Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Mar 1967, p. 20

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j SCHOOLS CLOSE EARLY THE OSHAWA TIMES, Scturday, Merch 18, 1967 F hi es | . ph 20 : as 10ns 1¢. e mm ity Only one South Korean in six a | ON TELEVISION Y aoe = ST. PATRICK'S DANCE = Lucille And Eva Fully A - : | uCclile Va rully Aware @ | & e ° By CYNTHIA LOWRY _|lives as reruns. Some of those WHEN o NEW LEGION HALL @ h Little Plays Host Role NEW, YORK (AD) -- sh [nr Love cr ate tv HNS' 1B 471 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH = 1C short skirts on women of aljjbeen repeated as often as 14 THE INS' B Featuring: -- BE Foll ages, sizes and shapes may be|times in 15 years Go ouT 'EH The BILL BACKWELL COMBO =o the G e commonplace all over North| In another 15 years, a mature P ] | imine In Annual Eastertime Show ding: ett an fico vonen in acres inher ove? Da@neing -- (i SATURDAY, MARCH 18th = rs around the beniline se televicies her knees would date a pro- SATURD. ober BB Dancing 9 p.m. to 12. $3.00 per couple Ml not be TONIGHT iene and : at ag ge ing in wo Jima, Tarawe, Goan, is on the variety programs. Lee 4 pg ee cng A 2 tapes > ces meee 5 8 nen Bar Facilities a per ae JUNIOR MISS PAGEANT -- NTURY -- Mars pan and Okinawa. Ex-marine Tt den't that osHormne . Hosts are John Forsythe, Anita|Beyond, a look into the future|Lee Marvin is the narrator for as Lucille Ball ae i ane and brosd-trimmed fate of men : "Bobby MINNS y be ee ea hdl [od peng Bryant and Bobby Rydell, forjof the U.S. space program. Wal-|the show. (Channel 7 at 7.30 are not fashion conscious. They|moviec on : ; SHOW BAND PY sugge: the 10th Annual America's Jun-|ter Cronkite is the host. (Chan-|p.m.) are, but they are even more|™°V!es: Peal ap hain 3 ceived for Pageant, Miss Diane Wilkins|nel 4 at 6.00 p.m.) I SPY -- Kelly (Robert Culp) conscious that fashion is fickle| Safest shows, from the stand- ooR- Ad the 1966 Junior Miss will crown MONDAY and Scott's (Bill Cosby) assign- and that returns of comedy pro-|P0int of showing age, are the) IND petitio the winner. (Channel 2 and 8} DAKTARI -- The Wameru/ment to keep a U.S.O. come- grams are extremely profitable. ry ae egy OUTDOOR muscl at 8.00 p.m. staff searches for Clarence the/dian in line is no laughing mat- In many current Lucy shows, dance! ge gy a ie" the 1880s never IN PERSON -- Actor-impres-|lion, whose rare-blood-type is|ter: The comic keeps getting the actress appears in smart -- ~ eren ' et Oe tral o sionist Rich Little is the host/needed to save a cub, Stars are|involved in international scan- two-piece suits. Miss Gabor, in aged were in Gary Coop- conda! for the annual Easter Seal|Marschall Thompson, Cheryl/dals, (Channel 9 at 10.00 p.m. her present role of an incredibly petiliak ode for Ce show. Performers include trum-|Miller, tg eno gai -- rr ipa Channel 2 and 8 at NEW TALENT poe a ng in Green Acres, peter Bobby Gimby, Young Can-| Rhodes. anne! at 7%. we De, Gesae' & Osh probably has the most chic @ SPECIAL ada Singers, 11-year old James|P.m.) WEDNESDAY Precngen 8 oo aeranee wardrobe in television, and she ORnnerrnrnrnrmnnnmnnmnnmnww NOW SHOWING me ADULT Sanders this years Timmy and) EDDY ARNOLD -- Eddy Ar-| J, F. K. ASSASSINATION. -- a local Country and