12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdoy, April 6, 1967 Only 15 Pins Separate Champ And Runner-Up championship. Wilson's Men's Wear took|blanked Burns. The other teams better the consolation honors. Jim Venson won)|get a-movin or wait till next year, the award for the high single on the Fecddesb great ide ne oe top score on seu, | day. e night with @ creditable 596 (214, 201) Josie Gyurka became the city| Rot Rocker and the lads came/series. Don McLachlan was runner up champion with a 1526 score, fol-|through with # big effort on thelr last| with @ 585 (217), followed by Jake Wind game to nip Jewell's by 16 pins for the|579, Herm Prakken 556 (236), Bill Bone In the Oshawa District Lad- jes' 10-pin bowling tournament, Kingside trimmed Lake Vista 6-1 to capture the Oshawa Neighborhood Mite Hockey League championship. Brookside, the leader going into the final day in the round robin competition, suffered a 1-0 loss to Storie Park and fin- ished in a second place tie with Woodview, each with 11) Sag : lowed by Doris Vann (1511) in/pame to nlp ccorge Kurelo's: boys. were|540, R. Wright S31, George' Wind S04, second and Jean Lawrence) just 'out of this world' for the consola-|Vic Tyrell 516, Glen Copp 514 and Tom (1479) in third place. ' ; he Vinson tossed his best game ever, The all - events handicap it 249, |, (As £2 over Modern Grill; @ like score| j | Was) All are to be congratulated for their|for Ron inson over Robbie's Drive-| ner, with a score of 1846, Dori lefforts. As for the rest of us, the old|in, while Peacocks nipped Police B's! Marion Leonard, with Pe TIS|Brookiyn Dodger war-cry' -- "wait till|4 to 3. | Vann (1835) runner up, and Jean|next year" is about the best we can andings -- House of Chow 47, Cadil-| mY loffer, See you at the banquet! jlacs 46, General Aggregates 44, Cor- Lawrence (1826) taking ig is |vettes 43, Police A's 38, Modern Grill her second third - place finish. | LANDER-STARK CLASSIC |34, Thompson Plumbing 28, Burns Shoes a ing- It was a big day for the Hawks and|27,, Peacock Lumber 27, Ron Robinson Roberta Ross won the sing |, sad one for the Tigers, as the league|18, Police B's 17 and Robble's Drive-| les with a 674, with Bev Doram|jeaders practically demolished --ali|in 8. a close second with a 640 and | encts if Weta ae eh bead | KING TEN PIN % jtop is year, wut, | Eleanor Herbacko (622) third. | 'The Jets and Lions are still within) Don Richmond created the big splash | striking ie ee Ming ee. aa 0 the rig yd week, as he tumbled | recorded 2 to wins a etter |the pins for a fine 604 total to head the I ag ring ong make their face tech adage ing drop- | men, while Alice Lanning turned in a nm e ou S, JOS 7) ped deeper Into the cellar, as an-|507 for the top ladies' card. | 3 7 i thers took the odd point in their 2 to 1) Scugogs, The Jinx, Motor City Cab, and Fairley Bouckley watt & match, and the Twisters gained pncinar | 1198 finished on top, ee | Big Eight -- Ron Nelson 627 (236, 223),|points with 7-0 shutouts. Vern Auto| 7 nor Herba-|Ralph O'Reilly 616 (243), Doug Cole 613|/Glass, Crawlers and Missing Links drop- Ede Ryan and Elea a b (238, 200), Herman Prakken 585 (235),|ped @ couple of points with 5-2 verdicts, cko, who placed secon Y @lGeorge 'Pud' Lawrence 584 (211), Jim|while Go Goes nipped the A and W's single pin with a 1197 total, and |Thomson 580 (219), Alex Ross 553 (214) | 4 to 3. ee es 4 an lonn laldinsperger . men ha scores also from Janet Peel and Mavis Taylor) *"Stndings: Hawks 51, Jets 48, Lions 47,|Horst Piekarski 586, Bob Jones 576, Oscie| in third place with an 1188 score.