THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, March 14, 1967 | e ° ° E 1 H Pl F P ks I aaa 'Antique And Historic Show | Executive Has | Plan For Parks Improvements c me Ta D - C Unique History Sent incial Go t ae ; ) ) oo ' ; y Sent To Provincial Governmen Has Big entennial Theme BP choy agin (CP). oreo BOW:-ANVILLE (Staff) --jMr. George Kennett, park | ops in some parts of Winnipeg The town's Recreation Commit-|maintenance supervisor, was | are engaged in a price war that|i4¢ has forwarded plans for the|praised in th | rep | The East Whitby Centennial|distinguished ancestor who; An interesting exhibit was a/gives the customer a wide}; 'AVRGIbAY it Lord Hilsin ahd ah ' beihintl ree report for Committee sponsored an An-|founded the City of Kingston.|beautiful large sterling silver|range of prices. In some cases| Pr oY! gin andjhis contribution to the commit- tique and Historical Show at the|Mr. and Mrs, Grass also ex-|spoon, It was one of six pre-|he can even make an offer of sponge Paci > a ecg he tee's maintenance project. . Columbus Town Hall last Satur-|hibited a cutter which formerly|sented to a Mr. Cheseboro, whojless than the normal rate and aphroval heute airs for) The committee had a gross a day. {belonged to the late Mrs. Rob-|as a boy, stayed with his aunt/have it accepted. Ae : 'income of $27,747,90 for 1966, ra The day's events were opened|ert McLaughlin, mother of Col.| while a uncle fought in the ut , yg _ the aah Hoey cpg yen gh _ with 601 persons taking part in ale Howden, who/R. S. Mclaughlin. war of 1812. aster Barbers' Association.|/0rd Elgin park and install a sien a wrteee oes the East Whit| Mrs, Charies Robson exhibited| Many East 'Whitby Township|representing about two-thirds of wading pool and playground) @dult activities and 2,781 young to by Council. The event was at-|beautiful Canadiana furniture|families also brought objects of|local shops, raised its price for/¢quipment. In the case of Mem- people involved in children's to | tended by hundreds. and artifacts from her personal|pioneer life which added to the/haircuts to $1.75 from $1.50. |orial park, the objective is to|and teens' activities. At 20 spe- me | The children saw the film, The|collection. 'The collection of|size and interest of the display.| But some members couldn't|fence in the remaider of the park|"!@l events arranged by the 0 i |Railroader, which featured Bus-|horse brasses by her father, the) On the newly - decorated|put the increase into effect be-|and add playground equipment,|"@creation committee last year, lar} ter Keaton (one of the last films|late Mr. L. M. Beaufoy, ranks|walls of the pre-Confederation|cause they are located in areas|.loodlighting and a picnic shel- 2,438 people took part in the Ma made by him before his recent|among the best in Canada. |Town Hall were hung the life-|with non - member shops that/|ter. jevents and 6,741 were spec- tra' death) on a trip across Canada| Mr. Gordon Platt showed the|size photographs of the past/didn't go along with the boost.| The committee plans to con-Ts dor on a small railroad car, also al\documents which covered the|Reeves of the Township. Many| Carl Allenback, secretary of|duct a playground at West whi film on Upper Canada Village.|life and achievements of his|in attendance were related to|the association, says an exam-|Reach this summer, in addition his: Adults and children alike en-|great, great grandfather, Cap-|these leading citizens of older|ple is a two-block area with four|to travelling playgrounds at on joyed sleigh and cutter rides/tain Prentice, who led the Col-|days. The event was made/shops, one proprietor of which) Third Street, Waverly Road and pro provided by farmers of the dis-|umbus No. 8 Company of Mili- more colorful by the beautiful/is a member. Unable to agree| fast Beach, and thought is be- ade trict and friends, interested in|tia against the Fenian Raiders|early Canadian dresses worn by/on an increase in price, the four|ing given to extending the chil- the Township of East Whitby,/at Ridgeway. He also showed|/Mrs. S. Cosway and Mrs. E./are stalemated at $1.25. dren's swimming classes for S under the supervision of Ex-|Captain Prentice's prize