30 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Meren 14, 1907 SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK Accountants |Building Trades |Mortgages |TV--Radio Repairs BOB CLANCY'S ACCOUNTING Service.| Complete bookkeeping service, 178 Sim- * coe Sireet North, 725-0397. Res. 723-7605. | WILLIAM C. HALL, B-Comm., Charter- ed Accountant, 36/2 King Street East.| No Down Payment Telephone Oshawa 725-6539. j GORDON R. DAY, Certified General) Remodelling Accountant, Suite 205W, Oshawa Shop- ping Centre, 725-9953. @ Bathrooms JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered SEW @ = Kitchens tant, Licensed Trustee, ont ree , East. Telephone 723-4833. @ Recreation Rooms HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO. Charter- @ Garages ed Accountants, Financial Trade Build-| tario, 725-3509; $. T. Hopkins, CA; H. Beadle, CA; E. Lukow, CA. | owa's Quality Builder tered Accountants, Licensed Trustees in Monthly Instalments ing, 167 King Street East, Oshawa, ile A new department of Osh- YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND CO., Char-| KASSINGER CONSTRUCTION MORTGAGE LOANS Moneys available for first and second mortgages. Open mortgages, No bonus. First mortgages, second mortgages and agreements for sale pur- chased. M. F. SWARTZ 26% King St. East Oshawa, Ontario Bankruptcy, $22 Simcoe Street Nortiy! Coil today for Free Estimates Lid., ti ind photostatic copies. eleblllel ial jmates, Telephone 725-7066 Building Trades QUALITY | Carpentry and general ADDITIONS. imatec'"teleohone 72ssise, re-|FIRST AND SECOND mortgates, REPAIRS |pairs. Serving Oshawa district for many) agreements purchased and sold. Hennick) yrs. Honest, dependable 'service. 725-8576) and Hennick, ALTERATIONS A-) CARPENTRY, recreation ror "Nursery | Schools _ East, 723-7232. "sale Barristers, 31 King Street TV SERVICE COLOR BLACK and WHITE FOR THE BEST CALL TRI). Oshawa, 728-7371, 728-7583 723-4697 Neos shin siete, FIRST AND SECOND oe BELL DRAFTING and Reproductions |Carpentry lavallable" Seepad ND mortgage money FOR 4 treet North, 723-4661. REMODELLING, trim work, cupboards, cent. Open and no bonus, Call anytime! ~ S2Ve_ Simcoe Stree recreation rooms, and stairs. Free esti: | 723-4631. CLEANER, SHARPER d |FIRST AND SECOND mortgages avaii- CARPENTRY -- New ano repairs, biock|able. W. Schatzmann Realtor, 114 Brock) ----------- | and cement work Free estimates 728-7680) Street North, _Whitby, 668- 3338. TV RECREATION YOUR OWN | TV to |Cartage OMES- -FACTORIES uel MOBILE SERVICES Rec Rooms and Kitchens a Specialty | UNLIMITED | Pick- Deli James Allen & Sons | egy egg 725-6126 | Immediate Service refinishing. Reasonable rates. Free esti- mates, K. Horner, 668 668-8377, 728-6869. After 9 p.m., 728-9293 Dial Operator (O). and ask -for PAINTING, DECORATING, furniture Mobile J. R. 8-3908 Oshawa TODDLERS PARADISE FROBEL -- MONTESSORI Day Nursery School Let your child enjoy this won- derful method of teaching. Register now. For appoint- ment call 723-0734. TOWER: 728-5143 Corner Bond and Division "AN VIRUSES BATHED IN = MAGNIFIED HIS LIFE. 300, 000 TIMES EXPERIMENTA). By R. J. SCOTT fo PERFORM AMIS TRICK, 4HE TRAINER FIRST TEACHES THE ELEPHANT 40 HOLD A BALL. THE SIZE OF A MANS HEAD, IN 11S MOUTH. ! THEN, BY DEGREE: MORE WEIGHT % ADDED fo DUPLICATE SUBS MutES KIS HEAD FORTHE BALL: Kceaps, Gr | CONEY, 11h) (© King Foaterm Spoon tras 107, Weal ght mea, 6--Marine Equipment _ 1bFT, CEDAR STRIP boat, with | 3 HP | |BEs . 1966 Chrysler out-/- VACUUM REPAIRS, all makes, 2 year|brushes, etc. Pick-up, delivery, 942-0; | warranty. 5 snow-! -mobiles, new and used.|Fleming Vacuum Service, Wilde Rental Serivce and Sales, Whitby, | Pickering. 