14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, Merch 6, 1967 It's Still The Freezin' Season But Hot "Action" Classifieds Will Thaw Things Out Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. "20-- 16 . 18--Mole Help. Wanted 11--Pets and Livestock |18--Male Help Wanted FEMALE, RED AND WHITE Cocker Spaniel. Pedigree papers. Best offer. 's T'S SCRAP BOOK By R. J SCOTT "pee WOM ee et M TOOL MAKER SCO om DOG CLIPPING = Superior aor E at col if ESS SERVICE DIR tidal SCHEDULER | wos oto tae -- Arti ted 12--Articles Wanted __ : : $3.25 * per hour, 1. ¢ GOOD USED FURNITURE wanted,| Required for company in east ee Nei Furniture, se Saat $6-6506. aie ern Scarborough area. Will larg eil's rn a ' : i be required to prepare ly Biox 49497 TV--Rodio Repairs pchedslet for ordering wee Apply rea Building Trades Mortgages pat : terials to be processed. He OSHAWiA TIMES pte Accountonts ' Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- will also receive and analyze ee anniv ch aiehoke Ser geil oringa te bee sonic ie sim: REPAIRS CONSOLIDATE *s, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee orders for production require- exranie work ory aircraft interlor Ai opp anid North 720387, Res. 723-7605. ALTERATIONS ie Pt vA Urns, Punch Bowls, ae ments. finishing. Full. ting s employment. 0: WILLIAM ©. HALL, B-Comm., Charter- - $22. Sih LEVEL HAS wenabeu AS GREAT AS AOFERT- CAUSED BY TIDES. Wear, Men's Formals, White 'An loddinonal park of the Job 2 AN OPEN 18-~witi Tarps ec Accountant, 36/2 King Street East. ADDITIONS oen'gy SERVICE _ CURRENTS, WIND, FC Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. is instituting bills of lading. |EALESMAN OPENU IG with large Fe Telephone, Oshawa , i } high school [plus commissions gind latest training ; 1 Certified General) to les based on C f- ANT'S RENTALS He should have high sc hniques, minimun grade 12 educa Receumant, "Suite isWrr Oshawa S809-| HOMES.OFFICES-FACTORIES Nera aie es COLOR 'SCRAP SARGE 725-3338 | graduation. Good employes [fermi gnminun grade 12, even ping Centre, 725-9983. Rec Rooms and Kitchens 15 year 'ly 14% ee or ITE as SHEE a 463 Ritson Rd. S. benefits. j EXCELLENT OPPOI?TUNITY. Large Ul. JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered accoun- a Specialty; * Interest 1 - 1% % p ) BLACK and WH | AS You,BABY 9 ¥:' ENTERTAINING? Fifty to one hundred company has opening for a local resident #60! tant, Licensed Trustee, 17 Bond Street -- (12 - 16% per annum FoR wee |people? Oshawa Tennis Club for ban- Apply in writing or telephone | win business or sara background, In re- East. Telephone 723-4833. All n & Sons depending on amount borrow- ALL x |quets, parties, weddings, Bar, kitchen, questing a personal is iterview, Please sub- serv HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO., charter: James e ed. Interest calculated on the THE Best ©. Pie parking. 723-7726. feces Manager mit a resume stating persogal history, kite of Trade Bu! ehh i WHEEL 7» hospiti is, walk- i educati ' oa, ar King Street east, Oshawa, On- 725-6126 reducing balance. Properties . e | Srir FeuciOg UrNechineas MICK Pin Hes of Office Services Oshawa Times. that tori 2254908, 8. Hopkict, CAI H. cea PROT S ity or Foun WH SuBStANCE, plies. Aid Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644 ; oa hae tho Sea an ee coT char |Carpentry hm 1 300 4iMES AS portunities & dian 19--Male ond Feme toni YALE, i PRIRDLANDER eed, Trustees in REMODELLING, trim work, cupboards, "C. A.C. REALTY ° o |. . wi SWEET AS SUGAR ? 