lucts during cen- ms, city business i1 commissioner ill be sending out firms who might in exporting and re further into the portation for any Ishawa that re- stance. THE DOO! 1, KNOW YOU'RE HOME! 1967 + Walt Disney Productions 1 World Rights Reserved © = COME ON, ANSWER MY, THAT'S A COINCIDENCE - SAME BRAND 1M SELLING! ME WAITING 29 edb WHY DO YOU ALWAYS KEEP Proatares Syndicate, ton. 1967. World righte seserved, L WELL,I GUESS MAYBE I AM Lye fy eee ecg NOW I MAKE A MARK AT YOUR FEET AND AT YOUR HEAD. THAT'S HOW LONG A fot <a GRAVE YOULL NEED. 4 BUZ SAWYER Tr! OSHAWA TIMES, VOY LISTEN! DON'T I HEAR 7 ME WHERE "4 THEM TALKING SOME- H THE CHARLIES pe \ WHERE? YES....1/M SURE 1 D0, Ase S i MEN THERES A HATCH ON TOP OF THE WATER WAGON? JANE ARDEN THATS IT/ THE SILVER BARS ARE INSIDE THE TANK I SHOULD BE ABLE TO RAISE THEM INSIDE TWO HOURS... WE CAN SAVE. YOUR TEEN-AGERS FROM DANCING THEMSELVES TO DEATH --BY' YANKING THOSE © 1067 Wy Mews tyetiente Co tam, Sora Biante Rowenee DENTAL BRACES __ dition OUTA THEIR, WE DONT CARE IF IT DOES KILL 'EM AS LONG AS THEIR TEETH LOOK NICE WHEN THEY GROW UP/! Racing to catch OH,MISS,..T BELIEVE YOU DROPPED SOME- Marina, Phitand Daley meet at the carnival entrance, N\ BETTER COVER THE SECRET AGENT X9 gomen) I MISS HER -- INSIDE! THING HERE... ) 'KIND OP YOU. I DIDN'T NOTICE | ANYTHING... / 067. World rights reserved. serwres Byodieame, tus. RD Kane t UATE TO caIncize, suT THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. ARE FEATURING wane they ust BRAND NEW S AS LOW AS $1395.00... YOU MI6SED A SPOT THEZs AND THE WHOLE FUNNY HOW A FBLLA'S BRUSH WILL SLIP ONCE IN A WHILE f BXHIBITION BASEBALL ORIOLES -- V5. -- CARDINALS BACK TOMORROW? WE'RE WON'T TAKE A MINUTE, KIDS. RELAX. I'LL DO MOST OF THE TALKING. NOT WITH MY 'TYPE INSURANCE, SONNY, YOU SEE, WE INSURE AGAINST NATURAL, DISASTERS THAT NOBODY ELSE IN THE BUSINESS TOUCHES. WE'RE UNIQUE, KNOW WHAT 1 MEAN? eae saiaiinteaiienetaaah TELEVISION LO Channel 12--Peterdorough Channe! 11--Hamiites Channel) 9--Toronto Channei 8--Rochester Channel 7--Buftale Channet 6-- Channel Channel 4--Danny Kaye 14:25 A.M, 2-8--1 Spy | 3-6--Bonnie Prudden 10:30 P.M. | 11:30 AM. 9--Sports Hot Seat 9--Magistrates Court 11:00 FM. 7--Dating Game 12-11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2 -- News, 4--Dick Van Dyke Weather, Sports | 2-8--Hollywood Squares 11:20 PLM. | 12:08 NOON 4--Viewpoint 12--Cartoon Party t 1.25 P.M, | 9--Toronto Today 1i--Plerre Berton 7--Money Movie Pa PAE she Liha Sports| é--Luncheon Date 3 mM. 4--Skiing with Stein 12--Woody Woodpecker P.M. | 3--Popeye and Pals 11--Movie 2-8--Johnny Carson | 2-8--Jeopardy 8-Superman 7--Movie } 12:30 P.M, 12--Movie 1i--I!t's A_ Match 7--Laramie 46--Passport 8--Eye Guess | 46--Searcn for To Channet 3--Buttaie WEDNESDAY EVENING 3--Woody Woodpecker 5:30 P.M. : 12-3--It's About Time 12--Mavericx { morrow 9--Combat | 3-News; Weather; 11.45 P.M, | Sports 4--Nightcap 2--Merv Griffin 100 A 1:00 P.M, 9--Movie 11--Theatre @--Dialing For Dollars, Virginia Graham 7--Ben Casey é--Luncheon Date 4--Meet the Millers Movie 3--It's About Time 2=Of Lands and Seas 6:00 P.M. 7--Twiligne rreatre reen Hornet 4-8-12--News, Weather 3--Nation's Business 6:30 P.M, 12:00 A.M. ll--Mystery Theatre 12.30 A.M. | N--Night Life THURSDAY 3:00 A.M 9--University of the Alr 5.30 