4 | MATTRESS BARGAINS. All types of mat- id|tresses, all reduced. Smooth-top mat- - | tresses, $29.; crib mattresses, $9.88; mat- tresses for bunk beds, $16.88; roll-away 80 HORSE POWER MERCURY very Bore condition, | TELEVISION--RADIO 24 HOUR SERVICE EXPERT T PAVING. f estimate, in- cludes grading and fill, two-year guar- antee, 11 years in business, Terrano MOVE NOW Paving, 17 Bond East. 723-584). | PAY LATER ROOFING, hot f tar and gravel, shingles | Credit Rates Available repairs, large and smal! jobs. L. and Roofing and Construction, 725-6937.» CALL ALL TYPES BUILDING REPAIRS --| A. J. MOVING roofing, chimneys, eavestroughing, fire-| 728-59 places, masonry. Gord May, Whitby 665- 28-5930 thle ENTREE Member of 0.D.M.A, SIMPLE THINGS TALK: Ki Classified Ads D tell things you don't need for spof cas! H Dial 723.8497 for an Ad-writer now. | Dentistry _ CLASSIFIED RATES |For appointment, 728-5171, een f 24 words, 1.20; Dirsnary Savini Cash -- | insertion of words, raper' e additional words, 5¢ each; 3 conse pery rvice CAREFOOT, DR. JOHN M, Dental| |Surgeon, 172 King Street East, Oshawa. | Plumbing and Heating PLUMBING DISCOUNT 149 Brock St. North WHITBY -- 668-6601 Direct to you, plumbing sup- plies Everything in the plumbing line. 20% off all supplies, 12 p.m. -- 9 p.m. SATURDAY 9 a.m. -- 5 p.m. CLOSED WEDNESDAY tive insertions of 24 words, 3.24; addi tional words 13s each; 6 consecu-| Oshawa's Only tive insertions of 24 words, 5.76; addi- DECORATOR FOLD tional words 24¢ each. Chorge--!0 per cent additional charge DRAPERY SERVICE hin 8 di If not paid within jays. as MODERN Method of Countiny ee oe os rt " ach fore DRY CLEANERS initia igure or abbrevia' ion counts as; one Monee phone number counts two! 728-4614 words, ALL TYPES OF REPAIRS and r remodel- ling, new and used materials. Reasonable rates, Estimates free, 723-1191, J. Foley. | Rug - Upholstery Service BIRTHS -- DEATHS -- Dressmoking SOCIAL NOTICES ------ covers, drapes. Mrs. Toms, 668-2372. $2.50 per Insertion with 25 cents addi- DRESSMAKING -- Expertly fitted suits, tional charge if not pald within 8 days.|©Ats. dresses. Beautifully tailored slip- IN__MEMORIAMS $2.50 for the first 35 words nee «| each thereafter plus 3c per line of) verse; 25¢ additional charge if not paid sionally. Telephone 668-8756. DRESSMAKING, alterations, spring out- fits, vacation wear, Work done profes- PROFESSIONAL RUG CLEANING 2. Day Service Free Pick-Up and Delivery Angus-Graydon 728-6254 within 8 days. Gardening and Supplies CARD OF THANKS } $2.50 for the first 38 words and. 7c) each thereofter with 25¢ additional charge if not paid within 8 days. Sut ber inch Valeplay) $2.00 for the first 20, Worcs 'and 6¢ each thereofter BEGONIA BULBS (Word Ads). FLOWER SEEDS AUCTION SALES VEGETABLE SEEDS $2.38 PER INCH PER INSERTION. POTTING SOIL DEADLINES PEAT POTS yom. DAY Pnavious SERADIX B 1. LOST AND. FOUN PEAT MOSS am, DAY OF PUBLICATION VERMICULITE sae AND DEATH: NO-DAMP Sans BAY Of PUBLICATION IN_MEMORIAMS_ ond yeas SHEARS CARD OF THANKS 5 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS SO-GREEN CLASSIFIED DISPLAY T column--4 p.m. day previous; 2 col- Cll. 10-6-4 umns or larger -- 10 a.m. day previous. EVERGREEN 6-9-6 CANCELLATIONS AND GOLFGREEN 12-6-6 Sonne Ay OF PUBLICATION MILOGRANITE Any advertisement cancelled before) GARDEN SO-GREEN publication will be charged one day's) insertion. bE 510-15 BOX NUMBER RENTAL $1.00 1 CHL 10:10:10 While every endeavor will be made to/ forward replies to box numbers to the| advertisers as soon as possible, we ac- cept. no liability in cheered of loss. or | damaged alleged to arise through either failure or delay in forwarding such re-| 00 pit mit plies, however caused whether®by negli- | gence or otherwise. The Times will not} be responsible for replies uncalled for! ih a2 Saye | 16 os St REGULATIONS | 723-2312 723-1139 THE OSHAWA TIMES WILL NOT JE DELIVERY SERVICE Everything for the garden Spring's Coming INTERIORS by WINDOLF @ Custom Upholstery @ Re-Covering @ Antiques Restored 39 Simcoe N. 728-3651 lished 20 years. feed. Free estimates. Credit terms. Mat- tresses re-bullt, furniture _re-finished. sea, Upholstering, PROFESSIONAL RUG CLEANING 2 Day Service Free Pick-Up and Delivery Angus-Graydon 728-6254 Ls Estab- Workmanship guaran. CHESTERFIELDS re-upholsiered and restyled, Free estimate. See our mate- rial for re-covering. Slip covers made \to order. Dalton Upholstering, 75 Charles Street, 723-7212. 