14--Business ; Opportuni ite ana Help Wanited toni tered Acccuntants, Licen fh : irs. Free -estl- Centre x - DERN BEAUTY shop for . , 522 Simcoe Street Northy| recreation rooms, and stairs. Oshawa Shopping Centre LEVISION BLACKBUR SMALL MO! ' é he : Benawen Yie-7371. mates. Telephone 725-7044, 728-1691 TE OE AX EXGLSHMAK | AcueygZAuite CHEMICAL Aale, sik dcyers, excaltent tocttion. Tele Johns-Manville BOOKKE'EPER _ CARPENTRY -- New ana repairs, block ; DID NOT SLEEP FROM THE LEAVES OF Phone 72! wv aa G Ltd Required by fist growing AT Blueprinting and cement work. Free estimates, 728-7680 SECOND mortgage money) CLEANER" SHARPER AYONK FOR A WILD PARAGUAYAK $11900, | COIN LAUNDRY on gies oO. : construction conapiany in Osh- DRAFTING and__ reproductions |QUALITY RaraeTY. 90 general re. Ma DN Me mertgage at 12 per TV RECEPTION ENG YEARS+ SHRUB, Road. Fully equippes fg lone Got | We ee a awa, Ajax, Whitby area, Wi Phda Sate Simcoe shotostanic 'copies. walt |yrs. Honest, 'dependable 'service, 725-8576 Seer mre Pe: poe Call anyiirne YOUR OWN -y handie. Tal Sees areal eae we " , Highest wages paid to quali- a ind pl jotost : }-4631. eee Seas . jor write " - mo d ea ogg ale SR FIRST AND SECOND mortgages, sale -- Street, Toronto, _ 282-1131 fied Pe 93-0701 ligh arports, hased and sol peas a edhe vi Building ng Trades mates. Telephone 725-8150. Sha Henniee warriors Ai ing: tires V 8--Arti les for Sale 15--Employment | Wanted For Appointment Pati --- seaman East, 723-7232. teh | 6--Marine Equipment --Artic sesh NITOR? or Tanitor's sup-| CAREER OFFICE ' COUPLE {cr Janitors of eh No Down Payment Cartage FIRST AND SECOND mortgages avali- : be eo ~|NEED A JANI res. window and floor| bell LL i ol de wily." Telephone you | ts ne able. W. Schatzmann Realtor, 114 Brock FINAL CLEARANCE, 1966 Chrysler out- BILLIARD "TABLES -- cleaning, free estimates, low ale 725- "8995, 900 inl i alec slat MOBILE SERVICES ere Nee SY ee Narraniv: § wieireaiites nei end teat? for the home 1885. a OR LADIES over 121 can make $4 Be diol Asda es, ' UNLIMITED See a a warranty. 5 snow-mobi d Sales, Whitby, nae | Beds) - 8 et with jfuller, Can. be- Remodelling Pick-up and Delivery Musi al | Services yin splices Genuine siete. Beds 17--Female | Help 'Waa EG etl E fast." For interview am 9 om AVAILABLE for Beckie serrate / dt 'Barter Scere iy telephone 728-4922. APF ¢ |, OWN oO! -- @ Bathrooms Immediate Service poly at a th Modern, Blues, Jazz 728-5143 7. --Swop | ani eer BILLIARD SU WwW REGISTERED IN TORONTO 20--Real f Estate" tor r Sule IV @ Kitchens Diol Operator (O) ice for Jor Latin, Telephone 728-8849. pipette '> AND "4 GMC. halt: ton n pick-ups 787 1186 Queen e R NURSES eG shade ike heat Recreation Rooms Mobile J. R. 8-3908 Oshawa Corner Bond an ivision Chev sedan; '60 Buick; boi 4 oronto ee We require several young men r and "4 esate After 9 p.m., 428.9293 _|Nursery Schools AiMaGy: ed, IPteealaae BAIN Seth G0, VRCUUIA REPAIRS, all makes, Roses, ts ati ees ik ace GORDICXN ane --_---- id Park hes, etc. Pick-up, delivery, af A w department of Osh- MOVE NOW PETER PAN i V TOWERS ae, dds soap atl as |Pleming vacuum Service, Main Street, and | Home Office creas, including ae . i i aaa ae |Pickering. ' te ewo's Quality Builder PAY LATER Day Nursery pees 8--Articles for Sale | MATTRESS BARGAINS. All typ Types of mat- mat: REGISTERED our' Group _ Sevens id TN eC We KASSINGER CONSTRUCTION Credit Rates Avoilable Open 7:30 - 5:30, five days "BUILT. IN OSHAWA | fresaes: A Li ie oP sgl Wicd NURSING Data Processina epar oe this A CALL weekly, morning and all day AT OUR OWN PLANT |tresses' for bunk. beds, $16.88; roll-away To those with supervisory Call today for Free Estimates J MOVING programs fully equipped nur- tower {Ros Gombiata 3)9.68.