106 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 5, 1967 OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS NEIGHBORHOOD LADIES LEAGUE High Triples -- L, Collins 733 (251, 245, 237); e Campbell 681 (246, 231, 204); M. Depratto 678 (266, 207, 205); Le Vickers 668 (239, 219, 210); D. Jardin: 612 (246); D. -- 606 (218); M. wit| ferick 604 (240, 2: High Singles -- a Krbyla 243, L. us| jie 239, P. ani e 231, ae Nay iat! wring 223, B. predieedid . Burt » M. Maddock 215, |. Mppbell" 24 N Mitruk 213. Team Standing (end of third section): Wilsons 21, Vickers 20, Hs 19, | Collins 19, Hubbells 18, Deprattos m1 Burrus 15, Pearses 15. | Teams for Championship -- Vickers, | Hubbelis, Wilsons, Collin. Team for Consolation -- Campbells, Burrus, Deprattos, age High Average -- Triple without 'anes High Single without handicap - bell; High Triple with handles - Mm Depratto; High Single with handicap -- N. Mitruk. | INTER-CITY LEAGUE High Triples -- Don Bright 770, John | Hubbard 633, Joyce Clarke 629, cy) Brannigan 625, Larry Heeling 606, Barbara Geen 602, Ken pater 1. High Singles -- Don Bright 2 959, Keith Brannigan 250, Ed Gresonans 245, Danny Roman 251, Joyce Clarke 227, 216. Team Standing ---- The Wheelers 5, Crystals 2, Wafers 0, Grits and Grinds 7, Bank of Montreal 7, Aces 0. CANADIAN. ORDER OF FORESTERS ahath tite -- Millle Brown 682 (283, b Miller 667 (211, 265); Wes Stata | rey 'oe 217); Art Brown 650 (234, 228); Don Robinson 649 (200, 255). High Singles -- Art Peeling 279, Claude Giassford "hs, Molly Hartshorn 245, Har- yey Balson 240, Stan Hartshorn 236, George Morgan 235, Fran 233, Arlis Smith 231, George Palmer and Lorna Bacon 218. Team Standing -- Blows 20, Sheips 19, 'Astros 16, Stags 15, Gems 13, Swingers i, Jets 8, Go-Go's 6 points. of reguier league bowling. | ' third section winners: Molly Bob Miller, Joan Dart, Emme Belson, George Palmer, Doug Smith. CATHOLIC LEAGUE High Triples: J. rb ae 621 (283); J. Peters 805 (343, 238); B. Leach 730 (309, | 3 J. Infusini 679 sn D. Brady (239, 228); W. sal aac 674 (268); J Brady 659 (253); S. Iffusin! 643 (264); D. Arsenault 639 (243) and T. Brady 6: High Singles: B. Szekeres 270, 1" Giles | 65, H. Dickison 249, 231, G. Smith 245, | M. Ekker 235, F. Watts 233, Jim Brady | 233, J. Chipman 229, M. Castilloux 229.) and J. Finn 221. SHERIFF'S LADIES TAILORING High Triples: Sandra Labanovitch 759 | (294, 283); Martha Mepstead 616 id Joan Wall 616 (243, 204) and Marie Fer- oe 606 (247, 221). High Singles: June Hurst. McCron 241, Bev Hicks 226 Fy gare Wright 225. Standings: Daffy's Are leading In the| Champ Section with 2,967 points. Sweet | Peas leading in Consolation Section with 3,074 points. See you all next week for) the last night this season. { POST OFFICE High Triples: Clint Vasko 735, Gibbs 611 and High Singles Kyle 225, Liz Frank Foley 244, Clint Martin 295, Hérb Butler 225, Mills 235, Lloyd Schram 238 and Eric} Pearce 286. WEDNESDAY NIGHT LADIES High Triples: , de gl Pe gd Hed if rant 636, na | daitchelt 62, Flo. Bracey 603, Gerry May | 01, Jo Cobbiedick 4669 and Lorraine) Worden 611. High Singles: §. Bryans 34, L. Wor-| @en 265, B. Grennon 256, Jo Cobbledick 253, V. DeWell 248, G. May 24, B. Paci 28, F. Bracey 233, N. Fice 227 a Henson 227. Team ie ig Tripods 