Oshawa Times (1958-), 29 Mar 1967, p. 30

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30 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, March 29, 1967 ss in hob BIRD CASUALTIES HIGH Pam Bains, 20, works in estimate more than 15,000 the bird hospital of the gulls, cormorants and other sea birds have died and an- other 30,000 trapped unable Royal Society for the Pre- vention of Cruelty to Ani- mals at Mousehole,. Corn- to fly because their wings wall, England, removing oil were clogged' with oil which saturated feathers of spreading from the ship Guillemots and cormorants wreck. after oil tanker wreck off British west coast. Experts --AP Wirephoto - NEWS IN BRIEF PLANS LSD LEGISLATION approved a two-year agreement TORONTO (CP) --Legisla-|providing salary increases tion to increase control of the|ranging from $600 to $940 ret- drug LSD is being prepared byjroactive to Jan. 1. The 14 the federal government and will|nurses' salary scale now ranges be introduced in Parliament as|from $5,200 to $6.400 a year. soon as there is room on the or- i 3 der. paper, Health Minister Al- ALLAN TO RUN AGAIN lan MacEachen said in an in BRANTFORD (CP) --James terview Tuesday. At present it N. Allan, 72, announced Tues- is illegal to sell LSD but not to|\day he will again be a candi- possess it. date in Haldimand-Norfolk rid- e eee ing in the next provincial elec- TOTS REV IV ED tion. Mr. Allan, for many years GARSON, Ont..(CP) --One-|provincial treasurer, is minister year-old David Guindon, and| without portfolio in the Progres- his five-year-old sister, Becky,/sive Conservative cabinet of were revived by mouth to/premier Robarts. mouth resuscitation by a fire- man and police constable Tues- PROFESSOR DIES day after fire swept an apart-| HALIFAX (CP)--Prof. David ment in this community 10/stuart Nicol, former chairman miles northeast of Sudbury./of the department of electrical Their two-year-old brother, Ron-Jengineering at Nova Scotia ald, was unharmed. Officials|Technical College, died here said the children had stopped|Monday. He was 78. A native breathing when they were found/of Cataqui, Ont., he graduated in the building. in engineering from Queen's MEET FOR MUSIC University in 1909. Prof. Nicol r 4 |was appointed to the faculty of omer Goan oe electrical engineering 'at the and 700) : a |technical college in 1930 and delegates are here for a three- taught there until his retire- day music convention under the| ; f joint sponsorship of the Cana- | ment in 1953. dian Music Educators' Associa- MUST SEEK BALANCE tion and the Ontario Music Ed- TORONTO (CP) --Over-con- he th Poe ga we Sessions | centration of industry hurts a cueeal ord ieteaniarial per.(both urpan and: rural areas, formance and talks about how | Robert Nikony Sarao are leader, told the Toronto Junior to teach music to girls and boys Board of Trade Tuesday. He sce ee school: through uni- | aid Canadians must strive for versity. la proper balance and decentral- EARN MILLIONS ize industrial operations. WATERLOO (CP) -- About| ee 2,500 students at the University B ll of Waterloo enrolled in courses y D run in conjunction with indus- e ancers trial jobs earn more than $3,000,000 a year, a university B k T S$ h ] survey shows. The students at ac 0 Cc 00 tend courses for four months ' ' , and then work for a similar pe- .CATRO (AP) --Ezgypt's exo- riod before returning to classes tie belly dancers will soon have to go to schoo). The government NURSES GET RAISES has classified their wriggling BRANTFORD (CP) -- Public "shamefully meaningless'? and health nurses and the Brant; decided to open a school for this County health board Tuesday ancient art. ee eae Only shapely, attractive bru- . nettes will be admitted, an an- Lavish Book nouncement said. Brunettes are more representative of the Or- . ient than blondes, the announce- For Centennial == ## The down-to-earth dance must LONDON (CP)--The average he transformed into an art more Canadian will have to dig deep|in keeping with the nation's de- in his pocket if he is to acquire termined progress," the an- the huge, lavish centennial|/nouncement stressed. Russian book produced by Canadian ballet experts will be hired to photographer Roloff Beny. revamp the belly dance by in- The London publishersjtroducing 'meaningful' mo- Thames and Hudson, said Mon-|vement to it. day the book will sell for $25! The belly dance will no longer in Canada and $31.50 in Brit-|be a source of sexual excite- ain ment, it will be an art expres Beny, a native of Medicine {sive of oriental music and at- Hat, Alta., put about four years|mosphere, the announcement of thought and effort into this|went-on. Even the name belly creative work to be published/dance is to be abolished and the April 24. name "oriental dance'? should Sponsored by John David Ka-/replace it ton of Toronto, president of the} Practising belly dancers will T. Eaton Co., Ltd., the book|have to enrol for a short-term has been selected by the Cana-|study at the projected school to dian government to commemo.|"cleanse and polish their move- rate the Centennial. Copies will|ments of any gesticulations hav- be provided as gifts for allling as their primary target to heads of states and govern-jarouse sexual excitement of ment leaders invited to Canada spectators." to participate in the celebra-| In addition, the revealing, tion. pangled costumes are also tar- The book is composed mainly |get of official criticism. Officials of lavish photographs, ranging}Say a new garh is being tail- from golden prairie wheatfields|ored, covering navel and an- to the forbidding Arctic wastes.|kles. This, they say, will. urge It is a romantic, histoiic docu-|dancers to depend more on mas- ment, embellished by articles|tery of the art rather than sim- and prime samples of Canadian|ply expose their charms to win applause, poetry. CHICKEN OLD SOUTH FLORIDA FROZE JELL-O INST Double Your Money Back! Guaranteed! SPECIAL! SPECIAL | SPECIAL! Shortbread Swirls, Sugar Cookies, Almond Cookies, Cocoanut Cookies, Coffee Cookies, Jelly Spritz KAMBLY COOKIES ~--- If not completely satisfied with ANY fresh meat you buy from LOBLAWS ASSORTED COLOURS KLEENE SPECIAL! ALL FLAVOURS DUTCH STYLE SPECIAL! PLAIN, SUGARED, CINNAMON LOBLAWS DONUTS SPECIAL! CHOICE HALVES AYLMER PEACHES ...... 3 otis 7Qc SPECIAL! TWIN' PACK MAD HATTER POTATO CHIPS .............. os SPECIAL! FANCY ASSORTED BLUE SPECIAL! & GRAPEFRUIT 6 13-02, BAG 55¢ & GOLD PEAS . 5 «+. 1.00 7 VARIETIES WILLARDS CHOCOLATES WILL-0-PAKS ........... 3 ». 1.00 6 FL Oz FLORIDAS FINEST! WHITE MARSHSEEDLESS CALIFORNIA NEW CROP! NO. 1 GRADE! ASPARAGUS ...------ sure l00 EXTRA STAMPS Til o0 EXTRA STAMPS d 29 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 60's PKG. MOTHER PARKER'S TEA BAGS COUPON EXPIRES APRIL § WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 18-07. PKG. FARM HOUSE FROZEN PECAN PIE Si COUPON EXPimes APRIL 5 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 153-07. TINS NESTLES RICE PUDDING WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 10-07. PKG, 1G "G" COUNTRY CORN FLAKES 391 COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 5 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 2-L8. CANNISTER DOMESTIC SHORTENING 526 COUPON Exrines APRNs Oshawa Shopping Centre Store Open Wed., Thurs. and Fri. till 9:30 - Downtown Store Open Thur. and Fri, till 9 p.m. EXTRA STAMPS of ki di 2 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE } GALLON CARTON TASTY: TREAT 32 COUPON EXPimes APRIL 5 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE GIANT SIZE PKG, DETERGENT BOLD 512 COUPON wXPinES APRIL S WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 15-07. JAR MecLAREN'S CORNRELISH S27 COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 3 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 17-02. PKG. BETTY CROCKER GOLDEN POUND CAKE $32 COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 3 WITH COUPON-& PURCHASE OF ONE TLE. PKG! MeCORMICK'S JERSEY CREAM SODA CRACKERS S37 COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 5 of EXTRA STAMPS af EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS 1 di WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 2-18. PKG. NESTLE'S QUIK 53 COUPON EXPIRES APAHL 5 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF CHINESE FOOD 51 {COUPON Exrimes APRIL 5 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 19 FL OF. TINS CUDNEY CHOICE TOMATOES S28 COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 5 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 7-L8. BAG GOLD MEDAL FLOUR 533 -COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 5 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY TWO 14 FL. OF. TINS 598 COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 5 49: x EXTRA STAMPS a0 d dy 2 TINS i} 12 FL Oz e TINS LE 00 ANT PUDDINGS 3 -- 47° 3... 1,00 Ja 12's PKGS, SPECIAL! ALLEN'S UNSWEETENED CHOICE APPLE JUICE.............. 3 ott 1.00 SPECIAL! Golden Acres Frozen Turkey, Beef, Chicken MEAT PIES .. SPECIAL! LIQUID THRIFT DETERGENT ... 2 8-07. PKGS. 12 FL, OZ. PLASTIC C BOTTLES SPECIAL! BREAD & BUTTER DYSON'S PICKLES ............... EXTRA LARGE 64S FROM ISRAEL! JAFFA ORANGES -.... MOTHER PARKER'S. COFFEE $4 COUPON Expines APRIL 5 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 32 FL. OF. or 'TWo 16 FL O7 BOTTLES VEGETABLE OIL 374 COUPON IXriRRS APRIL S WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 28 FL. OZ. TINS ARDMONA FANCY SLICED PEACHES 329 COUPON FxPIRES APRIL S WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 10-07. PKG. WHEELBARROW BABY GOUDA CHEESE $34 COUPON EXPIRES APRIL S WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF one 4a rt or. TH APPLE JUICE S39 COUPON EXPIRES APRIL S 32 FL. 0Z. JAR 49. WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF) ONE 6 FL.'OZ. BOTTLE LiguiD SUCARYL 9% COUPON Ixrines APRIL WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY TWO BATH SIZE BARS: 'TOILET SOAP -- WHITE or PINK DOVE $8 COUPON IxPines APRIL S a0 EXTRA STAMPS of di Q EXTRA STAMPS " KLEENEX or WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF! ONE FAMILY SIZE TUBE 'TOOTHPASTE MACLEANS 56 COUPON EXrines APRiL 5 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE GIANT SIZE PKG, SUPER FAB 57 COUPON EXPINES APRIL 5 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 8-QT. PKG, NEWPORT FLUFFS 316 COUPON WxPiRES APRIL 3 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 19 PL. OZ. TINS SMEDLEY'S BROAD BEANS S90 COUPON EXPIRES APRIL S WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 12.07. PKG, DEL MONTE JUMBO PRUNES $21 COUPON IXPIRES APRIL 5 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 8-07. PKG. WESTON'S BAR-B-CUE THINS 535 COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 5 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 19 FL. OZ. TINS MITCHELL'S FANCY APPLESAUCE $20 COUPON HcpiRes APRIL S DESIGNER LINE Qj TOWELS EXTRA $60 COUPON EXPIRES APRIL S STAMPS BREASTS . SPECIAL! "Ideal for Baking or Boiling" SWEET PICKLED BACK BACON *::' SPECIAL! MINCED BEEF CHUCK .. 4 LB, SPECIAL! ALL VARIETIES -- ALPO DOG FOOD ..........- SPECIAL! CONCENTRATED PINE SOL CLEANER ..... 144-02, TINS 28 FL. OZ, BOTTLE 1.00 99: SPECIAL! LOBLAWS KITCHEN PRIDE LEMON a 5c IMPORTED ENGLISH ROYAL BLUE IRONSTONE DINNERWAR ENOCH WEDGWOOD (TUNSTALL) LTD. ITEM WITHOUT WITH @. A-plece place setting COUPON § COUPON (cup, saucer, dinner plate, dessert dish) $2.99 $1.99 b. Salad Plotes, set of 3 $2.99 $1.99 @. Coffee Mugs, set of 4 $2.99 $1.99 d, 2'Soup/Cereal Bowls and 2 Bread & Butter Dishes $2.99 $1.99 @. Covered Casserole, 1-qt. $4.99 $3.99 f. Deep Open Vegetable Dish $2.99 $1.99 @. Open Creamer $2.99 $1.99 h. Covered Sugar. $2.99 $1.99 i, Large Oval Meat Platter $2.99 $1.99 j. Salt and Pepper Shakers; pair $2.69 $1.69 k. Covered Butter Dish $3.49 $2.49 1. Gravy Boat and Stand $4.99 $3.99 m. 6-Cup Coffee Pot $5.99 $4.99 n. Covered Tea Pot $5.99 $4.99 On ee eee "-- H am | THIS COUPON GOOD FoR | i THIS COUPON GOOD FOR 4 '$ PURCHASE OF ONE $1.00 OFF ee THE PURCHASE OF 1 { ein eo it ANY i 1 REGULAR PRICE $2. ws soo, | 1 ACCESSORY : § = WITH THIS COUPON $1.99 to t Ht a PIECE WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 20-02. PKG. RUPERT FROZEN HALIBUT FISH & CHIPS $10 COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 5 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 8 FL. OZ. BOTTLE. CREME RINSE TAME 88 COUPON Exrines APRIL S WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 'TWO 10 FL OZ. TINS AYUAER FANCY CREAM STYLE CORN 517 COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 5 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 3-07. PKG. DETTY CROCKER EG CUSTARD MIX $22" COUPON EXPIRES APRIL S WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE LARGE BUNCH PRESH BROCCOLI S43 COUPON EXPIRED APRIL S d 2 q d EXTRA STAMPS PRICES EFFECTIVE MAR, 29, 30, 31, APRIL 1. WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 'THREE BAYH SIZE BARS, BOXED 'TOILET SOAP, PINK SWEETHEART S15 CCUPON Exrines APRIL 5 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY TWO 8 FL. OZ. TINS FRANCO - AMERICAN SPAGHETTI or MACARONI S18 COUPON EXPIRES APRIL WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF $23 COUPON EXPIRES APRIL § WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO ONTARIO HOT MOUSE CUCUMBERS S42 COUPON rxPnes APRIL 5 0 1 EXTRA STAMPS a) EXTRA STAMPS d WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 6 FL. OZ, BOTTLE CROSSE & BLACKWELL MINT SAUCE $25 COUPON EXPIRES APRIL WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY ONE PKG, BETTY CROCKER MUFFIN MIXES 51% COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 5 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 1.18. PARCHMENT PKG ALLSWEET COLOURED MARGARINE $24 COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 5 WITH COUPON. & PURCHASE OF TWO HEADS FRESH CABBAGE S41 COUPON EXPIRES APRIL S Lo WASH tor Rol nounced for Pres beginnin jor test senator. Kenne what he long tim Johnson presiden ear. The s hrough file the laimer tions in any othe might b jal prin This c f somet AS a ca But th

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