287 Dean Avenue, T.V. RENTALS HOLMES ELECTRONICS PHONE 668-5679 2' NEW aluminum mast and boom wit attachments, suitable for 16' i # $45, Model 250 McCulloch chain saw with CLOSED FOR HOLIDAYS -- Feb. 15 to $150. Dunbarton 839-|March 15. Bill Hamilton, Raglan. FURNITURE -- three rooms of new fur- Pay only $15 monthly. Barons' sail au | WANTED, 'Used outboard motor In far|niture, condition, 40 to 60 horsepower. Also boat)Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe S. 7--Swap and Barter '6 AND '64 GMC half-ton pick-up; ; '60 Buick; boat and ie T.V. Rentals New Sets ALCAN ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING sup-| |plies. Telephone 725-3521, Harold H. | FURNITURE and Stark Ltd., Plumbing, Heating and/ Engineering, 255 Simcoe Street South. APPLIANCES 452 Simcoe South | 723-0011 SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 Fast T.V. Service DOMINION TELEVISION 728-5154 9am. to 9 p.m. |$50. Oshawa TV Supply Limited, Taunton Road East, just east of Ritson Road, All work guaranteed. Telephone 728-6879, 2--Personal Removal of superfluous hair Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa, March 20th, 21st and 22nd. Phone Genosha --| Hotel on these dates for ap- --| 1966 BSA MOTORCYCLE, Spiffire, Mark I! Special, 650 cc. Excellent con- dition, Call after 7 p.m., 728-0657. '56, $00 TWIN TRIUMPH motorcycle. Very good condition, new motor job. Telephone 623-5860 after 6.30 p.m. week- days only. TRIUMPH BONNEVILLE, new, $1,095; new and used Yamaha and Suzuki Sales and Service RESPONSIBIE FOR ERRORS IN Al | ; TISEMENTS SUBMITTED OTHERWISE| Instruction THAN IN WRITING NOT FOR MORE] Sia ee SERTION IN WHICH. ERROR OCCURS. a ak THA d th lr gear VERTISEMENT NOR BEYOND THE lore nr, omning. sialon Ane eet East, opposite Coronation Scheol,| FURNITURE and APPLIANCE PRICE CHARGE FOR INGLE IN-\ten minutes walk Sir Albert Love| The Oshawa Times reserves the right t: classify advertising according to its| 'Janitor Service proper classification. In the cases of display advertisements |pish removed. 723-2997. The Times will not be held responsible} for more space than that which the| actual error occupies. The publishers Money to Loan of advertisement it any inaccuracies in gages Need good credit. 725-1423. any form are contained therein. IT'S EASY TO PLACE A Jreasonable rate of interest to TIMES ACTION WANT AD Call Classified Direct APPLIANCE REPAIRS Expert repairs to all makes of washers, dryers, ranges, etc. ALCAN 452 Simcoe S$. --- Oshawa Telephone 723-0011. | BASEMENTS, yards, etc. cleaned. Rub-| | NEW, USED -- vacuums, polishers. Re- pairs 1o all makes. New hoses. Phone Jack Lees, /28-6956. | GUARANTEED JREPAL endeavor to reproduce all adverising| A LOAN up to $9,000 to consolidate your |ashers and ranges. Free estimates. hte matter correctly, but assume no liability 'bills by arranging first and second mort- : Call 728-1742 eh ei 0011. to all wringer | 1 WILL LOAN you up to $5,000 at a ; con-/H, FLIM AND TROLLOPE tar jsolidate your bills or for any other | Land Surveycrs, 111 Elgin stan et | worthwhile purpose providing you are! 81. {steadily employed and have good credit. Surveyors Phone 725-68! |DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, _ tario Land Surveyor, Commercial blue prints, 11 Ontario Street, 725-5632. On- 723-3492 |723- 4631. 'Mortgages Leto | CONSOLIDATE CLASSIFICATIONS Bonow Pay Mtly 1---Wornen's Column $1,600 .. seen ebro $2,500 .. ' eode oo $4,000 $50.97 5--Trailers Mortgages examples based on 6--Marine Equipment 7--Swap and Barter 8--Articies for Sale 9--Market Basket 15 year term: Interest 1 - 1% 9% per month -- (12 - 16% per annum) Hone as pee depending on amount borrow- 12--srticles Wanted ed. Interest calculated on the 13--Articles for Rent i 14--Business Opportunities reducing balance. Properties 15--Employment wanted must be within a city or town 16--Agents Wanted limits 17--Female Help Wanted is--Male Help. Want C.A.C. REALTY 19--Male or Female Help Wanted Oshawa Shopping Centre 20--Real Estate For Sale 20a--Summer Properties tal TV--Radio Repairs 2\--Farms for Sale 22--Lots for Sale Ist ond 2 23--Real Estate Wanted MORTGAGES 24--Stores Offices and Storage 25--Houses for Ri 26--Apartments for Ren? @ RESIDENTIAL 27--Rooms for Rent @ COMMERCIAL 29--Wanted to Rent @ INDUSTRIAL Immediate service and even- ing appointments. Complete 32--Trucks for Sale 33--Automobies Wanted details call Doug Terwillegar. 