70 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdoy, Merch 28, 1967 pe HOME ca oe 5. ,. ie as, xl ' ous ; a % ; The famed New York wears a St. Louis Cardinal to get accustomed to as the Yankees duo of Roger Maris uniform. and a smile, a Yankees prepare for the (left) and Mickey Mantle is sharp contrast to his final American League baseball just baseball history and seasons with New York. Season. this chance meeting will re- Mantle displays the first vive memories. Maris now baseman's mitt he's trying (AP Wirephoto) Oshawa Bowling News FRIENDLY CLUB % MOTOR CITY STORE LEAGUE ,Wilson 677 (254); Jo Cobbledick 661 High Singles -- Liz Callison (232),| High Doubles -- Flo Williamson 471; (286); Joan Beaton 656 (268, 232); June Janette Coe (211), Nicole Lavergne|(248, 223); Mae Jamieson 463 (273); Ada'Bird 649 (249); Irene Rogers 632 (245); (207), Jessica Burleigh (206), Betty|Floody 445 (207, 238); Merle Poch 426 Bobby May 631 (318); Brenda Grennon Stonebridge (204) and Florence Bracey|(227); Fairley Bouckley 426 (246); Al. 631 (270); Wal Smith 631; Nancy Fice (204) Hill 414 (215); Helen Gourley 412 (240); 624 (239). Team Standing -- Tootsie Rolls (16),/June Grice 407 (243); Celia Wigg 492; High Singles -- Bobby May 318, Ma Road Runners (15), Alley Cats (14),|(205); Queenie Lounds 400 (252 Henson 247 Jen Walker 242/ Flo Brecey Siow Pokes (10), Thistles (9) and Swing-} High Singles -- Mary McKnight 246,./236, Phyllis Oattes 232, Marion Harris ing Sixties (8 Lou Dobbins 225, Mary Bell 217, Mickey 228, Dorothy Grennon 226. Knopp 212, Helena Kok 211, Phoebe Mu T Standii -- Tri 4, tet POST OFFICE LEAGUE lien 209, Ev. Stinson 206,' Nan Bennet 10, Jolly Jumpers. 10, Sitippers' & Pea € i ae vie 205, Betty Campbell. 203 Pickers 8 Jokers 6, The Ace's 6, Carpet- 671, Liz Callison 665,|..Team Standing -- People's Clothing baggers 2. , John Gibbs 636, Rose|!6, Kinloch's Men's Wear 13, Riviera Hairstyling 13, Nu-Way Rug 13, Angus MAGILL'S MIXED LEAGUE ne 619 and Gord Stillman 612. Hy d Singles --° Joe Vasko 303, Al, /2reydor Jordon's Florist 11, ' High Triples -- G. Rice 614, E. Bas- 7 mn 79. Hardware Jury and Loveli's 6, Mod-|tarache 896, S. Moore 649, J. Meikle 759. Gibbs 279, M 78, i WO Deve Kyle, 265, Herb erm Upholstering 6, Thomsonand Ker-| High Singles -- E. Bastarache 375, 5, Rose Cochrane 257, Bob|naghan 5, 243, 278; S. Moore 244; J. Meikle 3417 i 247 and Vince Savaring 254. R. Taylor 234; Ns. Roome 225; D. Rouch ts Taken -- Spitballs 2, Aces 2 ALBERT STREET CHURCH LEAGUE 240; P. Bishop 236, nt Specials 2, Go Go's 2; Sure _.High Triples -- Gord Ford 847, Win-| team Standing -- Unstrikeables 22, No Tt 2, Alley Cats 2; Sober Six 3, Un-|Ml@ Scott 718 Stan Gray. 713, Glen|poor Souls 22, Hard Luckers 21, Hot ings 3 Maunder 709, Grace Locke 699, Bill Pike |sh i fouchables 1 $81, Doug Wilson 659, Frank Cooper, 657,|0°"® '8 Pin Heads 13, Alley. Cate 9 UAW LADIES' AUX. NO. 27 Eric Jacklin 654 and Gord Shemilt 646 UAWA LEAGUE Hich Doubles -- yi Coolidge 455 : High Singles -- Jean Morrison 258, Group 1 -- Rogers' 4, Tumey's 0; (291) and Shirley Hill 403 (204) vy Gibbs 254 Mark Hill 246, Pearl Goch's 3, Durnos 1; Parts 3, Dines 1; High Singles lo Panter. 240, Kay Marlow Norm Marnien 232, Marg|Fléming's 3, Clint's 1; Active 2, Harry's Wadley 357, Dale 227, Ruby|Mossey 230, Ken Mossey 227, Roger | mcerune S18 and don Hall ote Elancke. 728, Jim Scott 228 and Alf re 2 There were seven lemons! c cine 2 zs Motor City 4, Kemp's 0; ss ony's 4, The 27's 0; 's 3, is Points Taken -- Alley Kats 3, Injuns| Team Standing -- Robins 23, Hound|kiey 1; Houdallie. 