\WA TIMES, arch 10, 1967 Ider in Masters' npionship Play) UR PLAY East, defending arts, 6 952 4 QI97 T @Q102 E 963 3 | OAKIESB &K52 as been: South West 19 24 40 ie five of dia- 1 with the king e, which South cashes the K-Q following with n leads the ten you win with would you play clarer with the 'hree Notrump. > six of clubs plays the jack play the hand --) @Ko4 E ¥J106 AJ1082 | £83 eturn is a club, fo have started and one dia- ans he cannot are of all chis vith dummy's ppose he has iree spades, or four spades. In bound to have ifter taking his ice could prove s hand consist- K-9-5-3, Hearts mds 7, Clubs uld make the ing low on the it would auto- wn against a nat North has ss, the contract od vith the queen rt (preferably holds, attack 1g one or more lose, you are nine tricks. ses to the ace urned, stay off n the continua- . Now try the If North has ind good, but s it, the con- » will not have if the suit is in which case iking four no- s have one to san the suit is hich case you mp. ong to finesse trick two. It he contract if ind North had s plus a long _ Bitter berta ) -- The ad- til for the 22» University of pressed "bit- t" in the lack an_participa- entury Week. your original ave been, this 'anada's Cen- regarded by as a tragie homas Faulk- ident, in an the festival, lay in Edmon- d, in part: government the facts in e stopped the several 'hous that this unmi- he week and | the Ontario the same. ey has gone, , but our del- re to remind ants that the student com- -d to partici- French - Ca- "found that yeek was a status quo langes would French-speake | representa: me delegates W organizers th the Union ants du Que- esents most udents. LIES | ba | = a= a9 Feit [Ta Toronto Stock Exchange--March 10 | Abitibi 1900 Newconx 400 535 535 N Harri 3000 «1515 Cdn Sup O 3243 $322 32 Cent Del 575 $13%4 13% Charter O 600 290 C West P 200 160 160 Dynamic 400 142 14) Fargo 300 330 330 French Pt 100 415 415 Con Shaw 3000 23 Cc RedP 1000 13% 13% 13% Quotations in cents unless marked $. "KI z--Odd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex recs 20 rights, xw---Ex-warrants. Net change is ita Gas T 840 from previous board-lot closing sale, Alta Gas w 550 35 < Imp Tob 200 15 rey Imp Tob pr 264 N Imperal 200 325. 325 325 Ind "Accept 415 Newnor 2000 10 10 10 --3 | Ind Adhes 400 N Que Ragl 100 525 525 525 Ind Wire 450 Nick Rim 3000 16 151% 16 Inglis 1870 Norgold 1000 10 10 10 Intr City pr 1150 Norlex See list below, int Nickel 835 Labeda Int Util 1250 Norpax See Iist below. Int Util pr 200 North Exp See list below. Intpr Pipe Northgat 1100 475 475 475 «+10 Iintpr Steel 400 490 N Rank -- 6 6 2B 1 Inv Grp A 770 0 $11% 11% 11% + Ye! Jetferson 500 400 260 260 260 Jeffersn w 300 400 178 178 178 Jockey ¢ 200 975 975 975 +30| Kelly DA 100 32a + %| Texaco 150 13% + Ye) Thom N P_ 1100 Tone Craft 800 160 Tor Dm Bk 255 41 o--1 Traders A 525 330 Trader 65 w 500 45 --8 Tr Can Pu 2160 Gr Plains 225 $11% 11% 11% Int Helium 7100 355. 350 355 Ua aR dant Midcon z100 51 5) 5 ! Trans Mt 800 Mul City = 1100 163 161 168 --2) Un Carbid 270 N Cont 600 40 39 40 Gn. Gas 38s Numac 400 250 250 250 Unien "Ol: > 400 Place' @ 800 205 205 205 +3) Versata 250 Provo Gas 1750 500 495 500 + 5 Ranger 200 235 233 233 --5| Versatile 75 Scurry Rn 730 $24% 24%4 24% + %| Vic G Tr 1000 Triad Oil 400 183 182 182 --3 | Walax 100 U Canso 1400 290-289-290 +5 | Walk GW 1158 Vandoo S06. 