Dut ! Help Wanted VERING 10 hours 30. You choose the Apply Box M 60251, MPANY in Alaxy full time dictae y punch: experience, will be neat, selfe ous. Apply to Box es. "COMPANION for duties, all_convenl- ime off. Telephone r to mind two chile me from 4:15 p.me Court Apartments, nings. A weekends free. home. $25 per Coen Ontario. LY plus FREE r spare time, Just . to friends, No in- ) experience nec eg ace Fash- 'arc 6George, al, Que. " or girl required ting with the pos- full-time. Shopping ne 723-1390, MAN to babysit chool-age, In chile fe Five-day weeks p Wanted CLERK ULER Npany in east- h areo. Will to prepare ordering ma- rocessed. He -and analyze ction require- art of the job lls of lading. } high school od employee or telephone ger Services lian anville td. 'O., Ont. 131 lesman »d Manufae- ening for @ fo «Call «oon , and inde- Experience 'ied position onuses, plus e range of -- life as- health and $, pension ny car and es are pro- 23-30 years. giving com- 0010 TIMES 3 NITIES 'TO NG -- - SALES ity openings or B.Sc de- ve Genosha d Saturday, 1, from 10 hone Toron- riday) MARTIN HOTEL 10 a.m. L JAN POLICE single men 30 years of ast 5'8" in successfully Eleven or ysically fit. rest Royal 1 Police of- 1e Commis- | Mounted Jntario ION OR SE OUSE k planning, ision of re- education lent. Direct essing ex- Apply - by alifications 'inters Sy; tario Houlden TION ) ADS SELL... eee Male Help Wanted \19--Male and Female mstarting rate and opportunity © may be worth up to $8,000. S yearly for the right person. 70. Can you moke short auto trips ?. We hope you will start B soon and stay with us long ) Contact Now ! ! OAA Supervis- © or Phone 723- 2566 pues ion and experience to Box 8756, HEATING MECHANIC th Oil Burner Service and et Metal Lay-Out experi- e, supervisory and sales pabilities, for East Metro eG. pp wages with bonus. Op- Help Wanted WANTED For A-1 food and freezer club. Male and female train- ees and canvassers. FARM and HOME ot Reh habalaal PROVISIONERS WRITE TO: 3% Simcoe Street South BOX M 60371 Telephone OSHAWA TIMES 576-2110 SHIPPER- BOOKKEEPER R ired by f i RECEIVER cocraniin soaene he awa, Ajax, Whitby area. ature man required by ex- ding company, Must have grade |1 ed- gq and receiv- ication be wiling to accept Responsibility and own a hauffeur's or the future. Reply giving i Ox KA to licence. |weekly, full or in return we offer a good __|open in Whitby, South Oshawa, Bowman- ville, Uxbridge and country. 728- 4922, 20--Real Estate For | Sole Highest wages paid to quali- fied person. 723-0701 For Appointment BECOME A FULLER manager, $100! part-time. Territories BOX M49329 | OSHAWA TIMES | ASSOCIATE WANTED | | 'or @ permanent position and ffers one of the highest an- ual incomes of any field. | le are a well-known organi- zation specializing in the sav- ings and investment field. Previous investment or soles Dexperience not necessary as complete training with con- tinued assistance provided, § Generous advances and com- | recognized by early advance- ment. Mr, Mr. Brydon, 723- 23-4641. _ Local Man ,Requir ! need a representative for my firm in this area. This opening mission. Managerial ability | Full or Part-time. Age 21 to time. with a inadian Company, age 25 to 3:! commissions and latest minimum grade 12 Box 47257, Oshawa Tim OPPORTUNITY. Large ning for a local resident large ting @ personal Interview, please we a resume stating personal Times. A middle-aged or 'SCHOFIELD-AKER REALTOR LIMITED Servicing Oshawa and District' for over 31 years. 723-2265 IMMACULATE RANCH BUNGALOW with attached garage in N.W. area. Has 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, e living room 24'6 x 12'f Call now and ar- range tofinspect. ST\LISTED Spotles§ 5/7 brick bunga- low on west side of Stevenson Rd. N., oil heated -- broad- loom in living room and hall. Near schools, churches and shopping: You should really see this one -- give us a call tonight. NEAR ROSSLAND on Stevenson Rd. N. -- we have a five room. brick bungalow in excellent condi- tion. Broadloom in living room and master bedroom, vanity in bathroom. Listed at only $17,900. Let us show you this lovely home, call to- night. 