Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 Apr 1967, p. 13

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tury US. -- The Canada's ; of the says a S. News S a con- uk with Janadian rimarily ays that but Can- ms: rosy acted to ; produce cond 100 growth century ent just tern for It prob- be irre- . growth U.S. re- rees are another od pi EDWARD MOLDOWN, chief technician at Oshawa General Hospital laboratory checks intricate machinery used in running tests on blood received from Red Cross blood donors. The 'p ae # 3 a ERNEST MILLARD, charge technician in the blood bank at Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital makes a microscopic examination comparing blood received from the Red Cross blood donor clinic and blood from BLOOD TESTED AT CITY HOSPITAL machine is capable of doing two testis on one sample of blood at the same time and is far more rapid than the old method by hand, good response whenever it asks for special donors on | | ' jhe said. | |besides the centennial parkway.; _ |city should proceed with the} the April clinic to be held Thursday at St. Auditorium is 500 pints of blood. The auditorium will be open from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. --Oshawa Times a patient in need of blood. Blood used at the hospital is first collected at the Red Cross blood donor clinics from where it is sent to To- draws from the communal Toronto supply.Target Audience Delighted At Tattoo Performance Oshawa was swept off her feet last night by the Canadian Armed Forces' "Military Tat- too" staging its second and final show at Civic Auditorium. Thousands of persons viewed the spectacular $3,500,000 cen- tennial show. Tickets were sold out by mid-afternoon yesterday. Former Governor General of Canada, Vincent Massey, a spe- cial guest at the show last night, acclaimed the performance as one of the most outstanding veteran of over shows, was responsible for the remarkable lighting effects pro- duced during the extravaganza. The entire depiction of Cana- dian history, music and _ cos- tumes was presented in dark- ness, accentuated only by light- ing techniques of the artist. service production. Major Ian Fraser from New wrote, directed and produced the show of 285 military men, has CBC teleision and nadio "There's nothing like ' said auditorium man- ager William Kurelo. 'I could have sold out again tonight if the tattoo could have stayed." tumes was a six-year search for Robert Rosewarnes. The reputed naval gun race .shows he had ever seen. by teams of British sailors and! jr, Kurelo said Mr. COUNTY COURT Toronto Man Sentenced One Year In Reformatory WHITBY (Staff) -- A Toronto man was sentenced to one year definite and six months indefi- nite in reformatory, Monday, by Ontario County Judge A. C. Hall. The sentence will run con- secutively with a three - month sentence handed down in a Tor- onto court, Feb. 22. Delbert Clifford Desormeau, of Toronto, was arrested last De- cember, and later was found guilty by a jury in the Ontario County court of car theft. Desor- meau claimed at the time. that he had been loaned the car by a person whose name he could not remember. At that time, Judge Hall sus- for the theft for two years. Detective - Inspector Bryan prise the office tower. West, of the Metropolitan Tor- onto Police, testified Monday|feated a bid by that Desormeau had been ar-/Rundle to include two more|by the 1965-66 council. rested in Toronto and that he/floors in the office towerstruc- pleaded guilty in a Toronto court| ture. The vote was 7 to 6 against |the four floor tower because of to having obtained $220 worth of|the proposal. Ald. Rundle had recommended civic square complex had _ in- creased $800,000 in cost in one year to $2,500,000. Further delay the work be ten-|would only increase costs, said this|the controller. merchandise from a Toronto de- partment store by false pre-|that the architect prepare draw- ings for two more storeys to the tences. Desormeau was returned to building Ontario County court to face|/dered at a later date. sentencing on the car theft)way work on the project would| Con. Robert Nicol said the charge by. the Whitby detach-|not be hampered, he said. ment of the OPP. "Your sentence won't be like,proved the 