14, bvally | ol Jumper 13, The Ace's 10, 3 i, Stnpeee %, set iggers 3. WIRE AND HARNESS LEAGUE High Triples: Ewen Moreau 761, ie Boral 702, Bill Smith 700, Tom Barclay. #5, Jim Kelgan 693, Syd Stone 663, Bud) ers 663, Leo Gorman 639, Audrey Bur-| Pill 614, Marion Tureski 610. | eal Singles: as he lark 289, Rich Wil- 257, Bob Gledh' Carol Gendron | , June Laverty "er, Marilyn Rosseau | , Henry Ovellette 223, Rey Gendron 221, Flo Johnston 220, Marg Hurren 28, Team Standing: Lucky Strikes 40, Go| Peres 38, Jesters 32, Gay Six 32, Pin ers 30, Hi Los 29, Head Pins 29, Hi) , Flyers 27, Alley Cats | ' hag Strikes won the third section, | WED. AFTERNOON LADIES "Triples: Mar] Vaughan 764 (230, 276, 258); Eliz. Bateman 753 (253, 201, 299); Efhe! Tonkin 749 (263, 243, 243); Jean hoenau 657 (240, 201, 216); Emma alo 652 (222, 146, 284); Mary King 630/ (200, 202, 228); Lorraine Peebles 627 (275, 171, 181); Fran Schoenau 622 (186, 195,| 241); Ev Redpath 618 (184, 214, 220) end) Millie Branton 600 (164, 166, 270). = High Singles: Nettie Pullen 280, Dora| secssersen PKG, ina #-G dita Be age ek Mickay: s a ms, Elinore Henne. 242, yesident' Sale ROASTS LOW LO RICE. Double Your Money Back! Guaranteed! SPECIAL! MEATY PORK SIDE SPARE RIBS. SPECIAL! LOBLAWS INSTANT COFFEE PRIDE « ARABIA | Sree lant FRAY BENTOS "CORNED SPECIAL! ALL COLOURS -- DELSEY Two | TOILET TISSUE 2 PKGS, SPECIAL! SPECIAL! SWIFT'S FROZEN BEEF, CHICKEN or TURKEY 11-0Z. ehuk 237, Marion Thomas ae Dutty SPECIAL! ALL VARIETIES -- E. D. SMITH'S and Marilyn Beckell 232 224. Teams Standing: Budgies 24, Poodles 22, Beatles 19, Mop Tops 18, Candles 16,/ Medals 16, Bon Bons 15, Sports 14, Beat-| nicks 14, Bow Wows 13, Hill Blilles 13, Jet| Re ee ee Motor SPECIAL! HOSTESS CANDY Stars 12, Tulips 9, Nosegays 8, City 7 and Lucky Six 4. GUYS AND DOLLS MAJOR 1t was the first night of the rolloffs for the championship. Kalguiers, | ite taken the lead with a score of dlowed by Bishops 3565, Perrys sae 25 Sabers 3265. In the consolation series, Casseliltes dead with 3,720, Jan cone 3,210, Trotters | $119 and Bali Lows 2983. With one more week left In the play-| offs there should be plenty of action. | tn the consolation series, it appears as| Wf the Cassellites have it all wrapped up. | s -- Jim Cassells stole the lime- with a terrific 1010, high ie the season, made up of Al. Perry 784, Paine Knight 768 (315), Ron Swartz 751, Dave) Bishop 739, Harold Ballem 734, Jack Strank 717, Al Pelow 716 and Lioyd Sabins 706 Dolls -- Bea Kotelko led the way with 808, Janet Peel 765, Marion Dingman and Marilyn Richards 739, Mavis Taylor 697 ~(310), Lorraine Murphy 695 and Loretto McLean 663. In the high average race for the guys, Harold Ballem won the high while with @ terrific 261 average for games. Lioyd Sabins finished coun 'with 248 and Ron Bragg third with 246. * Dolls -- Bernice Buday, who. led from The very start, won the high average with Fi while Jante Peel, after a very Slow start, almost closing the gap with with Mavis Taylor and an ann King battling it out for third 229, with Mavis Taylor and Tues by a mere 44 pins, on 84 games of bowi- This week will complete the playoffs @nd on April 15, the annual banquet and eens will be held at the Grandview UAWA LEAGUE -- Rogers 4, 3 Flenina's 