14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, March 15, 1967 ANN LANDERS Facing One's Problems Gives Peace Of Mind tore it up. This same thing has occurred several times and now I see the wisdom in his ways. He gets the hostility out of his system without hurting any- one's feelings or regretting his explosiveness. If you think this Dear Ann Landers: My hus- band committed suicide several months ago. It is impossible to describe the agony I have suf- fered. Only the wife of a sui- cide can fully understand _ it. For several weeks, I felt as if ; I had killed my husband. I hadis worth sharing, please print the notion that everyone wholit.--Lernda Lot looked at me judged me guilty; Dear Lernda: I do and I of murder. did. Finally I sold our home and| Dear Ann Landers: I am se- rt of the/Tious about a young woman ot peo rn di = who {is charming, bright and worst thing I could have done.|sweet, and I'm sure Irene re- turns the love I feel for her. aie ae nar' Tu auc? jn, {But I hesitate to take the step j .|that will finalize our future to- -- oo es -- gether because she is so sloppy. ately. Although I've told no one pred t here of the circumstances sur-| My best friend is ma J i , Irene's former college room- rounding my husband's death I with his have the feeling that some of|mate. He is disgusted them know. wife's sloppiness and makes no ; icid bones about it. He warns me if Last year the known suicide); -arry Irene I should prepare rate in this country exceeded to live with her dirty dormi- 30,000. Surely I am not the only | ¢9, habits person who made the mistake Can not "crazy clean." I of running away. Please print toss a tie her and a sock there my letter and advise people not but when I go to Irene's apart- - oa ee Pg you, Ann.--| ent I am always bothered by edt © lthe sight of her clothes on Dear No: Moving away from) chairs, on doorknobs, and even a scene of sorrow can be the/on the floor. I see bacon grease best thing in the world for some|half an inch thick on the people and the worst thing for|kitchen stove and the bathtub others. Inever looks clean. If you feel you've made al Why don't girls realize that mistake, move back. Planes fly|most men are impressed with both ways, you know. |cleanliness as well as charac- Dear Ann Landers: I went to|ter and personality? I, for one, work for an extremely success-|would marry a woman sooner ful man several weeks ago.|if I felt she would be a com- Now I know why he is so suc-|/petent homemaker. -- Resident cessful. The first day on the| Doctor job he called me in to take dic-| Dear Doc: You didn't ask for tation and I was appalled. He|advise so I won't offer any. I'll dictated a long, angry letter,/give you a small hint, however. filled with insulting remarks. |Your friend gave you an excel- The following day when I pre-|lent preview of what to expect sented the letter for his signa-|if you marry Irene and you'd ture he said, "Oh, that," and'better believe it, Doc. THIS COAT dress by An- drew Woods is the new step- in style. It's in navy wool crepe traced in linen lines. Coat dresses come in prac- tically every fabric, but to wear under spring coats and for later solo wear, wool coat dresses are ideal. represent your family, unless you strictly supervise his prep- aration. Are you going to let this problem continue? You might stand at the open bath- room door and keep telling him what to do next and next before he can escape. Neither of you then will feel relaxed or agree- able. Why must you be there? Why wear, | collections, one navy tissue # wool coat dress by Pattullo-Jo Copeland is front - panel - ac- CHILD GUIDANCE Good Grooming Is Taught Before Child Starts School By GARRY C. MYERS, PhD Many a child, especially a boy of the elementary grades, has lower standards of groom- ing than his mother has. This fact is the source of many un- happy scenes on a school morn- ing. In her desperation, the mother may actually take over getting him ready for school. When she washes his hands, face, neck and ears, she knows they are washed well. Besides she may find it much easier to do these things for him than to get him to do them himself. Or, at times when he's about to leave for