34--Automobile Repair | 3-tott and Found | BRANCH REALTY 36--Legal INVESTMENTS LTD iccoming' vents 51 King E. 723-1157 29--Netins Res, 725-6210 T.V. TOWERS "BUILT IN OSHAWA" AT OUR OWN PLANT We give you a better tower for less money. OSHAWA T.V. SUPPLY LTD. TAUNTON RD. E. Qust East of Ritson) 723-8131 723-8132 JOE'S COLOR TV and Radio Service Fast repairs. European radios, tape recorders and record changers © specialty. 13 Bond W. 576-1670 | 5--Trailers RAMBLER TRAILERS SALE -- RENT Open Sundays 2 - 4 P.M. | BUDDY TRAILERS PORT HOPE Lot at 401 and 28 \@ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ CAMPING TRAILER rental reservations| |now being taken for Expo and Summer} ment. Phone Kamping Unlimited 728-9942, | |GOING To . EXPO? Rent a trailer... Tent) lfment. Ph Book now and avoid disappoint-| jtrailers and cabin trailers. Reserve now. aes Rental Service and Sales, Whitby | 3226. {woti9a-- AND ROCKET cabin trail- ers; Va-ton Truck Campers; 1967 models In stock.' Wilde Rental Service and |Sales, Whitby, 668-3226. [PARTLY FINISHED fent-trailer, needs' op. Reasonably priced. Telephone 728- Ti, |Telephone 728-9942. |1966, 17 FT. ROCKET house trailer, with electric brakes, axle hitch, toilet, propane refrigerator and stove, sleeps | six. Telephone 468-6088. |TWO-BEDROOM house trailer for rent,| ely furnished, suitable fdr fam-| ily with one or two children. Also park- ing space, In Newcastle. Telephone 576- com 0785. 5A--Camping RR 1, Little Britain, Ontario. 6----Marine Equipment CHRIS CRAFT SALES and SERVICE McVay fitreglas sail boats, Crestliner, Peterborough ond Northcraft runabouts. Evin- rude outboard motors. OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN 723-8186 3 SPECIAL 12' Thornes aluminum cor- top. 5 horsepower Evinrude motor. $399 LIMITED QUANTITY MARINE STORAGE and SUPPLY LTD. 655-3641 *STARCRAFT," Grew Traveller boats. 'Evinrude motors. Open seven days a week. Marine Storage and Supply Ltd., -------- Brooklin, 655-3641, RESULTS? Use Times Action Want Ads, |FIBREGLASS BOAT, windshield and steering controls. List price $795. Selling $475. Also Chrysler motor. Six miles east of Oshawa at Sollna Rd, and No, 2 Hwy, '102 igin &. 8--Arrticles for Sale NOW SIX SERVICE BAYS FOR FASTER SERVICE WHEEL ALIGNMENT. SPECIAL mouth, Pontiac. We correct wheel alignment, inspect and align toe-in and toe-out to @ Parts extra if required. TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- 40-foot tower : @ Torsion bar adjustment structure, all-channel antenna installed, ED'S TV TOWER and serial service. BAKE SPECIAL Plus $2.00 per wheel WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL Including weights per wheel $ SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, FRONT-END WORK AT COMPARABLE PRICES UNIROYAL pointment ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 YOUNG LADY desires ride to Toronto, oe sae and 'Yonge area. Telephone! 4--Motorbikes The New Name of DOMINION TIRE STORES motorcycles. Open evenings. Ontario jCycle, 140 King W. 728-1422, | CITY TV televisions, open 7 days a week. black and white T.V. Anten- and Service 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 0500. All work guaranteed. RUTHERFORD'S 3-room groups, Living Room, Bedroom, Dining Room, $399, voce delivery or *RUTHERFORD' S TRADE IN Your present aerial or tower CABLE TV ITY TRAILER, heavy duty, steel! large tires, also one flat bed trai!