ERASER REET K WHITBY DAY - BY - DAY ee ' ep Se : ; ___THE OSHAWA TIMES, Turoloy, Mand 2, 1967 5 shat Mark Education Week Steering Group Named ment With Centennial Pageant By Historical Society ifts WHITBY (Staff) Ed Events during Educatio Sta -- "Educa-| Events during Edu n l Hon, Measureof A Nation: isi Week are: WHITBY (Staff) -- A group of) "Sailing ships brought sup-| Mr. Winters has many ex- Rig He arng gastie March 7 --E. A, Fairmgn interested citizens met Tuesday/plies to early settlers and car-|cellent ideas and committee (ARN schools. During the week, Whit-|School --parents invited during in the Whitby Centennial Build-jried away wheat as early as|members welcomed them with he govern- by schools will be open to par-|the morning to observe students i oiled . nag bir song 1800, perhaps even earlier. enthusiasm. ng Premier ents and the general public. |at work; Palmerston Avenue charter for the Historical So-/MUST BEGIN NOW |PROJECTS DISCUSSED in the leg- A centennial pageant is to be a bp bevy Behn ciety. Due to inclement weather| '| We must begin now to make| Many suggestions and tenta- Rees presented March 19 by Brock Higntay g and other meetings many people|2" effort to recapture some of tive Projects were discussed remier's ill- Street Public School students splay. 2 who otherwise would have at-|the history of those early days|during the lively discussion per- v important Students are making their own] March 8 --King Street School tended were unable to do so,|While it is still possible to re-jiod. Questions were answered nd you are orelect, which will depict, Can-|clatses 9:98 - 14 nota anf'#.s'4 Poperer, tale moor ik prom eas aad "heap catty. atlOwon eas athe aan } re Ww y . s 9:30 - . | f 8 s awa zranted. He adian Indian history and the|p.m.; Kathleen Rowe School -- ed jthose whose great-grandfathers | Historical Society. figure that lives of explorers in early Can-|Open House at 8 p.m., with Mrs. H. B. Muckle, wh0lcaited the ships or cleared the| A steering committee of five roceedings, ada. ie Howard Hempstead, "school Tuesday portal sae ak the ian," Mrs. Ingram said. jpeople was chosen. They are: pose silt Most centennial plans ans pro- gee Sa gg 20 Boag 1 erga those who were prevented from big pe f aris gie Dedigne pit _ ae gel rifting with iio Yt alg nds . Open House 7:30-9:15 p.m., with attending by the bad weather. ey iy te ar bi Maite " poir fad Burwash and R Vales s rudder is sed eo ol festa a hia call the school choirs and physical Mrs. A. Ingram welcomed the oe aes eth Seaton Te committee will report you realize be discl ota Hees afer education program. members. In her opening re-| Fousiam both fave peoviatiecl progress' to the membership at | Presence the library. These displays are| March 9 --Dundas Street 'road oe nal Bl Tn cong iat Ope EP ithe next meeting, which is to it may be int P's acuudit toe gible a 'soem. dhe tennial year the public is becom- a edeag ie mrp gta ad FO ced. : y be. intended to acquaint the public]School --7:30 to 9 p.m., class- ing aware of our great heri-/Served the art facts of the early |?© 8nnounced. farming community. Oshawa's ING? with the changing school sys-jroom visitation and physical tage," one example of tem. education program, museum deals with a slightly 1964 presen a REMEMBER SACRIFICES _|later period. . . "Since a museum is an ex-| Whitby could have an excel- pyrene Substantial Drop In Highway Deaths ' cellent teaching medium it js|lent museum devoted partly to CHEVROLET overnment WHITBY (Staff) --Subst moving violations under the i € Aide cad Ge teen ak Gots a Bel-Air 4 Door Sedan » stifle any aA --Substan-/ous g fi pe ss vi > children and the newcomers tojand partly to the memory of Ae in deena e the next tial reduction in accidents and Hay ode _ th Ac 'olations é Pan | at the community should be made|those people whose energy and| eandition' 26,000 highway deaths on Ontario's