Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Mar 1967, p. 15

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diamond anniver- sary year, the Women's Auxiliary of the Oshawa General Hospital have again sponsored a successful St. In its Members of the Group of the Lyceum Club spe: of Miss Agnes dan introduced a new_ boo! by Peterborough citizens, pa and present. Burton, Simcoe Street sout away places for the past days. He travelled by coach to Los Angeles crossed by ship to Honolul Literary nt a pleasant evening at the home Strickland on Tuesday when Mrs. H. W. Sheri- k, "Peterborough, Land of Shining Waters,"' a collection of writings st Back from Hawall is Ralph h, who has been sightseeing in far- 34 motor and u, Hawaii. Among the sights he enjoyed were Pear! Island, 'Wai- kiki Beach and the Punch Bowl, an extinct volcano, He saw the Garden of the Missing where pineapple and sugar plant orchid farms and the volcan Kilauea. He visited a Pol nesian village for the "Church and ous churches, the Garden" the Diamond Head, sea at the Pacific, Gibraltar of party en route at Las Vegas, Dam and the Grand Canyon. Unit 3 of Simcoe Street United liam Bradbury, recently Wirsching Church Women met for a business meeting and 5 cial afternoon at the home o' Mrs. R. Leo Gray, Somerville 16,000 veterans are buried, and tions. Flying to Hilo, he visited 0, has a luau (Hawaiian feast) and two fam- in "Great Church of Westminster Abbey in Hawaii." Tossing leis into the ne | Vernon Greenaway, headed for California and|thony " h stopping| Coedy, returned east by coac Topyer|and Mrs, Arthur Meddings. 0- FF TIS Srv VV re "ANNUAL BRIDGE PARTY ATTRACTS KEEN PLAYERS Patrick's Bridge Party. The annual event has been tak- ing place regularily for al- most as many years as the auxiliary itself. Mrs. Harry Taylor, president, left fore- SOCIAL & PERSONAL Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Telephone 723-3474 for Women's Department The Daffodil Bridge being sponsored by the Martha Women's Auxiliary of Christ Memorial Church the _ third week in. April will be arranged by the following: Mrs. Mathew Sutton, refreshments; Mrs. A. C. Broadbent, tickets; and Mrs. Elgin Munday, prizes. Mrs. C. C. Murty, George Barrett and Mrs. Mrs. Wil- the nominating committee of the St. Gregory the Great Coun- cil of the Catholic Women's League at a recent meeting. A display of old curiosities was shown at the March meet- ing of Westminster - United Church Women with Mrs. George Lofthouse giving their histories. Among the items were old family Bibles, dishes ranging from butter dishes to |vases, quilts, doll cradles, and a cole-pot used for carrying coals to start fires in Holland some 400 years ago. Hostesses for the meeting were Mrs. Mrs, An- Sezur, Mrs, Everett Mrs, Walter Campbell Mrs. Thomas Goch, Mrs. Wil- Mrs. Norman Mrs. Howard Lawrence Allen, Brown, Mrs. ¢|Mrs. Joseph Broadbent, Mrs. A.|Search W. Brown, Mrs. Meredith Mof- fatt, Mrs. Harold Bell, Mrs. H. liam Clarke were appointed to|\, pw Se oe re yy ; Ey > So. 'Capping Ceremony Takes Place AtSeventh-day Adventist Church Led by a nurse dressed asjand skillful, but vastly differ- Florence Nightingale carrying|ent in their effectiveness. "Not a lighted lamp, 22. studentionly are diseases contagious, ; |nurses marched between two|but spiritual qualities; one's at- jrows of graduate, senior andjtitudes and outlooks, are also jintermediate nurses who lined|infectious, Courage is contagi- |the center aisle of the College/ous." |Park Seventh-day Adventist) He concluded his address |Church Sunday afternoon. Occa-|with the challenge, "As you jsion was the annual capping|are able to bid your patient tof Tadocehs of the Branson Hos-jlook up to the Great Physi- pital School of Nursing, of Wil-jcian, you will do the greatest | |lowdale, whose nurses in train-|work ever committed to human ing affiliate from the local|beings -- that of making peo- Kingsway