cence ary Fran jounce the my, Paul lednesday, s General kett and fish to an- er, Chris- ednesday, veral Hos- "i fourth Marg are | of their o7S., on the Osh- thanks to aff. serene me came ene | on Wed- ' a short # Charles % H, qd William her 73rd in Funeral the chapel .m. Place iv. J. Me» p.m. Frie thy Town- 16, 196%, f William and dear 1 (Ruby), ear. Rest. | Chanel, | on Sate 1m. Inter- Brooklin, he chapel » on Wed- r a pro $ Farrell, san Blair, ins (Kath- (Lourette) Elizabeth), ear. Rest- al Home, y, March dine Cem- nations to building urther in- n Funeral ing Street 7, George | of Mary Miss Vera » (Mary), Wilbert, f Oshawa. lerson Fu- fast, Serve March 17 netery. infario, on + Joseph ic Mayne éist year, Funeral rch 18 at it. Mary's nurch, In- f flowers, would be awa Gen- March 14, of Samuel Muriel J, ley Nors- vist year, Funeral Temporary Cemetery. y's Ceme- id Church ) Funeral , yet | APEL vEST 226 ITS -3552 nrcremmanten peter! emory of ssed away ast ways last. ville and mory of @ ndmother, sed away ture keep It best. sband Ol- n. of a dear who dled nissed by y of our ssed away sincere, so dear ers Elaine emory of March 16, i pain know jast. mory of @ ncer, who ar, ck severe, dignity 4 \LS please omental INKS aeaeneaaaal | my rela- } for the heir kindly in the hos Miss New- idred Kay. 3 i de A oe ee |BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE o* Cd ov* --featuring-- Monday To Saturday BUDDY PARKER Canada's Top Rock & Roll One-Man| Band, ANN BENNETT A GO GO DANCER Direct from Trudy Hellers in New York City. Carousel Inn OSHAWA 559 Bloor St. West 723-5271 WHITBY (Staff) -- Cosimo|tence was given to Mark Mar- Scvarborough, was/|tel, 17, 176 Olive Ave., Osh- nd costs or 30 days|awa, after he was convicted jin jail by Magistrate H. W.{of receiving stolen goods. Mag- |Jermyn in Magistrate's Court|istrate H. W. Jermyn ordered Tuesday on a charge of as-|Martel to make restitution of sault causing bodily harm. $11 and to report to a proba- Thomas St. Denis, manager|tion officer. of a local firm, testified the} Carl Scott, 20, no fixed ad- |accused had 'done some work/dress, was placed on proba- on his home and when Crupijtion for 18 months after plead- arrived to collect the money|jing guilty to a charge of rob- jowing, he was told the workjbery with violence. Two other |was not satisfactory. Mr. St.|persons involved in the same Denis said that Crupi then|matter received penitentiary swore at him and struck him-|terms. "You will be placed on |self and his wife. Crupi testi-| probation,' said Magistrate |fied that Mrs. St. Denis had|Jermyn, "because you didn't |hit him and that the fight was|have the same active part in 'accidental as he only wanted|the affair." Court was told to collect his money. |that restitution for the dam- An 18-month suspended sen-'age done had been made. | Finch, Ont., Truck Driver 'Sentenced To 60 Days BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- A) described himself as a transi- truck driver was/ent worker, said he could ob- in jail] tain employment at the North- being convicted of land Railway. He was sen- bigamy by Magistrate R. B.\tenced to three days in jail, Baxter, in Magistrate's Court\dated from March 12, which jhere Tuesday. ads him free to go. FOR LIFE Scarboro Man Fined $100 Assault Causing Injury Stephen G. Taylor, convict- ed and placed in the House of| Concord last month, appeared| before the court for disobeying a court order. He was warned that he is faced with being sentenced on the charges before the court. The matter was re- manded to June 27 for disposi- tion. Twenty-year-old Toronto, Dennis Pope and| David Allan Pope, were each! fined $50 or 10 days in jail for drinking while under 21 years of age. A further charge of im- paired driving, laid against David Allan Pope, was dis-| missed. Reginald Evans, 44, 106 Ste- venson Road, Oshawa, was sentenced to seven days in jail for driving while intoxicated. A charge of drinking under age brought Robert Vaillan- court, 19, 539 Brantwood Ave., Oshawa, a six-month suspend- ed sentence. Vaillancourt was told that if he was brought twins from |small offence cost James Poi- lof $100 in fines or 20 days in 65 mph through the Town of back to the court, he would be sentenced. What he thought was only a tras, 20 of Willowdale, a total! jail. Magistrate Jermyn fined him $50 for speeding at up to Whitby, $50 for drinking while under 21 years of age, and sus- pended his licence for 30 days Senator Neil McLean, New Tribute al ier industrialist, was re- membered as an individualist Mee a capacity for friendship, Larry Edwin Skerratt, 20, of Port Perry, was placed on pro- bation for six months for drink- ing under age. It was the third a canny trader and a man who 0 na ors | wielded influence for many |years on Canadian trade and fi- OTTAW! P --Two Lib-|nancial policies. time in three months that Sker-} Mieco ae died last | rons A. J. Brooks, Opposi- ratt had appeared before the! Pen. See ti lead se ee court on the same charge,|week were paid tributes rd ene paral eh Davee "You will get a six-month jail|their colleagues Tuesday night|,. 7 should have liked to have sentence the next time you ap-jas distinguished men in their| known him. I saw little of him pear here," said the magis-'fields. here since I came but I was trate: Senator Rupert Davies, On-|aware of the splendid role he Harold Gordon Phillips, for-jtario publisher and broad-|played in his chosen career . merly of Whitby, was fined $50\caster, was described by Sen-|as a newspaper man and in or 30 days in jail after being|ator John Connolly, government|other communications media.' convicted of being intoxicated leader in the upper chamber,| Senator W. Ross MacDonald} in a public place. as a man who in Driving while his licence was\@Ss, journalism, 'cémmunica-|ies' life story suspended cost Gerald J. Leger, | tions and education lived a full'Horatio Alger success story." 43, of Whitby, $200 an djlife with zest. "He had an exciting, success- "as well) said he did not | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, March 16, 1967 ]Q ful and inspiring life." linspiration to young people. Senator Walter Aseltine (PC|. "He frequently stated that --Saskatchewan), long a fri end| success is not achieved by lean- of Senator Davies, said the life| ing on social aid, but by work. of the former T journalist v was is anling hard and saving money." INDOOR- OUTDOOR busi-|(L--Ontario) said Senator Dayv-| "reads like an costs or 60 days in jail. Leger| had his licence suspended sev-| NOW PLAYING FOR HIRE: DEADLY eral months ago following a dangerous driving charge. * FRIDAY * ¢) RICHARD JOHNSON - SOMMER: NIGEL The Big Fun Dance GREEN. The Sounds of the Big Beat costarRins The Place to Meet pot THE LAST worps § Admission 1,50 Dencing 9 to 12:30 TECHNICOLOR® TECHNISCOPE® TIMES -- 1:30 3:34 -- 5:35 7:40 -- 9:50 Thomas McMullen, 30, plead. iguilty to the charge. The ac- lcused admitted marrying a} woman at the United Church parsonage in Picton under the name of Thomas Harry Bar- riage, in 1956. Four years later the couple separated. In April,| 1964, the accused went through | a form of marriage with a widow and mother of five chil- dren at the United Church at Orono. A West Beach man pleaded) guilty to obtaining $18.50 worth | From Age 65 Here is @ plain to provide for your family if you should die, or for your retirement years if : of taxi service from Ruby) HUNDREDS OF DIFFERENT ALBUMS TO CHOOSE you survive... hg io Mica bbe ie FROM. FEATURING TOP ARTISTS SUCH AS > wri Was returned. erbert | Knapp of Ruby Taxi said Wil-] $ PEANMARTIN,, $ Gtonee Jones liam Connors, 32, gave one of @ NAT KING COLE @ WILF CARTER his drivers the cheque in pay- ochre" @ SONNY JAMES a Md a ice incurred e BILLY VAUGHN e HANK WILLIAMS _|when the accused visited sev- e CE » MAC WISEMAN onave hotels, New © Newey » JIMMY ROGERS uve, | Connors testified that he +} \didn't remember writing the WILSON & LEE LTD. STEREO LP's '1.99 THEATRE | | Most feaunita™ x ' ian bannen dick shawn hank- peter falk tila edna tou robber! Bok = jonathan winters _ » Panmision's Metmenlor 1 = oo oes =) ROSANA SCHIAFFINO. In Car Heaters -- No Extra Charge . _ INCREDIBLE UNDERSEA % ADVENTURES AND INVENTIONS! cheque, and that he had an account at the Bank of Mont- real in Ajax. The cheque was drawn on the Bank of Mont-| real, Oshawa Shopping Centre| branch. Magistrate R. B. Baxter ad-| journed the matter for two weeks ordering that the ac- cused pay the $18.50 and ob- @ TCHAIKOVSKY @ DVORAK @ GROFE ....... @ RACHMANINOFF ................ @ MOZART ........