Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Apr 1967, p. 15

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644, I\p+ ng, 50x ed ite. ne. A rt sit 25- sid ju- 17--Female Help Wanted |18--Male Help Wanted |18--Mele Help Wanted |20--Real Estate For Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale {20--Real Estate For Sale |20--Reol Estate for Sale | Beeline Fashions Now looking for part-time or full-time representatives in your area, Nationally adver- tised tine of ladies fashions. . No. experience necessary -- we will train. Samples sup- plied. Use of car necessary. Fer personal interview call: Mrs. Christoffersen 942-2347 TODAY SHORT ORDER COOK, retired, 10 am. Apply Mr. 2 p.m. daily, six-day week. Campbi Genosha Hotel. RELIABLE WOMAN to live in mother- less home to care for three children and do housekeeping. Wages Included. Write Box 61637, Oshawa Times, SPEEDHAND ABC BOOKS approved by Dept. of Education, enable U quality for Stenographer in 10 weeks at home. Free evenings. E. Casson, 605 lesson. No salesmen. Open Write or phone 668-4607 J. Beech St., Whitby, Ont. GIRL for Smith's Coffee Bar. Apply 317 Simcoe Street South or phone 725-3932. RELIABLE PERSON to care for one! child in country. Must live in, Welcome. | 753-2366. WANTED FOR LAW OFFICE, girl to Reply to! do part-time werk on estates. Box 61531, The Oshawa Times. RELIABLE WOMAN fo care for two- Bloor- Telephone year-old child in child's home, Simcoe district. Good wages. 728-5676 between 7-19 p.m RELIABLE PERSON fo care for three chool-age, two pre-school. | Tele-| children, one s Also light housekeeping phone 725-9794 after 6 p.m. duties. WAITRESS REQUIRED, 1) p.m.-7 a.m shift. Apply Mr. Campbell, Genosha Hotel, | WANTED. Female presser. Apply Ar- nold Palmer Cleaners, 255 King St. W. EXPERIENCED WAITRESS Apply Colonial Restaurant, 10 Street West. COMFORTABLE home offered" mother required. Bond and baby in exchange for light duties Central, small remuneration. Telephone 728-8818. EXPERIENCED SALES time work. Fox's Ladies' Wear, "tor tull Please apply in person to Oshawa Shopping Centre. THREE-ROOM basement apariment, plus three-piece bath, in exchange for light work. ig and Five-day week. 728-6010 after 6 p.m. EXPERIENCED TELLER W Apply Toronto-Dominion e Bank, preferably in_child's home, Wolfe East. Telephone 728-962: EXPERIENCED waitress for night shift. Apply In person to Rainbow Restaurant, ul 163 Brock St. N. Whitby. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED, sleep in, twe In school. Apply 378 Nipigon Street, er telephone 723-6200. care for three children, WANTED. | Whitby. | RELIABLE woman to care for child, vicinity of 9. WOMAN T6 BABYSIT six-mon-old, in jey through Friday. References required. Call after 7.30 p.m. 723-5440. child's home, RECEPTIONIST WANTED, for Oshawa - 35, preferably single business. Age 18 and with previous experience, also typ- Ing. Must be of good appearance and fhave own transportation. Hours approx- imately 3 to 9 p.m. Write brief resume to Box 62797, Oshawa Times. 18--Male Help Wanted PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT Quality Control TECHNICIANS INSPECTORS Three salaried positions to be filled immediate- ly. Successful applicants will be trained to full qualifi- cation over a one - year period, then will assume full inspector status and responsibility. Work involves inspection of in-process steel! pro- ducts, also testing. of specimens in the lab. Cal- culations and recording are an essential part of the job. Preference will be given to applicants with senior matriculation, or good standing in Grade 12. Ex- perience in product in- spection or in the steel industry will be an asset. Apply in your own hand- writing, clearly stating