspection and con- | 8 et room brick home with ' double attached garage. | @ Use your plan or ours, | Divided into rs aPaenents | Hundreds of award win- bri Heed $135.00 and | ning designs | ($95.00 respectively. Lovely | fireplace in living room, 2 Very competitive pricing. | bathrooms. Only a few steps | : from Simcoe St. North bus We can arrange complete stop, shopping, school, and | financing churct ee : | N.H.A, or conventional | Mortgages available For further information call | Morris Fogel, 723-5281, | @ All building performance Guide Realty Limited. | completely guaranteed ee TERRIFIC INVESTMENT -- double brick house, close to downtown in good Phone Today renting area. One side has two apart- other side has 2/2 apartments, Income per month. Tenants pay heat, hydro and water. Plenty of park 728-7583 ing. Inquiries invited from serious buyers. Call Geo. .Nymeyer at 728-4241 Or 723-5281, Guide Realty. K SSIN FE AJAX -- North area, low taxes, three- A ee 'oom 1'% storey, extra large combine tion kitchen and dining room. Built-in jlsunary centre, TV tower, paved drive. N TRUCTION | Full price $11,000, Phone 942-4850. FOUR-BEDROOM bungalow, room, 22 years old, nicely near Donevan High School, trict, 723-5142 Gu LEBLANC JUST LISTED -- North-east location, close to schools -and shopping. Modern brick ranch bungalow, Ideal for large REALTOR family or double family living, two kitchens, two bathrooms, five bedrooms, separate meters, new broadioom and 623-746] IMMACULATE CONDITION of quality extras, Landscaped aeep e lot with creek, Shown by appoaiet. ment only. Call Ken Hann 723-7963 @ve- + B. McMullan and €o., 7 Re ; $10,300, SPACIOUS twobedronm bun. 3 bedroom home with lorge galow, one acre lot, Courtice. Hardwood dining room, deep lot with [and lle floors, oll furnace, television gorage, asking only $13,500, | fower:_728-5779. PRIVATE SALE. $1,500 down, $80 month: five-room brick Alig n arage, private dri 725-71 CLOSE TO ReusoLs and bus, @ 2 sturdy Low d $1,000 DOWN wn payment hospital, 3 bedroom brick home, large home from the ground up, 300' lot. dining room, living room faved rive, large living room, kitchen ' i vey any extras rice $20,900, all newly panelled, mew oil fur- jLeon Manitivs, 728-2754 or reel nace, asking only $12,000 |Guide Realty Ltd |$9,900. FULL ASKING PRICE for his | HANDYMAN'S SPECIAL |tour-room frame home. Owner must sale Call Dick Barriage at 725-3 J Mo 6 acres with 3 bedroom buna- small barn, stream, located north of Bowmanville Asking only $10,500. Low McMullan and Co {CUSTOM built, 514 F brick Bungae low. Mary Street North district, wall to |wall broadioom n hall, living room. 3% alow, down. payment |years old. 723-4411 after 7 WHR Ye Good location. Six-room J rame bungalow on large lot. Excellent | NORTH of condition, fireplace, Close te 'public ana | BOWMANVILLE Separate schools, $15,500, 648-2491 A bedroom home: with mod- _|WIVE =. ROOM stucco home on Nested Street, priced at $10,900 with $1,500 down, Hurry on this one. Call Harold Segal af 725-3557. J. B. McMuilan and Co. ern conveniences, small bam, asking only $8,900 with $1, | |} 500 down. TRIPLEX -- $20,900, $3,000 down to one | : mortgage, near Shopping Centre. Terrific | NO. 2 HIGHWAY buy! Call now. Don Stradeski, Realtor, Pay 3-46 2 acres: with 4 bedroom $2,000 DOWN pilus $90 per month buys @ | brick bungalow, 1,400 sq. ft three - bedroom home, one block fram living area, suitoble for O'Neill Collegiate. Phone today. Douglas V.L.A. Asking only $17,500. J. M. Bullied Realtor, 723-1168, NINE « ROOM BRICK, two - storey, near Afar Moura Pleas Call Oshawa Shopping Centre, $3,000 down, & e contains three apartments, immediate Mrs. Inger Jorgensen 98 7. 4491. possession Call Elmer Predin, 725-2733, Martin Realtor wiv "RENT? $1,000 down, $80 "monthiy buys four - bedroom home on College Hill, Immediate possession. W. ©. Mare tin Realtor, 728-5103 {CARRIES FOR $65 MONTH, Pi. O| brick bungalow, south - west area, three bedrooms, living room, dining room, large kitchen, well landscaped lot, 75' x |145', plenty of shade trees. List price SIBBY'S | Real Estate Ltd. 728-7576 Sider | |$13,400. J. B. McMullan and Co, Realtor, | 668-6201 | LARGE HOME |PRivate SALE -- income property, s near ive cints, three-bay garage, | Asking $5,000 down for this |showroom (presently used as offices)s | 9 room brick 1% storey home two apartments, $45,000, discount for | with cemént block .garage | Cash: 723-7539. EVERTON and large fiberglass covered |PRIVATE -- Six-room house in Oshawa | pale. CALA Ba ied eae |on, shore of Lake Ontario. Telephone 728- v , 3 | two family home, has it- 5 Pas Oey La 2 t 1h os 2 k 345 DIVISION ST. immed. possession for chens an bathrooms. is all abd renovated brick six room New cupboards and new oak IMMEDIATE POSSESSION fone This Is an excellent buy with only EIKE. ches Aiigas jpases $3,000 down and balance on @ one open | Eight room_ bri Storey |mortgage. Call Steve Lehan at 728-7576, home on Brock St. €. at |Sibby's Real Estate Lid Mary. Good condition and |ONLY $1,995 DOWN buys these new 2 or 4 bedroom electrically heated dwellings, featuring aluminum siding and with low down monthly payments of $90.44. For more information ask for Harold Segal, jat 725-3557, J. B. McMullan and Co. | PRIVATE SALE -- Cozy, tive .-room, brick home, Lauder Road. Good. condl- tion, garage, paved drive, deep iot. Tele jPhone 725-3344. private drive. Asking $3,000 down and balance on one open mortgage. VARIETY STORE Close to community park is the location of this thriving business, plus a five room |PRIVATE! Three - bedroom, storey Va, brick bungalow attached to [patio, rec. room, paved drive, lovely this money maker. Just list- Eales ee mangy te school, bus, churche | ed, inspect now. |THREE BEDROOM completely furnish jed two storey. home. Close to schools jand churches. Apply 458 Albert Street. (NEW 3 bedroom bungalow "with attach. led garage. Also 2 storey 4 bedroom homes with 1\2 bathrooms and attached _|garage located In the N.E. Area, and built by cne of Oshawa's finest builders. Call George Twaites now for inspection cf these fine homes, 723-2008, 723-2265, Sc d Aker Real Estate. } $2,500. DOWN. Lovely brick Jroom bungalow with extra bath, p a large garage. montt all Willard Johnston, Schofield-Aker Limited LARGE FAMILY HOME |$2,000. down and $95. monthly, in good | |r dential area, close to bus service -- and downte! wn, In jate possession, Cail Willard Joh 728-1066, Scho- fie! AKEr Limited PRIVATE -- Charlie Rankine will be glad to show you any one of these properties, just 'call ' 728- 7576 two-bed- three-piece Only $100. 728-1066, R. MARTIN REAL &£ LATE 100 King St Oshawa Tel 576. 1200 with only LAKE VISTA AREA Three bedroom bungalow with finished recreation room. Easy monthly payments Triplex, three two-bed- room apartm equi ipped with stoves, refr gerators undry facilit month- 598 Lansdowne Drive, income $330. 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW | PRIVATE SALE -- north-west a bedroom, large. livingroom, dining j with attached garage, well roomn) finished rec room, two bath- | landscaped lot, in Whitby. |rooms, price $18,900. 726-4739. | Low down payment. Best of- |PRIVATE -- central, charming rug | fer brick home. Attached heated garager | i large living room with fireplace, dining ireom, three bedrooms Bie aon broad- | $12,500 FULL PRICE com throughout, cry venetian | 5 room bungalow with de- |Dlinds included, $5,000, down. 728-5916 tached garage. North Osh- wer LISTED. Five-room bungalow 'on los Laat ne Avenue. Only $9,900 with | awa close to schools and Act fast! Telephone: Dick shopping 3557. J. B. Me PRIVATE We also have income homes, $1,000 ¢ $85 monthly. farms, acreage Just north of Hampte "three bedrooms ey, low tax large lot. Im- jm diate possession. Telephone 723-6541. R. MARTIN TRIPLEX -- Almost new, electr cally Real Estate heated, and fully leased. Located in ' es Oshawa North, two, three-bedroom units 100 KING ST: £ and one, two-bedroom unit. Show annual Telephone Oshawa 576-12 ncome of $4,620. Cal rn Morton, Paul awa 376-1200 | eistow Ltd, Realtor, 728-9476 or 720-8327 y evening PRIVATE SIX YEARS OLD -- Just listed and first fiv oC " lo time offered f Exceptionally five room brick bungalow, pido apf punalew. Fntae bees very clean and in excellent n living room }. condition in Dr. Phillip's newly Sore | \ pies sped, fence | school area, Cement drive, een Donevan | large rec room. Asking $14,- of Edinburgh Pubd- | 900 leaving country, Ask+ 728-0874 17,900. Must be seen. Carries 3 for $10 8 month. Call Jack Appleby, Soa | Evenings 98. Bolahood Brothers | HAVE A BUNGALOW, a tw family home for. $1,000 down wntown shopping; others a now, Cail Ken Hann, 723-7! evenings or J. B. McMullan and Co., |725-3557. Limited Me ERATE 'oom split-level, per cent, - $133, 639 Bay mortgage. first 3421,