Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 Mar 1967, p. 11

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Tre OSHAWA TIM@S, Friday, March 3, 1967 11 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) You are South, neither side vulnerable. The bidding has been: t 88% bid traded at R Neo Rite leat ean fall ee | d at 4.48 y and 182- meas , 0.D. ST BUZ SAWYER West North East South 19. 14 __ Pass_ ? What would you bid now with each of the following four hands? 1. 4Q7 WKQS @KQIs gaca 2. @K874 6S $82 SAQTSS 3. #AQ32 YS @KQIA BKGS 4. 436 YQI8 $AI73 BATS 1, Three notrump. A leap te game in notrump is clearly in- dicated. While North's spade overcall does not promise the World's Fair, and is usually based on a hand with less than opening bid values, it must nevertheless be assumed that there is some kind of trick taking potential behind the bid. A jump to two notrump would be a decided underbid. It would merely urge North to bid again, without compelling him to Whenever it is clear that a }game must be reached; part- {ner should not be given the opportunity to fall short of the mark. 2. Two spades. The best thing ito do is show hte spade sup- jport at once. A two club bid |would be begging the issue. |There is a general misconcep- |tion that a bid of two clubs in |this sequence indicates spade jsupport, but this view is far |from correct. The way to show jspade support, opposite an |overcall is by raising spades; the way to deny spade support lis by naming a new suit. | There is/very little hope of |making @ game. The spade |iraise informs partner early in jthe battle for the past score jthat he can count on moderate |values that include a spade fit, 3. Four spades. Just as in \the first hand, you have to take |clear-cut action. There would Inot be much point to a bid of \three spades to see whether |partner can carry on to four, He may have given his all with the spade overcall and decline the invitation to go on. | It is neither necessary nor OH, GOODIE--A TUB- FUL OF HOT WATER ALL READY NOW ILL GO INTO THE BEDROOM ANDO UNDRESS WHILE THE TUB JANE ARDEN * ' TLS" . vy ERS pp as hog THAT MUSIC!! IT'S ® COMING FROM THAT DRAWERFUL OF SOUVENIRS OF MY CHILDHOOD--- BUT-! NEVER HAD A RADIO! 1 WASN'T THE SORT OF CHILD A ANYONE -GULPY-EVER LIKED ENOUGH TO NOTHING HERE-- EXCEPT---- i] _ YOU'D BETTER FIND 3] MARINA VLADCHEK FAST, SECRET AGENT X9 THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. ARE FEATURING wane they cast BRAND NEW 1966 VIVAS AS Low As $41395.00.....: TELEVISION LOG HUBERT desirable to show the dia- Channel 12--Peterdorough 9:00 P.M. 11:00 A.M. v Cussnel ihren" | 12--Movie Zatone Ranger WHAT WOULDN'T. N monds. Partner will see them Channel Toronto 7--Rango @-2--Secret Squirrel HAVE HAPPENED? soon enough when dummy Channei 8--R 6--Movie 7--Casper comes down Gaus Soren 3--Mo 5 3-On Sater y T notrump. The spade nine! vie . wo . 5 Channel 4--Buttale ; 11:38 AM. M4 lly based Channel 8--Barrie 9:30 P.M. me . overcall is normally based on eS Channes 3--Buttate a SRe So htee oe = a fairly good trump suit and 7 =| TE-TH.E, Cat $--Skipper Sem Zi] |to 13 high card points. Wheth- = cna! W:00 P.M. Pa Paid i} jer there is a game therefore 5:00 PM. to iietasible | | SMT. Magee i, depends upon whether the 12--Three Stooges 7--Avengers Alene Rinder #} lovercall was minimum, medi- Vi--Family Theatre gaan | 3--Cimarron City AROUND HERE, ii um or maximum, @-Superman 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News | uh) 7 sebe THAT NEVER © The two notrump bid re 7--Leramie |. Weather, Sports | ite 3 quests North to go on to game 6--Flipper éved 9--Movie WOULD HAVE e with a high-grade overcall, but f eBid 11:8 Pm, | Z--Mllton the Monster HAPPENED! allows him to pass with lesser A 5:30 P.M. eras Bern, Sports | 4--Roed. Runner | values. We are not in an idea] 1k ee. ae 4-aeling Tips | &8--Cool McCool | position to determine whether Let's Sing Out ese OM I comets | game can be made, and we i 2--Of Lands and Seas | 28 -Johnny Carson 7--Magilla Gorilla | MOTHER SPLIT HER therefore consult partner in 4:00 PM. 4Movie 6--Super 6 the matter. Presumably he is '| PE fat vsed 11.35 P.M. 4--Beagles NEW STRETCH PANTS ; 3 12-4-4--News, Weather, * SWestern sanmboree E just as anxious to bid and fy Fe stad 11:48 PM. $-4--Smithsonian CLEANING OUT TH make a game as we are, 7--Movie." 12-Bourbon St. Beat 1:00 P.M, GARAGE! Lo} i It's About Time 9--Talk Back 11--White Hunter y Wt | 11.45 P.M, | 7--Championship ' 2 6:30 PM. 4--Movie | Bowling den's Riva | { 12--Iron Horse n Pre Mo PM. | pre ir ng dred 11--Plerre Berton " ] 2--Golf Classig { 9-63--News, Weather sane | 244--Animal Secrets Appears Halted s PN as | 1:30 P.M. 1 4--News . 1--Sir_ Lancelot _ a @-4--Huntley-Brinkley 2--Upbeat Hi oe Ay oo ,Boutere) Two ot ¢ News SATURDAY 2~Sea Hunt en's largest opposition | vs 'coe Am, ae 4-Bat 'Masterson groups appear to have called a 11--Us About Time 'pay and Gola 1bNe halt to their bitter rivalry dur+ 9--Phyllis Diller 4--Captain Kangaroo 7--Movie ing Aden's last two days of &--Wonderful Werld 2--Clutch Cargo 4--College Basketball bloodshed and terror that took 6--TBA | 8:30 A.M. 3-6-12--Curling ds Soe Ae Ronny V--Schoitze! Hevee 2-Wells Forge 11 lives. ' toon Playhi .20 PM. : ce Soiree siseee | isecantaeet The Egyptian - backed Front for the Liberation of South Yemen--FLOSY--and the Nae tional Liberation Front, banned 7--Rocketship 7 2--Greatest Show 2--Hercules 3.00 P.M. 7:30 P.M. . \e J--News, Weather, Sport: 11--Outdoors Unlimited 7:30 P.M. 3-6-12--Get Smart | | 11--Hobby Time three sons of FLOSY's secree 4--Fun to Learn 9--HI-Time ka 12-Rat Patrol I-Mr. Magoo Shell's World of Golf YOUR HEALTH n Aden as a terrorist organi- 2 N--Time Tunnel Via nail _|zation, seemed today to have i=] Saree Petticoats | '5-¢3--ontario Schools 2:39 P.M. buried the hatchet and appear J--Creen. Hornet as en TvScesenayt Oeedie N A d Di S ll ready for a new offensive in 4--Rat Patro! ; om the South Arabian Peninsula, 9--St! 2--Of Lands and Seas i wild = tFlimtone : ee <i ausea ni 1Z2zy pe Shoaecaie. aaid. . 8: .M, --| » Gumby --Wrestling ; -- 9--Movle | acerankenstein Jr. 9--Atter Four | The NLF joined Tuesday in i= J--Time Tunnel | ASinbad Jr. t--Debie Gills Not He art Murmur the huge funeral procession for 4--Go! lassic 3412-C BC Sports Pre- 8:90 P.M, 9-4--Space Ghost sents, i tary - general, Abdul Qawee 1F24--Man From Ei Space Kicettes orice By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD setggiobd a who were killed in 4--Hogan's Heroes 3--Popeye and Gumby | 2--Horse Race an explosion at Mackawee's 24-12---Tommy -Hunter 7--Beatles 8--Bowling ue Aden home Monday, Dear Dr. Molner: Is a heart,if you care to; after examining} Both groups accused. Britain CROSSWORD murmur anything to be con-|you, he can do a more authori-/and the South Arabian federal cerned about? I had a physical|tative job of calming your|government of the murders. ha three years ago and the doctor|nerves than I can. Prime targets for the new ua said I had one but not to let it allies are: ce 5 ; ACROSS E& 2.Opposed to 23. Pa's FY PUOAGI ee ag I read an|bi "ng is inner tons ¢ Poe whole "ae poe te eat ' TANIOIDIE] ok ew days ago I read an|ban 2 s = 1. High- obverse come RIA] cabin article that said nausea and|cardial infarction, Please ex-|this strategic area independ- b PY coop -- 25. At 4 ©6|dizzy spells went along with a|plain " 0 ee as oS een bint dated 3 Re ck : murmur, and I have been hay-| This is a "heart attack,' or| 2, The South Arabian federa' i iL 1 home ing them all the time but the|damage to the heart muscle/goyernment, which is expected a produc- and name- 27. To- doctor did not tell me this. Is it}from interruption of arterial|to succeed British rule; = 2 --, 5 '. oe on = true? I am 39.