2 STOREY BRICK HOME with garage situated on a nice big lot with trees. Very convenient location. Can be bought with about $4,000 down, 120--Real Estate for Sele _|20--Real Estate for Sale OLF CLUI ork in oh ae. iderly man with supervisory experience Oshawa eferred. Write Box 60201, Imes. '19--Male and Female Help Wanted OSHAWA RECREATION DEPARTMENT SUMMER EMPLOYMENT Opportunities In the following areas: PLAYGROUND LEADERS -- Age 16 yrs. and over. Employ- ment term -- July 10 - Aug- ust 25, 1967. PLAYGROUND LEADERS IN TRAINING -- Age 15 yrs. and over. Training term -- July 10 - August 25, 1967. DAY CAMP COUNSELLORS -- Age 16 yrs. and over. Em- ployment term -- July 17 - August 4, 1967. GENERAL PROGRAM STAFF -- Age 16 yrs. and over. Em- ployment term -- July 4 = August 25, 1967. SPORTS STAFF -- Age 16 yrs. ond over. Employment term -- July 4 - August 25, 1967. SWIMMING POOL STAFF -- Age 17 yrs. and over. Em- ployment term -- July 1 = September 4, 1967. For further information con- tact the -- Oshawa Recreation Dept., Box No. 10, Airport, Oshawa, Ontario. Call -- 725-1111. Application forms may be eb- tained from -- Oshawa Recreation Dept., Box No. 10, Airport, Oshawa, Ontario Call -- 725-1111. NOTE: All application forms MUST be completed and returned to The Oshawa Recreation Dept., Box No. 10, Airport, Oshawa, On- tario, by March 14, 1967 -- 5:00 P. FOUR BEDROOM HOME on a professionally landscap- ed and fenced lot. Has finish- ed recreation room, wall to wall broadioom in living room, hallway and bedroom, extra 2 pe. bath. Excellent terms. Call now for details. ALL ON ONE FLOOR Attractive six room bungalow with attached garage -- no stairs to elimb, Located in northwest crea. Must be seen to be appreciated. Call now- NORTHWEST Fine split level six room home at a popular price. This home is in excellent condition -- close to schools and shopping. Carries for $120 per month including taxes. Call now and arrange to inspect, For full particulars call 723-2265 Me! Dale 623-5638 . Irwin Cruikshanks 728-5205 Willord Johnston 728-1066 Marg Hall 725-1358 Irene Brown 725-3867 George Twaites 723-2008 Mike Belmonte 725-8300 Maible Boudreau 728-2233 Ed Drumm 725-9345 Reg Aker 725-0201 Bill McFeeters 725-1726 OPEN DAILY 9 TILL 9 Members of O.D.R.E.B. WE LIST AND SELL M.L.S. MORTGAGES ARRANGED 360 King St. West, Oshawa SELL 1 SELL ! SELL ! That's the Job of Times Want Ads 723-3492 KASSINGER CONSTRUCTION We'll Custom Build Your Home Anywhere .. . FEATURING: Experience in Building, planning, financing. Always on time -- follow schedule closely. Strict inspection and con- trol. Use your plan or ours. Hundreds of award win- ning designs, Very competitive pricing. We con arrange complete financing. N.H.A. or conventional Mortgages available. @ All building performance completely guaranteed. Phone Today 728-7583 KASSINGER CONSTRUCTION "NVESTMENT PROPERTY CENTRALLY LOCATED Showing good returns or live in' part for half what you're paying rent, fenced yard, gar- age, paved double drive. Down payment 15%. 723-7500 GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-5281 ° ELGIN COURT ! @ Sixplex in excellent state of repair. Five 2 bedroom units, one | bedroom. Plenty of paved parking. Preferred rental area, never a vacancy. Asking $20,- 000 down. Good financing can be arranged. Shown by appaint- ment any time e TREMENDOUS OPPORTUNITY I} @ for the mechanically mind- ed person to get into good pro- fit making business of Sales and Service of Lawnmowers, Out- boards, Cultivators, etc. Full price $35,000 includes fran- chises, workshop fully equipped and. stock valued at $13,000 Garage. Give us a call tonight, we will be pleased to provide you with all information. e a WAITING "TOBE BOUGHT 11! @ 3 room brick bungalow Close to schools, G. M. south| plant. Kitchen designed for| modern convenience. Large liv- ing room. Recreation