& MRS. EDWARD Forgette, Police Association Auxil- School and Treatment Cen- the new equipment the standing, left, treasurer, jary, watch Miss Rachel tre, as she shows one of auxiliary will be purchas- 4 , righ "inal of h iis: Franc Sand ing for the school, with the and Mrs. John Reardon, Cooper, rig si principa 0! er pupils, rancine Band- $400.00 they brought with president of the Oshawa the Crippled Children's stra, 7, pictures of some of them. MRS, KENNETH OSTLER, her Cubs, with Sixer John form the Cub Pack about Aird. The auxiliary fi- O'Neill, left, David Sam- two years ago and when nances the pack and a aces nadeele api me ells, centre, and Sixer Mr. Muzeen left the city father and son banquet the Crippled ae Peter Boyko, right, in the took over as Akela. She is each year for its mem- School, discusses bird- wheel-chair, Mrs. Ostler assisted by her husband, bers. houses made by some of helped Bernard Muzeen and Constable Douglas Photos victims are among the few stilljevery child after the second. Encourages Population Increase sermtiet:s are premaney'txes Yer tamies wi the : . : jinterrupted. Violators of thejand more children have been Romania Strict With Abortion | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Morch 22, 1967 15 Ween § Police Auxiliary's Dedication Gives Boost To Crippled Children By MARY WILLIAMS, |pesisting the teachers. Other Oshawa Times Staff years they donated two half Born of necessity and carry-|days a week, but this has now ing on to serve -- aptly de-jdecreased to one or two days a scribes the Oshawa Police month. Association Auxiliary. Their plans for the coming In October, 1961, the Oshawa) year include work bees to Police Association was host to} make articles for the bazaar in the Ontario Police Association|Noyember, for which some of Convention. The large num-|the members started to pre- ber of delegates from all over|nare in January. the province, many accompan- : . ied by their wives, presented| PLANNING AHEAD a problem for the local asso-| As a group they took Instruc- \tion. last year in making table ciation. What. could they do to enter-|centrepieces and Christmas tain the wives? The only logic- |decorations and will have many al answer was to ask their own |of these for sale this year. Two wives to form a group to en-jof their group, Mrs. Bruce MacGregor and Mrs. Lawrence tertain the guests. Under the leadership of Mrs.|Avery, are accomplished Duncan Foreman about 25|needle women and have been wives banded together to form|doing embroidery, _ knitting, the auxiliary, electing Mrs. making pillows and anything Foreman as its president. else which they think might e : sell. Others are donating or | GROUP WITH A PURPOSE making articles and the last When the convention was!week before the sale there will over the wives found that they|he feverish activity. in their enjoyed being together, shared kitchens as they do the home common interests and would | baking, which has made the like to continue as a group, but/pazaar famous. they had to have a purpose to) This group started out with a stay together. membership of 25 and it has re- ca Bas TF ted sagt friend mained about the same. Each MRS, LAWRENCE Avery will be sold at the auxil- articles for the bazaar. pee pein sir' ry Pe rip: September, when the auxiliary nq Mrs. Bruce MacGregor iary"s bazaar in the fall, Mrs. Avery is a Kinder- p ildren's chool and|starts up in the fall, they con- et thcethen to Wake Home Both are accomplished garten teacher with the Treatment Centre and drew|tact the wives of new men on 8&8 merier eccilaheh oa neediewomen and spend Oshawa Board of Educa- their attention to the desperate |the force or of men who have re- Of the many articles which many hours working on tion. need for volunteer help. At the|cently married to invite them same time all women's 8TOUPS into the group. Resignations were assisting at Hillsdale!from the force automatically| Jand (or) the entire month of;year should be generally happy THE STARS SAY Manor bri fesisiiatio pens ihe jnext. March. Best periods