|Tigers 43, Panthers 43, Hornets 41,|Spooner 575, Horst Sommers 562, Oz| The team championship went | Eagles 38 and Mustangs 37. | Weeks 556, George Turner 553, Glen Copp j | 543 and George Reid 542, | to the In Crowd, with Norma nh BASTWAY MEN'S ? ole the lodies, 'Marg Brown had 493,/ 7 4 ut a week le in e league enda jomson A irley Bowers 474,) Coffey (672), Chris Overy (595),| -pedule, Les 'Eveniss and. Machie's|Bev Doran. 4és,Josie. Gyurka 447, Nor:| Nell Rowden (615), Mary Lee| seem certain of finishing up on top, |een Richmond 445, Mary Lee 443, anet \f j with only Team an urvey Real igeon 444, Loraine Dalby 442 and Ede toe, not ee Te oe retaining @ slim hope of catching Ryan 434, 76), posting ' up onthe leaders. top honors | John Waldinsperger tuned up for thelers 44, A and W Drive-In 39, Jinx 38, A his finished sec- coming playoffs with a nifty 628 (225,|Scugogs 35, Missing Links 35, Indepen- Eastway Lanes is GED D c: {202 201) serles to. lead the, leds in In. Gants 35, GO Geltors 34, Gillard Cleaners a E & § , Dor-|dividual efforts. He was follower 'y 34, Twisters 33, Vern's Auto Glass 33, ond, with Mary Co! "fe (584) George Turner, returning from the wars Duracleans 27, Go Goes 26, Goofers 21,| is bog Rainall any See 7/10 Mami, with 9 603 (203, 226) card Wildcats 15 and Odd Balls #. irley Bouckley (5 an 0-|Fred. Snow turned in a fine 602 (204, Fairley 5 SATURDAY MORNING JR. AND $R. s te 'ti * 1207), John Mason 591 (215, 205), Frank sie Gyurka (590) adding up to a) soi) sey (200, 200), Harry Hutcheon §74,| The Camaros extended their league 3,006 pinfail. Bob Howlett 571 (210), Bob Peake 569,/lead to five points over the runner-up GM TEN PIN Dick Courtney 569,Len Rose 566 and Monkees and Little Satans, as they drop- With only the banquet on Saturday! |Ron Milne 564. ped the 'monks' 31, while the 'imps' In games. played, Wilson's and Marine were held to a 2-all draw by the Under- left, the GM Ten Pin League will cease|Storage won by shutouts; Team 16, Les/takers. The Zombies also dropped activity for the 1966-67 season. Eveniss and Ontario Motor Sales regis-|ground @s they split their points with Following last Friday's action, the|tered 3 to 1 wins, while the remaining |Jaguars, while the T-Birds dumped the league held their playoffs on Sunday | matches ended in draws. Mynehbirds deeper Into the cellar with 'afternoon with the following results: | Standings -- Les Eveniss Sales 26,\8 3to 1 win. Flintstones dethroned the two-time|Mackle's 26, Team 16 24, All Survey! Rick Begg was the only 500 bowler winners, Jewell's Men's Wear for the|Real Estate 22, Schenley's 21, Ideai|this week, rolling @. 549 (220) series. Dairy 19, Houdallie's 18, Erinii Golf|Haroid Reid was next with 486, Dennis Club 18, Ontario Motor Sales 17, Goch|Homeniuk slipped to @ 475 after last s 2 Scoring Title . For Labossiere Results on other matches had Police Standings -- Motor City Cab 46, Crawl- Supertest 16, Clint's Texaco 16, Alds-|week's tremendous effort, Gord Moore worth's 16, Pepi's Pizza Palace 15, Wil-| 472, Randy Craggs 466, Bill Temple 459, son's Men's Wear 15, CLyle's Cut Rate|Lewis Day 444, Ted Paradise 442, Eric Gas 14, and Marine Storage 5. |Loverock 436, Gary McCollom 432, Don |Kram 428, Butch Paradise 424 and EASTWAY MIXED |Frank McCabe 423. Crawford's and Pickwick's are crowd-| Standings -- Camaros 63, Monkees 58, Ing Art's Hairstyling for league leader- | Little Satans 58, Zombies 56, Jaguars ship as @ result of last week's action in} 52, T-Birds 