Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Mar 1967, p. 5

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K ideo e red ARN juestion of id radio re- eedings of » permitted 2 Up again, orominently een in the cording of e house for mn purposes 'ision inter- on able to ibition and more and heir micro- s into the may serve fore hap- of the pri- ly to start ing, when awrence of lis was not les of the 'DP mem- forced the d the com- smbers for Mr. Law- the decid- nission to are of the elecasting ld be per- stumulus e stepped d is deep, zely with- » news of er a grey verbatim ermitted, e in par- where d is in the efores of tory, and 'ting per- is largely 1 custom reasoned are new other dis -"ommunis arliamen- ic, and anew strongly he news rted pic- the lim- adio and only the 1ese COM 'ional. re is thé they ark ommuni nould not ht of re- accord: methods GO made to- Wecker, Manager at con- d within 10 mil- int south urch at npletion. hurch is ) Canada ick ben+ 1 be in- $10.00 a s of the Oshawa Shields, George Land of een rib- pipes, spuds in ig when TL} WHITBY DAY - BY - DAY Workshop Needs Money To Construct Building WHITBY (Staff) -- The Shel-jattendance, and limited equip- tered Workshop and _ Train-|ment. Since that time it moved ing Centre here may lose its;to temporary quarters in All property in May if 'it can't|Saints' Anglican Church, Whit- raise the funds necessary to|by, with persons being aided by build on the land. the program totaling nine, in- In 1965, the workshop pur-|cluding one on a_ part-time chased a lot on Charles Street. | basis. At the time of the purchase,| The workshop is sponsored the association was told itiby the Ajax - Pickering - would have to build on the land|Whitby Association for Retard- within one year. ed Children. Handicapped per- Last fall, the workshop ap-|sons employed at the sheltered plied. to town council for an|workshop are all over 16 years extension of time to enable itjof age and work on contracts to raise the amount required|for various firms, including to erect a permanent building.|printing presses, rebuilding It was given a six-month exten-|cases and repairing swings sion with the stipulation that it|/from public parks, to mention was the last extension it would|a few. | be able to obtain and that the} 'We had hoped to build a land must be built up by May,|/small factory-type building on 1967. jour: land," said Percival Wal- The workshop has raised|cott, workshop director, "and $18,000, but it requires an addi-|then we would be able to house tional $22,000. to erect the nec-/all the equipment we have been essary facilities. lgiven and help others too.' The Kinsman building at Port} "But," said Mr. Walcott, Whitby was the first edifice ta|"'the prospect seems rather house the workshop when iti\dim if we don't raise the with| money or get another extension in'of time from council." started last September three handicapped persons Whithy Reddent Awarded Felomtip 115 Mills For Education. Forecast For Pickering one of 26 students at the Uni- pe university, bt -- prese of numerous officials versity of Toronto who re- The Fellowships are award-| ceived Woodrow Wilson Fel- eq to students of high scholar-| lowships for 1967-1968. \ly achievement in the arts and Mr. Cuddy is in his graduat-|sciences who are planning to ing year in the Commercial|persue a university teaching and Finance course at Trinity;career. Woodrow Wilson Fel- College, and received official|lows may take a year of post notice of the award at a cere-|graduate studies at the univer- mony held yesterday at the|sity of their choice, with all University of Toronto. The/tuilion and fees paid and a liv- presentation was made by Dr.!ing stipend of $2,000. Young People Confirmed At St. Mark's The Service of Confirmation|Ted Norwick, Ron Harland, and Reception to full Com-}Philip Harris, Jack Winter, munion