tenes vw Crain Cola of de of the Page work and bho ye helped Whitby to grow ceraigel niles. ' s y fure- rosper. Bane) e was that busiest highways surrounding! which 1,147 were for non-moving KEDRON SCOUTS RECEIVE QUEEN SCOUT CERTIFICATES Ena hess that enabled ra hae dees had been Metro Toronto has been an-|violations and 1,045 radar / ligwn 40 asiet "|MUSEUM ASSET $1595: Poe into nounced by the OPP charges. The highlight of the 21st the presentation of Queen tion of the badges to the _ hp een -- | sia no ' at | Whitby is a pass-through town and, as it : f , i iff { i a ; ham and Bruce Dale. Back | "Whitby has been able to con- touri ! ( pen mainly For OPP district five, encom-| What appears to be an in- Oshawa Scout Group's an Scout or to six boys' fathers who Hd turn Tow (ORL IAL are Dougiak |uibile greatly, to the develop. suse be Kee ioe GMA.C. FINANCING passing York, Peel and Ontario\crease in personal injuries is} nual Father and Son ban- members of the troop. As- pinned them on the uni- Pascoe, Bill ' Elliott. and |ment of Ontario County not only|, fod f Fe <a TRADES ACCEPTED _ at the in- counties, there were 87 fatal due to a aa an of --, quet, recently in the coun- sistant Scoutmaster George forms. The recipients of the Larry Watson. because it is the County Town, tel Had sadsivabie caterast an, Dalton accidents in 1966 compared with|n& ge a a _ . Now, what) ij hall at Camp Samac was Pollitt made the presenta- badges, front, from left, are --Oshawa Times Photo jbut largely because its busylin display of early sailing! ster of la- 91 in 1965. There were 99 per-|Can escribed as band Une a -- SRS eae ska aa jharbor was in operation long sar Abia | had done sons killed in 1966, 117 in 1965|juries, such as a sore hand with . e | [before the incorporation of the!" Brian wint inted hough Mr and 1,973 personal injury acci-/no visible injury, are now ' | F 0 Y t Town took place. Penn ey De nue Oak HAY enue ba dents in 1966 as opposed to 1,909,/Tecorded as personal injuries. 1C erin oar S < | ocus Un rou [A County archive is necessary! this es- in 1965, "These statistics reflect the ele for the convenience of people| at this es . their leaders for their faithful! d historical d » anythin In the Whitby area, there/driving habits of a large per- | : : oing historical research, an CHEV, OLDS. renee ervice eme u were: 18 persons killed in acci-|centage of the motoring public," week by week leadership. that it 1s a project quite within ment, Li Bi ig P , e 4. the 'op: dents; persons killed totalled 19; |said Commissioner Eric Silk, of | WHITBY -- The O'Neill Col.|. At morning worship, Gayle|the capabilities of a historical] 300 Dundas St. E. Whitby ked very 371 personal injury accidents; |the OPP. 'It is most apparent, ] Vver-d OOS 1 { Vv cs Ann Hay, daughter of Mr. and pein ment very 672 persons injured, and 809|that a greater degree of. co- . jlegiate Vocational Institute rec W. Hie wan eredentnd ti cases of property damage inloperation is required on the |Band and the St. Mark's Junior hapten Hei, rhe vont BROCK t with the 1966. : part of the motorist if our ef-| PICKERING (Staff) -- The,enced a surge in growth in the, The councils were informed |Choir provided the music for a Riegel 8A! BR coe cacti cl Evening Programs At 7 and 9:00 overnment Charges laid In the Whitby /|forts are going to mean any- Pickering District High School|Past year when 425 students/that transportation cost is ex-|'Focus On Youth" evening in a religion WHITBY Setunday atinee Starts 1:30 get under area included: 5,942 for hazard-ithing. B ' .