JULIET JONES MICKEY MOUSE ' MUGGS AND SKEETER" © PARISIENNE © LAURENTIAN © STRATO CHIEF Where Your Mills Men Are Men of Action! Now HOME. Channe) 2--Buttale Channel 3--Barrie Channe) 4--Buftale €henne! 6--roronte Channel 7--Buttale Channe! 6--Rochester Channel 9%--Toronto Channel 1i--Hamiiter 5:20 FM. \2--Camp Runamuck 7--News 3-6--Musie Hop 2--Of Lanas and Seas 6:00 P.M, @--How's Business? 7--Movie 9--Batman 8--Small World 6--TBA 4--Littlest Hobo COMBOS OR CLASSY CHANTEUSES!! T WANT A RESTAURANT WHERE GOOD FOOD Is SERVED -- T 17'S OUR LATEST COMPUTER. 3--Time Tunnel 2--News, Weather 7.20 P.M. 7--News, Weather, 6--Occasional Wife 4--Coliseum 200 PM, 4--My Three Son: 9:00 P.M. 9--It's Happening 7--Love On a Rooftop | | | SAVE ON 3 OF PONTIACS MOST POPULAR MODELS NOW !! TRADING POST SALE!! THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. TELEVISION LOG 28--Dragnet ?--That Girl 3-4-12--Hogaen's Heroes 10:06 P.M. l1--The Merv Griffin Show $-2--Dean Martin 7--ABC News Special P.M, Channel 12--Peterdorough | 9--T.H.E. Cat 3-6-12--Summerhill THURSDAY EVE, 11:00 PLM. 5:00 P.M. | 12-11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News 12--Three Stooges Weather, Sports Family Theatre | 11.20 P. &--Superman | .6--Viewpoint J--Highway Patrol 11,25 P.M, 6--Passport Vi--Pierre Berton 3--Mister Ed. é--News, Weather, Sports 7--Movie 2,8--Johnny Carson 14:35 P.M, Edgar Wallace sea) PM. 12--Moevie 6--Klahanle Ad -12--! 11:48 PLM. " ore Waater 4--Time Tunnel 2--My Three Sons 4--Wovie 6:30 P.M, 12,00 A.M. 12--Lost in Space 1--Mystery Theatre Defeat Berton FRIDAY 3-6-9--News, Weather, 8:00 A.M. and Sports 9--University of the Alr 2-8--Huntley-Brinkiey «Captain Kangaroo jews 6.2 A.M. 7:00 P.M, {l--Albert J. Steed --My Three Sons 9--Romper Room 255 A.M. J--Dialing for Dollars, Virginia Graham 9:00 A. li--Little People 9--Uncle Bobby &--Pastor's Study You and Your Sports | Family 7:30 P.M. 3-Ed Allen 12--Bewitched | 2--Pick A Show 11--Candid Camera | 9:30 A.M, 9--Movie | 128d Allen Time 8-2--Daniel Boone }'l--Ontario Schools 7--Batman eta Vis | 4-Love of Life jons 3-6-12--Stanley Cup Play- if 3--Mademoiselle de Paris 8: 2--~Jack La Lanne N--Movie 10:08 A.M. 7--F Troop | 11--Ed Allen 'ime 3-6-12--T.B.A. | 9--Cartoon Playhouse 730 P.M, 8-2--Snap Judgment 2-8--Star Trek 4--Candid Camera 7--Bewitched 3-12--Canadian Schools 10:30 A. | 11--Morning Time 9--Fractured Phrases 6-2---Concentration 7--Dateline: Hollywood 4--Beverly Hillbillies - y 11:00 A.M, 12---Romper Room 11--Mike Dougias 9--Mr. and Mrs. 6--Pat Boone 7--Supermarket Sweep 4--Andy Griffith 34--Mr. Dressup 2--Matcnes and Mates 17.25 A.M, 2-6--Bonnie Prudden 11:30 A.M, $--Magistrate's Court 8-2--Hollywood Squares 7--One In A Million 4--Dick Van Dyke Show 12:08 NOON %--Toronto Today 2-8--Jeopardy 7--Moevie 6--Luncheon Date 4--News and Weathers ports 3--Popeye and Pals 12:15. P.M. 12--Movie 12:38 P.M. 1l--It's A Match 8--Eye Guess 3--News, Weather 2--Merv. Griffin 64--Search For Tomorrow 12:45 P.M. 64--Gulding Ligh 1:00 P.M. 1--Theatre 9--Movie @--wialing For Dollars, Virginia Graham 7--Fugitive é--Luncheon Date Meet The Millers 3--Movie 1:34 P.M. | 46--As The World Turns 2-8--Let's Make a Deal 200 P.M. 7--Newlywed Game 4-6-12--Password | @2--Days of Our Lives | 2.30 P.M. | 