AM | 1:30 P.M. | 2-8--Let's Make @ Deal | 4-6--As the World Turns 2:00 P.M. 7--Newlywed Game 6-4--Password 2-8--Days of Our Lives 2:30 PLM, 1i--Pierre Berton 9--Romper Room 4--News; Weather 3-6-9--News 2-4--Huntley-Brinkley 12--Laredo : | albert J. Steed | | | 8:55 A.M. @--Dialing For Dollars -- Virginia Graham Hi--Littie People 9--Uncle Bobby 8--Pastor's Study 4--Bonnie Prudden 9--People in Conflict 4--Lowell Thomas 12:3--Ed Allen Time 8-2--The Doctors 3--Daktarl 2--Pick A Show | 7--Dream Girl 2--News, Weather, | 9:30 A.M, | 6--Coronation Street Sports 8--Gloria 4--Love of Life 3-6-11-12 -- Ontarlo Schools 2--Jack La Lanne 10:00 A.M. %--Cartoon Playhouse 11--Ed Allen Time 8-2--Reach for the Stars 4--Candid Camera | 3-6-12--Canadian Schools | 10:30 A.M. 1.90 P.M. | Morning Time 11--Farmer's Daughter 11--Movie | 9--Fractured Phrases 9--It's Your Mave 7--Monroes | 7--Everybody's Talking 7--Superman Show 3-6-12--Green Acres 4--Beverly Hillbillies 3-6-4-12--Edge of Night 8:30 PLM, 3-6-12--Friendly Giant 2-6---You Don't Say ey | 2-8--Concentration 4:00 P.M. 4--Beverly Hillbillies | 10:45 A.M. 11--Super Comics 3-6-12--Bob Hope | 3-6-12---Chez Helene 9--I Love Lucy 9:00 P.M, | 2--Matches and Mates &--Match Game 7--Movie 11:00 A.M. 4--Secret Storm 4--Green Acres 11--Mike Douglas 3-6-12--Communicate 2-4--Bob Hope -- Mr. And Mra 2--Mike Douglas wie F 7--Supermarket Sweep 4.0 PLM. 4--Andy Griffith 11--Munsters 8--Pat Boone 9--Movie 10:00 P.M, 3-6--Mr. Dressup 4--Movie --Merv Griffin 2--Matches and Mates 3-6-12~Zorre CROSSWORD 41, Place in Bag Saas Calor 15, Kind of aia 34 faucet 17. Flour- 8--Lowell Thomas | 12--Calendar 4--Linkletter's Party 3:00 P.M, N--Marriage Confidential 9--Words and Musle | 7--General Hospital 4--To Tell The Truth 8-2--Another World 3-6-12--Take 30 7.20 P.M, 7--News Weather Sports 7:30 P.M. 12--Winners' Circle 9--Andy Williams 8-2--Virginian 7--Batman $--Peggy Neviile 4--Lost in Space 745. P.M. 6--Natlon's Business 4:00 P.M, 9--Hock 4--Gomer Pyle 3-6-12--Festiva! ACROSS 42, Callous 43, Sufficient: poet. 44, Beards 4--News, Weather, Sports | HUBERT BE A GOOD WIFE IF | HUBERT, I WOULDN'T | I DIDN'T SEE THAT | | | @ King Fosse rede, Tne, 1967. World rights reseved. Wednesdoy, Merch 14, 1967 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) North dealer. Both sides vulnerable, NORTH, wer) @AT108 @AI7 Alo WEST EAST 63 49742 72 64 $108653 oKo $Q1073 &KS654 SOUTH 4@K1085 OKQ58 $242 a2 The bidding: North Kast South West 2NT Pass 39 Pass, 49 Pam 69 Opening lead--three of clubs. Here's the kind of problem you're often faced with. As- sume you're declarer at six hearts and West leads a club. How should you play the hand? The only possible losers are a spade and a diamond, and |the question is how to tackle |the play so as to give yourself the best chance of avoiding one or both of these losers. There is a possibility of an endplay by eliminating the clubs from dummy, so you win the club lead with the ace, ruff a club, draw trumps, and ruff another club. The proper play now is to lead a low diamond and finesse the jack. If the finesse suc- ceeds, you are sure of the con- jtract. You continue with the ace and another diamond, per- mitting West to win the king. He then has to give you a ruff and discard or else lead a spade, which takes all the guess out of the spade