agg, marital. status, aca- demic standing and com- plete work experience. Please address applica- tions to: Lake Ontario Steel Company Limited Quality Control Department, P.O. Box 330, Whitby, Ontario Six Experienced AUTOMOBILE SALESMEN WANTED IMMEDIATELY crease in volume, of the area's leading au- tomobile experienced men imme- diately. We offer a= guar- commission, paid holi- days, group insurance, demonstrator and many other employee benefits. Our present employees know of this ad. Apply in writing giving complete sales resume to: Sales Manager Box M62301 OSHAWA. TIMES PRESS BRAKE OPERATOR Fully qualified for 225 ton press brake. Must be capable layout and die setup. SHEAR OPERATOR Fully qualified to oper- ate power shear with a capacity of %4" x 10'0". For interview, appoint- JENSON STEEL LTD. 66 RUSSETT AVE. OSHAWA 728-7318 Due to a tremendous in- one anteed weekly wage, top | of doing own | DRIVING INSTRUCTORS have late model €or and good driving record, OSHAWA DRIVING SCHOOL 728-0091 Full time. Over age 25. Must automatic REAL ESTATE SALESMAN retailers needs | rier. confidential interview. GRIFFIN Real | Estate. | 8144 MECHANIC. BOWMANVILLE Small well-equipped shop' un- der licensed man requires jun- ior with at least three years experience in the trade. Write stating age, education and references to BOX M62294 OSHAWA TIMES COOK /BAKER A male Cook/ Boker is requir- ed for the Ontorio County Jail. At least 5-10 years vol- ume cooking experience -- Institutional or Armed Forces. Salary $4,650 - $5,650 Excellent Fringe Benefits. Apply in writing. Box 156, Whitby, Ontario We require five good men immediately. Experience pre- ferred but not essential, Full training supplied. Age no bar- Establish yourself now with one of the top Real Es- tate firms in the oreo. Fur- ther particulars supplied in Call Mr. Sheriff or Mr. Kosteniuk, 723- phone 728-5154. and vy Group. Telephone 623-3893. TV SERVICEMEN, Full and parttime, experienced only, for outside work. Tele ORGANIST or bass player required im | |COOK REQUIRED, some helpful. Hotel. employment. Write Box 61630, Times. ply Mr. Campbell, Genosha Hotel experience Apply in person te Genosha BARBER WANTED for Oshawa. Steady Oshawa JANITOR REQUIRED, 6 p.m. - 2 am. Ap Agent-Telegraphers. First pay $475. a Mo, Self-Teaching books, salesmen. Write or 805 Beech Apply Barclay Transport Ltd., Kins Villa, 301 Dundas West, Whitby. EXPERIENCED SHEET METAL FABRICATORS Qualified In blueprint read- ing, layout and installation as applied to construction in- dustry. Also, STEEL FABRICATORS for custom work capoble of blueprint reading, and able to do own layout, For Interview Phone 725-6547 WANTED JOURNEY MEN ELECTRICIANS | Experienced in Industrial Construction EASTERN ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION Limited OSHAWA Tel. 723-4691 LASCO Requires Intermediate Cost Accountant THE POSITION: To perform daily costing function and to assistant cost accountant in the further development of the cost system. THE PERSON: A second or third year R.1. student who has had experience in pro- product and/or process cost accounting. THE COMPANY: A new dy- namic steel plant with ex- ceptional growth possibili- ties. Applicants ore invited te send resume in confidence to: LAKE ONTARIO STEEL CO. LTD. Box 333 WHITBY 2 MEN NOW IS THE TIME. We are opening up 3 new areas and can offer the best trade in ar- rangement in town. Our mo- dern office can offer per- sonal assistance and on the job training. If you have ever considered the selling profes- sion do both of us a favour and see me for a confidential interview, You may not have any exper- ience but if you don't mind long hours and are ot least 21 years old this may be your opoprtunity 'to enter a