West. rarely reveals a kneecap. fi e ENTERTAINMEN]] Arra many other guests. (Channel 3,/nold, the Tennessee Ploughboy|Minority Report, this discussion] ern music group. She is re- |_ But Carol Burnett turned up SE A F 00D aT u s made 6, 12 at 10.15 p.m.) offers a program of Country/by panelists Mark Lane, Leo] garded as one of the more |Sunday night on the Smothers metro -QoiGayn-mayet pests dents { SUNDAY and Western music. (Channel 4/Sauvage, Harold Weisberg, promising younger Country |Brothers variety hour in a short natalie wood 5 oy Octobe ANNIE GET YOUR GUN --J/at 9.30 p.m.) Penn Jones and Jacob Cohen is} and Western singers locally, |S@duin dinner dress. Peggy Cass Friday and Saturday penelope play " Ethel Merman 'stars as Annie, wUmsbaY largely a hotly argues rebuttal| Her song-style is frequent. |°Ccasionally wears mini-skirts parm: Pal esa ies saa ments the 18th century markswoman to the Warren Commissions find-| ly compared to that of |224 white stockings on the game Live Lobster, Crab, Fresh Shrimp a poles | al dick shawn trip. 1 who shoots her way into (and) TIME IN HELL -- The pro-|ings, Columnist Jim Bishop is Wanda Jackson. The 18- |Show To Tell the Truth. Alaska King Crab Legs. wy ce -* peter Tila kedrwva lou Jacobt tickets nearly out of) a romance. The|gram features actual battle/the moderator. (Channel 7 at! ;:ear-old blonde formerly at- Our Usuol Menu Will Also Be Available, x au | 'jonathan winters junehe songs are by Irving Berlin.|scenes of the U.S. Marines fight-|3.00 p.m.) : tended McLaughlin Collegi- NO RERUN VALUE (Prime Rib of Beef or Steaks) i» Panunision em Metracalor Ae BOXING--Muhamad Ali (Cas- " = pposeorer| Perey Rs gp sage ag Ras vase GEORGI AN : grade fi 1 e has appeared wi' e : : iho SHOWTIME AT THE MOVIES sxoccz. 'soe 1 sie| Sue iets (ne pat tech oe duled 15 round match with Zora| Places as the Picadilly |0ccasional rebroadcast the fol- MOTOR HOTEL TONY CURTIS MARES -- Harum Scarum,jengagement in Toronto. One Of/Folley at New York's Madison| Room of the Hotel Genosha. |!owing summer, but fashions in technicolor, with the one and/the finest comedies ever made. Square Gardens, (Channel 3, 7,| Heather Lee is her profes- don't usually change that fast. For wr Coll ROSANNWA SCHIAFFINO Our only Elvis Presley. Starring Buster Keaton, Phill at 19.00 p.m.) : sional name. She is the | Comedy shows, particularly ™ mittee On the same program, Around|Silvers and the Three Stooges. daughter of Mr, and Mrs, {Lucille Ball's series, have long the fir: The World Under the Sea, with|In color. Adult Entertainment. THURSDAY Join 'Strank af OihaWa. ble gal piesa Shirley Eaton and Lloyd} Shown Sunday _ continu-) COLISEUM -- Host Merv ; bers a Bridges. In color. ous from 2:00 p.m. Weekdays|Griffin welcomes the rock 'n'| GQ0D FOR YOU, TOO tics co' Shown ee srt at bn lbs yell ver ooo howe omaargtl Your Babs Freshly-cut spinach is Cal ° e . / tory in from 1:00 p.m. and Sunday con-|Saturday uous fro! : ers Mustache, a bango bandjin a physics laboratory to re- di A df A achieve os ge Berg 1 p.m. er 'oun "ee By seoag agin' the mysterious life pro- FOR OSHAWA "« eee a Istinguls é event: | oo bo farting the following Thurs- acts. (Channel 4 at 7.30 p.m. cess of photosynthesis. rary. day, Arabesque, in technicolor.