room with bar, Down payment approxi mately $4,000. See it today. e FOUR BEDROOMS IV @ Double closets, beautiful broadloom, step-saving kitchen, are only a few of the many fea- tures of this split-level home on Braemore Crt. Close to public and high schools, We invite your early inspection, Price $25,500. e BOW WINDOW | V @ Moke an appointment to-| day to see this 3 bedroom side- split, bow window in living room, walk-out doors from dining room to rear of house. Laundry room, partially completed Recreation} room. Appealing to the pocket book as well as the eye. Month- ly payment of $124.33 includes interest, principal and toxes. e $17,500 VI @ for this 3 year old brick bungalow, carport, 200' lot.| Hollywood kitchen, 3 good size bedrooms. Extra room in base- ment, Recreation room. Close to schools, transportation, shop- ping. Call today for more infor- mation, e Vil @ Planning on retiring, then settle into this appealing 5 room brick bungalow, Living room with dining area, 25' long with 2 built-in China cabinets Large kitchen. Fully hedged GORDON REAL ESTATE LTD. 218 DUNDAS ST. E€. WHITBY No, 2 Highway Dial 668-8826 "COMMERCIAL" Across the street from the Oshawa Shopping Centre. An income home that has poten- tial for the future expansion of business along King St. At present you can make it pay for itself with apartments, of- fices or a rooming house. INCOME HOME WH ITBY | $20,900. Five rooms with partially finished recreation room, two bathrooms, two fireplaces, garage. Call to- night on this one. GREEN HOUSE and living quarters combined on a large lot in Oshawa. Only those with ambition to succeed should apply for this money maker. ANDERSON HIGH is within sight of this well kept frame home. The separ- ate dining room, the large family sized kitchen are just a few attributes of this family home. The lot is 100' by 233' with plenty. of shrubs and trees, Make appointment to see MUST BE SOLD Sharbot St., Oshawa. A five room brick bungalow with walkout basement, oi! heat and possession within 30 days or less. Don't wait. NEW HOMES IN WHITBY-- $18,500 Three bedrooms with one C.H.M.C. mortgage at 634 % interest ond carries for $113. per month, Buy now so you can pick your color scheme, BACK SPLIT $15,500. full price with o 64% mortgage. Carries for $109.92, principal, interest and taxes. Five lovely rooms, oil heated, on a fenced lot, 4 BEDROOMS $13,700. is the low price be- ing asked for a clean well kept six room home with gar- age and all fenced in yard. FORCED SALE Come to office and discuss price and terms. This house must be sold this week, Don't delay. I. V Vanden Broek 668-2675 Clare Shank 723-5145 Barbara Reynolds 723-1887 George Sullivan 668-6226 Marlow Hancock 723-0288 yord, paved drive. Convenient terms can be arranged. Call to- doy to inspect. Price $17,900. e DOWN PAYMENT ,500 VIII @ for twelve rooms. Here is an enterprising conversion ac- commodating 3 families. Newly plastered, nicely decorated. Property has many possibilities. Must be seen to be appreciated. You can carry the mortgage out of income. Give us a call for further details. & HILLCROFT STREET 1X @ You cannot afford 'to miss this 5 room brick bungalow, newly decorated, just listed by our office. Large living room, Hollywood kitchen, 3 bedrooms. Walk-out basement. Price $17,- 900. Call' and make arrange- ments to see this house today, & WHITBY SPECIALS X @ Priced ot $23,500 three bedroom bungalow on Cochrane St. Large living room, tastefully decorated. Partitioned basement with recreation room. Fenced lot, paved drive. Call today. e X! @ We hove just listed this 3 bedroom back-split level home with large living room. Close to schools, Divided basement, pav- ed drive. Reasonable down pay- ment required to one 614% mortgage. 