- Wilson's ural ASSISTANTS potential or better, we can REAL ESTATS#z LTD. USGA) CTR Se eee ee). sery with outside playgrouhd, We give you a better tc [Fae 20; Chron Str Te ae ra offer a very promising future, D ROOFING hot iy small obs. and detepee hot meal, morninggand after- forsee money: [imo-rece_enestERTIELB, Tawa Full time, rotating shifts, and challenging work, and ex- 218 DUNDAS ; ST. E, . posits i Construction. 725-6937. Member of O.D.M.A. noon eked ass Byvciy in- SIX SERVICE BAYS |All n good condition. Box 57293, Osh- | part time, poner erste, callers colaries Bed beneehe WHITBHY we 5 BUILDING REPAIRS -- formation cal - : OSHAWA 1 V awa Times Faerie to| 127 bed hospital. Salaries as oo li A Menvestroughing fli Dentistry _ pote ' nice ae FOR FASTER SERVICE CLOSED FOR HD AYS: Blokes 15 t0) in Metro Toronto. asked -- ae hated fee No: 2 Hichway 4 places, masonry. Gord May, OHN M,, _ Dental TODDLERS PARADI ne ddd tion for experience and edu- both Senior Matriculants an effi AREFOOT, DR. JOHN M., IAL tl P : ' Hie SATUS emote (DR. JOHN, Mu | Dental igoakereierns SUPPLY LTD. WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL leaving OR SELLING, rie ae cation, excellent fringe bene- | Uren Grate ene Dial 668-8826 din PAINTING, DECORATING, Free esti-|For appointment, /28-5171. FROBEL -- MO AUNTON RD. E Chev., Dodge, Ford, Y- . |pliances. Ca mer, 4, 3 ne ! eed dow ep aa eee ee Sr, 720-4803. z oe ees Day Nursery School i R 3 ) mouth, Pontiac: We correct |FuRNITURE -- three | rooms of ew fur. its. ence will be given to P $27 tes. K. Horner, J x itso J ; t Pay only monthly I ost rades SARLR THIWES TAUKI Claslited Bal Drapery | Service Let your child enjoy this won- (ust East of Ri 8132 wheel alignment, pitti 1piieise Furnis shings, 424 Simcoe " Pesala dates wine Tne ri sag FOUR BEDRIX0M Call XE ples bedey sails 4, r derful method of teaching. 723-8131 723- correct costor a eeeccLt res FREE! Furnace cleaned, adjusted free. | UFSING +e were in English an sd WHITBY sinew OT eeninen tia ment call 729-0734, | TELEVISION --PADIO. | lian foe-in ond toe-out Sircare trons' Wesctin" Of 'Conpeme| _ AJAX-PICKERING maties eg 2 sie CLASSIFIED RATES DRAPERY SERVICE cope | | 24 HOUR SERVICE | Section «$6.88. Imre ~aanaara| GENERAL HOSPITAL, | Mr. D. R. Mallinson | $15,500 is fu home Built to : Paes i 7 electric, $75; standard, ; : tilize all available 'space, : Sond g Se ren ry MODERN Painting and Decorating T.V. RENTALS @ Torsion bar adjustment TYPEWRITER, electric, sh a sie ceee The Imperial Life and alininole the bise coar of | Cash --. 1 insertion g i extra. $25. Electric Multiplier. 723-4434, - T to enou 5c each; 3 consecu: NTERIOR. decorating, painting, paper Vv. até dsp BR het niche nena | 20 Victoria Street, Toron five insertions of 24 words, 3.24; oddi- DRY CLEANERS Hebei ood finishing, Pree estimates. ES e aie \corree TABLE ngeng abe od ig Stree BACK-SPLET ron ional words 13Y%ye eac spf Upton's Painting, jcondition. Telephone _ ES a tive Insertions of 34 words, 5.76: odd} 728-4614 2%4-HOUR EXPERT painting and deco- HOLM ne oe j |SKATES! A large selection of new and TELEPHONE ~~ joie' age Poti tional words' 24¢ each. 7 rating, done by an expert. Guaranteed. S Most popular cars. First lused, Also hockey equipment, eareae o large kite! jen, cosy M4 bd chrgeel? oer cot gga heat |Dresamaking th ELECTRONICS | ic "Romine "Sees [Ble Aa He to MANAGEMENT | {22.2 3 mice ine bed if not xp oie ane