--=---- oe OS oT /~ = » Trust ration ENT LAN x and Income ed r charges TRUST lp regain curves; if inches of ear from nen, hips, eturn the ir money way en- ave tried ing back graceful r quickly much bet- ,youthfu) THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 5, 1967 3 / PARLIAMENT AT-A-CLANCE By THE CANADIAN PRESS | TUESDAY, April 4, 1967 Prime Minister Pearson announced the appointment of Roland Michener, high com- missioner to India, as Gov- ernor-General. He also announced a cab- inet shuffle bringing in Pierre Elliott Trudeau as _ justice minister and Jean Chretien as minister without portfolio. John Turmer was named registrar-general and Walter Gordon president of the privy council while Justice Minister Cardin and Registrar-General Favreau resigned from the | cabinet and Commons. The Commons continued de- bate on forces unification with Conservative Douglas Harkness charging that De- fence Minister Hellyer makes false statements repeatedly. Mr. Hellyer said he would reply later to the "spurious allegations." External Affairs Minister Martin announced the estab- lishment of diplomatie rela- | tions with Romania. NEW GOVERNOR - GENERAL WAS POPULAR IN INDIA | WEDNESDAY, April 5 94 SIMCOE ST. NORTH HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS Fresh Killed... Grade "A"... Oven Ready No. 1 swownirE CHICKENS 35{) ssszoons Sr es ¢ | Eth Fon ' 59: Pot Roast 53) Shoulder 49: Rotite BEEF FRESH: PORK 59: pagel BROWN SHOULDER 4-02. Loot apt dn 65 Butt Roast Ih Breall 2 « ZY Prime Rib @9% |Pork Chops 69%) ---- i so ro L- Sliced ; : } LEAN -- BLADE FREEZER SPECIAL Cc Roland Michener, named sioner in India. Here, Mrs. and townhall last July in laden Adhiya, wife of the The Commons meets at BONE REMOVED Cc BAC N Canada's new governor-gen- Veerendra Adhiya presents Dahanu, 70 miles north of late Drakadas Adhiya in 2:30 p.m. to resume debate FRONT BEEF Cc eral Tuesday, was popular a garland to Mr. Michener Bombay. Mrs. Michener is whose honor Mr: Michener on armed forces unification. lade Roast Ib QUARTER CUT AND Ib as Canada's High Commis- at the opening of a library -- seated beside Mrs. Kama- opened the library. The Senate stands adjourned WRAPPED 1-Ib. . Pkg. ; (CP Wirephoto) | until April 18. Provincial Assistance For Miner's Families NATAL, B.C. (CP)--The Brit-jthree of them critically--re- |fornia have already called with ish Columbia government con-}mained in hospital today. Prep-joffers of assistance."' | tributed $25,000 Tuesday to wel-|arations for burying the dead| A second fund, started in) fare funds set up for the fam-|started Tuesday and the fami-|Cranbrook, east of the Crows-| ilies of 15 men killed Mondayjlies are considering a mass|nest Pass, has collected more in a coal mine explosion near/funeral Thursday. |than $1,000. The fund 'was| this community in the south-} i 2 |started by the United Brother-| eastern corner of the province. /OFFAWS eo see " |hood of Carpenters and Joiners| The donation was annofinced n gover "land will be turned over to the by Mines Minister Donald nounced Tuesday it is also con-| inter-provincial fund directors. Brothers, who said he made a/dering aid for the Victims' | pROBE STARTED . families. Prime Minister Pear- personal plea to Premier| told the Commons there|, CTows Nest Industries closed | Ww. A. C. Bennett for provincial |S" > ' down its three other major coal) assistance to the miners' fam-| "°° a ddd and repret at ve mining operations in the area} : mine disaster. but did not in- | |Tuesday as the government of- ilies : : ; é sate the size of the donation|.." iad Mr. Brothers, who arrived lta eocaruees! is considering. | ficials started their investiga- Crows Nest Industries Ltd.'s} Reeye Orlando Ungaro of)". aes Balmer North Mine within|nearby Sparwood, one of five| Mrs. William Cytko of Spar- hours of the explosion, left Na-| directors of the inter-provincial| W004, whose 41-year-old _hus-| tal Tuesday night to confer with!fund, said he is pleased with band died, said Cytke predicted| the premier in Vancouver. \the B.C. government's response. the explosion the night before it "My heart goes out to all the, Other directors of the fund | happened. families of the dead and in-|are Mayor Vernon Uphill of| | He always talked about the jured," the mines minister said.|Fernie, B.C., and the mayors|8@S in the mine," said Mrs.