Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Mar 1967, p. 15

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snakespeare's own Hme with out being "ye olde," calorie Its openess allowed the imag- SPRING FASHION STEPS INTO DONEVAN COLLEGIATE SPOTLIGHT TONIGHT seston mga seneeenmemprrrc ination to feast and the proxim- ive hap- ity of the audience to the com- Talk it pany established an immediate ctor. rapport. Some directors and f eating actors had not been able to meet the challenge the open oo imposed. Without the 1967 Shelter of wings, strong en- . 15 jtrances were impossible and THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, March A highlight of the fash- fon festival will be this soft white leather suit, mod- elled by Cathy Sproule, left. It features a double-breast- ed brass - buttoned jacket and tapered slacks. Judy Krause, right, shows a two- piece pale blue play suit of Jamaica shorts topped by a long jacket closed with off- centre buttoning. The col- larless jacket has patch pockets to give it the sporty look. Proceeds are to help send the orchestra to play at Expo '67 in May. --Oshawa Times Photos | -- - ----------|RENT TRAILER | } Hi . < | They'll drive to Ottawa and|they accept this state of affairs| PAY Is HIGHER Famil of Nine En fe) S Excursions there rent a trailer for leisurely |cheerfully. | The explanation usually given y J ry sightseeing in Quebec City, the} The Soviet labor code ts sup-|for it fs that manual labor pays : Gaspe and the Maritimes. And|posed to forbid the employment) Women a ae they would they know what they're in for,/of women on strenuous or in-|@@'m at, say, teaching or a typ- Planned, Organized By Mother having tested trailer living on ajjurious branches of industry. In ist's job. \shorter trip last summer. practice, where there. is strenu-| Recently, the Moscow news- By ELINOR READING seven children ranging in age| .Two three-day stops in Mont-\ous work to be done, woman|paper Literaturnaya Gazeta--~ EDMONTON (CP)--You don't|from four to 14. Whether it's|real will Jet them "do Expolusually gets tagged to do it. (Literary Gazette--published a have to be a stay-at-home fam-|°" of their periodic ski excur-|thoroughly" with a visit on the| Symbolic is a little ritual that|rare attack on the practice of s 4 ; sions or the five-week trip to|way east and a fresh look on the|takes place each day outside alusing women for manual work, ily just because you've got &| Newfoundland they plan for this|way home. Mr. Barnes will map|residence for foreigners in Mos-| The newspaper cited a hydro houseful of kids. .__\summer, they're models of or-jeach day's tour of the fair to\cow. A group of interior dec-|electric "station on the Vol a But you do need organizing) ganization. |minimize walking for smalllorators, consisting of two or|River where 119 of 136 ditehe ability, and that's what the) Take Mrs. Barnes. She\legs. three women and a man, ' wg ooo pe Bate See ll teaches home management part| The daily He Pps already |be seen walking to work. time at the University of Al-|been calculated. "If you go over ~~~ |berta, does her own housekeep-|your budget one day you know] MEN JUST WATCH ve gg bas ne rs ing, sewing and interior decorat-|you have to make it up the] All are attired in rough, | y contrast Fag: ayponngd ing and still finds some time to|next." jbaggy work suits. The women a oO iabs eer the easier, give to club and welfare work.| Planning for this vacation be-jcarry heavy cans of paint, the = e ip Ss. P ror oe She's the mother of four girls}gan in 1964, Mr. and Mrs.|material of. their trade. The/2t0ors, oo women. and three boys--Patricia, 14,|Barnes now are preparing for ajman saunters along with hig welders, wo were women. Of Susan, 13, Keith, 12, Karen, niet to Europe in 1970 jhands in his pockets. /26 riveters, one was & woman. the 220 degree angle presented 'Dedi ti ] e voice projection difficulties for | ication to Excellence TINGS some. others had developed a : jdistinctive style made possible : . by the stage in-the-round. International Repute to Stratford "wiere sir rn hed intuse | speed and energy, his succese | By JO ALDWINCKLE persuaded, the community,S0 Michael Langham, "a The far-reaching effects of |Spirit took over. The contractor| Servant of Shakespeare," had E ithe indisputable success of the|risked bankrupicy and prob- shee gi strengthened and de- f|Shakespeare Festival at Strat-jlems of accommodation and is oped the image of the festl- ford was the theme of a stimu-| finance were shouldered and|¥@!