win- Laviolette. : What's more, if a customer|five. and six-year-olds to four Reeve Neil Smith. |ning designs of the harrow| During the evening a paneljoffers $1 for a haircut there's aldays a week, instead of the 4 A Snow Cruiser was also| Which contributed greatly to discussion was held on the ex-jgood chance the barber will] one day a week scheduled for ~ ilabl local agriculture. hibits and their significance tojaccept it. last summer Sou garnet Mr. Earl Hann presented his|the writing of East Whitby's| Mr. Allenback cites the case Re To! The displays included the beautifully preserved collection| history by Mrs, H. D, Cleverdon|of one barber who took in a The committee has made ron outstanding manuscripts and) \¢ iocally centred artifacts and|and entitled 'The- East Whitby|total of $2.75 in one day--gi|great improvements to play pra Photographs of the district from] si, demonstrated one of his|Township Mosaic,' from "a kid," $1.25 from an|areas since it took over in 1964. roo the Thomas Bouckley collection. i | Mr. A. S. Evans, chairman of adult and 50 cents from a teen-|parks are being kept in good lic This inciuded: ais Welt Mason the Centennial Committee, pre-|ager who said that was all he). iS ar de tffe : and Fenian Raid Defense pres- CORNER EXHIBIT sided over the discussion and|had but he'd pay $1 next time. 3 pair, wil ball diamonds Afr jentation, both native to Colum-| The Oshawa Historical Society the panel included Mrs. Clever-| There's even one barber who| Tagged regularly, grass cut pus. also contributed a display Of don, Mr. Thomas Bouckley and| charges as little as 50 cents er Baie And te 'The Arthur E. Grass family small early Canadiana articles yy' farl Hann. It was interest-hé 'throws them out like sau-|P4ired when necessary. of Columbus exhibits dated back used in the home and on the ing to trace how the use of the sages out of a sausage ma- Town council has granted I ee to the post-American Revolu- farm. : original source documents and,chine." funds to maintain the various | Fli COMEDIAN DICK Greg- Powell at a news conference to Harlem on Palm Sunday |{lonary -- ene ule pint lk A reading rae ~-- hi books as preserved by local] SS i ae pag de pyre ee Mr ory (left) met with oustd at Bimini yesterday where in defiance of criminal con- bees we Bis Ouinte area a awe ane aes N. Me residents had assisted in pre-/ would include a rock-fill dam to ge i. Hh Bosinsiond al congressman Adam Clayton Powell said he would return -- tempt charges against him. lal Me UALIGHIn; of SHEILA OE OG paring a basis for the new book.|and a water-control structure |properiy. At. the Fon ery pla lll dt sl tte tie alesis ce amet N hah The next big event to which) with electrivally-operated gates. |trucks are being borrowed frov, chi en ~~ |the Township of East Whitby is!There would also be a 10-fo0t-liocal merchants and eve not af Harlem's Anger Stilled 15,800 Miles In Single Week -- s2itiuc"srt"he"na Msfte come mststven way eanhe thee cd! we grounds, June 30. | The engineering study was i i Patrolled By Whitby OPP Unit p)...¢,,, ltrat°Rchaieton and' Deve: Announce New = By Meredith Withdrawal | Officers of the Whitby de-|make regular checks of lights, Plan Causway Ito "develop the." Shubenacadie Healing Substance... FF Valley and adjacent areas of By AUSTIN SCOTT ment of candidacy last Tues-|a.m. Meredith made his an-\{achment of the Ontario Pro-|windshield wipers, etc. In ova tia ey oe Aerie: "oie k 1 NEW YORK (AP)--James H.|day, a revolt was evident/nouncement shortly after 1 a.m.'yincial Police patrolled more! There were 54 general oc-| f nts s Sh ° ° rinks Piles, Checks Itch JS , | ; edit Meredith's sudden decision to|among Harlem Republicans, With Vincent Albano Jr.,|than 15,800 miles last week and|currences recorded. Of these 28 |where farming is the main in- pull out of the congressional|none of whom had a good word chairman of the New York investigated 12 accidents. Six|were domestic type complaints. AMHERST, N.S. (CP)--Fed- |dustry. ee race against Adam Clayton/for his candidacy. jCounty Republica committee, at|persons were injured and nine| There was one break and enter, |¢'al government engineers have| bibs 4g _ Truro od E ive 14 proven to shrink Powell has stilled the angry) Meredith said first at an im-jhis side, Meredith did not re-/drivers were charged as a re-|five thefts and one assault.