| "At the present time we havelof Coleman, Blairmore and Bel-|C¥tko. "He said Sunday night) no idea what caused the explo-|levue in Alberta. The coal-rich| One of these days that thing is) sion and the mine is still full of|Crowsnest Pass straddles the|20ing to blow and the whole top' , gas." Alberta-B.C. border and several|!8 g0ing to come off. eld "It's a miracle there was|of those killed and injured came| Pete Rotella, 37, of Fernie, | anybody alive." lfrom the Alberta side. related how he was shot out of| | Premier Bennett described) Bank manager W. L. Revitt,|the mine like "grapeshot from) | the mine blast as "a terrible|secretary of the fund, said|# cannon" by the massive blast. disaster." "concerned people from as far|, Rotella, nursing only a sore} The nine miners injured--away as New York and Cali-|!€8, Said he went into the mine) | in search of a friend when the explosion roared up the 114-mile| | New Ontario Law To Establish a ont ou the air and put! | my arms around my face so Fi . l Co it Ethi ie Fig Pol gpegen aed soa said. 'After a while I landed in inancla mmunity am «se are "ltr <cinn| "1 Saw some guys a little hg ls oe Ss ae ereneet Session rirther down and I went to tell tario government has a newiof the legislature, the premier} AB law on the way that will es-|said. It will stand only as a|them about the mine. tablish a bill of rights for/declaration of intent and_ will] | | | | § | shareholders and set ethics for |not be proceeded with until BUSINESSMEN'S members of the financial com--business men have had a| munity. chance to give their reaction. LUNCHEONS Premier Robarts forecast the; The recommendations of the} She -- 135 legislation Tuesday night after) committee's interim report; i the legislature's select SO | ete aimed at widening the re-) DINNER tee on business Jaw presented|sponsibilities of directors to the| 5:30 p.m. fo 8:00 p.m. a report calling for sweeping|public and increasing protec-) Good Food changes in the Ontario Corpor-'tion for investors. The group paine kor ieee ations Act. said its work is not complete| HOTEL LANCASTER If the legislation can be,and recommended that it be 27 KING ST. W drafted in time, it will be in-!given a chance to look further.| Fresh Grade "'A" Fresh Swifts or Burns FULLY COOKED CHICKENS CHICKEN | - wAMS 2% to 3 Ibs average 33: eo. lu 55: ae 29° Ib BUTTE iM ae NS BURNS ee VAC PACK PURE PORK BRISKET WEINERS | SAUSAGE | 'Doinrs lb. 63° 55 fu. 55¢u. 69*u. coTtace| PORK BACON BACK ROLLS CHOPS ENDS BACON 5 O*u. 5 9: LB. 3 9*u. 6 9 LB, Grande Parisienne Sport Coupe Pontiac Grande Parisienne...and some like their action lush and luxurious! COFFEE | TEA BREAD Herserine, | EGGS Shortening, v2 cote | Shame § nied ranted | Today's brand of action is Pontiac... BO | GO | arta asc | 4 lbs: 1,00 | 2% doz. 998 Here's where you call the shots. Go Pontiac and your choice of action is wide Firebird's supple expanded viny! interiors, Grande Parisienne's hide- AN EXTRA SPECIAL FOR THE FREEZER open. Want your action sports car hot? Pontiac's new Firebird gives true sports away headlights and, on all Pontiacs, GM's big safety package. Today's GM FREE With Every Side or Hind of Beef 5 LBS. of Canada Packers Butter H car performance with economy from its OHC-6, a sophisticated Overhead Cam kind of people count on Pontiac for the best of everything! pL ; j Brand Six that puts out 165 hp of thrust (215 hp with 4 barrels). Are you a big-car lover? born! Commarcie! Side of rie taste pala | Taste the full-size excitement of Pontiac 2+2, specially when you link a 396 V8 a si Sides ..... Ib. 50¢€ Pork Sides ..... Ib. 56e | Sides ..... Ib. 57 to a 3-speed Turbo Hydra-Matic. Or go all out with Grande Parisienne's lush i Hinds' ..:.. Ib, 59 49¢ Hinds ..... Ib, 66¢ | Hinds .... tb. 67e brand of action from a choice of great V8s up to an optional Jet-Flame 427. You % on iaC ' Fronts .. tb. 43¢ LB. Fronts .... lb, 46¢ | Fronts .... lb. 47¢ ff want action? With Pontiac you've got it! Along with standard features such as All Freezer Orders Cut, Wrapped and Delivered Free -- Convenient Credit Terms Available See your authorized Pontiac dealer BRIDGELAND MEAT-0-RAMA H. DICK PONTIAC-BUICK LTD. THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. | 266 KING ST. W. OSHAWA, ONT. PHONE 723-4364 103 DUNDAS ST. EAST, WHITBY, ONT. PHONE 668-5846 OPEN TILL 9 THURSDAY AND FRIDAY | Be sure to watch televised Masters Golf on the CBC Network, April 8th and 9th -- See Local listings for time and channel. 104 Lupin Drive 668-4782 Whitby 909 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa 728-3361