Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 Apr 1967, p. 16

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__|26--Apartments for Rent |26--Apartments for Rent 26--Apartments for Rent |27---Rooms for Rent 28--Room and Board 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, Apri! 3, 25--HMouses for Rent THREE-BEDROOM brick home, |26---Apartments for Rent GET MORE FOR YOUR RENTAL DOLLAR CAVALIER VISCOUNT DIPLOMAT AMBASSADOR APARTMENTS "La Contessa Apartments"' A Distinguished Address THREE EDROOM bungeiow ed living room, close to A May meal B Choice luxury suites, electric- ally heated, and tastefully de- corated throughout Parking, pool and play oreos, completely fenced. Sauna and $150. monthly. On Glen Forest 9332 Indoor playroom for children. yt 2 HOUSE for rent, two bed Outdoor ploy area completely per month. Telephone 728-2428 TWO-BEDROOM ground north. Available May We offer maximum protection SEVEN-ROOM brick King Street z i $140 monthly. Paul Ristow Ltd. 728- bard 5) MELROSE STREET--Modern See on your own television Residents provided with ex- clusively custom - designed two-storey brick house, Furnished suites available. Why settle for less than the , when the best is so rea- iARGE 2 Spy brick Thane home, | hot water, heating, near shopping centre. | WANTED: "owner would : three-bedroom bungalow, couple with no children, or one child welcome. conies. One bedroom $95 and 140 °N. R hoy up. Two bedrooms $115 and ein Bead, mee nished two-storey home. Close to schools s. Apply 458 Albert Street tre and all schools Arrange to see what \"LA CONTESSA' SHELDIAN MANSIONS 1, 2 ond 3 bedroom suites: TWO HOMES FOR RENT. One two - bedroom bungalow with room bungalow with double garage monthly. One child welcome. TWO - BEDROOM brick home, oil heat $135 MONTHLY, two - south GM. Children welcome. three bedroom suites, 885 OXFORD STREET for appointment All furnished. Apply 750 Olive or see Henry at Avenue or after 5 call WYNNBROOK APARTMENTS toy 3 M340 Marland Ave. 26--Apartments for Rent The best value in apartment living can be seen ot @ REGENCY | | TOWERS @-- 349 MARLAND AVENUE PHONE 725-2227 room apartments, heat, and hydro included in rent. @ AMPLE PARKING FOR RENT @ CLOSE TO SCHOOL CLOSE TO SHOPPING CENTRE APPLY OR TELEPHONE THE LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION ABOVE NUMBERS ONE and TWO three furnished rooms, living room,'ment in eight-plex building, refrigerator | WEEKLY RATES He |30--Automobiles for Sale ;32--Trucks | BUICK SPECIAL, automatic, two- en ibattery; good motor. en P ROOM AND BOARD, two single rooms, |g 1962 GMC truck, 960 se ion, cl class F or NEAR HOUDAILLE, in Christian home,|WHITBY -- Modern, two-bedroom apart. COMFORTABLE ROOMS | im pack. lunene, ios. Highway ied ruck, 960 ser 'open Whitby, Alax. 649-5444 betw: _ lisse 'DODGE | truck, two-lon, $500, terms. GM TRUCK, 214 tons 66 % 'ton Volkswagen pick-up, open box, 2. , 1964 Pontiac Parl Sreomrerrd $1,795. Financing | ha A ome anion on™ Dump --{j |S CHEVROLET. haif-ton 1 |kitchen and bedroom. Suit two. Total|and stove, balcony, heat, hot water, $125 | abstainers only. Telephone 723-3002. [roonthlys very central, 725-5223. MAID SERVICE a08, ie $95 MONTHLY, newly decorated one-|TWO - BEDROOM apartment, elecirical| A La Carte Restaurant on |WHITBY - bedsifting room with bedroom apartment. Refrigerator, stove ly heated, refrigerator, stove, drapes. Premises. board beh Suitable for tion. heel hog B Close to bus. Telephone i Sentral, located. Baby shag Apply; Mrs. James Maher young lady, -- Telephone 868-3242. Pee | Financing can be arranged. 72! or 576-1677, ' Mt Street, Apt. 4 or 723-329 | } ROOM AND BOARD 'for professional |SUBLET two - bedroom electrically|FOUR - ROOM apartment on main floor. | WHITBY HOTEL |lady in exceptionally harmonious home.|REAL SHARP, |heated apartment, north Oshawa area,|Private bath, heat, water, stove and re 668-2337 Non-smoker, Half block from Simcoe and two.door hardtop juiltities and damage deposit. Parking.|frigerator included in rent, 68 Wayne --.._______~~~ "Resi P| _ 576-2345, \coral with white top, |728-0626. aa ne Street. Telephone 725-3938. "COMFORTABLE ROOMS wnitsy = -- Central lscation. Room and can be arranged. casted | ATTRACTIVE one-bedroom --apartment,| TWO - BEDROOM apartment, free serv-| WEEKLY RATES board for young gentlemen willing to iq |furnished, self-ccntained, adults and ab-/ices, bus at door, walk-out balcony, elec- |stainers only. Available April 1. Tele-|tric heat. Telephone 725-9872. MAID SERVICE share, Parking, TV, board optional. iwith long box. Excellent Soren. $500 1375. jto finance at Nicols Motors, west of Hwy. vse aoa At 668-3. MERCURY half-ton truck. . Apply =| Caradon Tire, 311 Brock Street North, li jPhone 725-1356, ____ | WAVE' JUST bought a house and would A La Carte Restaurant ROOM AND BOARD or room for gentie-|No. 2 - West of Thickson Rd. 6¢ |ONE-BEDROOM, newly decorated un-|like to sublet. Two bedrooms, two bath- on premises. man, near south GM, parking facilities. |-¢: furnished upstairs apartment. Three-|rooms, ground floor apartment at $130 MR. JAMES MAHER ney 863 RitsonRoad §, Telephone 723-) Santee Will trade even for '67 Cadil- piece bath. $80 monthly includes heat,|per month, huge living room and kitchen. aie hydro, parking, laundry facilities, Avail-;Children welcome, near south GM. My CENTRAL HOTEL |ROOM AND jeble April 1. 