50%, Undertakers 40% and ROCHESTER, N.Y. (AP)--|the league. Crawford's were 5-2 victors|Mynahbirds 38, Gord Labossiere of Quebec over Lucky 13's and Pickwick's shutout ordon S Potlucks 7-0, while Art's were dropping SATURDAY BANTAMS @ 5-2 decision to Braemors, as the league| headed in to the homestretch of the schedule, on first place, as the runner-up Curvply Other games had Taypees, Nu-Way/Orono scored @ 3-1 win over Imperial Photo and CeeVees with shutout wins,|Life Assurance. Royal House Furniture while North Oshawa Golf Range and/kept fighting to stay In the picture by Moring's were 5-2 victors. |beating Burns 3 to 1, while. Bill Whit-| Doug Vann and Herm Prakken were tick's Motors pasted Wilson's hopes with tops for the men with 566 triples, whilela 40 blanking. losie Gyurka headed the ladies with a) pavig Alexander was top bowler on iy gh in ype ahd elso Post-|seturday with @ 424, followed by Bill coil cd ETOH ace eae, Ororge | Young 422, Ingrid Wichlo 402, Pat King Urner 560, Bob Howlett 539 _(204),!395, Bryan Hughes 392, Ann Collison 391, Monty Masters 536 (204), George Taylor Brian Morrisey 368, Mark Brabin 360, pers' Willie Marshall, who fin-|5%3 end George Reld $27, for the men. 1G. Gorman 32, Laurie Snow 325, Tim is with 89 points Ade Fi ot. Me pra i 492|Norris 318 @nd_ David Morrisey 317. hed 2 ja loody , ry Mothers: Standings -- Townline €sso 64, Curv- Labossiere is Quebec's first |iw, May coe 4 sen Weer dt lyn Sa ml "hat" ie scoring champ. He set club rec-|Mavis Taylor 44, irene Degreve 437|00,7,,Codardale Iron and Metals 55¥2, Wilson's Furniture $2, Bill Whittick's and Irene Frobel 436, ords for most goals and most/*n¢ irene Fropel va fe Assurance 45 Aces has won the American Hockey League's 1966-67 scoring title. Labossiere, a centre, finished with 40 goals and 55 assists for 95 points, official AHL statistics released Wednesday show. He finished four points ahead of linemate Wayne Hicks. Third place went to Baltimore Clip- Townline Esso needed @ 40 shutout over Cedardale to retain their silm hold Motors 46, Imperial Li Hairstyling 43, points. Crawford's Insurance 42, .. Pickwick |@"4_Burns Jewellers 33. Cleaners 39, Nu-Way Photo 35, Remcols Roger DeJordy of Hershey|s,"Taypees 34, Moring's Garage 32, Bears led the league in goals with 52, falling three short of the record shared by Carl Lis- combe and Sid Smith. Andre Gill, Hershey's goal- tender, led the league with a 2.90 goals-against average and North Oshawa Golf Range 32, Vancos 3, Speedy Muffler Kings 28, CeeVees 27, Braemor Variety 26, Newcomers 25, Accents 23 end Potlucks 22. TUESDAY NIGHT MEN'S House of Chow took over the leader- ship from Cadillacs es they trou: Thompson's 7 to 0, while the Caddies were only able to take @ 5-2 decision from Corvettes. General Aggregates Richardson 513. \2 Mike Nykoluk, who centred for Lom tem ee bo ist with 68, Baltimore's Bo! ager led the AHL in penalties with ied the At SOCCER SCORES Rochester Americans took! LONDON (CP)--Results of team goal-scoring honors with}Wednesday night's soccer 300 making the Americans the| games: highest scoring club in profes- SCOTTISH F.A. CUP sional hockey. Semi-final Replay Final leaders: Clyde 0 Celtic 2 (Winner meets Aberdeen in Labossiere, Quebec final April 29) ¢rept to within shooting distance as they Hicks, Quebec 31 60 91 Marshall, Baltimore 33 56 89 satis hy aaa DeJordy, Hershey 52 328 | yundee 4 Falkirk 4 PyKouik, Hershey 16 65 Dunfermline 4 St. Johnstone 1 Gamble, Rochester 46 37 83 Joyal, Rochester 32 51 83 ENGLISH LEAGUE Gilbert, Hershey 26 