Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 Apr 1967, p. 1

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Home Newspaper Of Oshawa, V ville, Ajox, neighboring ario and Durham Counties. VOL. 96 -- NO. 79 Nhitby, Bowman- Pickering and centres in Ont- 10¢ Single Copy 55¢ Per Week Home Delivered WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5, he Oshawa Times OSHAWA, ONTARIO, Mail P. ment of 1967 Weather Report Variable cloudiness Mainly cloudy. and Thursday, Low tonight, 3% high Thursday, 48, + tonig! cooler Qe . » ost Office Department Postage in Cash TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES 8 Stude nts Die | In Cornell Fire Ff ITHACA, N.Y. (A students and a faculty at Cornel] University died today | in a pre-dawn fire t heavily | damaged a 15-year-old residen tial hall The student and. two men male. Ten other them _ girl from smoke inh one was conside condition and ported "satisf. Scores of through window Some evidently sheet ropes, were left dang The bodies, found rooms, hallways and were taken morgue. They fied immediately One of the fir the scene told reporters was visible but "people were hanging out of all the windows." P) Fight) adviser | nf were x women The adviser was ne eight of uffered rson st nts, ation, but only ed in later serious he as re- actory.' aped doors to use sheets others and tried the e and n in bed a lobby, university not identi- to a were policemen on no fire outside from the Four Canucks " University Provost Dale R Corson said the two-storey brick | building, on the edge of the city, housed 70 persons, many of them members of the fresh- men class of a six-year experi- mental course for top - flight students seeking doctorates. | They and faculty advisers slept} on the first floor and in the basement. 3 Graduate and_ senior lived on the top floor. Corson said three of the dead} --two men and one woman -- were in the freshman class. The other five students, all women, were seniors or graduate stu- dents at the university. Cause of the fire was not known. Firemen said it appar- ently broke out in the basement. About 100 firemen fought the} flames, discovered shortly after 4 am. Horizontal women panes, plus shut- ters, on the modern building hampered some students in their escape attempts. German Chancellor Kurt. Kiesinger, right, greets U.S. Vice President West Palais Schaumburg in Bonn today. Humphrey opened the Johnson Administra- Big Winners By THE CANADIAN PRESS Four Canadians won prize of $150,000 each today with Irish Hospital Sweepstakes tickets on Ben Novus, winner of the Lin-| colnshire Handicap in Doncas- ter, England. Seven Canadians won $60,000 each with tickets on second - place Aberdeen, and} seven others won prizes of $30,- 000 each with tickets on the third finisher, Danella. Canadian tickets drawn last Thursday in Dublin on Ben Novus were listed. then by sweepstakes officials as follows, with ticket number, name or} nom-de-plume and hometown: Ben Novus--PTC 84722, Suzie} Q, Montreal; PSM 66649 Zeke, | Vancouver; NHQ 63353, Eu- gene Bonhomme, Mont real; NMR 63016, Let's Win, Sarnia.! Canadian tickets on the sec- end and third horses were listed | | as: Aberdeen--PSB 88738, About Hubert H. Humphrey at the Que.; PXK 69908, Amherstburg, Ont.; Doe Ern, Toronto. Danella -- PSL 45954, Mom, Toronto; NLS 54530, W4, Walk- erton, Ont.; NLB 93083, Holi- days, Point Clair, Que.; NHE 95937, One Away, Port Arthur; YCL 62556, Dumb-bell, Prince Albert; PSM 63065, Dusty, Ayl- mer; NLC 84399, Way Out, Ver- dun, Que. No provincial designation was given with the Aylmer addre The Canadian Almanac ] Aylmers in both Quebec. Bob White, PTH 98273, on British troops in strikebound °SS- | barricades from. narrow streets Ontario and ter, part of Aden township. One arab was wounded by aimed at British forces | |shots tion's first face-to-face talks strike since Saturday, men said the nationalists plan- HUMPHREY OPENS TALKS IN BONN with the German leader. (AP Wirephoto by cable from Bonn.) Arabs Fire On British In Strikebound Aden ADEN (CP) -- Arab national-| The South Arabian port re-|tion of South Arabia--17 sheik- yo, Chretien, ists hurled grenades and fired) mained in the grip of a general|doms and sultanates with Aden and. ajas the hub. Britain has prom- /Aden today as soldiers cleared| broadcast from neighboring Ye-|ised independence by next year. ded to the cabinet. John Tur- Thirty attacks on Briti IstS!in the old arab district of Cra-/ned to continue it until Sunday.