WHITBY DAY BY - DAY THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, March 30, 1967 Sif sii WHITBY -- AJAX rd) oo Pee i ccreday Marines Sats WO" 2 M | GRIPS FRENCH FANS WHITBY Saturday Matinee Starts 1:30 New Executive Named Centennial Guard ey American color musical ' yest Side Story played in Paris | as ICH In Green Garb? [movie theatres Tor tive. years| Two Mighty Armies . Trampled Its Valley... . . s TORONTO (CP) without a break ; s I --A_ Toronto TORE SESSA ce aA ---- By Historic al Society | || acTORONTO, (CP)-A. Toront 'A Fighting Family (2¢/ Challenged Them Both! | jaucing the first 450 dark green The Theatrical Company ef ad WHITBY (Staff)--Twenty in-jsented to the membership at. as aes & tee en baa agus terested people attended Whit-/the next meeting. | {centennial guard of honor . oe by Historical Society meeting] Mr. Valleau showed-& parch-| lExpo 67. NOEL CowaRD's f : t the held at the home of Mrs. A.|ment certificate presented to Murray D. Levi 4 H H ied to Ingram, Pine Street and heard|his grandfather on his gradua-| © dent of Sai Parihipee hese ees mire 4 a : surely V. N. Steyrmo, provincial mu-|tion from military school; also! ~ | ltd. said zh wa ofa and Co. | ' | ead ° AN de eee Se, F screen seum advisor, give advice onla geneological chart tracing his) § m \forne are 'bei ie a uni ee Pa ce : : TECHNICOLOR > were the formation of a proposedjancestors among the early Ca-. © lcompany's plant here . ne . FRIDAY. Ka COSTARRING ve : museum for Whitby. He cited |nadians. | tag _--e ----MARCH 31st oe MeCLURE-GLENNCORBETT-PARIK WAYNE: KATHARINE ROSS ROSEMARY FORSYTH h it," the proper way to incorporate) Mrs. Earl Ward brought a He said SATURDAY--APRIL 1st || A UNIVERSAL PICTURE oe in a a society of this nature book printed at the time of the| Pied grotiarnnap belli eh 8:00 P.M e the The election of officers was|Whitby centennial in 1955 re-| h ' s Canada ied | yoni H pee st like held with Duncan McIntyre pre-|lating Whitby's early history.| vont pe ge go by the depart | TICKETS 1.00 | Aus ---- er Janey you're siding. The officers are: Presi-|Earl Hahn had an interesting) special Px wage oF gee n the | a ea tee! | Jockeys and Salute to the Tall Ships dent, Mrs. A. Ingram; vice-|book containing stamps which -- a st two president, Richard Valleau; |illustrated the early Canadian swept secretary, G. G. Arnold. Direc- history. top of tors are Duncan Mclntyre,| Interested observers were : | down Mrs. R. D, Ruddy, Mrs. H. B.|Mrs. Benson Dickson and Mr.| fiw | ea, A Muckle and Guy Winter. and Mrs, H. Fills, of Toronto, | failed The executive is setting up ajwho are members of the United | gh = constitution which will be pre-/Empire Loyalist Society, | r two vas in | to Te . . . | SRL SR ASR AERA PB ARSE RSE ES ACS ES ES ESE ASS EPA TST HS COE SMES nt une Special Music Features Easter Services | int of Easter weekend services at|Assembly Hall Sunday after- .j jane _|St. John's Ukrainian odox} Shovel menced with Good Friday wor-/cy ch told of some Ukrainian] : an ». ship. The soloist was H. Ramm-|paster traditions associated, : "f adian ler who sang "My Song Shall| with congregational and family : is ss ' : : yards omg Faster Day began with|life. This included the custom| ' ' 2 a cnen apap ¥ oe ag | males the Hi-C Easter Breakfast at-jof coloring eggs with beautiful | een: tended by members of the} and intricate designs. Young FIVE GENERATIONS AT FAMILY DINNER | > gain aeration and Senior Claceeg ayn were Kenly interested! a family dinner held at the family attended. From © Lynne Thaxton and Mrs. | Front Easter Sunday services