thon 24|/DRESSMAKING 3 Expertly ited sue Plumbing oo) Heating PHONE $14 88 | LIVE MINNOWS, Shiner, atte, "ai RECEPTIONIST ov Pee ape Me Ne hod oun bead ts. di $ eautifully i . hi. Li Bait, el tse os 24 wore $oc) ere covert, arapes. Mrs. Toms, 668-2372, 668 5679 Plus $2:00 par wheel |dew worms. uae Eat, Open every| TRAINEES Sona 92, being P.14T. CALL a tial, figure or abbrev ee ions, spri t- x | ) 728-3222. : INIT . one word; phone number counts two| PEMAARING, alterations: serine Ot! BL AABINIG DISCOUNT (labor cost) Ub TREE Be Te Se AER CASHIER | Immediate openings for alert hom words. ' sionally. Telephone 668-8756. 149 Brock St. North 26 V Rentals e Gaodrichs: be" King etraet aN 25. Jong ent interested ine MUST SEL4. tans BIRTHS -- DEATHS -- scams Y -- 668-6601 ae 4543, rn ee Ni Sncepane |g er WA iny' SOCIAL NOTICES ith 25 cents addl- Gardening and | Supplies _ WHITB New Sets WHEEL BALANCE Se NG FIBERGLAS FENDERS from $19.95 Part-Time Senteation, OSHA ke ny Tonal tharge If net pold within @ doys, Direct to you, plumbing sup- ALCAN Including welghts: per: Wopel! <A Mae Maw Mie urea au arta a rtunity to earn | This lovely 5 room, brie boor Nenals eee we < 1 . plies. Everything in the FURNITURE ond BONO $1.95 const raemaas ® generators, 1175 Nel-| Mon: Thun. evenings 8 eee mea: home, with double grees. heat HRB ree tet &l Spring's Coming | stmbina'ine. 20% "sw at APPLIANCES RONT-END WORK AT. |IYPRWRITERS, nv a is, pox} 9; Soi. 8-5. Steody em | oovorcement [0 menogem coi gen A AB ce rr plu: jupplies, # timates, Call your e ; : * : d verse: 25e,aaeltional Spee eh eee ONIA BULBS esd 452 Simcoe South TEOMPARABLE PRICES Keane te 3684 ak | ployment. Full benefits. Ap- tion involving public contact. Cloverdale St. Furniture eon plea: hin 8 days. BEG 12 p.m. -- 9 p.m. 723-0011 COM lr oarricee ed : : d Liberal employee benefits. had if required. Price within wis FLOWER SEEDS 5 V TOWER SPRCIAL = 2 fi firucture: | ply in writing stating age an Fa cacestion Gad oak be TH: -- m, ft 7 $: ele " " a cation Snoring frat 25 words and 7 VEGETABLE. SEEDS oe ee SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 UNIROYAL uzene one ____| qualifications to necessoty, oge 2226" Pre. | HANDYMAN'S SPECIAL ves of not ald within: 8 deys. POTTING SOIL i |GUARANTEED, US USD Hehe. ane P.O. Box 266 ference given to single men 2 storey insult-brick in Whit- oO pe NG EVENTS PEAT POTS Ai Teles, Feast aren Fast T.V. Service CENTRES Nie Alen Pueniire od Abplances 452) ay willing to relocate. by, that requires some re- fre per inch (display); $2.00 for Bs RADIX B 1 piles. Taye ens 'Heating and INION Narn of Simcoe South, 723-0011 Nena Oshawa pairs and a little pairyt for HOT ad al ll cd eas : ere uent ia: 2 Sieve Sikeat Sault DOM MINION TIRE STORES |WE-BUY-SELL-AND-EXCHANONGisa| Pacific Finance only $10,500. vin (Word Ads). PEAT MOSS ALL TYPES OF REPAIRS and remodel- TELEVISION DOMINION T furniture or anything you have. checciy PERIENCED OPERATOR a 9-700 a: AUCTION SALES RTION, VERMICULITE ling, new and used materials. Reasonabl 17 Park Rd. S. Trading Fost Store, 446 Simcoe EX LTD: $ ; y P bs $2.38 PER INCH PER INSE 5 NO-DAMP rates. Estimates free, 723-1191, J. Foley. 7OB-S\Gh 0 bin to 9 om, Phone 725-6511 South, icc RERAIAES ail pakenr Fear for Cail: Mr. Thomeon For this insul-brick, 4 fe ust I ; VACUU " D I ae 4 i you, DEADLINES SHEARS Rug - Upholstery Service brushes, etc. Pick-up, delivery, 942-0213. 