'Phone tonight for an appointment to inspect. e XI @ Here is a home you dream about, a four year old Colonial style bungalow in the east end of Whitby. Three bright bedrooms, modern kit- chen, impressive living dining room. Carport. Monthly pay- ments of $112 include princi- pal, interest and taxes. See this one today. e R.R. 2 OSHAWA X11 @. Five room bungalow with aluminum siding, large lot east end at city limits. Storms, screens, garage, new. furnace. Low taxes. A real buy at $13,- 500. Call us and make an ap- pointment to see this home to- night. e Call 723-5281. Open daily from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST RALPH SCHOFIELD MANAGER Bowmanville -- 6-Plex Asking $35,500 Sumptuous apartment -- ideal for owner occupancy -- Do not miss this excellent opportunity for a good sound investment -- All suites have separate boths, kitchen, hot woter tanks and meters -- Call" at once for further de- tails. Four-Plex Centrally located and showing good returns. Try your invest- ment dollar on this one. Ask- ing only $21,500. Duplex Asking $18,900 2 storey older brick home in excellent condition and completely duplexed, Sepor- ete entrances to | bedroom and 3 bedroom apartments. Modern baths and good kit- chens. Separate drives and One garage. Located in nice residential orea. Asking $11,900 Completely remodelled 3 bed- room 1% storey near Bloor and Park Road -- !n excel-- lent condition and only a few minutes walk from General Motors. Aluminum siding is just one of the many features of this exceptionally clean, neat home. Zoned cummercial as well. Deep lot. Northwest Oshawa Asking $16,900 for this. 3 bedroom brick bungalow in excellent condition. Located on lovely lot with apple trees ond patio. Near all schools, bus and shopping. Other fea- tures include finished "rec" room, paved drive. Call at once for appointment. OUR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE MAY HELP YOU SELL OR BUY LIST WITH CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST AFTER HOURS PLEASE CALL Allan Thompson 728-2870 Harvey Hogan 655-3663 Grant Burns 942-3733 Tom Houston 668-4416 Ralph Schofield 725-5067 Office Phone 723-5221 Kathryn Armstrong 723-1884 Italo Bortolussi 723-6329 Jean Peacock 725-4330 Vernon Corson 723-9785 Steve Englert 728-5581 Allan Bertrand 985-7251 Ernest Mueller 728-0208 El, Ann Thompson 728-4731 Marilyn Fitzgerald 668-5313 Roy Flintoff 725-3454 Morris Fogel 723-2563 Walter Mittler 576-2345 Jack Graham 728-2634 Cecil Elliott 725-9442 Leon Manitius 728-2754 Leonard Bissell 725-2070 Judi Knocker 723-8771 George Nymeyer 728-4241 Lloyd Corson 723-2537 Lucas Peacock 725-4330 Dick Young 723-7183 GUIDE REALTY LIMITED, 16 Simece St. $., Oshowe. DIDJA' EVER ? Want a lovely 3 bedroom home, completely landscaped with 6' cedar hedge, com- pletely enclosing patio area? Finished recreation room, priced at $17,300, with $3,- 000 down, 728-1678 H. MILLEN Real Estote Ltd |20--Real Estate for Sale JOHN F. Osborne DeWith Real Estate Ltd. 14 Frank Street, Bowmanville 623-3950 INCOME HOME --- Ail mod- ern conveniences. Large lot with stream, Low down pay- ment. MAPLE GROVE *-- Bungalow, oil heated, .4-pc. bath. Well kept Garage. Close to school, Asking $13,500. Terms. Call George VanDyk 623-7437 BOWMANVILLE --- New, 8 roomed brick home. Al! mod- ern conveniences. Living and dining room. Wall to wall floor covering. Best location of town. Call George VanDyk 623-7437 PORT PERRY -- Main street. Large 10 roomed home. Up- stairs rented. Very nicely de- corated. All offers considered. Call Tom Donnelly 985-7264. FAMILY HOME on double lot, All modern conveniences: Rec- reation room, Barn, Low tox- es, Price $13,500. SCUGOG BEACH -- Cottage with beach frontage. Fully furnished. Bathroom. Price } $5,000, Terms. Call Tom | Donnetly 985-7264 | OSHAWA Nicely decor- | ated 6 roomed home with fin- ished recreation room. Beau- tifully landscaped. Storms, screens. Asking $16,400. | Térms OSHAWA -- Almost new brick bungalow, oil heated. 4-pc. bath. Hollywood kit- chen Nicely landscaped. Call George VanDyk 623- 7437. We List Photo M.L.S. and Exclusive Metca REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 King Street East CELINA ST. 2% storey, south of Athol St., 8 room well kept house. Early possession. Perfect to rent or -for rooming house, Live upstairs and open your own business, downstairs. It is zoned commercial, Price $17,500. 