6 = 6 Weldwod 2 Wourne 1400 Primary Distribution Westc'st 100 Ansil 4 9 9 9 West Ind 100 Cn Lnert 13500 22 21% 2e--'4 Gun Nitto 500 4th A Wel Water gate Candore 1000 299 | White Pas 100 Woodwd A 25 3 2 | 14500 30 292 2a-- Ve! york Lam A 200 | Cop Man 7000 31423 % --' ' D'Elda 22700 139 130 133 ~--4 Jonsmith 2000 24 24 24 + 'A| aE Min-Ore 4500 15 "15 -- vl Sales to 11 @.m.: 684,000, Mt Wright 500 262 262 2614-- Va Norlex 50. sas A PORRION TRADI Norpax z100 12 «112 | Clairtone 100 $11 NW nNn+% North Exp 1000 28 28 28 --- | Cons Red P 500 30 30 30 --2 Pce Exp 83991 84 80 81 +2 Denison 100 $58 «SB a. 8 Silmq 21000 36 = =31 % +2 Kam Kotia 100 420 420 420 Texore 500 23% 21 21 -- | Macassa 100 210 210 210° Urban. Q 1000 14 «14 "4 | Mad RL 100 146 146 146 Win-Eld 212 23.2 23 | Siscoe 100 460 460 460 --S CS Pete 2000 217 212 217 +3. Steep Rk 100 TODAY'S STOCKS TORONTO 10:40 A.M, STOCKS Distributed by CP INDUSTRIALS S45 $95 '94% 480 {oo wo a a0 pe (fined to Europe and North -------- SSE Moore Corp. - | . Reported |Federal Government Asked jE BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT SH1% 114 11% 6 6 o THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, Morch 10, 1967 15 Rise In Sales 1O Consider Prudential Plea : TORONTO (CP) -- The fed- who received such payments to TORONTO (CP) -- Moorejeral government has beenjdefer filing 1966 income tax re- Corp. Ltd. Thursday reported|asked to consider as a return of|turns until the ruling is re- bankrupt and two--North Amer- ican General Insurance Co. of Montreal and Wentworth Insur- | 3 z ; Ce ie record earnings of $26,859,854 or|Capital payments made by the | ceived. ance Co. of Toronto--are being BtiYe 36Ya 36Va ++ Ya al Kel ad S O I i us Tr $3.80 a share in United States|bankrupt Prudential Finance; Clarkson said estimated re- wound up. 825 795 825 +15 currency for the year ended|Corp. Ltd. to its note and de-|covery is unchanged from the) Clarkson said it had to borrow |1967, or nine cents a share, compared with $4,500,000 or 30 $244e | 24¥%4 | $64 6% cents in a similar period last). ctor "The Australian Comm 0 n-/182-day bills. | | Pte she iid number of ot Mr hovabrough anid he ex.|Wealth preferential tariff works F | NET EARNINGS | s ed to . | y i | Bt Us HB Sst. from 15,0008 in the Dec the costrice squere wi (athe, advange, of Canadian] © TTT PNTYS | By, "THE CANADIAN PRESS $285 28% *\interim. | Ss 3a "| Sales dropped 9.5 per cent to| $162,400,000, compared with $29 48% 28% $179,500,000 in the similar per- $20% 20% 20'2+ %/iod last year. The drop was con- 480 $10% "10% 10% 490 40 +5 4 : $14% 144 144+ %\America. In Australia sales cluding a large $20,000 crawler|'t#lia soon. per cent for both 91-day and| machines on the market, in- is scheduled to leave for Aus- Treasury bills closed at 4.37 thinks he can win, he'll run. manufacturers," said Mr. Ti- affect the company operations!) | | for some time. geoottt ee wi! By THE CANADIAN PRESS | months ended Jan. ga pe He said later the company per cmt rs Candia nan toys Anglo Canadian Telephone negloeg ig Rapti ane has kept cost increases to deal-|.ng sporting goods but imports »» 4% - per - cent pref. 561% More Corp waar ended Dec ers at about two per cent this|into Australia from the U.S,|Cents; $2.00 pref. 72 cents; $2.65) 4. 1966 $26 859.954, $3.80 a year, within the three-per-cent/have a levy of about 45 'per|Pref. 66% cents; $3.15 pref. 78% Share: 1965, $22,378,584, $3.18. annual increase cited by Agri-/cent. The same applies in the|Cents, May 1, record April 10./"Wotrous' Equipment Ltd., Massey-Ferguson Ltd., three on i 24 + %s/ment makes acceptable peace $667%e 66% 66% + V2 99% 9H Pet Ve! $2678 26% 2670 $49%0 49% 4970 + % | o tines n nha tae "07070 sie and arms to the Viet Cong in- | $18 17% 17% |surgents waging a civil war in/tions in early 1965 and earlier 89.44. Western oils advanced .44) k 34 2A Be ithe South. |because it feared the North was|to 142.81. Volume was 2,813,000 f experienced purchasing man. S11% 11% 13%8+ %) $31% 31%. 