was held for i7 young|Charles Gordon, Jim Aiken- people in St. Mark's United/head, Dennis Darling. | Church last Sunday morning. | Following the service par- The clerk of session, E. E./ents and friends met with the Bond, and the Church School|new members in the assembly Superintendents, Mr. and Mrs.jhall for a brief social time. C. Kidd, joined the minister in|Refreshments were served by welcoming Kerry White, Patijthe leaders and members of Creech, Catherine Mifflin, Sally|the CGIT. Roblin, Lynda Elliott, Nancy; The Sacrament of the Lord' S| Mesher, Linda Gibson, David|Supper will be celebrated this Millar, John Reed, Chris Wells,'Sunday morning. Roll Call Answered With Easter Verse Roll call was answered with;worship period and opened with an Easter verse at the Almonds|a quotation on "Happiness". United Church Women's meet-|Mrs. Loyal Pogue read _ the ing conducted by Mrs, George|scripture. Mrs. Appleby spoke Bowcott. It was announced thatjon "The Cross". Mrs. H. T. Fallaise would be} Mrs. R. H. Wylie read a poem guest speaker at the April 5Sjentitled "Easter Morning". meeting. Mrs. Orville Atkinson thanked Mrs, R. R. Appleby took the|those who took part. United Church Women Discuss Projects Mrs, M. A. Price, president/accepted to attend All Saints' of St. Mark's United Church|Anglican Church Guild April 6. Women, introduced Mrs. Ken| At the April 4 general meet- Soble, leader for Unit 1 and 2,\ing the speaker will be P. Wal- who opened the meeting with ajcott, director of the shelter poem on "Friendship" by|/workshop training centre. eal Halbrook Zimmerman.| Mrs. Glen Carr and her group Members discussed sugges-jwill be in charge of the Unit tions for the year's projects. It]meeting of April 10. Mrs. John was reported that 25 calls were|Hare's group will lead in the made to sick and shut-ins. worship service with Mrs. P. J. It was announced that Gar-|Gordon as guest speaker. The denview United Church Women|theme, "What the Church Real- are sponsoring a '"'Silhouette|ly Is". Hat Show" at St. Mark's United] Tea hostesses were Mrs. C. Church assembly hall March 20./L. Jorden and Mrs. A. Archi- An invitation was received and' bald, WHITBY PERSONALS Mrs. G. C. Dalgleish con- Mgt A. Fein sunt BN, ducted St. Andrew's Presbyte-|B. Hamre, Mrs. Victor Rylan ' : and Mrs. John Wall will be in ran cea a pape | charge. The centennial project Mrs. C aiactisel ed was held on of a high school scholarship was 'igrening "Bowponaiullies." A discussed. or ' ppd in serving were Mrs. B. Hamre rangements were made to|.g Aeas Sonn Davien. serve lunch following the March 19 service when Rev. Zander| The CP and T euchre of Witte w e Dunn and Mrs. Dunn will be|Dove Rebekah Lodge guests. Tea hostesses were/held March 31 at the home of Mrs. Jack Town and Mrs./Mrs. Jacie Wilkes, Pickering George Stott. Beach, with Sister Eileen Gil- bert in charge. Prizes will be Mr. and Mrs. James Sheedy|awarded and lunch will be are spending a month on 4) corved, Southern vacation, They will visit various parts of Florida; St. Mark's Hi-C Group enter- and will spend some time in|tained the boys from Variety Corpus Christi, Texas, the|Village, Toronto. Sally Roblin guests of Miss Ada Trumpour.jand Margaret Smith directed fs games and Shannon Law led in Mrs. J. F. Stewart, 707 Beech}, contest. The master of cere- 'abt _ Nassau,| jim Quantrill and Bruce Wil- mga ed tied a Lae vad aah tne two numbers. Joe son, naid, wW *h and Bruce Williams per- transferred from Toronto to the pase 2% sid called UNcehts Bahamas for a three-year term| Arc," while David Hamer and with the Norwich Insurance| nayid Winters reenacted the Company. 'Hunting Bear." The boys in- ij eit the year|Viled the Hi-C girls to dance, aut 6667 Scout of the y¢2" occasionally taking time out te Spratt by Scoutmaster John -.