QQ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, April 6, 1967 |Couple Find Proposed Atlantic Trade Could Become Great Idea LONDON (CP) -- A proposed Atlantic free-trade area could become "The great political idea of the century in Canada' despite present opposition, Montreal economist Roy A. Matthews predicts. Writing in The Round Table, quarterly journal of rpegind wealth affairs published in Lon- of the Private Planning Associa- tion of Canada, which has been conducting studies to determine the impact Atlantic free trade might have on Canada. Matthews lists developments needed in three areas "to con- vince public and Parliament of the feasibility of the Atlantic don, Matthews | says Canadian and international developments in the next few months might bring Atlantic free trade into "the forefront of Canadian pol- icy debate." "Matthews, 39, British - edu- cated economist who moved to Canada in 1954, is Canadian re- search director of the Canadian- American Committee, a non- governmental study group which proposed in a_ policy statement last year a free trade area to include initially Canada, the United States, Britain and Britain's six partners in the Eu- ropean LISTS DEVELOPMENTS 1. Parallel free-trade moves must be resolved, including completion of the Protracted Kennedy round of talks on world tariff reductions in Ge- neva and firm indications of Britain's chances of getting into the European Common Market. An indication also is needed that the U.S. either plans to sponsor an Atlantic free trade area or would respond to a Canadian in- itiative. 2. Research and discussion must produce "a_ sufficiently ne Eu-| widespread conviction among Free Trade Association. |canadians that economic pros- |perity Would be enhanced and The writer also is an officer | sovereignty assured" under an Trust Co. Investment Up TORONTO (CP) Mortgage and Trust Co,. in- creased its investments in At- lantic Acceptance Corp. and as- sociated companies to a high of $13,500,000 in May, 1965, a state- "ment prepared for the royal commission examining the col- lapse of Atlantic showed today. The statement, prepared by commission accountant A. W. Moreton, showed that the Strat- ford-based mortgage company had only $138,000 in Atlantic or its subsidiaries in /1959. This jumped to $10,300,000 in ,1962. The total investment in the Atlantic group had dropped to about $10,000,000 by July 31, 1965, six weeks after the $150,- 000,000 empire of Atlantic had "collapsed. A few months later, British Mortgage was absorbed by Vic- toria and Grey Trust C. of Lind- 'gay, Ont. Mr. Moreton was expected to 'be the only witness during the first three days of the commis- 'sion's inquiry into the troubles of British Mortgage, as it was affected by Atlantic's downfall. GREGORY TO TESTIFY Wilfird P. Gregory, former -president and managing direc- tor of British Mortgage, and other officers are expected to testify next week. In response to questions from commission counsel Albert Shepherd, Mr. Moreton said his examination of British Mort- ge's books shows its first loans, secured by Atlantic stock or bond collateral, totalled $511,000. This was made up largely by $480,000 loan to C. Powell Morgan, the late president of Atlantic, for 80 per cent of the purchase price of 25,000 second preference shares of Atlantic. The shares were to be the se- curity for the loan. "Was this typical of the type of loan in this category made by British Mortgage in subse- quent years" asked Mr. Shep- herd. "'Yes,"' replied Mr. Moreton. Mr. Moreton said his examin- ation showed such loans had grown to a total of $2,700,000, or 2.6 per cent of British Mort- gage's assets, by Oct. 31, 1964. *& FRIDAY * The Big Fun Dance The Sounds of the Big Beet The Place to Meet THE BIG TOWN BOYS Admission 1.50 Doncing 9 to 12:30 (A re shawa -- British | | Atlantic free trade alignment. 