14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, April 6, 1967 ANN LANDERS Parents See Results Dear Ann Landers: My hus- band and I are baffled. We don't know what to think. Our son-in-law decided he needed a vacation from our daughter. They had been married only 11 months and weren't getting along too well. I must admit she wasn't a very good wife. She couldn't manage on his in- come, borrowed from her father and me and nagged her hus- band constantly about insignifi- cant things that should have been overlooked. Our son-in-law went to Mexico by himself -- to "think things over." Our daughter moved Back into her room so she wouldn't be alone in their apart- ment. This morning we received a telegram from our 6on-in-law saying he will not be back for several months, and he is di- vorcing our daughter for rea- sons of illness. What does this sound like to you--Stunned Parents | Dear Parents: It sound like} he is sick of her. Dear Ann Landers: I am fed up and disgusted with people who say, "Honesty is the best policy." Twice this week I was asked to give an honest opinion. Well, I gave an honest opinion and both times I got into terrible trouble. I have made an enemy for life and I was kicked out of English class for the rest of the term. In our school when you Of Spoiling Daughter the course and have to take it over again next semester. You hear all these high sound- 'ing phrases about honesty being the best policy, but I have learned first-hand that it doesn't pay, A person is much better off to lie and stay out of trouble. So why don't you come right out and admit it since you pride yourself on giving good advice. --Truth is Trowhle Dear Trouble: I notice that you did not provide a single de- tail of the incidents which brought forth your sterling qual- ities and landed you in trouble. Many people delight in tear- ing friends to pieces, leaving not a shred of dignity and they call the butcher "being frank" or "simple honesty." Yes, it pays to be honest, but it does not pay to be punitive and brutal. And this is probably your problem. Dear Ann Landers: I wish those unhappy wives who have lost their husbands to "the other woman" would stop calling them "tramps." True, some one-night stands deserve the name, but the majority of "other women' are intelligent, attractive. and very much in love. Sex alone will not hold a mar- riage together, nor will it sus- tain an affair. "The other woman" provides something the wife doesn't, otherwise she would not be in the picture. It might be compassion, under- standing, adoration, or just old- get kicked out of class you flunk fashioned appreciation for his presence. Maybe he just wants| to be around someone who does | not nag him, or belittle him, or make him feel inadequate. So, wives, take stock of your- selves. If you want to keep your husbands happy don't give them jany excuses to roam. There's jan Old saying that if you feed |a man well at home he won't go ito restaurants.--Kitten | Dear Kitten: Some men pre- \fer restaurants to home cooking just because it's different. The rest of your letter, however, makes a great deal of sense. Thank you for writing. in ISO i) WIFE PRESERVER To make Lady Fingers or wafers stay put while making a refrigerator cake, butter one side and stick to the pan. They Stay put, upright. RAINBOW ROLL 21% cups (about 30 crackérs) fine graham cracker crumbs 2 teaspoons cocoa % cup coarsély chopped nut meats ¥% cup finely cut dates $8 cups fruit flavored minia- ture marshmallows ¥Y% cup of water ¥% cup condensed milk Combine cracker crumbs, cocoa, nut meats, dates and marshmallows. Blend together water and milk. Stir into the cracker crumb and marshmal- low mixture. Combine wll. Shapé into two rolls about 14 inches in diameter. Wrap tight- ly in waxed paper and refrig- erate at least 12 hours. Before slicing roll in fine graham cracker crumbs. Cut in slices. MOTHERS DON'T WORRY LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Sys- tematic prenatal care has be- come "purely social and we all know it,"' says Dr. J. Robert Willson, head of obstetrics at the University of Michigan. He said today's programs began 50 years ago and most of the problems aré solved but preg- nant women still continue monthly visits to clinics. FOR THE FINEST "Free Customer Parking While Shopping ot Our Store" Custom and Ready Made DRAPES the latest Shades ond fabrics . , see. ws Mé& Dry Goods & Dreperies EXPERTLY INSTALLED DRAPERY TRACKS 723-7827 OVER 215 STORES FROM COAST-TO-COAST 10 SERVE YOU 29 Simcoe Street Sou' Oshawe Shopping Centre Tel. 725-4361 (Reitma nr ON SALE to 11%. Also demi toe. fit 8% to 11. Al demi toe. %, ©pog7 th Tel. 725-6221 WHERE SMART WOMEN SHOP SEMI-ANNUAL i SALE FAMOUS