723-8742. jease has five months to run, If this can 723. 9121 | Telephone 668-8140 or 668-6795. | THREE-BEDROOM apariment heip you please call George Twaites at |lac or $1,195. cash. Telephone 725-3717 OARD for young man, after 6:30 p.m. |Jeep % truck, plough and car derrick, ~ -- ---- |ROOM AND BOARD for. gentleman,|with posatraction, tinted windshield and, in tri-|7 é f 1 - - plex, stove, refrigerator, drapes, laun- aati Aker Pk a VE 10S THREE - ROOM furnished basement |close fo north plant and bus stop.-Tele-|other extras, | 725- dry facilities, electric heating, $145 ae apartment. Centrally located fo hospital! phone 725-2305, Ronit. Apply 196. Stevenson. Road FIVE-ROOM apartment, $125 month In- and shopping areas. Separate entrance. | South. |cluding hydro and heat, Available April! Ali facilities. Girls only. 162 Warren Ave-! Telephone 723-2024 after $ p.m. _inue, 728-2359. gentleman preferrea. Te D [FURNISHED 'one - bedroom apartment, | cs Bb Secalinastd seta Mere, -- {clean home. Suit ae couple, no chil. FURNISHED two-room apartment, near TWO furnished bedrooms, use of 'kitchen | ROOM AND BOARD for |dren. Close Telep! 7 for one or two adutt » Apply if desired, ladies preferred, in lovely new|™Ma |ROOM AND BOARD In. new heme, 1960 PONTIAC Parisienne, four-door, six ne 728-2742. cylinder i ith ired "gentle. | in with middle-aged we on small Let 63 . 33--Automobiles Wanted ARE YOUR MONTHLY '28- | 8792 |195 Albert Street. home, quiet residential area. Telephone |*state, ten miles from TWO-BEDROOM apartment, refrigera-|ONE-, TWO- AND THREE-BEDROOM /25-6902. tor and stove, drapes supplied. 'Avail-| able April 1. Apply 161 Montra: cit CAR PAYMENTS re. For information Telephone _263- 2024, otter apartments, in lovely Casa Manana, 230 COMPLETELY FURNISHED "housekeep: [ROOM AND BOARD for young working 61 MERCEDES BENZ. me Nipigon et, trally located, int |girl, seven day week. $18 weekly. Cen- arene diesel, . Tele-| Nipigon Stre centrally loca' inter- ing room, stove and refrigerator in- Y. ites acl condition, one bueir che, : BILL WHITTICK 1250 Dundas £., Whitby 668-58 Park-| 1963 GALAXIE $00, two-door hardtop. __ [1959 BUICK, good condition. 1 Best offer. ~~ jApply 59 Buckingham Avenue or fele- |phone 723-5322. jeam, no children under 12. Telephone cluded. Sultable for one gentleman. $10|'f@! location. Telephone 728-0283. $80 UNFURNISHED or $05 Purvishad, | Mrs. Hayes, 725-8876. sha Ny Apply 237 Athol: Street East, |ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman, five- |one-bedroom apartment in apartment|APARTMENT -- Suitable for Doc-.725-08 re jor seven-day week, Good meals. | building. Close to downtown. Available|tor, dentist or lawyer. Properly zoned TWO comfortably furnished rooms. ing. Close to bus. Aliso large furnished | $1,095. April 15. Telephone 725-4569. on Simcoe Street aun. Also two bed- Stove and refrigerator. Suitable for mar-| ousekeeping reom avaliable. 728. 4845, | mrpesinaies -- ---- room apartment. Telephone 623-2368. ried couple or teachers. Telephone 668- ONE - BEDROOM apartment in new beat |building, Intercom, FM. stereo, electric| ONE-BEDROOM basement apartment, pri- 4470 305 Perry Street, Whitby. '29--Wanted to "Rent heating. Ample parking. Abstainers only.|vate bath and entrance, suitable for'CLEAN bedroom, for gentlemen to| |Apply 43 Wayne Street. jcouple, $70 monthly. Telephone 728-1731 share. Non-smoker, abstainers. Kitchen i after 5 p.m. privileges. 164 Steven: Road North. COZY unfurnished, newly decorated two- oe -- ~ sacle nical room apartment, modern home, private|BOWMANVILLE -- three-room heated COMPLETELY ed bed - sitting jentrance, bath. Parking. Non-smoker |apartment. Refrigerator, stove and 93- room, sink and frig, newly decorated. jonly, Hydro included. $60 monthly. Tele-jrage; yard, $80 monthly. Available'Ladies only, Residential north area, |phone 725-2915, April 1, Telephone 723-0452. Close to buses. Telephone 728-1914, THBEE large room apartment, heavy | MODERN one-bedroom --_ apartment, 24 COLBORNE STREET WEST -- Two duty wiring, laundry facilities, Clese to|north Simcoe Street, _refrigerator, turnished bedrooms, kitchen. privilenes WITH jbus. Couple preferred. Apply 262 Conant|stove, drapes, balcony, parking, elec-\jf required, Young business men prefer- 35. Street. |tric 'heat and hydro included In rent. red, Telephone 7 | OPTION TO PURCHASE | GkLET en TS Available May 1. 