725-6573 bungalow, on a 60 his ih popasyts (ee) wea? JOE'S COLOR TV Stretch your food dollor. | Fleming Vacuum Service, Main. Street, 13 SimcoeS. lot. There are lad aa wo : ickering. Il to-night. VIOUS BRA . isnt SO this so ca grag wagers SO-GREEN PROFESSIONAL and Radio Service SAVE 15-20% ON YOUR GOLF CLUBS, bag and cart, $65; BOOKKEEPING | wa LOST AND FOUND Polorold with color attachments and 1,500. DOWN oncie UBLICATION ANING i FOOD BILL. loro! 4 , Hash pts S le ee - 9-6 RUG CLE Fost repairs, European atpe Stock freezer ready for |°* aa on y acver s7e. dase, ee MACHINE THE For this frame home, «ton- purct BIRTHS AND DEATH EVERGREEN 6-9- ; tape recorders and recor ock your McClary-Easy dryer, $75. 728-590! i f 6 large rooms with ati TION Service ' " sisting 0 arg j m oe GOLFGREEN 12-6-6 Fig Paid ae Delivery changers @ specialty. lay-off etc. GRAND BIANO--Mason: AS medion Please phone Ajax 942-2120 ROYAL oil heat, garage, works'hop, CARD OR THANKS MILOGRANITE . 13, Bond W. 576-1670 If you olready own o freezer jhe uuty with ball bearings. Almost; for appointment. and out in yard you _, 5 Bins DAY PRevIOUS GARDEN SO-GREEN Angus-Graydon STV TOWER and aerial service.| YOU con still join our famous es af Sal Stork Blderanie CANADIAN peg i Nig ia cla CLOS ED'S T , n 18 ; H r ectron straw ; CLASSIFIED DISPLAY AO. 728-6254 teed. Telephone 728-6879. food club and get a ision, refrigerator, etc., $34.50 and a ' i ace io gta i mr Tans 2 -- Se é valuable privileges. Savings tp. Alcan Furniture a rico Gui olbd id Instruments MOUNTED POLICE FORCED SALE Meg fe umns or. an : sik, eae Ye Simcoe Sou ' pe CANCELLATIONS AND Lo we 2 FOR oon 2--Persona : ond = quality. guoranteed. BUY AND SELL -- vod ured turniture 5 Ai 5 dina Yok Midi an Come oa lea oe dowr RECTIONS th 'or je gor i} oir i d liances, One location only. Pr j i ax as vacan price an . A 4 r Sei DAY OF PUBLICATION | Everything Charge on the largest. rug. feat ia:aiir gy vf Free va and --s Furniture, aad' Bltvece South, fam. | 180 Station St j been VB ERG AG year af Puke bir acl ik ee eet pg Any advertisement can ° ; ivileges' for as li --_-- ia 8 : t 5'8" in publication will be charged one doy's Cooper-Smith ae =e Oshowo, sha dui A or $198. For more information HP duel tog heel condition. 728-| Does an Avon representative ntl pited edu delay, ryt insertion ' 8th. Phone Genosho Hote! : 1203. : ? If not then your one ' BOX NUMBER RENTAL $1.00 ' OSHAWA CLEANERS on these dates for appoint- er appoininoent. BONG ORR eae ete | ~ coll on you? If n ¥ completed Grade spat Ht. |[Matlow Honeeeck 728: 02; PAH While: pyety Sresover Wil ne mage. to , 1700 SIMCOE ST. N. t B, 723-1163 with blower and 200-gal. oll tanks. Tele-| own area maybe on open better and are physically fit. N. Vanden Broek 668-267'5 Torvord_tapllas to box Tunas to am 16 Celina St ' LYSIS ete : i phone 725-9398. it Moke extra income Contact the nearest Royal id 723-Sh45 cept no, liapil iy'in srespect of ise Lane ls vee is il ae ie XS Chambers Food Ltd. |i ~ SKI-DOO snowmobile by Bombar- rapald Phone oh write Canadian Mounted Police of- pan og 533187 cept no liabili . is 1 t soft the Avon way. H my arbora * through either YELIVERY SERVICE dier, world's largest producer o ite to the Commis: 4 _ Petia or aekey in forwarding oh | peal NL INTERIORS by WINDOLF : 933 Ritson South Soil' vehicles. and Meca een sani S03) to Mrs. J, Hill, 140 Nonquon praca we George Sullivan 668-621 x. piles, however caused whellier ey veo" instruction 5--Trailers now on islay. United Rent-All Marine, teed ks, a : hs choo: gence or other Upholstery ' King St. E. at Wilson. 