|were admitted. He said the| | sage a : oard asked for a 3.6 mill over . |pected to rise from $115,000 to|St. Mark's United Church last/committee of stewards. nore free- normal increase over the past |\Sund | : ---- fore con- all increase in its 1967 budget) few years was 300 students. | $142,000 because of the student a a 4 Newly elected elders will be ALAIN Joey Hons are WHITBY PERSONALS Tuesday night. The board's) The board's finance chair-|imcrease and the fact that 65 Gengatter fcviai totter ak chaste M D B ce, ; : __| operating and capital budget)man, David Claringbolt, said|/per cent of the students 8r€lcompanied the Gonurabattonal ports ELON * ISHOP aan. Vertant be gay x ~~ ee David |increased by almost $500,000 Holle aedMigendls Moti peer ha at a daily cost of|singing and played the follow- & i > Centen ea, ; F . z tf § : | cents. i bers "S: d Suite" by any real f ' over its 1966 expenditures ki "| jing number: acre: y if: Across from the sal cw oe uae Membership night was held| Council members from Ajax, Sl wk ein Ge ee Councils were told that at) Alfred Reid, Voluntary for Two 7 exas ene based on 3¢ dole, renicas offer, members, of, Marks/Pickering, Townenipand, Pil municipalities. i MRE |p fracture | arles jg-|United Church Uni at thelering Village attende it | ' f , } -- in charge Ha OPE te tan tisThome of Mrs. T. Akey, Centre|unveiling of the $2,743,214 bud-) "We continue to produce bud-|of $3,000,000, would not accom-|John R. Robertson. GUARANTEED the tory, each wi S own setting ; gets with our hearts rather than| modate the added students in| The Junior Choir, directed by } DOWNTOWN MONTREAL He evete and includes such personalities |Street South. Taking part in the| get. our heads," tinued M : illi "Ou HOTEL AC oMMuEn IONS eaningless Sir John A. MacDonald. The|Program were: Mrs. O. Jewell,! Based on the equalizedi~y. song' age ed Mr.itwo years. |Mrs. D. Williams, sang "Our --_ Frontier 1e opposi- 1 oF 0 A : -- ve Mrs. T. Akey who read the acigat, the 'Ajax sate will Claringbolt: "We try to limit} Councils were informed the | Heavenly _ Father, Source of inauitie te: y / j 4." teal Pie va sae ath a ee third chapter "The Church and sacrease from 21.63 mills to|QUT expenses to what we feel/total enrolment at the Dunbar-| Love, ' "Sing Praise To God In F i se leader Fait GPR cor Ia TREhEto aa 1d" Glan ay ani » hh the traffic will bear. ton, Pickering and Ajax High| Winter" and "Do You Know?" 4 e*, ' ment of tourism in Toronto and|the World", followed by an in-/94 53 mills. Ajax pays 28.88 per! yy, Claringbolt said that this IScout P a is ZF 1 on in have created a sensation wher-|teresting discussion. Mrs. H.!cent of the budget or $419,435. pehiad ead le . hardahip 4 pag eed ag neg bela eter Courtice read the TRAVEL SERVICE AUNIVERSAL PICTURE t he per- tt : ' i : hards 817. When the board opened| lesson, i eaten, ever they have been on display. cecuear ial can grtig Pickering Township will pay|the board because it could notlits first high school in 1949 the) The Youth Groups of St. wiinay aye ALSO TRAVELOGUE -- SPORT -- CARTOON Kathleen Rowe Home andjbership fees for the coming|® Tate of 27.42 mills up from|provide facilities to. the samelenrolment was 310. Mark's were in attendance and ALL COLOR PROGRAM ; : "s of 23.58. Thelextent as those of neighborin iati y Mr. Ro- School Association is holding its|year. Lunch was served by the|!ast year's rate signa aliarelenccs ; 8 &| The board broke down itsjappreciation was expressed to ing felt-- carnival this Friday at thelhostess assisted by Mrs, 0, |township pays the paanlie are Poards. : 11967 budget, totalling $2,743,- e none of Whitby Community Arena. Jewell. or 66.78 mills of the budget of| Claringbolt said the introduc-|914, in this manner: surplus f the gov- $962,900. tion of ETV this April would|/from 1966, $62,524; provincial tting inte The Ladies Auxiliary of the} Members of the Whitby Bap-| Pickering Village will havejadd further expenses and that|prant, $1,215,989; night school the pre Royal Canadian Legion has ar-|tist Women's Society for Chris-|its high school rate boosted|jcomputers would have to be/fees, $6,000; miscellaneous rev- ranged for a display of an-|tian Service met today at 10|from 22.61 to 27.93 mills. The introduced into the school sys-|enue, $6,362; levy for current ause if he tiques. Tea will be served byja.m. at the church hall to do|village pays 4.82 per cent of|tem in the not too distant!expenditures, $1,128,207 and ensed, he students of Anderson Street/sewing for the White Cross and|high school operations or future. 