|forces were reported Tuesday, |minister | Compa Reform BYELECTIONS LOOM -"Youngbloods' Join Cabinet OTTAWA (CP)--Three young blood MPs moved up Tuesday in°a Quebec centred cabinet shuffle that opened the way for a significant test of the government's popularity Ailing Guy Favreau and Jus tice Minister Cardin quit both their Commons 'seats and the Commons seats and the cabi- Inet in the long-rumored shuffle byelection ny Law Urged Sweeping Changes Advised And Still More To Come TORONTO (CP) -- Sweeping reforms of Ontario's company laws, which could affect the ac of everyone from th nallest investor to the biggest were recommender 'der ai quickly limum of red Same time of ex- e committee complex regulations; ing Ww a { while ape ons yuildin klog pe ector, Tuesday And, if the committee which drew up the proposals after two years of study has its more is to come The recommendations were contained in the report of the legislature's committee on coni pany law, tabled in the leg ture Written against a background of what the committee's 2s to reha covering elevate and € way of x poration of ional profes- such as doctors, architects as lime with the result- I iwye ted cor ng Committee tax chairman Allan (PC announced by Prime Minister Pearson, Their joint departure from their Quebec seats leaves four | in Ontario's } 11, Lawrence members call "recent notorious'George) told events" community, it proposes in'tions brief: Toronto-St. r a news conference business|the results of the recommenda- could be extremely fare reaching. federal seats vacant, with Sud- bury, and Hull open for months after the deaths of their repre- sentatives. Byelections in these four seats and possibly one or two others that might open up are expected this spring, all to- gether. Two other Quebec members, 33, and Pierre Elliott Trudeau, 46, were add- PIERRE TRUDEAU . Justice from to %, promoted portfolio was without sh ner, Since Arab extremists stepped/less than one-third as many as registrar-general. with British federal clashes Arabian up their and South occurred Monday. But a spokesman for t Walter Gordon, 61, also a he|minister without portfolio, was lin Crater, scene of the worst|troops Monday, five Arabs have|three-man UN mission said it/named president of the Privy violence in the last three days, | been killed and 15 wounded. | would proceed with its program |Council. The post was, vacated and| "irrespective of the situation." |by but there were no British casu- alties, | The troops occupied the mar- |ket square nd moved through icrowded, twisted streets in a jhunt for terrorists. No casual- Twelve British soldiers three policemen have also been wounded, PROTEST UN MISSION Two rival nationalist groups Open rivalry was developi | Mr, Favreau, who has nginot yet fully recovered from a \between the nationalist groups!serious illness { thit and there were reports o street fights among them. After a clash Monday tween the two nationalist grou be- APPOINTED JUDGE Mr. Favreau also gave up the ips|registrar'general's post, which 1. A code of ethics for com pany directors, backed by regu lations making them respon sible in law for their actions; 2. Wider and easier sions for shareholders SUC! ha directors, in. case directors do not follow the ethics code. LACKED TIME 3ut he said the committee should be reconstituted so it an look into more than a dozen er areas it had to pass over cause of a lack of time Although the report makes no enanitio aatavers ¥ 3. New powers for sharehold patiarly grin hace ie ers to start investigations of}},,<i7, na 4 an ae 2 | business ene in Ontario ree jthelr company's affairs, to re-|cently. many of th move