163. Effective political leader- iship would be required because 'ultimately Canada's promotion of the free trade plan requires "an act of will." BRIGHTER IN CANADA Matthews says the prospect of sound federal leadership in Can- ada is bright after a period in which "federal ; politics have been something of a shambles." The men in the running for leadership of the Liberal party "are all capable, imaginative and interested in liberalizing: trade"' The leading contenders for the Conservative leadership "are equally competent and out- ward-looking,"" Matthews says. Of Finance Minister Mitchell Sharp, whom Matthews de- scribes as mostly likely succeed Prime Minister Pear- son, the writer says: "While he believes, for clear and well articulated reasons, that an Atlantic free trade ar- rangement is not now in Can- ada's interest, everything about Mr. Sharp's style and philos- ophy suggest that, if the best evidence began to show that such a scheme was in fact li- kely to be favorable to Canada, rapidly indeed," tol" he would swing behind it very| | BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE | TOWN DEBT DOUBLES FORT FRANCES, Ont. (CP)--} FILLS THE GLASS {400 pounds of milk and cream The average Canadian drinks/a year. 4 North Best TORONTO (CP)--Hall Beach, Northwest Territories, may not be the most desirable mailing address for young couples but Kim and Liselotte Clark find it), essential to live there. Kim and his wife moved to Hall Beach, on Melville Penin- sula 2,400 miles north of Tor- onto, so that he could spend the/g next two years studying the ecolgy of Arctic wolves for a PhD in zoology from the Uni- versity of Toronto. Liselotte, who originally trav- elled to Hall Beach just to be with her husband, has found an outlet of her own--the establish- ment of the area's first school. The main project of the school, which is in the Clark home, is to teach about 30 Eskimo-speaking students Eng- ish. of! On a Toronto visit, Kim said in an interview that he moved to Hall Beach, a community|a with a population of 125 Es- re: at WHITBY made restitution for his part in tion, had his original tion extended from 15 to 24 months. Enter, Theft Restitution | Probation Period Extended --Because he had break and enter and theft spree in two municipalities last December, 20, trate's court here Tuesday on Jesse Scharbrodt, who appeared in magis- charge of breach of proba- proba- He told the court that, as a sult of being held in custody Whitby for five weeks, he had lost his job. He moved to Toronto without informing his probation officer and failed to report to either the Wentworth County or Toronto probation ficers, A 17-year-old Claremont youth, who pleaded guilty to charge of being in posses- sion of liquor while under 21 |Mayor John McVey asked coun- cil to scrutinize capital spend- | ing carefully because tight! money policies make them more | expensive.. Last. year's public works doubled the town's deben- ture debt to more than $2,000,- 000. | years, was placed on suspend- ed sentence for six months. Larry John Norton was found to have a bottle of liquor when searched in the driveway of a Claremont home. Convicted and _ sentenced, Feb, 2, in Toronto, on a charge of indecent assault and crim- inal assault, George David Powell appeared charged with violating a suspended sentence. The court ordered a medical report before the hearing pro-| ceeds. Phone 723-0241 or 728-0192 kimos, five white adults and one white child, to study wolves) junder natural conditions, un-| disturbed by man. | "Arctic wolves have never) been scientifically studied," he said. The wolf pack he has under surveillance is on central Baffin | Island, across Foxe Basin from| Hall Beach. $300 MONTH FOR LIFE From Age 65 Here is @ plain to provide for your femily if yeu should die, or for your retirement yeers if you survive...» ROGER WOLFE | UNIT MANAGER 723-2883 Bnme 725-4563 By completing the enquiry form below, yeu cen obtein deteile suitable te your personel! situ- ~ §UN Business: LIFE ' ASSURANCE COMPANY of CANADA | | | Oshews Shopping Centre | \t | | | AbDnest ss lt | NAME. Help