"16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, Merch 28, 1967 SPECIAL "GET ACQUAINTED OFFER' IN THE ACTION MEDIUM uring INTERNATIONAL WANT AD WEEK -- March 26th to April Ist -- any individual . & days for the price of 3 ae ' ; & days for the price of 3 may place a family want ad for 6 days and only pay for 3. Mail it, bring it in or Phone 723-3492 15--Employment Wanted |8--Articles for Sale 18--Male Help Wanted NCED LADY desires house me Sorgle FILING CABINETS, used, $29. up. Cash] EXPRRIE and carry, Ae to ves ail Paarl: en ia wendeva ond SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By R. J. SCOTT Tele- BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY ip" EERE wanre POSSUM? . AOTOTTLER, 4 HP, three years old, $110. 668 eXPaRINICEDC, CERAMIC tile setter setter 2585, will do part-time work, eT and FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator with freezer : TV.Redio Kenai across top. Good "condition New "seal|RNOLISH GIRL, sae ay ng THE eae Accountants Building Trades Mortgages |TV--Radio Repairs motor. Telephone 723-8171 and 576-2244, |considered, Telephone 728-2950, NICKEL COMPANY OF | TRACTOR, Case 310B industrial with WANTED, position as i halr yi CANADA LIMI D BOB CLANCY'S ACCOUNTING Service. ' | loader and backhoe. 725-7284 after 6, |&xPerienced in all bra men mani " TE Complete bookkeeping service. 178 'Sim- Chimney -- flashings, eaves- | lal demonstrative ability. Trained 5 d 2 coe Street North, 725-0397. Res. 723-705.1 troughing installed, cleaning ABIRD HELD IN-4HE MAND AFEW -- [nol DNEL, RED» solid elm, Box | sPring|liand, Paris Vienna. English, mele, %| at Sudbury, Ontario WILLIAM ¢. WALL, B-Comm. Cherier-| and repairs. Work guarante- | MIRUIES AND THEN TURHED OVER ON 176 lacket, 'Drapes, 60" % 10% Telephone 725- ore --, ail baby oe ccountant, 2 * ji BAG Taieenone_ Osho ne mg wilhon eeeae LOANS SERVICE BENYPNOTIEEDS - pHERr"s SURGE GARAG Gig her home, week Phone 7 MINE er.| small. | fo ARAGE for sale at 183|g242. i Sled gee se [0., Charier- LEMEESTER | CHOWESE, A ey $85. fei to John Morl- LADY CLERK Typ Keope id ed Accountants. j i } yt! 728-489 -book' woul Ing, 16? King Street East, Oshawa, On| MEL MEULE Moneys available for first | COLOR A art, sse lephone ike YP tin: Grade 3 wea: AND tario, 725-3509; T. Hopkins, CA; H. E. 728-4797 and second Re hence sell | or EXAMCAND 10-FT. mag Sd ren eee ee cation, re Mba Telephone 57 le, CAs E. Puke: CA. mortgages. lo ~bonus irst case, walk-in box, scales, mea' $ ante ERIEDLANDER AND CO. Char-|ATLANTIC PAVING and concrete. Get Aust aces second mortgages | BLACK and WHITE xo quanie reg 8 ape) lege Po lg loch in Rien ad Teoh aeeate Pog SMELTER fered Accountants. Licensed Trustees inj your driveway paved by experts. 20 cents) Gnd agreements for sale pur- | F FICATIONS freezer units, 1 rs, ete., Searcy, S25 Simcoe Street North, square foot. All work guaranteed. 723- chased | OR " BEYOND AX sic. 60) Simmeoe North, 17--Female Help Wanted Oshawa, 728-7371 : : THE BEST CALL bed | PROFOUND | RE-POSSESSED SINGER Style-O-Matic GORDON R. . DAY, Certified General| EAVESTROUGHING. Free estimates, M. F.. SWARTZ | i sewing machine, console model, bak cary sbi pala aud dee Cf laea leet aA aslo OE fa 26% King St. East | WS Soca, rive ance Ot payments, Telachene. nos Sune POSITIVE PEOPLE ping Centre, 725-995: -- = f | K oF JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered accoun.| PAINTING, | DECORATING, furniture Oshawa, Ontario SNE CAUSE OFF PRESCRIPe pried gl Wg oa Wi al Baring ONLY No experience necessary. Ap- fant, Licensed Trustee, 17 Bond Sree rete, KC Horner aebearls TOG00). 