723-5416. = | modern one - bedroom apart-| - = angi FURNISHED two room aparime t in ment. Heat and electric included, $110! TWO-BEDROOM apartment, yaa clean, quiet home. All kitchen facilities. monthly. Telephone 576-3075. jtained, available new. Apply 411 King Close to downtown. Parking Soace. Rea. 0 |ROUR-ROOM apartment, heated; newly |S!feet East or phone 723-2549 sonable rent. Telephone 728-9632. Approx 2,000 3; 00 |decorated, close to school and shopping.| THREE-BEDROOM apartment. Five- ROYAL HOTEL, Whitby. 171 Brock sq. ft. |North Oshawa, $85 monthly. Telephone;month lease, option to renew. immedi Street North. Rooms nightly or $12 week- | 723-1 8364 J jate possession. 728-1246. ly, Hot and cold water in each room. |ONE BEDROOM apartment, furnished | APARTMENT FOR RENT. Partly fur- 68-5012. ran |or unfurnished, suitable for working ished. Total abstainers only. $70.00 FURNISHED ROOM, bus siop at door.) 'M Oshawa or vicinity. couple or single person, no children,|monthly includes lights and heat. Tele- Ciore to four corners, North Gereral| parking, downtown area, drapes supplied, phone 668-3216. Motors and hospital. Apply 240. Division 725-8964 after 6. : Street ; Moll TWO BEDROOM apartment in new % tatin nin nd | FIVE ROOM newly decorated apart- five-plex, built-in stove, drapes, balcony, HEATED, FURNISHED and unfurnish-| Reply eval 9 ae ae ment in Newcastle. Immediate posses-|refrigerator, parking, central. Available ed housekeeping rooms. Stove and. re. full particulars to: jsion Telephone 987-4303. now, Adults only. Telephone 723-4948 frigerater included. Apply 160 Agnes |TWO BEDROOM apartment, central lo-|THREE-ROOM apartment, no children, Street or telephone 723-0069. |cation, close 0° downtown and shopping Apply 273 Cordova Rd.. Telephone 725. ROOMS FOR RENT, $10 and $12 weekly, |centre. Adults only. Available May. Ist. |2204 maid service, restaurant on premises. BOX 62493 | Telephone 725-8513. UNFURNISHED one-bedroom _apart- Queen's Hote!, 67 Simcoe North. THREE-ROOM apartment on main floor|ment, private three-piece bath, small MAIN FLOOR, bedroom and kitchen, | of older house. Centrally seit in Osh-jchild welcome. Available April 39. private entrance, heat and hydro sup. | A M Age, it April 1. f 725-| Telephy 723-6483. plied. Telephone 725-8608, | OSHAW TH ES FOUR-ROOM apartment on 106 Dundas STORE FOR RENT in Bowmanville. |THREE - BEDROOM house for |'5> PONTIAC. white, blue interior. Low CARS WANTED ~ Buying A New Car? Sell your used car to 'Ted', mileage, radio, excellent condition, Tele- Phone 668-4797 from 5 Finda p.m. ~ condition, also a '58 Messi sedan, fully equipped, 9829. Car Deoler and "Save". TED CAMPIN MOTORS aL engine, four speed transmis-| considered. $2,495. 725-7730. at |%66 BEL Al AIR four-door sedan, radio, V-8,, WANTED: | Core etc.'No charge for towing. "nest prices bald. mmaculate condition, Low mileage. 723- ace 728-4549 anytime. Robert | "65 PONTIAC PanNGE: four-door ha power brakes, power steering, radio, wanted for cash or cash and '64 Pontiac reverberator, under warranty. Apply 830 Laurentian. Must be clean. 728-8410. --..| SHAW "AUTO pt RECKING co. Florell Drive, telephone 728-8738. $500 cash, will take trade. Tele- |bought. phone 728- 6501 after 6.30 p.m. $674 BUYS '60 Volkswagen "deluxe, im- \S4---Autemwobiie caer FRED STONE | REBUILT ENGINES 6 CYL. Exchange Price as low os $165.00 8 CYL. Exchange Price automatic transmission, | |WHITBY three-room upstairs apartment,|W. For information call 668-2061 or Available July 15 or sooner. Telephone with two children, seventeen and eleven central location. Available April 1. Tele-jafter 9, 668-2248. 623-2318 Long lease desired. References. phone 668-3800. | r, j ores cee ---- lable May 1, north end or near Oshawa. siete sicid maa |TWO-BEDROOM modern apartment in FURNISHED housekeepi ith iy |CENTRAL LOCATION, upstairs, S-room|Port Whitby, new building. Telephone refrigerator, very central, Business. Indy | Velemnane alter 6.30, 728-9709. japartment, fefrigerator, stove, broad-| 284-6813 only. Brock Street East. Telephone 725-ONE - BEDROOM unfurnished loom throughout, private entrance. Tele-| phone, 723-6785 after 11 a.m. before 9 P.M. Jing, stove and refrigerator, downtown. Two furnished bedrooms, "Tight house. ON EDROOM apartment in Private) Telephone 728-3546. keeping, immediate pessession. Apply 271 home, separate entrance, private bath. Jarvis Street telenh 111 Wilson: Road, S. 'Telephone: 576-1964, | Severe ROOM -Arnlshed. apartment Crs SICSe) OL. Ieleeene, (2586 Monday on. Privaie entrance, parking facilities. AP- LARGE furnished bedroom, suitable for TRANSMISSION 1038 Simcoe St. N. 728-7339 Transmissions are Ou- Business -- Repairs, LIENS PAID OFF. We trade up, down.| Choose from over 60 cars. No down pay- | |FIVE - ROOM apartment, electric heat- 9559. ment needed for business couple by April 15, in Whitby. 