1114 RONLEA AVE. $18,950. One yeor old bung- alow, split level entrance in- cluding built in upright oven and countertop stove. Broad- loom in living room, many extros, a good house in @ good district 446 FAREWELL on 100' x 150' lot, over a hundred bushes. Paved trees, rose of extras, ideal try living in the city. ALSO HOMES ON: Cedar St., Lakemount . St., Monteith Ave., Stone St, Wilson Rd. N., Taunton Rd, E., Wayne St., Linden St., Sharbot St., Olive Ave., Ori- ole St., Emerson Ave., Park | Rd. S$. and Downsview Park, OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Dial 728-4678 Fronk Frankfurter 728-5416 John O'Driscoll 725-8585 Jack Hogan 728-1554 Joe Maga 725-9191 Bob Johnston 725-9365 MEMBER O.D.R.E.B, 1% storey, top shape home, beauti- fully landscaped garden, fruit red lorge driveway, 3-car garage. Lots home for people who like to live coun- We list exclusive and M.L.S. PETERS Realtor COMMERCIAL -- POSSIBILI- TIES -- Good corner location close to Oshawa with spot- less brick bungalow, small barn in excellent repoir, 1 acre lot, Call 728-7328. VANCOUVER COURT -- One only brand new and bea- utiful, many extras, $18,800 and one 634% mortgage. CARNEGIE STREET -- 6 room brick home in nice con- dition $16,900, SHARBOT ST, --- Brick bung- alow with 3 finished rooms in walkout basement $16,- 900 BURK ST. -- Brick 2 storey with garage and lot 207 ft. deep WESTMOUNT ST. $15,500 spotless home with 2 apart- ments ond large recreation room. RAGLAN DISTRICT -- 412 acres, house and garage $13,900 TOWNLINE RD. -- Compact and modern with 2 finished rooms in basement, 34 acre lot, KLUANE ST. -- Comfortable home on large lot $8,000. MAPLE GROVE AREA -- 1% storey home on 1 cere MAPLE GROVE -- 10 acres, $5,500 with $1,000 DOWN. $42,000 -- For this 120 acre farm. Only minutes to Oshawa, Call 728-7328. REALTY LTD., 728-7328 103 KING STREET EAST Advertise Your Vacancy woich roomers come running! Phone 723-3492 in the Times Classified Section... fk aL Estate for Sale \20--Real Estate for Sale | MARTIN a REAL ESTATE 100 King St. --. Oshawa | Tel, 576-1200 $2,500 DOWN --- Cash to one mortgage for this 2 storey home with private paved drive and garage. Well landscaped property. 30 day possession 143 YEAR OLD BRICK BUNGALOW -- Paved drivs, built-in garage. Electric heat, broadioom and many extras, On serviced; 12 block from bus stop. Immediate posses- sion. 40 ACRES VACANT LAND ~--- Large frortage on Hwys 7 and 12. Owner must sell- 4 Acres corner COMMERCIAL PROPERTY --- On Hwy. 12. Try your best offer, 12 acres serviced INDUS- TRIAL LAND -- Good loca- tion. Reasonably priced. Excellent buildings on this 70 ACRE FARM with modern 8 room home, double garage, many extras. Good Hwy. frontage, 8 miles from Osh- awa. R. MARTIN REAL ESTATE Tel. OSHAWA 576-1200 MEMBERS {TO and OSHAWA ESTATE BOARDS TORO! REAL KASSINGER CONSTRUCTION We'll Custom Build Your Home | Anywhere... FEATURING: @ Experience in Building, planning, financing. @ Always on time -- follow schedule closely, @ Strict inspection and con- trol. @ Use your plan or ours. Hundreds of award win- hing designs. @ Very competitive pricing. @ We can arrange complete financing. N.H.A. or conventional Mortgages available, @ All building performance completely guaranteed, Phone Today 728-7583 KASSINGER CONSTRUCTION WwW, i Dougan Realtor 1363 Simcoe St. N. 725-1109 COUNTRY ACREAGE 10 acre parcels, 3 available in Ashburn area. Spring fed creek in back portion. These are attractive lots, worth go- ing to see, 15 ACRE PARCEL Investment property. Listed $26,500. 4 room bungalow. 