for|for sentimental relationships. i" 8 sj ,joring res ee a ne) By ESTRELLIT. Jartistic and scientific workers Most suspicious. periods for It was decided that all money | auxiliary's membership with! e PBLTTA will occur in June, August and|travel: Mid-June, the last twe raised would be donated to these two groups and the mem- bers would assist with volun-| one or two exceptions. The first roR TOMORRO W weeks in August, early Septem- president's husband retired but| P' ber and the weeks between Dec, next February, although the en- A day in which you will fare tire year wili be generally good | tary help jest Foreman still remains|better at routine than you will wees finances rea at 15 and Jan. 15. . i FOE ron. | eue: at new enterprises--with one ex-/cerned, your affairs shou be} A child born on this day will uae ie eae Pehl i Other presidents of the auxil-| ception New ideas or methods/fairly stable now, if you have|be endowed with an outgoing sHiviel minitiawe Ad" Baka iary have been Mrs. John for simplifying the aforemen-|managed wisely since the first|personality and unusual versa- silsk dod the aomey divided Powell, and Mrs. Charles Hilljtioned routine should work outjof the year, but you can lookltility in both the artistic and hatwean Hillsdale Manor and and the present one is Mrs./well; also relieve monotony. Do|forward to several more cycles | business fields, but will have te aed : |John Reardon, They meet in/not brush off suggestions be-|which will be excellent on the|curb tendencies toward over- the school. After two years, the * | Sart . 3 , jeach other's homes once a'cause they are "unusual.'"' |monetary score. The next one, |aggressiveness. auxiliary decided to drop Hills-\ month with work parties in be- \though 'short, should be quite -- dale Manor because they could|in een. FOR THE BIRTHDAY lpaintul : . see the school needed the help the most. | One thing they and all the) "If tomorrow is your birthday, GUARANTY TRUST 32 KING ST. E. and will last from now| through May 15. Other good| other policemen's wives are) your horoscope indicates that|periods: The last two weeks in| THEIR CUB PACK looking forward to is the annualjy our occupational conditions,| July, the weeks between Sept. | About this time, Bernard Policemen's Ball being held in| somewhat adverse last year,|15 and Oct. 8, and from Oct. 29 Muzeen of the Boys' Club was\the Civic Auditorium on May|should be immensely improvedjto Nov. 15. Consolidate assets | trying to start a Cub Pack at|§ under the chairmanship of|during this one--in fact, shouldjthen, and look forward to an the Crippled Children's School, |Constable William Hayes. be highly gratifying. Stellar in-|excellent two-month cycle be- and asked Mrs. Kennetth! \fluences, governing these inter-|ginning on Feb. 1, 1968. Do not Ostler, a member of the aux TIMELY TIPS jests, became much more benign | speculate Tecate) © Open To Serve You iliary, for her assistance and| In doubt about what to do\28 Of Feb. 1, but don't stop try-juary, however. All gains within Mon. - Thurs. 9 to 5 the auxiliary's support. Mrs.|with that leftover meat loaf?|ing, since you can look forward |the next 12 months will accrue « J Ostler assisted Mr. Muzeen|The Foods Department at Mac- to some pleasing advancement|from conservative operations. Friday 9 to 9 Saturday & to | . ; ' A Iniversi and recognition of past efforts|No chance-taking! Fa er oO ton aaa ite kood|auring the ist 17 days of Juy,| Where romance tx enncerned. husband, Constable Kenneth|cubed and heated in undiluted egy lat a 5 SUE OE aes -- will e first week o' ctober, in-joccur in May, August and (or) org and Constable ee mushroom soup. |mid November, late December |next January, but the entire! The auxiliary arranges al | Father and Son Banquet each year for the pack. Other years it has been at the Boys' Club but this year it will be at the new school next month. Last year through the mam-! moth bazaar and bake sale the previous fall, the ~ auxiliary gave the building fund of the school $500. and last week gave| | ernw ow eB them