3.95 0.00 5.00 8.95 5.00 5.00 50 40 5.00 95 ),00 98 .70 .00 7s 50 50 ).00 50 95 50 Tune In CHKLB Wed., April 5t DIAL 1350 T'S ENTERTAINING THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, April 4, 1967 7 6:30 KEEP THESE P.M. PAGES HANDY IT'S EXCITING Entire Proceeds of this Radio Auction will be used For Kiwanis Club Service Work in this Community IT'S EASY TO PLAY RADIO AUCTION 1. Telephone bids will be accepted on any or all articles commencing at 6 p.m. 2. To bid on any article or group of articles, dial the special telephone number Wsted on these pages, give the number of the article, your name, address, phone number and HIGHEST BID, PLEASE BE BRIEF. 3. The highest bid on any article may be learned by phoning the Radio Auction telephone number. Radio Auction Phone Number 576-1520...20 Lines To Serve You! 171--1 Cu. Yd. of Concrete (or the equivalent in value) Curran & Briggs Ready Mix Ltd. 991 Simcoe Street South ...... covcecees 16.50 172--Mitsubishi 8 Transistor Radio Simpson-Sears Ltd., Toronte ... 173--Dryer Vent soreereee, 49,00 Modern Sheet Metal, 313 Olive Ave. .++++0+ 7.50 174--Voucher Roy. Nichols; COUrtICe: sci cesses cea ses 15.00 175--Two Steak Dinners Bo-Peep Restaurant Oshawa Shopping Centre ; H . 10.00 176--Aluminum Lawn Chair National Grocers Co. Ltd, 72 Bloor Street East ...... si aoe 6.95 177--Car Service---Lubricating--Car Washing, Wheel Balancing, etc Alex Nathan--Sunoco, King and Burke «... 20.00 178--1 Cu. Yd. of Concrete (or the equivalent in value) Curron & Briggs Ready-Mix Ltd. 991 Simcoe St. South ; bes . 16.50 179--26" x 54" Brinton "Sarouk" Centennial Rug-- Multi-Colour Prov. Crests Flags Central Ontorio Trust & Savings Cemeteren 19 Simcoe Street North ..... BSE 25.95 180--5 Cases of "Crush" Assorted Smith Beverages Ltd 750 Farewell Avenue rere c rr iy Tree hil!) 181--250 One A Doy Vitamin Tablets Miles Labs, Ltd., Toronto ......sseeees. 7.75 182--Voucher for Black and White or Colour Print Service and Developing NuWay Photo Service, 251 King Street East 10.00 183--1 Bottle 'Jade East" After Shave Medical Pharmacy, 300 King Street West .. 3.75 184--12 Bags of Cement Oshawo Wood Products Ltd, BOX DOG, OONGWE eo iia sain snips o sinniee ate 18.60 185--Voucher Davidson's Shoes, 31 Simcoe St. North ..... 10.00 186--Teflon Coated Even Heat Fry Pan No. Tep. 1-C Fittings Limited, 135 Bruce Street ........ 36.00 187--One Model FH2 C.G.E. Portable Electric Heater Masco Electric Co. (Oshewa) Ltd. 168 King Street West . 188--Aluminum Lawn Chair National Grocers Co. Ltd. 72 Bloor Street Eost ........ Peters 189---Service Station Products--Outboard Oil, Gas Line Antifreeze, Noptho Gas, Cleaner, etc Landsdowne Texaco R.R. No. 1, Simcoe Street North .......... 6.50 190--Steelcose Secretarial Posture Choir Persimmon Vinyl Back and Cloth Seat Jenkins Business Machines 114 Beatrice Street ....... Sebccnesces 38.25 191--One Pair Men's Shoes Agnew Surposs, 25 Simcoe St. South ....... 12.98 192-----Arrangement of Cut Flowers R. B. Reed and Sons Florists Ltd. 28 Simcoe Street North ..... <a, 10,00 193--Nylon Foam Two Tone Stretch Front Seat Cover Oshawa Auto Trim, 62 Bond Street West .... 