- lating address presented by|0vercome. | Many Canadian actors had Professor J. S. Pettigrew of| "The crass commercialism graduated from the festival to f | Trent University, Peterborough, |that has mired other enter- attain international fame, the F\to members of the Lyceumjprises has not touched Strat-|SPeaker said, naming Christo- B\Club and Women's Art Associ-|ford. The festival is governed pher Plummer, Kate Reid, ation on Monday afternoon. {by artistic rather than finan? Frances Hyland, Martha "This exciting and heart-/Cial considerations and its dedi- pug in snag ye William warming venture has super-|cation to excellence 1s fana-/utt an ee H |seded the innate Canadian in- tical." ea "a Eat ay a om \feriority complex," he. said. "It| Next to Tom Patterson, Can- cone te ante. ceed es lis the best classical theatre injada owed a debt of gratitude small pacer and Se cae ig the world in which everyone|to Sir Tyrone Guthrie, eminent pany played in Chichester, the feels comfortable and at home. |director, and to Tanya Moisie- English critics applauded' its It is a mecca for high calibre|witch who created the unique team work of ie ol ers actors, directors and artisans|stage and costumed the first "There have pond man: of the theatre. It fosters Cana-jplays. 'The marvel remains," copies, hut none ha: eA dian talent and_ influences|the speaker said, 'that these equalled the Stratford hav youth by making Shakespeare|exceptional people came to|cnearean Festival which we. as real and alive to them." Canada, gave of their best for|Canadians, can take to ae Professor Pettigrew gave|4 pittance and returned yearl|hearts with justifiable pride." great credit to Tom Patterson after year | Mrs. C. B. Theberge intro- for the miracle he had wrought; The stage design was the|duced the speaker who was in initiating the festival. "Who key to Stratford's triumphs, he|thanked by: Mrs. R. A. Wal- jwould have thought that a/said. It was the first attempt|lace. Mrs. Avern Taylor pre- small community such as/to recapture the essence of/sided for the routine business. Stratford, geographically un- CIS Hate reer a Ruin suitable and without funds} . could have launched auch a R W D H W k |venture?"" he asked. "Once uSSIan omen 0 eavy or ing a small hotel for an annual Wh ] Oppo t S W t h Christmas outing at Kimberley, | 1 e Sl e ex a Cc es BL. drive of more than 500 Mf relics: Tank Chvisthins: 16 than | By JOHN BEST | percentage of Soviet engineers ilies took 36 children along on R sgtongutel (CP) Pigg aa 1 ba specialists are women, as the expedition. tion of women in the U.S.S.R./are the Skis * on the station wagon frequently means the right 10 | tore oe | rack, boots and poles under the|d0 heavy manyal labor while|" PER |seats. The rear seats, laid flat|men stand around watching. | They show a distinct lack of 'and covered with sleeping bags,, Somehow, women always| enthusiasm, however, for dis- make a deck for games and|seem to get stuck with the | cussing the subject of the high |card-playing. Everyone does his| burden of heavy work in "tala of women in manual jown . packing. |mixed labor battalion. goon 'et officials don't like f Mrs. Barnes says travel is a . rar | soviet officials don't like for- within reach of anyone who Po Be ad set Bova eigners taking pictures of plan ahead and budget. This\jeagues act like self-appointed| WOME" at manual labor, though summer the nine Barneses will|hosses provides one of the most|{#eY sometimes tolerate it. Nat- "see Canada from stem tojindelible impressions that for- urally, it's one of the first things stern" on their trip to New-leigners here get of life in the that foreign visitors want te foundland. Soviet Union: Fes es when they witness The amazing thing \« that} Cues a matching sheath dress. Cathy Sereda is ready for the Easter parade in her hot-house orange wool coat and matching pot hat. Coat features a stand-up collar, is slightly shaped with the natural waistline accented with stitching and loose half belt at the back. A &pring Festival Fashion, sponsored by the Senior Orchestra of Done- van Collegiate takes place tonight at the school. Four students model some of the fashions for the younger set, that will be shown. From the left, Susan Car- two - piece brown linen dressmaker suit with a round neckline edged in a soft orange color and finish- ed with a large orange bow. The same color bands the hem of the straight skirt. Dianne Morris wears a mauve, blue and yellow printed voile lined coat over of roll wears a lime green mini-dress in hop-sacking featuring a dropped waist- line accented by a wide hip belt. The sleeveless bodice, with its dainty French lace collar has four self-covered buttons for front interest. Diane Chapman models a can\diggers were women; 184 of 208 Plasterers; 156 of 177 painters, Judy, 8, Robert, 8, and Neil, 4.