3) Bate ae Wes 0; Union Girls 2, Tin-Lizzies 1; Mis Dogs 19, Beetles 18, Puddy-Tatts 16, App. 2, Cadillac 2. g fits 2, Motor City 1 and Jets 3, Dumb- Tigers and "Hornets 15, Stars 10, Poodles! Standings (Group 1) Fleming's moan: Standing -- Jets 34, tinviz-| oe 3), Tumey's 29, Rogers' 25, Durno's 23, zies 29, Misfits 26, Union Girls 25,| CANADIAN ORDER OF FORESTERS |Clinl's 23, Harry's. 18, Dines' 18, Parts! Alley Kats 21, Motor City 17, Injuns| High Triples -- Stan Hartshorn 772 a \ctive 12, Goch's 23. (Group 2) -- 8 and Dumb-Bells 8 (255, 265); Garn Palmer 744 (337, 266); | hOnY,S on wae City 2% Houdaille 28, This ends the second section. Tin-\Art Brown 687 (225, 267); Harvey Balson moe , The 27's 22, Mackie's 18, Lizzies took it for points and Alley\684 (321); Don Lounds 684 (299, 204); mabe 16, Cadillac 12, Bell's 10, Home in tional Hockey League's 50th |schedule. season is rapidly drawing to a) Statistics released by Stan Mikita did not pick up ajthan fourth-place New point in two games, the first)/Rangers. time this season he failed to; fach of the three teams bat- eee : Leaders register at least one point in ajtling for the three places have| Should a tie still exist, the GA Pts Pen. week, three games remaining to play|higher order of finish will 80| Mikita, Chi 33 59 92 | But the centre still has 92|in the schedule as the 1966-67/'0 the team with the fewest), ti chi 52 26 78 44 points, including a record-tying|regular season enters _ its 59 assists and a 14-point lead|week of action. over runner-up Bobby Hull of} The Canadiens three games|'©@™S being tied across the/Wharram, Chi 28 32 60 19 the Hawks, who scored his 52nd/are against Toronto Wednesday |002"@ are almost impossible. Rousseau, Mtl 18 42 60 56 goal. Mikita needs only onelang Chicago Saturday, MONTREAL (CP)--The Na- games remaining in the regularjat Toronto Saturday and close but still undecided is the|headquarters today show that ee oh order of finish for second, third} at Hr moment, Teeheto Maple| WINS WOULD DECIDE also the most by a New York|§ and fourth place in the stand-|Leafs and Montreal Canadiens| 1 the event of a tie in points 4 ings. are tied for scorn diace vith for any position, the method of] Rass Hone OA eine, Meanwhile, the Black Hawks'|71 points apiece, 17 fewer than|4e¢termining the higher standing pursuit of records was stalled|the league champion Chicago|!S that the team with the most last week when scoring leader/Black Hawks and one more|Wins will get the nod. If a tie when Boston and Chicago ended}Prentice, Det 21 21 42 16 ICE FISHERMEN third place while the Hawks of- ficially finished fourth. M 6 it 3 R B e the season with 69 points apiece.|Marshall, NY 21 21 42 4! Don't trust thin ice. If you Boston, however, had 28 wins,|Martin, Bos 20 22 42 40 é valle re ki re} &, eECor id one more than Chicago and took|Pulford, Tor 15 27 42 2g/must walk on doubtful thick | ness, your Conservation Officer jsuggests carrying a long pole Penalties in minutes: Mont-|and tapping the ice ahead of | : e | Ed Giacomin of the Rangers iy | '@ | e Ol , ) S [recorded his ninth shutout of the|Teal 847, Boston 752, Chicago season against the Leafs Sun-|714, Toronto 702, Detroit 655, day, the most shutouts any|New York 640. you. If you break through, swing the pole over both edges of the hole and pull yourself out. |) coaltender has had in a season jNew York against the Black| since 1961-62 when Glenn Hall|ge we pci 2S GE GH IA EE OM Re RS RG me me ey | NHL|Hawks Sunday. of the Hawks had nine. It is goalie since 1931-32 when John Hall and Denis DeJordy of the Hawks continue to lead in the Vezina Trophy race with a York|Still exists, the team with the|combined goals-against total of most goals for will get the |162, nine fewer than New York. higher standing. final'0als against. An NHL official nal aid Monday the chances of Ullman, Det 24 41 65 <4 Howe, Det 25 38 63 51 both} Toronto has 30 wins and | Goyette, NY 12 45 57 6) more assist to break the record/home games, and against the|Montreal and New York have/fsposito, Chi 18 37 55 40) of 59 assists in one season,|/Req Wings in Detroit Sunday.