728-5565. : ' ; . M t be responsible for replies uncalled for @ Custom ; -- going {er 535 King to 9696 for personal interview. Royal Canadian Mounte: oli in 20. doys. HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME @ Re-Covering RAMBLER TRAILERS te gg FT elie asee Gain PAYERS nd, aa y' Police, METCALF one REGULATIONS IN SPARE TIME @ Antiques Restored SALE -- RENT nS SE reccladl heen for ee ea Ne EXPERIENCED Ottawa 7, Gntorie ee THE OSHAWA TIMES WILL NOT BE! Study at your own pace: Pre- 39 Simcoe N. Open Sundays 2 - 4 P.M, furniture -- all stock slashed [jit Lonuition reasonable. Telephone DIMING LOUNGE WalTeEke i s REAL ESTATE LIMITED: cupbs ME eee UGMITTED: ONHERWISE| pare for Ontario Diploma. $8 728-3651 for quick sale. Spring filled. |yosee -- kc 40 King Street East ment THAN INSWRITING NOT FOR MORE th, Books aupulied. Write FIELDS reuptoisterea ana] BUDDY TRAILERS | crit mattress with vinyl cover |euemiane-------Conce ie aie eo, Cena FO Hine yee SHIPPER- ov you THA mon ORS : TELDS re-upholsterea and : igh choirs from |with heater, bedroom suite, dinin » on week-ends. Knowlege o' YOU'LL ENJ THAN ONE INSERTION OF ANY THE E k Ameri- CHESTERE: estimate. See our mate- PORT HOPE $8.88; High choir: furniture, and numerous other articles. ; bi helpful. Ap- boa VERTISEMENT NOR BEYOND TH! for FREE brochure to re-styled, Free ine : Large size cribs from hone 668-4444. liquor and beer helpful. Ap Papas is choice 3+ bei. SETH sin wnien ERROR OCCURS. can School, Dept. 8, Box 784, for aeaee. Dalton Upholsterings 7s Charles poe Bt) and 28 319 88; Baby carriages 1966 FOUR RAW tins ply in person to Mr. Samete | RECEIVER stl ao ee larsie ee he right to| Oshawa, Ontario, Street, 723-7212, CAMPING TRAILER rental reservations models from $29.95; Play- matching chair. Blue fibre Glass drapes) Genosha Hotel. (no phone Mature man required py ae browalesiicd living | roona, The Oshawa Times reserves the rig t RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts. Estab-lnow being taken for Expo and Summer f $9.88; Strollers -- [with rod, like hew. One continen' th, |__calls please). ponding company, Must have , itch loaded with : BIDE Ty eave ena Beer 40 L lished 20 years. Workmanship guaran-|/sCations Book now and avoid disappoint- pens from : 88: Walkers, like new. Apply 8 Simcce Street South, RE LADY desiring a home, will- ing experience, grade 11 ed- bright kitchen, loade: sd Proper classification. Money to | een teed. Free estimates. Credit terms it: | ment. Phone Kamping Unlimited 728-9942.) Lloyd from $12 le made apartment 3, weekdays after 5 p.m. | Marui Fae cracat an 8 heme: wil Site Suicltac cpa) Weel cupboards, extra large tbe, xl. f display advertisements be t lidate your |tresses re-built, furniture __re-finished. | TO EXPOr Rent a trailer. Tent} Rockers, Jumpers, om h th liberal time off. Abstainer : Ab. cept 'oom with bar. Lot fully lane 'aie The Fines will not Ibe held responsible Bie ey apenuing' Mitel ae sein ort: Oshawa Upholstering, 287 Dean guickycd edits and capin taller. 'Resarve. naw. chairs. WILSON'S FURNI- G.Muiker Basket | fone Bl Li 728-7018, ucation me wll Boe be ed ood hadaed In: Ask « this | for more. space. than' that Which: thi aes Nest pont credit, 725-1423. 725-0311. Wilde Rental Service and Sales, Whitby! SVT 54 charch St. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper > vei, genome bility, and rep $19,500. with re etae cupies. -- - : 68-3226, ue af kj ¢ : endeavor to reproduce a Saver i ale age va we le ae a via Sales and Service HOLIDAY AN" ROGKET--cauie trail- APPLES Rainey teats ry ie hand: In return we offer a qood sonable down payment. Nos tion matter correctly, but assume no liability Ln oa r bills or for any. other ers; Y2-ton Truck Campers; 1967 models rete di MacIntosh writing, giving qualifications and for- starting rate and opportunity ance on 1 open led gg down of advertisement it any inaccuracies in |solida valle rpose providing you are in stock. Wilde Rental Service and CITY TV televisions, radios, Second grade a mer employment: Box. 49239, Oshawa He ot Reply. giving trans any form are contained therein. oy Mere SGa have Good credit: CE Sales, Whitby, 668-3226. service and repairs. Service $1.75 per bushel, first grade mer ess or t' ie alae A' REAL BUY clog 11's EASY TO PLACE A 723-4631. APPLIAN ca ee dept. open 7 days a week. Cortlands $2.75 per bushel. EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER re-| fu! po M49329 Excalledt: north anid loca tert for TIMES ACTION WANT AD Pathe 0a | S 5A--Camping oe -| Also T.V. towers, color and We also have first grade Spy's |quired. Preferably older, 5 respansiple BOX Excellent n sack ah * eee eet Mertanget REPAIR CAMP SITES for Expo. Tents §3.50/ black and white T.V. Anten- Gnd controvled atmosphere... | pac Pec reity eee Talbplion | OSHAWA TIMES ine ani toon off well this ¢ 723-3492 i SEA Kor rouervatlons| erie chit Pham: Os, rotors installed: _ sales Macintosh. Bale. Own con BE A TY CONSULTANT. Show- he d kitchen with built-in E Expert repairs to all makes |Eypo. For reservations' write A and Service 9am, 109 p.m. Soltis. chee: Cosmutics oilers tap. promis" ane TAL planne a aevel of woshers, dryers, ranges, |RR 1, Little Britain, Ontario. 248 Quebec St. Call 725- Algoma Orchards Ltd. |training. Telephone 728-7903. for _ inter- SUPPLEMEN pba ect) ehay ahd . FY ie ic. SKIN INDEX. TO RTS AVAILABLE @|6----Marine Equipment OP GD. AN rau "ausrantesd. Thtekson Rd. N., Whitby TUPPERWARE Kans I Tew week INCOME ata dal CLASSIFICATIONS LOANS @ ALSO PA S ONTARIO No. 1 potatoes, free delivery. |iy. Part-time selling Tupperware win| Part time srnieymert peg ORIOLE CR. 4 Been % CHRIS CRAFT TV TOWER Telephone 723-9439. home perry Per ar eens y: regular business 'hours $16,900. with reasonable'! 9 1--Women's Column Moneys available for first N SALES and SERVICE SPECIAL er train. -6806, 723. bysiltwo| qualified men desiring to sup- down payment, immaculate p.n Ferriss Coben and second mortgages. Open A L . A McVay fibreglas sail boats, tructure, all. |9A--Eggs & Pou Lie ee ard arc Ro week.| plement income. Excellent for 3-bedroom. bungalow, 'extra ae 4--Motorcycles mortgages. No bonus. First FURNITURE and APPLIANCE Crestliner, Peterborough and ay sas pelle nctalled EGGS "DAISY | FRESH" soniye Telephone 723-1003, retired paket others eens large lot. Call now for aps Jeon . ved, i A awa, Tee TF iti Ss s--Marine, pocorn onl Seeanens tor Cr a Re Se on oor pesca i $50. Oshawa TV Supply i picked ced Up, elivered af are or home. woman for gerers ince Bye Hig ray ge lege he cai, polntment to lnspect. . Verne 7--S' and Barter ono ag 723- : rude outboard motors: : c | t_ three hours ' e - ' ecArices for Sa chased. ere cee 723-8186. | _just east of Ritson Rood. -|10--Farmers' Column |ty,"sta""tn Times" PYF). igh school graduate. sur LOTS OF LOTS | Steve ' asi A --_ , v RES ---- i i e 5 n i" H i 1--Farmer's column M. F. SWARTZ ae jishers. Re- escaM I a AD AND CRIPPLED farm stock pick-| EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER want| ance iad aiei aliflon, in choice north east location, ee wane 26¥4 King St. Eost Pas fecal Wakes Nee Boe Phe RUTHERFORD'S Bn eornOl Marqwill Fur Farmsled, Telephone 725-8974, Oshawa. no collecting, Write qua all services in and prepaid. El, Ai rticles Wa in . airs J ee id sear iocesnnenesnnse 5 . iscanicies tor Rent Baus i oles Jack Lees, 728-4956, he bola oes ae 3-room groups, y fea peri Tyrone, Telephone Collect Hampton 263- [nanysirrER WANTED, vm home tions. BOX 49669 Excellent ternts, aril " NTEED REPAIR to all wringer ornes . ini ' ; . 