College. Two of the|ple whole." student nurses capped, Bonnie} - Patricia Okimi, director of Anderson and Nancy the School of Nursing, assisted were Oshawa girls. jby an instructor, the head Invocation was given by Dr. (nurse, and a staff nurse of the E. A. Crawford, chief-of-staff of hospital, directed the capping North York Branson Hospital |ceremony. Each student nurse with which the Branson School|was capped by a close rela- of Nursing is' connected jtive or friend who was a grad- H. Ward Hill, chairman ofjuate nurse, then received her Bothe, the Department of Religion atjcandle in its Florence Night-4 Kingsway College, addressed|ingale holder, lighted it fromé the nurses. He calssified althe candle held by 'Florence j nurse's hands as being magic in the good accomplished from|place in line. When all were in their touch; marvellous in/place with their lighted what they can be trained to do,|candles they repeated the and invaluable in their minis-| Nightingale Pledge in unison \try. and sang "So Send I You" as "Who could want more thania song of consecration, withE to have experienced the healing |three of them singing a portion Nightingale," and took her touch of, the Lord Jesus!of it as a trio. Christ," he exclaimed. "In the) Program chairman was name of the Master you too|P. W. Manuel, president of the# jwill lay your hands on the Kingsway College, who in his jsick; this is the high calling;opening remarks paid tribut jyou have chosen." Quoting a to the parents and friends wh well-known author he ~ con- had travelled from hundred jtinued, 'You must come close and thousands of miles away # jto those for whom you labor,'to witness the occasion. ce aver 7 jthat they may not only hear) The North York Siraitisan | NANCY BOTHE, of Osh- your voice, but shake your/Hospital is one of the 124 hos-| awa, student nurse, is eg Pre your ee er psc ig by the Seventh-| capped by Anna. Salting, an ee your sympathy. day Adventist Church through avlite ' This is an art of the healing|out the world, and the school of erates ee ee aes touch." nursing is one of 34 that they land. Nancy is the daugh- Pastor Hill stated that nurses may be equally well trained! operate, graduating approxi- mately 550 nurses per. year. Dines At Savoy | LONDON (AP) -- The' wife of a British racing driver breached The Savoy dining |room's ban on woinen in trou- |sers, but the distinguished Lon jdon hotel says it won't happen jagain, The rule breaker was a Swed- ish - born brunette model, the wife of 29-year-old Sir John |Whitmore. London newspapers reported today that she sailed jinto the dining room and no- |body said a word about her trousers. A spokesman for the' hotel suggested that Lady Whitmore's pants were probably cut full {and looked like a skirt. He said \the rule against trousered ladies in The Savoy's still stands, ground, and Mrs. A. E. Johnson, convener, play out | a hand. This year's event | was held yesterday after- | noon and evening --Oshawa Times Photo St. Gregory the Great Coun-| cil of the Catholic Women's League honored one of its old-| est members, Mrs. David De Long on her 78th birthday re-| cently at a party held at the |home of Mrs. William Boissoin, Connaught street. The table,| |graced with a white cloth, was # |centered with pink African vio- \lets, flanked by white candles. |Later the violets were Ppresent-| jed to Mrs. De Long. PLAN MID - APRIL WEDDING Miss Heather Bell will become the bride of Ted The new executive of the Martha Women's Auxiliary of Christ Memorial Church are: Mrs. A. R. Garrett, president; General Hospital School of Nursing, class of '66, is a treasurer, ! " ua jand pompous, Ly | At the time, Allyson, who had|'GOT TO STOP | Parents Donate Allyson's Heart sever'seen's nortnera "winter | | |said she was coming to Toronto} "to play in the snow and have /editorial. my heart fixed." | |To Research To Help Children »:, hes fixes?" *" 0" ifirst snowball before |\Christian