[ZA tie Alan Brown, left, and George Corby, centre, re- ceived safe driving pins from Douglas Hart at the lith annual Oshawa Dairy Safety Banquet at the Gen osha Hotel. Mr. Brown and Mrs. Corby have success- fully completed 11 years of accident - free driving with the dairy company. Over 27 drivers were presented with safety pins at the din- ner. Special guests Inspec- tor Norman Smyth and Constable John Reardon of the Oshawa police depart- ment reviewed traffic laws affecting commercial driv- ers and demonstrated the uses of various sorts of police equipment. Driver safety films were also shown. Special awards 11 YEARS OF SAFE DRIVING | |The Doukhobor community here | ithe West Kootenay region. River ship -channel between/of "a minor nature," the trans- NIGHT OPENING SPECIAL -Gp.m. till closing CAMPBELL'S were presented by Scho- field-Aker Insurance Co. --Oshawa Times Photo BOOKS TRAVEL ROUND GRAND FORKS, B.C, (CP)-- maintains an extensive library} which lends up to 1,500 books a month to people throughout B OFS L | The -- said its --s etterment Uf dt. Lawrence :s.3,% senses: cuevec|controt measures. ues to be flood control and no : re. \difficult the .department's re-'the St. Lawrence Ri jchannel projects will be under. {Proposals for channel Amprover| ee sats Ba cis Sa icine oa that would worsen the|ments, without describing them Ship Channel Under Way '::: \flood problem. OTTAWA (CP) -- Improve jare under study but any bene-| A statement prepared by de-| : u ments to the st. Lawrence|fits to winter navigation will me pertinent Officials in reply tojof the engineering proj ects| requests for information on St.junder study is that none of} : Montreal and Quebec City now/port department said today. |Lawrence winter navigation| them shall worsen the inter- gave a detailed history of flood-| THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, April 6, 1967 21 referred to a number of/flooding problem or make more|sponsibility for flood control { rer | | For distinguished service. jand added: "A basic requirement of any} "THURSDAY NIGHT ONLY" Tenderflake LARD =x: 21° "FRIDAY NIGHT ONLY" TOMATO SOUP 2 =: 25° "SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY" LIQUID JAVEX BLEACH ::: 44° wie OMINION DOMINION STORES LIMITED nth 6) 1% (2) esto. ZOMG 1858 CC MB Oe IMPE Distinguished Cnadioy lay Hiram Wathor | SAVE 6c SAVE 4c = z ' 7 * SAVE 5c Values Effective et the Foliowing Locations: | KMART PLAZA -- MIDTOWN PLAZA -- WHITBY PLAZA-- DOWNTOWN OSHAWA AND BOWMANVILLE The whisky with the Imperial medal. - It'is light, full-flavoured, in a distinctive decanter nine Sa mea ae officiating in the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony will he Mr. Gordon Wakefield The Legion's Provincial President OF THE NEW HALL ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION . BRANCH 43 471 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa ATURDAY, APRIL 8" Architect Drawing of Our New Building This Advertisement Published with the Compliments of: 344 Pine Ave. @ Excavating ® Sandfill supplied by BEATTY HAULAGE Oshawa, Ontario REV. ALFRED WOOLCOCK Padre From Branch 43 will dedicate the new building Food and Beverage Service Equipment STAINLESS STEEL PRODUCTS LTD. 53 Craig Street Millwork by... PICKERING SASH MFG. R. R. NO. 1 PICKERING, ONTARIO Brantford, Ontario PAINT [J] GLASS CENTRE CANADIAN PITTSBURGH INDUSTRIES LTD. 273 Simcoe South, Oshawa 723-1181 50 Prince Street, Oshawe Complete Electrical Service SLECTRIC LIMITED MILBURN | Leth, Plaster and Acoustics Ltd. Movable Partitions Systems Sprayed Fire Proofing 723-2248 | 80 Wolfe Street, Oshawe 725-6225 43 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA FUEL OIL supplied by ecb Samy tle, 725-3581 '