directors from office or ietinnk. bh ee came a | torodemuna"anarenotaer "syst | mendations hit right at some of han the sharpest criticisms fired off 5, as a result of the scandals 4. Auditors who are abso-' These 'include the collapse lutely independent of manage-|last November of Prudent al ment, clear of any conflicts of| Finance which . caught jinterest and available to answer|8.500 investors, the $150.000 000 shareholders' questions at an-}downfall in 1965 of Atlantic Ac- nual meetings; ceptance Corp., and various 5. What in effect would be aiwheeler - dealer operations in- new court of senior judges who|volving speculative mining and would be available to handle!oil companies Jcar Aah loth 0 Corp., King Untolds New Program ities were reported from scat- are protesting the visit of a ue tered bombing incidents else-|/mission studying problems of|Haiser Shamshair, a commando|Mr, Turner had been largely where in Aden. independence for the Federa-|leader of the Nationalist Front/filling for months because of a AS - -lfor the Liberation of Occupied|Mr, Favreau, 60, was given a |South Yemen was assassinated/$20,000. a-year-post as a Quebec | Tuesday in Aden by members of|Superior Court judge. {the National Liberation Front.! Only non-Quebec MP to fig- |A FLOSY leader said 10 NLF\ure in the small-scale shakeup men would be killed in revenge.| was Mr. Gordon, the former fi- A British military spokesman : back Time, Port Credit, Ont.; 95758, Andy Malandrakis, onto; NMQ 51355, Nancy, Sas-| katoon; NAN 02860, Cruiser, Dewberry, Alta.; NMB 87541, A.| R.. Koculym, Otterbury Heights, | 'Against U.S. In Viet W | Against U.S. In Viet War NEW YORK (CP-AP)--Civil)thetically as we herd them off rights leader Dr. Martin Luther|the land of their fathers into King has unfolded a major new!/concentration camps where program of teach-ins, preach-)minimal social needs are rarely ins and mass demonstrations in/met. . . 'Demonstrators In Peking Ajax Man Injured A 30-year-old restaurant own- er was reported in "good con-} dition" at Oshawa General Hos- pital today shortly after he suf- fered burns in a grease explo- sion. Samuel Provenzano, of Ajax, Was apparently working over a roastpan of grease in the kitch-| en of his restaurant at 374 Wil- son Rd. S. when the explosion occurred about §:45 a.m Firemen quickly quelled the fire at the Versuvio restaurant, filled with smoke when they ar- rived. No one was in the shop at the time of the explosion Mr. Provenzano, suffering burns to his legs and arms, staggered from the restaurant and was taken to hospital by! Alex Galin, manager of Wind- sor Discount Limited, across the road from the restaurant. "T was coming across the road for a coffee when it hap- pened,' Mr. Galin said. He said Mr. Provenzano was in severe pain en route to the hos- pital. The restaurant is in Wilson Plaza, at Wilson road south and Olive Avenue. New Era Call For Overthrow Of Li PEKING (Reuters) -- Mass demonstrations against China's head of state, Liu Shao-chi, con- ; |tinued into their fourth day to- 4 |day as the Communist party |press called for him to be swept HOPE FADES into the "garbage heap of his- A medical bulletin issued tory." this morning on the condi- | The well-disciplined columns tion of Jamaica Prime Mi- jor marchers chanted for Liu's nister Donald Sangster, |downfall, similar to demonstra- said the minister has no Itions during the last three days. hope for survival. | Today's People's Daily, organ (CP Wirephoto) [of the Communist party, car- --_________/ried a front-page headline over lan article by the ruling commit- ltee of Peking's Congress of Revolutionary Workers read- ing: 'Sweep the great renegade' of the working class into the garbage heap of history." But the official press contin- CHICAGO (AP) Chicago|ved to stop short of naming Liu voters handed their three-term |directly. Democratic Mayor Richard J.| : : Daley another four-year lease|DIFFICULT TO DEPOSE Despite the continued inten- on city hall in Tuesday's elec ; tion, but whittled down his city sity of demonstrations against council majority. 