J "h T i y r -------- = . EN Bitz 1S TAKEN 2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, f T J ae == > 7 r eT TO THE XRAY z , ¥ ime ; ERO © HALE PRICE AR) ioe So ae AUR AND CHESTS bx Venere COLLAPSED LUNG ee ae ae D . d on ic * > " S =) = paypal § : ib NO FRACTURE. we ie : ' . . enie M ene muen) ura FOES Se ABASY! E ee, | SOME BLOOD J 4 : : : : ; Ses. BRIDGE a> IS TIME F N gE / ctype . 8 XN \ = 3 9 : ) -- A charge 4 AFTER <I SPOTS AETER 5 / - = : : SN am, S= Se <, ' university pro- i hea! = ' By B. JAY BECKER ding too much ai 3 ; a (Top Record-Holder in Masters' her than teach- [a ; ox Individual Championship Play) ae gad = i S East dealer. y Official. a > J : ) FQ A i Both sides vulnerable. ide Monday by e > age rad / : IN SURGERY, A PLASTIC DRAINAGE TUBE IS of Calgary is . 3 eC -- POSE, ft ' ee PLACED IN HIS CHEST, FINALLY, HE IS nd shows a ; AB wan : ' ' = © TAKEN TO RECOVERY FOR OBSERVATION, dge about to- / ' : " wee | courses,"' said » 88 OUR WIVES HERE, DAGWOOD-- ++ J con't worey,] [ GEE --THAT'S = an of applied GEE, HERG-- MA AE GOING TAKE MY LUCKY ' LL MANAGE] [WHAT I CALL : i rsity of Wind- of ante TO BS RABBITS FOOT--+ 1D, E-| ty H WE HEARD THE SHOTS! IS y WE es 68 NG cs Res | - CHAMACO.....15 HE ALL RIGHT? . ; Sort ese make the mis- ging a7 q 4 4 > t 1 |! , Pe ane ; y SAO that the uni- 4 / r >< % e : rey ; a : ' f SOUTH n is the same Ex] . i rf HAQI9643 nt to school 20 a » Ge ssad go,' Mr. Parr | o7 iew 496543 complaint was ha 'The bidding: ary session of : a South West Nortt titute of Min- ' . : , = é Sp EG 1@ INT Pass llurgy annual (em &} : . = eit AL MéMAL SE 3@ 8NT 4 rals ' om, & - . ao Pon SD By ; 4 m cee * ¢ "agers Opening Jead - five of spades. rel pcg ed __ Yet u This hand occurred in a team ge of skilled { jof four match. At the first arr said. Uni+ ; "BUT AH'MTIREDO'SPENDIN') | A MAN YEARNS FO'HIS O LKSI ' s 7 pimple, West Arcos By tutes ei sald. Uni 4 a Ae ee Ne vac leg it AH'LL VISIT ALEXANDE! apd Daley quicklydisarm fF | | PHIL! MAGNUS IS jtrump on the bidding shown ore c0-opera- : i MAH BRIEF-OUCH?? MAH LIFE AMO) u ITALEXANDER GRAHAM 4 Mountain and Fi ; : South ry to improve , f VISITS TO DOGPATCH=-. STRANGERS-NICE AS SMELL, MAH COUSIN MANY TIMES yer 3 HEADING FORTHE 5 |and North led a spade. ra : THEY-OOR/!=1S/" i eee AH VISITS % : FERRIS WHEEL! ese ae Pisin ng hor A Ale ; 7 , 4 yee MOVES i! d : gee the contract had West taken , the trick with the king. But West allowed the jack to LET aver Ort 4 Shy. win and there was then no hd ' a lof stopping him from making SO EIN SHIT : i \ I three sr eg South continued FOR THEMSELVES. IVE | ei! / YN] |with the ace and another spade, STILL GOT A CHANCE } = and West, after forcing out the IL CAN REACH a 1oO; #7 P lace of diamonds, eventually TEC note . : }made nine tricks for a score 38 4 Do "3 44 } By : " : i Ed Pry 'ae et hens i oo pet ; ; ab ae: s <t. "einer ier : ms : i: At the second table, South be- _ aa oo julia esi ERIN came declarer after East open- meas > ee aa a a a ee ee ee ed the bidding as dealer with = eae called with four spades. West : a diamond and South over- called with four spades. West doubled, for want of anything TH E better to do, and led a dia- mond. South won in dummy with the ace and returned a club, taken by East with the king, In an effort to stop club ruffs | in dummy, East. returned a trump. Spurning the finesse, which WHERE PONTIAC, BUICK, VIVA, VAUXHALL, ACADIAN, 262 King St. W., 723-4634 LIMITED wat marked by the Bidding G.M.C. TRUCKS, and