Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Mar 1967, p. 8

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§ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Morch 14, 1967 | | Village Council To Study Need For Men's Hostel PICKERING (Staff) -- Pick- ering Village Council suggested Tuesday night th#t Oshawa was the logical centre for a men's: hostel when a_ village minister suggested a place be provided in the village. Rev. Melville Buttars, -pas- tor of Pickering United Church, @ one-man delegation to coun- issue to a head. He said the person had asked for food last Thanksgiving and had returned in January when he was pick- ed up by the township police while sleeping-in a local laun- dromat. Mr. Buttars said that the police had advised him of the matter and, through the co-op- eration of the village clerk, the cil, said there is a need for hostel accommodation in the|person had stayed in the vil- area. lage for awhile. Mr. Buttars said that over} 'I felt sorry for the man and the years a number of meniI felt he shouldn't be convicted had come to his door for over-|and sent to jail. Before I real- night lodging. He said most ofjized it he was released into the cases were not specifically|my custody,"' said Mr. Buttars. a money problem, Mr. Buttars said he wonder- "Generally the hotels or ed if the building adjoining the motels oe 7, kind ro hall could oe provide over- person," said Mr. uttars, "'I'night accommodation. have obtained lodging for them! Councillor Clare Balsdon ask- as far away as Oshawa." ed if the person was a local OLDER GRouP ge "He is now," replied cage Mr. Buttars. "They are almost always an Rakes Rake cele Rielly -. i Mr. Buttars if the other clergy be eh 'the move but the fact ote the village was having sim: ey ilar problems. The minister re- the ee is that they alae: plied that he had not discuss- Migaae mur Bieta a ge 6 ed it with other clergy but be- ty e of tuman being yet turn- hg at be snake yu yp oe. nerable residing on the main ing them away does not do so- street. ciety or the church any good,"' continued Rey. Buttars. POLICE CO-OPERATIVE The minister said a particu-) Mr. Buttars said township the | police had been very co-oper- ------ |ative and he believed that the Oshawa Police allowed these }persons to stay overnight in Brooklin Wins »":,°. Drama Contest . Councillor Basil Kearney ask- d if any thought tad been given about the maintenance of UXBRIDGE -- Brooklin Jun-|the old village police station if for Farmers, who presented|it was made available to these the one-act "Rise and Shine,"| people. won the second annual Ontario; Mr, Buttars said he had. not County drama festival. Mem-/thought about it and added that bers of the cast were Diane this type of person had visited Graham, Pat Stell, Dave Haw-/the village at the rate of about thorne and Car! Wilson one a month. lar person had brought Beaverton Junior Farmers, LEAN who presented "His First Mr. Kearney said the prob- Shave" and the Port Perry|/em was that someone would ailer Wariner, who preseni-| fave to decide who could stay oT ciated 'and Presea' (at the shelter and that it would were the other entries." jbe a situation where they Charles Jolliffe, of Pickering, could not be locked in _ since who acted as adjudicator, com- there would be no supervision. plimented the three clubs on|_ I've asked them, why do their effects and discussed the| to" come to nee said Mr. herits and faults of the actors,|Buttars. "They've got your ______--____|name,"' replied Mr, Kearney. Council decided to discuss the problem further at its next ANce FLaNs mein. Finalized BOWMANVILLE (Staff) Plans for the official Bowman- | ville Centennial Ball have been) finalized | The ball, sponsored by the Bowmanville Kiwanis Club will | COOPER'S TEXACO MARCH be held at the Bowmanville High School auditorium at 8) eek | TIRE SALE Tickets will be $15 per couple} and dress will be semi hon or formal dress dating from The Famous 1867 on. | A midnight supper will be served by the Bowmanville Chapter of the Eastern Star. Mayor Victor Hobbs and the at iy ; Bow. Servis wih Se ried off DELUXE CHAMPION cially open the ball. | The event was sanctioned by) the town council as the official| Centennial Ball and proceeds| First Tire Regular Price, will go towards the town Cen-| tennial project. The Queen's Own Rifles) Dance Orchestra will provide| music for the gala event