'Liu and his associates--General Daley, 64, received 789,163|Secretary Teng Hsiao-ping and rat t 972.955 f bli former propaganda chief Tao votes to 272,955 for Republican Chu--there was no_ indication John LL. Waner in a turnout of|of how they might be removed about 65 per cent of the city's|constitutionally from the party 772,610 voters. {and government posts. Of Hope For Life Fourth Term Won By Daley In Montreal Unique Birth MONTREAL (CP)--A woman who nearly a year ago received a kidney transplant from a do- nor who was unrelated to her| has given birth to a baby girl in a unique case Officials at Royal Victoria Hospital. said Mrs. Raymond Villeneuve is the first woman} in the world to have given birth after a cadaver kidney trans- plant. The day mature Sun re as born daught about 1! month i {15 pounds An announce by » hospi tal said-the baby is normal Dr. Lloyd MacLean, Royal Victoria's surgeon-in-chief and head of the team that made the| kidney transplant, said "This mat 10le of hope in té d of cadaver kidney transplants since not only can life be prolonged, in- definitely we hope, but it can aw new era fiel be passed on to a new genera-| 'We had to remain very non- tion." committal, said Dr. John Dos- Mrs. Villeneuve, 24 year-oldjseter, the hospital's director of wife of a Montreal bricklayer,|urology research and a mem- was first admitted to Royal Vic-'ber of the transplant team. toria in December, 1965, ser-| "Naturally we were quite iously ill with malignant hyper-|worried because the immuno- tension, severe uremia and al|suppressive drugs we were us- dead futus in her uterus. Thejing on her had been shown to high blood pressure had madejcause abnormal litters when her nearly blind. tested on dogs but we had no eae experience with the human fe- UNIDENTIFIED DONOR tus to draw on." The hospital announcement said the cause of her condition BECAME PREGNANT was a long-standing infection of} Mrs.. Villeneuve returned to both her' kidneys. {the hospital last October for a Her kidneys were removed|checkup and she was found to April 27, 1967, and one was im-|be 314 months pregnant. Shortly mediately transplanted from anjafter Christmas her body began unidentified donor who had just|to reject the transplant and in- died jcreased dosage of an immuno- \ few months after the trans-| suppres d was plant, Mrs. Villeneuve askedisary. She was also given x-ray jdoctors at the hospital whether|treatment with a lead shield she could become pregnant, protecting the baby, 4 ' ive neces- A Hong Kong newspaper re- ported today that an anti-Mao newspaper urging people not to jgo back to work has appeared in south China. Quoting arrivals \from Canton, the Chinese-lan- guage New Life Evening Post| said the paper New People was| being distributed in Fukien,} nan provinces, Some arrivals believed paper was. published by purged| officials, The Post said, while Nationalist Chinese agents. ! MRS. RAYMOND Villen- euve, 24 in. Mont- real's Royal Victoria Hos- pital with her new danght- er, Raymonde,to whom she is seen |disclosed that the two grou clashed Monday at Dhala, miles from here. Unparalleled Growth Seen PETERBOROUGH (CP) -- Finance Minister Sharp growth. But it must sometimes use un-|his others said it was published by|popular measures to maintain|leader Diefenbaker in the Gerda stability. gave birth last Sunday. A hospital announcement said she is the first woman in the world to give birth after ha- ving had a cadaver kidney says| |Kwangtung, Kwangsi and Yu-|Canada is approaching a com | {prehensive social security sys-|because of health and personal the|tem and unparalleled economic|reasons. He had long been re- nance minister brought into cabinet earlier this year. He represents Toronto Daven- _ |port. The changes bolstered the leabinet's left wing, with Mr.