Dior's "'new look" r e ae: seen acesecesea atop | ; : | TORONTO (CP) -- The tiny|Dec. 23, Dr. Mustard, assisted} rials | = jheart that failed five-year-old|by about a dozen doctors ae Mgt Miser Begg _ oa Ferran 275 , r Allyson Burleson is to remainjnurses, reversed the heart Bateron Bath if there, Aid| P| in a Toronto hospital for re-|chamber connected with the press conference. : |search into malfunctions of its|great vessels of Allyson's. heart. A ] i | . , ; \He held a press conference! They said they hoped to fly | Ri sedee a és e home with the body' Tuesday | Allyson, a blue baby born/Tuesday to explain why Allyson night after a First United ae | with the great vessels of 'her| CI60. lecostal Church: service here. | heart in reverse position, died) He described the operation as) "She was our sunshine, lation: | in the Hospital for Sick Children |satisfactory--"a good anatomi-|ter and joy," said Frances |Monday. She had undergone a'cal situation' -- but complica-|Rurleson, 30. 'She had very few| delicate operation in December |tions followed, partly from the tears for herself--she seemed to jand appeared to rally, but ajsmallness of the left ventricle of jery only when her. heart was jseries of complications set in.|the little girl's heart. | touched by someone else's sor- Her parents, Mr. and Mrs.| 'There was a multiplicity of|row, ie t |George Burleson of San Jose,|causes," he said of her death. ; : Fold diapers before storing to \Calif., who were at her bedside|He added, however, that the HELD HIGH HOPES save time, And a light dusting "She was the centre of our| WIFE PRESERVER when she died, donated her|death could be described as un- with baby powder makes them |heart to the hospital for re- expected. life, because our hopes were al- tal sehen fi hale's akin in the comparatively! "Two days ago she developed ways pines on her recovery. |Sm00! her, BOUT WO Davy. © eet: new field. lpneumonia. .. . 'Then there was| A/though her life was made| up of pain, she was mischievous |search. The U.S. Navy, of which | When the heart vessels--the|a collection of mucus in €Tilike any other child. and ghelher husband fine been @ men: avenue. ; é |J. Wilton, Mrs. Gerald Skitch, aorta and the pulmonary artery|chest . . . and back-up press-)), " Bakes . ort ; District Governor Henry|Mrs, Newton Stacey and Mrs.|--are reversed, too little blood |ures on the heart due to the ag age ate said about $150 ile 1. sol Be eee Tamblyn and Mrs. Tamblyn of| Almond Brintnell were the cast/runs through the lungs as_ it)size of the left chamber." pecaived from well © wHahere| Po ME Buslesnn Allyson was Lindsay will become the guests of a playlet, 'The Witnesses",|must if it is to pick up fresh ED INTRAVENOUSLY would go to Dr, Mustard's re-|"Little Peanut." of honor at the Oshawa Lions'|presented at the March meet-joxygen. Ordinary exercise can | Club Centennial Ball in the ban-jing of Kingsview Church Wo-jcause exhaustion and the suf-} quet hall of the Civic Auditor-| men. ium tomorrow _ night. Also guests of honor will be Mayor Ernest Marks and Mrs. Marks; the Honorable Michael MP, and Mrs, Starr an i Peterborough, |Johin sell Oliphant of Pe Fe ee ee Sos Canadian candidate for Lions' International Directors Attending capacity chairman Mrs. Smykaluk, Mrs, Uriah Jones, in an Starr, , | d Rus. Women's Auxiliary of the St./old, but at that time there was/ojd, California doctors gave her Simcoe street north, welcomed mem- bers of the Lyceum Club Travel Group to her home last night. Miss Rose Hawkes and Mrs. Jones described their visits to Hawaii slides, and showed color | The Diabetic Mothers' Asso- ciation elected its new execu- tive at its March meeting as follows: past-president, Mrs. Stanley Hockett, Mrs. Jules Ethier; vice-president, | Maple Grove; treasurer, Mrs. Harry King; secretary, Mrs. Willia m George Smith; camp chairmen, 4 Mrs. M. B. Proctor and. Mrs.