school, seeing he is not neatly and cleanly groomed, she may angrily go at it herself and do it not so gently. Then he may leave for school in an unpleasant mood, Next morning, the next, and the next the same may happen. If his extra tasks cause him to be late for the school bus, the mutual irritations may be high and continue high if he misses the bus and she drives him to school in her car. Suppose the neighbors 'vho usually take him in their car must wait for him or suppose it is dad who must wait. You parents who have chil- dren from three to five can prepare them now to avoid such problems when they will attend school later. You can practice them in their earlier years at getting themselves ready for meals and appearing there promptly, nicely groomed. However, in the earlier years you may not yourself have as high standards for your child and may more readily relax on the standards you have. Be- sides he has no rigid time sched- ule to be met. It's easy for you to relax on such matters. ASK QUESTION It is also easy for you to help the younger child to dress wha he dawdles and fools around, easy for you to do many things for him which he could do him- self. But if you will often take stock of your ways with the pre- school child you will wisely ask yourself often how well you are preparing him for school morn- ings as time goes on. Suppose you now find that not just inspect your child be- fore he is ready to go to school and keep sending him back un- til he passes inspection? Once he discovers what you mean by proper readiness he may soon Strive to meet your require- ments, assuming they are rea- Coat Dresses Becoming Popular| KEEP IN TRIM In All Colors, Types Of Fabric By MARGARET NESS NEW YORK (CP)--The coat dress is popular this spring. It appeared in most of the collec- tions shown here to the fashion press and comes in practically every fabric. To wear under spring coats and for later solo wool coat dresses are ideal. Geoffrey Beene notes a great comeback in Madras woollens, graphic and abstract plaids in coat dresses. He often softens the severity of the usual coat dress with dovetail pleats. Some of his coat dresses also take on a military detail, such as the new militaire standup collar, in a green - burgundy - and - white Madras, lightly leather-belted. Other wool coat dresses in- clude Norell's sleeveless style in wool jersey, in the new top yellow shade, and Zuckerman's wool twill, short-sleeved style in a butterscotch shade with pearl, gold-rimmed buttons. He also likes a long-sleeved style in white wool jersey with two rows of gold buttons. Navy is always featured in the spring. In the New York cented with a white linen stripe. Another navy wool is in hori- zontal stripes and side 2losed. It sports a small white collar. Townley's navy plaid is short- sleeved, with standup collar. STEP-IN LOOK PREVAILS Coat dresses emerged as a style in themselves back in the 1940s when soft dressmaker coats stepped into the fashion limelight. These were so soft, so easily cut that they could serve either as a coat or a dress. The transition from the stress on coat to that of dress was quickly made. For years the typical coat dress, like a coat, buttoned right down the front. It was a classic style, loose or belted according to the fashion. This season there has been emphasis on a step-in look, both in coats and dresses. They are not completely buttoned to the hem. This further confuses the issue as to identity. Even fab- rics aren't a reliable criterion. Many late spring coats are in what we usually regard as dress Hannah Troy sums up the viewpoint: "Coat dresses are dresses with good coat man- ners." She introduces "effort- less little dresses meant to take the place of ensembles, come spring." These have a coat dress look but are not buttoned all the way down the front. Ben Reig likes the step-in, too, in what he calls fake coat dresses. They are his answer to a crisp spring day. Included is a black-and-white diagonal wool with a high-riding belt. Another version this season is Chester Weinberg's suit dress in a bold plaid pattern of grey-and-vanilla wool. It's a mock style, with three large buttons spaced to the waistline. PRIZE