66. fernoons | 1S-Emplovment wanted 723-4697 WEIN CONE Teoeee tee Selene top. 5 horsepower Evinrude ee seek $699. Easy |GOOD QUALITY mixed "nie ana é BIN eee Sek Se OSHAWA TIMES TRI-PLEX ae rear ------ ee "399 Ty. | ferms. Immediote delivery or [reef sites 'nett pment THE ULTIMATE Teco "Baul Doha. Orv. es eee eer | Wolt 18--Male Help Wanted $399 LIMITED QUANTI " ansiolv sa Lik Rraeee HEN care cond "ceenee' One. good tri-plexes in good loca- hin B--Male of Temas ep Woes Ist and 2nd Surveyors MARINE STORAGE oy Pe s and | estock PG tac si jortunities. 725-6816. | tions. Shown by appointment 'Jac Estate For Sale aT fs THERFORD'S TE ets an toc Excellent sales opp i cil ie Sir = pestle io NTIAL [fario" Lang. Surveyor. Commercial ue OF saa : pimege ote South COZY RANCH, Rea'd. German Shep. bree By ae i Cae MACHINIST. and OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE or 2i--Farms for @ RESIDE 6 free, children 17, roResl 'Crate Wanted @ COMMERCIAL A BUM AND TROLLOPSS SST OTTS 0 sieneeiaasont-- wnamad es FLOOR COVERING herds, Pubs, Show mere. in foal: sas, $25 er week. Write Box 493, Colborne, | TOOL M AKER Dial 728-4678 , Leone A j i 24--Stores Offices and Storage @ INDUSTRIAL Land Surveyors, 111 Elgin Street East.|steering controls. List' price $795. Selling equipment, clothes. Ashburn, 655-4662. RAN Secale Tight houaee : 25--Houses for a. Immediate service and even- Phone 725-688). $475. Also Chrysier hp hie ol BARGAINS BEAUTIFUL BABY BUDGIES, ready RRLIASES WONAH Rak Children, Must Full or Part-Time Joe Mago 725-9191 Kathr 2--Rooms for Rent ing appointments. Complete SIREEAPEY" Grew Tiscmer-tasn,| _ Clesronce. of. dimsntinusd Broad, Taveigin Gest APPY "liven Apply 781 Beaupre Avenue. Bob Johnston 725-9365 Georg 28--Room and Board details call Doug Terwillegar. PER MONTH SSTARCRAPT," adil seven d days patterns, thousands of yards P aOR ESHONAL Eee 3Ei SERVICES --|FREE RENT for reliable | couple. or Steady job, top wages and Frank Frankfurter 728-5416 pie Pp le esies RA for Sale BRANCH REALTY $ : The cost of this| week. Marine Storage and Supply Ltd.) trom, 29c tt. Clipping, all breeds, poodles our spe. jwinow Ik erehanon. tr es ain 1) SNe benefits. Telephone John O'Driscoll ikl ee uatrcks tor sale INVESTMENTS LTD. ' od dolly for one! TanpyMaN's -267-crancr--aime-com-| WILSON'S FURNITURE ing. "snd training." Oobermen Finsehers|Bm". | INBGRY Jock Hogan . 33--Automobles Wanted 51 King E 723-1157 yeor. Too smoll pleted. Telephone 728-7245 | 20 Church St jand German Shepherd puppies for sale. oe 4 Find Whatever MEMBER O.D.R.E.B. GUID 34--Automobile Repair Res. 725-6210 | is be 'poticadb lee Vee Re ;|Dachurst Kennels, 655-3 ou f 324-5212 We List Exclusive ond M.L.S 14 @ ind Found ict ne es soap 30' HOUS! WAY | a . tidy sum 'by "renting. that $25) 1 35--Lost and aan ey oe sleeps eight, galley, head dinelie and|PUT al 7 rahi and He an|ALL TYPES OF HORSES for sale, | | You Want--In the Times 36--Legal FILL SPARE ROOMS with paying quests. ' it! divan, Telephone Port Perry 985-7028) apartment, Phone Ja eg CH Telephone 942-1101, 37--Auctions Phone 723-3492 now for an ad-writer to You're reading it! \ apt. for rent ad. in Ti 38--Coming Events help yoo phros your wa. atter 4