723-4697 | . MENTAL ILLNESS IONS». bass, all-transistor built-in Leslie speak- QUESTIONNAIRE Plicants must be in good phy- Bast. Telephone 723-4833. PePER PAVING Arca "adlimaie Ty TELEVISION INTHE AGED 7? Aine er, Excellent condition. 725-3744. . Con you speak clearly on sical condition and weigh he rt "a ee ee OS Oo--ee-------- rar i é Ns HOOVER WASHER, spin dryer. excel the telephone? over 145 Ibs. Blueprinting cludes grading and fill, two-year guar. Gt 1115 ACCORDING WAS , antee, 11 years in business. Terrano Ist and 2nd FOR ss HATS ARE. 40 A PROFESSOR Drzxrp --_lent_condition. Telephone _723-6972. Yes No 40 H ; u | eH ae j lour BELL DRAFTING and Reproductions |Paving, 17 Bond East. 7 ee] MORTGAGES CLEANER, SHARPER | WORN 8 EANS] At THE UNERSHY as WCU. FT. CHEST freezer, price} B. Do you have a smile in Week Ltd., 52% Simcoe Street North, 723-4661-| ROOFING, hot tar and gravel, anges | : | ah Meu IRN} KG. OF TEXAS. Goop $125. Telephone 723-8910. oO a Non-contributory Pension Blueprinting and photostatic copies. |repairs, large and small jobs. L. and H. | @ RESIDENTIAL TV RECREATION Oiaptane rane CCRT Re ee wit MEDICINNe = MEAT SAW, scales, grinder, block, ten- ve wie No Plan and other benefits Roofing and Construction. 725-6937. | COMMERCIAL , | c derizer, two meat counte: Coff ici: Building Trades ALL TYPES BUILDING REPAIRS --| ' INDUSTRIAL YOUR OWN | grinder, milk shake machine, ce C. Do you like to talk to roofing, chimneys, eavestroughing, fire-| ne wh | Steam table and cash register. 725-9748, nyo STARTING RATE: places, masonry. Gord May, Whitby 665-) Immediate service and even- i A . BOY'S BICYCLE brand new, 28" Mine Begi REPAI RS 2774, ing appointments. Complete 5A--Camping 8--Articles for Sale heel, Tel f NAS = pil : vant si wheel. Telephone 728-1 Dz Do. you like a challenge? 2.61% per hour. QUALITY carpentry and general _re-| details call Doug Terwilleaar @ HP MERCURY, te = one aqua- Yes No Sm elter Labourers -- ALTERATIONS 9A--Eggs & Poultry CLEMENT POULTRY, fits, vacation wear. Work done profes- Sionally. Telephone 668-8756. 668-5679 BI eg hoe - 1A\ BS per Insertion with 25 cents addl- MARINE STORAGE and SUPPLY LTD, patterns sues of yards from 29¢ ft. We require five good men immediately. Experience pre- plies. Everything in the WOMAN 3 to chickens, ORESSMAKING -- Expertly fitted sults,) plumbing line. 20% off all pairs. Serving Oshawa district for many 4 a seer ervi ' BRANCH REALTY KAMPING UNLIMITED a: rium, all equipped, fish, etc., 10-gallon. a ADDITIONS | |2--te Steere ee | INVESTMENTS. LTE Townline Road North Used Building Aonly eaters S minty 708 Lekiview ave) ©, > you hos Sin 2.47% per hour '6 Carpentry 51 King E. 723-1157 728-9942 os Materials for Sale DINING SET, original price $650 four| If you can answer yes to Shift Premium -- 8c per hour HOMES-OFFICES-FACTORIES REMODELLING, trim work, cupbosrds, Res. 725-6210 _ | On co Si d Beat Foxe, "shcpping" Cane Aloe te these auctions, ig are e Afternoon cid Rec Rooms and Kitchens mates. Telephone 7257046. FIRST AND SECOND mortgage | money| 728-5143 | Complete line of camping ¢ iter oO: GG ROO: | phiohe See eonl: xious to intervie yous ai hour = 'sor mortgage 2 _ ve : ' ' rice Streets, 2x4's, joist, glass TT experience necessary.. Min. a Specialty " k|cent. Open and no bonus. Call anytime | trailers for 1967 including glass, |F GLAS FENDERS from $29.95 : Midnight a CARPENTRY -- New ana repairs, bioc al ytime t " Pigae | and up. New and used auto parts. Re- education Grade 11. Tele- and cement work. Free estimates. 