| The camp chairman application Ethier. announced that forms were available for an one wishing to send their di betic children to camp. y- a- summer John Ovens 0.2. OPTOMETRIST PH. 723-4811 8 BOND ST. E., OSHAWA Mrs. Earle Harding opened her home on Drew street for the March meeting of the Ambulance Association. Board of arrange a place and date for a| and Mrs. Oliphant bake sale and Mrs. Albert West'ard of the Hospital for Sick official handed out blocks for the Cen-|Children worked out a surgicaljagreed she was in the best will be Deputy Zonejtennial quilt. The hostess was technique. Alex Smykaluk and Phage by Mrs. Malcolm De- ille, Lady Whitmore Shocks Elite : dining room Mrs. Alvin Hiltz and Mrs. R.| Thomas Marshall in a daughter of Mr. and Mrs: 1 Ross, vice-presidents; Mrs.| ceremony to be held in Donald Bell and the pros- |at Le Mans, in the Monte Carlo D. 'W. Charlwood, secretary;| Simcoe Street Pentecostal pective bridegroom is the |Rally and was European sedan land Mrs. I. K. MacDonald,| Church, April 15. Miss Bell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank |C8% Champion in 1965. 'This is a graduate of the Oshawa Marshall, all of Oshawa. {damned old-fashioned, stuck up "This has got to stop," says the Daily Mail in a front-page Recalling the long skirts of nal crew; Miss Edith Thompson, : Be ee in caluannlss Ed slid Milage cle Maree 16, 1967 15 England's 'Twiggy' Introduces Pop Culture Styles To America LONDON (CP)--England is|vest and trousers in a lurid pop- exporting its latest contribution |@77, print. h L i Nii Wioeee: wiggy orn Leslie oe Pg soo # Mevens old Hornby, and still lives in the mo named Twiggy with 8! working-class London suburb of |31-21-32 figure and a blonde|Willesden with her parents and crewcut. two older sisters, even though Twiggy, who is at the top of S"@ now earns £10,000 ($30,000) the modelling profession here, a year. will fly to New York. Monday) Her money -- "'honestly, I ito launch $1,000,000 worth of (dunno how much I've made"-- |Twiggy dresses in American,iS handled by Twiggy Enter- shops. prises Ltd. Twiggy is a director | Twiggy had to get the per- and her father is managing di- jmission of a magistrate before rector she could travel abroad. The| Dad gives me £10 a week British passport office threat. |SPending evant ane puts the ened to cancel her trip because |"@St in the bank," she says, she was under 18 and would be jworking outside Britain. But last week, a British magistrate was migave her a special work li- cence, Twiggy will earn up to $200 an hour while being photo-| graphed in New York where! she will stay for eight weeks, publicizing the kind of fashions she made famous here--clothes that look good on people with 131-21-32 figures. Her own favorites among the Hclothes that have already) cyt up old ny ; netted $250,090 in advance or- ut up old nylon stockings for ders are a safari-style denim stuffing decorator pillows, chil- coat, a high-waisted cotton|dren's toys. They'll wash and dress trimmed with bows and aidry rapidly, are non-allergic. is WIFE PRESERVER ter of Pastor and Mrs. CONFIDENTIALLY YOURS J. W. Bothe of Grandview a Avenue. Pastor Bothe is i : r Ree OE Greve 7 president of the Seventh- day Adventist Church of MONTREAL, March 16th -- For a rainy # sunny day, it's a good idea to put m away... and a great idea to put it a THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA. At Scotiabank there are special savings p! designed to suit your needs. There is Scotia bank's Personal Security Program (PSP) that life insures I T | savings and gives you a bonus to boot. And Scotiabank Six-Yeat n rousers } Savings Certificates that return you $100 for every $75 you invest | Let your Scotiabank help you to save for a variety of weathe lyears ago, it says since then, &head -- and your future forecast will be a whole lot brighter! "there has been a steady pro-| ONE THING Y nme . igress toward the hard, brittle CORRECTOLO. sontaihe develo ben # special laxative Canada 5 : Ea and exposed outlines of today."'