in-lof this art. the home of Mr. and Mrs. left are Mrs. Sam Young, Lorne Bradley, Whitby. | cant cluded Holy Communion at. 9| Music for the afternoon was ate gar ri 500 Walnut oe eee Brie pn lag Mrs. Warren | ROCKET ] 5 HOLIDAY 15 killed a.m, and Easter Praise at 11|provided by the Junior and In-| S'Tee!, Whitby, was unique and sbi A ap ; a.m. The Junior and Senior|termediate Choirs under the|_i" that five generations of Albert, Sask; Sherry eno ty: SPANNEE: "THE" Deluxe Trailer, sleeps 6, 75 |b. ice 7,184, ce 4st : r " F aaah pov 24s ese - _ ---- gearen eae Sa RR RL OT CR _ meripaed Our economy model. 3 burner stove, 75 |b. bs , Pp ' we ny the Choirs provided the special|leadership of Mrs. D. Williams. . box, 3 burner stove, trunk, front window music. The Juniors sang "Alle-|Selections sung by the junior hd = ice box, sleeps 4 or 6. Water tank and pump, awning, anodized trim, 20 Ib. propane bottle luia", the Seniors sang "The/choir were "Hymn of Praise". ulre | propane bottle and regulator, Q. Plug. 12 volt, and regulator awning rail, 25 gal. water iiss Bells Are Gaily Ringing", and|'Easter Song', "Alleluia" and 3 110 volt and light k and : : the combined choirs joined in|"Easter Hymn'. The inter- " gos lights. tank and pump. Dickinson's 'In Joseph's Love-|mediate choir sang '"'Were You ly Garden". At both services)There When They Crucified My . > NOW ON DISPLAY NOW ON DISPLAY Harmen Siersma was soloist|Lord?" and "The Creation". In u or ul lI i S | and sang "The Holy City". this last selection Joe Creech | - The Easter Family Gathering}was the narrator and Linda at St. Mark's was held in thelHorack was the soloist. | OTTAWA (Special) -- More,completed, the Review reports.;cians are employed. In the lab-| than 5,000 piles will have to be/This temporary roof will tail anaes nine development pro-| R 2 - driven to support the main|serve as a form for the plane iets are already under way} KET 17 Needlepoint Picture Address Theme plant structures at the Picker-jing of the permanent Lanes hen a number of others sched- | The guest speaker, Mrs. E.|While the picture was made thejing nuclear power station, it|roof. The perimeter walls of the|uled to start shortly. | Gas frig., toilet, Electric brakes, double gas | in ean Bowman, was introduced by|Work was held up for two years|is reported in the current edi-|second reactor building have|_ Ontario Hydro is building the| bottles, oven on stove, 25 gal. water tank, HOLIDAY 17 Shower, toilet, hot and cold running water, propane electric frig. Electric brakes, oven, double gas bottles, trunk, front window awn- Mrs. W. E. Davidson at the|#s all the 'thread came from)... of the AECL Review, s| ace "tg al SOY oe, ih Conede acting es] trunk, awning rails, sleeps 6 ing, power dome fan on stove a j ' . ; ei ut will not be com-|™ \ | if 5 J St. Mark's United Church Twenty calls to sick and shut-;monthly publication for em- pleted until next spring. {consulting engineer for the nu-| Now ON DISPLAY Now ON DISPLAY Women Unit 4 meeting. Herjins. The April meeting will be|ployees of Atomic Energy of, the|Clear portion pn a normal com-| topic was the picture of theja book review. The May 23icanada Limited. Elsewhere on the site main activity is the placing of|me cial basis. "Last Supper'? which hangs in meeting will be held at Fair- The work of driving 1,000/Concrete for the first turbine |-= St. Mark's Church parlor. Mrs.