situation. However, in the actual hand, East would win the jack of dia- monds with the king and re- turn a diamond, forcing you to guess which way to finesse the spade. You have no sure way of locating the spade queen, so what you now do is assemble all the clues you can before committing yourself to the spade finesse in either direc- tion. In line with this you win the diamond return and take a third round of diamonds, on which East shows out. By this time you should have a pretty good idea as to West's original distribution. He started with two hearts (proven), and four clubs (if we assume that the opening lead was the fourth best club). With eleven of his cards in three suits accounted for, it follows that he started with two spades. There is consequently » probability that East, with four spades, is more likely to have the queen than West, with only two spades, and you should finesse 'accordingly. 4 LOOK, LET ME HAVE A COOKIE, AND I'LL, YOUR HEALTH Not Every Problem -- Is A Sinus Condition By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Dear Dr. Molner: In the last five years, I have been both- ered with a sinus condition which I can only describe as a constant dry stuffiness which has a tendency to go from one side to the other, and is not -f- fected by changes in the weather. One specialist sald I had a distorted septum which re- quired surgery; a second said perhaps your. office, is too dry. Is your furnace equipped with an evaporator pan to keep hu- midity from becoming too low? It's a common problem _ too often overlooked because it. is so simple. Another possibility is what is called atrophic rhinitis, which is featured by absence or di- |minution of nasal secretion. 'Smoking or unduly dry air Rare Sea Bird Has Beauty Mark VANCOUVER (CP)--The rhi- noceros auklet when amorous grows a spear on its beak to look glamorous. Noel Coward? No. It's just one of the weird facts that Dave Hancock, a University of British Columbia graduate student, will throw out if you ask him about the rhinoceros auklet, a rare sea-bird related to the now- extinct auk. Mr. Hancock, now studying eagles for his master of sctence thesis in zoology, spent two weeks on a barren island 50 miles off the west coast of Van- couver Island to capture six of the species. The rhinoceros auklet was given the name because of a spur-like protuberance on its beak. In mating season, the spur, found on the beaks of both auklet sexes, increases in size. "It's only found on mature birds," Mr, Hancock said. "It apparently serves notice that the bird is in a breeding con- dition." Mr. Hancock, accompanied by his wife Lyn, said the six birds he has were captured on Tri- jangle Island, 50 miles out in the Pacific. "It's a pretty barren spot and you have to take your own wa- ter supply. The island is so steep we had to lay our sleeping bags on driftwood logs on the ished dent z | : i i there was not that much of ajwould, obviously, make it fie resident ae 48, French blockage and prescribed decon-| worse. : : -- " : is 'nu gestants; a third said the sep-| Allergy also is a contributor he auklets, along with about 12. Forebod« {um was distorted but was not\to many nasal conditions, but|® dozen other rare sea birds in RK AND "ings causing trouble and also recom-|this is ussally or by a gg sh Bong Hegel oe 18, Serious mended decongestants. jwet, swollen nasal membrane. ston hinds . sige you = Sev t .