1 194---2 600' Recording Tapes R.C.A, Victor Semper Limited Montreal ... ase 5a 7,30 195--Bathroom Curtain & Shower Curtain Set Curtains 36' x 54", Shower curtain 72" x 72" Pink and White Howards Draperies, 926 Simcoe St. North ..- 15.00 196--3 Ibs. Jenny Lind Chocolates Assorted Pet Milk Uroducts Ltd., Scaraborough .... 4.80 197--Voucher for Delicatessen Meats Ritson Variety Store 264 King Street East at Ritson Rd. .... 7.50 198--Your Selection of Bedding Plants R. B. Reed and Sons Florists Ltd, 163 Bloor Street West ............- . 10.00 199--1 Case Lemonia Cookie Flavoring Northrop & Ben nrey Ltd. Drugs TON Oe SG rise sessions bo 5.00 200---Lady Galt Towel Set, Bath Towel, Hand Towel, and Face Cloths--Pink Sunshine Uniform Supply Co., Toronto Pape 110} 201--1 Gallon Dulux Satin Sheen Enamel any colour (pick up at Patte's) Dupont of Canada, Ajax 202--26".x 54" Brinton "'Sarouk" Centennial Rug Multi-colour--Blue Base--Prov. Crests Flags Central Ontario Trust & Savings Corporation 19 Simcoe Street North ...........+-+-- 25.95 203--Zenith Table Radio--2 Tone Cabinet--Wood grain facing Woods Transport & Cartage 219 Wentworth East ......sseecenereee 29.95. 204--Voucher Sproules Food Stores, 458 Simcoe St. South .. 10.00 205--Wolf Electric Drill Industrial Type HD4CA--'2"" Capacity Fox Welding Supplies Ltd. 25 Grenfell Street, Oshawe, Ontarie .....- 83.00 206--Texaco Rust Preventive Car Underspray Cooper's Service Station Corner Afbert & Bruce Sts, ......++ee0e- 13.95 207----Permanent Collette Beauty Salon, King Street East ..... 15.00 208--10'% x 13 Stainless Steel Bar Sink with Strainer Lorne Goodman hacia & Heating 758 Mary Street ... 209--Sunbeam Automatic Toaster Model T40 214--24 Quarts Super Blend Motor Oil Herb Robertson Automotive Ltd 72 Richmond Street West ee: . 18.00 215--DuBarry Beauty Kit Warner Lambert Co. Ltd. 727 King Street West 6 esis eee ce eens 10.00 216--3 Ibs. Jenny Lind Chocolates Pet Milk of Canada, Scarborough ....+ oes. 4.80 217--Brut After Shave With Atomizer Faberge Perfumes (Canada) Ltd;, Downsview 10.50 218--Pole Lamp Zeller's Ltd., Oshawa Shopping Centre. .... 20.00 219------Man's McBrine 20" Zipper Sport Bas Top Grain Cowhide Robson-Leng Leothers Ltd............... 32.50 220--1 Set of Brushes or Point Rollers (Select ot Patte's Store) Meakins & Sons, Hamilton ....--++eeeee8 15.00 221--Voucher M & C Dry Goods, 74 Celina Street ......+5 10.00 222--Ladies' Hairdressing Kean's Beauty & Barber Shop King & Park Shopping Plaza .... 10.00 223--20" Marble Pedestal With Crystal end Gilt Base Birk's Jewellers, Oshawa Shopping Centre 50.00 224--Lucas Deluxe Path-Finder, 12 Volt Foglamp W. R. Chapman Auto Electric, Church Street 22.25 225--1 Book of 5 Car Wash Tickets West End Fast Cor Wash 520 King Street West . eee eae 8.50 GROUP "D" NO. 226 -- 299 SOLD AT 11 P.M. TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER 226--Voucher for Draperies, Ward's Store, Oshawa Vives re ae tr 227--Chevrolet Radio, installati Ontario Motor Sales Ltd., Sao ao Spee 228--1 Book of 8 Car Wash Tickets Auto Magic Car Wash, 116 Bond St. W... 15,50 229--TV Repair Service, Williams Electronics, 1218 Simcoe St. N. .. 10.00 230--Voucher Angie-Jane Dresses Ltd., King Street East .. 