° Besa gy an |Hi-C, Li all an 3 Ww Brady at the father the stressed their appreciation for banquet held in St Evangelist parish hall. a Open House was held at Dr.) sinciair Home and School As- Robert Thornton School. The! ciation is sponsoring its Night parents visited the classrooms, of Catds, March 17, at the viewed the children's books and aohool Mrs. Archie 'Campbell displays and spoke with the) in he assisted by members of teachers. Mrs. Hnilica was on her committee. hand to discuss the French pro- . 'és gram. Mrs. Murray Fallaise,) St. Andrew's Presbyterian recently appointed librarian,)Women, Group 3, 1s sponsoring was in the library where the]a St. Patrick Variety Concert at WHITBY BASKETBALL TEAM WINS COSSK CHAMPIONSHIP = The Denis O'Connor High School Senior Girls' Basket- ball Team, Whitby, won the TOSSA ang COSSA cham- PICKERING (Staff) -- A 115 mill tax rate for ae oe Township Area 2. school su porters was estimated by Township Finance Committee) Chairman John Williams at a meeting with the Department} of Municipal Affairs last week. At the meeting, held in To-| ronto, Reeve Cliff Laycox ex- plained that many of the town-| ship's problems were of an in-| ternal nature and were due in| |part to the fact that the admin-| istration of the township, prior to the erection of the new, Municipal building, was scat- tered. The reeve said that with the! consolidation of the adminis-| ltration many of these internal) problems were now a thing of jthe past. | FINANCIALLY STABLE Reeve Laycox stated that the, township was financially stable | but that the methods of financing in view as determined by the Ontario) Municipal Board. the mill rate was still rising and that under normal circum- stances the township would be permitted to borrow an addi- tional $1,000,0000. He xeplained by defeating Fenelon Falls and Lakefield High Schools in the playdowns at Lake- field. Members of the team, front, from left, are: _Anna pionships for "B" schools recently. The team won the LOSSA title by defeating Henry Street High School, Whitby and the COSSA title THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, March 16, 1967 § District Group Plans Dance Pickering and Whitby Retarded| Children Association is sponsor-| ing a dance, April 21, at the/h Ajax Carousel Inn. Gene Mc-|b )|Lean the president of the asso-'c H |ciation, will be assisted by Peter Robertson, treasurer, Mrs. Wal- ter Hazeltine, neth MacInnis, rence and Rev. Frank Conkey 7 On that same evening the 7 draw of a stereo set will be| made. Bernard Deveaux is y ticket chairman. There will be door prize and \a spot dance prizes. Donald Law- Whitby Duplicate AJAX (Staff) --The Ajax, | | Bridge Winners secretary; Ken- aie and Mrs. \J. and Mrs. M. Desrosiers, 46; Mr. | F. Maclloride and Miss G. For- sythe, 46. WHITBY -- The winners and igh scores in the games played! y the Whitby Duplicate Bridge lub were | North and South -- Mrs. Paul! Ed Bowman, | Mrs. E. Beaton and Mrs. | McColl, 50; Mrs. D. Wilson) nd Mrs. P. N. Spratt, 50; Mrs. Frost and Miss A. Lawler, 47. East and West --Mr. and! Irs. J. Wilson, Ajax, 4744; Mr. | PACKAGE TOURS FOR INDIVIDUALS OR GROUPS reer GUARANTEED DOWNTOWN MONTREA HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS Inquiries to: NALD TRAVEL SERVICE WHITBY 668-8867 nd Mrs. J. Goodwin, 4B: Mrs. | > KEEPING SECRETS The squid, little known but | among the 6ea's commonest animals, can change colors fas- ter than a chameleon and has a system of blinking colored! lights like a firefly's. FREE 24-HOUR BURNER SERVICE By Our Local Service Contractors SAWDON'S FUELS Marie Bardoel, Colleen Walsh, Sharon Finan, cap- tain; Jackie Henriks, Kathie Hughes and Riki Pennings. Back row, from left, Sister FURNACE OIL -- Mary Diane, coach; Laurie STOVE OIL AND COAL Bryant, Mary Wood, Leah 244 k y Johnston, Marg Stacey, Brock St. S., Whitby | Biron Lavalley and Paula 668-3524 aiser. --Oshaw a Times Photo BROCK' Playing --- Evening