57 83 Division III Ubriaco, Hershey 38 43 81 |Grimsby 3 Swindon 4 | Sutherland, Quebee 40 38 78 Division IV | Horvath, Rochester 29 49 78 Crewe Alex 3 Lincoln 0 | Take it easy. As ithappens, we can't. Making whisky that goes down this easy is a difficult job. It means selecting whiskies from our five distilleries across Canada (only Seagram's has five, by the way). Then blending and re-blending them to get 5 Star's easy taste, How can you find out if the taste is worth all the trouble? That's easy, too. ' SEAGRAW'S 5 Star. Easy whisky. points, one less than Kingside. Baker finished in fourth spot, with eight points while Storie had seven points, Lake Vista five, Eastview two and Har- man zero. Kingside Park took the championship with an impres- sive victory over Lake Vista Park, Jeff Schissler led King- side with a two-goal effort, while single goals were added by Ron Robinson, Timmy Jer- ome, Jimmy Jackson and Vic- tor Rimland, Lake Vista marks- man was Chris Schumacher. Storie Park played a strong defensive game, as they took a hard-fought 1-0 decision from previously undefeated Brook- side Park. This was a tremend- ously exciting game, which saw Storie's goalie Darrel Street turn in an outstanding per- The Apollos defeated Okla-|formance in the winner's net as homa City Blazers 3-2 and the|he turned aside many hard Knights downed Memphis) drives by the Brookside attack- Wings 4-3. Oklahoma City and/€rs. en Omaha lead their respective| Pat O'Neil counted best-of-seven series 2-1. jgame's lone goal. Rookie Mickey Redmond; Eastview Park scored its scored two goals for Houston|first playoff victory, handing with Danny Grant getting the|Harman Park a 4-1 defeat with other. Oklahoma City goals|Gary Demareski playing a} were scored by Ted Irvine and/strong game in goal for the| player - coach Murray David-|winners. Ray Woodward set! son, who got his first goal of|the pace for Eastview with a} the season on a 15-foot slapshot| two-goal effort, while Joe Van- in the third period. Kuik and Scott Monahan notch- MICKEY REDMOND . +. two goals Omaha Ties Semi - final By THE CANADIAN PRESS One goal made the difference in both games Wednesday night, as Houston Apollos and Omaha Knights picked up vic- tories in Central Hockey League semi-final series. the 'Australian Peaches : FRESH-PICK, ED Piny win up-top oe flavour from Down Under! Australia grows wonderful peaches. Their golden-yellow colour tells you you're in for a tasty treat. You get only the very best fancy-grade. (We wouldn't dare send you anything but the finest peaches because we want. you to come back and buy more!) Please try them the next time you go shop- ping: They make a peach of a treat. NOW! Build A Reputation On Peach Pie! You can be the envy of your friends when you make a tasty peach pie | from Australian Peaches. They're | the most scrumptious-tasting peaches in the whole world, even though they had to come a tong way to meet you. (It'll be a tasting friendship!) the sunniest, tangiest- canned fruit around Kingside Park Captures Mite Puck Championship Smith led the Woodview cause with two goals, while Brian Mc- Gill added a single marker. Baker goals were notched by John Dwyer and Doug Smith. Cracks Record ReE es Bier : icigey: odie ened rg . Mac.