The CENTeE Eastdale PLAY and DANCE In Aid Of A Projected Animal Shelter. FRIDAY, April 7th--7.45 P.M. Tickets 1.25 at door or Phone 725-8836 Advence Sale Te Students $1.00 (Student Identification Required For Donce) Dance To The Music of The YOUNG SET Humane ! NNIAL Collegiate NOW OPEN! NIG THE EXCITEMENT BLOCK. GALA OPENING ATTRACT 1ON ¥§ inane OSHAWA ONE N AMILLAO 3 3 ears ot HTLY FROM 7 P.M: WILSON & LEE Ltd. PIARD SPECIAL @ Ust Price $729.00 @ Pull 40" Height @ Direct Blow Action @ Complete 88 Note Scale @ Art Wolnut Finish @ Matching Bench Included @ Budget Terms Available Eastern Ontarlo's Largest Music Centre WILSON & LEE Lid. 87 Simcoe St. N. Open Thursday & Friday Evenings 'til 9 P.M. | covumaiA PICTURES presen | A aay De LAURENTUS. fis PRODUCTION CEL CoMORS- DOROTHY PROM. RAF VLLONEMARGHETLEE "| i ENTERTAINMEN | Weekdays At 7:20 & 9:30 ! Sot. & Sun. 5:20, 7:30, 9:45 | | 725-5833 THE BEST WE'VE HAD YET! Dance to ADAM TIMOON RADIO & TV ARTIST with his Guiter Song end Comedy Routines. et the' GEORGIAN Motor Hotel CHAMPLAIN AT THORNTON RD. -- 723-4693 On The Horns Of A Dilemma? Try Serving FISH N' FRIES mE 39 Robbies King St. West Across From K-Mart Phone Ahead at 728-6756 Alse Featuring: BURGERS. Feet Long HOT DOGS; Home-Made PIZZA Special This Friday 725-4706 BUSTER OF THE YEAR!! FIRST OSHAWA SHOWING ! 2ND HIT! IN COLOR "| DEAL IN DANGER" FENELAELDING: WSS INGLADOURUS 3 TIMES -- 1:30 -- 3:20 | | "EASY COME, EASY GO" PARAMOUNT PICTURES presents A HARRY SALTZMAN Prodectice MICHAEL Funeral in Berlin | PAUL HUBSCHMID -OSCAR HOMOLKA roteend oy CHARLES KASHER> ohoviet my GUY HAMILTON A gal Seronapiog ty EVAR SOMES» trond oo ret by LO BOREBER TOMORROW EVA RENZ 'TECHNICOLOR®: PANAVISION® LAST DAY= ELVIS PRESLEY in CAINE.. TERENCE FISHER The ULTIMATE IN EVIL FROM MONSTER AND MADMAN! Now Frankenstein has created A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN WITH THE SOUL OF THE DEVIL! ence ' CREATED WON BETERCUSHNG- SUSAN DENBERG- Heres LDR ARO SO ENS « SEVEN ARTS: HAMMER PRODUCTION - RELEASED BY 20s CENTURY-FOK Beware the beat of the cloth- HE wre - iit DAVID BUCK we ELIZABETH SELUARS. creme cer ergy by JN Ml Pete THON ELSON YES JN BLING PRODUCTON A 2 CMURY COLOR BY DELUXE |! | 2 SHOCKERS! MARKS ::" TODAY -- 5:20 --7: 25 -- 9:30 April 7t FRANCO ;:: THE a SPRING DANCE h 8 p.m. until { a.m. -- et the -- KINSMEN COMMUNITY CENTRE 109 Colborne West et McMillan Drive. Dance to the New Toronto Sound of ROMANTICS Admission 1.00 @ DOOR PRIZES -- Employees Free SPOT DANCES @ REFRESHMENTS e@ Qyectt toe er PAUL FORD se exceassy mecrumes nexsase 2nd Smash Hit! 'N-CAR HEATERS NO EXTRA CHARGE = > NLL) ET RS YY T ughe MM) a" \\ «> "Oy TILL The Luy-Lites The Tripp The Symbol! Shawn & Joy Jackson & The Majesties The Blue Set The Young Set iif TICKETS AT: Sportshaven, \\( ¢ \ 7 swinging ene, Presents THE ELEVEN - TEEN SOUL CRUSADE Saturday, April 15th * BIG "ss ~~ - --" The MANDALA Advance Tickets while they lest 2.00 Auditorium Box Office, Discount Sporting Goods, Marty's Record Centre, Disc Shop--Oshawa Shopping Centre, Bolahood's Jim Bi.shop Sporting Goods, Ralish Men's Wear, Dairy Queen-- Bowmanville, Jury and Lovell Travel; and All BIG BEAT Schoo! Representatives. 7/1 iff .< s VOnt nti NN % x ca The Lords of London The Mertels Jack Nerdin and The Sithouettes The Mid-Knights The Jackdawe At 1:00 OSHAWA SKATING CLUB ICE FROLIC "67 "PETER PAN CAPERS" Saturday, April 8 Featuring Members of CANADIAN CENTENNIAL WORLD'S TEAM Jay Umphreys Lynda Carbonneto Maureen Peevers Wayne Palmer Julie Black PLUS -- Comedy Routines - Oshawa Figure Skaters MATINEES: 2:00 P.M. Adults $1.25 Children .75 BUS SERVICE - 1:30 and 7:00 - 7:30 - 8:00 P.M. TICKETS ON SALE PRESENTS EVENING: 8:00 P.M. Adults $2.00 $1.75 - $1.50 Children $1.00 Windsor Sam 'Whitby Arena; i. adh x Auditorium Box Office --~ Bolahood's Sportsheven Bishop Sporting Goods -- Oshawe Skating Club Members ec} (OU | Ny CIVIC BAS lj \ will = [TO pe THORNTON ROAD SOUTH OFF KING ST. WEST