10.00 231---250 One A Day Vitomin Tablets Miles Labs. Ltd., Toronto, Ontario ......66 7.75 232--2 Dinners, ,;Carousel Inn, 401 and Thornton's Rood .. 15.00 233--1 Only 7.75 x 14 First Line Uni Royal Rain Tire, Uniroyal Centres Ltd., 17 Perk Rd. $. .... 38,80 234--Voucher Berg's Ladies' Wear, 8 King St. W., Oshawa, Ont. . crows OMe 235--Child's Portrait with Frame Size 8' x 10", Robert Aldsworth Photo, 177 Simcoe St. N. ANN Gs ds Rae ee 236--Model T37 Canadian General Electric, Automatic Toaster, Coulter Manufacturing Limited, 26 Richmond St; Wo ...... scccnccses 24.95 237--Voucher Millwork and Building pennies Ltd., 1279 Simcoe St. N., . : 25.00 238--Voucher for Exchange dain Whitby Auto Wreckers, i i abe as WY es eee ee ck 40.00 239--One Aluminum Door Canopy, Nesh Aluminum Ltd., 95 Athol St. ...... 48.00 240--5 Piece Shulton Desert Flower Ladies' Gift Set, Spray Cologne, Hand and Body Lotion, Dusting Powder, Purse Size Perfume and Beauty Bath, Shulton Ltd., Scarborough, Ont. .......- 10.00 241--Gruen Precision Men's Wrist Watch Auto. ind. Lord's Jewellers, 12 Simcoe St. S. ...... 79.50 242--Wheel Alignment and Four Wheels Balanced, Goodyear Service Store, 162 King St. E. .. 17.95 243--70 Gal. No. 1 Gasoline, Cliff Mills Motors, 266 King St. W. ...... 37.80 244--Prescription Permanent, On-any Monday, Tuesday or Wodnestay; Bruno's Hair Styling, 212 King St., Weel iOe 245--1 Cu. Yard of Concrete, Redy Mix Concrete, 1280 Simcoe St. N. .. 16.50 246--Esso Car Wormer, Esso Service Centre, King and Park, Oshowa 12.00 247--Voucher Duffy's Morket, 946 Simcoe St. 248--Peacock Plote Glass Mirror, 36 x 24 with %" Polished bevelled edges, Canadian Pittsburgh Indust 'SID SIMONE Be Si eco ey whine cues ses 25.00 249--Short Sleeve Man"s Sport Shirt, Brown Check, Size 14-14, Maurice Berg Men's Wear, SO Siiee SGN oe hep es eee: Ne 3.95 250--2 Gals. Latex Inside White Point, Sherwin Williams Co. Ltd., > Ee rs 10.00 NG atid OG Ge oon ss yee ale ce 18.00 251--Clothing Voucher at Ralph Jewell's Clothing, Schofield-Aker Ltd., 360 King St. W. .... 15.00 252--Fry Master-Electric Deep Fryer, Murdoch, McMurtry and Turney Insurance, ST WIDE Se Eee es ce ates « 18.95 253--Gray Jacket, Size 44, Sainthill-Levine and Company, Toronto, Ont. 25.00 259--50 - 1 at. Homo Milk Tokens, Oshawa Dairy Co. Ltd., RUT SIE OD. Sy ec ree een eae 14.50 260--Two Miss Canada Rose Bushes, Rundle Garden Centre Ltd., NOS 5: WS Ble Be ks Sigs seeererees 5.50 261--Voucher 2 Car Mirrors, Central Auto Body, 181 Albert St. ...... 12.90 262--"'Switson"' Electric Broom, Model No. 600 C, Coulter Manufacturing Ltd., SE RNWIONE OU OWis. 5 ae es awe 32.95 263--200 Paramette Multiple Vitamin and Mineral Tabs, Ayerst McKenna ond Harrison Ltd Montreal an ceae eC lad 264--Carl Wetzlar 7 x 50 Marine Coated Binoculars with Leather Carrying Case, Lloyd Metcalf Real Estate Ltd., 40 King St. E. «. 37.50 265--Lucos Deluxe Pathfinder 12 Volt Foglamp, R. Chapman Auto Electric, AG CMNTEN SE os cs eons bee gees 22.28 266--Fuel Oil Voucher The Robert Dixon Co. Ltd. 313 Albert St... 10.00 267--1 General 234 |b. Dry Chemical Fire Extinguisher, Ideal for home, cottage boat or automobile. MeLellan Tire and Bottery, Bond and Prince Sts. .... 