1967 capital budget|diverted the vision on the Road tolwhich included funds for a four-|needed police building. Expo this summer to see the An east and west group are making a _ cross-Canada and will merge at Expo June 19 for a spectacular show that. will last until July 4 on the Expo Mr. Kurelo said Oshawa had not been originally on the '"'tat- Judge Hall, as he passed sen- schedule because shot," said Judge Hall, "and I| Toronto. ; was in error to hope to achieve; But after requests from the anything with you. You are no|mayor and Michael Starr, MP, |good, weak, an alcoholic and in|the show was scheduled for a danger of becoming totally dis-|two - ni 'Council Defeats Move Enlarge Tower Building Construction of the city hall;storey office tower at an esti- pended the passing of sentence|addition will start this year --/mated cost of $3,150,000. How- |but only two floors will com-!ever, at that time, the architect jonly had plans prepared fora de- two-storey structure. The num- Jamesjber of floors had been decided delayed and funds jawarded by the department, OSHAWA, 'Ratepayers Voice Protests Pickering Tax Rate Boost Home-Made Signs Waved Che Osharn Cimes As Spectators Jeer, Cheer ONTARIO, TUESDAY, APRIL 4, 1967 PICKERING (Staff) -- Home- | | | | | e 6 @ : and applauded from a packed / public gallery during the meet- Purchase of property needed} for the widening of Simcoe} Street North and Rossland Road} West was authorized by city! council last night. The date when construction| \public works committee chair-} {Rossland Road and Rossland| |Road from Stevenson Road to} | Although the widening of) Rossland Road wasn't question-| ed several council members queried the need to broaden! Simcoe Street North. | Ald. Ernest Whiting said traf-| fic was so light "a cannon could be fired up the street without hitting any cars." He asked when the last traffic count was| done on the street and suggest-| ed the widening be delayed until the centennial parkway is decided. Fred Crome, city works com- missioner, said the latest traffic |count was conducted last year.| | |Vehicle capacity at that time| Road across the Oshawa creek. |said. was over the practical level,| Ald. Mackey added that there} was no connection between the} widening of Simcoe and_ the! expressway. He said the Damas _Smith traffic report} jshowed more lanes on: Simcoe} : : t lwere needed to carry traffic, |ices Ltd. were hired at the Committee chairman, said the But he doubted whether the City Man Two Fires Norman Lowry, 54, of 239 Harmony Rd. S., has for the second time in five months, survived fires causing death and injury. Mr. Lowry was one of 85 men trapped in a fire in a section of the Workmen's Compensation {Board Hospital last Friday. A Toronto man was killed. Mr. Lowry, who was de- scribed as in "critical -condi-| tion'? shortly after the hospital} fire has improved and is now described by Humber Memorial Hospital spokesmen as in "sat-| isfactory"' condition. The Oshawa man was in hos- pital less than five months ago} following a fire at his place of work, Fittings Ltd., in Oshawa.) One man died after the Fit-| tings fire and Mr, Lowry was} seriously injured. | His second mishap left him in) hospital with fractures of the ribs, both ankles and one wrist plus internal injuries. The hospital fire caused an estimated $150,000 damage and injury to 36 men, some of whom were hurt when they jumped from windows. Lewis Speaker At Nomination Stephen Lewis, MPP, will be guest speaker April 16 at the New Democratic Party nomina-| tion convention for Ontario South riding. Mr. Lewis represents the rid- ing of Scarborough West, a seat he has held for the NDP since the 1963 provincial election. He is also federal director of the NDP organization and chair- man of the provincial organiza- tion. The nomination meeting will e here last night in protest against u 7 iCl roves the mill rate increase and the : anit-watering bylaw. Be é Ploise. jcommittee chairman, who tO O'Neill collegiate. The widen-| Bay Ridges Ratepayer Asso- | jwill start wasn't revealed but| charged the "gloom and doom" |¢d road will only have alcjation President Donald man Ald. Bruce Mackey said)was providing "'poor leader-|Said. pal tax rate was so high. he