31%+%| The president amplified on|winning and refuses them now shares compared with 3,309,000} $5 5% Sv%--Yelhis suggestion that he has the!because it thinks it is winning. | Wednesday. sti | Giant Yellowknife slid 60| ma + A to suggestions from Secretary- Jan | 42 415 420 +15 offerings to the U.S. ered] U Thant of the United cents to 8.10 in golds after the) He also said the U.S. will set-|Nations, Chairman J. W. Ful-|company decreased its dividend 150 150 150 tle now only for a North Viet-|pright of the Senate Foreign re- | : | |namese halt in the fiow of men|jations committee and others| On index, golds were off 1.07)[ of a large international corporation, manufacturing Al st 2 ' : | : : joa MINES Siam. St am $2156 ie 2 + * Dec. 31, 1966 compared with benture holders. 15 per cent figure projected in $1,500,000 to complete an apart- ale Alcan 3810 $3414 34 3a + Me e & e $22,378,584 or $3.18 a share in, Such action would mean the|/December. The more than 8,000/ment project for a Prudential Stock Sales. High Low a.m. Ch'ge Ain os a) tied is ci = 1965. payments would not be classed creditors will have losses of Finance subsidiary in Windsor Accra 1062 12 «12«12 Atl Sugar 415 $90 «97% 10 + 'Ve - Sales totalled $278,733,871, 15,48 interest, subject to income about $20,000,000. land to redeem assets held by Folly Ree ey ee ee Rea ae ae he per cent more than' the $241.-|'@%: : : The financial company was secured creditors so the assets Ansil See list below. Bank Mtl $45 64% 64%4--% MONTREAL (CP) -- Can-; Industry volume at the retail] The extent of the industry re- 312,517 in 1965. Sales of business| "4 letter to creditors, Clark placed in receivership Nov. 8)can be sold at fair market ay eo am th ene aT oe A jada's toy industry has grown|level reached about $180,000,000|cently was shown at the gather-|forms accounted for about 90 fiat yp enea pak . get copes rey eo, Dec. 5. bia e : Arcadie mi 8 Bow-m pr 210 $84 49a 4914 from a meagre base into ajlast year in Canada as toy|ing of 130 Canadian toymakers|per cent of the total, with ii euoin ol Sadercn Bech lone eh aly Ma Pies Re Ll he trustee said most Pruden- Bankfield $000 101010 Bramalea 200 43,8 8. 4 multi - million - dollar industry|manufacturers developed a po-jin Montreal for their annual toy|custom packaging, machinery |e revenue minister is ex-|subsequently charged on six|tial Finance assets are heavily Ria ee ee ae ee Bagels dey moulded by technological de-|sition of self-sufficiency in the|fair. and equipment making up the Pocted before the end of March.|counts of theft, forgery and ut-lencumbered but three subsi- Babin 400 660 655 660 43 eel Ud tg ee BAS velopments and the demands of|domestic market. They now are' pennis E. Tiberiis, president rest. ' : The letter advised creditors tering. He is free on bail ofjdiaries are commercially active BL Hawk See) 78 78 7¢ = 9| BC Phone" 45 susse Gris sxe + 4 |SPACE-Age Children. jcultivating an export market. of the Toymakers' Association,, The company did 87 $10,000 and a preliminary hear-/and substantial recovery of ee (3 3 I did 87.9 per 5 M Bralorne ¥200 150 150 150 -- § | Burns Fds 245 $12. 12%» 12% rer ree ia said the industry now employs|cent of its business in the Di f' S h bed a eS 14.) Prudential's investment in three Brunswk 7250 7 nd 235 She 82 Bla ' na 'Panes : : ss | Severa rudential Finance! subsidiaries i Bunker Hato nak TT Colcary PSs gg 23% 23% -- about 10,000 persons in Canada/United States, 10.6 per cent in 1é $ peec sunatdiavles have been dented is expected. os Camp Chib 287 705 700 700 +10 | Calay 540 p 15 $105¥2 1062 106va in the production of toys, games|Canad id th i riaseecomniaretieanae adits ances stcbol vine hes Camp RL 72100 $19 '18% 185@ Calvrt Die 300 Imi 105 105 ' land Christmas decorations cine Sate the remainder in . Cc Tung 9100 152 151 151 -+1 CD Sugar 100 $23 23 23 ° Re ms ntries, N [ ] ht " c Faraday 1000 300 290 290 +15 an or z Nag oH a ages be | Volume this year is expected| 4 report to shareholders Ss 0 D S iF YoU ARE Cdn Keely 4500 9% 914 94 p . jt yell above th 6 : ghee See list below. | Seely ay ai ad ot ier : Poet a ih war pte e 1966 mark noted four new. plants were' OTTAWA (CP) -- Conserva- H THINKING ABOUT i va 20! a -- Va rac r y : a 3 Lapbadat'e esraoe" Seg eee. =| an on ton date are ess WW ALWards CSTVAL et Sgt Presicions are sks. uit during 1966, three of them tive Leader Dietenbaker's Van! School Grants | LIFE INSURANCE c an C Packrs B 215 sa: % | Lsarnnde in the U.S., and one in Mexico,|/couver speech Saturday has : Captain i Cu Gn enn te e+e. epg : 1 J. Hobbs and Central Cartwright |, Vo, senerally figure, though, |bringing its total _ plants in|shed no light on his leadership) TORONTO (CP) --. Education| Chesirvile 2000 90 we CO Brew 6D hed Contestants from Oshawa and)J. Hobbs and Central Cartwright that the rise could parallel the|North America to 43 intentions, informed observers|Minister William Davis said Chib M z100 $1 5} SI C Brew Ap £25 38%4 Durham County won a number/Schools in Durham County also 'ected increase i i pihlcbaeshie he baed ess calA ct heer a) . al Ftp 3 Pee | Coch Will 260 160 160 140 C Brew Bp 25 4s) ise , waab acre won Projected increase In gross na say. Thursday Ontario will fill the Coin Lake 3500 20 19 «19 --2) Cdn Can A ° 230 3 of awards this week at the Ki-/won honors. tional product which the Cana- The speech was widely inter-|gap caused by Ottawa's with- Coniagas 1000 52 51 51 4} ¢ Chem w 650 595 -- 5 |wanis Music Festival in Peter- The Newcastle School topped|dian Manufacturers' Association | : 2 Nay CER be ea ere: , vate cgay Con-Ke: 5000, 114;11% WW CG Invest 25 56% 5658 + Ve A dian Manufacturers' Association preted at the time as an indi-;drawal from a federal - provin- i le baw. C imp Bnk 900 70.4 -- %| borough. the classés for village*school|this year sees rising by at : ag E pshyl) Be Sh Con Shaw See list below Pp 4 ; yea sing by about cation the 71-year-old politician cial aid program for vocational € Hann" "900 by ah a cer alas B+ a h > pear geyser who iovelerya es ae for ae 8 seven per cent." TORONTO (CP) -- Wholesale will be a candidate at the school construction AM" -- Vo Avis ac sec- y0- | j : i : € Mrbn 11500 275 265-275 «+15 | © Petrofin 200 186 Me OBO. BL AEOTE 0 De seco teaccalann Neda Sea) lI Ae SAS tld oe to retail carton eggs average party's leadership convention in| Mr. Davis told the legislatur € Morisn 2950 450 440 480 +10 Cdn Tire A 175 i ond in the adult vocal class. boys chorus and triple duet as|MOST IN ONTARIO weighted prices quoted by the 'Toronto Sept. 6-9 cance will Give: aRBeT ean aoe Hi pada Pistol gd tL fd David Haisell, Oshawa, took|well as placing third in the) Nearly two-thirds of the manu-|department of agriculture as of "AE one Gali Mr. Diefenbaker Line ganas ie ani fa wie Craigmt 250 $13 13.13 Chrysler 730 424 +2 first place in the class for piano|triple duet class). facturers are based in Ontario,|Thursday: A large 46.5; A med- referred to two committed can- ey at ne fu ane th ay i ate Crowpat 7000 10 1 22,28 -- A) Clairtoe 460 14 | soloists nine years of age and Cartwright Central School,;and most of the remainder are|ium 39.8; A small 31.0. didates at the head taielos seh ohm os er ge ago SA ee ie Sle Hg 2 vjunder; while Paula Seed, Osh-/Blackstock, won the class for in Quebec. | "ews: .Wholesale prices to|George Hees and Davie Fulton Os i ts od oF ds met, D'Eldona See list below Cominco 899 33% awa, placed second in the piano village school choruses com-| About 20 firms are subsidiar- country 