NATIONAL BRANDS CANTRECE"* *RT.M=-OF DUPONT OF CANADA. Reg. 822 3 PAIRS FOR 3.00 Ballerina® seamless micro-mesh. Propor- tioned lengths Evening sheer. Sizes 8% Fabulous® Cantrece'. Fits like a summer tan. Seamless ¢ Evening Sheer. Sizes to Zo OFF NYLONS AND 03 available in nude heel-- so available in nude heel ening : WILSON FURNITURE : alleries' 186701967 CENTENNIAL PROJECT CANADA-CONFEDERATION Mrs, who wit ing Os month t near Ba presente R book, 2 Tuesday Christia ion in S Church. years § so y Helen and Bob Sherman, owners of Wilson Furniture, have completely revitalized the building at Church and Bond St., adjacent to their store. Out- side, the building has a modern new look. In- side they have their Galleries of Fine Furniture. OPEN HOUSE The entrance to the "Galleries" is through Wilson Furniture Store, You are invited to come in and browse around. FREE GIFTS WITH EVERY PUR- CHASE . . . PRIZES GALORE and BIG, BIG SAV- INGS THIS WEEK-END ON ALL MERCHANDISE. Refreshments will be served daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Saturday 'til 6 p.m. DON'T MISS IT ! BOB SHERMAN FREE DRAW EVERY DAY! BUNK BEDS Complete with spring filled mottresses, guerd rail end lad- der, Many assorted styles and qualities on disploy. OPENING SPECIAL PRICED FROM 64.00 Mrs, H. president men's Le: address | South regi ing its an in Denis | Auditoriun DeGray, ' regional c Convening J. Spragg: "What I son Dies" of an add Women's ¢ the Royal club's me¢é Gordon Provincial Royal Car an official of the ne' day aftern iliaries w' Mrs. Rot Command spectators of the Branch 43 ed to wea opening ci Open h the new F Hall all 1 day night Ladies' A members in the zor ceived hb mander, ! and .-Mrs. dent. At this Ball, spon Welfare I the Carou receiving HELEN SHERMAN COME IN! BETTER QUALITY SMOOTH TOP MATTRESSES Beautiful Irish domesk ticking; hundreds of coils; 10-year guarantee; all sizes; many colors, Box springs to match also available. Built to sell for 79.50 per unit. GRAND OPENING SPECIAL Smooth Top CONTINENTAL BEDS Lovely rayon damask ticking; guéranteed spring filled con- struction; complete with et- tractive headboard. GRAND OPENING SPECIAL 64.00 Arborite Topped Coffee Tables Step Tables Solid construction; vinyl edge. GRAND OPENING SPECIALS Tremendous Savings on Smooth Top MATTRESSES Spring filled . construction; double bed sizes. GRAND OPENING SPECIAL 28.00 SAVE ON BABY"S New LLOYD STROLLERS 12,88 PLAYPENS ........... HI-CHAIRS, from .... CARRIAGES, from .... CRIBS, large size .... @ Spring Filled CRIB MATTRESS .... Choose One Now and Loy Away ! CHAIRS FOR FATHER'S DAY @ Hi-Back 29 95 i SWIVEL ROCKERS @ Vinyl and Nylon Combination with kidney rol 09400 89.95 VISIT OUR NEW CARPET DEPARTMENT Harding, Peerless, Barrymore. Room size carpets. Always in stock. Large 9 x 12 Carpets os low es. 39.95 @ All Vinyl RECLINERS Crushed Foam Back this year | and is Mi ter of M Kosub, Di Mrs, E of the S torial Con and Berm speaker f League R awa, Mon the rally Peterboro bridge, | Cobourg, tion Arm: Mrs. G. sented to and cente ster Unite on Satur bers of tl loaned n tiques ar and old-fi candies w Out-of-te Pierre-Gr Mrs, Har Allison M Durling, ! and son, bury, New tended fr and Ottay Mrs. Gt Sagan, S! and Mrs. charge 0! be held i: Mary's § Church, t afternoon arrivals © Slovak e: specialitie such as seed cake Miss | president ness and Club, re achievem Federatio at a rece House, ported o1 project, for the p Park. Mi the club': ation's al tawa in} A Chesterfield TO SUIT EVERY HOME! See Wilson's farge display of living room furniture. Many new 1967 models now in stock. 2 pee. Sets with foom cushions. "<" $9g | Bed Chesterfelds , cs SINGLE PIECES JUNE BRIDES Now is the time to choose your beautiful furniture from WILSON'S and lay it eway for future delivery. WILSON'S will store, insure and deliver it et no extra cost. Wilson's heve 3 room groups of better quality furniture at the lowest possible prices . » . and easy budget terms if you wish, Coverings CLEAROUT PRICES Brgihten up your home for Spring.. Ideal. for . cottages, Clearance of Discontinued BE SURE NOT TO MISS THE WILSON "Gol- Fareme, leries' COLLECTION OF BETTER QUALITY FURNITURE. 2 PCE. CHESTERFIELD SUITE In black and red vinyl. New Spanish styling with wrought iron sides. Foam cushions. 4 BEDROOM SUITES ; Double dresser, chest and double bed. Smart Durable and washable cover. So practical ' . doileia. Vier Wiesel Disat bald ac Walaa. mottress included, smart design. 199) sc: $168 '247 1h~@ WILSON FURNITURE and Galleries SALE ST. DOWNTOWN OSHAWA Variety of styles and covers. Grand Opening Special -- 2 pce. Suite with molded back and nylon upholstery. Marshall spring filled WILSON S SPECIAL F SONS 2 cHuRcH 723-3211