12--Calendar | 9--People in Confllet 7--Dream Girl 6--Coronation Street 4--House Party 2-8---Doctors 3:00 P.M. | 9--Words and Musi¢ | 7--Genéral Hospital 4--To Tell The Truth 3-6-12--Take 30 2-8--Another World 11--Marriage Confidential 9--It's Your Mov 7---Superman © SPORTS COUPES © 4-DOOR SEDANS 262 KING ST. WEST 723-4634 WHATS THE SQUARE ROCTOF 144° ELLI, PAY ATTENTION £ YOU WON'T BE READY TELL ME, HOWS ALL THAT GOING TO HELP ME GET A HUSBAND? - + é + | YOUR HEALTH Garden Fertilizers Pasteurized Here By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD - my age to be having the change in Vietnam are getting hepa-jof life or menopause? My doc- titis, unless they have shots of|tor claims that when I am tak- Dear Dr. Molner: Our boys E--R...4 GOUVENIR FROM MY SCHOOL DAYS/ E yeo,pa! 14 HOME! We HAD A BIG CROWD AT HE} ee ony BuBBA! He was Y [7 WITH A GROUP OF LITTLE | | sWe§-GOING-TO-KiSs-ME- BOYS ...I STARTED OH,G00D! 4--Movie 6-12--Friendly Giant 3-6-12-4--Edge of Night 9:00 P.M, 3 MM. 3.6-12--Antkeeper 9--Dean Martin 3,6,12--Chez Helene 2-8--You Don't Say AOROSS 41. Old World 9, Dressed 1. Major lizard 11. Sags portion 42. Not 13, Indian we 5. Jewish difficult butter month 15. Oleagt- E i, DOWN nous ae {sm Island, 1. Famous 18. Cra- Sseaual Brooklyn frontiers- vats EJ IK] [| MEWIOle | 10. Ventured man 21, Nazi eee aos ga py ico arty (REEILISMES! ISSY1 18. Actress nickname 22.Come- Yesterday's Answer Rogers 4. Nguyen mis- 14. Mother of Cao ----~-- sions 31. Brings Trish gods 6. Farewell 23. Stands suit 15. Exclamae 6.---- up 33, Pneumatic tion Cupid 24, Deplores tube 16. Biblical 7. Argonauts' 25. Partofa 37, Breach name ship window 38. Scraps, 17, Gods 8, Rocket's 27. Festive asof 19. Toward return 29, Sloping literature 20. African from outer roadways 40. G. Russell river space . Cash pen name 31, Musical instrument 172 3 14 $.16 17 {8 23, Narrow 5 be way 16 \ between Y VA, buildings 12 13 25. Englishy VA, diarist 14 Uy, is VAA6 26, Beams LZ Ly 27, Pant 7 18 GG 19 28, Not: prefix ZA 20 2) [22 29. Rescues Y VA, by 23 |24 Y, 25 payment 4 . Pl 26 {Art GZ gen Y GU deve: 28 Y Gita 30 |3) 85. Symbol of 4 indebted [32] 133 (a4 A epee L " 86. Puzzle 36 37 Y, 38 88, Girl's pati name 39 Wi, 40 39. Thong 4 0. Poker 41 GY 42 ata base: dae gamma globulin to protect|ing these pills I won't get meno- them, because of the human|pause. Is that true? I have been sewage used over there as fer-|having occasional hot flashes tilizer for food crops. jand have not menstruated much \for six months.--Mrs. R, A We are using fertilizer made from sludge for our gardens. What do the manufacturers do to make it safe for us, or do they?--Mrs. R. N. You are right that organic fertilizer is made from sewage from at least one of our major cities, but there the comparison with Vietnam ceases. | It is possible for menopause 'to start at 39 although it is a |bit earlier than average. I think what your doctor meant was that the pills, because of their jhormone activity, can prevent jor minimize some of the com- ;mon symptoms of menopause. | They do not prevent meno- jpause, however. Menopause : . , |pa Such human waste, being rich|means that the ovaries cease in nitrogen and some other ma-|fynctioning, and when the time terials, makes excellent ferti-|comes, they stop, regardless of lizer, But in untreated form, it also contains germs of variosu types. In this country the material is dehydrated, and the processing amounts to a particularly effec- tive form of pasteurization. The germs are destroyed, and the fertilizer becomes safe to use. In Vietnam and a good many other countries there is no pro- cessing, and the germs remain. Dear Dr. Molner: As a young mother (26) living in a three- storey house, are upwards of 20 trips up and downstairs every day bad for my health? I have been told that stairs are very hard on me.--Mrs. H. 0. If you are in good health, the stairs won't harm you in any way. After all, it's just exer- cise. I grant that a young mother lives a strenuous life, but exer- cise is what. keeps your weight down and your figure shapely. Dear Dr. Molner: I am 39 and have been on birth control pills for three years. Is it possible at | medication. | Dear Dr. Molner: What do j}you think of taking oral vaccine tablets to prevent colds or up- per respiratory ailments? Do you believe flu shots are helpful or are they just for older peo- ple?--Mrs. T. M. There are no vaccines, oral or otherwise, to prevent colds and upper respiratory infections. Flu. shots will protect anyone of any age against the principal strains of influenza. They are particularly urged for elderly folks, for those with chronic respiratory or heart ailments, pregnant women, and people in key occupations, because such people either are in more dan- ger if they have flu, or having them laid up for a week with flu would be a hardship not only for them but for the public. If you don't fit those cate- gories, your object in having a flu shot is just to protect your- self against the unpleasantness of flu. It's a good idea. Note to Z. L. The problem of ently the opponents failed to realize soon enough that their sole chance of defeating the contract lay in the possibility that South was void of hearts. East discarded a heart on the third round of clubs and then made the error of signalling with the nine of diamonds on the next round of clubs, He should have discarded both his hearts right away in order to jgive West a count on the suit, and, on top of that, the dia- mond nine was a more eloquent signal than he could afford. West later discarded the king of diamonds in order to avoid being thrown into the lead, and the position after eight tricks had been played was this; North 4a @AKQS East 43 ao 95058 @ 10 oQ16 South K SKi76 Diagnosing the situation per. fectly, Truscott cashed the king of spades and exited with the seven of diamonds. East won with the jack but then had to concede the rest of the tricks, SALLY'S SALLIES +8 II ad Sp ot "Let's take this special eye test before going to that special sale at the bargain counter." ! i 14 Pairs Of Ribs Bovine Record ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) Owners of a Hereford bull are 'excited about what they claim jis a new development in the \cattle-raising industry. | The bull, Dr. Onward 211, is isiring offspring with 14 pairs of ribs -- instead of the normal 13--and an extra vertebra, say jowners Norman Libby of Hard- jing County, N.M., and Jack |Hess of McLean, Tex. "This is the first bull in the history of all breeds that has consistently