| Dear Dr. Molner: I am 50 and|mainly herring. A Several weeks brought no re-| I i 5 99 Saree wre oe i Ger ANY Hine pone WESEN'T VOU tana 32. Twist lief but only mounting frustra--have had Milroy's Disease] In addition to the aviary, the ». for 99e BEAUTIFUL WHEN IT'S ACTION THAT ABOUT BAKING US 33. Spine tion that three specialists ar-/since I was a girl of 17. So far|/Hancocks have a pet seal. And 1% Ib WEEE RNS! boy SUNS y SOME COOKIES P 35. Tin foil rived at conflicting conclusions.{I have not been able to find aljust the other day they bought 4 29 ne a cap: 36. Japanese What would you advise? --\doctor who can do anything for|a puppy. setts 16. Negotiate primitive Cc. E. 0. jme. : 19. Thorough- . Exclamae It isn't correct to call every| I have worn elastic stockings " for 996 ! fare: 29. Foreigners tion. nose problem a sinus condition./all these years. Do you think SALLY'S SALLIES 4 ' weeny 30. Untidy 40, Humble The sinuses are gr ge bey help? wat would hapben L i ; which communite with the na-|i stopped wearing em? 2 for 89e f] Pa yaa 218 1% Y aie jf sal passages, but do not share Hyde there Pie ee of el vy SS all of their problems. blood not circulating because o} i & leat L Gn Sinusitis almost invariably is|excessive swelling?--L. A. H. erage 22, Bainter, V7 Ais associated with pain and a dis-| This is a disorder of the oe Y charge: dry stuffiness does not |lymphatic system, not of circu- © kme Fae SICORER IN OUR BRIDGE SOME CRIESS WHO WAS THE HIGH BUT I THOUGHT YOu GIRLS TALKED SO MUCH YOU DIDN'T BOTHER TO KEEP SCORE WHICH I'M SURE IS MORE THAN NO, INDEED! WE NOT ONLY THE MEN IN YOUR GOLF KEEP SCORE, BUT WE KEEP IT VERY ACCURATELY... 'LA Yj iS 2 26, City in W. Ukraine sound like it at all. As to the clashing opinions, I note that two specialists agree that: the distortion of the sep- tum is not sufficient to cause your trouble. My thought would be to go along with one of them for a time. It is not al- ways easy to tell, at the first examination, exactly what a trouble is, nor to know what delibers' ately 34, Assault 37, Belonging to him 38, Step 39, Fragrant 'wood will help it. You've tried the deconges- tants. If they do not help, it is time to try some other meas- ure. Do not overlook some sim- ple ones. Smoking can cause lation of the blood. It is diffi- cult to treat successfully. Sup- portive hose will help some, but there is no danger to your circulation if you do not wear them, All else I can suggest is that sometimes steroid (corti- sone type) drugs benefit the condition. Dear Dr. Molner: Please tell |G..M. M. for me that I am al- most her age, had cataract sur- gery last year, and it has opened up a new world for me. Cataract glasses are very helpful but contact Jenses open up a. new heaven and a new dry stuffiness. If you smoke. | give up the habit for a reason- able time, Consider also the earth and a new interest in ev- erything.--Mrs. R. 0. C. Modern surgical - tas: "Let's count the pins left etanding. We'll make far better scores that way." tact lenses bring results that were scarcely dreamed of a number of years ago. We need techniques|to get this across to people who sibility that your home. andifor cataracts plus modern con- keep postponing such surgery.