'stations fib; 5 : "my y i f 2 / y sels me " : | 3 s re cases --as '"'my fellow candidates. a Se de es Chr baer ps yi, "solo class for contestants 10 posed of Grade 3 and 4 pupils jes of United States companies|quoted by the Toronto Board of Mr. Diefenbaker also deliv-| read the. old Plan, Olan Frobex 2600 430 425 430 +5. Cons Gas 1940 ova -- Va year's and under. Charles Wat- and the girls' chorus class for put the tie-in has resulted in|Trade from wholesale egg deal- ered a strong defence of his rec- and t e gt grey each paid 3714 Sen to we Gee hl eek oe fo + y,|80n, Oshawa, won the class for village schools. "benefits to the Canadian toy-jers: Extra large 42-43; large 40- ord and talked of what was be- gg Pg of the cna dor Grandroy" 3500 334 33 33% 41¥a| Crush Intl 220 12 boy's secular solos. |_M. J. Hobbs School, Hampton, |buying public." /41; medium 36-37; small 27; B ing done to destroy him, "but The minister said the ai aie Granduc 300 405 405 405 --§| 'Cygnus A 200 405 | Paula Hansel, Bowmanville,|was second in the class for vil-| « i l34: C30 ¢ ' ea ved by those 8t@™ Will be extended for two Granisle 200 550 550 5 x ji | " : About 25 years ago most toy- | 34; . I can't be destroyed by those) ' Gen bik ee oe SR Sie a 17* __|was tied for third place in the|lage school choruses composed makers used tools of the U.S.| Butter prices: Agricultural tactics." a fe ; Why. Not Call Gulch 9200 21> 2 2 Deltona 500 $134% 13% 13% +2% piano solo class for contestants|of Grade 7 and 8 pupils and! yarent companies, or traded un-| stabilization bo aoe d : bl | But astute Diefenbaker watch- It has been estimated that Gunnar 2000 42143143! isth "Seng 340 $38 37H 38% 11 years and under. |third in the village school chorus ger Jicence," Mr. Tiberiis said. |earlots. tae o ee an: ler say nothing has changed|'"® ene 4 to se sir TOM FARQUHARSON : Ya J ye eet S: y pool Poke gen : . . . will be nearly $2 - Heath 1000 8 8 8 D Daires p 25 $30 30 30 + | Students at the Newcastle, M./jclass. "Now most of the subsidiaries| : it lfrom before he made the speech " ' bac eae as ist see on at bl Re) Electro 125 $174 17% 17% es -- jare "goltaumaliing TAIE, with -- : ciate Mans wis the wend meeting of the 000 of A me LIFE Hepa i 4 . ) Daresco S $2142 2% 22+ thelr oun thole And i h British Columbia Conservative) Mr. Davis said Ontario has U Int Bibis T $00 73 73 73 +1) bom Store 6% Sf a aia +1 M F D li 7 | z te BOND MARKET re i {yee ae : persevered in efforts to get Ot- s a 1% Ve a ; | Assoc ° | - Iron Bay T 100 290 290 290 Domtar 1207 Sia 18Ya 1814 assey " erguson eliveries |, A few toys still are imported | He has siill left himself com-|t2¥2 to continue at least a por- Assurance Company sollet .; an 4h a2 424+ 2 Domtar pr 225 $iB% 18% 18% a the ee = a rp TORONTO (CP) The Ca | plete freedom of choice either | tion Of tie Semsrance Out ee Of C d mith ee list below. Faia me 8. wet 0 as much as 30-per-cent duty, C ft Tool "| have been confronted with the anadca ker add" ae sw ae a Fam Play 168s $389 38 38a + ie To Dealers Brin Low Sales plus eight per cent on exchange |Madian bond market was upjto run or not run as he sees fit| siternatives of a sharp curtail- kK Anacon #33 15115 18 Fee Grain aa seh i it - g and a 12-per-cent sales tax. ight wrgdon ne three-eighths of | Nowhere did : Pah -- re ment of vocational building pro-| RESIDENCE: BUSINESS: ab_ Min $294 4A Wate Ey $00 $2534 25% 25% + V4 " : , ja point in fairly active trading actually planned to do, despite i ri F 725-4563 ' ts oua bey ag ie Hy Bi ' Frusiaut 100 33 . reg roe | TORONTO (CP) -- Reduced)cent. Sales were steady in South If yp Namie round is suc- Thursday. the net effect that he looked and ign or sop en ageagtt ere Langis 2300 42 42 42 | GMC 765 $80%¢ 80 80% +1% deliveries to North American|America but were off nine per |cessti t He hie A aiopp tes Short - term Government of|talked like a candidate. AR Se Liberian 00. $1940 "fit "aeue t be| Goer rst 100 Sitvm tita im |dealers and the economic Poll: |eent to $61,300,000 in Europe |tiyely that ay tana tne wanna Canada bonds were up 10 to 15| So Conservative MPs here) LL Lac 100 160 160 160 --1 Hare AP 19 $15¥a HG ie 4 (cies of the British government|and 24 percent to $58,200,000 in| | ake away the advantages cents with the 414-per-cent Oct.|continue to guess about his in-| Ny Yy Ny y re re j i - _ : * : ry Preelaeatd $09 ww 172 Ia+ Heys Bho: 48 ee Sab Sub jcontributed to Bhd bod and Horny America. : gained in operating wholly in 1, 1967, issue closing the day at|tentions for the convention, | ENGINEERING MacLeod 600 414 412 414+ % Home A 125 $20%% 20% 20% jearnings for Massey-Ferguson| 'We are witnessing on the Canada." 99.80 bid and 99.90 asked. - (forced by the party association Messer yg 100 130 130 130 | tone PH 200 0 990. aoe "| Ltd. in the first quarter of its|world scene the aftermath of a| : Long - term Canada and pro-|after a campaign for a leader- pigakn a +69: | H'Bay Go 9200 817% 17% 174 + Ye an pi gga Fay o A. A.| considerable period of buoyant|/PLAN AUSSIE TRADE go agen Piggy the day up|ship review by party President OPPOR t UNI i IES Mattgmi 800 $14'4 14 142+ ve| HB Oil Gas 90 $28Ve 28% 28% ornbrough, to: @ annuallexpansion," said Mr. Thorn-| Canadian toy manufacturers|% to with the 41%-per-cent!Dalton Camp. Re ipl re Wi le ea a |meeting Thursday. brodeh. |have been encouraged by recent|Sept. 1, 1983, issue closing at) Some believe Mr. Diefenbaker MECHANICAL and ELECTRICAL Mentor 500 $484 84 | Husky A pr 25 $502 40% so | Mr. Thornbrough reported) mm, president said that by the|tTade missions to the U.K. The |89%4 and 89% asked. |will not make up his mind on Metal Min 700 120 119 120 Husky C pr 300 $57¥a; 57% S7'a+ inet earnings of $1,600,000 for),,. he export field now is being given| Day-to-day money traded at whether to run until the very Min-Ore See list below. Husky D w 240 550 '350 | edd 31 third quarter of next year the; a! ; 3 : It h Mt Wright See list below. Imp Oil 275 $58% 58% \the three months ended Jan. 31, company plans to have 20 new greater attention and a mission /4%4 per cent. eve of the convention. e Offers outstonding opportunities for Graduate Engineers te progress in our rapidly expanding organization. We have excellent openings in our tire, industrial products, and nylon production division. . Our current and future expansion programs assure the person with initative and ability the opportunity for growth and promotion. These positions offer interesting ond challenging work with generous starting solory end comprehensive company paid benefit programs. Send in resume in contidence or telephone N. B. WILLIS FIRESTONE Tire & Rubber Co, of Canada Ltd. P.O, Box 400, Hamilton, Ontario. Phone 545-4711, Ext 252 See list below. | Kelsey H 150 Be 1000 stove 18 tos + | Labatt 7 320" 210 Ba + ee up 4 ear ag in Rai psec Minister Greene as de-7 kK market. | Canada Crushed and Cut year ended Dec. 31: 1966, $228,- 7B $37'5 3200 aan | Laura See 250 $125 1:58 12% ROE: Cent ANG 2B) Asia Pp peli eane: New and improved plastics|Stome Co. Ltd., 30 cents, June'939 net loss; 1965, $59,004. 