728-7680) 723-4631. Corner Bond and Division _ | this beautiful' Leckie '/Lake- } doors, furnaces. Two houses, J Allen & Sons = -- si | . built starters an generators, mys Nel-|_ phone Sund P, ; ames AA" CARPENTRY, recreation rooms,|FIRST AND SECOND Tmortaates," Sale| "| sider" -- Special price be- | garage and offices to be re- |son St. 72521 darcoune peer eee jay saney | i . r sold ie ; E eB 725-6126 fralen Tlophone 7254150. faite and Hennick' Barristers, a1 K ng street T V. TOWERS | fore April. 1. | moved. Contact foreman on Gey THO-PIECE Sse CREDIT BUREAU OF per hour ast, 723-7232. } : : | hey op 5 . : é 7 ue | @ Evenings 6 til 9 ' Telephone 725-6774. A Personnel Representative of Roofing and Cartage ie taser tae Brock "BUILT IN OSHAWA" eae. 4 Saturday 9 til 6, fone oh Portable chord organ, coffee vata Na cidallad the International Nickel Com- ; MOBILE SERVICES --_|sreet Nor 'Whiby, cars, T°) SUT AAT | nie) Telephone Irie, 'ogy "spree serait, fo] 9 eum. S pam" Mon. ~ Fr._| BOY. °f Conada Limited, wil Eavestroughing UNLIMITED Nurse Schools \ : j SunRY Oseaeee eer GALT 621-7540 pairs stretch slacks, size 14, 668-503 Se ae be at the Canada Manpower Caulking and Painting Pick-up and Delivery sbeebsnhd A i -| pe gt Asieltag ter tower | 1 mile north of K ing St. E.on { GOLF EQUIPMENT -- New and Saat abl ---- George Street, 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. | TODDLERS PARADISE | Townline Road. } Thunderbird, Golf and Country Club, SECRETARY ° A FOSKETT & Sons| Dial Operator (0) and ask for | FROBEL -- Monressort | C)SHAWA T.\/. |é--Marine Equipment PS beh acing Some 9g By Rg BN THURSDAY : ibaa 7Ve Living Room, 1 i , . Mobile J. R. 8-3908 Osh Day Nursery School | room groups, 9 ing, 319 College Avenue, Oshawa. Required for secretarial du- Whitby 668-5906, 668-8901 rele 9293. Let your child enioy the won | UNITED Bedroom, Dining Room. $399, |eug, 17x 10, floral pattern, also 21-| ties to division manager. This March 30 After 9 p.m., 728-9293 | All work guaranteed. derful method of teaching. | . RENT-ALL ond MARINE $499, $599, $699. Easy pet television: falr condition, Tele} position requires excellent 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m Free estimates MOVE NOW | Register now. For appoint- TAUTON RD. E. | Soles, Service and Ports a Immediate delivery or awa VOLKSWAGEN 7: | trea) Dunlop "Gold shorthand and typing abili- PAY LATER | ee Oe ec | ane east St Hitch) Chrysler outboards, Chrysler "RUTHERFORD'S --_[Se2h ven 000 mites. New sassacn| ties FRIDAY, ' ce raller x Credit Rates Available |Painting and Decorating 723-8131 723-8132 | Boats, Bombardier Ski-doos 156 Simcoe St. South high. Asking $35 as Is, Volkewagen sale S k | ii seat 31" CLASSIFIED . RATES CALL PAINTING AND DECORATING. Free Snowmobiles, Homelite chain SEIN See Jere ese tar E ectronic 9:00 a.m. to 12:00. noon WORD ADS es, Jar- : s, Castrol motor oil, Pitts- TEAK TABLE, folds to ten Inches, 54" x dlhickle . ' Cash -- | insertion of 24 ee 1.20; A. a, MOVING snteed. Telephone 735-2006" ee TELEVISION--RADIO | Burgh ace pak. POR Sate = USD 33%5 also four teak. armenalrs, $180 cash Instruments Ltd i i i Five insertions of 24 words, 3.24; addl- 728-5930 EXPERT PAINTING, interior and o-| 24 HOUR SERVICE | 728-5865 TV SETS Complete. Very good conatlon. + | te interview applicants, 1 ds 131, each; 6 consecu- rior. All workmanship guaranteed. | j aa ' Bibs - Pearyd gees 896 Menino ODA wee ee al) TV RENTALS | -sSSiaii0S cuit, | At cendnon (REAM NaMEET_=--ais| Phone 942-2120 tione! words 24c¢ e Y ry . ° + ji PTS doubl fr itor, ih I » milk j Charge--10 per cent gdditlonal charge Dentistry Plumbing and Heating HOLMES | quolity for your protection ee shake machine, or ea eg sent For An Appointment if not paid within 8 