- | er, suitable for jigger or snowmobile. FOR SALE -- USED TRIO UA a CAMP SITES for Expo. Tents $3.50 Bats Trailers $5.00 -- eight miles from xpo. For reservations write Art. Field, FLOOR COVERING , thousands of yards WILSON'S FURNITURE |8 "Articles for Sale one-third off. 723-3889. jh{cols complete, $19.88. Wilson's Furnt| ture, 20 Church Street. |FREE! Furnace cleaned, adjusted free. |Guaranteed trouble-free winter if you | purchase from Wesetrn Oll Company. 1725-1212. | TYPEWRITER, electric, $75; standard, s. 30; adding machine, $20; cash regist $35. Electric Multiplier, 723-4434, th sety - ect H. Chinn, 'corner fig Hillside and Park|LIVE MINNOWS, Shiner, Chub, sa | h. |dew worms. Oshawa Live Bait, 859 Ni json Street at Wolfe East. Open every day. 728-3222 BUY -- Continental beds, mat-| Apply 790 King|tresses, all sizes and types, headboards, years old. Will sell or trade for young 213. Main Street, USED TIRES, most all sizes. B. ys | avon 88 King Street West. and up. New and used auto parts. get Starters and generators, 1175 Net | jon St. 725-2162. television, refrigerator, etc., $34.50 Simcoe South, 723-0011. furniture or anything you have. The City Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street South, 723-1671. aaeROUAT-- FENDERS from $ 319.95) uA NTEED, USED wringer washes "Af cieaing, free estimates, low rates. 725- up. Alcan Furniture and Appliances, 152, apes | HAN lyour business? | 'can help you solve WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE used them, reduce your overhead, and in- crease your profits. Write Box 60944, Osha) VACUUM REPAIRS, all 'makes, hoses, Fleming Vacuum Service, Main Street,) Pickering. AVAILABLE -- Registered nursing as- sistant, for private home duty on days. | Willing to do light household duties. | Write Box 60966, Oshawa Times. brushes, etc, Pick-up, delivery, 942-0213. | 10--Farmers' Column bale. Telephone 655-4693. mower, hay rake, cultivafor, hay con- phone 668-3864, Tyrone. Telephone Collect Hampton 263- 2721. Licence 101-C-67. 11--Pets and Livestock PROFESSIONAL DOG SERVICES Dachurst Kennels, 655-3881. lowest prices. Call and compare. 728- 9609. for training, talking strain. Apply T. Broad, 114 Elgin East. ALL TYPES OF HORSES for s down, Telephone 942-1101. REGISTERED BLACK Labrador | champion Stock, $50. Whitby 668-¢ 6466. papers, $10 each. ._Telephone 942-2696. tion call 723-9708. |PEKINGESE PUPPIES for sale, fe |male, six weeks old, champion bred. | | Telephone 728-7106. |PLAYFUL PART-POODLE puppy, fe- male. Telephone 728-9609. BLACK PERCHERON COLT, four jcattle. Apply Bernard Freem: a Lons- hoses, dale, Ont., or phone Deseronte "S96. 5860. 12--Articles Wanted |GOOD USED FURNITURE wanted, etc. Highest prices. Call anytime, Mac- Neil's Furniture, 668-5481, 668-6526. 13--Articles for Rent Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal Wear, Men's Formals, White Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. SARGEANT'S RENTALS 463 Ritson Rd. S$. 725-3338 WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walk- ers, reducing machines, sick room sup- plies. Aid Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644, ENTERTAINING? Fifty to one hundred people? Oshawa Tennis Club for ban- quets, parties, weddings. Bar, kitchen, | Barking. 723-7726. **/14--Business Opportunities | 15--Employment Wanted se la A JANITOR? or |anitor's sup- plies, com. and res, window and floor PROBLEMS! Having them In| personal Interview. Times for Simcoe South, 723-0011. GUARANTEED, USED wringer washers.|17__Female Help Wanted television, refrigerator, etc., $34.50 and) up. Alcan Furniture and Appliances, 452 time. Furniture, 444 Simcoe South. 723-3271, LLOYD PRAM, vision, 728-5143. THOLDUM automatic washer; vacuum, signs, oll can rack, tire changer, bea grinder and valve reseater. 623-5184, USED and damaged plumbing _mater- lals. Reasonable prices, J. Foley Plumb- ing, 319 College Avenue, Oshawa. Pro Shop opens March 25. 655-4952. now on display. United Rent-All Marine, Oshawa's only authorized SkI-Doo di er, 535 King St. E. at Wilson. 