0... ss esveevee 24.20 268--1 Pair Season's Tickets to Oshawa Green Goels Lacrosse Games, Oshawa Civie Auditorium, Box 342, Oshawe 30.00 269--1 Gallon Pliodek Latex Paint for Masonry or concrete surfaces any color, Pick up at Pattes, Mitchell Colour, Birchmount Rd., Scarborough 10 05 270--1 Set Front and Back Cor Floor, Mats, clear plastic, fits any cor, Bill's B.A. Service Station, 284 Simcoe St. S. 12.40 lta: Transistor Supersonic Radio AC-DC, T.R.S. Food Service (Social _-- 800 Farewell St. ... Sore oa) 34.95 272--12 1-lb. Packages Solveose Household Cleaner, Flexpac Products Ltd., 819 Farewell Ave. .. 4.68 273--10-Ibs. No. 1 Fine Gross Seed, Cooper and Smith, Celina St. ...++eeeeee8 9.50 274--Voucher Scugog Cleaners, 524 Cromwell Ave ....+ + 12.00 275--1 Gol. Dulux Satin Sheen Enamel Any color (Pick up ot Patte's) Dupont of Canada, Ajax ...--++ssaeeee 12.80 276--Voucher Dancey Bros. Shoes, 18 Simcoe St. S. ..+.+> 10.00 277--Philips Electric Drink em Anonymous . spenesieece DOS 278---2 --- 600' Recording Tapes, RCA Victor Compony Ltd., Montreal .....+ 7.30 279----One Pair Green Front Floor Mats, Seaway Motors, Whitby ......-.+++e0. 7.95 280--~! Gallon Trutone Exterior White Paint, Canadian Industries Ltd., Toronto, Pick up ot Potte's ae We dy Ls | 281--Arrangement or Bouquet of Cut Flowers Jordan Florists, 120 Arlington Ave. oe 5.09 282--"'Phonola" Clock Radio by Electrohome-Turquoise, National Trust Co, Ltd., 32 Simcoe St. S. .. 34.95 283--Voucher Sam Rotish Men's Wear, 7 King St. E. ..e+ 5.00 284--Fuel Oil Voucher The Robert Dixon Co. Ltd., 313 Albert. St. 10.00 285--Voucher Gillard Cleanit Service, 92 Wolfe St. ..+-+. 10.00 286--Man's Date Wristwatch, 25 Jewel Automatic, Balrose, Western Iron and Metal Ltd., Toronto, Ont. 69.95 287--1 Bottle 'Jade East" After Shave, Medical Pharmacy, 300 King St. W. i 375 288--Gent's or Ladies' 'His or Hers" McBrine 24" Jet Flite soft grain vinyl sides, light weight casual luggage, full zipper closure, color blue. Burns Shoe Store, King and Simcoe Sts. . 19.95 289--Medium Size, 'Young Man's Shirt, Blue Stripe, John Preston's Men's Wear, 201 Simcoe St. S. 7.00 290--vVoucher to be Applied to Brake Reline, Len Wall' Service Station, Simcoe St. N. .. 10.00 29 1--Voucher Dunn's Men's and ne Wear, 36 King St. TG ees OREN eon oe 10.00 292--Accommodation One fois. Kingsway Motel, 695 King St. E. ...ee055 10.00 293--6 x 15 Miniature Binoculars, Imperial Optical, Oshawa 294--Standard Cor Mirror tor Driver's Side, Speedy Muffler King, 206 King St. W. .... 5.00 295--3'%" Mechanic's Vise, Britman Limited, 94 Bruce St. ....++++05 19.95 296--Flying Credit, Oshawa Flying Club, Oshawa Airport ..+.+- 20.00 297--50-lbs. Golf Green Fertilizer, Cooper Smith, Celina Street ....... 4.98 298--2 Gal. of Exterior White Latex House Paint (Mobil Brand) Herbert Nei! Hardware Ltd., ES SOR. Bt Ne i i ea ai hs eee 20.50 299--3 Months Day or 8 Months Night Tuition, Oshawa Business College,, Oshowa 150.00 GROUP "E" NO. 300 - 401 SOLD AT 12 P.M. TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER 304--Kenwood Blanket All Wool Double Bed Size 72" x 84"' Tan Color--May be changed to suit Walker's, Oshawa Shopping Centre Pierre fF.) 305---Wallet & Key-case Set Oshawa Discount House, King St. W. ..eees 2,95 306--One'Gal. Flintcote Water Wax Stradwicks Ltd., 894 Simcoe St N. ..4--- 5.00 307--Room Divider 42" x 36" x 14" Wolnut & Tan Holden Bros, Furniture 63 King Street East 2... wc eect eeee 67.50 308--Voucher Franklin-Simons, Oshawo Shopping Centre 10.00 309--No. 130 Cedor Plank Outside Door Peacock Lumber, 328 Ritson Rd. N. Sea eee 310---One Book of 5 Car Wash Tickets West End Fast Car Wash, B20 King: St Woes eee eee Se eee 8.50 311---Voucher Young Ages, Oshawo Shopping Centre ..