days. CAREFOOT, DR. JOHN M.,_Dentai bs 655-44 Surgeon, 172 King Street East, Oshawa. SPECIAL 35 Division St. REAL ESTATE ind ig Aioseney = bat thon, 24 For appointment, 728-5171. PLUMBING DISCOUNT ELECTRONICS 12' Thornes aluminum car- F ou 9--Market Basket LOCAL INDUSTRY initial, figure or abbreviation counts as D ki 149 Brock St. North top. 5 horsepower Evinrude LOOR COVERING ONTARIO N futon, ir : ' pth Bid ; phone number counts two|MVressmaking WHITBY -- 668-6601 PHONE motor, BARGAINS Telephone mwa nerhieclta hd Requires A SALESMAN : DRESSMAKING, alterations, spring out- | $399 LIMITED QUANTITY Clearance of discontinued | | | | | Id within 8 days. IC MEMORIAMS (een, Se, Semutlly tolered stl) supplies 1.V. Rentals cet WILSON'S FURNITURE [88 Newcastte OME CM #30 ond. | ferred but not essentiol, Fall A . > Fi +2372, New. Sets pst id etween the ages oi an ae : 7 a 8 '= fh ' tra | - $2.50 for the first 35 words an 12 p.m. -- 9 pr CHRIS CRAFT 20 CHURCH ST. Wate. Feathas Fare sthawe wisarsz| 45 for highly detailed clerical ie Wee vara ALCAN each thereafter plus 3c per line of ' * | : verse; 25¢ additional charge if not paid Gardening and Supplies 45 for highly detailed clerical SALES and SERVICE ience would be an asset for SATURDAY 9 a.m. -- 5 p.m, Picked up, delivered at store or home. with one of the top Real Es- | | | | | Direct to you, plumbing sup- | | mmeara<sea, within 8 days. : ; : CLOSED WEDNESDAY FURNITURE and | McVay fibreglas sail boats, TRADE IN i Farmar' Column "a | ¢ tate firms in the area. Fur- GARD, OF THANKS 15 se and Ye S rina's Comin nit wens ae Ge APPLIANCES Crestliner, Peterborough and q = this interesting position. ther particulars supplied in each thereafter with 25¢ additional p g g fing, new and Used materiels. Reasonabie| 452 Simcoe South Northcraft runabouts. Evin- Your present aerial or tower |ponT LUG IT! Try a Comet power| Please apply in writing, giving confidential interview. Call if not paid within 8 days. rates.. Estimates free. 723-1191, J. Fel 723-0011 rude outboard motors. OSHAWA fertilizer drill-fill. _ Smith-Roles Farm] details of previous employ- Mr: Sheriff or: Mi omen ve BEGONIA BULBS id 9 0 OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN representative for .Comet welders, com-| ment to r. Sheriff or Mr. Kosteniuk, COMING EVENTS FLOWER SEEDS ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING sup-| CABLE TV. pressors, grinders, augers, etc. Mur- GRIFFIN Real Estate. 723- $2.38 per Inch (display); $2.00 for the piles. Telephone 725-3521, Harold. H./ geRWICE CALL ONLY 2 50 723-8186 ray Jones, Ashburn, 649-5201. 8144 first 20 words and 6c each thereafter) WEGETABLE SEEDS eax red Pos al h erate Bd A LTD. |DEAD AND CRIPPLED farm stock pick: BOX D2767 possi hog ee POTTING SOIL ngineering, imcoe Street South. | Fast T.V. Service 1963 SHEPHERD cruiser, 26'. Priced 723-5278 hee up Promptly. odie Fur ner THE OSHAWA TIMES gus PER INCH PER INSERTION. PEAT POTS Rug - Upholstery Service DOMINION ea sale. Telephone 725-8342. eve- aren peel ee mp PRODUCTION and DEADLINES SERADIX B 1. WSTARCRAFY", Grew "Traveller boats RUSSELL'S TEXACO __|iAY for sale. Telephone 668-202. : ; SCHEDULING WORD ADS PEAT MOSS OSHAWA RUG CLEANERS} TELEVISION week Marine Shirage sos apply Cie Open 24 Hours Daily WANTED TO RENT -- i020 acres ger) Beeline Fashions SUPERVISOR 5 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS VERMICULITE Professional rug and uphol- | 728-5154 9am. to9 p.m, | DBrooklin, 655.3641. GAS, TOWING, REPAIRS phone 685-2054 Helene Te plan and schedule work, LOST AND FOUND ric NO-DAMP stery cleaning done in your | fs ' 26° CABIN TERUISRE, "four, bunks, Auto Parts, Camping, Speed 11--Pet A Livestock Now looking for part-time or rg pegged Grade ' a " ink, - * ; | ii j ti 9 a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION LOPPING SHEARS home or our. office. Call for | JOE'S COLOR TV & horaeboMee Jahnaeh okies. Wine and Custom Supplies s an iv full-time representatives in Bicnion" adilted Pesan BIRTHS AND DEATHS A | information, , . trailer, Price $1,800. 