| PLAZA -- Today and tomor-| DEAN MARTIN -- Deans -- EXCLUSIVE LIMITED ENGAGEMENT O'Neill' A comedy thriller starring Gre-|tow, Deadly Than The Male, @|euests are Buddy Greco, Janet up imp gory Peck and Sophia Loren. |Spy comedy with Richard John-|Bisir, the McGuire Sisters, Bob MAT ficulty. As an added ; feature, Br tell ag Elke Sommer. In tech-/Newhart and Louis Prima AUTOMA IC THREE GEORGE STEVENS THREE The Munsters of TV fame in, Mun- . : (Channel 9 at 9.30 p.m. Chan- » i. sVEIN, | commit sters Go Home, in technicolor|, Shown daily at 1:30, 3:a0,|(Chamnel § at 9.30 p.m. TRANSMISSION SHOWS | starring Fred Gwynne and|5:35, 7:40 and 9:50 p.m. Last DAYS ONLY ae a DAILY ! | Yvonne De Carlo, complete show at 9:15 p.m. FRIDAY CENTRE I HE 1:45 - 5:00 | Shown weekdays at 7:00 p.m.| Starting Monday until Wed-| PLAITED CROWN --a repeat ryt c ar Raat i id | Saturday continuous from 1:00|nesday, The Greatest Story|of the CBC program produced ; GRE Al ESI 8:30 P.M. Done p.m. and Sunday continuous|Ever Told, with Max Von Sydow|last year by Vincent Torell,|} 1038 Simcoe St N. 728-7339 : pm ee | drudge from 2:00 p.m. and John Wayne. The story of/Toronto. A musical and visual : : ' S TORY Z the Po: the crucifiction and resurrection|treatment of the moods of Holy Of all Transmission E oe oo ' = sored b REGENT -- Now playing un-|of Christ. In technicolor and|Week, the glory of Palm Sun- ©/ Repairs Could've Been | BAY, ER my Four til next Thursday Walt Dis-/clnemascope. Three continuous|day, the tragedy of Good Fri- /©O Avoided by Preven- j ~, for Rose ney's, Follow Me Boys, in tech-|features at 1:45 p.m., 5:05 p.m.|day and the triumph of the Re- t lve Maintenance TOL D ; They ar nicolor with Fred MacMurray|and 8:30 p.m. surrection. (Channel 8, 6, 12 at|} Every 25,000 Miles. - . Devitt, | and Vera Miles. Starting on Thursday, Night/s.00 p.m.). : | Drew. ' Shown daily at 2:10, 4:30,Jof the General, a special Easter! y p & AasgassINATION -- Reconditioned "ONE OF THE psn 6:55, and 9:15 p.m. Last com- (attraction. One of the years 10 A Majority Rebuttal, this pro- | bec hig plete show at 9:05 p.m. best pictures, A massive color gram offers dsfendare of One Transmissions GREATEST MOTION French be a dee Gant. Sar Ge ok by" Sam Seige Soa ae Warren Commission a chancel For Chev., Pontiacs (Cdn.) Exchange ide fe he caer , y Go, ike vivid mellow drama, there|t0 rebut their critics and is aj} $125 Plus Installation and Fluld. PICTURES EVER PHIL STIVERS Lig Shown daily continuous from is plenty here. -- pa % baring report Al Work Gearevteed? " -- . 1:30 p.m. Shown daily at 1:30, 4:05,)Shown last Wednesday. (Chan- MADE JACK GILFORD 6:40 and 9:20 p.m. Last com-|nel 7 at 8.00 p.m.) BUSTER KEATON ] NEW ODEON --Today only, |Plete show at 9:10 p.m. Weird Wicked biel a or / li A MELVIN FRANK Production An as mentary on some of mankind's HELD OVER " strangest habits. Admittance CLUB e A FUNNY THING beng restricted to persons over 18 SECOND BIG WEEK HAPPENED ported t years of age. at the T On the same ee, = - ON THE WAY ' Niagara Summer, a movie depicting ot the " teenagers going berserk, with On Scugog Island Vint R cost TO THE FORUM apy perp ge violence following violencel| ST. PATRICK'S age noom HICHREL CRAWFORD / MICHAEL HORDERN wD aN TGRTAINIMENT to this c bay aged ed ol i D AN CE Sinai 4 HAROLD S. PRICE STEPHEN SOROHEIM xy BURT SHEVELOVE& LARRY CELBART Also, | ia ce ay continuous from ' . 