didn't expect it to bégin this|ship" for Oshawa Mr. Crome said the decision "The reason that the tax rate year. Widening of Simcoe Street! to widen the road had bee i i meres MN | Ald. Rundle said, when andj? _ 7 me ree Oe een| for. education, 67.1 mills or 57 North from Brock Street to}; it occured, it could be dealt |Pased on "standard engineer- per cent of the total rate is Marv Street is roposed. | The traffic committee chair-|he nee tet s pric :. ry Street is proposed be needed because of the exist-|o¢ debentures issued to construct Involved i, teperines "r inna made placards were waved in the township council chamber About 300 ratepayers from the Bay Ridges and West Rouge Ratepayers associations jeered ing. program this year in view of; The works commissioner -said A bagging trigger the economic condition now the only properties needed when they addressed council in existing in the municipality. {would be those of major inter-| opposition to the bylaw and the This thinking was challenged|Sections and for the proposedirecent 16.8 mill increase in by Ald. James Rundle, traffic|bus bays opposite and adjacent] taxes. talk of economic deterioration|Median near, intersections, he Kitchen asked why the munici- with then. bee cone pila Much particularly high in Pickering reconstruction of Simcoe would|Township is because of the cost man said a minor ling ¢ i substantia ni : ; ior amount of/ing condition and a substantial | ang expand our school facili- money was needed to get amount of money would belsinc st s catiaal ; ty ; Nigel : ties,' he said, answering his in : now. If delayed iti/needed for maintenance, if the} own question wou é€ much more in the|road wasn't widened, the works y ae Sainte : future. lcommissioner added, | He noted the lack of a reason- ¥ able residential to industrial assessment ratio. "Instead of a desired ratio of . e Damas - Smith To Design vis": |Pickering Township a ratio of B id jonly 12 per cent industrial to 88 rl ge n Oss an 0a }per cent residential," said Mr. . | Kitchen. He told council that if the township had the desired ratio the residential tax rate would Damas - Smith, engineeringjlike to "break into'? Oshawa romped have been hired to|and show what they can do in| design a bridge on Rossland|regards to bridge desig: . ge designing, he | drop by about one-third, -- be oe pcs ac City council, last night, ap-| The works commissioner told| . rhe latest increase in mu- TOWNSHIP POLICE detec- ordered police to remove proved a public works commit-|\council he wasn't aware of a|nicipal taxes could be the straw tive Glover Hutchinson Morton, who became abue tee recommendation to engage|consultant firm in Oshawa spe-|that has broken the camel's (right) escorts C. S. Morton sive during proceedings. the firm to design, prepare thelcializing in bridge designing, | back. Bay Ridges is a lower to. of Frenchman's Bay from Police struggled through a contract documents and speci-|Con. Nicol countered "with; | middle income area and many) the Pickering _ Township standing-room-only crowd to fications, and supervise the con-|"What about Whitby?' There of us find it hard to keep our} council chamber last night. reach Morton. struction of the bridge. was no reply, |heads above water, if we had) Reeve Clifford Laycox --Oshawa Times Photo water," continued Mr. Kitchen. | "It is startling to realize that) : same time to carry out neces-only objection he had to the|the home owner in Bay Ridges| He told council that his rate- Reeve Clifford Laycox said he sary soil tests on ihe proposed|Damas-Smith firm was the $800 | will work on the average one) Payers would decide at their| was interested that so many bridge site. Fees for designing |they charged to come to Osh-|month this year soley to pay his | meeting April i if they would | people were interested in the the $60,000 span are estimated|awa to read a report. |municipal taxes. These per-|@Pprove action such as a march | proceedings of council. must|on Queen's Park, | "But you are in the wrong Associated Geotechnical Sery-| Ald. James Rundle, traffic | at $4,050 and soil testing at $950.