an additional $460. to | equip a room with the extras needed. Another $100. is to be) WIFE PRESERVER | presented in June of this year. | Pick off celery leaves and, The members of the auxil-|dry on a cake rack in a very) fary have spent many hours in|slow oven. Great for flavoring volunteer work at the school'soups, stews, etc. Who offers the cereal that feels right to your baby? anti - abortion law face jail|slashed. terms of up to three years. | The pacemaker in the move- "BUCHAREST (AP) -- Births|was all. Court costs in divorce cases,ment is energetic Nicolae Cea-| are encouraged, divorces made and no details were taken are up to $333 -- equivalent tojusescu, the Communist secre-| ; : ip.|down." about five months' pay of an|tary-general, who also has mas-| more nen 124 pecshy tie ea | The fee was 30 lei -- $1.65 atjaverage worker, Judges are au-|terminded the country's bold in: tially banned by new laws el the most favorable rate of ex-|thorized to fix the alimony as/dustrial program. | signed to assure manpower for "| 7 No red tape, no names} change. jhigh as one-third of the net in-| "'We need men, men, men, Romania's ambitious industrial] «after abortions were legal- come of the partner footing the|commented a health ministry ; io} : fficial. At present, 30 per cent} plans. ized, health officials registered |"! : fel. D | Matters had reached the point|a noticeable increase in second- To encourage births a $55 pre: |0F Romania's labor force are| where pregnancies were cas-\ary Sterility, premature births, |e Js paid to a mother for'women. | ually interrupted and one out of|miscarriages and other symp-| -- three city marriages foundered.|toms of morbidity," Dr. Missir e | a * : said. 'Something had to be done, hon wea pile thay about it and so we had the new e spend their money. on raising laws. children now are having second ,acK THE PILL Till End of March 25% off Mirrors of all Descriptions We also carry: Tub & Shower enclosures, Patio Doors, Table Tops (fancy or plain), Desk Tops, Sealed Units & Sliding Cupboard Doors. VERN GLASS CO. LID. 1220 Simcoe St. N. Phone 728-6214 thoughts, All sag ese ee | Conventional contraceptives ig (babe ag jegulised Ne Sosy [are in short supply and the pro- duction of birth control pills is were a key factor in lowering | 4 contemplated. birth rates to 14.6 from 25.6 per, 1,000 population inside 10 years.| 'We discussed the subject at "Abortions were a preferred|Many conferences,' said an-| method of birth control," saysjother health ministry official . Maria Missir of the Roman- "But the experts could not agree | ibe health ministry. "They were|on whether the pill was really really easy to obtain. : effective and also harmless to "Pregnant women who did)@ woman's health." not want to have a child just} Mothers of at least four chil- walked into a clinic and thatidren, women over 45 and rape STIMMY CHARITY BALL DINNER DANCE > AT THE CAROUSEL INN SATURDAY, MAY 6th Tickets Available from. . - MRS. C,H. VIPOND 723-2028 Sponsored by the Women's Welfare League. OPIS Oshawa minute" spring styling detail: notched cardigan neckline. Navy, jade, yellow, bine, white, 6-20 40.00 Gerber...of course! PENT RTRTIER IME EE, ' Gerber Your baby is much more likely to enjoy his cereal if its texture is pleasing to the tongue. Smooth, creamy Gerber Cereals give him just that texture (and a variety of delicate flavours, too) when you mix them with milk or formula. And how readily they mix! In seconds they're al! set to serve. Depend on them to stay creamy-smooth all through the feeding, even when baby dawdles, Most important, Gerber Cereals... Rice Cereal, Oatmed, Barley, Mixed Cereal, Mixed Cereal with Banana and Protein Cereal Food... provide your darling with nutritional benefits. Iron and B-vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin) have been added to every one of them. But isn't that typical of the extra care you get... from a company that specializes in good things for baby? Babies are our business...our only business! Gerber Baby Foods niaGara FALLS, CANADA