|"ecommended a site between ig ig Ae, si gree od ty | hemorrhoids... and repair damaged tissue. criticism generated in NeW promptu press conference Mon-|Peat his accusations at the for-|sult of the accidents. |Night patrols found three in-|Black Rock and Maitland for ajto bits naga ahabanacadtle ik panmioead Heaenshs audi ban | waaay woniha York's Harlem district by his!day that he changed his mind|mal press conference that the! Preventive "patrol and spot|secure premises and four liquor|$,200,000 causeway dam Se lad EON TUVEE Oy CGE eral found a unique healing substance This Was eccottiplished with eandidacy because the Republicans had{Republican party reneged onjchecks resulted in 137 drivers|offences. One auto was stolen,|/Me Shubenacadie River in Nova|Village, | ability to prs gsc how heating cinaaia Clie Dees Former critics were free with|not delivered on promises of|Promises of money and cam-|being charged and 37 warned|two were recovered and six as wiile ibog. Cail r=" = MY thoids painlessly. It relieves itch- | which quickly helps heal injured phew : 4 : : : ivers|di : seway : ae ys es ' A their ped jog porter: money to help finance his cam-|Paign sa be a total of 231 drivers disturbances reported. |would provide a new short high-| 1 ing and discomfort in minutes and | cells and stimulates growth of new maverick civil rig ctivist/paign and other assistance. NO REASON TO QUIT? checked. The detachment stresses that! way route bet T i H | | speeds up healing of the injured, tissue. Bio-Dyne is offered in oint- who decided: not to runasaRe-| Later in the day, at a second shy tow "4 Speeding was recorded as the ' vaye| We ween Truro in cen-| : : ° . : he: ater in the day, at a secon Asked why, in view "of the eH d violati The| Motorists using the highways | traj Nova Scotia and the An-| inflamed tissues. ment and suppository form called publican less than 24 hours/formal press conference, Mere-/election's importance, he with-;Major hazardous violation. jare required to use the passing/napolis Valley. It would also {ff FLORISTS One hemorrhoidal case history | Preparation H. after another reported "very strik- In addition to actually shrink- ing improvement."' Pain was ing hemorrhoids, Preparation H promptly and gently relieved... lubricates and makes elimination ! I | Spring Flower § actual reduction or retraction less painful. It helps prevent in- I 1 after saying the race was asidith appeared vague on why he/drew, he said he thought his|Safety checks detected a large/heam when approaching an on-| j i | mn why ; : is ; | ovide bett important to him as a presiden-|had pulled out. He denied it was| press secretary, C. Robert Belt,/number of vehicles with faulty coming vehicle within 500 feet|farmland aloes Mihe Shubens:|§ tial nomination. because of pressures brought|"'answered that best when he equipment. This condition, the 4, following another vehicle|cadie River, a tidal stream flow. But Meredith's generally/Sunday by Floyd McKissick,|said, 'we may never fully | detachment said, is largely due). ithin 290 feet, except when inling into Cobequi dBay, an arm 21st Annual tryptic statements have made/national director of the Cong-|know.'" to the failure of the driver to/tne act of overtakin d . (shrinki # ces . oe : A | i Sl g and pass- of the Bay of Fundy, (shrinking) took place. fection which is a principal cause the Gecisi0n iia heey tid ex: [ress of the NAACP. They told) Asked if he had been threat-| ae : ling. Failure to use passing) An alternate site at Prince- il Show Among these case histories were | of hemorrhoids, tensive speculation an Hari S/Meredith he would be dead pol-/ened, he angrily replied: "It's segregate the University of Mis-/beams when required is highly port, two miles upstream, was| a variety of hemorrhoidal condi- Just ask your druggist for Pre a growing feeling in Harlem jitically if he insisted on oppos-|a good thing no one ever threat-|sissippi, and then was shot on|dangerous and indicates a poor|also studied, A causeway there |f At Their Greenhouses tions. Relief even occurred in cases | paration H Suppositories or Pre- that he may have been a vie-ling Powell. ened me." ja march through Mississippi,|driving attitude. The use of|would be about $100,000 cheaper | of long standing, and most im- | paration H Ointment (with @ tim of bad advice. | Evers said he and Meredith| Belt, who is one of Meredith's|may have been stunned by the passing beams is a "must'? on/but highway approaches would |{ Palm Sunday, March 19th} portant of all, results were so | special applicator). ie LACKS NEGRO SUPPORT {clasped hands and wept when|close friends, hinted that the|amount of emotionalism in the/dual highways such as 401 as\be more expensive. Everyone is welcome to ettend, .| thorough that this impr Satisfacti d or your Her Almost from his announce-\they parted sometime after 1\|man who braved a riot to de- sentiment for Powell. iwell as on all other roads. | The causeway at Black Rock |b, os ms os om om me emf! 8S maintained over a period of | money refunded. Sho a ? thir eve "wv MILLWORK & BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD. w= | | FRI. TILL 9 P.M. == 1279 SIMCOE ST. NORTH -- OSHAWA 728-6291 -- YOUR ONE-STOP BUILDING SUPPLY CENTRE HEADQUARTERS Z| 6 fem p+. PNEUMATIC DOOR STOPS Ideal for storm or screen doors, A bio convenience, ASPENITE , Sr aon The multi purpose building panel, waterproof glue 4 x 4x 8 sheets. Regular 2.99. BAGH; ONGY. ois 8. i ees ® 10 OR MORE SHEETS, CASH ANDCARRY, CASH and CARRY SPECIALS Plate Glass Mirror Doors 2 bi-passing doors, ol! hard wore Included. For opening 48" x 80". POPLAR PLYWOOD / UNDERLAY Vx 4x 4 sheets. Regular 1.50 CASH UE CORBY 6c ee reece . "BIRCH" Set of four less casters. A sas ee Ooi eee -- Ce 16" 2.0.0) ae lB acc oe ot secciu Oa ba Ideal to support floor joists. Get rid of squeaky floors. EY ccs 8. ONLY 79.00 Get your Spring Fix-Up materials while our special prices are in effect. WAREHOUSE CLEARANCE CASH & CARRY Pecon prefin- soins" HARDBOARD PANELLING, light medium and dork. 4x8 3. 9 Post Formed ae 2a) ee COUNTER TOPS fi, ao Reg. 4.50 per foot MB [| > SONS OO eS :tC~--"'"i CUCL ognwtwmeeumeranrnnee OOS Oo ae Ci SZ te . CAULKING GUN 2 CARTRIDGE 8 ft. ond 10 ft. lengths. $3.95 foot GARAGE DOOR The easy, quick way to Canadiana 1 piece, steel doors ' caulk around windows and A ies EAN MADE doors or where wood joins if 3 PCE. BATHOOM wee White. ony .... 92.85 ONLY 1.70 Heweiin Koo PANE x A ® Sheets. Ree." 42,95 JR 16.00, NOW Color fixture and accessories a'so available. Ideal for kitchens, baths, utility rooms, STEPLADDERS PING-PONG TABLE INSULATION : Regulation Size. Sturdy Enamelled Easy-to-apply, Weed or aluminum. All lywood. Here's fun AE ORME LOO iil: Save . ONLY sizes in stock. A six foot 4 y i Co late Whh money in fuel, Add to com- ; : BOARD wood step- ere Semele wn fort. Pouring type. Red Sa 20° AS 2x4 handy panels | trestles. CASH & CARRY Top. MICAFIL foot. Reg. 7.25. 17.95 1.09 nua ON mndns.... My Were "OT SCOR ny... 6.15 CASH & CARRY CASH & CARRY need ; fL- %x4x8.... 7.65 ; 4 ' * Rustic Welawt Lalita Skil Reversible 2 SKIL DRILL Son ENAMELLED TILE BOARD LING. ¢'00. 12. Ee as 8.65 Drive R Drill Trigger Speed Control Pipes Variety of colors, blocked in 4" 9 60 NOW . : Y% inch model 596C VY inch model 501C molt squares. 4x 8 sheet ......... a Z cosets : ONLY ONLY es DS ee 7 CEILING TILE ) 39,95 29.95 5 Vax4x8 rh onagiad Fenny Skil Heavy; Duty : SKIL Regular 1.90 : 1.35 RR CF DRILL Orbital Sander 5 ST ONE eC MT er ee , ei Ys inch model 550 Model 592C MEDICINE CHESTS No. 56 4 65 Met NELLING ONLY ONLY Reg. 6.20. Cash and Carry. "We Corton lots enly, 12 x 24 ' : fa QUARTER BOARD Legale Be ea Derek Aisne" ees | OO.ES 44.50 | "oe slog Y%x4x 8, 2 49 Regular 16.40, 12.30 101 SPECIAL 45¢ egular 3. Deas cee ees 8 Cash ond Carry ..... re " SQ. aor RO eee. 5 Si Skil JIG SAW | SKIL SAW e No. 120 SLIDING DOOR, PLATE MIRROR, Regular 27.60. VINYL STAIR NOSING Ceshend Cory. 20670 LUFKIN {00 FT, MEASURING TAPE Mode! 524C 6Y4 inch Model 534C | Brown ond black. ' ae o fea' PLATE a aah ae gunlty ~~ sista for those spring jobs ' SB footlengtn. Only ios 6 65.5365. 59 Cai oul can i gate 26.59 Roaular 8.98. WHILE THEY LAST ONLY 7,9° ONLY 69.95 ONLY 44.95 : Thorn