's doing t... in cottons, blends, printed nd-wear on fun! 10ICE 9 CREDIT y ree-It s with s and , Now Ease Of Care To Be Considere In School Clothes Drip-dry dresses and pants with a permanent press ... they're the mainstay. of school wardrobes these days. And why wouldn't they be when they cut down so much on ironing board activities? But while they save time at one end of the wash day operation, they often add work to the other, for stains, once established, particularly those of greasy origin, defy conventional laundry methods. Frustrated, you'll try one rem- edy after another, combining two or more perhaps... scrubbing, rubbing, boiling. Often overlooked in this fu-| tile search for a cure is one of m the oldest, least expensive and most effective wash day com- if the stain. The more potent remedy of the two involves tak- ing the dry garment, so that you can pin point spots, damp- ening the stained area, sprink. jling it with dry sal soda, and scrubbing with a moist nail {brush or an old toothbrush. After each stain has been treat- ed, the dress, slacks: or what- ever go into the washer to- gether with three or four table- spoons of sal soda concen- trated. Add less than your usual dose of detergent, for sal soft- ens the water. If stains aren't too extensive or deeply entrenched a pre- wash soak of a half-hour's dur- ation in a tub of warm water laced with about five table- spoons of the sal is.a gentler and less time-consuming treat- ment that generally has the de- sired effect. After the soak, carry on with the regular wash, THE OSHAWA TIMES, pounds around ... sal soda i t centrated, Gentle enough to be|"*" ebiiind chai aul compatible with any fabric, it has a unique talent that lets it come to terms with grease- stained synthetics. Women of the "hairy Ainu" Now there are two approach-|tribe on the Japanese island of es ... your choice depending|Hokkaido used to tattoo their on the extent and seriousnessilips blue to attract husbands. We baby your Bib AT THE NURSERY ROOM GENDRON | STROLLERS 4 Spring suspension stroller has chrome-plated tubular frome, full fenders, heat-sealed, padd- ed removable upholstery, blue or gold-tone, Finge canopy, Lloyd Duchess PRAM Attractively styled body, rein- forced toprail, Boked enamel TO CATCH A MAN the bounce that babies beam about JOLLY JUMPER Nothing else keeps a baby occupied so well for so long as a JOLLY JUMPER Easy to install Approved by leading pediatricians everywhere. Reg. 12.98 COMPLETE WITH CLAMP 'NURSERY ROOM FEATURING ALL BABY NEEDS 26 KING ST. EAST (Next to Karn's) OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY, Thursdey end Friday 'Till 9:00 P.M. |permost on every woman's I mind and the members of the |Ladies' Auxiliary to the Royal Canadian Legion are no excep-| }tion. led of the fashion trends of to- lday a fashion show for mem- bers only, was held recently |when Mrs. Robert Walmsley of |Beeline Fashions showed the jlatest styles in spring and sum- |mer suits and play clothes. finish. Interior sides and bottom heot-sealed with white Crush lining, bottom and back rest foam padded. 11 wheels and long mudguard. Wrap around apron. In. silver rey, cornflower blue, and navy. ncludes carrying basket. _| 62.95 bership or their daughters. Cotton knits predominated to look smart whether for dress- up occasions, for the golf links, the beach or for travelling. |Their light weight, resistance to creasing, and washability made | THE ELEGANT PLACE | Istanbul gave the European world the tulip, the table fork and the 'Turkish bath. PRIZED ALUMINUM Napoleon III's child had a rattle made of aluminum be- lcause the light metal was then Iworth $545 a pound. oe spring ... it's time to freshen up your family's clothes, here | Put your family's best foot forward into '| spring with a perfect dry cleaning of all their spring garments. We put that lively, "like new" look back in! Call Us Soon ! | 725-3555 GILLARD CLEANIT SERVICE LIMITED DRY CLEANERS @ SHIRT LAUNDERERS OSHAWA COTTON - KNIT PLAY CLOTHES | Legion Auxiliary Likes Cotton For Carefree Summer Wear The newest fashions. are up-;them a favorite with most women. Mrs. Walter Proctor modeled a hounds' tooth check pants suit in a black and white cotton knit for summer fun at camp, or To keep the members inform-|any outdoor activity. Another jacquard patterned cotton knit, a conventional suit for business or afternoon wear, was worn by Mrs. William Hungerford. It had the bottom edge of the jacket finished in piping. Three - quarter length Models were from the mem-|cjeeyes and sheath skirt added to its neat appearance, For active teenagers, Miss mainly because of their ability! riivabeth Patterson modeled a mix 'n' match pant suit with blue pants and white cotton knit top edged with blue and Eliza- beth Krawitz modeled a three- piece multi-colored play suit Thursdey, Merch 16, 1967 27 with a jacket over a matching |blouse in a flag pattern, band- jed in white. The long sleeves of the jacket were gathered at jthe wrist giving fullness for jcomfort and