FIREBIRD MEAN ACTION AND EXCITEMENT ace and made the star play of the queen of clubs. Men MS | aver MO TELEVISION LOG LIL ABNER SECRET AGENT X9 ee. |ply to this play and South now | could not be stopped from mak- ling the contract. East won the | iqueen with the ace and returned Channel 3--Barrie | |a diamond, but declarer ruffed, boca bere Danny Kaye ee , ltrumped a club in dummy, and hanes Fobsnas. sie 9--Magistrates Court | os : |later lost only a trump trick to | | There was no satisfactory re- COLLECTION! Channe! 2--Buttalo 10:00 P.M, 3 { & | . M, } 11:25 A.M, 1--Merv Griffin | 3-6~-Bonnie Prudden | 1:3 AM. Channe! 7--Buftalo 10:30 P.M. 7--Dat 5 4 Channei S--Rochester | 9--Sports Hot Seat 401ck Van Dyke lmake four spades doubled. 11:00 P.M, South would have gone down Channel %--Toronto : 2-8--Hollywood Squares Channel 1i--Hamiiter 12-11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2 -- News, 12:00 NOON Channel 12--Peterborough Weather, Sports 1eCartoon Party had he made the more normal WEDNESDAY EVENING | 6viewnaint | 9--Toronté' Today | play of a low club instead of 5:00 P.M. Tas PM, | on itis | \the queen. In that case, West 12---Woody Woodpecker | !)--Flerre Berton | 4--News, Weather, Sports | |would have won the club with 1--Movie lews, Weather, Sports | 3_Popeye and Pals | \the ten and removed dummy's 8-Superman | 4--Skiing with Stein Vet | 1 7--Laramie | 11:30 P.M ee en trump by cashing the king. "O King Festores Syndicate is 12:30 é--Passport 2-8--Jonnny Carson | 12--Movie 3 - 3--Woody Woodpecker Ee it's A Maton An odd feature of " hane '5:30 PAM, 2 ea 8--Eve Guess was that the pair at the sew 1 icHeles Navy ae sMovie | ob-Search tor To lond table scored a game with 6--Music Hop i main P.M. | sNews; Waethers . |the North - South ecards after act ea eh gecunbar ae. 5 |their teammates at the first 6:00 P.M. | erie PM, ja nery Gritia. jtable had also scored a game a i : : $--How's Business | tap | eninvig PERHAPS YoU {with the East - W est cards. Airport Talked 14--Laredo 1:30 PLM, é--Green Hornet l--Mystery Theatre. | '¢--pialing For Dollars, | Le SHOULDN'T HAVE PE rs On Lake Bottom Be ig Sports, | THURSDAY Virginia Graham | BOTHERED To : Albert' J. Steed "5 Make fl i 4--News; Weather e ee 2-8--Let's Make a Deal CHICAGO (AP) -- Chicago , 7--Ben Casey 3--Nation's Business 3-6-9--News 9--Romper Room 4-6--As the World Turns p tH | 6:55 A.M, 2:00 P.M rs is | | 8:00 A.M, | é--Luncheon Date j | 0:00 P.M. | %-University of the Air | 4--Meet the Millers COME __IN TODAY, b } | 4--Captain Kangaroo | 3~Movie by, MISS FAITHFUL. } 3,30 A.M. | 2-4--Huntley-Brink! | turned d the ri d -8--Huntley-Brinkley . : : aa | turn aroun e river an : 8--Dialing For Dollars --| 7--New!tywed Game y | "i ; 7:00 P.M. 7" 1 jnow it wants to dry up part of | Virginia Graham | 6-4--Password | 4 Needy PAL Meoris | 24--Days of Our Lives | Y lthe lake, &--Lowell Thomas Ce ey 2:30 P.M, | Mayor Richard J. Daley ane 6--TBA Mar en 12--Calendar 4 T Penta te ete 4-Lowell Thomas S oerntn Priccek 9--People in Confliet : nounced Monday the city is le Pru 8-2--The Doctors | studying the feasibility of build 12-3--Ed Allen Time 3 Weath: ve 7--Dream Girl : : enIDer 2--Pick A Show iceasinen sick relly jing an airport on the bottom 7.20 P.M, ve wee Hunter 4--Linkletter's Party | ' -- lof Lake Michigan, after a por- 7--News Weather | 8--Gloria Matin : a or : jtion is protected by dikes and :30 P.M, pase GTi lagi Confidential pita cue EY i ~_____ |drained of water. 