++++ 4.98 312--Starlon Ace Table Lighter, Battery ond Butane Fuel Operated Oshawa Discount House, R.R. No, 3, Oshawa 10.00 313---20 Gals, No. 2 Gasoline Murphy Oil Co. Ltd., 78 Bond St, W. ...66. 8.98 314--Voucher: For Man's Slacks Shiffer-Hillman Clothes, c/o Kinlocks Ltd, 10 King Street West P15 CASAS 29.50 315--Voucher A&P Food Stores, Oshawa 316--One Year's Subscription--Oshowo Times The Oshawa Times, 86 King St. E. . 28.00 20 Lines To Serve You 317--12 3-Pint Cartons of Ideal Ice Cream Ideal Ice Cream Ltd., 390 Ritson Rd. N.... 10.65 318--One Gal. Trutone Exterior White Paint Canadian Industries Ltd, Toronto MR sere V2 At 319-----Voucher Barons' Home Furnishings 424 Simcoe Street South 320--Dry Cleaning Voucher Acadian Cleaners, 299 Bloor St. W. ...... 15.00 321--Agfomatic 1A 35 mm. Comera ond Leather Case--Sets Exposure Autometically, Black & White and Colour Negative Film--and Colour Slides Jury & Lovell Drugs Whitby -- Oshawa -- Bowmanville 74.50 322--12 1-lb. Packages Solvease Household Cleaner Flexpac Products Ltd., 819 Forewell Ave. ... 4.68 323--Red Metal Wagon--24" Suddard's, 497 Simcoe St. S. san ee 324--28 Half-Gallons Guernsey Gold 2% Milk Ideal Dairy Products Ltd 390 Ritson Rd. N Aka 325--30" x 60' Work Bench--Will be Delivered Pedlar People Ltd., Oshawa 37.00 326--Air Force Blue-Navy Trim, Borg Lined, Size 38 Tall Wool Windbreaker Murray Johnston Men's Wear 8 Simcoe St. N 327--Your Selection, Spring Bedding Plonts Oke's Greenhouses, Kingston Rd. W. ...-.++ 5.00 328--Pole Lamp Alcan Furniture & Appliances 452 Simcoe St. S 11.95 329---Two Crystal Microphones, Complete with Cord & Adapter. For. Floor Stand Wilson & Lee, Simcoe St. N. ..... eee eees 11.90 330--One Case Lemonia Biscuit Flavoring Northrop & McGillvray, Toronto ore: Se 331--One Book of 5 Cor Wash Tickets West End Fast Car Wash BOO MCs EWN 5 6 ak See bt ore oe wa oie 8.50 332--One Bottle 'Jade East" After Shove Medical Pharmacy, 300 King St. W. ...+++.. 3.75 333--Voucher For Home Furnishings Customcraft Furniture, 1188 Simcoe St. S. .. 10.00 --One Gal. Flintkote Water Wax Stradwicks Ltd., 894 Simcoe St. N. ... e+e 5.00 335---2 600' Recording Tapes R.C.A. Victor Company Ltd., Montreal .... 7.30 336--Carton Export "Plain" Cigarettes Victory Billiards, 50 Simcoe St. N. .....0+- 3.69 337--Kodok Camera Instamatic 104 Outfit Mitchell's Drugs, 9 Simcoe St. N. .....++-. 21.50 338--Manicure Set--Red Case Oshawa Discount House, King St. W, . eee fia) 339--One Gal. Glide Satin Interior White Latex Paint by Scarfe J. Marlowe, Painter & Decorator 90. Ritson Rd. S -. 8.00 340---16"' x 26" Mirror--White. Antiqued Frame Vern Glass Ltd., Simcoe St. N eter Pk 341--One Pair Miniature Binoculars 6 x 18 Imperial Opticol Co., 11 Ontario St. ...... 