|29 each. In the goals for-goals|Mohns, Chi 24 30 54 58 which he set in 1964-65. The Leafs' three games are|against column, the Leafs have Richard, Mtl 19 33 52 26| Hull needs three more goals|against the Canadiens: Wednes-|191 goals for while Montreal|pelyecchio, D 17 34 51 8 to break his 54-goal record set/day in Montreal, at Toronto|has 188 and New York 177. The|Keon, Tor 18 32 502k last season. Mikita needs sixjagainst the Rangers Saturday|Rangers have given up 177|Ppilote, Chi 6 44. 50 86) points to establish a record for|and at Boston against the 0als, Montreal 179 and Toronto|Bucyk, Bos 18 30 48 = 12) most points in a season, set by!Bruins Sunday. New York's re-|203. MacGregor, D 26 17 43 14 Hull in 1965-66 when he had 97.|maining games are against De-| The last time there was a tie Gilbert, NY 25 17 42 = 12) By ee eee me ness ih RA Re BS Ee me ee The Hawks have four moreitroit Wednesday in New York,'for a position was in 1952-53'Ellis, Tor 21 21 42 12| This coupon can be the start of a wonderful European vacation This summer BOAC offers you a complete program of British and European car and coach tours. You'll find all the facts in three colourful new booklets. They're free and they give you all the details you need to plan your perfect summer vaca- tion. Be sure to get your copy. Fill in the coupon and mai it-today to: BOAC, P.O. Box 426. Station B, Montreal 2, Quebec, Please send me the free book(s) I have indicated O Britain by Car (Britain by Coach [1 Britain and Europe by Car NAME. CITY. ZONE. PROVINCE. Kats for pins. Playoffs start next week.|Molly Hartshorn 646 ( 230, 208); Wes\APP- 2 Stata 630 (304) and Lorna Bacon 601, High Scores -- W. Kelly 799, R. Mur- INTER-CITY LEAGUE (200, 228). ray 783, K. Johnsen 779, R. Scorgie 764, High Triple -- Jean Hubbard, 229) High singles m Is | 1. Flagel 745, T. Krout 744, J. Vandyke 21,203 (653) 213 AL Smith m3," Beryl 'miller 229; {24% F Eccles 742, A. Cameron. 737, L. High Singles -- Ed Greenfield 253,/Donna Powless 220, Louise Richardson|S2>inS 728, K. Young 722, 0. Hill 713, Benny Remano 237, Bill Grant 225, Ed) 21g, 206, Art Peeling 214, Millie Brown|&-, 20rdan 713, S, Schwartz 707, C. Heath Flagg 220, Frank Nicolle 215, Ken Hoff-/and George Morgan 213, George Palmer | 20% N. Olesuk 697, D. Davis 695, S. man 213, Linda Cooper 212, Judy Clem-| ang Martha Courtney 205. Gedgeé91, A. Taylor 687 and D. Brown ent 211 and Larry Henderson 201, 211. | Team Standing -- Blows 19, Shelps 685. |17, Astros 14, Stags 14, Gems 13, Swing-| Lemons -- D. Weyrich 80! WESTMOUNT UNITED CHURCH lors 9, Jets 7 and Go-Go's 3points. id High Triples--Anne Naish 740, Mabel | MOTOR CITY MIXED DOUBLES Smith Pao Murray MacPherson 708, CATHOLIC LEAGUE High Triples -- Doug. Smith 819 (260, Doug Smith 690, Jack Jarvis 650, Ken| wigh Triples -- J. Cardinal 790 (278, | 265, 294); Reg Norris 801 (330, 222, 249); Cobb 634, Harry Bennett 633, Irene /o4g, 264); J. Brady 696 (317); J. Infusini|Bud Morey 751 (248, 245, 258); Bud Jar- Rahme 633, Joyce Lamb 611, Edna! 679 (268); P, Lamouche 669 (270); C.|ViS 759 (230, 268, 261); Jo Westlake 743 Wilson 603, Cec. Lamb 601. Simpkins 665 (242); D, Rukaruk' 647/(245, 296, 207); Pete Makarchuk 724 High Singles -- John Black 272, Les|(242); Js Rolfe 645; M. Armitage 642) (235, 223, 266); Jack Anderson 710 (237, Borany 238, 230, Jim Laurie 228, Elaine|(238); M, Rorabeck 638 (231); and W./212, 261); Mae Jamieson 700 (221, 258, Woodcock 226, 203, Henry Veenhof 224,|Wrobel 622 (228). 221); Al. Jamieson 687 (288, 217); Marl. Kay Holbrook 218, Annabelle Cobb 217,/_ High Singles -- R. Chipman 269, M.