| Pharmaco (Canada) Ltd. for women who "Are women happy with this) want a mild, yet effective, laxative. Cor- state of affairs?" the editorial) Tectol combines a gentle softening agent Grrectol lasks. with just enough of a mild sti ting effect to relieve irregularity... its de- pendetic action is both prompt and un- jurried, So, if you're feeling dull and listless, just not +3 to par' due to irreg- ularity, I suggest that you try Correctol and see what a diffes | "The first woman who dined| ence it can make, see how Correctol can help you to at The Savoy in trousers should) regularity. It's available at your favourite drug store. i * ICHMT ID 'Are they content with their ;cropped hair, their thin, pale lips, their black - rimmed, haunted eyes? jalbo. he, Mie) one SPREAD THE WORD... Ri is the : | Hib yong nuttiest, ng ool ree | | fe | 20th Anniversary accept it as exclusively for angry kids BY ime we toal ups enjoyed the treat Spread it on fingers of hot buttered M-m-m-m! Richmello Peanut Butter is ond of the many low-cost to brands available at Dominion. Enjoy yourself, Buy some at DOMINION today. - | Reunion Held By Sea Rangers With anchor weighed, the "I think she got in because|crew of SRS Crusader set sail) QUICK 'N EASY ' PEANUT BUTTER COOKIES -- Crean % she is Lady Whitmore," said the lady's husband, who has driven |for a glorious afternoon and) emp of each of the following -- peanut butter, brown sugar, white evening of renewing old ac-| sugar, 'Bhorteni: soda with |quaintances and viewing ar- oe pater rsigait adenine eh 1% chives, trophys and albums, dis | > \Played at its 10th anniversary for about 10 minutes. jreunion, held at Guide House. | f#VE FOUND THAT a tongh pie crust needn't be a tough A banquet supper was served,| All you. need to do is switch to the right where head table guests in-| kind of four -- MONARCH SOFT WHEAT cluded: Mrs, Stephen Wotton,| FLOUR. You see, unlike ordinary, all-pur- District commissioner for South-| pose flours, this soft wheat flour guarantees jdale District; Miss Marjorie] tender pastry every time, particularly when Carter, first mate of the origi-| You follow Monarch's special Tender Pas Recipe on poe Lay dled og ~~ beg ¥ ej Mi F our just can't ge! wil Chenin hs femet® cope | gout Whats more when you make pastry ; aero: 3 | with Monarch, you use less shortening. That's why, for bettes skipper of original crew; Mrs.| baking, I recommend the flour that says "Sofily does it!" D. E. Fox, Division Commis-| Monarch Soft Wheat Flour. a |sioner; Mrs. H. T, Cook, Fair- " port, Central Area Commis-| DINING A LA CN is one.of the delights I find in travelling today. isioner and Miss Joan Nesbitt, | CANADIAN NATIONALS transcontinental ifirst mate | and inter-city trains feature cuisine fit for @ | Mrs. Fox, as speaker, recalled ») King! From the moment I enter CN's |her, 20 years' association with dining ears until the crew. A round of applause jgreeted her statement, '"'that lyou have never really camped cup flour. Drop on cookie sheet, presa with fork. Bake at 850° F, problem, ? cue tie cleioen urea te ae other fine selections, prepared Ts chefs, I have that satisfied 'eels unless you have camped with ing. And meals are the rangers," sleeping or ear accommodations, Coach travellers may aise Mrs. James Carson brought! enjoy p 2 of CN dining at reasonable Well oo Appet CLEAN Just tell your waiter. Not weight-watching? back many fond memories with t "Crusaders' Twenty-Year-High- lights." 