| (Nicholas Damas, consultant|petual tax increases | "But yo : jengineer, had come to Oshawa stop," said Mr, Kitchen. | WEST ROUGE |building,"" continued the Reeve, As-| rhe public school board has Fred Crome, city works com- e fj jin' February -- at council's re-| | |not had a delegation for a long missioner, said city hall's engi-| | West Rouge Ratepayers neering section is not set-up to quest -- to review the proposed \sociation President John Kruger|'" 'i reggie design bridges. He. said even {centennial parkway functional t d nts said if by some magic the in-| time. Give them an indication the department of highways|P!anning report and the 1961-81 uU e crease in the schools and county | ll fn oath All we are is traffic report.) taxes can be cut in half next|®/0oritle tax collectors. lion, ' A pect ee had E . year, ratepayers would still face|, Reev si eg gy pedis eee een a lot of public emotion t rt an increase of $63.50 on their) " . f | cana go ge ia -- ity pe ars 2 on poopetpicn P n e aine tax bill on a home assessed cahe hee oo by , y m but he could see no go 5 sees apes Con. Robert Nicol opposed the/reason not to accept the firm| Sixteen students at Kingsway pease i He added that at a future | Darrow: mpl of consultant|to design the bridge, It would|College, whose homes are out- : cone hag state ith, i. |mocting of the Ontario Mayors choice to just the Damas-Smith|he bad to change consultants|side Canada, were guests of he aoe iteme over which the|224 Reeves the problems would firm, page ane , : faaiian, jin '"'mid-stream,"' he said. lthe Rotary Club of Oshawa! ~ ' 7 ' {be discussed and the mayors Con. Nicol said 'he didn't] C A 3 ARO nian AY .;council has no control. I can), reeves WW. 'C e didn't} Con, Nicol seemingly agreed|Monday as it held an Inter. nok auoee with that statement. |G reeves would march on doubt the firm's ability to build|to this but continued to objec tional Student Friendship|>\". . : en's Park if necessary. the bridge. But there are other|'in principle' that pheedh ie Day. It is my view that council abro-|-- firms in the area that wouldlonly one choice of consultants.| James Vessey, chairman of|8@tes its fiscal and moral re-| } the club's International Serv-|SPonsibility to its ratepayers by 7 M | W . ice Committee, presided and|taking such a defeatist attitude. een VLOUNnCcl Ralph. Schofield introduced; 'In this time of crisis, while ages, Mileage Payments three of the students who took|we are being asked to dig into Co ? part in the program. our savings it is curious to see) ngratu ate s . During the afternoon the stu-| council vote itself an increase in ause Cit is Count Rift dents were taken by their hosts|salary. Taxpayers are being! Oshawa's "little city council" on a tour of the automotive|/asked to pay $3 extra for eachihas been invited to attend a museum and the National Stud|committee meeting council at-|"big city council" meeting. Wages and mileage payments] As submitted last night the|Farm. The students were/tends, and at present work load] The invitation was extended are causing a rift between city|policy would provide a prop-|guests in the homes of the|standards, this could mean|last night as council agreed to and county representatives 'onjerty owner with a six-year-old| Rotarians for dinner in the eve-)about $2,000 per year," said Mr.|sponsor the teen-age council the _Emergency Measures Or-|tree if one had to. be removed|nins. Kruger, next year, Mayor Ernest Marks ganization. to permit construction. It did| Merel Jacobs, of Rangoon, BANKRUPTCY |will send a congratulatory lets Ald. John DeHart, a city ap-|not say who would pay the cost|Burma, a student nurse and pointee on the organization,|of replanting. si cig of i i ong ~ suggest that the council ap-|Year's teen-age council. told council the differences are 'Ther ' -a ze(plans to study medicine in Cal-|*' 55" See Nate ears | ae Caiieine tard Aealltige. and tie: ie a ee ey : ifornia, gave their impressions|Proach the provinc ial rb Paced . porons "a tion in the county administra-|should panlaes and pobiy roe of Canada: while Lilly Pan, of ment and in a resolute way tell|jcouncil will be invite os - a) ue I 'la ilippines, played that government that the people|behind the alderman they rep- tion building. cost of replanting as well. Con. Malls, FMubpoines, played. 