| view Lodge when Mrs. A. Archi-| 1 °'4, form the foundation of|building and the construction of de Ollen-Bittle thanked the hie jee gd ove rf sa fhe vacuum building has 'uct|the spent fuel storage bay. | Th " ture was hand made Saints? Anatican Church April 6|/been completed. This building, peter ewes ne latter in aeuinepait by Mrs C. Me- creating was received Pithe which will be 170 feet high and/Part of 1966 delayed construc- ers : : 3 1166 feet in diameter, will con-/t!on work at the Pickering 1965 CORVAIR "19" HOLIDAY %-TON TRUCK CAMPER Lellan, the frame beautifully|Spring buffet will be May), _|plant but there is as yet noj} Monza -- 2 Door Hardtop ' ' carved, was done by Mrs. Jef-/4, when Controller Mrs. June seal pag hog Of a. major indication that this will affect! Blue Ph sag potty, ee box, sleeps te 12 volt -- AVAILABLE fries, her sister. The picture}Marks, Toronto, will be the saciiient: the completion date of the pro-| ce. 340028 volt gas lights, water tank and pump. Same Equipment as 17 Jacks, awning rail, mounting rings. Li $ Also available in 6 sleeper -- Side Dinette e Model. ; NOW ON DISPLAY LECKIE TENT TRAILERS "LADY KIRK" Deluxe, pull out model. was completed in 1937 and at!speaker. ject. First operation of the % Ton Truck Camper, Prop frig., heater, toilet, oven on stove, Jacks also available. G.M.A.C. Terms Available TRADE ACCEPTED CHEV. OLDS 300 Dundes $. E. WHITBY Guests, over the Easter holi- Opens to 14 feet. Permosol otis duck tenting, "The best Available" Reg. 695.00 -- Plus Mattresses Mrs. MclLelland's death was) The meeting closed with an\poor COMPLETED number one reactor is called presented to Whitby United|/Faster thought by Mrs. Sawyer| The temporary roof for the|for in November 1970. Church, July 19, 1959. Mrs. E.|"'No Matter what Holiday It!rct reactor building has been| Bowman had a plaque made|is Easter marks for Men Hope-|_-- 700 EMPLOYED for the picture to this effect.'ful Change'. Present staff at the site Lif S : numbers: 700 and this will be| | e aving built up to a peak of about s 1,200 for the construction of WHITBY PERSONALS Awards Given {i.irint ciation, this, ye much of the concrete work wil! St. Mark's United Churc: Wo-} Flight Se:zeant Bruce Killens, jbe completed including the tur- BOWMANVILLE -- The re-}); 'di at present with the Canadian |bine building block and columns. ef hacen Forces Tattoo, Mr. and|Sults of the Royal Life Saving) at Sheridan Park, design Bridge Evening at the home of/y7,.° Ray Killens and children, |S°ciety of Canada tests, held/work for the Pickering project Mrs. H. Van Deuren, Bowman|Montreal, were Easter holiday|4t the Pine Ridge School pool,|i; going ahead on schedule and Avenue. Bridge will be played|guests of Mrs. .E. B, Killens./were announced by the recre-/ahoyt 350 engineers and techni- at 10 tables with prizes awarded| Visiting are Corporal Ronald|ation department. The instruc- : ip licks wi Lunch will be|Killens and children, Ottawa. |tors were William Bagnell, © jucky winners. Lunch. will be Lorna Caverly and S. Reynolds. im served. Mrs. Keith Lunney will Those passing the tests were: assist the hostess. a be ge Fig: Anges 4 Bronze Medallion: Doug Par- Mrs. Donna Martin, Mrs. R.|Bell Drive, were: Mr. and Mrs. vl "Vea Nike Jack: Hurlbert and Mrs. G. Gordon|Clarey McMillen and daughter|Pa soe Norma Lee and Jim will attend, as representatives} Patsy, Ottawa and Mr. and Mrs. a an ' . from the All Saints' Anglican|Morley McMillen, Winnipeg, | 7°°°°S* Church Afternoon Guild, the|who are on their honeymoon. Bar to Bronze Medallion: Wm, RED WING "ai i Anglican Church Women's meet-| 1, up pe Bary orga 3rd Bar, Lorna Cav- ve 1g, by ing at the parish hall this even- Street an Gant inthe Oo i OF of j ing. Mrs, Charles Rycroft will/S'reet, 1s @ patient! Award of Merit: John Stur- NO TRADE ' preside, awa General Hospital. rock, Tom Barton, Disene Hae, 00 eat 4 iax C t.|tison, Shawn Leddy and David| hunch A Father and Son banquet ts iu rer gh pad ag ge Wiseane | aaal hiuie! SPECIAL 8 ; hon- ; yang bee pe vine ged ye home of Mrs. Jackie Wilkes aaeeatesamenane een Pee eres Unassembled on a Whe; Climnenity Avene. * 8" \Beachview Avenue, Pickering SUI ) Toothbrush ! * ; ? Beach, this Friday with Sister T as . , "0 Markham and Stouffville Men-|Fileen Gilbert and members of | en On Display Now "INSIDE" Showroom j nonite choir of 20 voices enter-/her committee in charge. Prizes mee Messure Cold Storage Open for Retail Soles ig tained residents of Fairview|will be awarded to lucky win- | y | oe PAM 3 PM OCVI Lodge Tuesday evening. ners and lunch served. | TIP TOP MONDAY to SATURDA tor | HOUSE OF HOBBERLIN [|| Except Sunday : 1 9 pgiate . AT | Leentad A gins Pak of a sa Council Recommends | jaar "BIG RED APPLES" USS | PHONE. 668-3311 i i vig tage | THE "ORIGINAL" HARD TOP TENT TRAILER Ingle Flanning Doar | MEN'S SHOP | | ee 129 Brock St. S. | : A pe BROOKLIN (Staff) --Twolafter amalgamation until the | Whitby 668-2091 @ Bigger and Better Than Ever @ New economy model with self sealing top : resolutions that will affect the|jcontract has expired. At that , him- district in the event of amalga-|time it might possibly be re- | 'Seek mation were passed by Whitby|newed by the new council. : | ay be Township Council this week. Furthering its centennial| | while A recommendation was ac-/plans, the township is ordering 46 55 | cepted that if amalgamation playground equipment for two takes place Jan. 1, 1968, the two|township parks. Willow and | sisi planning boards will be dis-|Brooklin Parks will be equip- H solved ae Pty mister ra ped with climbers, slides, pic- mS | 1 ONLY municipal affairs asked to/nic tables and other miscel- Wh Y, h Cl b establish a single planning |laneous equipment. Public The it Vv ac t u . . diene board in their stead. washrooms were erected in the Lt 1966 Used Silverliner SMALL DELUXE TENT TRAILERS Sleeps 4 or 6. Used 1 Season. The proposed single planning|parks last year in anticipation | board would consist of the|of the present plans. | mayor of the new municipal-| Centennial events will be ity and 10 members appointed/held in each park on sepa- by council, two of whom would/rate dates later in the year, be councillors. The eight board|after the equipment has been members appointed by councillinstalled. would reflect the 1967 composi- tion of the planning boards in existence. 49 The township's garbage col- (@) lection agreement, which does : not expire until Dec. 31, 1968, will be allowed to continue Sleep: 6, Table, Goucho Bed, Bunks 650.00 Cordially Invites All persons interested With mattress. 250.0 SALES 1 ONLY 13 ft. Cabin Trailer Used 1 season, gas, stove, ice box, sleeps 4, Gas and Hydro Lights. . . 995.00 WILDE service's SERVICE AND SAVINGS ACCOUNTS Chequing Privileges No Service Charge 1 (e) SPECIAL 4 4 0 DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS Minimum $1,000. Present Pass-book te Withdraw 6% in boating to attend the | ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING AT The Whitby Centennial Building PACKAGE TOURS FOR INDIVIDUALS OR GROUPS aoe meee GUARANTEED DOWNTOWN MONTREAL HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS MONTHLY INSTALMENT CERTIFICATES eae fe ee Inquiries to: | 5 Year Term | | DONALD | SAT., APRIL Ist - 10:00 A.M. wie cae | war. NON-BOAT OWNERS WELCOME : 1415 DUNDAS ST.E. WHITBY | 668-3226 Whitby, Ont. 668-5897 |