'The crew held its first HOW, TO FIND OUT IF YOUR WASH IS HONESTLY meeting on February 28, 1947 at! vou about the honest wash you get when- Y St. Andrew s United Church ever you use N® water conditioner." with its charter coming one Now make this simple test on an everyday year later. load of freshly washed clothes. After Telegrams and letters of con-|normal washing, leave clothes in the ma- gratulations and for continued|chine and start the wash cycle over. This if |smooth sailing were received time add 1 cup of Calgon (more in hard water). Don't add any lfrom Toronto, New York and|other laundry product. After the clothes agitate a few minutes, \Honolulu, check for suds. Calgon itself cannot make suds. So when you see them, you know that soap or detergent and dirt from previous She also developed malnutri- hings were trapped thes. Calgon was! this \ferer often turns blue. ee despite intraven- | "ba fh hing machine Of conte, if you | uaa age ' | Calgon regularly, as I do, test won't work, Congratula: |DIAGNOSE DEFECT | "You could say nature was tions, you have an honest, wash! ; | Allyson's condition was diag- against the little girl." | nosed when she was two months} When Allyson was two years |no known way of repairing the| only one chance in 1,000 for sur- vival if they operated then. It was decided she should wait. Last December doctors In 1963, Dr. William T. Must \physical condition she would, Using that technique in a six-jever attain. The U.S. Air Force! 'hour and 55-minute operation flew her to Toronto. CLEANING CAROUSEL OLD The of T.V., Radio BAR FACILITIES Door and Spot Prizes Saturday 18th, March 1967 Kinsmen Hall, Colborne St. W., Oshawa Dancing 9 to 12 p.m. to the ORCHESTRA yourself dryeleening -- end save money, 1 COUNTRY CLUB INAUGURATES President's Ball ONLY ONE LOCATION IN OSHAWA et the OSHAWA PPING CENTRE and RECORDING STAR PAT RICCIO Ik RAR TICKETS AT DOOR 2.00 PER PERSON Offe Apri For Information call: 723-1949 and 728-1310 it ~ SPECIAL - OFFER! Do-it-yourself Dry Cleaning Gather up @ big 8 Ib. load of drycleaning. Our counsellor will show you how to do it. Your elothes come out fresh, clean end bright. Here's « rea! opportunity to test the best in do-jt- 8 Ibs. of DRY CLEANING worth $2.50 0c cariTow's CLEANING CAROUSEL SPECIAL FOR of true feminine loveliness with DEMURE, a mint-fresh, gently medicated fem- inine douche to relieve irritation and help destroy odour-causing bacteria. Complete con- fidence is a priceless treasure... and you've discovered its beginning when you've discove ered Demure. .After internal bathing with Demure you can be sure of personal cleane liness that will last for a long time, Ask for Demure in its frosted plastic bottle--and for beauty eomp hosel ini i i its beautifally designe 2 Shoei of these aide' be iness 0 case, se Cet & oe i HERE'S A SECRET that is too beautiful to keep... the secret i t begins MY FAVOURITE DINNER PARTIES are 'medium-size' -- warm and friendly, with a Canadian wine lik eC * adding zest to the meal, Bri ( Roja is unique among red wines in that . sft OF ees the Cote ik Coe oe of sweetness. This makes it ideal for people|™ , like me who like a table wine but cannot stand} IROJA) \the very tart taste of most of them. Cresta] RED TABLE WINE |Roja, an inspired idea by Brights Wines, is SS olended from imported French hybrid grapes, grown right here in the Niagara Peni Delicious with hame | roasts -- red meat of any kind. And it's so easy 5Oe .00 'to phone Brights for free and prompt delivery! FOR A MORE MEMORABLE AND CAREFREE TRIP ABROAD, free let your ggg eed oS all the are Fr \< Tangements.., he'll reserve hotels within your Gis budget, make all your bookings --even hel e, a with passport formalities. What's more, he wilt be glad to tell you about the fascinating local 1 customs and the many special things.to see and do. He's probably one of the most widel y" >> BOAC travelled people you've ever met, so he's we (wr im qualified to help and advise you. I know that courant) : when you see your BOAC travel agent first, ne'll make you feel at home wherever you go.,. and all these ; Eepiiae 'extras" won't cost you a penny; it's all part of the service) 12, 1967 : . To safeguard your family and protect the hearts you love -- give to the HEART FUND, , Z |

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