25.00 342--Dancing Lessons Arthur Murray Dance Studio T1V%q Simcoe St. S, .. 2... eee ee eee eens 25.00 343--Voucher A&P Food Stores, Oshawa ..-eeeeeeceeess 10.00 344--20 Gals. No. 2 Gasoline Murphy Oi! Co. Ltd., 78 Bond St. W . 8.98 345--10 Sixty Second Announcments on CKQS-FM Lakeland Poenesung Co. Ltd 360 King St. EEO HE ses S000 346-----Voucher Elizabeth's Beauty Salon 4351--Pole Lamp Alcan Furniture & Appliances 452 Simcoe St. S, ,agensetasees. Chee 352--Wallet & Key-case Set Oshawa Discount House, King St. W. ...+00- 2.95 353---Man's Rolex Watch, Yellow Gold Filled, Matching Expansion Bracelet Bassett's Jewellers, Oshawa Shopping Centre 71.95 354--28 Half-Gals. Guernsey Gold 2% Milk Ideal Dairy Products Ltd SPO RGN RNs yaks eee eek eae eee 14.28 355--Voucher Vincents Hair Styling, 110 King St. W. .... 18.50 356--Revere Automatic 1000 Camera Outfit Jamieson Drugs, 241 King St, E. ....see8s 16.95 357-- Voucher A&P Food Stores, Oshawa ......seeeeree 10.00 358--Gift Certificate Black's Men's Wear, 74 Simcoe St. N. .-..* 5.00 359--Gift Certificate Black's Ladies' Wear, 72 Simcoe St.N. .... 10.00 360--One Barrel of Kentucky Fried Chicken-- Medium Brown Fosters Chicken Villa 7G INUOE SE see 8 aS Oe g Wh ee ak Ok 5.25 361-----One Borre!l of Kentucky Fried Chicken-- Golden Brown Fosters Chicken Villa 973 SMGOM St UN ak ie we eho 5.25 362--Voucher Doug Wilson's Men's Wear 13 Simcoe St. $ ONS . 10.00 363--Voucher Bathe & McLellan Building Materials Ltd. Bie GEOG Soa ios ey oes es 15.00: 364--One Teenage Sewing Course, Singer Sewing Centre, Simcoe St. N, ....-. 25.00 365--One Teenage Sewing Course Singer Sewing Centre, Simcoe St. N. .--++. 25.00 366--Voucher---Any Store Power Super Markets Ltd, Toronto ..+see0+ 5.00 367--Voucher--Any Store Power Super Markets Ltd., Toronto .....+++ 5.00 368--Gift Certificate--For Merchandise from Wilson & Lee, Anonymous ple cone O00 369--Philips L/W 22T 3 Band FM Radio The G.B. Co., Dean Ave... 0.0... es eaee 39.95 370--Travel Iron With Automatic Folding Handle LA.&B. Discount, 9 Bond St. W. ....--+++0. 5.00 371--Food Voucher Loblaws Ltd., Athol St. .......c2eecee eee 3.00 372--25 Colour Patio Slabs 24" x 24" klin, Ont. ..-see00> 37.50 373--Gitt Certificate--For Merchandise from Wilson & Lee, Anonymous .....--.+++08 ss. §.00 374--One Hook-up To Cable TV and 2 Months Cable Service Cable T.V., East Mall Plaza, King & Wilson Rd, 19.85 375--One Stainless Steel Sink 18 x 20" x 7'-- Single Sink John Foley Plumbing & ean 319 College St. itaaeas cacao 376--Gift Certificate--For Merchandise from Wilson & Lee, Anonymous abeee Se 377--Philips L/W 22T 3 Band FM Radio The G.B. Co., Bean Ave. ..... terpenes | I ) 4 378--50 Ft. Length of Rubber Gorden Hose Snowden Industrial Rubber & Plastics Ltd. 365 French St Beet £-) 0) 379--3 Jars Atrixo Glycerin Hand Cream with SHicone Smith & Nephew Ltd., Lachine, Que. 380--Crystal Vase--12" High Fairweather Co. Ltd Oshawa Shopping Centre ....-.ssereeeeee 11.95 381--One Deck Foucet Kitchen Taps Emco Ltd,, Simcoe St. Ni oie care dees 16.00 382--Gift Certificate--For Merchandise from Wilson & Lee, Anonymous ........-+2908 5.00 383--Food Voucher Loblaws Ltd., Athol St. 384--100 Square Feet of Patio Slabs Storrar Dunbrick, Simcoe St, N. ....