4 of Pickering can be taxed nojresent when they attend the ue ae ce Fd Robert Nicol was of the same aie a, spoke of the|further and we will have to de-|meeting. They have also been Sconth lose than Oshawa's, Andie: He said it was the} igo open spaces and beauty of|fault on our debentures with the|invited to sit in at a board of county mileage rates of 1 ety obligation to do so, Canada. They said they were government." control meeting. cents a mile are three cents Patrick Kennedy, Parks,jimpressed by the freedom en- "Such a tactic would create a : Ald. Ernest Whiting, who was less than Oshawa rates, he said. property and recreation com- joyed by the people and the|chain reaction. The governmentlinstrumental in the formation He suggested a three-man|™!SSioner, said it would cost|/high standard of education, and|has available to it those legal/of the teen-age council last year delegation of county council's from $16 to $18 to replace ajof the opportunities the coun-|measures wherein it could at-|when it was organized by the "ways and means" committee tree. The new policy stipulated|try offers to those from other|tach our taxes and force us to|Oshawa "Keystone Club", said meet with board of control to/°ity, supplied trees would have}jands. pay them, However, this would|/he had been 'thurt" by criticism discuss the issue. Council ap- to be replanted on the front} The students came to Can-|be at the expense of other credi-|levelled at him by a member lawn, The type of tree would/ada from Nigeria, India,|tors and sooner or later the|of this year's teen council. The "Tf our taxes are to increase 1|ter to each 'member of this roved. ; A . " be determined by the city. Kenya, Hong Kong, Jamaica,|township would hover at, the|teen-age council this year was PAY STRUCTURE Other parts of the policy|Bermuda, Bahamas, Barbados|abyss of bankruptcy," said Mr.|organized by the students theme Ald. William Paynter, an-|were not contested by council. and the West Indies, Kruger. selves, other council representative, said the county won't pay higher salaries because it does- n't fit into the county pay struc- ture. He backed Ald. DeHart's suggestion. Ald. Gordon Attersley, who had served on EMO over the past 10 years, objected to the proposed meeting. He said county representatives should go to their own council -- not be held at the pruce Villa Hotel, Whitby at 8 p.m. Firms Awarded Defence Work OTTAWA (Special) -- Osh- been awarded contracts by the tion, industry minister. C. M. Drury announced here. General Motors Products of Canada Ltd. will supply a de- Con. Frank McCallum favored|icer truck at a value of $18,997 and Myers Products (Oshawa) Ltd. will supply $25,012 worth of wiping rags during a_ period ending next June 30. An Ajax firm, Dowty Equip- ment of Canada Ltd., will sup-/ ply aircraft main fuel pumps to} the value of $30,000, The contracts are among 124 unclassified defence contracts} totalling more than $13 million | awa and district firms have| Oshawa was paying the "'lion's Department of Defence Produc-|cost shring endeavors. Board if Oshawa's -- to decide the issue. The aldermn added thae dur- jing the years he had been on |the organization this matter had cropped up several times. He lsu sgested, if left alone, the |rift would "peter - out'? as has |happened before. | Ald. Ernest Whiting said ol- though this wasn't an instance, 'share' in other county--city control should look into this, he said. Replacement of trees, uproot- ed during city road construc- tion, stalled a new cost shar- ing policy from going through council last night. | The policy recommended in the cost sharing of arterial and collector streets and sidewalks that are constructed not at the request of adjacent property owners o I i i Sc ovvibos Se aio Council referred the proposed KINGSWAY COLLEGE national Student Friendship of West Germany and Merle the club's international ser policy back to the public works} students from around the Day. Three of the student Jacobs of Burma chat with vice committee. committee, where it originated,|. world participated yester- guests, Lilly Pan (left) of James Vessey, chairman of --Oshawa Times Photo for redrafting. day at Rotary's Inter- the Philippines, Hans Diell

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