Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 Apr 1967, p. 2

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Q THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, April 4, 1967 - A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE Thompson Bows Out PC's Renew Action Against Unification OTTAWA (CP) -- Opposition; If Canada was to create a MPs renewed their rearguard) mobile force with the main job action against Defence Minister |of taking part in brushfire wars Yellyer's armed forces unifica-|or peacekeeping operations, the There would be no headlong rush to get servicemen into new uniforms, Mr. Hellyer said. This would be done only after a Of Provincial Election Documents of the Conserva- level of tion bill in the Commons Mon- |people should be told. This|series of user trials. {fied the army officer who ap- WEATHER FORECAST Sunny And A Little Warmer Chance Of Some Showers TORONTO (CP)--Official fore- casts issued at 5:30 a.m. EST: Synopsis: A highpressure area is moving eastward across | St. Catharines .... 3 § Toronto ...-s++000 38 45 Peterborough .... 35 40 Kingston ......0+. 35 40 Apovmennutinntnenmiy =A ee * ' ar ; ; Ontario. The southern edge of|Trenton .. 40 Sear faice tunre Un Navigation Stalled oe bill, on Prime Minister ve la aid epee sad Pye iad pecrioaa dees al reg lle cae ponedian be | eral leader, officially bowed FORT WILLIAM (CP) --|Pearson's 'list of priority items| Mr. Hellyer said Canada does|a jack-of-all trades. Mr. Hellyer| 4 Wed tad a ten ph us : City-Wide Deli out of the provincial election Opening of the navigation sea-|to be cleaned up before a cen-|not intend to confine her forces|also said it was "absolute non-|2™ Lie ih gh rio willl Norte Bay. - 32 wEyONN tne Relvery campaign Monday night. son on the upper Great Lakes is|tennial summer recess, was the|to peacekeeping duty. She could)sense" to claim there was any- ing gag oe gy Onta sar Sudbury .... 32 F He told constituents in the being hampered by continued|first item of business as MPs|meet and was meeting all de-|thing resembling conscription in hats Pay ch eee en Earlton ...+-..... 20 25 MITCHELL S downtown Toronto riding of heavy ice conditions. buckled down after an ll-daylence commitments to NATO,|making members of individual|*?roush that area today butisauit ste, Marie .. 30 32 Dovercourt the heart condition Capt. R. W. Forbes, depart-|Easter recess. North American air defence and|service arms part of a unified --, oO ts cas He a Kapuskasing ..... 15 20 DRUGS JOHN FI that forced him to resign as ment of transport sub - marine! Although some Conservatives|the United Nations. force. Bt Miche Sree astaiaen Catacio 15 20 9 Si N. 723-3431 Liberal leader would prevent agent at Port Arthur, said Mon-|have promised a protracted fight] Charles - Arthur Gauthier as wal cid the winds Monda 10 15 amcoe M. i him from contesting the next day it will be several days|against it, there was speculation|(Creditiste - Roberval) prom-|CITES ADVANTAGES _ Gil dive war te southerly 15 20 A rece! election campaign. before action is seen on theloutside the House that the de-|ised his party's support for uni-| He mentioned four points in b eye y y showed | He was given a standing ova- waterfront because of ice and|baet would not extend past mid-|fication but said he is disap-|favor of unification: = --_--| breezes. ' : 35 persor tion by 150 delegates at the continued frost is forecast. April. pointed that the defence budget| 1. Servicemen would identify rg 9 St. Clair, a the reer meeting, which had been called He said the icebreaker Alex-| Mr. Hellyer laid down a 60-|continues to climb despite prom-|themselves with the forces as a seg uron, Niagara, Lake On- IT'S OLD FASHIONED the Civic to elect a new constituency ex- ander Henry has headed up the|/minute barrage to open clause-|ises that integration and subse-|Whole. : ettusee ret irae ee bis was ecutive for the new provincial lakes and faces miles of ice|by-clause study of the bill's 65|quent unification would trim! 2- The problem of service rep- Winds iad ons, maliton, TO STRUGGLE WITH YOUR mes & riding of Dovercourt and the measuring up to four feet thick.