| -- |Gordon's position upgraded and} Mr. Trudeau, an erudite former| NDP supporter, and Mr. Chre-} \tien, another left-leaning MP, letting in to the select circle. Mr. Cardin told his Richelieu- Vercheres constituents he quit| ps JEAN CHRETIEN . +. without portfolio Strike Talks At Standstill NEW YORK (AP) --Johnny Carson's resignation from the Tonight show apparently is a move to set up renegotiation of his $500,000-a-year contract with NBC, network sources indicated today. They said "it seems like | 'a question of more money." |ported on the way out following clash with Conservative Munsinger affair. The sources discounted), r ports that Carson Tuesday claiming breached his contract midst of a performers strike gainst' ABC, CBS and NBC, wanted to abandon the program for personal appearances. "That's not likely .to be the quit NBC in the issue,' they said. He's making plenty of personal appearances \It just seems he wants to re- negotiate for more money." Carson was not available for comment. Negotiations to end the walk- out remained at a virtual stand- still. The strike involves de- mands by AFTRA that base pay of more than 100 local ne jeasters at network-owned sta- |tions be increased to weekly land that they rece higher |commercial fees. T base jweekly pay now is $% | | | Co - ordination, |Police Needed | MONTREAL (CP)--There is an urgent need for co-ordination fof all police forces that will be responsible for looking after the crowds of visitors expected to attend Expo 67, olice di s told the commi nto bec judicie stem two Adrien Robert of the police and Jean-I bert of the' Montreal both suggested co-ord the QPP and the fo 1 al ities within a 50-mile radius of the city during the six-month 'fair, provin }cial ion of nolice The a kidney was unre- imme- transplant the taken from totally lated donor almost diately arter death. (CP Wirephoto) '79 ing of 7 ( n ws-| an effort to gain from the gov- ernment an admission "that we have been wrong from the be- ginning of our adventure in {Vietnam." The winner of the 1964 Nobel Peace Prize pictured the United States Tuesday as so dedicated to its worldwide money and material investments that it has become 'the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today," and is on the wrong side of a world revolution for human rights. King's first recommendation, "Now they languish under our |delivered at a press conference, bombs," he said of the South|was for "those who are pre- Vietnamese, "and consider us--jpared to do it, who see the not their fellow Vietnamese--|great dangers ahead for man- the real enemy." kind," to become conscientious "They move sadly and apa-\objectors. "They watch as we poison their water, as we kill a million acres of their crops. They must weep as the bulldozers roar through their areas preparing to destroy the precious trees, They wander into the hospitals, with at least 20 casualties from American firepower for one Viet Cong-inflicted injury. So far we may have killed a m)- jlion of them mostly chil- OPN. 4.657 TUT NTO, A " Tain | NEWS HIGHLIGHTS 'Bower To Miss Thursday's Semi-Final PETERBOROUGH (CP) -- Johnny Bower, hard - nck goalie with Toronto Maple Leafs, was injured today and will miss Thursday's Stanley Cup semi-final opener against. the Black Hawks in Chicago, Kitchener Rangers Lose Left Winger KITCHENER (CP) Ken 20-year-old left winger with Kitchener Rangers of the Ontario Hockey Association Junior A series, has been sidelined with a broken foot, He suffered the injury in the first period of Tuesday night's playoff game, won 3-2 by Toronto Marl- boros, The series is tied at two wins each and one tie. Common Battlefield Being Built: - Post WASHINGTON (CP) -- The Washington Post says the U.S., Canada and Australia are planning to build a com- mon battlefield communications system -- a "'billion-dollar step" -- possibly involving special satellites. The news- paper says the plan is called Project Mallard and that De- fence Secretary Robert McNamara is expected to approve it. Gratton, ,. In THE TIMES Today .. Creek Valley Development Recommended--P, 13 Whitby Brownies Earn Many Merit Badges--P, 5 Local. 1817 Wins Bantam "B" Titie---P. 8 Ann Landers--14 City News--13 Classified---22 to 25 20 4 21 -28 Comics Editorial Finonciol- Obituaries Mm

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