FOR CHECKS Several coat dresses were shown in the National Collection show held in Montreal and spon- sored by the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Un- jon. Auckie Sanft of Montreal won the top Union Label Award in the dress category with a checked beige - green - and- pink style. The front is double- breasted with a wide shaped pleat with hidden pockets. A multi-colored Irish tweed coat dress by Louis Schrier of Montreal allows the skirt to swing from a shaped small top. Even more of a pyramid swing is the coat dress by Mayfair of Montreal, in white textured wool, with gold buttons march- ing across one shoulder and down the side. Coat dresses have also in- vaded late-day wear. This in- terest dates back at least 10 years. The classic style often gives way to the fashion of the t. So this many are semi - pyramids, falling straight from high armhole to widened hemline. Others are high-belted. Some have jewelled buttons. One black Alaskine even ends in a gold-and-black dotted and pleated ruffle. Have a budding artist in| your home? Give him the backs} of old calendars, junk mail, | letters, etc. to scribble on. He's| fabrics. happy, you're happy and no| money is spent. | sonable. It's not enough for the child to be ready on time for school. His appearing in good time for breakfast is the first goal. Think of all the emotional orgies in the family getting a slowpoke ready for school on time. Often the strain could be eased if the family rose 15 or 20 minutes earlier. Let your child know that if he is not ready and _ properly groomed for school he will re- main home that day and have to sit unamused doing nothing while school is in i with Fine Dress and Drapery the latest designs, colors, ials. For your new Spring Outfit ~ EASTER fabrics \< HOUSE of FABRIC 11% King Street East, Oshawe, Ontario 725-4551 OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 725-4551 Fabrics in and mater- | '¥ HOUSEHOLD HINT | By IDA JEAN KAIN Help! We are a family of five fatties. Mrs. 210; Mr. 195; Jr. 225; Sis, 4, 65 pounds, son, 2, 35 pounds. Typical menu: Breakfast: Ham, grits, eggs. Lunch: Soup, sandwich, dessert. Dinner: Fried chicken, rice, cream gravy, vegetable with bacon, hot biscuits, dessert. Can you help us break the lifelong habit of overeating on fattening fare to which my husband and I are addicted?" To launch Project Stream- lines, call a family council, en- list the support of all members. Your role:--re culinary skill to plan and prepare the lead at mealtime to divert attention to exciting events of the day, Chal- lenge each member to come up with some wonderful nonsense. Pini more fun than overeat- ing. Try to keep the familiar meal pattern, but lower the boom on calories. Breakfast: Citrus fruit, juice or tomato juice; choice: An egg and lean meat, or lean meat and grits, small portion. Or have a hot whole grain ce- real served with 2 percent milk. Limit toast to one slice each, with dietetic jam. Coffee for adults, skim milk for other three. 'Lunch: Soup, an open - face sandwich, fruit. Dinner: Broiled or baked lean meat, fish or chicken, rice pilaf, 4 cup, or | Family Of Fatties Requests Help In Planning Menus small potato or biscuit; green leafy or yellow vegetable, 2-3 cup, salad or relish, low calorie dessert. Food preparation: In cream soups, use skim milk, Garnish with chopped parsley, chives or grated lemon or orange rind. No crackers, Have relish plate, cherry tomatoes, celery, carrot slivers. Open - face sandwich: Lean meat, cheese or leftover chicken, Place filling on slice of bread, lightly buttered, slip un- der broiler. Or serve cold with dieter's mayonnaise. Dessert: -- pear, orange or juice ap- ple. SWITCH MILK Switch from regular milk to two percent milk, later part skim milk. It's surprising how quickly family members can acquire a taste for less rich milk. Plan menus and restrict shop- ping to that list. Buy lean cuts of meat, fat trimmed prior to cooking. Low calorie gravy: Skim fat from top of cooled drippings before making gravy. Vegetables, cooked quickly in small amount of water. For variation, add mushrooms, bits of cheese, or toasted slivered almonds, Watch portions. A serving of tables, 2-3 cup. Serve butter or|food cake. margarine in half-pat portions.