vital and interesting profession. Now is the time. Call Jim McMullan J. B. McMULLAN & CO, 725-3557 Member Oshawa & District Real Estate Board. CLASS "A" MECHANIC FOR FORD DEALERSHIP to act as manager in Oshawa Service Station, Apply: Vern Grady MacDONALD FORD SALES 520 King St. West 723-5241 h part-time. No experience Average over $2.25 per promptly. Rawieigh, Dept. 4005 Richeileu St., St. Henry, RAILWAYS need young men trained as around and Code machine enable U qualify at home Free folder. Open even- or phone J. St., Whitby, Ont. MAN WANTED for general office work. MALE COOK, over 25, married man pre- ferred. Apply in person. Scott's Chicken |TAKE ORDERS and deliver. Full or ces! Montreal. 19--Male and Female Help Wanted CHAMBERS FOOD CLUB Requires three ambitious salesmen or salesiadies. If you are willing to learn and eager te succeed we can show you how to make $1000 PER MONTH Applicants must be neat, | bendable and have own car. | Apply in person ot 933 RITSON RD. S$. WHITBY--OSHAWA--. BOWMANVILLE Part time each afternoon, no Sundays or holidays. Suit housewife, retired, semi-retir- ed, must be in good health and own a reliable car. FOR INTERVIEW Phone 728-416] 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. March 3lst, April 3rd |FULLER NEEDS managers. You can jmake $40. for ten hours weekly. Choose your own time, part or full time. Tele phone 728-4922. WANTED--experienced tutor for grade 3 student. Telephone 723-6053. 20--Real Estate For Sale OPEN HOUSE lpm. - 6 p.m. INVESTMENT DUPLEXES Let us show you how to have low monthly poyments of $60.00 including taxes. ELECTRIC HEAT Is just one of the extras fed- tured in these quality built N.H.A. duplexes. TRADE Yes, you con trade your pre- sent home or lot. Free Ap- praisal and no obligation, SEE YOU AT CENTENNIAL ACRES Dwight Avenue Wentworth Street to Cedar Street and south to our mo- dels. 725-3557 J.B. McMULLAN & CO. Realtor GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-5281 DON'T BE FOOLED | See with your own eyes Visit All Our OPEN HOUSES | This Weekend from 2-5 p.m. e ELGIN STREET DUPLEX | @ This is one of the better income homes, equipped with 3 bathrooms plus extra stool Fridges, stoves, beds and other so necessary in this type of home. The situation is the parking area is paved. Full price only $21,000 furniture, excellent, eae LOOK LISTEN DO YOU HEAR IT, YES, IVS the low down payment will sur-| DRIVE OUT THIS prise you e WHITBY SPLIT-LEVEL 11 @ 3 bedroom back-split with] large living room, kitchen, close to schools, better residential areas. Divided basement, paved drive. Reason- able down poyment home tonight | This Weekend | 2-5 p.m. | Quality Built Homes by Geo. Lysyk and Sons | | Applegrove Avenue | Go east on King St. to Mel- |rose, then south to Apple- | | | | | | grove. | e LAND-LAND-LAND IH @ $8,000 with down payment for 20 acres of slightly rolling land, partially treed, within 14 miles of Osh- awa, If you ore interested in 10 acres only, vendor is willing te sell o 10 acre parcel for $4, 000, The view of Lake Ontario is out of this world. Call to- night. e FOUR BEDROOMS IV @ To meet the needs of a young adult family, this split- level home includes large kit- chen, L-shaped living - dining room, 2 bathrooms with vanity. Attached garage, oil heated Full price $23,900. Moke an appointment to see it todoy, td ag @ gorage @ 2 bathrooms Now only $19,900 WALNUT. COURT Come east on Olive Ave., past Harmony te Florell | Drive, then north te Walnut | Court. | Open this weekend from | - 5 p.m. | e BEAUTY SALON V @ $2,300 is a give away for this well established Beauty Salon. Fully equipped and an appointment book full of clients Principals* please call for fur- ther confidential information, e OWNER MOVING TO TORONTO VI @ Here is on opportunity eto purchase o 3 yeor old clay brick and natural stone fire-| place bungolow with one N.H.A, mortgage, 414%, in beautiful condition, Everything hos been taken care, of. This home fea- tures Hollywood kitchen with built-in stove and oven. Large living room with Broadloom and in one of Whitby's| to one| 6%% mortgage. 'Phone us, we| will be pleased to show you this! modest | | WEEKEND AND | INSPECT THE Apri "open 1 Shower | | OF IN BEAUTIFUL Forest Glen Heights BUILT and BACKED BY ARMSTRONG HOMES @ electric heat | drapes, 2 bathrooms, one lerge room finished in basement Paved drive, patio, rear yard fenced. e JUST LISTED Vil @ Only 1 year old, beau- tiful 3 bedroom _ split-level house, attached garage and pa- tio. Large modern kitchen, lots of cupboards, L-shaped living and dining room. Close to pub- lic school, bus stops in front of house. Substantial down pay- ment required. Be the first to see it. Call us now, This Weekend Noon to 6 p.m. NEW DUPLEXES Priced to suit your pocket- book $2,825 down if you qualify, Easy Terms. Trades Accept- ed. Drive south on Simcoe $t. to Wentworth. Then west to Cedar St. Now come south to our Model Homes in CENTENNIAL ACRES, j cd Call. 723-5281. Open daily from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m, Walter Mittler 576-2345 Leon Manitius 728-2754 Judi Knocker 723-8771 Italo Bortolussi 723-6329 Kathryn Armstrong 723-1884 Vernon Corson 723-9785 Steve Englert 728-5581 Allan Bertrand 985-7251 Ernest Mueller 728-0208 El. Ann Thompson 728-4731 Marilyn Fitzgerald 668-5313 Roy Flintoff 725-3454 Morris. Fogel 723-2563 Jean Peacock 725-4330 Jack Grahom 728-2634 George Nymeyer 728-424) Lloyd Corson 723-2537 Lucas Peacock 725-4330 Dick Y 723-7183 GUIDE REALTY LIMITED, 16 Simcoe St\ $,, Oshews, IF YOU QUALIFY DOWN PAYMENTS From $1,434 674% N.H.A, MORTGAGES - PRICED FROM $18,700. Includes built-in range, even, | storms and screens, BUNGALOWS, SPLIT- LEVELS, 3 and 4 Bed- rooms, Fireplace, Gar- age, Carport, DIRECTIONS: Harmony Road North opposite Eastdale Col- legiate and Vincent Massey Public School. MODELS FLOOD-LIT Open 9 to 9 Including Sundays EXCLUSIVE AGENTS SPRING REAL ESTATE LTD. @ 723-6461 @ 723-8144 @ 942-3310 SATURDAY and SUNDAYS SCHOFIELD-AKER | REALTOR LIMITED Servicing Oshawa and District for over 31 years 723-2265 GRACIOUS OLDER HOME with a great deal of charm and dignity. Lovely large en- trance hall; full dining room, nicely porportioned _ living room with fireplace and book- cases plus a bay window, plus @ $un-room ---- most modern kitchen with living light ceil- ing; master bedroom also with fireplace and sun-room; 4 other bedrooms, 2 _ baths, broadioom throughout; double garage; large lot. Shown by appointment only. ON A QUIET COURT situated among trees this ex- ecutive type home offers gra- cious family living -- two fireplaces, full dining room, 22 tt. living room opening on- to a lerge balcony, 23 ft. den, large kitchen with door to pa- tio, four bedrooms, two bath- rooms, utility room, attached garage. A home well worth seeing! Call to-night for an appointment. PERFECT SETTING Beautiful two storey, three bedroom home with double garage, electrically heated, only two years old -- is de- signed for comfort. Family room with fireplace, recrea- tion room, den, plus many ex- tras. Choice location. Call us for an appointment te in- spect. WELL MAINTAINED Home, 2 years old in good north location. Seven rooms, 2 storey with attached gar- age, recreation room, 2 bath- rooms. Priced to sell. Call for further particulors. IMMACULATE Large bright kitchen' with cupboards galore, dinette with built-in buffet, attractive liv- ing room, 3 bedrooms and bath with vanity. Stone walk and planter with lamp post at front of house adds to its at- tractiveness, Hedged lot with barbecue. Excellent value ot just $15,900. PRICED RIGHT ot $16,900 with just $3,000 down -- this immaculate five room brick bungalow has a well treed lot with garden area, paved drive. Hardwood and corlon floors. Vendor will hold one open mortgage for the balance CADILLAC AVE. N. Only $2,500 down payment required for this beautiful 1% storey home, with full price of $16,900. Broadloom in living room, dining room and hallway, wired for dryer, sub - floor in basement, 2 baths, recreation room and fireplace, plus many more features as well as an excel- lent location. Call tonight for 6n appointment. For full particulars eall 723-2265 Irene Brown Marg Hall 723-1358 Willard Johnston 728-1066 Irwin Cruikshanks 728-5205 725-3867 Me! Dale 623-5638 George Twaites 723-2008 Mike Belmonte 725-8300 Moaible Boudreau 728-2233 Ed Drumm 725-9345 Reg Aker 725-0201 Bill McFeeters 725-1726 OPEN DAILY 9 TILL 9 Members of O.D.R.F.B. WE LIST and SELL MLS 360 King St. West, Oshawa Guaranty Trust Co. PRESENTS NEW HOMES BY MARIANNA DEVELOPMENTS at Somerville and Iroquois North of Rossland Road W. OPEN FOR INSPECTION | | 1 P.M. to 5 P.M. DAILY BY APPOINTMENT 3 Bedrooms Car Port's or Att, Garages Hardwood and Tile Floors All Plastered Walls Oil Heating 3 models to choose from 6% NHA Mortgages MORTGAGES ARRANGED | Low down payment Qualifying buyers Guaranty Trust | Co. | a R| FFI N | 32 King St. E. 728-1653 | GRIERSON AT GRETA -- Brick Bungalow. All the living space a small family would ask for, a big cheery living room 25 ft. long, with dining eres. A large kitchen with lots of work and storage space. Custom built for pre- sent owner, and in perfect condition. To inspect, please call Jean Peacock, 725-4330, of Guide Realty Ltd, Realtors, 723-5281, | Scenic stream. $6,000 -- Terms. | Ideal rooms with two bedrooms. All conveniences. Close to shop- ping. Must be sold. Asking | $14,700. | shape panelled rec room. Ask- | | | | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, April 1, 1967 15 KASSINGER HOMES OPEN | THIS WEEKEND 1 P.M, until 5:30 P.M. AT PINEWOOD | } TERRACE | DIRECTIONS | WILSON RD. NORTH 1 BLOCK SOUTH OF ROSSLAND RD. E, @ BUNGALOWS and 2 STOREYS @ GARAGES--BALCONIES @ WALKOUT BASEMENTS @ LOT COMPLETELY SODDED @ COMPLETELY DECORATED PRICED FROM $19,675 DOWN PAYMENTS FROM $1,436.40 | | IF YOU QUALIFY | EXCLUSIVE AGENTS | SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. 123-2265 360 KING ST. WEST | | { | OSHAWA | FRANK. REAL ESTATE LIMITED 21 King Street West | Bowmanville Member Oshawa & District Real Estate Board |20--Real Estate for Sule |20--Real Estate for Sale GRIFFIN CEDAR RIDGE REAL ESTATE LTD. OPEN HOUSE 155 SIMCOE ST. S. 723-8144 WANT VALUE? Try an offer on this 3 bed- room brick bungalow with paved drive. T.V. tower, fenced yard, built-in stove and oven with many extras. Owner leaving Oshawa. Car- ries for $112 principal, inter- est and taxes. To inspect call Dolores Ross. A TEAHOUSE? No! A 4 bedroom family home --- yes! Most honour- oble couple inspect ly' storey brick, with finished recreation. room. Full price $14,900. Call please Helen Bryant AN APRIL FOOL Yo won't be if you toke a look today ct this 3 bedroom home with attached garage, finished recreation room, 2 bathrooms, Carries for $116 including toxes, Ask for Ethel Tranter BASEMENT APARTMENT 6 room brick bungalow - N.H.A, re-sale, has separate dining room, 3. bedrooms, lorge lot. 3 room apartment rents for $100 monthly. Ask ing $21,600. Te see call Pauline Beal. Open 9 a.m Member of O.D.R.E.B. After Hours Call to 9 pom. Ethel Tranter 728-5917 Helen Bryant 723-5369 Dolores Ross 728-1964 Jack Sheriff 723-3775 Pauline Bea! 725-0239 Margaret Lee 723-2894 