668-8517 after 4 p.m. Fri- 4 day and Saturday; up to 3 p.m.from matic, piwer "steering and brakes, $395. ET HOUSE, spacious apartment or duplex,|1958 FORD sedan, as is, cheap. Tei | |3-bedrooms, 4 adults, geod residential phone 668-8234. peti lala dais I da ALE periior, ply 256 Athol Street East. two, $15 each weekly including break-|area, Excellent references, $150 to $175 r igerator, fast. N F , S, stove. Front and side yard. $125 in. KING EAST -- unfurnished ground ear tal centre on bus route. | monthly. -Write Box 61536, "|floor apartment, two and half rooms, Telephone 723-3182 Sane pee and water. Tele! ,sthroom, private: entrance, also. un: DOUBLE ROOM tor an, ne hecocickattin a furnished two rooms with kitchenette, ciose to downtown, fron "08: 7130 | by ¢ PARTLY FURNISHED, heated apart-|bathroom, parking, adults. 728-7705. after 6 p.m. Bc ment, three large rooms plus small room * for child or den. Parking, private en- $110 MONTHLY, two | Times. jand three. Telephone 576-3437. ise |35--Lost « ond Found _ No down "payment, $22 monthly. floor, TWO - BEDROOM house wanted July 1, [Stalker Motors, 137 King Street West. mily with two children, aged two 196) RAMBLER Oshawa, jLost -- Black | and tan hound, female, jnamed Jill, lost in vicinity of Dixie Road American, four "door. and Third Concession of Pickering Town- | slohice tien air Licence 532020. No dow petal ales 1 BROCK E Large single room, pri |COUNTRY HOME with two bedrooms, payment. " Lost -- Silver Timex watch, automatic. {In Sunset some vicinity. Reward, Tele- i H ment, medern building, close to ft entra k malt HOSPHOt Aree, ossession APY): ping and transportation, refrigerator, parking antral Prelit ore preferably with fireplace and garden| 137 ei Sle West. Pcreiheicaniibsbicsbas fstove, paved parking. Adults only. Tele- GM. For gentleman or "Ind . space, near Kingsway College. Must 'OUR - ROO! partment, s Suitable for phone 728-4500. Lae |have reasonable rent for couple atten couple, a' one lable immediately. 36 . +) FURNISHED APARTMENT with TV. workers wel Virgilwood Drive, Willowdale, Ont. |BEDROOM APARTMENTS [eim Strntteitonone 7mSar FURNISHED "APARTMENT wih Idren,| tone "Avenue or telephone MOMS. nt [eo |@F | @ PREMIER e 321 MARLAND AVENUE PHONE 728-6722 a THIS YEAR FURNISHED SUITE New building on Gibb St, Telephone 576-0360 @ MODERN 1 AND 2 BEDROOM SUITES @ NEWLY DECORATED @ STOVE AND FRIDGE Moving To : 1 ond 2 bedroom, large apart- @ FABRIC DRAPES | private bath. Close to south Genera Se ee : THREE-ROOM unfurnished" apariment Motors and bus stop. Telephone 728- 00. CENTRAL, clean, furnished double or '30--Automo es For 'Sale fiahbeeih Ground floor. Telephone 668-2776, ingle room for gentleman, bath, private | -- an : tments, - FURNISHED) setcarteined apartment, Mga trol ytaian" q's enlance. " Orew sree. Teleome! VAT A NT TOE D {suitable for two with option of board. | ary facilities, Apply 371 Albert St. or 299 es PEE ES OBECSSII NE: |Telephone 728-3023. ___|Montrave, Ap TWO furnished rooms for rent. Available! Good clean local cors for phitic ROOM furnished apartment, all e119, two.bedroom available Deri 1; two emiecistely.: Teepnone eeeqat cash. es. Parking space. Also fur-| children, near south plant. 219 Cordova FURNISHED BEDROOMS for girls nished bedroom available. Apply 154 Road, Apartment 2, side entrance, 728- Kitchen privileges, laundry _ facilities. MORLEY STALKER [Bn 1 ohn LR Re ay NESE |" ne room with televisi Near Gen- MOTORS ARTMENT furnished, close to| ------ eral Motors, buses, hospital, downtown. |We Pay Moving Expenses | downtown, reasonable price. Telephone | lagu, o90 waist Gpomnal aree:|Hydro included. 726-3719, 137 King West es _|3720. LARGE nicely furnished bed-sitting| 723-8311 723-6322 aa riment i room, hot and cold ter in room, '¢ SACL \poums ae self-contained _ partment. q hdgh lM De ke ell | |SMALL, one-bedroom furnished or un- \trigerat five minutes + hi % Ade entrance, ates cm ee ett iurnished. apartment, share bath. Olive-lping Centra, Gentiomen emir aay ice MORE | CASH @ LAUNDRY FACILITIES 190 Dig Road GRENFELL SQUARE ONE and TWO @ BROADLOOM IN HALLS NEW BUILDING two or three bedrooms @ AMPLE PARKING @ CLOSE TO SCHOOL AND CHURCHES CLOSE TO SHOPPING CENTRE APPLY OR TELEPHONE THE ABOVE NUMBERS OSHAWA'S LARGEST "One of Oshawa's finest opart- 15th, May Ist, @ Adults only. For appointment to view this ease suite, Enjoy the Modern Trend To Luxury Living Princess Anne Apartments GOVERNOR MANSIONS @ HEALTH CLUB canines hia ween @ SAUNA STEAM ROOM Richmond St. E, Adults only. @ SWIMMING POOL ¢ ROY. FLINTOFF @ French Provincial Kitchens parking, mail delivery, REGENT ARMS GRENFELL STREET * One and Two bedroom apart- ments. Free hydro, water, @ Broadioom. Corridors @ Walking Distance of Oshawa Shopping Centre @ Children's Playground $109 monthly Adults only, 723-6944 or 723-6455 between 6 and 9:30 p.m. PRINCESS ANNE APARTMENTS [Court area. Suitable for one, or two per-| Street West. fou lapartment, close to St. Redwi 's School for gentleman. Very i _ $85 MONTHLY, "medern one. -bedroom central to downtown, Apply 182 Athol) Trade up or down. Liens poid. FURNISHED bedroom. Central, Shift|ing school June. Write D. Heintz, a Pyour | LOST: J white, biue tick hound, trade or $100 down. $i3 weekly. Stelker jpart Lab. Answers fe the name of Pete. 137 King Street West. Ss VALIANT 200 Custom. Radio, ae | it 36--Legel IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JAMES JOHN BELL, LATE OF THE CITY COUNTY OF ONTARIO, RE- TIRED INSPECTOR, DECEAS- |i960 "FORD V-8 standerd, |1968 "RAMBLER, Classter | cylinder, radio. Like new. No down pay- lleone, licence 57099, chearence ape- chal $1,795. Ted Campin Motors, © Oshawa. ions. $50 monthly. Telephone 725-7624 a ' G SINGLE ROOM ESN ed Cleon Cars, $2,065, Ted Campin Mrolors, Oshawa. *€ycle, gi |condition, Lic. S979MC. Will sell or Bay | cash difference on good ¢ car er truck. Ti against the Estate of JAMES JOHN BELL, late of the City of Oshawa in the County of , 2-door op, good, cheap transportation. Best pth eeohens 7B- who died on or about the 18th day of March, A.D. are hereby notified to send full particulars to the under- signed on or before the 30th omy |Cetlent condition. Lic. "150 | special $1,395, Ted Campin Motors, Osh- imatic, radio, no down pal ent, $45 month. Licence K3043, Wellman's, after which date the Estate be distributed with gard only to cloims of which i bus stop. Telephone 723-5730. | apartment, private entrance, four- pice Street East. TWO - ROOM apartment, unfurnished, |bath. Stove and refrigerator. Plenty o irid-iiniasecinliias |Central. Refrigerator and stove. Tele- storage and cupboard space. Adults pre-|COMFORTABLY | furnished room DODD MOTOR SALES |phone 725-3756. lferred. Apply 243 Edward Street, off|lady, close to bus, Wilson Road south, --|Rossland Road West. Telephone 725-8845, 314 PARK RD. SOUT! UPPER DUPLEX, separate entrance, | S ost a - 723 9421 central. Available May 1. Sorry, no chil-|$90, ONE-BEDROOM main floor, private/FURNISHED room with kitchen privle: > dren. Telephone Brooklin 655-3184 after|baih and entrance includes stove, re-|9@S. $13.00 weekly. |7 p.m. |frigerator, heat, hydro. Available April| Telephone mornings (668-6534. Uae RAMBLER |FOUR-ROOM apariment, for rent. Avial-|'5- Simcoe North area. 728-6656. LARGE furnished _ housekeeping room, alts April 1. Apply 91 Celina Street, Apt.| THREE-ROOM apartment for rent. Part-/Parking, working couple or gentleman. is isle Fis UEMRERT AUB very centrai, pos- Apply 194 King Street West. SALES -- SERVICE ediate. 142 Bond Street|PRIVATE ROOM in friendly home 1 tor d PAINT -| LARGE" main Floor duplex with attached | session imm in friendly home for an garage, 2 bedrooms, refrigerator, stove, --25t: Call 728-1359 or see A. Bobak [responsible girl. New bedroom -- suite, nen and Used Cors [adults only. Available April 1. Apply 370 WHITBY. Furnished bedsitting room, large Closet, sun deck. Board optional. fi | Simcoe North or telephone 725-3388. kitchen and bathroom, parking space, Laundry done. _Near | bus stop. 723 4491, Easy to finance at |RURNISHED 3-rocm apartment, kitchen, /Separate entrance. Available April S.C ARGE, FURNISHED room, refrigera.. NICOLS MOTORS LTD. [living room, bedroom, private bath. Telephone 668-8085 after s p.m. tor, sink, rangette and dishes. Suit busi- WHITBY -- 668-3331 4 '* tal; t, | Ness woman. rivate home. Telep! teowdsh Isa" location. Adults. Telephone 725: ine raltigetion tea ia Anacnnen |p 1612. |e FONTIAC Caureniian sommes 2 | [OR apariment in| included, reliable tenants only, prefer no THREE-ROOM | ment in Christian! 1 a 's SPECIAL BACHELOR -- apariment in) \Cluded, Telephone 728-4844 after 3 p.m. nome tor ten ppariment fin Chri |tion, white walis, four way flasher On| Telephone 725-1506 after 6 lapartment building, bed-sitting room, | ea cd kitchen, Furnished. $95, unfurnished $85 month-\hespital, on city bus route, handy to | 728-5348. 2. the undersigned sholl DATED at Oshawa this 31st day of March, A.D. DAISY EVA BELL, elias 'i i i Clark Street, garage ie 2 keel bathroom. Private. Parking. TWO-ROOM upstairs apartment, . near garag eph |" CHEVROLET sedan, standard alx, Power original, lephone 728-0840 after | excellent shape. Bargain for cash or will JOSEPH P. MANGAN, OC. j!y. Telephone 728-967: downtown, prefer no children, $60 month: ELGIN STR' ©. Large furnished Het cafe 7 . take older car In trade and cash. Tele- GRILLS, radiators, a ear parts. |BEAUTIFULLY SITUATED apartment 'Y- Telephone 725-1455. oom rat eRe stots ot Pe, outlet | phone 725 725-1846, : for rent, two bedrooms, Telephone 623- CENTRAL -- Two unfurnished rooms, Parking, per ween, jeman. am Ce TPP » OAA, 725-14 1959 CHEVROLET six cylinder, « . [heat, Tighise running Water. Sviteble for (Cox OBA: 725-1497. |matic, Bel Air sedan, $326. Telephone |61 FALCON er 4 automatic, buckel ONE-BEDROOM furnished basement jgouple with baby. Telephone Whitby, 668: /TWO DOUBLE rooms, with 'anitehen 25-5555. |apartment. Suitable for two gentlemen £ ie privileges for reliable working ladies -- lor working couple. Private entrance and FURWISHED, heated three - room apart- gentleman, very" central. Available April{"#3 PLYMOUTH, V: 4, stick shift = Make | |parking. Telephone 728-5774. ment, modern furniture. Automatic wash-|! Telephone 728-5026. dol cence 2. Easy to finance a oo a er, dryer. Private entrance, parking. two comfortably furnished rooms, stove WHITBY -- Two-bedrcom apartment, Hospital area, Business couple. Posses-anq" reirigorsioy, wrmaned rooms, sf foug|Hwy. No. 2. 668-3331. No. 2, west Ai + rekaon Road. icols Motors, west of Thickson Rd.,/"61 CHEVROLET, convertible, V-8, power ere a: brakes. Must be seen to be ap- NOTICE TO ¢ CREDITORS AND OTHERS Faas Antes atterns, hove: APPlY "API. sion April 27. Telephone 576-0832. lcouple or teachers. Telephone 668-4470.|1957 PLYMOUTH, V-8, full price | $60, » 123 Annes after S. sneer | ne ;|WH ITBY -- One- and two - bedroom 305 Perry Street, Whitby. pone lok Ritson Road South. Telephon CENTRAL, unfurnished second _ floo = eae apartment, newly painted, tiled floors,| are eat Feo bbe nee pee SINGLE furnished room, u ances D | Telephone 728-7120. four rooms, plus kitchen, bath; bath. /ances, supp Craydon "Rose. jephone 728-71 of kitchi 'dtop, power steering, brakes, In_ the Estate of MARION ELEANOR FOTHERGILL. a ecu "MONTEREY, two-door Licence K7979, $450 or best effer. Tele- e Mm. room walls new ceramic tile. Reason- a -~-- | LARGE furnished bedroom, iitchen, (Marston. Eighteen thousand miles. 723- ably priced. 723-3132. THREE - ROOM unfurnished apartment, | laundry facilities. Parking space. Appl Se = Sartment,|!nree-piece bath, TV outiet, heavy duty | spa" Crerar st Hg resi Ply 10980 er 673-3600 after S p.m TWO - BEDROOM modern apartment, 1964 CUSTOM SPORT, two door wiring, private entrance, parking, qu stove: refrigerator: and drapes. No dam-|tCe, PAvalabie April 1S. 370, monthly. CLEAN, bright "housekeepi against the estate of Marion Eleanor Fothergill; late of the Village of Newcastle, County ef Durham, Married 1966 PONTIAC four-door V-8, low mi Sacrifice. Telephone 725-9854 after 4 p.m. Sacrifice. Telephone 725-9854 afters p.m. | room for ltop, 327, four speeds, 'reverberator, Sold 1 9 ge deposit. One child welcome, Avall-\ oii) 795 093, adults preferred. business gentleman. Shopping Centre|to highest offer placed before April sth. a "CHEVROLET 725-8 able April 1, Telephone 723-8844 or apply -- Abstai iI Telephone 723- 170 Park Rd. South. FURNISHED basement apartment, steel ici ae Cee eee ws sink, cupboards, three-piece bath. Suit- LONG i |MOOSEN bs Jot adit ait Hi edie PL for working couple or one person. MAIN FLOOR, | two rooms, kitenen, tele: fi three - room apart-\kiichenette, separate bath, private en.| Telephone 723-9557. inovnt Street cTolephene: 7azodos. eters 1864 PONTIAC Parisienne, Va. 'trance, in Oshawa's residential east end. THREE - ROOM apartment, main floor, |matic, 2-door 'hardtop, power equipped. 1221 SIMCOE ST. N @ Close to Public and ment, unfurnished, hea Private entrance, excellent for widow or business lady, $60 monthly. Vacant now. | Our model suite is furnished by WILSON'S FURNITURE and broadloom by ANGUS GRAYDON basement, $105 monthiy. FAMILY or ADULT FLOORS FURNISHER or UNFURNISHED edroom apartment| TWO - BEDROOM open daily 8 p.m. till 9pm. $70 monthly, 723-5964. with sunroom, stove, refrigerator, wash: machine, private entrance and bath. ae furnished adjoining housekeeping cepted, For more information call 7 ng ~ bedroom apartment with own FOUR - ROOM apartment, refrigerator | rooms with refrigerator, stove and TV,| HEH and stove, $86 monthly. Telephone 725- Telephone 725-1483. : Pes pres ESR alla lH PBA eat ? 036' 43 NASSAU -- Two-room furnished apart- {Hillcroft area. Telephone 728-3109. \64 CHEVROLET impala Super spartment, ground Ment. refrigerater and stove supplied, ee ~ 283, V-8, tinted windshield, radio, floor, large yard. Children walcoiie: Va. ample parking. Telephone 725-5617. al KINO STREET BAST. two Bedrooms, tires, floor mats, 23,000 actual cant' April 9. Telephone 728-8218, |ONE-BEDROOM apartment, heated, $70 phone sa509. ! i Tae anton cee et em COUNTRY LIVING? Clean, modern spe. |monthly, stove and refrigerator sup: SP SRE VEIN rpeg PN . 'apart.|Plied, laundry facilities. T: 668- | F only:|'S6 FORD, automatic transmission, ONE - BEDROOM, self. contained apart- cious, self - contained one-bedroom t., & Sun. 1) a.m. till 7 p.m. INFORMATION Motors' desired. Four mi Two - BEDROOM apartment, broadioom ing. Drapes, balcony, living room, ¢ 725-9934 - 576-3864 Q 380-385 GIBB STREET four 'dtop, V-8, automatic, power whet bel i" io, tinted inarerer Woman, deceased, who died tomatic, $297, Can on or about the first doy of |i FORD, wif with ce motor, Continent a pepe condition. Asking $60. Telephone -4995. undersigned Personal Pepres- entative of the said deceased on or before the 19th day of | Excellent offer after the said date the said Representative will distribute the assets of the CHEVROLET convertible, auto: eering and brakes, r. rer jAbstainer, Near Ritson and King. APPIY |tect shape, $25. or best offer. Also '56 trade or finan 4812. jment. You may have a garden if you so) |31 Rowe Street. Ford rear-end at $10. Telephone 985- s from city limits. 723- NEWLY DECORATED, three rooms and 7480. 6890 after 6 p.m. er anytime weekends, bath, private entrance, working couple, FURNISHED bedroom. Very central.) only. Apoly 314 Jackson Avenue. Tele-| Parking. Gentleman only. No drinke: said deceased having regard only: to claims of which i shall then hove notice. 1960 PONTIAC Laurentian, matic, radio, white walls, good condition, 11988 PONTIAC, Laurentian six-cylinder, sooo or reasonable offer, ONE BEDROOM in clean, modern Bulla | phone 725-0210. | Telephone 728-8644. |standard transmission. Excellent condi- ette, refrigerator and stove. Available SMALL furnished apartment, refrigera-|FURNISHED corner room, clean, quiet,|ion. No down payment, $6. per Adults only: ABDIY to. 319 Adelaide West, immediately or May 1. Near Oshawalter and stove, close to hospital; also fur- (central, Bus stop at beak Light house- | 728-7351 |ONE - BEDROOM, self - contained up-|and private bathroom. Available now. home, ground floor, separate entrance WHITBY -- 859 Dundi jorth. Pale the new Private home. Garage Te! MONA LISA APARTMENTS 191 Nonquon Road Telephone 576-0214 atter 7: 130 Dp. APARTMENTS | 1 and 2 Bedroom Suites Available For comfort and convenience see these all electric opart- Lecated near schools and shopping, with direct bus self-cor anal facilities. Telephone 723-7728 | rooms and bath. Private satrenca, Stove} where your rental dollar goes rin Iwo * BEDROO! 00M warhneniis heated, ¢ $75 and $85 pany: Children welcome. playground, 5 acres of park- land, spacious suites with col- ored stoves and fridges, ample g, individual mail deliv- , PLUS many other extras. with counter-top stove and oven, refrig- | erator, four-piece bath. $95 month. J. B. 1 balconies and closet space, |McMuilan and Co. Realtor, 668-6201. To view anytime call Model suite open daily MONA LISA APARTMENTS Phone 723-6022 BRAd or ial 170 Park Road South. on bus wipe parking, 8 im Biogen i STREET -- Shopping Centre. 723-2570. jnished bedroom. 138 or 143 Prince St.|keeping. Telephone 7: FOUR ROOW apartment in large farm- THREE - ROOM vnfurnished apartment. |UPPER OR LOWER duplex, two bed- FURNISHED BEDROOM fcr refined 1962 VOLKSWAGEN, one pune. fo} 195 FORD. Siation wagon. Good condi: north Central location, quiet home. Telephone 263- Apply 175 Athol East jmanv' He Telephone 728-6798 after § p.m.|Grooms Avenue or 9733. MV 35) UI iT dult home. Appl down payment, $38 per month. AERO FOE STS Cree Wig ee Lehane ee ea LINSS Wallnihtc: "Telephone sas Suit couple. | rooms. jibes a lin lafter 4 py {1961 FORD, v-8, TWO BEDROOMS, living room, kitchen ONE - BEDROOM apartment in private phone 728-4190 |four-plece tile bath, dining room, drapes, Furnished light scenes room with|$395. Telephone 723-0452, |WHITBY, 2-bedroom apartment, stove |, 1 land refrigerator, parking ne wont Sate : or best offer. Telephone 723-8994, ASEMENT APARTMENT, aa en.) EB Ani ba penis '|THREE ROOM | mais. (rence, three rooms.' and bath 28--Room | and Board |1962 CORVAIR Monza, convertible, good apartment, all furnis Hey hydro included, washer and dryer,| jrunning condition, best offer. Telephon ed. Suitable for working couple without near 'bus, Telephone 728-3076, Apply 451 Dated at Oshawa this 15th ~ CHEVROLET "Caprice, | week, L icence 237950. Wellman's, Telephone | | dtop, power equipped. Tel e728. 466. NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, MITED. $85.00. Telephone 668-6720. standard transmission, | 1961 IMPALA, black, white trim, of automatic, power brakes, pelt secloy new (1964 motor in Act conditions In excellent running order, and condition. By McGibbon & Bastedo, 32 Simcoe St. $., Oshawe, Ont. Their Solicitor herein. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ESTATE O '| GLADYS IRENE CARSON -- laundry facilities. No abd Available bath. Telephone 668-6365 between 4 p.m. /1958 PONTIAC, good | body, good | motor, an 168-8324 and 8 p.m. ___] 900d tires, must sell due to sickness, $300) a -MARLIN hard. Priva spe aise ee radis. Cash, trade, terms. pale Dh a ALE | Beverley ralbtal i SINGLE ROOMS wae IN PICKUP, '4 Dodge, emmoter p.m. 5 COMPLETELY furnished apartment. | |COMPLETELY redecorated three - room| rebuilt. Make offer. Licence 568292 persons having claims against the estate of Gladys Irene Carson, late of the City of Oshawa in the County of Ontario, deceased, who died on or about the 29th day of ical, > finance ie Nicol's Meio. Hwy. No. 668-3331. mr tear Cars for Sale' Central, Adults only. Telephone 728-8402.| main flocr apartment, centrally located | and BOARD Easy to finance at Nicols Motors, ay: $98 "BUYS | |NEAR GENERAL MOTORS main office! fin Halu Jit cl asl now. kak | No. 2, west of Thickson Road. 668-3331 jand north plant. Bachelor apartment hydro an stove include in reasonable; 3 available with private entrance. Apply | rent. 668-8189. ; a | Apply: sano ansaid "Con Teer 2, west of Thickson Rd., 101 Ritson Road North, |FURNISHED three large clean bright| 728-5223 a om: $18 WEEKLY for three - room, partly|rooms and bath, around fleor, hydro and Hurnished basement apartment with three heat included. A real home. Aduits. | 25 Division St. [SRIVATE 108? amici limpale, jPiece bath. Hydro, heat, private drive, |Available now. Close to hospital. 723-1789. "|and reliable. Terms. Telephone ae entrance. Stove, refrigerator. Adults! THREE - ROOM unfurnis apartment, |ROOM "AND BOARD "tor "gentlema |ONE- - BEDROOM | apartment, Look re- 'only. 728-8385 after 3 p.m. |private bath, heavy wiring, parking, | five-day week, Telephone 728- 575), 1966 CHEVROLET Caprice, four - "|THREE ROOMS and new bath. Private adults please. Working couple preferred. ~~ |hardtop, 427 motor, full power equipment lant IV waited Avaiubla: HOMIATION a ino yeeanee: ROOM AND BOARD for gentiemen,|inciuding brakes, steering, windows and = ie Lidia ins Ch tin tater tad - good home cooking, lunches packed. 148/aerial, very low mileage. Will sell hceh rch Street after S p.m.itWwO - BEDROOM apariment, $125|Ritson South, st offer. Terms if required. 723-6541. AVAILA Now. Large kitchen, 'pri-|monthiy. Apply 291 Marland Avenue, ~ | cs ate bath and enirance. Bed-sitting |Apartment 107 or telephone 723-6134. ROOM AND BOARD for young iady, He SLOSMOBILE 98, Sur | coe fare room. Stzve, refrigerator. Free neat, $80| |TWO - ROOM, self contained apartment, |Seruay '8undry done, seven-day week.) ie including. air-conditioning. | reo monthly. 723-8839 before 9 p.m |completely furnished. - Private bath |S |This car is in show room condition ONE - BEDROOM luxury apartment, all hydro included, TV outlet. One person COLBORNE EAST, $7. -- Rocm and! |Original price new $8,004. Will sacrifice "conveniences, modern apartment buiid-|$65 monthly. Couple $75 monthly board, gentleman to share, single beds, for best offer. Terms can be arranged ing. Lady preferred. Apply 91 Ritson'sPAacious two - bedroom apartment in|'lost_'© north GM and downtown. | Telephone 723-6541. ae Road North front half of double house. Garage, ROOM AND JARD for gentleman, '60 CHEVROLET Impala, '61 Meteor, kitchen and bath. Stove and re | LUSANNE VILLA 330 GIBB STREET ION APARTMENTS 941 Simcoe St Two bedroom apartment AVAILABLE MAY 1. Telephone 728-3506 telephone 725- 5524 oer. bathroom, |children, abstainers. Available new. an heated, near store and school | central, single roo heated Roomy breakfast nook jcontained, heat and hydro included, $60. LARGE two bedroo tment -\ties. Five or seven days. Telephone 723- |$574 BUYS 6) Trium HOW TO GET IT: 1¥ you dono! find the | item yeu want in the Want Ads, place a/ "Wanted" ad and get !f! Dial 723.3492, TH i | JOUSANDS reed "Times Action Classi-| immedi enees peng adults only, Telephone Phone 723-3492 to share. possession, Telephone 72 1967, ore hereby ZOLTAN and NICK'S Your Authorized Datsun undersigned on or before the 29th day of April, 1967 full particulars ef their claims, after 'which date the estate will be distributed having re- gard. only to the claims of which the undersigned shall Specializing in Volkswagen Repair and Service 160 Simcoe South 728-0051 * VOLVO « and PEUGOT | Dated at Oshawa this 29th x MERCEDES BENZ GEORGE CHARLES LEE WILSON, . joRew STREET, 74 -- Three or two|Paved drive, near schools, shopping. |home cooked meals, TV, parking. 43\both in excellent condition. Best offer. joms, furnished, central, adults or, Share bath. Heated, $100 morithly, 728 | Garrard Road by K | working couple or three individuals, No/4236 evenings. |ROOM AND 8 for. gentleme: . Call 723-5648. "BUICK Special, four-door |GROUND FLOOR, modern two - bed.| |147 Brock Street East or 725-2938. oom apartment, heat, laundry facilities, | , " |GENT' N REN B20 K ivate bath. iW Controlled aniranens 45 sublet. children| Advertise Your Vacar ICY | room, LEMaN jcoara ae tccheel jdark blue, good condition. Best jwelcome. Telephone 574-1034 | i lephone in Sne Ties Classified Section _, {tion room and television, parking facili | Telephone -723-1887 Sports car, small apartment Duilding- quiet, anal watch roomers come running! }0452. and close to transoprtation, all facilities LARGE R BOM, in F home, two beds|/at Nicols Motors, Whitby, Hwy. l. Central, jee or "proce a. [eeced considered. Telephone 576-2953 , very| 1963 OLDSMOBILE Super 88, four-door | home cooked meals. | alta Power steering and brakes, General Repair and Auto-Electric Service Jake and Bill's Garage 449 Ritson Rd. South EXECUTOR OF THE ESTATE OF GLADYS IRENE CARSON, sadan,| HUMPHREYS BOYCHYN & 361% King Street East 1958 conte very good ¢ condition, $195. $195. with matching interior, Easy to finance {te pne 723-0953 No. 2, lunches packed.|(west of Thickson Rd.), 668-3331, Licence pare Mg good running condition, Te 579510, Clasaifieds Continued on Page 18

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