|_ TORONTO (CP)--Son of one Kingside won the Bruce aC-|of North America's top 1962 ed single goals each. The Har-|Kay trophy, emblematic of the/two-year-olds, Green For Go man goal was counted by Don} Oshawa Neighborhood Associa-|scooted away from his epee: Metcalf. \tion' ite Hock 'hampion-|tion Wednesday to break the The final mite playoff game| vn tos . pag hinces a two-furlong track record at proved to be another exciting|Ship. Members of the Kingsi Greenwood Race Track. Figo CR at Tonevite: he fo a ps = Don | Green. For 'Go, 'whose sire pd 0 r Park,|Billy Demoe, Jimmy Jackson,| ; i with the winning goal scored|victor Rimland, Danny Ander.|25 Green Ticket, was hustled in the dying minutes of the|son, Ron Robinson, Asa Pix-|by jockey Avelino Gomez, to a ' 22-second finish, two-fifths of a Green For Go $2.10. |. The exactor for Green For Go land Four Desserts paid $5. |Lord Brunswick combined with |Li'l Eddy, owned by Frank Rob- lerts of Buffalo for a $13.50 daily double. Trainer Gord Huntley «said that in 1961 he was dejected lwhen he failed to buy Green |Ticket, who later won close to |$200,000 in. 1962. He persuaded Martin to go after Green For Go. Few Go. paid: $2.70, $2.30 and SS game. ley, Danny Hudson, Brad Prit- Baker's Jeff Vandenberge ie Mike Driscoll, Gene/second faster than Count Tyson| LEWIS and Woodview's Robert\Robinson, David Dellire, Steve ran in setting the record eget OPTICAL Brushett were forced to make|Driscoll, David Turkovich, Jeff|3. 40 many fine saves throughout|Schissler, Timmy Jerome, Alex| The colt, owned by John Mar- Established for over years this action - packed contest, as|Calder, Ken Hassard, Billy|tin of Toronto, captured thej[]/10%4 King Street West both teams displayed tremend-|McGillis and their coach, John fifth race ahead of Four Des- 725-0444 ous offensive plays. Ricky| Williamson. lserts and Hasty Amber. Green Lose nonce do TWO-TROUSER SUIT Our regular price for this suit is $85, although we've seen much higher price- tags elsewhere -- at 68.70 this must be Canada's top suit value! Especially with two pairs of trousers. .<And the quality is there. We stake our 40 years' reputation on it. Excel- lent quality all wool worsted fabrics including popular pin stripes, pic an' pic, nailheads, etc, are meticulously tailored into the 1967 suit-styles. We illustrate the fashionable 'Shape Look" with suppressed waist, but many styles available, two or three buttons. Include Young Men's models. Sizes 36 to 46 regular, short, tall, plus portly and stout models . . . no charge for tailoring adjustments. AT YOUR LOCAL FOOD STORE | | OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE _ 725-8972 THURSDAY an you look your best today? A genuine saving of 16.30 on each suit! New Spring styles! © two suits for $130 . . . saves you $40 off regular price! JACK |i) FRASER OPEN DAILY "TIL 6 P.M. SALE 10 Regular $85 suits id FRIDAY 'TIL 9 P.M, Will the lever and hero's life fair maide! appeal? Y by attendi Collegiate | A i Oshawa's p tion officer s: troduced in tl ture to ¢clamy taminations i only way to industries. "'Municipali said Dr. J. | public health time supervis tal sanitation. Dr. Watt s: overdue step tion. The bill day and calls over total po the province ' Oshawa, Ott St. Catharines second phase plan to asst sibility. The second into. effect Jz part-time staf: Watt says he | he would fit scheme. He province _ stil enough persor | air distruptior i ing from apar cinerators. It is expec control office pointed in the Watt says the time and pro gineers with ¢ ing. There are tv industrial air te Profe: Will] The first f conductor of t phony Orchest baton in the ¢ Jacob Groob ist with the T Orchestra, arr Sunday for a 40-member 01 Royal Canadia: "Cultural act are at a low e very little ence city," says Le president of th Groob will be the orchestra.'