4 pn pee OLOR by Dokure rate MELVIN PINK bree RLXIED STIR lard, pre Starting tomorrow for an ex-|| SPonsored by 'the Certwright cence et Pare AY SOPAY 306 foth tended run, A Funny Thing . H ll Li Pi Weird Wicked World @ Violent Summer This was Happened On The Way To The This Saturday a one me magazin Forum, direct from its 10-week Dance To The Music OF od - ~ _ -- . A chec EUGENE & « JOHN WAYNE as The Centurion CHARLTON HESTON os John the Baptist CLAUDE RAINS a3 Herod the Great Nes to Mr ¢ i ard TECHNICOLOR® reteesed vy UNITED ARTI " United iIZZA The Stosliners Jeannie W leased by STS " Phone 723-0241 im. 3.00 et the ( or 728-0192 Sone Sot Yow t t SHOWING MONDAY --- " ' Ptr et Bort GEORGIAN Motor Hotel ! opt EPI'S ince' 9 te 1 otor mote TUESDAY --- WEDNESDAY normal ic wee RA ee DOORS OPEN AT 1 P.M. are over Just be Today and Sunday Only! : , | STAGE DOOR |. a 8 i pee juni OSHAWA SKATING CLUB : Kiwanis Mea gh cur ups We ee CENTENNIAL -- | DANNI POMANTI & GLENN WALLACE ICE FROLIC "or" "ML | tm 27 Lice ri' siz ale Ma ? Entertainment Nightly--Saturday Matinee 4 bk 9 pital. The pay "ey < PETER PAN CAPERS ' them anc Fowon saree Kegel: FEATURE Di LY: x , DUNDAS sT. biog TODAY ! 6:55 - 9:15 . : WHITBY / ws 0 : TIMES -- 1:30 Saturday, April 8 | ail do ° 5 =r } hem nn ADVENTURES KS 3:34 -- 5:35 ' ee : | the the AND INVENTIONS! PHONE 7235-2843 7:40 -- 9:50 Featuring Members of CANADIAN CENTENNIAL | pcs Pinko WORLD'S TEAM Crowd at oe Bat WORLD sity with tending i UNDER CANADA'S sd ona oe . CEA Lynda Carbonneto recently ¥ mathemat BiG Maureen Peevers Winners Wayne Palmer BEAT |. asia RUSH LOUNGE| BIG took first } NOW PLAYING ; a SHOWCASE of STARS } BANDS PLUS -- Comedy Routines - Oshawa Figure Skaters RY Peterboro Ss . MATINEES: EVENING: 8:00 P.M. Ly, cane Oshawa's Largest gl 2:00 P.M. Adults $2.00 SS phy for SAT., MARCH 26th |; #'\. Adults $1.25 $1.75 - $1.50 CS marks of * SUSAN TAYLOR Children .75 Children $1.00 SS hasuts % fith, adjuc "Don't Make Promises' OUS we. : SEE! ak RK, qnd aoe ASSOCIATES > ----e vi ig &, 'ord. Not Released BUS SERVICE a tours of | A & BOBBY KRIS and IMPERIALS ---- -- -- nalgae BIG * TH eae ee At 1:00 - 1:30 and 7:00 - 7:30 - 8:00 P.M. ae ag a ain THIS WEEK HOURS & THE iroight, From The Villoge TICKETS ON SALE . [ = provincial Formerly Ritchie Knight and <P The Best In N open choi LITTLE CAESAR Mid' Knights Auditorium Box Office -- Bolahood's Sportshaven A ' Karen ADVANCE $2.00 DOOR $2.50 | | Bishop Sporting Goods -- Oshawa Sketing Club Members 6 Musical Comedy SA oe 4 " je pla AND THE CONSULS Einece and: Gord ot"730'" go 856 = 5.95 ; | 7) w in the pia and after dance, OS | nga a) i Pee A ety, oe, Na por" : | Vy Dave won Admission: 75c Non-Members . . . 50c Members Disc Shop---Oshawo' shopping Centre, Bolahood's i aw i under cla: 0.C.V.I. AUDITORIUM Se a Hae ey Soe NY vy, -- The Boy lowmanville, Jury an ove! rovel; an i} BEAT School Representatives was forme SAT., March 18th-at 8:30 p.m. KING ST. ft .th ctl -- SHIRT AND TIE -- NO BLUE poh THORNTON ROAD SOUTH OFF KING ST. WEST OSHAWA * ony ee ORIU : " 4 ig sgt to kee; 4 ] j : \

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