512 frontage on Thornton Road North. North of Sth concession: 1280 feet in depth, bordering Bickle Sub- division, 75 ACRE Manchester, No. 12 highwoy frontage 3283 feet. Here is an excellent property for fu- ture. Good clear land, Less thon $400 per acre, VETERANS Have 12 acre lots, builder will put up bungalow under V.L.A, specifications 1350 re- quirement for home. Call us lets get a plan going for you. After 9 p.m. call Lloyd Lofoy 725-0343 Gord Schofield 725-2214 Bill Dougan 725-1109 GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE LTD. 155 SIMCOE ST. S. 723-8144 SPRING 1967 is, the year to move into this well kept 3 year old brick bungalow. 3 bedrooms, holly- wood kitchen, paved drive and other extras. Northwest area. Full price $17,500. To in- spect call Helen Bryant. $2,000 DOWN Duplex -- 6 room brick with garage. Woalk-out basement could be made into apart- ment. Good condition. To see call Pauline Beol. Open 9 a.m: to 9 p.m. MEMBER OF O.D.R.E.B, AFTER HOURS CALL Margaret Lee 723-2894 Shirley Moskal 723-4134 Ethel Tranter 728-5197 Helen Bryont 723-5369 Tina DeiGobbo 728-1859 Dolores Ross 728-1964 Pauline Beal 725-0239 H. KEITH LTD. ' THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Merch 8, 1967 25 20--Real Estate for Sale 23--Real Estate Wanted STATELY 2storey home, landscaped REALTOR try sized fot, very t n We have buyers for reason: (342 Salesmen in Ontario) entre, 3 iarge 'bedrooms, IY Priced properties, city - sized and suburban, bungalows, INTEREST FREE two storeys, income homes, 'That's: antl. Mo interedt' én apartments, farms. For free ie Vik ecsean es evaluation call Don Stradeski dor's religion will not let him Real Estate, 63 King Street ¢ West. 728-4651 charge interest on his mort- goge. Only $19,500 will buy this beautiful three bedroom |HAVE CLIENT with all casn wishing te Purchase bungalow or two-storey home S|between King and Adelaide, Simcoe and Please call 728-5103, brick, fully iandscaped and Wilson Road area fenced lot: Call Idso Wiers- Bb thonrtna tL Ma sail ma 728-5683 pera TYPE | HOME required for @ os uyer who has sold his home. = : oom bungalow, 66° x!Call will hnst 5 TRANSFERRED WV. Shatzmann Realtor,|feld-AKer Lid. ete teeee Behm TO ST. PAUL ie : a ALL CASH for cheap house, an ' od iA _ a ¥ location $5000 rice cut on ine lux LOW DOWN PAYMENT or this Wm) considered. City or country. Telephone with roadioom-!728-5103, W, 0. Martin Realtor, ask for urious six room bungalow, at 772 Beaupre, includes every- thing, drapes and stove, Own- er has advised us to accept best offer. Call Doug Car- micheal 723-7463 fireplace and oil| Ossie Martin. on. Inspect this = a PST YT SEPT ETT ped 28-7576. Sibby's HOUSE WANTED in vicinity of Wilson and Bloor with reasonably low taxes, BOWMANVILLE, a a8 Telephone 728-5904. oncession ree' "y ee $1,000 down, Brick duplex on. large lot.|PRIVATE -- Wanted, three-bedroom ssking only $15,900. Guy Leblanc Real- bungalow in north-east or north-west é area, Oshawa. Have substantial down tor payment. Telephone 728-2930. ORIOLE COURT |BowMANVILLE, ve cre $3,000 ae $17,900 this excellent re {Asking eniy Sisdt0, Guy Leblanc: Real-|24--Stores, Offices, Storage sale one year old better than é 4 new, three bedroom brick, on |PRIVATE, $1,000 DOWN--near Oshawa safest quietest street in east fog rt * fie ee tog te) 000 SQ FT end, Priced below cost. Call Maes uiely ike / : Idso Wiersma 728-5683. a | + full price $15,195. | of Floor Space LAUDER ROAD Fe ee | A $25,900 executive nine room ors in Downtown brick with six large bed- room brick rooms, on largest lot, Built the are old fashioned way, original icc Third Floor -- oak trim, hugh fireplace, gar- age. Call Doug Carmichael immediately 723-74 46 JUST 2 LEFT Prestige Homes Harmony Village Walnut Court off Florell Drive. Harmony Road South east of Donevan Collegic "LUXURY LIVING" Features Include @ Large ravine lots with year round stream = @ 2,300 square feet finished floor area @ 400 square feet of fecreation room with natural field stone fireplace @ Sep- arate dining room with bal- cony @ Built in. dishwasher yy" Radio intercom system. @ Wall to wall broadloom in liv ing room, dining room, hall ond all bedrooms @ Two car attached garage @ Quiet paved court @ Plus 33 other special features too numerous to mention, TRADE IN YOUR | PRESENT HOME | _NO CASH NEEDED } K. R. BELL 883 WALNUT CRT. 723-6541 GORDON Oshorne = REAL ESTATE LTD. 218 DUNDAS 5T. E. both passenge. and bain >om "eH tage etched 4 Jonea freight elevator services eR All f 900. Call George Twaites fer pect at 723-2008. field A mited SEE: TWO-BEDROOM home, situ THIS CUTE on Beve a plea TT, L. WILSON OSHAWA TIMES 86 King Street East Phone 723-3474 OFFICES for RENT re to | Schofield 'those retir home dern STOREY, four-bedroom sletely renovated Jitra. on Two ix-room rancher on cod kitchen, large a v room size dining} About 2,000 sq. ft. on Sim- in (UE db t coe St. N. Good parking. aA ay : : : Bagh dhe Telephone PRIVATE SALE, northwest area, three 728-8441 m, large 1 room, dining room se { hed rec room, two bathrooms, price} STORE FOR RENT _ suitable for office $18,900, 72847 or beauty shop, ete, 492 Simeoce St. 8. 725-5445 Two twin brick modern HRS Rhett with beautiful. basement STORE FOR RENT . Corner Prince e in one, rent the other./and Bond, 300 sq. ft., $125. per menth, t | separately, Call Perry |Call Mrs. Taylor, 694-2945 ee \® Esta 123 STORE FOR RENT, 350 ~ Avall- WHITBY -- Brick semi-detached bunga-jable in May. Centrally jocated. For ap- ow, three bedrooms, very clean, jow|Pointment call 725-5132. down payment, full price $12,700. Perry/QFFICE SPACE on ground fom Real Estate, 723-6123 lrooms approximately 400 |INCOME BUILDING--two-storey build-| Parking space available. 130" King sineck ng in downtow area. Complete with East, Oshawa, 728-6246, shod nents. Ideal for ay Doug! mall business. as J, M.. Bullied 25--Houses | for Rent Realtor. 723-116 $16,900 FIVE-YEAR-OLD three-bed room brick bungalow with detached jgarage, completely landscaped, $3, $00 CENTENNIAL }down and will carry for $134. monthly} PIT. H, Millen Real Estate Ltd., 728-| ACRES 1678. $17,300 FOR THIS desirable ines | 1304. Cedar St., Oshawe : home, extra bedrooms on| ower level, and finished rec room, com etely landscaped with sitoot" high FOR RENT cedar 'ede its oa H. Millen) Two and three bedroom homes TWO-BEDROOM 'stucco bungalow, large $120 -- $135 od ile. Near pping Centre. $2 s00| Broadioom 'in living room dow 623-3462, days. : : Fully landscoped. ELIZABETH CRESCENT -- Two large fireplace. Large lot with fruit with $8,000. down. Tele-/ | bedrooms, trees. $14,000 ee 668-5610. Call 723-7711 er 725-9991 from 9am. - 5 p.m. $1,500 DOWN -- Clean comfortable five-| n ong alow, garage, hedged lot, 161') --------___-__ to hospital. Private. Tele-/SIX-ROOM HOUSE, on Brock - Simcoe. WHITBY 4 Also two - bedroom home in Beatrice - No, 2 Highway |BROOKLIN -- Seven-year-old, five-room Serve: Sree, Telecine. One Te iow Exc condition. | © -_ nd ' Paved drive, f od pation room.|SIX - ROOM HOUSE on Simcoe Street Dial 668-8826 Ea possess ced quick sale. South. Children welcome. immediate |For details contact Sally Wallace, 725-/possession. Telephone 728-5008 62 oseph Bosco, Re LARGE three-bedroom fayse, convent OPEN HOUSE |NEAR EASTDALE COLLEGIATE --/ent to Shopping Centre, downtown, bus 1 bungalow. |and -- schoo! Available immediately, BYRON ST. NORTH NEW HOMES C.M.H:C. mortageg at 634% and carries for $113. P.I.T. lot, paved drive,| Telephone 725-8193. many more fealures.|§1x-ROOM HOUSE to rent, $100 mentt : ahh Be es aare, {iY References required. Telephone be call Murra ie, i |Joseph Bosco Realtor. fore 4 p.m., 725-1551, after 6 p.m, 65S [CLOSE TO J. F. KENNEDY SCHOOL--| yew |Three-bedroom bungalow, bullt-In stove NEW eracutive Bungalow, | three bed ines PIT. Call one of these representa-|and oven. Many extras. Ideal for yound|mogern kitchen, walk-out ba - rm: en, sements tives. jfamily, |< ie terms. Rett lla -- Nola garage, close to schools. 