which) will include door prizes and| spot dances. | Use Your Texaco Credit Card | Up te 12 Months Te Pay. COOPER TEXACO Second Tire For Only ALL SIZES ae 9.99 Roed Lifetime Harerd Guerentee, OUT OF THE GROOVE | BATON ROUGE (AP)--The Louisiana School for the Deaf, has added the word "State" to} . i 4 |9 410 Ritson Rd. N. 56 Bruce St. its title so its abbreviated des- | cription will in future read baa sida ene LSSD instead of LSD. | 4 Murison asked} Municipal Board Sets opportunity to cancel the agree- ment, If the police commission de- cides not to cancel the agree- ment, the village will inform! UXBRIDGE (Staff) -- Roy them it will exercise their op-|Barker, Woodbridge, past pres- tion next Dec. 31. 'Past President's Pin indent of the Holstein - Friesian Sewer Question Date marked that this was up 25 per cent over last year. to answer questions from any village ratepayers. PICKERING (Staff) -- The Ontario Water. Resources Com- the village until their district office is notified and a depart- OPP is now taking over al! sewer system cost was $369,380, village one-man. police depart excluding the sewer main and Carilfo, 18, wanted to go to mission advised Pickering Vil-) The Department of Highways} The village has already a : f lage Council Tuesday night its|told Council that no work is to|plied to the OPP for line school but ended in jail on} Bob Fett, of Oshawa, direc- revised estimate for the village|be done on Highway 2 through|services free of charge. The|Personal violence and arsonjtor, Holstein - Friesian Associa- charges. He was barred from tion of Canada, presented John a school for illiterates because Association of Canada gave a at Greenbank. | Leask with a past president's Indian monkeys are shot each year. 159 civil servants were dismis- sed State Secretary Judy LaMarsh PEST MEN SHELL OUT capital has . . ETTING WITH IT [Holstein Club Gives] NEWS IN BRIEF | ,..:5 madoussoultane NEW DELHI (AP)--The cost,an Indian living in South Viet of keeping down stray dogs,jnam, decided his name was jackals and monkeys in the |rather too unwieldly. In news- "increased.|paper advertisements, he pro- City council was asked for more|Claimed himself simply Rahi- Mougam- Abdul Catlar, N (AP) DISMISS SERVANTS OTTAWA (CP)--A total of "for cause' last year, rie 7 i 'tridges|man KEEN TO LEARN talk on his trip across Canada|™oney after rifle cartridges NAPLES (AP fs .jat the annual banquet of the ia up $13 for 100. About 2.500 UES (AP) -- Giovanni Ontario County Holstein Club|908S. 50 jackals and a few Helps Solve 3 Biggest FALSE TEETH Worries and Problems A little FASTEETH sprinkled on your dentures does all this: (1) Helps hold false teeth more firmly in place; treatment plant. ment inspector is on the site. i vi ; : At the Rea time council re- gneve teg Cy a aavisi he lived outside the school dis-|Pin on behalf of the Ontario reported Monday. Another 453) '2) HOlGS PRD OSCE ee saiek 5 7) >} a ri y is . . " a . (3 5 you 0 ceived a letter from the On-|VILLAGE POLICING | the police. commission it is|'fict, so. he tried to burn the County Holstein Club. were rejected during probation.| yitnout discomfort. FASTEETH tario Municipal Board grant- Council indicated it is de- Pp : i | buildi dow His Mol | Neil Raines, president, out-|Miss LaMarsh was replying in] Powder ts alkaline (non-acid).Won't d waite x : ve {termined to end a policing|doubtful if the village counci Ing down. is Moiotov),, ; A Bat Ve <.| sour. No gummy, gooey, pasty taste ing approval for the sewer sys- 1 policing 'ill approve the present police|cocktail bomb lined the educational projects}the Commons to a written ques +r feeling! Avoid embarrassment. Get tem at an estimated cost of|@greement with Pickering] Wil) @PP cocktail bomb succeeded only|the club will undertake during|tion from Eric Winkler (PC--| @asTeeTH at all drug counters. $335,800. The OMB granted per-| Pownship. budget. in destroying the door. 1967. ' Grey-Bruce). Protection to Persons and - RIGHT TO CANCEL According to the agreement. the village has the right to can- cel the agreement by notifying the township two months prior to the end of February in any year. The township has the right to terminate the agree- ment if the village refuses to pay its share. Mr. Hunt said it was unfair the township to increase the budget for the police with- out advising the village by the end of December giving it the mission of the original