|sections. He aimed it mainly at! costs. resentation on combined staffs|Windsor, London, Ha , comment federal riding of Davenport, "myths" he said have been pro- : would be ended. The best officer|Toronto: Sunny and a_ little William which have been created by re- St t Se t St d pagated about unification, |CALLS IT HOGWASH : available for any appointment] Warmer today. Variable cloudi- laid St. 1 atatebution ar cre Uy |e Conservative and New Demo-. Donald Maclnnis (PC--Cape|could be named without regard|ness with the chance of a few ena WASHINGTON (AP) -- De-|cratic MPs shot back, saying|Breton South) said Mr. Ballito service, » Wide tat bes lignan 1a heen es | : hp ¢ 4\yer's statement that there had| 3. It would be easier to change deco: F Dining Room Set | al hc gg Marne ga hon coll pape or ag mages been cost reductions of up to Althea yobs end nilesiban GF thells Fe 25 this eg sane eo eerie f ape: ; {per cent in some cases as a re-|forces if and when this became goma, northern Georgian A a ran e nt nae ee See frome thee Dillons nt at |SEES NO ADVANTAGE sult of integration was "'a lot of necessary. Bay regions, North Bay, Sud- Leave those tax worries to man cou will strike the right political ANDREW THOMPSON lars in defence contracts the| Marcel Lambert (PC -- Ed-/nonsense and hogwash." 4. Future demands could be/bury: Clouding over during the us. Our service is prompt, r ot nee aale in a library being organ- r . hows 6 United States government monton West) said the govern-| Mr. Hellyer described the}more easily met. If a space|late morning or early afternoon. accurate and complete Wee ce used ized: in downtown office ced ths awards each year ment had been caught up in.ajpresent bill as a 'statement 0'|force was developed--there was|Chance of some rain or snow srs ete ae ecause i building a6 His action chi as top gov-|'management-mad program" in|intention'"" that a single service/no present intention of doing ad igloo va inane oar a winner " \ FA Foetal The oak table, chairs and buf- "Too Much Gov't" ernment officials, on orders|Plumping for unification. Mr.|is the ultimate goal. Unification, |this--it could be done more eas- oer ' er Mckee ven ere ane a othe 6 fet are in use in the reading from the White House, re-|Hellyer had yet to demonstrate |if approved by Parliament now,|ily without an inter-service bat-|Colder again on ednesday. nominal charge! aber 1 Aaa of the Macdonald Ca tier. MONTREAL (CP) --N. R.|viewed procurement and "prop. that there were '"'demonstrable|would not be completed until|tle over which arm would be| Winds light becoming southerly Paper. library a centennial project of Crump, chairman of the CPR,|erty management practices of|@dvantages, preponderant ad-| 1972 Nas 1973. [top dog. He . "i tr Raho Toh nina the ' Prog e Conservative said Monday Canada may have|some contractors. vantages, for the single force."| This appeared to be a counter ing to northwesterly 0 eovatynoneaan Women's Association of Can- 'too much government." The two developments coin-| Andrew Brewin (NDP--Tor-|to arguments that the over | oan early Wednesday. ada. "The amount of government|cided with a continued acceler- onto Greenwood) said unifica-| ment was rushing into. unifica-| Hellyer Identifies Forecast temperatures \t- a meeting of the -six-We have should be that amount|ation in defence department/tion would only be a wise move |tion pell-mell without, poeauale Low tonight, high Wednesday | Ro omen centennial committee necessary to serving our objec-|spending. if Canada was to adopt new/planning, a main criticism of Offi I U if Windsor ...... 0 50 } sonny plans for the formal tives, both regional and na-| As the biggest buyer of equip-|T0les for her forces. It made nojthe bill in its progress through) 1cer in Unlorm St. Thomas . 