+222202+20+. SYMPHONIES NO. 36 & 31 Comer er erases essaeseeeerersee GRAND CANYON SUITE ee ee i FOURTH SYMPHONY PIANO CONCERTO NO. 2 SYMPHONY NO.5 tain a statement of his account with the Ajax bank for the last three months of 1966. Edward Aslagsin, 50, no fix- | ROGER WOLFE UNIT MANAGER |Home: 723-2883 od address, plesien guilty toa charge of public intoxication. Business: 723-4563 |on March 11, the accused was! observed in a drunken state in the parking lot at the 1867 Restaurant on Highway 401. He had been released from Lind- say jail earlier in the day after serving a sentence there for a similar offence. Aslagsin, who By completing the enquiry form below, you can obtain details sultable te your personal situ- WILSON & LEE LTD. 87 Simcoe St. N. 725-4706 "EASTERN ONTARIO'S LARGEST MUSIC CENTRE" | OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS TILL 9 P.M, re MARK NOW PLAYING! Plus MOOERN {WOMEN | PRIMITIVE MEN! | SOMETIMES FEROCIOUS...SOMETIMES'ALLOING! SEELEXOTICS OF THE EAST "Conveys the sensuous magnetism of the two lovers with such perceptive precision that the affair consistently touches heart and mind." R: amaca aoe: SHOW TIMES SUN, CONT, FROM 2 P.M, WEEKDAYS: World et 7 & 10:05 SUN TWO PLAYERS FOR EUROPE WINNIPEG (CP) -- Defence- man Gary Begg and centre|™ Roger Bourbonnais leave today |" to join Canada's national hoc- LIFE key team in Vienna. Begg, 26, |: and Bourbonnais, the 24-year- old captain of the team, both|*- are studying law at the Univer-|= 3. sity of Manitoba and remained|~ -- > behind to complete their studies | when the team left March 2 on a European exhibition tour prior to the world hockey tourn- ament in the Austrian capital. ASSURANCE COMPANY of CANADA Oshawe Shopping Centre t NAME Fessesasecays BESS ate gp ADORE Gi. .s i cirresniss Ss lye | IZZA ft OCCUPATION ..... iesuuanaabul Phone 723-0241 |. i or 728-0192 : free Date of Birth .,esseverees EPI'S ba . Noe ec ee ee ee "Country Style" SQUARE DANCE Saturday, March 18-9:00 p.m. Y.W.C.A.--199 CENTRE STREET, : Oshawa LIVE MUSIC | Admission -- $1.25 per person YOUR HOSTS -- FRONA AND EARL BROWN SPONSORED BY THE OSHAWA RECREATION DEPARTMENT ST. PATRICK'S DANCE Carousel Inn -- Oshawa BAND "The Patch of Blue With Leone Taylor" Starts 9--1 P.M. Dress Jacket & Tie FRIDAY, MARCH 17th Admission $2.00 Membership $2.00 Special COORSH - DELICIOUS HOT CORNED BEEF ON RYE Thurs., March 16 & Friday, March 17th AVAILABLE ONLY AT THE "Home of The Big 'M' Burger" McMURRAY'S DR.-IN 1349 SIMCOE STREET NORTH good 1867 U 1967 Summer et 8:30 SATURDAY: World at 5:05 & 8:15 Summer at 6:30 & 9:45 ODEON 39 KING E, 725-5833 ; Ine STRANGEST CANDID MOVIE OF ALL TIME! WHAT YOUR EYES SEE YOUR MIND WON'T BELIEVE! Oshawa Lions Club CENTENNIAL '67 DANCE FRIDAY, MARCH 17th sioner Ball Room, Civic Audiforium Dance to WALLY and the SHANDELS om a _-- Includes Buffet Dinner Oshawa Lew eClub HILLS. end DALES Centennial Project Licensed Refreshments Dress Optional PUBLIC WELCOME (CANADA'S oo ' BIG ae sical $ | S Oshawa"s Largest Dance SAT., MARCH 25th ,: 1. 12 P.M. y SUSAN TAYLOR "Don't Make Promises' SEE! wh R. K, ond THE ASSOCIATES ord Not Released 4 ew eC BOBBY Kris and IMPERIALS Hear Their. New Smash Hit BIG * THE Ballad traight From The Village HOURS * THE MIDKNIGHTS Formerly Ritchie Knight and The Mid Knights ADVANCE $2.00 DOOR $2.50 FREE Bus Service from Marty's Record Centre ot Simcoe and Bond at 7:30 - 8:00 - 8:30 ~ 9:00 and after dance, TICKETS AT: Auditorium Box Office, Windsor Discount Sporting Goods, Marty's Record Centre, Disc Shop--Oshawa Shopping Centre, Bolahood's BIG BANDS Sportshaven, Jim Bishop Sporting Goods, m Et Rotish Men's Wear Dairy 5 Saami Y Bow- : manville, Jury and Lovell Travel; and All BIG BEAT Schoo! Representatives tw x WOITORI UM TO-NIGHT ONLY AT 8:15 P.M. . EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT \MATINEES 2 p.m. SEATS $1.50 JSEMIOR CITIZENS & STUDENTS ___ $1.00 A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE Out of th sa of the o . things of life, Walt Disney - creates an extraordinary metion picture! starriog FRED _MACMURRAY. "MILES ised GISH -cunatee RUGGLES exer new AUIRT RUSSELL. LQTANA PATTEN-KEN MURRAY 'Scresaplay ty LOURS PELLETIER - sed eo Bs Lock, "God ct My Canby" by MACKNLAY RANIOR (Copredecer WINSTON HISLER + pirected by NORMAS TOKAR Technicolor* 'edaesed by BOC VESTA Dicfition Catt, (©1986 Hal, ney rodent Sv +4 * o- 6 ie ae er a i eee eee «at