728-5565. Bond Street East, 725-6344. BUYING OR SELLING furniture plilances. Call Elmer, 263-2294, 263-2695. No downpayment, BABY BARGAINS $9.88. Babyland, 20 Church S' ney, with clock and timer, glass phone 728-6705. sell for $20. Telephone 668-5033. CHESTERFIELD SUITE, two - plece, beige, television, Philco 19-inch; dress- Street, Whitby. 668-4862. after 5. King St., Whitby. Telephone 668-2373. 725-1423, NORDHEIMER PIANO and bench very litle use, Asking $800. T 668-8432 after 6 p.m. STORE EQUIPMENT -- Electric scale, electric three-spit barbecue; two meat tor; doors, compressor unit for walk- in box; meat blocks; brand new freez- er, electric Coca-Cola cooler, Telephone 728-3361. 723-2625. S HAND PAINTINGS FOR SALE. These paintings have been appraised by Gar- field Art Galleries, Toronto. Apply 102 Elgin St. PIANO -- Melcdigrand ~ apartment ~ size piano. Apply 102 Elgin St. = ge condition, $50., also wringer wash-! with 'pump, ins" ONTARIO | No. 7 potatoes, free de delivery. Raieacanslid | Telephone 723-9439, McCLARY'S | fourburner | gas stove with | -- New condition. 9A--Eggs & Poultry HOUSEHOLD, HEREC RTS FROM a 57. Volkswagen, 9--Market Basket -- including A-1 motor, new battery, white) wall snow tires. Also 24" McClary agg APPLES Second grade McIntosh $1.75 per bushel. Also first grade Delicious, Spy and controlled atmosphere Mcintosh. 8ring own containers. Algoma Or- chards Ltd., Thickson Rd. N:, Whitby GGS "DAISY FRESH" DAILY -- E jingle White Feather Farms, Oshawa, 685-4752. Picked up delivered at store or home Many pi '|CLEMENT POULTRY, chickens, 3. to te mention, 'Apply |4v2 Ibs., 39c., orders of 12 or more. ae 987-4353, Newcastle, TYPEWRITERS, new, used, sales, serv- ice all makes. Free estimates. Call your local Royal dealer. 728-3664 any- BUY AND SELL -- good used furniture and appliances. One location only. Pretty very good condition, tan and pele color. Asking $25. Tele- phone 728-6879. TV TOWER SPECIAL -- 40 ft. structure, all channel antenna, $50. TRIO Tele fan, greaser, oil rack, bubble balancer, bench vise, battery charger, gas Leb breaker, flush-rad nozzle, rad cap tester, cash register, adding machine, cheque writer, pop cooler, Impact tool, bench GOLF EQUIPMENT -- New and used d | Te en ax coum. calViarrie En Iployee 1967 $KI-DOO snowmoblie by Bombar- dier, world's largest producer of soft soil vehicles and McCulloch chain saws, SKATES! A large selection of new and used. Also hockey equipment, bargain priced hockey sticks. Cycle Centre, 204 ZELLER'S, Oshawa Shopping Centre, $30 for your old lawn mower, 'any condition," when you trade In on a "Ride 'Em' lawn mower, full price $179.99, with trade $149.99. "Sakdesd itt 5 ize cribs $18.95, mattresses $8.88, Lloyd Strollers from $12.88, carriages from $28.95, high chairs $10.88, playpens) PRIVATE -- 2i-inch gas range, Gur- in oven door. Very gocd condition. Tele- SABRE SLIMS, excellent condition, size 8, two sweaters, size 14, worth $40. Will er and kitchen suite, Apply 117 Trent FOUR-SEATER chesterfield, blue, , with matching chair, blue Fiberglas drapes, and rod, like new, also continental bed, single. Apply 8 Simcoe South, Apt. 3, SMART ROSE CHESTERFIELD and green chair $90, will sell separately. 603 FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES at cost price, invoices shown, balance of Honest Cal's stock. Open Saturday only. 1, Had one INVOICE Tyrael Experienced typist, accurate with figures. Excellent work- Ing conditions and benefits. Telephone AJAX 942-2120 for appoint- ment. Stark Electronics Ltd. Experienced _ required for Travel Agency Good appearance ond pleas- ing personality imperative. Write giving complete resume of qualifications and experi- ence to: BOX 60552 OSHAWA TIMES: Experienced Bookkeeper- Typist Capable of taking full re- sponsibility of general office in .retail store, Five day week including Sat- urday. Reply giving full particulars to BOX 60541 OSHAWA TIMES SECRETARY required By Law Firm Applicants please reply stat- ing age, expreience, morital status and salary expected to: 3,000 BALES WHEAT straw, 50c. per veyor, 24-ft.; fertilizer spreader. Tele-| COZY-J