| Invest in a good low calorie Desserts: Experiment with|can help the family to live hap- low calorie gelatin puddings and|pily slim ever after. Talk it fruit desserts, Buy a tiny scoop|over with the family doctor. to serve ice cream and sherbets.| cookbook. A new way of eating On birthdays, bake an angel] Please report. For Personalized Service ALL MEAT GOVERNMENT INSPECTED Week-End Specials! FRESH °F LIVER r 49 1.99 HAMBURG PATTIES poy sac LEAN MINCED CHUCK STEAK 2... 1.00 By the Piece BOLOGNA | WIENERS 3s. 5] 13 no 5] Skinless Fresh Made Country SAUSAGE A ns. 5] lean meat; three to four to six ounces cooked fish. Vege- Phone 723-1163 and Stretch Your Dollar Guaranteed To Save You $100.00 Year LLL LPL a TIE Has Your Food Dollar Lost It's S-t-r-e-t-c-h-? cooked weight for adults, - Cs FOOD CLUB LB. 69° 89° ¢ FREEZER SPECIAL ° BEEF HINDQUARTERS .. Ib. 59e SIDES .......... tb. Sle LOINS __.. 65° RIB STEAKS BREAD > 24-02. LOAVES THE FOOD PLAN THAT } PORK > Cut and Wrapped FREE HAS PROVEN ITSELF CHAMBERS FOOD LTD. 933 Ritson Rd. S., Oshawa -- ' pe interenaee In your food plan, Please have your Representative call at: @ OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY e @ CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY e NAME ...evececccsewes emer oo Mewes wows ee o seme +eemece Norm Fisher's Meat Market 22 Simcoe St. North Phone 723-3732 a recess at the end of each 40 or 50 minutes. Inform the school of what has happened, One morning of this dosage may prove magical medicine curing the youngster permanently. Many a parent has written to say it works. ANSWERING QUESTIONS Q. Our son, four, trained in good toilet habits at two, now wets and dirties his clothes often by day, What can we do? A. Retrain him by the same successful ways you trained him your youngster six, eight or 10 will go off to school unfit to at two. Retraining should not take nearly so long. LIFE 376- in INE 2111 With Your Telephone Pastor -- Rey. Fred Spring @ Daily Messages, Encouragement and Prayer @ Be Sure To Call Today PAINT The Name You Can Trust In Paint aU PONT CANADA SALE | Flo-Glaze Com 2 1322 COLORS * Colorizer* plete Line %o Off Exterior Superwhite (DURAHIDE) AT Reg. 12.40 Gallon Dupont's Finest PREMIUM QUALITY INTERIOR LATEX & SEMI-GLOSS Quart...1.95 99 PATTIES FOR PAINTS 96 Years at 85 Simcoe St. North OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS Phone 725-3529 CENTENNIAL MODEL 620 WITH DELUXE CABINET MODEL 349 i} Ifyou can't come in, call } for shop-at-home service, 'agiee mark.uéet set..GO! GO! GO it's Sale-a-thon Time "SINGER ribbon, automatic SPECIAL NO DOWN. Eizetansescs 995 warranty. Model T-4 P The fabulous Golden Touch & Sew* zig-zag sewing machine piping dys ood © builtinneedlthreader SINGER CANISTER Scodiate, Pay on Ute ws oan VACUUM CLEANER 1.25 a week with convenient bobbin--fills itself Unmatched cleaning power, heavy- Singer Credit. Every item © slant-needle duty 134 hp motor, 3-position power brand new, fully guaranteed. © fingertip controls dial. Stands upright for stairs, easy drawers Bring in those fringe stations with power transformer! Assures @ all3kindsofsewing clearimage. 18,000 volts of power. e yee tog : Model SPR 165. SPECIAL too! " Sale price includes 95 ¢ a free stand. 199 STAND © deluxe walnut-finished Storage. Model C-7, cabinet--4 large storage With deluxe set of at- $ tachments, y) 0 OFF » SAVINGS ON EVERY SEWING MACHINE IN THE STORE! NEW LOW SALE-A-THON PRICE SINGER PORTABLE MODEL 239 oie" © heavy-duty, dependable, quiet © sews, mends, darns © precise stitch-length control © full range speed controls @ 2-tone storage/carry case SAVE $10 ON SINGER PORTABLE TYPEWRITER Compact beauty you'll love at first touch, 84 character keyboard, 2-color WITH HANDSOME CARRYING CASE SINGER 18" PORTABLE TV MENT SPECIAL SINGER CENTER > 16 Simcoe St. North { a trademark of SINGER COMPANY OF CANADA LTD. 725-5443 725-6555 Fashio Senior van C tonigh' studen fashior set, t From Satu Kinsm men € THE : B FOR TO Busine well on neverthe emphasi: co-worke partners mance, : tural int FOR TH If tom your ho for the 1 advisabl available vance on since th period p: