' 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Apri 6, 1967 _ BRITAIN'S GOLDEN GIRLS, VANESSA AND LYNN Redgrave Sisters' Nominations For Awards Serves To Draw Famous Family Together ' By CAROL KENNEDY * LONDON (CP) -- For Va- 'nessa and Lynn Redgrave, athe Golden Girls of the Brit- 'Ish theatre, the world of stage vand screen is suddenly their "pyster--and it is crammed awith girls. ™ The fame of the Redgrave girls, already well launched 'in Britain, has taken off like a rocket since they landed at "opposite ends of the United "States to spread their talents on a wider stage--Vanessa "turning singer in Hollywood's Sversion of Camelot and Lynn 'knocking Broadway flat with "her portrait of a zany debu- -tante in Black Comedy. ™ When the rapturously - ac- Claimed pair compete for a 'Hollywood Oscar April 10, they will be the first sisters "to do so since Joan Fontaine "and Olivia de Havilland in 71941, ~ On that occasion Joan Fon- -Raine's award caused a bitter Yamily rift. But whichever Redgrave wins -- 30 - year- old Vanessa for Morgan or 24 "year-old Lynn for the bounc- ' yet heart - touching 'Georgy Girl--it's a safe bet umeither sister will begrudge mthe other's success, * It is possible each may win '® major award, since both have been nominated as well for the April 25 British Film 'Academy award for best Brit- 'dsh actress of the year. (NO RIVALRY vent ban - the - bomb cam- paigner, says she is "fan- tastically concentrated" and "fanatical" when _ working. She excludes everything from her mind except her two little girls Jely Kim and Natasha, children of her broken mar- riage to movie director Tony Richardson. SHUNS PR MEN She refuses to have a pub- lic relations man handle her "image." "Tf I'm not a product that sells by myself, on my own merit, that's that." Vanessa has always sold on her own merit despite the natural advantages of being Sir Michael Redgrave's daughter. She made her debut at 21 with her father in N. C. Hunter's A Touch of the Sun and four years later was firmly established as Brit- ain's leading young actress after a flashing, inspired per- formance as Rosalind in a Royal Shakespeare Company production of As You Like It. Meanwhile Lynn decided the stage might be more reward- ing than the saddle, and while Vanessa was being ac- claimed as actress of the year for Rosalind, she made a hit in a small part Vanessa had turned down in A Mid- summer Night's Dream. ONE-WORD ROLE Sir Laurence Olivier offered her a place in the National Theatre Company and an- other Redgrave had taken off. Lynn's first film role was one of the shortest speaking parts on record. As a freckled country wench in Tom Jones, all she did was shout, '"'Rape."" But her playing of an Irish | city colleen in The Girl with Green Eyes brought out a fine comic talent which flow- ered richly, touching slapstick and pathos, in Georgy Girl, the tale of a plain, pudgy girl trying desperately to keep || up with her glamorous friend. | Sir Michael Redgrave is su- | premely proud of the family's collective achievements, be- lieving that a creative family background is the best pos- sible seedbed for interpreta- tive arts such as acting and music, His only worry, he says, is that one day people may start to say: "Oh, those damned Redgraves again." For all your drapery needs see INTERIOR DECORATOR 15 King Street East CUSTOM MADE DRAPES Phone 725-2686 Products of a theatrical dy- | masty going back more than a 'eentury, Sir Michael Red- grave's daughters appear to enjoy a remarkable lack of rivalry, although Lynn, who always regarded herself as the ugly duckling, has in fact elimbed to fame on parts dis- carded by her glamorous el- der sister. "They're so different there is no feeling of competition between them," says Lady Redgrave, actress Rachel Kempson. "We have no jealousy in our family. We share each other's 'triumphs 'ether's disasters." Lynn puts it differently: *We're a mutual admiration society." It's an impressive family by any standards, brilliantly tal- ented, good-looking and re- markably tall for actors. Sir \Michael, at 58 one of the world's finest Shakespearean and mourn each actors, and son Corin, 27, are | both well over six feet; blonde, blue - eyed Vanessa and auburn-haired, grey-eyed | Lynn both top five-foot-ten. "MISSED DAD IN HAMLET The Redgrave children were raised in a theatrical atmosphere although it was by no means certain Lynn and Corin would follow fam- ily tradition. As a teen-ager Lynn suffered agonies be- cause of her size, felt over- 'shadowed by Vanessa and }was so bored by the theatre 'phe stayed home to hear a 'radio program rather than watch her father play Hamlet. An expert equestrienne, she 'plunged into show-jumping in an attempt to score at some- thing the others couldn't do, 'collecting an array of trophies. Vanessa, on the other hand, was clearly destined for the 'footlights with her romantic temperament and rich imag- ination. Her father says she {s "di- vinely mad, divinely in- spired."' "She has her own particular kind of radiance that makes | "everyone adore her." Lady Redgrave says Va- 'nessa has a humility about 'her that ensures she will "never become bigheaded." Vanessa herself, once a fer- ENCORE | LADIES' WEAR New and Gently Used Styles for the fashionable female. At the Top of the Stoirs ! 22 Simcoe St. $. OSHAWA LOEMAEE AONE NSE ERTIES PAI Birthday Sale bargains, Now! INTERLUX LE International Paints Is celebrating 125 years in Canada... join in the celebrations by taking advantage of these fabulots Stock up now. Top Interlux quality... yet you pay only half the regular price. 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ZELL ERS OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE PHONE 723-2209 OR 723-2294 DOWNTOWN SIMCOE STREET SOUTH Sta Ha By MO! does three | picked ful of For of two the fe quiry women pointm and fa fe chosen view ir sity of "ym are ne comr course, to be pride | man s| But 3 sity's graphy, long - topics prime | mission ada's | and div And o fello: find the Montrez minded. The | twin gi aged e busy fi degree Bays, "' stuffy a WOULD The ri is a mar own sex for the dom for man Cat relaxed control | "Socie' for mal problem wants to study or job--but structure possible children. "Perso going to more ger Announ Minister Boys' zipper 2 to 6 eomaeronte LADIES lot son Reg. te epee 41 LAI range ¢ Values LADIES choose sizes 8'