--Mrs. E. G. | blood flow to the heart muscle. 3 The South Arab League, . . Perm! . { Al I can't make out from your _ joldest political party in Aden avons 6. Double nick JAICI'VIEMITIOISIAIE lietter whether you have a prob-| Dear Dr. Molner: I am trying|which opposes the federal gov- 14,Like a wing curve name = GIEIIEINMESITIAING! iem or just have the jitters|to mend a fractured hip bone.lernment but also has taken = 15. Green Z.Julcy fruit 29.Grant yi serday's Answer over whatever you read, Eating lots of meat but avoid-|stand against Egyptian and Ye- Her, 8. Ease 30, Wi 00.W, If you were having dizzy|ing desserts (other than fruit)| meni influence. 16. Courage 9. Vassal with er) spells and nausea all this time,|as I don't want to gain weight. pl 10, Biblical pdeeh needles bird I can't fathom why you didn't/I get around with a walker, Is HATS DO WELL bald rg: 26 coma 28. Pater 42. Biblicad tell the doctor. too much 'protein harmful?--| roypoN, England (CP)--Man- PP ape oe As to these symptoms neces-|P. N. ware ufacturers in this centre of the staves 19. Where 35, French 44. For sarily being related to a heart} Sufficient protein is mneces-|hat industry have found Rus- Pe nll --- ted river 45. Twilled | murmur--no, that doesn't fol-)sary. Your appetite usually in-|sian women go for English tive reply 90, Fat 387. Seasoning fabric 4 low. A murmur means that the/dicates when you have had/hats. They say many of their : P Z . blood swirls through the heart|/enough. A reliable medical rulejexports to Finland are snapped : 24. Hillside T ay OB 7) in such a way as to make a dis-|is that a og og diet Sry up by visiting Russians so they dugou' tinctive sound which can be/doing any harm so long as kid-inow want to export directly to Oo 90.0 Me i V7Ai heard with a stethoscope. ney , age fi remains normal. the Soviet Union. rine: slang, 'A murmur may mean noth- ¢ y; 4 t deal.| Dear Dr. Molner: I am on a . river ad Y 7, plies pig orind a|strict diet, forbidden to eat any SALLY'S SALLIES 82.Put on ' VM, murmur it is, and where it is|fresh frult or vegetables, be- 33, Resort 7 Wm ; heard, and what other signs are Sa Re! : Papeid nt el 36. Spreads present. While it is not impos-|What other foods can sible for nausea and dizziness|are rich in vitamins?--I. L. o to : to accompany some forms of} Juices of fruits and vegetables 88. Nickel: sym. Vd: heart disease, it is far more|can provide sufficient vitamins. e7 x ext ; hal 39. Port-au- likely for these symptoms to oc-| Alternatively, multivitamin sup- Prince is the YW cur from other causes. |plements can be taken. , capital If it's three years since your "a 41, Agreement 33 Gg 7 "i last physical, and you are 39, 1} Note to Mrs. L. E.: Cosmetic 43. Too have a suspicion that you are| plastic surgery is perfectly feas- Q 5 1) 44. Hedge plant 40 Y Ch going to worry your head offlible at your age (in the 30's). Fe 46. Parry unless you do the obvious thing:|It would not entail "months of 47, Ebb a> Go have another checkup--in-|hospitalization," but only a few "a 48. Three, at cluding a Pap test, which is!days as a rule. To learn the 3 cards Y very useful at your age. jcost in your particular case, ask e 49. Unlocked Tell the doctor about your|your regular physician to refer = DOWN Bg re dizzy spells. Remind him thatlyou to a plastic surgeon, and) ug Mr, Thom n . & Anguish 3 he told you about the murmur.|discuss cost with him hefore de- Hite eeepc Res? | ra Tell him about what vou read!ciding what you want to do. sites is ¥. &

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