45 | opening of the library in late tional--and no more," he told|ment, supplies and materials,|Sens? if Canada continued a/the oe ihe me and in hd OTTAWA (CP) -- Defence|London «+. 45 ' June were discussed. the Canadian Club of Montreal.|the 'defence department ast|Militarily - useless role in)/meetings of the defence co: latinistar Hellver Monday ident: Kitchener .. 45 | S : The tax payments required tolyear awarded $38,200,000,000 in|£urope. imittee. [Us ee ee ek SUONTAY Forer | MOUnE SOC <5 cp 38 40 | er % | support such a high contracts for everything from Wingham .... tive party from its founding : ° A oe peared in newspaper photo- ; 'eo kept at the library in|20vernment tend to dull the in-jeggs to warships. This was up ag ; Hamilton ..... 45 eg prep of every tax return, If By ig igh _. ot fgg peer hoo centives which must exist in alsharply from the previous Facts Presented n erta 22": atte dh Hs y vom - we make eny errors thet cost you ony penalty or interest, OTTAW! ge dquarters. Filme and tapes (Private enterprise economy and|year's $28,000,000,000. The total debates a lspiatl Sito) Secu raaraet we will_pey the penolty or interest. petition, n 2 slectins 'vill also be availa-|™4y, thwart private capital for-|is expected to go even higher He is Capt. Kenneth MacLeod " rege gz: the road t | stored at the Na- pert he -- t ti t this year. Vietnam -- spending 0 I ; Ith mt Strorets x coun is AUTO ATIC HR . LTD. see ane tia Reduce - rovernmen intervention atjalone is nearing the $2,000,000,- t | the r ra of cer 18) i et on the eee : ; federal, provincial and munici-|000-a-month level. h mproprie ar es jat_ armed forces headquarters. TRANSMISSION Pa be maranry reman re ooane ara eee sevacines N : <a eo ee - _-- " ree eee Mr. Hellyer said all of the jenada's Largest Tax Service w ba ~-- says the ( rary books Ww Basically, he said, the cul- By KORKY KOROLUK jor Mr. Hinman. On March 29,|battle ribbons and other honors inquiry. Rapes thigh br and economic system of Rural Churches itr Pon (CP)--An oppo-|he introduced the motion re-|worn by Capt. MacLeod in the CENTZE 22 ONTARIO ST ately inq 'that. it should buy lism with each major segion|,TORONTO (CP) -- Alsition member challenged to pro-|Puking Mr. Turcott and chal-jpicture were his own. 1038 Simcoe St N. 728-7339 , ontay Sh about Liberals ; i, vil : ie ae t oy) : Cis United Church administrator|duce specific charges of gov-|lenging him to. COME: Up with} Mr, Hellyer spoke in reply to Harry Har : aaieiae ey Nie ~ nee ie ' said Monday Canada's ruraljernment impropriety backed by something specific. _|a question by Gordon Fairwea- ea mn Weekdays 9 a.m.-9 p.m.--Sat. 9-5. Ph. 723-7071 out a ser ath ant Be eth eat * ™S\ churches have been weakened|evidence, submitted Monday 54] Mr. Hooke, 61, a former|ther (PC--Royal) who asked o/ oF al Pa reales 4 lessen the Ford Motor ee ord sacklotra eworks|2"4 their existence challenged |exhibits and four charges to the | School teacher, was one of the whether Canada's defence pos- 7 ; poavkh : pole enjoyed bj a - Fae Arlee cononile is by automation, modern farm|Speaker of the Alberta legisla- original pimp of dag ture would be seriously affected /° areata facturers f _ JOHANNESBURG (Retfters)--/ te : Net machinery and the family car.|ture. jCredit government elected in/hy an announcement now of the|l every 95.000 Mit ports. The Government officials and acumstances, ant since Fy Rev. M. C. Macdonald, sec-| Garth Turcott (NDP--Pincher |!9°5: He has been a member of|sivie and color of the new uni-| """ 7" noes doctors av rd -- Co. spokesman to- De Ueeatat oF cack se Hc retary of the board of home|Creek-Crowsnest) received the the cabinet 24 years. form for the unified forces. He Reconditioned mainly by r a he : thee the seat atone differs, it is unreasona-|™!Ssions of the United Church|ultimatum Friday and was given] Mr. Hinman, 60, has repre-jwas sure, he said, the Canadian brand-nam: Afric ee ent hass sta lble to expect that Canada can of Canada, called for a reas-|yntil 2 p.m. Monday to