723-0321 or 26l« |ford, 723-1021, Joseph Bosco Realtor. | 1g9] Scarborough. Clare Shank 723-5145 /choice Tara: Hallo etd og veom MODERN THREE-BEDROOM bunge pungalow r nis H Barbora Reynolds 723-1887 |reation room, Provincial kitchen, arelarive, Telephone S76 3824 yard, paved George Sullivan © 668-6226 | just @ few of the many extras. To in- lite i |spect this beautiful home contact Bes- -- Lerge seven-room e Marlow Hancock 723-0288 | °fP' chr erer, 723-2925, Joseph Boscolattached home, Completely self-cont N. Vanden *Broek 668-2675 | Realtor. ed. Oil heated. Good condition. THREE - BEDROOM brick bungalow. (n_S2rden, $125. Telephone 668-9072, SIBBY'S Real Estate Ltd. | Complete rec room, paved drive, nicely) THREE- BEDROOM home, $135. month dscaped. N. y decorated, tiled |! ly, one year lease, first and last month's Telephone "668 6585 after 6. jrent required. H, Millen Real state ----|Ltd., 728-1656, FURNISHED HOUS men, near south Gi phone 725-8720. bam |20a--Summer Properties For Sale or Rent it tour gentie- 'al Motors. Tele 728-7576 HALIBURTON - Grace Lake -- 70|THREE-BEDROOM brick bungalow, acres, seven equipped cottages, 2,100' ;four-piece bath, paved driveway, finish- sand beach, 1% milies other waterfront-(ed recreation room, large backyard NEAR 401 sge, 400' highway frontage. $30,000. | with frult trees, oil furnace, $130. $15,900. Six mom 1} down, balance on mortgage, 61 per| Monthly. 725-1408 oo f lcent, Jas. W. Outram, Wilberforce, On storey brick and stone home |tario. . 26--Apartments "for | Rent with panelled living and din- Ing room. Special roof makes this a delightful looking home, added with a large garage -and private paved drive. IMMEDIATE, POSSESSION $2,000 down and one month- ly payment os rent will buy |22--Lots 'for Sale ARRANGE ~ NOW To bulld your house, | four lots from which to choose. Telephone | 725-2159 |23--Real Estate Wanted _ The best value in apartment living can be seen at 23. | @ REGENCY | Niet Since" || TOWERS @ | this six room 114. storey We have out of town clients brick home, Close to north waiting .for homes in_ this 349 MARLAND AVENUE SoM plant. area PH. 725-2227 The chances are good there Tony Zokarow will be happy ; hd a to show you these or other Is 9 buyer OS for ine AND good SIBBY'S listings, just | PPortunity to purchase your _call 728 FEIK now property if you are interested e& a in action, satisfaction, con- | ) PREMIER &@ LOOKING FOR SOMETHING eRe ee . SPECIAL? PLEASE CAL --OWNER TRANSFERRED-- JOHN K. SHEPHARD 33! MARLAND AVENUE We have been fortunate GUARANTY TRUST CO. PH. 728-6722 enough to list two of the | 32 KINGST.E OSHAWA Detar fae Homer ota PoE TESS be 75k aii sie @ MODERN 1 AND 2 best North oreo. Both ore | -- il ec Baki tc i i BEDROOM SUITES approximately seven years @ NEWLY DECORATED old, completely finished base- CASH FOR: YOUR @ STOVE AND FRIDGE ments, attached garage, two HOME @ BALCONIES bathrooms, fireplace, ravine Homes, farms, acreages, -usi- @ FABRIC DRAPES lot -- immaculate condition nesses. We have clients with @ LAUNDRY FACILITIES throughout--1 is 2 bedroom ready cash waiting. 24 hour @ FREE HYDRO and the other is 3 bedroom. service, Call today. @ BROADLOOM IN HALLS These homes must be seen to @ ELEVATOR een the asking price G R | F F | N @ LOCKERS ° 900. each. Please feel 1 ES @ CONTROLLED ENTRANCE fee hone REAL ESTATE LTD. @ 'AMPLE PARKING JACK APPLEBY 723-8144 @ CLOSE TO SCHOOL AND' Evenings 723-3398 ly landscaped, must be seen to be appreciated. This 3 bed- room home. is priced to sell, 728-1678 H. MILLEN Rec! Estate Ltd, "Selling the good earth and CHURCHES Bolanmod Bros bie 72022128 oonals OO | CLOSE TO SHOPPING CENTRE NORTHWEST "ENGLISH IMMIGRANTS APPLY OR TELEPHONE THE OSHAWA Employees for new Ajax firm' ABOVE NUMBERS goat i : 3 Id desire houses in north or ust like new this year 0 south part of Whitby prefer- brick bungalow, spacious and ably west end. Three houses SH ELDIAN modern throughout, complete- sold last week in. this area MANSIONS alone by our firm at above average prices obtained. For 1: 2 and 3 bedroom suites immediate appraisal -- call Si ite Doug Carmichael, 723-7463, Pa GA Pied oorcaitn H. KEITH, LTD., Realtor. : ngglier Two baths two ond three bedroom suites. in all WANT-ADS. DON'T GOST---THEY -PAY 885 OXFORD STREET | 728-7942 / ' ~a im sve mins