esti- s . ice mate providing $54,000 of this Property Committee Chairman |Wilfred Hunt will attend a amount is prepaid. | , i : The OWRC told council any|meeting of the Township Police extention of the present peer | COnUAIE ICR this Friday to re- plan would require another|quest the agreement be trunk line to the treatment|terminated. : : plant, | At the present time the vil- jlage is policed by the Town- PUBLIC MEETING iship Police Department under The OMB also advised coun-|an agreement that the village cil a public meeting be held|pay the same per capita cost on the sewer question at 10\as township ratepayers. f a.m., April 3. Representatives| Council was told the cost this from the village council and en-|year will be $10.37 per capita gineering consultants were ask-|or a total cost of $19,700 for the SUNDAE SALE Thursday and Friday, March 16 and 1? I: Buy one sundae, get another for a Special low price during the Sundae Sale at your nearby Dairy Queen. Treat yourself to cool, refreshing swirls of Dairy Queen topped with your favorita flavor. Come "Live a Little" 7™ at Dairy Queen during the Sundae Sale, 235 Simcoe St. &., Oshowe, Ont. 1003 Dundas St. E., Whitby, Ont. 1347 Simcoe St. N., Oshews, Ont. ed to be present at the meeting|village. Reeve Ross Murison re- NEWS EXTRA at JURY « LOVELL YOUR saves you money withthese ~° DRUGGIST FRONT PAGE SPECIALS... KLEENEX Popular 200 size box, Now at this special low price, FOR FAST COLD RELIEF IBAYER ASPIRIN 100 TABLETS © 63 ALKA-SELTZER! Speedy relief from upset stomach, 25 TABLETS REG, 83¢ GILLETTE | STAINLESS STEEL BLADES 5 for 49e 10 for 1.09 FAST RELIEF fifi gal od HEADACHES cous CHEWABLE Vitamin 6 (Ascorbic Acid) TABLETS 100 mg, 125 tab. PHILLIPS' MILK OF MAGNESIA 26 oz. 98: Reg. 1.29 ECONOMY WATER BOTTLE 22 Qt. capacity Toor, FLUORIDATED TOOTH 87* HOME PERMANENT ELUORIDATED Paste 'TOOTH 5 FED " PASTE DUO PACK 1.26 VALUE we Regular, Super REG. ond Gentle holds. 2,00 1.39 Choice Young --New Zealand Jmported LEG '0' LAMB Tender -- Juicy -- Well-Trimmed -- Thick Cut LOIN LAMB CHOPS THREE MEALS IN ONE ----- ROAST --- FRY -- STEW TASTY LAMB IN A BASKET .,. WELL STREAKED Mild Cured Rindless Bacon hat makes the w. 69° LB. AQ 29° 79° IT"S LAMB WEEK AT RED & WHITE NEW! From Stondard Bronds 4 FLAVOURS SHAKE-A -PUDDIN SERVING PACK Save 0c! 4 FOR 39° C OPENING TODAY! A Red & White Food- master in Chelmsford, Ont. St. Patrick's Day Special! Swift Premium CORNED BEEF (Cryovac) 79: LB. GARDEN FRESH NO. 1 GRADE GREEN ONIONS FULL FLAVOR-- VINE RIPENED NO. 1 TOMATOES FRESH RHUBARB, 23*| 3 BUNCHES 253: 2 3. GY: MacIntosh APPLES FANCY GRADE LB. ne 43° BUY-OF-THE-WEEK SEA WAVE BRAND FANCY RED SOCKEYE SALMON Yy's Tin 49: FEATURE ! -- SAVE Ile! CARNATION Tall Tins EVAPORATED MILK 6... *1 SAVE 4¢ ! -- Quick or Instant QUAKER OATS --~: 39° BIRD EYE FROZEN FOOD FEATURES! BEST BUY ! -- Save 8c! SALADA TEA BAGS 79° BEST BUY ! -- Save 4c ! ASSORTED JELL-O Powders 3 3-02. PKGS. 3l* BEST BUY ! -- Reg. 99c ! -- 5e Off Pack Parchment ROSE MARGARINE 83° BIRDS EYE AWAKEORANGE DRINK 4 fi; 59° BEST BUY! ---Save 10c BIRDS EYE a LIQUID TWIN PACK ¢ SWEET GREEN PEAS 4 12%: 69° | MIR orencnsr woz 5 Reg. 1.83 Value! -- 30c Off Pack -- King Size Pkg. Reg. 49c ! -- WESTON JAM or LEMON AJAX DETERGENT 1.39 py « 1.39|/FILLED BUNS °° 45¢ COOL ROLL-ON DEODORANT 10z. @97 Come Into Our Store For Many, Many More MONEY SAVING SPECIALS! REG. 1.19 8 3: TOOTH PASTE SALE ENDS SATURDAY, MARCH 18th | JURY & LOVELL Best Buy ! -- Reg. 1.89 ! -- 30¢ Off Pack Maxwell House 10-oz. jar INSTANT COFFEE Feature ! -- Save 8c !-- Sweet Mixed or Relish Rose Brand PICKLES 25° Save 12c! --- Chicken Noodle -- Tomato Vegetable 2 Packs LIPTON SOUPS § = 4... 1.00 Reg. 1.19 ! -- 10c¢ Off Pack -- Heavy Duty SUCCESS LIQUID WAX...... 99° BEST BUY ! -- Save 24c ! --- In Tomato Sauce HEINZ BEANS 5 85° 1.39 16-OZ. JAR 14-02. TINS STRIP ANTI-CAVITY HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS! Reg 39¢!-- Child's -- Reg. Tuft PEPSODENT ;:.:.: BRUSHES Reg. 69¢ ! -- Mint Fresh PEPSODENT ;.;;; PASTE Reg. 69%c ! -- Tooth Paste FLUORIDE EACH 29° Gt. Tube 59° Gt. Tube 59° ATTACHED TO Hershey's Instant FREE!! CHOCOLATE SYRUP Chocolate -- 1-Ib. Tin 5%-oz. Tin Hershey's 39: BEST BUY !--Save 9c !--- LANCIA SPAGHETTI OR PKGS. MACARONI Drs. FOODMASTER WILSON RD. S. SHOPPING PLAZA BROWN'S RED & WHITE BROOKLIN, ONT.

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