2005 $14% 14% 14% + | Lav Fin 100 "ty 5 and metals have improved the|15, record May 12. | , 9 Levy 325 $17 WW -- 3 i bestos C 10 mw Ge ei) 8 oe ee a te quality of toys. Costs and retail! Cassiar Ashes 'orp., 300 865 865 865 -- 5 | Loeb M 420 $1198 V¥e Vhe + we Johnson Tums Other Cheek prices have risen accordingly. |cents, extra 5 cents, April 28,, AMAZING DIRECT | 20 1S S105 --15 | Magne EI Mao ia | "There is a good market to-|record March 31. | SALES FRANCHISE | alo oon #0 $2634 26% 264 + on Mass-Fer Hed $247 24m 2470+ % day for toys selling at $3 or) Lake Dufault Mines Ltd., 75c | Roman' 452 315° 104 leh + '| inn Sr eR Fl Coalesced Kennedy Forces even $10, whereas only a few/extra.25 cents, March 30, rec-| German Made | Serimce = 1200 1010.10 Morse A 50 S24 22\a 22/4 | years ago prices like thse would /ord March 17. Spin Dryer ls 'e sherri 421 425420425 +8 | qroreny™" -- toy Sansa Mus 8 _ | By ARCH MacKENZIE jbest qualifications to decide |>° eo the reach| Kilembe Copper Cobalt Ltd.,! organizer with Siva 700205 05 208 | Nat Drug 225 Sioa 10! 10% WASHINGTON (CP) -- Pres-|American policy by saying: | a 10 cents, March 30, record capa. --very nici Sil Stand 900 95 95 95 42 he oe ae ca aa ae ident Johnson turned the other) "I have-no particular fault to| March 17, | POTENTIAL. APPLY Stenrce | 2500 20 am ee NE Te ee ee tae cheek Thursday toward forces/find or criticism to make of STOCK MARKET Standard Radio Lid., common| P.O. BOX 65 Sud Cont 500 25 25 2 * NB Tel ¢ 1059 26 25 2 --1|now coalesced around Senatorjothers. I must act in the light 10 cents, April 10, record March, MONTREAL 19, Que. Sullivan 100 370 370 370 --8 aa ' sis sn >be ee Robert Kennedy whose dissent|of the information I have ...1I| TORONTO (CP) -- Prices)21. junburs! 200 8 #8 8 i t efi i Toa oe Te, oh ea] Me Thier apart te Demeawic asieem of tuted Mntenate etncttr Mian oF ~ Torbrit 7300, 050 tage Depa g ES Nm + vel Party. | He also mentioned his cabi-|Toronto Stock Exchange with! OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE! UMN Csi on Pac Pele W U0 36. 365 362 | One Johnson consolation: jnet, allies and his military ad-| only g few issues showing sig-| L Toke cdvantdge eb iH 94 hour usr | U Buffadn 5000 45 44 44 Pembina 100 $92 AY 9% Contenders for the Republican |visers. | nific change U : 4 She . Uid Pore 1250 12. 12 12 -- was Pow Corp 425 Sil%4 10% 114--YlDrecidential nomination next| The president spoke to Mitel cee aa index fell .30 vice; and radio dispatched trucks | Urban Q See list below. Price Com 245 $13% 10% 13% : b far |H rt inst thi e t always ready to serve you. Vespar $0030 30° 30 +a) QN Gas 14150 $13% Imte ise+ wlyear seem just about as far/House reporters against this|+, 1694 following the trend at W Beaver 2500 914 9 9M | Qn Gs sw $20 00 "00 "0 : apart. |background: New York re) Fuel Oil Budget Plan Available White Star 1000 34 34 34 --I¥4) Ban Org" 1220 46s aso se ¢ | Johnson said he sees "'nothing| 1. Senator Robert Kennedy's! wa-cey - Ferguson tumbled 1| NOW IS THE TIME Willroy 200 126 126 126 | K Nodwel 2030 2/5 2/0 2/0 +35 in any evidence that I have|recent speech calling for an-|,, 24, after the company an- TO CALL Windfall 210 22 2 2 | Romtield 4600 58 SS 8 +3 lthat would give me any indica- other halt in bombing North), onced a sharp drop in first-| Win-Eld See list below. Rothman 410 $274 aA 27a -- Va} 4; hat they (North Viet Vietnam for one week to test 5 ne Pp ef Zulapa 100017 «17, «17_ + Ye] Royal Bnk 371 { = 1'|tion that they (North Vietnam) | : i t s for 1967 to $1,- sf PR Cet i North Vietnamese willingness to | Quarter earnings tor | Salada 525 $10 1% 10 --'e/have had a change of mind or) L Se willingness t0/¢99 900 from $4,500,000 for the! OILS, GAS elite fH Fett wae sa~ '4lthat they are willing to take /negotinte. sion hur|Same period last year. | All Rox 500 162 162 16% -- | hell Sinv w. 1140 875 870, 87s 415 [ANY Serious action to stop this) "+ _n€ assertion dy Arthur! Versatile slid 1 to 32% and COAL & 110 Alminex 150 460 460 | Shell Can 430 $23% 2598 25% war." Schlesinger, distinguished ay di 'ial Oil % each - : Am Ledue 1000 174 172 172 | Shop Save 100 $i3!4 134% 134-4 Ye 3 ' |thor-historian who has served|+7C® and 'mperial Oll %4 each) SUPPLIES King St. W. Bantt $95 $14 1a tHe + 4) Sliverwa A 230 $15% 1544 15% | Answering questions during e|the late president Kennedy as|t 91% and 58/4. Famous Play-| ralsa : ; ae' Havens f ennedy as } ; Calvert 1000, 28.25.25 + M4] Simons = g00 guy ay televised press conference, the / veil as Johnson, that the U.S.