12--Winners' Circle ay 9%--Words and Musie >i , " a Holiyweed Palace 2--Jack La Lanne Fenster Heasitit : The city already operates Chi 8-2--Virginian 10:00 A.M. 4--To Tell The Truth YOUR HEALTH |cago Midway and O'Hare Inter- COME IN AM E N 7--~Batman ceo Alen tee | Be ancien ene |national airports. / y, ISERABLE CHICKEN ~ < & " 6--Peggy Neville 18.9----Reach for the Stars -6-12--Take 30 Usin tion of Lake Mich EVE -- PLEASE! { R' . . $ 4--Lost in Space ; 3.25 P.M, | Using a portion wake Mich- FASE HEARTED POLTROON ' VF, 4--Candid Camera igan as an airport would be IFL CALLED > Mi Aes 7:45 PM. ; 3412-Hollday Cartoons | C . ' comparable t e eeri| MR, GRINNELL? / A '@/) we ila : : na Reed h I Of ] ; wien ie foe a ELL? f : ; . j 2:00 P.M. 11--Morning Time ° na Your Mave oug ' OSS eep : feat in 1900 when the flow of j Fyn ( SS i 7] i : Fs 1's A LITTLE : O.K., I GIVE UP THE GHOST. THAT'S OUT OF MY LINE OF THE FIFTH MUSCLE MAN I'VE INTERVIEWED WORK, MR. DELMONICO. / AND THEY'RE ALL THE SAME. PROMISES, NO HARD FEELINGS, HUH? 24/7 , PROMISES -- UNTIL I UTTER THE WORD, A "GRINNELL." THEN THEY FOLD UP LIKE A é ---- }) COLLAPSIBLE OPERA HAT, EVE, HONEY-- V/ WOULD YOU. THINK ME a lan, 1967. World rights reserved. 1--Movie 9---Fractured Phrases p-huperan thon ' Ls ; ne 7--Monroes | 7--Everybody's Talking | 34412--Edge of Night ' the Chicago River was reversed, 3-6-12--Green Acres | 4--Beverly Hillbillies 2-8--You Don't Say turning it away from the lake to tae. 3-6-12--Friendly Giant Ae | : ' pHs | #coneetrsion" --_|11--supet Comin Brought Weariness ihoar netting fein the lake anf 4--Beverly Hilibiliies A A 7 | 9--I Love Lucy ' E 3-6-12--Festival | 36-12--Chez Helene &--Match Game i F ipolluting the city water supply. 9:00 P.M, "abtie 'Douste | Pete communicate By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD 7--Movie a--Mike Dy U , | "430 BAM Dear Dr. Molner: One of the|}germ has no respect for any SALLY'S SALLIES 4--Green Acres 7--Supermarket Sweep 2-8--Bob Hope 4--Andy Griffith 11--Munsters 9:30 P.M, 8--Pat Boone 9--Movie |patent cough syrups appears, at|part of the human body, and Gomer Pyle 3-6--Mr. Dressup 4--Movie least i , i " to hav hat is ab g rt fi TIME TO Saene a | ear Oe 'i | 7 ft east in my experience, to have|that is about right. It prefers EMPTY THIS ~ ides adiaale lA hat Rac halhstaccali) eee sleep-inducing properties and I the lungs, but can infect skin, BAG AGAIN! |have used it for this purpose oc-|bone, glands or other orgens. CROSSWORD \casionally rather than sleeping! Serofula is a T.B. infection drugs. which involves the glands, which} |} On one occasion I took four)swell, It can spread to other! ACROSS _ 50, Edible 9. Con- | doses one night--I also had A'tissues, of course. | 1. Strata rootstock clude jcough--and the next day I felt) The T.B. germ most coments 5. Perishes . Solace : junusually limp almost to the js passed from person to person. 9. Bundle of DOWN 2, More 1S cis | point of exhaustion, Would you jt could be transmitted by milk sticks 1. Nude restless [Ni 0 ae ee R. ' form a cow with tuberculosis, 10, Landed 2. Shield 83. Ignited |€ is The cough syrup you mention put control of milk herds is so 12, Come up 3. Two: Sp, 25. Vended fe) contains a medication which, strict today that such an intac:| At eos . Eee 2 sept te INIEISIE | while not a por biti lad ul ae tion is rarely traced to cattle. Lokal lags Pe ROCLeLy, f suppressing properlles similar) principal danger would occur if| 14, Affirma- 6. Frosted swell Pia tall