3, Tumey's 1; Goch's 3, Parts ee Active 3, Clint's 1; Harry's 2, Dines Grou -- Tony's 4, Cadillac 0; Mac- kie's rf Kemo's 0; Bell's 4, The 27's 0; he ot 3, Houdalile 1; Home App. . Standing -- Group 1 -- Fleming's 34, 'umey's 30, Rogers' 29, Clint's 24, Dur- Mos 23, Harry's 20, Dines 20, Parts 19, Active 15, Goch's 26, ¢ Group 2 -- Tony's 37, Motor City 32, Houdaille 29, Berg's 25, The 27's 22, Mac- kie's 22, Kemp's 16, Bell 14, Cadillac 12, Home App. 31. High Scores -- W. Kelly 680, H. Kel- | flock 870, D. Hodgson 775,. A. Bilinsky| 762, K. Johnson 739, K. Cobb 733, K. | Calder 730, C. McCabe 725, 719, M. Grycuk 710, H. Arm: trong mel 7. Krout 700, C. Dove 693, D. Moss 683, 5. Slovin 680, $. Peter 676, Schwartz 463, L. Sabins 662, R. Scorgie 660 and G. Jessome 660. MONDAY NIGHT LADIES' rapid ait Bg -- P. Shaw 573,.S. og k A. Beckett sss, E. Lewis 5 528, ?. s Hint aie - ripen Knoarowsk! 264, Belson 230, ves is 225, P. Oates as, fending -- Nations 34, Alley 20, Bungiers 18, Rookies, 14, Ped- 14 The Mac's 14, 9 FL. Chocolate Slow-Pokes <: | SPECIAL! COLOURED 3 1-LB. Monarch Margarine SPECIAL! MASTER HORSEMEAT & GRAVY 2 DOG FOOD... 15-OZ. TINS OZ. JARS PKGS. If not completely satisfied with ANY fresh meat you buy from LOBLAWS PRICES EFFECTIVE APRIL 5, 6, 7, 8. SPECIAL! SWEET PICKLED Cottage Rolls ::..63° 1.29 12-0Z, TIN SPECIAL! ALL FLAVOURS -- DEL MONTE 59: FRUIT DRINKS..3 = 1° OZ JAR CLIP wis certificate ror THs FREE sonus WITHOUT PURCHASES LIMIT ONE CERTIFICATE PER CUSTOMER REDEEMABLE AT THIS STORE ONLY POOOOOX he Story of Man tnd af ee aveman lo A hiuiat is yours in the BRAND NEW UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF THE WORLD NEARLY HALF A MILLION WORDS AND FIFTEEN HUNDRED ILLUSTRATIONS IN FULL COLOR A lifetime investment in your family's understanding of the world and the exciting past of its people co ox CO OOOOK OOOO OOOO OOOO ras OX IOOOOOO OOOO OOO © SPECIAL! ASSORTED FLAVOURS -- NABOB 3-0Z. PKGS. Ap SPECIAL! LOTION 32 FL. OZ. xesoees BOTTLE SPECIAL! HOSTESS PEANUT COOKIES senses MBS 35 09 37 73 39 89 47 2OO SOO SOOO ox x Ox mer o <x CASIO OOO Green Giant Frozen Peas, Kernel Corn, Cut Green Beans VEGETABLES +... SPECIAL! MONARCH VEGETABLE OIL 22 xO OO o IN 16 HARD COVERED VOLUMES $3 =e) 10-0Z. PKGS. Ox o Ox OO OX SOX UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF THE WORLD Special Introductory Offer! SPECIAL! FAMOUS SUNKIST BRAND! EXTRA LARGE SIZE 88's SEEDLESS NAVEL ORANGES -§9° FROM a ~ 1 GRADE! CABBAGE... 39° CORN: wrTn courom & pune WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF OME FAMILY SIZE TUBE ONE 120' PKG, ONE 24 FL. OF. JAR DENTAL CREAM SALADA ST. WILLIAMS TWO-PRUIT PEPSODENT MM $TEA BAGS MARMALADE STAMPS (iedliaaana 4 TY COUPON EXPines APaL 12 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY ONE 16, 92 or 46 PL OF. TIN ONE 12.07. AERO TIN ont . OZ, TIN - rape nue PURNITURE POLIN © D. SMITHS RASPBERRY QUID FLOOR WAX tiiad PLEDGE PIE FILLING SPT TS@ 712 COUPON exrints Arai: MMMESEYMEEE 112 COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 12 TA COUPON Expinis APE'L 12 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 'WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 8-07. PKG. ONE 8.07, PKG. ANY ONE 12 FL. OZ. JAR ROBERTION'S PURE irawenay JAM THLBEST SALTED McVITIE & PRICE CASHEWS [wba GINGER SNAPS 72) couron exruss ara. 12 MRBSAVWERME 122 COUPON Expats ApmiL 12 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 7-07. CELLO PKG. KRAFT VANILLA CARAMELS '726 COUPON HxrmEs APRN 12 MU SPAGHETTI DINNER 727 COUPON ExPinES APRN. 12 uh ZEA MIX ExTRa COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 12 STAMPS When presented to the cashier at any participat- ing LOBLAW SUPERMARKET this coupon is WORTH $1.00 TOWARDS THE PURCHASE OF VOL. 1, at the regudar price of $1.29, (Limit 1 coupon per book) WORTH ONE DOLLAR @ NOT VALID AFTER MAY 6th/1967 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 'TWO 19 FL. OF. TINS CUDNEY CHOICE TOMATOES 19 COUPON EXPiNeS APRIL 12 SWEET LUSCIOUS NEW CROP! Barlinko GRAPES ..... 49: WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF "WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 1.418, BAG 'TWO 14 FL. OZ. TINS 'ONE 15}.07, PKG, ONE 14-07, TIN CHASE & SANBORN CUDNEY CHOICE CUDNEY CHOICE HALVES FARM HOUSE FROZEN AIR FRESHENER tates COFFEE FRUIT COCKTAIL PEACHES [MMM BANANACAKE ME 8 §6LYSOL ERITH T4 COUPON rxpines ApeiL 12 A TS COUPON ExPints APRIL 12 Té COUPON Furnes ArniLt2 MAMRRAWAESER 17 COUPON Exrines Arai 12 MMMMREWETER Te COUPON expines ApEn. 2 PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PUNCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 14 FL OF. TINS TWO 14 PL OF. TINS TWO 19 FL. OF. TINS 'TWO 14 FL. OZ TINS GALEN GIANT MEDIUM $M WITH PORK 'YORK FANCY . 'YORK CHOICE Fevbel PEAS with ONIONS CLARK'S BEANS BRMPrrPyas OREAM STYLE CORN HiPwepWaE PEAS & CARROTS PRPYYETE 135. courom exvines arnt 12 ONE 15-07. PKG. TIT COUPON Hxrines APRIL 12 MAMSAV ESSE TI® COUPON exrines Arai. 12 MAMRSEYYESE TIP COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 12 141 COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 12 RPT ETE 129 couron exrines armic 12 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 12-07. PLASTIC BAG SUGARIPE CALIMYRNA SUN MAID FANCY 'WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF [WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCNASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF caren arp TWO 19 FL. OF. TING. ONE 6)-0Z, PKG. ONE 12° PKG. ANY TWO REGULAR SIZE BARS ONE 12" » 25 FT, ROLL BOX A se ised mo FIGs fay SEEDLESS RAISING OnE PKG HEINZ FANCY CHRISTIES PUAININE NAPKINS REGULAR TOILET SOAP, WHITE OR PIniK REYNOLDS PILLSBURY LEMONY CHILL 9.07, TA COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 12 T2S COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 12 fe COB .... 5 'nee Uby WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 24-07. PKG. SHAMPOO MINUTE RICE Par Ty) HEAD & SHOULDERS THO COUPON axPiREs APRIL 12 STAMPS [abicwicunnt WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 'ONE 12.07. PKG. ONE 15}-0Z. PKG. WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 'TWO 19 PL. OF. TINS WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE LARGE TUBE WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 19 FL. OZ, TINS WITH PORK VAN CAMP'S BEANS '716 "COUPON ExPines APRIL 12 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY TWO 28 PL. OF. TINS PEA or VEGETABLE HABITANT SOUP 720 COUPON ExPines APRIL 12 GOLDEN ACRES FROZEN