ease of movement. |The below knee-length deck jpants were in a solid colored jgabardine twill. | Mrs. William H, Cardinal |modeled a_ sleeveless scroll- sculptured shift in 100 per cent jdouble knit peach-dolored cot- |ton. a An eye-catcher for a garden |party or afternoon tea_ this |summer was a dacron and cot- ton voile two-piece suit in a flower garden print lined in solid colored dacron and cotton. The sleeveless top and straight skirt were in lime-color and were completely washable, and drip dry with little froning needed, Jamaica shorts of permanent- ly creased cotton and nylon with matching honeycomb knit cot- ton tops or mix 'n' match, were shown for carefree vacationers. Elizabeth Arden's 'fifteen-minute rest cure for your skin--Ve 'Originally a doctor's formula, this quick pick-up treatment is a real blessing to the woman who wish best at all times (despite a hectic schedule). Lines seem softer, eyes appear brighter-- and all this can be achieved in just fifteen minutes, while you relax at home! 4 oz. jar, 5.00; 3 oz. tube, 3.50 | To prepare the skin, first cleanse thoroughly with Ardena Cleansing Cream and Ardena Skin Lotion. Now smooth on Velva Cream Mask--and relax. 'Afterwards, apply Ve stroke on Liquid Morning or Night Cream. CITY WIDE FREE DELIVERY 8 KING ST. E. 530 SIMCOE ST.S pHone 723-2245 OSHAWA 'puone 725-3546 [ROSSLYN PLAZA ALSO STORES IN BOWMANVILLE AND WHITBY PLA7Z- Iva Cream Mask." es to look her serene Iva Moisture Film or 728-4668 | t i & paper tiger, and oh, the glory of it all, in/anteed by the company. be available in luxury motels and Tesort" hotels throughout| really rolling nationally through'are just bursting on the nation-'track with paper the country for milady whe for-|department stores. We'll even-hal scene. Indications are that got her swim suit... or just pen A mage yet nog dis-|they will be mae for 4 long ry Oe e : tribution, urse, but for anias anyone would care to pre Paper Bikinis for anyone wine: kee them. impulse item like this, the rack/dict. The promise of virtually S ¢ The paper bikini is just one locations will always be thelunlimited variety in a ward- torm ountry be! a "-- . ientheart. prime outlet. It gives us a flex-jrobe, plus freedom from the ; int cobi : ae es "€libility and instant response to'drudgery of laundry, is a If you think eo gee gi tag which will be distributed in' highly volatile market, not|double-barrel appeal that few : a novel manner this year by &lobtainable any other way. This) women can resist. Pre - Packaged jface the paper bikini. 'It's/pallas, Texas, Cor i | ' 5 5, poration. Thelis a market even more change-| 'You haven't seen anythi a ee a quake company Plans to distribute able than "haute couture," and yet," says David L. conte it sealty dent a q tee at jtheir line of paper dresses and/the ¢irm that is geared to in-|president of the firm. 'Wait be ed - -- at a' sportswear through carousel-|stant reaction {s the firm that|until we perfect our adhesive, rth Pace, the paper|type display racks in better| will be around for the next hun-|heat - activated process... bikini isn't really paper . . . jmotels, hotels, gift shops, and/qreq years." and men's paper shirts will sell it's a strong cellulose on a nylon|airport. terminals, drug stores, i , , f bout 35c. That'll base, and it doesn't melt. It/and exclusive dress shops. The| mee BA SN Oe ear tat wn cane Ok doesn't even tear -- short of alracks will b sic ; "|the American fancy like paper/S!@mpede that will make the yank that would rip a bathing|chise holders ahh some" tie apparel, Three years ago they ae ee a suit of sterner stuff. But... ' ; i r : rinad 'em on Gar tae jlocation rights. which are guar-|introduced paper garments for/tind 'em on our racks -- not jdoctors' offices and hospitals,/the buffalo, the shirts!" hese days of $35 swim suits --| 'Women are demanding ourjand paper clothing for indus-| i Bs t will sell for about $2. It will dresses now, and it would take|try . | Mr. George's syntax may be . . but paper sportswear} : a year or more to get themland even paper party clothes|Confused, but he's on the right Zz Se » e418 _-q-thon Time its oro SINGER IEW LOW SALE-A-THON PRICE a ue heavy-duty, dependable, quiet SINGER PORTABLE sews, mends, darns MODEL 239 precise stitch-length control $ trol «ge oe full range speed controls only te 4 2-tone storage/carry case SINGER CENTER -5443 -- 725-6555 16 SIMCOE ST. NORTH 725-5 4 need, now's the time to get them! You pick the tires you want--you make the bargain! That's the deal we are offering you right now! Drive in and bargain on whitewalls, blackwalls, brand-new tires, discon- tinued designs, retreads, Nylon, Rayon, used tires--all of them guaranteed! You'll find the right tires for your needs--and your pocketbook. There's no better time than today to drive into one of the locations listed during our great "Drive- A-Bargain Days' clearance sale! Get unbeatable Goodyear tires --in an unbeatable deal! And for all your pur- chases, you can use our easy Credit Plan.