728-2757. Cars bought and sold, COZY-J RANCH, Reg'd. German Shep-| Your area. Nationally adver- in dt j on 9 a.m, DAY OF PUBLICATION BRACO | | and Radio Service c herds, pups. Show mare In foal to quar-| ised line of ladies fashions. ence in direct mail er dota IN_MEMORIAMS ond SO-GREEN | 725-9961 Fast repairs. European radios, |7--Swap and Barter 160 King St. E._723-0851 _|ter horse, Pony, Pinto, Western saddles! No, experience necessary -- processing helpful. PARD OF THANKS C.ILL. 10-6-4 | P Pole 7qy|LARGE naturat gas neating unit, ceiling we will train, Samples sup- Apply by letter stating quali- 5 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS tape recorders and record '© AND 4 GMC hailf-ton pick-up; '57 hung, suitable for garages, service sta- aed CLIPPING -- Superior work at lied. U of fications to: ASSIFIED DISPLAY EVERGREEN 6-9-6 PROFESSIONAL | changers a specialty. Chev sedan; '60 Buicks boat and Tllt-|tions, etc, Call 729-9620. lowest prices. Call and compare, 728-| piled. Use of car necessary. T coune--4 p.m, day previous; 2 col-| GOLFGREEN 12-6-6 | | trailers. | Plumbing supplies, _ pumps, 90, For personal: interview call: GENERAL PRINTERS umns or larger -- 10 a.m. day previous.) 41) AAD AN re | RUG CLEANING | 13 Bond We 97871670 eet ne reek on! Pak pore dg. SARS AINS, Ail types of mat. BEAUTIFUL" BABY BUDOIES. | ready M * LIMITED CANCELLATIONS AND | 2 Day Service bea South. tresses, $29.) crib mattresses, $9.88; mat- Broad, 114 Elgin Eos 'y pclae. alleged rs. Christoffersen 57 Simcoe St. $ CORRECTIONS GARDEN SO-GREEN | Free Pick-Up and Delivery | a V SERVICE SUMP AND pressure pumps, flush-o-|tresses for bunk beds, $16.88) roll-awa a Osh Ont ' 9 a.m, DAY OF PUBLICATION CI.L. 5-10-15 Dae) matic, toilets, septic. tanks, tubs, van-|Cols complete, $19.88. Wilson's Furnt |ALL TYPES OF HORSRE for sale' $25 942-2347 awa, Ont. An ates dette S| CAL. 10-10-10 | Angus-Graydon | _ House CALLS $2.50 [hase aha" cane, pe |e, 39 Church ta oie ee aaa att. D. A. Houlden cath Teka od ged | ings, trailers, ats, ie ni a a Insertion. TOWER ANTENNAS _ |picicups 60 Buick H., Chinn, 288 HII-|ONE, STOP BIKE SHOP Sales, Service, white Appaloosa, four-year-old gelding. TODAY 1.00 E h f hi d 728-6254 side. Br yesssan nee peritey 2h Bong: Sree Any reasonable offer accepted. 723-7441. Acc t t RENTAL $1. thi 'or the garden Na | . ie ter accepted. 7 wr te tonecter wil be made to eee - | INSTALLED TRACTOR, case 310B_ Industrial withiguy AND sr = good used furniture REGISTERED DACHSHUND pupples, . ountan forward replies to box numbers to the INTERIORS by WINDOLF | A-1 USED TELEVISIONS Jioader and backhoe. Will trade for acre-| eng appliances, One location only. Pretty|reasonable. Telephone 623-3430. DICTA-TYPIST Office Manager Rea Sin i) teeacl of bas. oF Cooper: Smith CITY TV. 725-0500 _ oe. ee Furniture, 444 Simcoe South. 