to narcotics. Some cough mix-\q herd hasn't been inspected, tive 7, Assam - Verte- . : me jtures also contain antihista-land the milk has not been TOYS BUT I HAVE SOME || | THEY'RE ALWAYS BIG reply silkworm bra --_¥esterday's Answer = mines which are known to make | pasteurized. | band always manage to go AROUND HERE SUBSTITUTES.' FAVORITES WITH KIDS H 15. Close to . Sections . Mechanical 41, Boss on many people drowsy, depending! Rest tr aoe <| the reat of us one better," YOUR SIZE/ 17. Slightl 9. Girl' hield ny pet ep est treatment for scrofula i ARE BROKEN, Lee h ¢ » Slightly . Girl's name man shis on individual susceptibility and) removal of th facted: blends |< ' LITTLE LEROY! ; ' : : wet , Sadden 87. Skin 42. Greek | iP ane blee eens | ig, dg Chianey ainordae letter dosage. and use of the anti-T.B. drugs,} ' ; hi Your weariness the next day|which are very ef ve. Vita.|feat in one spot. Many such 20, Hesitation 38, Stagger 44. Pen ; e very effective. Vita "sound ik iesnes De" 46. Epoch could be due to this, plus the min B-12 would have no effect|D/ankets have adjustable heat i ease effects of your cough and loss of/on the disease but might help|Control. You do not lose your 21. Sift 4 = 7 ote sleep | build th Hant i? eae "temperature sense" in the rest aoe ZY Y ge BP pedi acideeet ty of your body, and so will be 2 JULIET JONES MICKEY MOUSE 27. Pungent | Scrofula is most prevalent ' ' vegetable V/ Dear Dr. Molner: Is there any|among children. aware if the blanket becomes 29. Simpl appreciable amount of protein) There is no scrofula hospital, too warm. I See no hazard in 30. Shooting 2 VW in gelatin?--B. C. land you are mistaken in thing.|USing the electric blanket. "4 Gelatin contains protein but it/ing I said there was one. : Ren rie tae 14 ud is incomplete, and _ therefore | rihag tags pent lad -- SUAS. i cannot, by itself, sustain life) Dear Dr. Molner: | am dia aes reed age Jey en one has ce Y and growth. It lacks two of the|hectic and 72 years old. I read|""Nwies . Hgret, Gesentiat: amino acids, valineléhal ft should never ec a fell Y'KNOW... oe (HEAbicuRE ! re " t eed 4, : and tryptophan, and is deficient|/nad on my feet. Is it safe for " " 36, Eskers 4 A MANICURE ".. y % 39, Hindu in two others, tyrosine and cys-| me to use an electric blanket? Fast Action L. '(Ga tine. It is a useful food but)) can hardly sleep without one 'S 4 wxousan alone it does not take the place|in winter, and live: alone, but HOUSE SALES! 43. Puts of our usual protein foods. don't want to use one if it is through a dangerous.--M. D. kitchen Dear Dr. Molner; What). Some diabetics, especially el- Call a Member of the utensil Y causes scrofula? Could a baby/derly ones, have a diminished OSHAWA and DISTRICT 45, Heavy 4 get it from drinking milk from|sense of temperature in the feet REAL ESTATE BOARD supporting a cow with that disease? Will/That is why a heating pad, or and List Photo timbers Vitamin B-12 stop the lumps/even a hot water bottle if it is 47. Doctrine from forming? Is there a -hos-|too hot, can cause a burn. It 48. Antelope: WY |pital just for scrofula in the;may not heal and can lead to i "Z) U.S.?2 One was mentioned, in| gangrene ' ° your column several years ago. An electric blanket is another |--™. 7: jmatter. It provides a diffuse MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE It is said that the tuberculosisiheat, rather than concentrating ® ° ICATES Ch © King Foutares Spadvcate, ime, 1907. World fights pomrved. MUGGS AND SKEETER '