PiLiseuRY © MACARONI & CHEESE Geel ANGEL FOOD MIX WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF CHOCOLATY CHILL 9}.02. TOMATO JUICE preps =CHEESE WIPS MODESS DOVE FOILWRAP PIE FILLING. EXTRA A A wo cov ane Ro cer rt RR ere A ocr ones RE coven EMP FULLING WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 'WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF win COUPON & PUREH: ANY ONE 28014 PKG. "ONE 10's PKG, ae pacha dora? WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 'WHITE SWAN -- AIL COLOURS Pou ne sisnaA 'Two MEALS FRESH SERVIETTES Maree PAPER TOWELS Bilimpgg) GARBAGE BAGS ifehagy CELERY STALKS Bited Rep cRAPerRUIT Meebo LETTUCE 'TH COUPON ExPinEs APRA 12 a '727 COUPON HPAES APRn 12 4 '138 COUPON Expinies APR 12 * STAMPS STAMPS Te cere Sxrenes Arai 2 ARRAY Tg TA COUPON Exrines APRIL 12 BAAOWEPE rae couron exeines apni 12 EXTRA STAMPS WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF OF. PR EXTR Soup MIXES Peeyriceas 12° COUPON exrines arti 12 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 71-07, TINS @OLD SEAL FANCY SocKtYE RED SALMON 'TRO COUPON Ixrines APRIL 12 Oshawa Shopping Centre Store Open Wed., Thurs. and Fri, till 9:30 -- Downtown Store Open Thurs. and Fri. till 9 P.M. id, Wednesday, THE LU SUNDAY N' High Triples Brown 606 (21 (256) 56). High Singles 252, R. Hill 24 son 240, 224, | mon 237, S$ Rines 218. Team Stand hards 22, Ain All Stars 15, Steamers 13, 1 Well done, Ti DOWNTOWN High Triples 827, J. Klapor Bell 715, J. Go 83,594, 29, 96; Mister_ Towers Auto Trim 82, 82,731, Happy erages 419, 5, 30. High Triples Stan Gray 766, son 682, Marg 652, Frank Co Cliff Davis 636 High Singles Doug Wilson 2 Jacklin 237, Pe 233, Anne Snud Team Standi Dogs 23, Beet Tigers 18, | Poodles 9, Swa LADIES W High Triples 279, 221); Hels Ev. Harding Peel 777 (279, 3 277); Marg. W Chris bgt 6 chuk (330, 7 (270, rin MN 246); and ean Standin 16, Nu-Way Ru 13, Young Mode 10, Crawford In: GM NICKE High dl take 239, 224); D. C. Dove 716 c (255, 252); |. | A. Bryans 676 4673 (254, 225); R H. Vann 646 | (258, 233). High Singles Morrison 251, 226. Team Standin 7, Shiners 5, P Automatics 10, | FRI INDUST High Triples 981); L. Arp 742 74) (268, 256); | 677: (27 (301), W. Heim Whiteley 64) (205, 204, 214)3 1. FRIEN High Doubles - 215) 442 High Singles -- va McCabe 200. Team Standing Tootsie Rolls 16 Pokes 13, Thistle tets 6. TOWN AND | High Triples - White 622, Isabel eine Terry 604, High Singles -- Barb Minaret 278 Dot Brabin 255, § Guscott 236, Ear White 246, Isabell Chasczewski 228. Team Standing @rs 36, Anchors | ables 24 and Che MOTOR CITY High Triples -- 207, 276); Jo We Earl Westlake 73 Morey 722 (297, : 711 (235, 227); Mart. Dorothy Davey Shella Patterson Outs 14, Jets 14 MOTOR CITY High Doubles (290 and 231); Me 258); June Grice 434 (236); Al HIN "Nas Singles -- Middiemass 217, tty Campbell | Vera Szikszay 206 wg he Wigg 201. Team = Standing 1%, Kinloch's Me Graydon 14, Jore era Hairstyling Swan's Hardware 7, Modern Uphol son and Kernagha WESTMOUNT High Triples - Ken Cobb 683, Mabel Smith 621 4 High Singles -- Barany 258, Doug 236, Jack Jarvis Roy. Woodcock 224, Dean 216, Laura ©) Rahme 215. PLAZA FAM High sinnies - Ree 266, H. Collin H. Cornish 246, M 22, W. Mooney 2: Macintosh 224,