A TIMES, h 16, 1967 GE tn Centennial Year Centennial Year sstogponad Spring Fashion Section "4 ut Spring Fashion Section rerable. TH ; SAGs NGS ee : : 094 OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1967 SPRING FASHIO? ig of clubs. ing hands ta sre the out- so much or he greater f | the skill of 2 e this hand he king of ie ace. De- vade to the time signal- f diamonds. to his hand pad towards ling to play because -of f, South led k at trick » queen and leton heart. rn with the p, but West ace, return- to the king, eart return st one trick. lefence, of rould have d he exer- in guarding f ed out of : vo, placing least mild ould have to protect anger of a ive done at ad. a dia- in order to yermanently ns between his, South 16 contract. then have iny method vould have ten easy . y at trick n to make S 0 the de- = 'ly worries eventually is the only erred na P)--An In- eee oo. nae Spring '67 looks soft, shapely, permission, ia, an op 3 ister sunshiny, in feminine fashion. of her stay g extended. mae For men, spring sees a colorful d: 'Life is 19 did not Re season, a handsome variety. For to pay the in's daugh- . . 1 not a the youngsters, spring looks just said. a, now 42, Age right, lively and bright. And at lian-Soviet ingle indi- neither home, spring views are elegant, in furniture and furnishings. times as that dia- ily by the For exciting news of Centennial Year Spring Fashions . . . check the following pages then visit the Oshawa and District Shops: to outfit you, your family and your home,