| .Mrs. Barnes doesn't think it's) On a nearby construction|Valentina Treshchev, straw The 'household also includes a(difficult to combine a part-time|project women. were seen to do/boss of a ke unloading _-- wobbly black kitten called|/iob with a full-time family./most of the heavy work such as from a rai yO EAE Gee Swinger "'because this house|'But I'm very much against/carrying bricks and wheeling|48 saying ved ge Gin 's shoes really swings at 5 p.m." full-time work for mothers of|cement, while the men spent aan Gn tit ge Eth a All members of the family ski|/pre-schoolers." much of their time watching ni ci eonla A oe lo It, e. {except Neil "and we've got ska She says employers will have| Soviet propagandists hold that |5acks wou urt. to put on him when he's ready."'|to learn to hire two married | Soviet women enjoy more gen- _Anybody who has seen Ruse "Our rule is that we don't)/women part time instead of try-juine equality than their counter-|sian women at work would take our children along untiljing to get one to leave her|parts in the West. They makejagree that they at least have they're about nine. They have|children full time. Imuch of the fact that a large'strong backs. G Ws to be able to ski the lift." | But six-year-old Robert is Aor 4 62 Mac "4 p) dD ut six-year-old Robert 1s an 23) ABS? Las Yoko asere , er SN Suse ger .. «lS A TIME TO BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME Edmoarton hills see the Barnes| family out in force on week. | ends. Three times a winter the| family packs for a major trip, PACK WITH CARE | With fitting the family calls for "good i, 3 ; 7 4 boots, inexpensive skis and safe} ; a g @t> CUSTOM harness."' | bie as ' "It's expensive to ski with six | Y Q e i . t AND children. We've worked every y ; READY-MADE "Before anything goes into | angle to find the best deal. You Save Up To res the car, Dave gets eight pairs of boots lined up on the floor, | then poles, bindings, goggles,| mittens, liners, long under- | wear." | The family formula for out-| can rebase second-hand skis yourself easily if necessary." Friends share the cost of rent-| | | TRILLIUM BALL MARKS CENTENNIAL FOR KINSMEN CLUB Club. --Oshawa Times Photo ns Deputy Governor, Zone C and Mrs. Pilkington; Lloyd Pigden and Mrs. Pigden, president of the Kinette | dent and Mrs. Fry; Jerry Osborne, chairman for the evening and Mrs. Osborne, James Pilkington, District the sored a Centennial Trillium Ball. Shown here from the left are: Robert Fry, presi- Saturday night, at Kinsmen Centre, the Kins- men Club of Oshawa spon- along this line. Stars also pre-|however: Do not make any|Piscean often invites because of THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW Business matters should go well on Thursday, but it will, nevertheless, be important to emphasize tact in dealings with co-workers and (or) business partners. P.M. hours favor ro- mance, social activities and cul- tural interests. FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, your horoscope indicates that for the next month, it would be advisable to make use of all available opportunities to ad- vance on the occupational front, since the late April-late May period promises fine niti GUARANTY TRUST 32 KING ST. E. Open To Serve You Mon. - Thurs. 9 to 5 Friday 9 to 2 Saturday 9 to f sage another boost between next/|loans in late May, be out of alljhis innate extremism. Nineteen December and early January,|speculative ventures by early sixty-seven will be a generally which should put you in a fine|June and do protect all mone-|fine year for romance, with out- spot, career-wise, to really get tary interests between mid-|standingly interesting periods in going later in 1968. November and mid-December. late June, throughout July and Financially, the stars also|/No extravagance! jin late September. | promise gains -- but intermit-| During most of the year) A child born on this day will tently. You should note up-jahead, you can expect your so-|be one of the most sympathetic trends along this line in early|cial and domestic life to be most!and benevolent of all zodiacal May, throughout July, in mid-|pleasing--especially if you your-|natives, but will have to curb) September, mid - October and/self are careful to avoid friction|tendencies to make promises he next December. A few "'buts,"|in close eircles. This theicannot possibly keep. 1. Take 2 Aspirin Tablets 2. Sit down for a few minutes BS | FAST RELIEF | HEADACHES 3. Close your eyes and rest ASPIRIN HELPS YOU FEEL BETTER IN MINUTES! . BOYS' DRESS PRE-EASTER SPECIAL FROM Aspirin is the Reg UITS Banker's Grey, Charcoal Grey and' Black. Sizes 8 to 18. $14.88 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Open Thurs. and Fri, till 9 CLOSED WEDNESDAYS AT 1 P.M. 0% Choose from a WIDE SELECTION of FABRICS and COLOURS Expertly Installed DRAPERY TRACKS DRAPERY MATERIAL 1.00 YARD AND UP SATIN LINING DRY GOODS We i & DRAPERIES 74 CELINA STREET 723-7827 Free Customer Parking while shopping at our store SOs GRA BRE: Siege SBE F

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