Programs WHITBY Start at 6: 55 and 8:35 E om NETHONY i FROM MGM UN" ease Also 2nd Feature Attraction -- Begins 8:40 "HEY, LET'S TWIST" with Joey Dee And The Starlights jburg Report which recommend- the municipality $28,000 in bank township was|the township establish a work- experiencing difficulties injing reserve fund, the amount|opinion that a mill rate for in- that as the capital forecast now|Cipal affairs ed assistance. TAX COLLECTION The department of municipal jaffairs representatives told the township delegation tax collec- |tion was an area where the |township had always tended to lag. They estimated that the juncollected taxes in 1965 cost linterest alone. The department said that the provincial average for tax col- lection in 1965 was 90 per cent |while the township figure was 81 per cent. The department criticized the township for never being out of the bank's pocket and suggest- jed that consideration be given j\to the employment of a tax |collector. RESERVE FUND The department | suggested of which should eventually borrowing. It suggested that any ur- Councillor Williams said that|plus from the general fund be|vious that, applied to the reserve fund. RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT OFFICIAL PLAN The department recommend- ed that the township's official plan be reviewed and, if re- quired, amended. The depart- ment added the proviso that any amendment should not open up areas which would present difficulty in servicing' or other municipal costs. PLANS OF SUBDIVISION It was the opinion of the de- partment that many of the existing old plans of sub- division are inadequate for to- day's requirements. They suggested that any plan of 'subdivision presently reg- istered but undeveloped be de- clared to be not plans of sub- division. The department add- ed. that, subject to confir- mation, this could only be done if the plans were registered eight years or more ago. EXPANSION TAX The department was of the dustrial expansion, suggested of the lack of borrowing power|eliminate the need for bank|by the township, deserved fur- ther consideration. They agreed that it was ob- in this particular area, the township was unable to keep pace with develop- ments. Also suggested by the muni-|ASSISTANCE OFFERED department was for 1967 would be in the arm of $6,000,000. Mr. Williams said this amount was, in the main, a re- quirement for capital costs in education. Mr. Williams explained that since the township was a fringe municipality it was being press- ed by industrial and residential developers to expand its serv- ices in order to locate in the municipality. ATTITUDES DIFFERENT Mr. Williams said that the attitude towards residential de- velopment was, and should be, somewhat different than that towards industrial develop- ment. One of the department officials suggested at this point that the township should pos- sibly abandon further consider- ation of residential develop- ment even if the impost derived amounted to $750 or $1,000 per ot. At the meeting Councillor) Williams provided the back- ground details of the servicing problems the township had en-| countered with new indus- | tries. | Mr. Williams explained the need for the expansion of water services in the municipality and reminded the meeting of the situation the township was left in because of the OMB re- fusal to expand the water area. GOLDENBURG REPORT The township delegation told the department representatives that, as a fringe municipality, they were somewhat puzzled by the lack of action by the gov- ernment in respect to fringe municipalities and the Golden- | the Sunday Schoo! March 17. Rev. W. J. §. McClure will be master of ceremonies. There will be choir singing, soloists, dancers and a play entitled "Mrs. O'Leary's Cow." eal will be served. GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES many new books were shown. Preceeding