723-3271. |PROFESSIONAL DOG SERVICES -- kon cept no liabi Ister i = F $rge deb i ferwarcing buch @ Recovering" --_|FW-YOWERS-sPECIAL -- wo iqner|8--Articles for Sole al chanpel antenna, 450) TRIO Tele [ciay. free pickup and-deliver? boat | Eoerienced, able to handle CURVPLY plies, Lei COUP WORT ELEY DOG: 16 Rose St @ Antiques Restored Se neue omare steak, tuaae. oe ae Hd Neca Sheebare puppies Porsolvtg clerical work, five doy week, WOOD PRODUCTS Be"responsibie for replies uncalled for| 723-2312 723-1139 a Sicus NI | Be BAHT (UM east Ot Ritson pes, tresses, all sizes find tyes, b headboaras,|oecturet_Kennels._ 6 a rather ene Aaa eis. ORONO in 20 days. DELIVERY SERVICE aE 19 p, i one-third off. 723-38 stable In Orono, i} r. Avis, RLA 728-3651 \4----Fersona VACUUM REPAIRS, ail Re h Hide or box stalls. Telephone 983- LA, or equivalent REGULATIONS jaa i Nar a5 eee anoniy preferred. lanitor Service cease Seay Removal of superfluous hair rushes, etc. Pick-up, delivery, 942-0213. ae EU edlatel THE OSHAWA TIMES WILL NOT, it Sperm nearer aprmereggrirs [4 erree si eaners: Baha Marie Murduff will be in | 1 SERVICE BAYS ae ese Service, Main Street, MUST SELL ecinmediately, realatered INDUSTRIAL M bie Minet . TISEMENTS SUBMITTED OTHERWISE| ma. ed, Yas, enNO: RUD teed. Free estimates. Credit terms. Mat-| Oshawa, April: 3rd, 4th and GUARANTEED, USED winder washers, | Best offer. Telephone Oshawa 5760173. partment available SE| pion removes. Y25297 feed, Free estimates. Cradit terms, Mat fe ] FOR FASTER SERVICE |SUARANTEED, USED wrincer warher, A A REPLY BY LETT AN RTERTION: OF ANY AD-|HAVE YOUR CELLAR and back yard|Oshawe Uphelsteringy zey"'Dene snes-| Sth. Phone Genosha Hotel television, refrigerator, etc. $34.80 and|TO GIVE AWAY to. good "home, black Y LETTER VERTISEMENT. NOR BEYOND | THE cleaned now, low rates, Telephone 723-|725-0311 on these dates for appoint- WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL ve. Alcan Furniture. and Appliances, 2, Lan aHey RO eee me a ae CORP SUITE 201 PRICE CHARGE FOR A SINGLE IN-/8994. CHESTERFIELDS re-upholstered and nt. TYPEWRITERS nel tea aa | 3849. . 3077 Bathurst St REnvion iW" WHIcH chnoR eee [Money to Loa restyled. Free estimate. See our mate | ELECTROLYSIS Chav: Boe et le et hie Pa tee eax Toronto 19, Ontario : : 7 : , : The Odsews Tings renaree the right fo| Soeel . tuner, Dela iihantne' eee 723-4641 | mouth, Pontiac, We correct [yur 'ocal Royal'cetier® sec, any |12--Articles Wanted 286 King St W. if advertisi 9 , proper' classification. eerie Oe OF Ween Wh cnmitie e eietn eons: oer Ca" Ann| correct castor and comber, |eyaRANTEED USED wringer washefs;| Ce' Hioheer bright: Con oe tiene te EXPERIENCED OFFICE in the cases of display advertisements |date your bills or for any other worth-/§gleg and Service [Ross, (OF "anyone pecan Hed Pann align toe-in and toe-out to television, refrigerator, etc., $34.50 and/Neil's Furniture, 668-5481, 668-6526. ate Unwell oot (Bs Nala Ceara ie re erat" Sok ae doen area] Aid 'Socely, Oshawa, Telephone' fas correct condition , . . 7.95, Up. Mean. Furniture: and 45 ACUUM CLEANER and portable tele TYPIST MANAGER for more space than that whic it} 3211 2 | ; A plicit 5 AAR ttt A ESCER a a ae ith Telephi 725- Hd ectual error occupies. The publishers | 723-4631. | APPLIANCE | | @ Parts extra if required. SORE FEET? See the world's finest | Vision» 900d condition. Telephone HI | 14 F : } 2070. Pre ccrectiy, Gut ome no ability Mortgages | REPAIRS |4--Motorbikes | @ Torsion bar adjustment Bae eee ccsneeene:: Ol cama Wop LATHE ond Bi aaw) Required for production of- ACCOUNTANT of pas eb eg a wala hese lipid in | Pass pene oo condition. Call after extra ONE SINGLE ~ bed rcereeres repre good condition. 'Telephone 728-0296. fice of 'General Printers - Co. y 0! erein, ™., 728-3167. ' g le . ° sad ars GASY TO PLACE A MONIES AVAILABLE FOR) Expert renoirs, fo all makes | gir seppeveue Spitfire " Also twawy Gury singer Portable Zew(Rese_ Rie, Telephone 725488 er Box| Ltd, 57 Simcoe St. $., Osh For. Pickering Area A 5 4 o inger. ; Si a TIMES ACTION WANT AD MORTGAGE pe washers, dryers, ranges, mark IL Special eo vec "Excellent ean BRAKE SPECIAL ing: machine. 