|Ford 661 (221, 243); Bernice Goodes 661 Ellen Anderson 214 and Betty Love 211.|Castilloux 241, Rev. Mungham 240, J./(216, 239) and Lloyd Morey 661 (245, Chipman 238, J. Dickison 236, J. O'Mal-| 226). MONDAY NIGHT LADIES ley 236, M. Peters 235, B. Rorabeck 234,. High Singles -- i ii i High Triples -- P. Oattes 689, V.'C. MacKinnon 231, M. 3rady 227 and Wye ane Tucre Ghent ake Dene Mooney 633, A. Beckett 625, P. Shaw|T. Simpkins 226. Davey 266, Art Moreau 254, Joan Jack- 569, E. Davis 535 and V, Mikalauskas| Points -- Winners 4, Go-Go's 0;|son 251, Sheila Patterson 250, Eve Clark 509. {Champs 3, Satellites 1; Ups and Downs 1 High Singles--P. Shaw 271, P. Oattes|3, Apollos 1; Flintstones 3 and Rebels 1. 247, Terry Reid 246 and Iris Stone 241. pot Vv. ede hee? A. Beckett 244, Es We StRSOLY: Team Standing -- Packers 19, Spit- vis 204 and V. Mikalauskas 204, NIGHT Team Standing -- Nations 2, Alley| LADIES LEAGUE [Ue Tee HOMete se ey me ee Cats 25, Bunglers 16, Rookies 14, Ped-| High Triples -- Verna Dewell 758 (298,|Hards 14, Jets 14, Die Hards 12, Buddys lars 12, and The Mac's 9. 241); Hilda Ridley 691 (235, 261); Sandra'12, Dropouts 11 and We Try 11. I've found there's more to Canada Permanent than high interest savings accounts A savings account can be a big help in e Investor Service--highly skillea building security and we have two high {investment management for those with interest accounts, But other Canada substantial holdings. 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Froud, MANAGER "s SAVINGS.» TRUST SERVICES + MORTGAGES Canada Permanent Trust Company BRANCHES COAST TO COAST lis True Oshawa Times is caught ot that. In background in the middle on this one . . . and some ways from home is London's Parliament and Big Ben, just across the Thames, But we're in fine company. Escorting at right and left--a leading British newspaper. According to our phctographer, getting this shot was a cos® of 'If you can't lick 'em, join 'em!'* THEY'RE OUTSELLING US IN LONDON We've got to concede. They've got us beat on Westminster Bridge, in Parliament Square, in Picadilly and all along the Thames, And even when the competition is a family affair, it's rough. Occasionally our man in London catches somebody sneaking a peek at his Oshawa Times, but it's a battle. The English are polite, but they fight hard. This has put a heavy burden on our reporting and circulation staffs, which must work doubly hard if we are to win a gentleman subscriber here and there in London. The ones with the bowlers are the hardest to sell. Old school ties, you know. But if you think we have it rough in London, you can imagine how hard it is in Oshawa for anybody else. Here, where we're operating on home ground, where we know you and you know us, things are different. No doubt about it... we're easily thousands and thousands of copies ahead of any London papers sold in Oshawa. Yes, we're pleased to admit we're READ THE ahead here in Oshawa where things count the most with you. But we are thankful for the competition, as it were. Helps keep us on our foes in serving you. Best Way In Oshawa To Keep Informed About The World; Best Way In The World To Keep Informed About Oshawa She Oshawa Zimes "ONTARIO'S COUNTY'S OWN DAILY NEWSPAPER" F' The betwe and L pany « Frida) Keit! resent; repres worke! vert te tions lapse. A. t tween union pired } Mr. tract ¢ ed not is not springs union fully, | person went u The tract p ed the -- cent fare | wage s ation ¢ work | days, WORK Anott involve that to off a p week s a conti The mon in on an shifts i It di Work st Da Wi TORO schools 1980s aj space s would grandpa tion Mi Mr. LC bers of ucation that chi selves t ing typi minister teachers of elect Lectur broadca stocked swer qu "Rote COR