-.-->- 35.00 385--3 Jars Atrixo Glycerin Hand Cream with Silicone Smith & Nephew Ltd., Lachine, Que 5.07 386--Sony--6 Transistor Radio TR-650 Northern Canada Supply, 423 Bloor St. W. .. 24.95 387--Prince 'Viking' Table Lighter L.A.&B, Discount, 9 Bond St. W. i 7.95 388--3 Jars Atrixo Glycerin Hand Cream with Silicone Smith & Nephew Ltd., Lachine, Que. 5.07 389--Voucher Kingsway Lumber, 1270 Simcoe St. N. ...... 25.00 390--50 Feet of Rubber Garden Hose Snowden Industrial Rubber & Plastics Ltd. 365 French St van Tie 391--Kenwood Blanket---All Wool--Pale Blue Lancaster Hotel, King St. W. ....- LS 392--3 Jars Atrixo Glycerin Hand Cream with Silicone Smith & Nephew Ltd., Lachine, Que. ....... 5.07 393--Philips L/W 22T 3 Band FM Radio The G, B. Co., Dean Ave. ..... 394--One Deck Faucet Kitchen Taps. John Foley Plumbing & Heating 319. College St 16.50 395--6 x .98c Packages Elastoplast Adhesive Dressing Strips, Assorted Sizes Smith & Nephew Ltd., Lachine, Que 5.88 396--Voucher for Light. Fixture--(pick-up at Ruddy "lectric, 96 Richmond St. W.) Houdgille Industries Ltd. ae 254--Set Floor Mats, Front and Rear for any Model 7% Simcoe St. N. ie er 10,00 Baikar Heed, 269 Golf Sci 12.50 Rieere otra ponte aa sere tates ve ph Ines hereon 347--Dormeyer Electric Cultivator--Slightly Used ; mt ly Used. . "" " 210--12 Rolls Wallpaper--to be selected at Wane MRIS RNWA ns rcget sets ie 300--Green Sheaffer Pen for Men, Oshawa Discount House ee as er St 32.00 Patte's Store 255--Voucher -- Flowering Shrubs, Pen and Pencil Set, R.R. No. 3, Oshawa (new value) 40.00 : al see iat ie Canadian Wallpaper Mfg., Toronto ......+- 20.00 Versluis Landscaping, W. A. Sheaffer Pen Co. Can. Ltd. 240 Cie Cais of Cand Robta Ginger Ale 398--5 Foot, Aluminum Step Ladder 211--Table Lamp, 39" High Brown Base, White Shade Sree: Road Ns. ss dos keseseaaen Loe Goderich, Ont. .... Dee ee a ss 22.50 AlGh Breston. Seick SIGHOA. Reynolds Auminum, Oshawa .....-+eeses 10.00 Good Boy Furniture Mart 256--Man"s Red Glider Bicycle, 301--10 Sixty Second Announcements on CKLB Radio 925 Simcoe St, N 2.29 | 399--Philips L/W 22T, 3 Band FM Radio 161 King Street West ....-.--seeeee eee 11.95 T. Eaton Co. Ltd., Oshawa Shopping Centre 49.95 Lekeland Broadcasting Co. Ltd. Ros Voucher The G. B. Co., Dean Ave. eee | | 212--Voucher 257--3-lbs. Jenny Lind Chocolates, *\ 360 King Street West, Oshews ......--.-. $0.00 People's Clothing Store Ltd. 400--6 x .98c¢ Packages Elastoplast Adhesive Dressing Burns Shoe Store, King and Simcoe Streets .. 10.00 Pet Milk of Canada, Scarborough, Ont. ..... 4.80 | 302--Voucher 36 Simcoe St. N, ee .. 10.00 Strips--Assorted Sizes 213--1 Book of 5 Car Wash Tickets 258--McBrine 18" Attache Business Cose 434" A&P Food Stores, Oshowa .-..-+++++ee4+ 10.00 | 359 Ouetques Fleurs Gift Set--Talcum Powder Smith: & Nephew Ltd, Lochine, Que, 3145+ 9:80 West End Fast Cor Wash deep ranch top grain smooth cowhide, 303--One Car Radio Rear Seat Speaker Kit and Hand Lotion 401--2 Jars Nivea Cream--1! x 15 oz. and 1 x 4.1 oz. 520 King Street West Re . B56 Robson-Lang Leathers Ltd., Oshawa .. ' 37.50 King Electronice, 181 Bond St. W., Oshawa .. 7.00 Parfumeries de Paris, Montreal 450 Smith & Nephew Ltd., Lachine, Que 5.18 y g ;