produce|Sented the rural constituency of| public was waiting breathlessly. Transmissions a | Dr. Harl African goverameny ass avan-ljave a uniform. common set of /Sessment through research ofjthe charges. He did so with 35|Cardston in southern Alberta) The picture was not officially 24-member doned an unofficial boycott on \policies acceptable and applica-|t@€ Tole of the rural church in|mnutes to spare. {roc 1952. He was provincial/released by defence headquar-|} For Chev., Pontiacs (Cdn.) Exchange which sper ghee Fagen sek or tis @icnibidt the nation a modern society. An hour later, Speaker Art |frensanst from 1955 until 1964/ters but it was confirmed that|] $125. Plus Installation end Fluid, the drug it 1 a ios erg ice offi ially : He spoke to 50 lay and clergy |Dixon tabled the material. |when he was asked by Premier|the picture was of one of the conference sth ad Wel & meeting Tal 0 ial board members attending the| Mr .Turoctt, the only NDP|Manning to resign. _ |uniforms designed for the uni- All Work Guaranteed Presents CONSUMER 4 Tena ion seonik batinsent To Go n Tria opening of the board's four-day/member in the legislature,| In a statement at the time,|fied forces. by one-qui Ford Chairm y Ford | OTTAWA (CP)--A seven-man|4nual conference here. charged: snag [te erenmer sald, Mr. Hinman's the comm and Prime M John Vors- grand jury returned a true bill] Small, inadequate church|, 2. That Municipal td pe hails adh pil greta ra pro-| « tions are i ter of South Africa. Monday, committing Bower Ed-|structures serving congrega-|ister_ A. J. Hooke "high Mrthice everiiinent enterprises. : is e trut a ut mer The boycott became. appar-jward Featherstone for trial on|tions with a limited, number of|tempted to use his Shit at Pie atible with as Sinintaire to lower P ent in statistics pf government|two charges under the Official|households may have to be con-|for the Lg tape Fis bustneae acuiee TP raibiity to tie pubHoarce, e e e e pending mi vehicle purchases some two|Secrets Act. solidated into a single major|his friends Sania th le 4 ab.|The Ateradlcee Mveta at Ment. S B years ago after Ford's Canadian| Patrick Galligan, special Orete + , 4 sige in conflict with his p "| tied dcbhointlde cli silich a "iy winging rl alin re subsidiary refused to fulfil a|Crown prosecutor in the case,| "With centrally-located an ' PREIS eo PO i ' South atitaan government order|said the 27-- year - old former pa -- buildings oe one ga a er pan ag meted esa es 0 for four-wheel-drive vehicles. {printing employee in the map-|serving g' - sized congrega- Bit erga P ! oe : j "Ta ae given for the re-|ping branch of the energy a tions, ministers would be more ors ggg nf ee var, prised ia ee a Not.all of Britain swings. There's In Ge fusal was that the vehicles|partment will go on trial today/likely to stay for a number of wiry r sah any an ae The Rg Pa hotel was ve still a traditional Britain that's truly could be converted for military |before Judge Peter J. Macdon-| years." sonnet with he ablic bo nage og : oo it ear unforgettable. It's simply a matter of choice. Some of our j ites use and that their sale would aid and a 12-man jury. ee 2 3. That Mr. Hisiman haw. at and hae peer invoiced i. passengers fly to Britain for a swinging vacation. Others vole fh tae oat nealing He cureet,t'4 Birth-Control Study jnsiy an, detest misedinsiny teat grocednar over| Pee the things which You Bnd. oy a Brain was end tary equipment to South Africa. |classified chart relating to] ATLANTA, Ga. (AP) --A the house by falsely disclaiming |financing. | splendid castles, the changing of the guard. Hillsides the Nation ' annort ar , * any and all involvement in the} ,jperta West Forest Products ablaze with purple heather. Federation maritime defences" for a pur-|study of more than 1,300 women sitaite' of the Edmonton Alroart |.y! berta West Forest Products night U S Reduces Forces °° prejudicial to the safety of/who have taken birth-control Hotel Co. Ltd., and Alberta West ihe pe ong nee a ay Only BOAC with Air Canada flies direct to Britain, and Aopen We + pillar He was arrested last| pills over an 11-year period re-|Forest Products Corp. Ltd. of building pig a mail, rhe this summer we offer you the choice of up to 12 jet services tions askin LONDON (AP)--The United|*OVemPer. vealed no serious disease at-| 4. That Premier E. C. Man- lease later was sold to: MacMil. a day from Toronto and Montreal. And there are several women on States was reported Monday : tributable to the pill, a scientist/ning has. wilfully and improp-|ian Bloedell Ltd., and Alberta} flights a week from western Canada; including direct committees preparing a plan to reduce by Explosion said Monday. erly questioned Mr. Turcott's in-|West was liquidated services to London and reques wo-thirds its military forces in The study, which is continu-|tegrity: i Se ctr Pine : acs : surge two-thirds its m y 7 oe ( tegrity; that he has implied and) 'The material filed Monday ; ter to give West Germany but leave intact} NEW YORK (AP)--A pack-|ing, was directed by the de-linsinuated wrongdoing on Mr. included. a. magnetic: tape. 're: Plan your trip now. See your BOAC travel agent and he'll eration" to the U.S. commitment to resist|@se that arrived through the|veloper of the birth - control!turcott's part; and that he has|cording, a partial transcript of| Plan aur kind of British vacation. filling Senz any aggressor. jmail exploded Monday in the/pill, Dr. Gregory Pincus of!moyed a' motion that he dep- eee ee oF ie A res infor te anid the tn .|hands of an official of the Cu-|Worcester, Mass., and was re- A ¢ the recording, copies of memo- A resolut nformants sai e troop re ans ' . lores the aforementioned alleged|;anda, letters. affidavits, certi- arate depai duction would be achieved by a/ban mission to the United Na-|ported to the fifth annual con-|; A : Bp ES ' Ss, tS, d uction wou b ; ; ; ; ; impropriety without presenting/ticates of transfer, certicates of tection rotation system for the six U.S.|tions. He suffered minor in-|vention of the American Asso- specific charges supported by |tit) d weary ticles ° nded t divisions now stationed in West|juries to the face, arms and|ciation of Planned Parenthood| evidence {He One Dem ee eee Se: pil arte "he soi ment of qui Germany. The result of rotat.|chest. Physicians. : a an organiz ing elements of each division} Police said Nicholas Rod-| The study was conducted in|REBUKED FOR CHARGES between the United States and|riguez, 30, a counsellor of the|Puerto Rico among women be-| Friday's motion also rebuked Only hal! Europe would leave six instead|mission, was opening the book-|tween 16 and 44 and tested the|Mr, Turcott for the allegations the three . of 18 brigades in West Germany |sized package when it blew up|mostly widely-used type of oral {he first brought before the house tended the at any one time 'and apparently sprayed him|contraceptive -- a combination|last month. ' session. In Bonn, American and West|with metal pellets. of hormones taken during 20} Mr. Turcott at the time tabled | _ Legalizat German spokesmen denied that | Detectives were not allowed|days of a woman's menstrual/documents, newspaper clippings information the U.S. is considering with-|to enter the Cuban mission and|cycle. ; and magazine articles, ques- commissior drawing troops from West Ger-|officials there declined any} The paper said doctors par-|tioned some land dealings by and conflic many. |comment. ticularly are encouraged by the|Mr. Hooke and called for a ju- "into confe -- 5S Sa -------- absence of any cases of breast|dicial inquiry. : ities of Ca cancer. This is the longest and} The documents were sent to|* quested. largest study in the use of the|the attorney - general's depart- an pill. ment for authentication, and Mr. SEEK EAS 2 The Zenon shone that an es-|Manning said March 21 they Pies og re: ; 5 timate ,000,000 women now/contained nothing to indicate Vv as FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH | FARM TOUR ie se OF Boatrabenny oheant ; laws be w Mrs. J. Darcy was one of sev-| A tour of Holstein breeders'|-- 3 Bee ve es ego eanibe Oy Finer ME. Hooke vorce be ¢ en senior members who was | herds in Ontario County was ince where presented with a centennial pin|made recently by 100 breeders. curred rat! whet the congregation of First|/The farms visited were those of husband ne Baptist. Church held its '"'Cen-|/Harold Honey and Son, Sea- ; 4 lishment ¢ tennial Dinner'. The seven|grave; Roy Leask and Son, Sea- : spring is shaping up... VERY BRITISH hese , members have been with the|grave and Robert Jibb and Sons, sg ; . . ; rom that congregation 50 years or more, | Blackwater, in the understated good taste of the trim parents | » ee aR _ Delegate: HOME SAFETY SODBUSTER'S CLUB I he day your boy : ote tion askins Michael Engel, a representa-|, The Oshawa and District Sod- : bebe a) ne oe marriage a tive of the St. John Ambulance, busters' Club, will be host to di scovers h e' SW orth C brid ee spoke about "Safety in the Oshawa at a dinner in Maple ; in TERA-COOL by am | gc US ] Home"' to a St. Paul's C.P..A. Grove United Church this Thurs- boasnonhclolakisl sa aoe : f swe meeting recently. Centennial day night. money Traditional soft shoulder tailoring with English ace projects were approved and a LADIES' NIGHT he cents like two-button, slightly shaped waist styling Seek: social hour was held. | Members of the Rotary Club bed a Open a father-and-son account for savings example for all your children. ... generous side vents and handy ticket pocket. STILL UNCONSCIOUS of Oshawa will be host to their pri ng your boy, the Permanent way. Canada Permanent has two types Perfectly crafted by Cambridge in lightweight WASHIN' Kenneth Pann? 4 7-year-old !adies at the club's annual lad- a eho st Ry et gig gal ps high -- bakery Re ogg for Tera-Cool (Terylene and wool) cloth in solids, checks La meee casi ee 5 aati wate -oy, |ies' night in Hotel Genosha next . . ] on his bi lay with a peek at his new- chequing and Special for savings. le new "Sandpiper" nature tones. rien pr ar "Vast "October {Monday night. A feature of the brings thoughts of birds and bees | ' found affluence, A Canada Permanent Canada Permanent is Canada's largest and subt pip i a when he was hit by a car as he entertainment will be a play by and flowers. But don't forget REE, Special Savings Account is a great trust and mortgage complex. Growing Be "Doorway to a Man's World" the U.S. pc ran across the street, is still un-|Club_ members. | oe : way to save. Higher interest and a since 1855--Federally incorporated 4 : The peat conscious today at Sick Child-| | it is also a very good time to have deposit book of his very own. Set a and supervised. 700,000 an ren's Hospital. Kenneth is the} . . 6 son of Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Par- | $008 names to remamber your new Oil Furnace installed by Do it the Permanent way. ee pg 9 i : . i ish of 206 Gibb: St. If you have a our own Service Staff. Call 725- f al f pau = , : . resident too he ss Commercial Property 3581 for a free estimate today. ee Congress | Mad herd bes To Sell or Lease Oshawa Shopping Centre, 728-9482 CANADA PERMANENT he $700,000,000 seived kidneys from an Osh- ' Bri awa man last January after he| REG AKER, pres. J. W. Froud, MANAGER ae that Ge oe was fatally injured in a one-car | ° f ) ah accident in the Oshawa area, are { BILL MCFEETERS, vice-pres. ESI, Cte, | SAVINGS « TRUST SERVICES » MORTGAGES mag «22% SIMCOE STREET SOUTH is nara in "satisfactory condition"' at = > Phone 728-7974 over by a Toronto Western Hospital today. 1 SCHOFIELD-AKER | Canada Permanent Trust Company ee wa: a. corporat Long were the recipients of "i 723-2265 | 43 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA | rn adits rT TT tr eT Tae | winter tl idneys of Charles Lynch, 38, of ' ¢ * il Easbouran vec tL Ove 33 yor in Buss | sibebn@ebatskule: ay ee directors a) ] A A 4 é : {

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