6562460, Sar Oshawa. pegs 7 Ca Wick deca : : ' pi ' i Call Classified Direct | @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ | liens BEA ASG ame ee Most popular cars. First |FREE! Furnace cleaned, adjusted free. 1 Articles for Rent Complete d. . id , 9s, wind- f ; t 1 3-- icles for Ken Pp! resume require 723-3492 LOANS | A L c AN |shield. Excellent: condition. Reasonably| Quality Royoline. 4 wheels. purchase trom. Wester Gh commen Phone 723-2233 ex, 40 for All replies will be treated in } |priced. Apply 109 Alma St $14 88 725-12 LARGE HALL appointment. full confidence. State salary I |1966 HONDA 90. Good condition. Tele- 3 RELA ATAUNE -- nation's leading required. INDEX TO Ist. and 2nd. mortgages. ie oes Ty hbad ngs |phone 725-5686. Plus $2.00 per wheel portable steam bath for heme apart. Acciisble, Monday. Giecah 2 : Open. No bonus. Mortgages hdGiea m4 F (labor cost) ment, office. Free demonstration. 728- USO y bd EXPERIENCED Write box M62004. CLASSIFICATIONS 4 Beier fee oale Telephone 723-0011 |5--Trailers 2439. Friday. COCKTAIL Oahewe Ties asi tne Purchased." " |RS® (GRR = recueme polahers, Re. . Toor edelng machine Si) 'cran reolner, CALL WAITRESS yarn -) 1 ¥i hy ce ie ing machine, 3 cash re ia en, Nock tse hae ee ORAMBLER. TRAILERS WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL |g3s. Electric Multiplier, 723-4404." sae ietoreveles Bruce V. Mackey |evaranteeo repaieto el wrincer| SALE -- RENT Including weights per wheel FURNITURE -- three rooms of new tur- 723-9620 FEMALE BARTENDER 'WELDER 5--Trallers washers and ranges. Free estimates.| OCH ee ce $1.95. |niture. Pay only $15 monthly. Barons' &--Marine Equipment 36% King St. E., Oshawa Call 728-1742 or 723-0001, | Open Sundays 2-4 P.M Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe S. sed : Apply Mr. Campbell 7--Swap and Barter | BUDDY TRAILERS SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE used| Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- GENOSHA HOTEL WANTED aA rticles o. Sale | Surveyors | FRONT-END WORK AT furniture or anything you have. The City! es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee No Phone Calls Please. cokers Couns | 723-1107 | PORT HOPE COMPARABLE PRICES Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street! Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal Must be able to reod and iimPets and Livest tele ane roe mrs oe Lot at 401 ond 28 | eo oer: Wear, Men's Formals, White bir bared Wage ed 11 p.m. - 7 am.| work from drawings. Steady Se one ee | TYPEWRITER, $49. No money down, ' ; 4 + Campbell, Genoshe Good articles tore CONSOLIDATE Boa rare pee (eee TRAVEL TRAILERS, Golden Falcon) UNIROYAL $2. weekly, Adders, cashiers, files, new,| FOX Furs, Mink Stoles. employment. wages ond 14--Busine H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontarlolang Corsair. Sales, Service. Parts, An. used, | rentals, service, trades. Bill] CARE ANITIS RENTALS |COMFORTABLE home offered --motner| Denefits. 'Semployment stead Borrow Pay Mit Land Surveyors, 111 Elgin "street East lcessories. Subway Trailer' Park' and| CENTR ES Hamilton, Raglan. SARG and baby In exchange for light dutles, Ly gents Wanted $1,600 ....0.0.;. : jone Sales. '010 Dundas St. E., Whitby. 668-4 UPRIGHT FREEZER, excellent condi-| 4 i Rd. S$. 