sired animals with 14 pairs of ribs,' said Hess. \""Hog breeders produce hogs with 14 sets of ribs, and now it is a fairly established trait in hogs. "Now, we feel the 14 pairs of ribs can be bred further in cattle," The owners of the six-year- old bull said the find could mean extra dollars to cattle raisers -- extra cuts of beef and a longer carcass. About one-third of the bull's offspring have been found to have the extra ribs and verte- bra. TIME TO PAY LONDON (CP)--A young doc- tor who was driving the car in which a nurse was severely injured when it crashed was ordered to pay £30,000 dam- ages--but was given 200 years to pay at £3 a week. The crash crippled the girl and left her with the mental ability of a child. that rebellious four-year-old is not a medical one. It's a matter of an only child needing to be told when to head in. The longer his parents let 'hime rule the roost, the longer he'll make life miserable for everybody. | i 7 18 THE OSHAWA TIM8S, , BUT THIS 1S THE ADDRESS SHE GAVE ME. THUNDERATION! |. 7 NOW, GIRLS, HOW Y 1 HAVE IT! LET'S TELL EACH OF Thursday, April 6, 1967 iy T-HELPED HER ESCAPE FROM A CONVE NOW ALL MY PLANS SHALL WE BRING ] "THEM HOW PERFECTLY WONDERFUL velciacathlias ' WOULD YOU TAKE CARE IN NORTH VIETNAM, ' FOR A GOOD TIME IN BUZ AND MITZI THE OTHER 1S, OF MY PETS WHILE ? HONG KONG ARE SHOT, TOGETHER? --_ we TM Away; ec MIMI WAS THE ONLY BRIDGE MR. DUCK? SURE fat DATE I KNEW HERE, = MSS SMITH E By B. JAY BECKER ALMAYS GLAD --G (Top Record-Holder in Masters' " far w Individual Championship Play) es = E South dealer. col S fa Both sides vulnerable. ce NORTH of 5 ye: WAKQS76 tiv $832 ni : 43 be WE COULD GO DOWN THROUGH THE | [ UNHITCH THOSE HORSES! L GOT. + ease aft wears THAT i T tm} | HATCH......BUT THAT WOULD TAKE aM 'DRAT. ORSE: ps WEST loa ONLY APRIL GOT TO DO WE GOT NO AXE.,....NO NOTHING TO | | TOO LONG To GET THE 4510768 9842 ie BREAK OPEN THIS WAGON...... SILVER OUT ion 959532 104 ' ; ok OQ596 sa $Q2 476 the Fe 4 UTH lar aak the =| as es Z -- tio e @A1074 I S o #AKI10086 iny pa] fa \F ,\\ The bidding: wa 6 =| -- South West North East ee = ! vom 2m Pass 29 Pass ie fe yy) 3 Pass 39 Pass ; YH) Pass 6NT bd fy }/ ca Yy// i i 195 4 Y// Opening lead - six of spades. b ee ' This hand occurred at the te / NOTHING H< But 28 X-9 ki { : , | Trials played in England in ( i oe : icks the carnival owner 1962, It is admittedly difficult ER-EXCEPT ot | paciciier a he cannot Control the wild for North - South to stop short ep of a slam when South opens cr WILL RENDER PS : the chair... jwith a forcing two bid and finds I AIR POLLUTION, Pome erty) Es H [North with an opening bid of Br HAR: 2 ( " : this own. 000 E fatter a i At most tables, in fact, a €01 4 is = ' yd slam was duly reached and de- $26 { |feated, but. at the table where shi Ee , the bidding went as shown, I 5 =| | South (Alan Truscott) bid and me oO r, 1S A MADMAN! IF jmade six notrump. anc rd i THIS KEEPS UP WE'LL | Of course, he also should Fir a ALL TUMBLE OUT/ have been defeated, but, as hap- anc mC GOT TO FORCE jpens so often when declarer I C Sas oe A ' HIM BACK! j is jruns a long suit, the defenders Bri ° . a : s did not discard well. ing _ a Re" a , lar with the ace and proceeded to $1, f = cash seven club tricks. Appar- cep