|€rS gained 1% to 38. ] CS Pete See list below. ater Stl 100 $10% 1014 "10% + | president thus appeared to reaf- Cane t wish t tiat | Lake Dufault delayed 20 min- | C Ex Gos 1200 370 365° 365 --s| Slater 6 pr 700 $174 1744 174--%4lfinm his decision to maintain| Ces not wish to negotiate) i © Gridol, 100. 600. 800 aon | Steel Can 590 $23%4 he 234+ Y|! Pienek now" with the North. jutes at the opening to match © Hames: Ate oes gk os Steinbo A 660 $18%a 18a 18% increased military pressure on|"n41" blunt assertion made|buy-and-sell orders, jumped 2% C LI Pete 1000 25% 25 25 -- vs! Suptest od 410 $23 23° 23 jNorth Vietnam until that regi-\uesday is tied by war-critics|to 15% in base metals. PLANT PURCHASING AGENT |payment. Rapidly growing chemical firm, member company g J.S. refus zotia- .28 S A ' ' : ; Bol Tip US. Telpwell. nepotia: |p 19h S08 tee eee plastics, raw materials, requires the services of an $32% 3234 32% = $15 iby 5 +% SIM WMs 11% --2% $34 34 "+h $10 «610 10 | 170 170 = «(170 | $26Ye 26/_ 26%e-- % 240° 240° 240 + 5 $232 23Ve 234+ Va $19% 19%d 197% $11% 11m 11% $27%e 27.4 27% 2795 275 «275 18 Speci $6 6 6245 GOING ANYWHERE? ; Are you on a ¢ whether you have goi Our continuing expensi dmill, not ¢ertein you can as far as you can go? management. opportunites. We ere famous for Do you went @ chence to set your own income and create our growth potential? Find out! Ask... ) CONFEDERATION LIFE| Vic Burke 576-3020 (OSHAWA) in Oshewe, is creating soles and odvence or ' upwards. 4 W alker's | on CANADIAN, RYE WHISKY LESLIE G. FRASER, ot A general knowledge of the most commonly re- quired materials in the manufacturing industries would be a great asset, and should be supported by adequate 'experience in most aspects of the purchasing function. This position will appeal to 9 if the man who is ready to take on more of the re- a momen S e sponsibilities of @ Purchasing Agent. i Excellent salary, fringe benefits and working con- ditions are offered to the successful candidate and his opportunity to grow and progréss with the com- pany is assured. EST'D. 1858 : If interested, call -- Special Old [Hien Canadian Rye Whisky P.0/ Box 10, Cobourg, Ontario Telephone, Business Hours ---- 416-372-2221 Nights, Weekends -- 416-372-3704 @2 ST. THOMAS ASSEMBLY PLANT Initio! staffing ef our new Assembly Plant (now under ¢on- struction provides excellent opportunities, with good prome- tional prospects for individuals with varying degrees of Indus trial experience whe ere interested in @ career in the Autome- tive Field. Positions Available Include: GENERAL FOREMAN --MATERIAL HANDLING --PRODUCTION @ Body Build @ Paint @ Trim @ Chossis FOREMAN --Production --NMaterial Handling --Maintenance ENGINEERS/TECHNICIANS --Process Engineering ~--Industrial Engineering ~--Material Handling Engineering --Plant Layout Engineering --Quality Analysis --Point Specialists ANALYTICAL-CLERICAL --tTraffic Rate Analyst --Traffic Expeditor Other positions are available in all Departments, including Labor Relations, Traffic, Materials, Control and Controllers. Please direct @ complete personal resume, including work experience to: SALARIED PERSONNEL SUPERVISOR FORD MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA LTD. ST. THOMAS ASSEMBLY PLANT P.O, BOX 2005 ST. THOMAS, ONT.