725-3338 Central, smali remuneration. Telephone iyoremale Help Wanted PEG casks ss eee ee ee ee ---- | 7866 4 | tion, $100, Fully automatics Singer rl OS TRCD es Se Cause 728-88) NDSAY is--Male Help Wanted ' The New Name of ing 'machine, complete with desk and/ENTERTAINING? Fifty to one hundred 32 19--Male or Female disp Wanted BA000 vistas. $50.97 HOLIDAY AND ROCKET cabin T cabin trail-| DOMINION TIRE STORES 0a esa. ees eele. people? Oshawa Tennis Club for ban-/CLEAN, reliable pwomen for™ spring 4-5212 20--Real Estate For Sale Mortgages examples based on zton Truck Campers; 1967 models/ quets, parties, weddings. Bar, kitchen, cleaning, Gibb - Park area. High pay 20a--Summer Properties 15 yaar tenn [in dee tal Service and 17 Park Rd. § KODAK es folgy 8 mavie cam- Parkine. 723-7726. we anal aor ein: Person. Tele- REAL ESTATE 2i--Farms for Sale : ales, \ . 9: ars. Project sli 2--Lots for Sale terest 1 - 1} month i ae j Phone 725-6511 Viewer-Light Bar with four bulbs. Com-|WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walk- SHORT ORDER COOK, retired, 10 ane ots for Sal Interes Ya% per | PRIVATE mperor tent trailer,| eee eet ear ee four ups: Comers, reducing machines, sick room sUp- prone, Soy seer ae Kony ae SALESMAN Z--Real Estate Wanted 24--Stores Offices ag Storage Smt Ren! -- (12 - 16% per annum) and | Used one season. | Telephone 723-| CITY TV televisions, radios, $1 (1964), A.-1 condition, $75.. 53 Oshawa plies. Ald Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644. Campbell, Genosha Hoiel. 4 Salesmen required immed- Houses depending on amount borrow- anrvin i i Bivd. N., after 4 p.m. r act peeled 'i sd air abbey al ed. Interest calculated on the --| Sonn ey 7 dove. ypbind aUvinG OR SELLING fommue or ap.| 14--B Opportunities |EXPERIENCED SALES indy for Wii] lately. Experience definitely 2--Rooms for Rent educing balance. Properties OP) ee ae oye Sec', . |pllances, Call Elmer, 26794, 269085 tive. were, camuee SP pty in person on asset, but not an absolute 2%--Room and Board r ig balance. rrop Also T.V. towers, color and {Pliances. ' " IBUTCHER SHOP, completely equip-|Fox's Ladies' Wear, Oshaws Shopping necessity. Excellent commis- 2--Wanted fo Rent must be within a city or town black and white T.V. Anten- |! WILL take away household discard-|ped, spotless condition, ample parking,|Centre. i ni | fi 3--Avtomobiies, for eats limits. READ AND USE THE > installed, Sal ables, free, from garage, basement and/enjoying $2,000. steady turn-over of top NURSING ASSISTANT for nursing} #10" Structure. For full confi- 3i--Compact Cers tor Sele C.A.C. REALTY | WANT RESULTS: nas, rotors installed. eS attic. 623-7276. quality meat. For sale or lease. BoX!home. Write Box 62007, Oshawe Times | ential interview write to: 22--Trucks tor' "Sele ss ; and Service 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. FIVE-PIECE KITCHEN suite, 397 |61697, Oshawa Times. BOX M61400 si--Automebies Wanted Oshawa Shopping Centre MARKET GET WITH THE ACTION! 248 Quebec St. Call 725- |metai bed, large tricycle, two ride-on Cote Re tluge chlor tes heachon The Oshawa Times 16 oe 728-1691 TIMES ACTION ; 0500 All work guaranteed, toys. After 5 p.m., call 728-0489. RESULTS? Use Yi fog A 'cle Nipigon Street, or telephone 6 King Street East 4 ae |SIMPLE THINGS TALK: Classifi | sul iad ees {StL SPane R bar Sint A whee, insole W. = 'a eee Oshawa. Ontario ' ¢ ied Ads L PARE | OMS with paying guests.|iper brakes, 28° wheels, mileage Indica. j ' 4 Coming Events bell. thin 9d for soot BASKET Phone 723-3492 now fi 'ac-writer toltor, kick stand, fnew' tires, ent} Action Want S. | NEED LIVING QUARTERS? Read Real|NEED HELP in a hurry? Place a/Hell lal Taso tee an an * soars ter now. ea 723-3492 help you phrase your ed." ee condition, $30, Telephone 723404. 5 Estate For Sele. Wanted ad now by dialing 723-342.