SIBBY'S. Real Estate Ltd, 728-7576 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Brock St. E. at Mary. Two storey 8 room brick home in good condition with private drive and good size lot, Only $3,000. down. LARGE FAMILY? Nine room brick two storey home with 5 bedrooms. Could be used as 0 two family home, has two kitchens and two complete bathrooms. Large cement block garage, large lot and patio. Asking $5,000. down GROCERY STORE and HOME Neighborhood store, _ fully equipped plus 7 room brick home with 4 bedrooms. All in excellent condition. Inspect this money. maker now. When buying or selling call 728-7576 or one of our cour- teous salesmen listed below. Jerry Coady 723-6356 Nick Siblock 725-5701 Steve Lehan 728-9326 Charlie Rankine 728-3682 Anthony Siblock 725-4362 Tony Zakarow 725-4366 BUILDING LOT -- VIEW OF LAKE ONTARIO 623-3393 | | Surveyed building lot 100' x 325°; -- half down. Kendo! Hills. $1,500 KASSINGER CONSTRUCTION | | BOWMANVILLE AREA | 10-acre parcel with | ESTATE SALE retirement home, 5 | SUITABLE FOR V.L.A | 6-room ranch style bungalow | just outside of Bowmorwille, | on half gore of land. All large rooms, fireplace, at- tached garage. Large "L"' ing $20,000. CONCESSION ST., BOWMANVILLE 2-storey brick home in good area. Many extras. Close to schools. shopping and churches. Ask- Ing down, 4 bedrooms, garage. $24,500 | $10,000 CALL 623-3393 AFTER 9 P.M. Clare McCullough 723-7843 | Joe Bornoski 723-5787 Rod Kruger 723-7900 Bob Johnston 725-6788 Ernie Wilson 725-9750 Pat Yeo 623-3077 Ken Hockin 623-5055 Roy Foster, Orono 983-5801 Weston Banister Howard Forder Brooklin 655-3853 George Beaton 985-2987 | | Campbelicroft 102312 Port Perry | HEATHER COURT -- From the charming living room of this gem, with place, you have direct entry to balcony, which overlooks. oa beautifully with creek. A family dining room, built in stove and oven | in kitchen. A beautifully fin- ished Rec. room with bar, with Peacock, 725-4330, of Guide Realty 5281, RANCHER -RAVINELOT -- | s stone fire- treed garden Ltd. Realtors, 723- | Advertise Your Vacancy | in the Times Classified Section . . .| watch roomers come running! Phone 723-3492 | CONSTRUCTION | nena FIVE BEDROOM HOME call WILLARD JOHNSTON, SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD, 728- We'll Custom | Build Your Home Anywhere .. . | | FEATURING: @ Experience in Building, planning, financing, @ Always on time -- follow schedule closely, @ Strict inspection and con- trol. @ Use your plan or ours. | Hundreds of award win- | ning designs. | @ Very competitive pricing. @ We can arrange complete | financing. | N.H.A. or conventional Mortgages available. . | | @ All building performance completely guaronteed, | Phone Today | | | | | | IMcMU | | | Split-level. 2 storey with attached gar- ages Bungalows Choose one of these beautiful homes and TRADE Yes, we will appraise your present home which can be traded on a new one, No ob- ligation, of course, N.H.A These new homes are con- structed to N.H.A. standards and have 634% mortgages. CEDAR RIDGE At Taunton Rd. and Simcoe St. west on Taunton to Som- merville to entrance Beacon Homes Limited Marianna Construction J. Finnegan Construction 725-3557 LLAN & CO. Reoltors OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE LTD. (REALTOR) 515 Brock St. S., Whitby 668-5853 OSHAWA Neat 2 bedroom bungclow near Park Rd. South. Panell- ed living room, full dining room, fenced yard. Asking $12,500.00. Call 668-5853 to inspect, THREE 2 bedroom bungalows, ask- ing $10,500.00 per house, R4 Zoning, presently rented at $100.00 each. Call Audrey Moore for further information 668-5853 or 668-4088 BUILDER'S SPECIAL 4 ten acre lots, choice loca- tion near Oshawa. Total price $15,00.00 -- terms. Cell Audrey Moore 668-5853 or 668-4088 CHOOSE YOUR NEW HOMESITE IN BEAU VALLEY -- NOW -- A limited number of fully | serviced lots are now available in Oshawa's | finest Location | 60' Lots -- $7,500. | Nowhere in Oshawa can you |. buy better lots for less } money. If you are planning | on building this spring, NOW is the time to choose the plan you like best, Over 100 different plans available. Or bring your own plon and have it priced for you --~ no | obligation -- free valuation on your present home -- Trades accepted -- Mortgages arranged. Call 723-2265 for fast courteous service _SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. You are invited to inspect, this weekend, on Harmony and Olive. New, different mo- de! homes are available for you to buy. Trade your pre- sent home. No money requir- ed. We also build your cus- tom home anywhere. CALL MARIANNA DEVELOPMENTS 723-0575 ANYTIME RETIREMENT AND INCOME IN NORTH WEST OSHAWA 8 room brick home with double attached garage. Divided into 2 apartments bringing in $135.00 and $95.00 respectively. Lovely fireplace in living room, 2 bathrooms. Only a few steps from Simcoe St. North bus stop, shopping, school, and church, For further information call Morris Fogel, 723-5281, Guide Realty Limited. SEIemnnene en 18 SUITE , APARTMENT BUILDING Very well situated, fully rent- ed apartment building. Paved parking area. Apply 76 Li- berty St. Apt. 203, Bowman- ville or telephone 623-2609, ONLY $1995 DOWN buys these new 3 or 4 bedroom electrically heated dwellings, featuring aluminum Siding and with low 728-7583 KASSINGER IMCOE STREET NORTH UNIQUE Completely modernized kit- chen, spacious halls and broadloomed throughout. Two 1066 for appointment. down monthly payments of $90.44, For more information ask for Harold Segal, at 725-3557, J. B. McMullan and Co. PRIVATE -- Nearly room brick bungalow with two rooms, built-in kitchen stove and refrig- erator, plus many other extras. Offer a new three-bed- bath- lown payment to the asking price of PRIVATE SALE -- near pranes Rageeguam (ial 4 (presently used as offices): wo | cash. $16,900. CADILLAC Avenue North -- Three-bedroom, maculate Condition. ful panelled living room. Quaint dining room off @ huge modern kitchen. Recrea- tion room is tastefully decorated and has @ two-piece washroom also. Cali Georbe Twaites at 723-2008 or 723-2265 for ap- pointment to see. Schofield-Aker Ltd. $1,000 FULL down payment on this two storey, three - move. Ston, 725-9365. Metcalf Real Estate Ltd. TRIPLEX complete frigs, automatic washer and dryer, TV antenna, 'fully rented. Situated in- north- east and in d only $18,900, Phone 728-6593. E E income property, Five Points, three-bay garage, apartments 723-7539. $45,000, discount for 1% storey home in im- Fireplace in beauti- bedroom home. Good size = A fi lot, near schools, bus and shopping. walk-out to 2 patios one cov- and a half baths. Heated two [Hurry tor thin one. Cun George Twaites ered. 4 pc. luxury bathroom, car garage, circular paved at 723-2008 or 723-2265. Schofield-Aker and 2 pc. powder room, paved drive. Beoutiful full grown |Ltd st ccna eae one drive and attached garage. | pine, maple . trees and FOeRItee! BE eich pped iedagha | room pric! wngalow, immediate pos- To inspect, please call Jean hedges. Just listed so please session. Vendor extremely anxious to Open to offers. Call Bob John- Stoves with and excellent condition. Call GET CASH FAST peak hee Mes Nanas J. B. McMullan SELL WITH TIMES HARMONY ROAD NORTH -- $2,500 ACTION CLASSIFIED ADS down payment, on a8 large lot, fireplace in living roam. After hours call Les Hall, 728-5513 or J. 8. McMullam and Co, Realtors, 7a5-3957°) three - bedroom home

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