RANCH, Reg'd. German rae teow herds, pups. Show mare in foal to auar-| COMPANION FOR LADY, ter horse, Pony. Pinto. Western saddles, /oreferably active pensioner, equipment, clothing. Ashburn, 655- 4662. munerafion. Telephone between \8 p.m. or all day Saturday, Port Perry| TURRET LATHE fond of ta SETTERS to care for child, four five days. 576-1974 after 7 DOG CLIPPING -- Superior work at RELIABLE PERSON, p i) woman, to care for aged boys. Your home or mine, frude Colpus School area. Oshawa Times. WOMAN TO MIND three children, light a housework, #15 per day, no ; prints and have own tools, Clipping, all breeds, poodles. our spe-| 985-7188. cialty. Free pick-up and delivery; board- RELIAB ing and training. Doberman Pinschers'from vicinity of Shakespeare and Wil and German Shepherd puppies for sale.'son Road South, BEAUTIFUL BABY BUDGIES, ready| th f, LABRADOR PUPS, six weeks old, nolvany Write, Frocks, Ltd., DOG TRAINING CLASSES, sponsored|Y-3422, Montreal, Que. by the Oshawa Obedience Association, | starting April 5. For further informa-| HOUSEKEEPER live-in weel Children 4, week Write box 493 Colborne, RELIABLE "WOMAN to do housekepi | Please hom: baby sitting. Live ls 263-2275. WOM, = 3 4S - 6.30, _Telephone 723-0 0144, RN $23, WEEKLY arn triever, male, 20 months old, fees | WARDROBE in your spare time. |show Fashion Frocks to friends. canvassing, experience neces- North American 9900 Parc George, 18--Male | Help | Wanted _ INDUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE | POSITIONS The completion of the major plant facility of a new chemi- cal firm, member company of a large international corpora- tion necessitates the expan- sion of its*Maintenance De- partment. Skilled men are re- quired in the following trades: GENERAL MECHANICS MACHINISTS ELECTRICIANS INSTRUMENT MECHANICS Experienced men in the above trades would be offered excel- lent pay rates, fringe benefits and very good working condi- tions. If interested, please call or write for application form, Marbon: Chemical Division BORG-WAGNER (CANADA) LIMITED COBOURG, ONTARIO P.O. Box 10 Phone: 372-2221 and| eral two Y school s FREE Just Fashion STATIONERY ENGINEERS The new manufacturing fa- cilities of a rapidly growing chemical firm, member com- pany of a large international corporation, is nearing com- pletion. The boiler housing two brand new, high pressure, gos fired, package boilers will be started up in early May. 2nd. Class and 3rd. Class Operating Engineers are re- quired to take charge of this boiler plant. Excellent pay rates, fringe benefits working conditions are offer- ed. If interested, please call or write for application form. Marbon Chemical Division BORG-WAGNER (CANADA) LIMITED COBOURG, ONTARIO P.O. Box 10 Phone: 372-2221 BOX M60842 OSHAWA TIMES cases; commercial reach-in refrigera- "MATURE HOUSEKEEPER | Studio Girl Cosmetics Needs you if you like people and want to make money. Full or part time we train you all. 725-5186 Oshawa district write Luella Kidd, 303 Pine Avenue, Oshawa. Required for motherless home. Must live-in and be fond of children. All conveniences in lovely modern home. Excellent wages. Telephone 725-9836 WANTED Cook - Housekeeper for two adults in centrally located home. Excellent wages for right person, Live in or out. References required. Write Box 60344 Oshawa Times. blueprints, Must QUALITY CONTROL INSPECTOR Our Company, the leading manufacturer of sporting arms in Canada has o further re- quirement for a QUALITY CONTROL INSPECTOR whose duties would include the in- spection of detail well as first off and final in- <spection, The person we need must be able to read and understand to use measuring instruments and be able to keep records to write reports. Excellent fringe --_ benefits available, Apply in writing to: H. E. NELSON WINCHESTER CANADA COBOURG, ONT. MACHINIST WANTED LINDSAY 324-5212 parts as It's Still The Freezin' Season But Hot "Action" Classifieds Will Thaw Things Out! Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 'p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY 17--Female Help Wanted| 18--Male_ Help Wanted BE A BEAUTY CONSULTANT. |case Cosmetics offers top profits - | training. Telephone 728-7903 FOR SALE -- . Massey - Ferguson 7-H. | view. HOUSEKEEPER, live in, Is free, children 17, 13 and 4. Good home. $25 per week, Write Box 493, Colborne, DEAD AND CRIPPLED farm stock pick-| Ontario. ed up promptly. Margwill Fur Farm, Show-| and) WE HAVE VACANCIES FOR inter-| FIRST CLASS =" MACHINISTS with Universal Milling Ma- "jn,j| chine experience for close precision work, and OPERATORS Also for Precision Work Must be able to read blue- 60806, Write: ANDREW ANTENNA 606 Beech St., Whitby 668-3348 JOB OPPORTUNITIES TORONTO ACCOUNTING -- CLERICAL -- SALES Special opportunity openings | for those with BA or B.Se de- | gree. Interviews at the Genosha Hotel Friday and Saturday, March 10 and 11, from 10 a.m, forward. For appointment phone Toron- to 425-3320, (prior to Friday) or Contact MRS. MARTIN GENOSHA HOTEL 723-4641 March 10-after 10 a.m. Internationally known com- pany desires two representa- tives for the Oshawa area. @ Applicants must be be- tween 21-29. @ Be neat in appearance. @ Be able to converse in- telligently. @ Drive a dependable ear. All accepted applicants will be trained on a part - time basis until able to qualify for full - time employment. If you desire a 5 figure income and are willing to work evers ings. Apply Box 60546, Osh- awa Times. All applications held in confidence. SHIPPER- RECEIVER Mature man required by em ponding company, Must have Previous shiping and recelv- ing experience, grade 11 ed- ucation ,be wiling to accept responsibility and own o chauffeur's licence. In return we offer. a good starting rate and opportunity for the future. Reply giving full particulars to BOX M49329 OSHAWA TIMES REAL ESTATE SALESMEN 5 solesmen required immedi- ately. Top producing firm in Osh- awa area, Unlimited sales promotion. Excellent commis- sion structure, Experience de- finitely an asset but not essential. Full training sup- plied. For further information and confidential. interview call: Mr. Sheriff or Mr. Kosteniuk GRIFFIN Real Estate Ltd. 723-8144 Must have fleet experience. Prefer. mechanic with good background in repoirs of au- tomatic transmissions and hy- drautic assemblies, Shift work 4 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. 5 day week. $2.85 per hour: Apply in writing to Toronto Towne ship Hydro Electric Commis- sion, 3240 Mavis Road, Cooksville, Ontario, Attention H. House JANITOR REQUIRED -- 6 p.m. - 2 am. Also POT WASHER Split Shift. 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. - 8 p.m. Apply. Mr. Campbell GENOSHA HOTEL SiS teck eA Sie SUPPLEMENT your Income $50 - weekly, Men wanted for direct isle, full training program, no experiencd necessary, car required. 723- SALESMAN OPENING with 2 Bigg large Canadian Company, age 25 to 35, salary plus commissions and latest training techniques, minimum grade 12 educae tion. Write Box 47257, Oshawa Times. | EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY. Large company has openirig for a local resident with business or sale background. In re- questing a personal interview, please sub+ BEE une Stating personal history, education and experience t et edo Lh pr ce to Box 48756, SECOND IMCOME for man over 4 who has three to five hours day. Up to $600 in @ month. R. G. Dickerson, Pres., Pre nwccatern Petroleum Corp., S34 N. Main St., Ft. Worth, Texas. 76101. WAITER WANTED, full. time work. Ex. perienced preferred Apply = Glueen's. Hotel, 67 Simcoe Street North, BASS PLAYER WANTED for estab- lishing a road trio. Telephone 725-7682, ask for John, YOUNG "MAN" for book binding work, ome experience preferred. T hi 668-5951, 8 am. to 5 putida be able to read and work from drawings. Steady employment. Good wages and benefits NEED A JOB ? Read Help Waited Ads Daily In The Times ~ LICENSED MECHANIC "A" tra ore Wi ho rec for wh Ple urt Ver) hom with erm cher one 3 be resic for OUR MAY plus $15 Are Plec to i thin extr