open house the Home and School Association executive and the teaching staff Made te Measure -- by -- TIP TOP enjoyed a pot Juck supper. Re- freshments were served and a HOUSE OF HOBBERLIN aT silver collection was taken for| EEVE'S the Junior Red Cross. Mrs. Stuart Roblin, 616 King MEN'S SHOP | Street. Guests were members of the Viscount Greenwood Chapter, IODE. A short busi- ness session was chaired by the Regent, Mrs. Clarence Freek. Final plans were made for the March 22 Bridge Evening at The House of Windsor Chap- ter, IODE, Met at the home of 129 Brock St. S. 668-2091 Whitby 64% 4 or 5 Year Term | VICTORIA and GREY TRUST Whitby 668-5897 The deputy minister of muni- stood the township requirement|that the municipal council en-|cipal affairs said all items dis- sure that where residential de-}cussed would be referred to the velopment is agreed to, that the impost (lot fee) and conditions minister for consideration. The deputy minister offered " SALE! Combination storin & Sa Storm & Screen" | ALUMINUM OUR LOWEST PRICE EVER FOR THIS QUALITY DOOR!!! @ SELF-STORING change from storm to screen In seconds! . © PRE-HUNG IN OWN FRAME correct, weather-tight fit... pre-drilled for quick i with © ALL HARDWARE INCLUDED No extras -- you get windchain, door closér, ete. at our low price!! © 3 POPULAR SIZES o 69 2B" 8 68" 6 a's 2'6" = 6'6" 2'10" x 6101! | are such that the development/the services, in a consultative would be self sustaining andjcapacity, of any of the depart- not become a financial burden/ment staff to Pickering Town- ship. to the municipality. SOUTHSIDE SEAFOOD & CHICKEN 409 BROCK ST. S. -- WHITBY -- 668-2721 (Just South ef Whitby Pleze) @ TAKE HOME SPECIALS @ FAMILY CHICKEN BOAT 1 gg CHICKEN BOAT _ vcs. sores 3 10 4 2029 CHICKEN BOAT _1¢ cs. serves 5 to 6 3-99 CHICKEN DINNER _», cuiccen 1.50 CHICKEN DINNER _., cuicxen -99 CHICKEN SNACK PAK 85 Served with HOT SAUCE Our Own Specialty HADDOCK DINNERS 75 Cole Slaw end Our Own 21 SHRIMP IN A BASKET 1,35 SCALLOPS IN ABOAT --wirn curs .99 SHRIMP DINNER wir: searoon sauce 1.10 LOBSTER DINNER Pick out your live lobster and let us cook it for you d in ot OUR DINING ROOM IS OPEN Competent Waitresses Serve You The Best in Seafood, Chicken, Steck This Sunday In The Dining Room... BAKED LAKE TROUT DINNER 1.50 CHICKEN DINNER 1.35 T-BONE STEAK --And All The Trimmings 2.50 RESTAURANT HOURS: Monday to Saturday -- 10 A.M.to Midnight Sunday -- 11 A.M. to 11 P.M. WE DELIVER -- 668-2721 1" 13 NEW PLANS ! FOR 1967! HOMES, COTTAGES -- eee. and Garages ! ! 8-FT. 10-FT, THAN CEILIN TILES WIPISSING? ae Sosa... P9SL.2S Other Cotteges from $592.15 All prices approximate, 1%" DOORS $2177 ech It Pays To See Cashway First!! thick -- POST FORMED COUNTER TOPS 27.95 34.95 Arborite or Formica--choice of colours. OUR PRICE LESS $3.50 FOOT! 12x12" or 16x16"! Washable . . . finest quality double- joat white » » » 64 square feet in eerton! 1 -- 7 Cartons $6.66 Cartan 37 8 Cartons Or More Printed Woodgrain Plywood Panels! eae SSL RE pms ORDINARILY UP TO $10.24 EACH te s Famous maker only, MAHOGANY 134" Ne. 1 Interior Drilled for Mesdware! Hinges | Instaliegt rie 2d PLAIN Nice + 10.45 2-PANEL, LOUVER 2-0 x 4-6 ....14,40 2-6 x 6-6 16,58 3-0 x 6-6 ,,.. 18,60 Hardware for Above Sizes, Set $2.40 4-PANEL DOORS -ALSO AVAILABLE Area Yards Open CASHWAY CENTRES Hwy 401 to Exit No, 66, south on TO SERVE You! Daily 8 a.m.--6 p.m. Saturdays 8 a.m.-----5 p.m Rood. to Station Road and West to 161 Dowty Phone Ajax 942-1221 4' X E (Ord. to $8.96) 4.20 4' X 8' (Ord. to $10.24) 4.80 Asphalt Shingles cay eS had $4.90 SQUARE UP .210-Lb, Quality Birch! goofs'... "sec- ends" with slightest imperfections KITCHEN CABINETS 54" Upper each ANY QUANTITY}; 30.75 Friday Night Until 9 P.M. ! BROOKLIN At Highway No. 7 and 12, north of Whitby. Phone Brooklin 655-3313 Harwood

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