1$324,131 as a debenture levy. re out, High School and ver 'es the|Missions. They later on enjoy-|$70,002. F SS - how hi auxiliary in Centennial cos-jed a pot luck luncheon. | | : tumes. Mayor Desmond New. SURGE IN GROWTH ly he is man and Mrs. Newman will of-|_ Ajax, Brownie Packs and) At the budget meeting High) sues such ficially open the tea at 2.39/Guide Companies held a most|school Board Chairman D. G.| of p.m. successful homebake sale at/Wordley said the budget was a} me os Sillbietis ne Ate --_ building. Dis-|minimum one and that the) @ following were winners |tric' ommissioner Mrs. Wil-|three high schools had experi- REGISTRATION Division of the S. S. Kresge Corpany (Uarited J at og Whitby, pein and oon Humphreys was in charge . Area Pinewood Derby held at/assisted by members of her i Vv. All Saints' Anglican Church|committee. Scoutmaster Wil- poole vind ition ae P GO parish hall: Speed winners: |liam Humphreys also assisted. retail sales tax on the pur-| For Township School Area | : First, Garth Bush; _second,|Proceeds of the sale will help! yoce of equipment and ma-| | 0 Randy Wilde; third, Danny Gal-|an Ajax Guide to attend Expo|") ~~ ici- | of EAST WHITBY | 7 logley, Design Winners: First,|67 chinery used by the munici-; | pat oon a gam Reeve Jean McPher-| Hse | 1e Cham- H B 13 D sca es a cote oF thanks 6 Parents are requested to register prospective | unters a eer the township roads department kindergarten pupils for the 1967-68 school year, ed year, year day for its efficient removal of to start September 5. awa Gen- D . Pi k 4 Se snow from roads during the| ' ary 29. uring IC. ering ason heavy fall last weekend. A let-| o PICKERING (Staff) wuei 'Counsell 4 sss ry epg be pais Regardless of where you live in this township + (Staff) -- The} Council passed a resolution|the department. Reeve Laycox| ; WwW j Department of Lands and For-|making the Pickering Beach |said the department had been| please register Hot later than March 10 by let- HYTE +) y td ests advised Pickering Town-\Community Centre Association|°Ut in force for 23 hours on ter to the undersigned stating names of child ig pear ship Council this week that the|Tesponsible for its own tele- Saturday and Sunday. and parent, date of birth, postal address and township deer population had co eee ste 4s | telephone number, also location in township and oms and ae ee by least. 13| switch the responsibility from FIVE YEAR | your preference of A..M. or P.M. classes. 418 Bie season last fall. : ue Read ee " hohe iter : | : eae The department reported) ticsows @ATeMan wale tele,| 614% Accumulative} -- A child must be FIVE years of age not later than pl gible poner ad phone calls to England and GUARANTEED DEC. 31, 1967 to be admitted to these classes kills had been made in the first|C2/fornia from the community in September. D aac enine phone. INVESTMENT ig il also authorized the The result of the season was|_ ~OunC! , | reported a8: "Yair t0 good" in| foie weakers for te entre'=s| GROW 36% | a PHS the 7 townships, Jin the Lake! "cost of $216 replacing the J. H.. PASCOE See. Treasurer, point of - vest in Pickering included one gis 7 stolen. | Oshawa, R.R. 2 vantage buck, three does, five fawns|ine two, be lp to declare) (Averag 7.2% a year) | rescued, and four deer of unknown gen- #7 as Retarded enh. RS bed | fell into der. ; ; , e | and permit the Pickering and VICTORIA an HIGHWAY PEDLARS Whitby Association for Retard- vee Council decided its engineer-/€d Children to campaign for GREY TRUST cameras ing department should make funds. Maple Leaf BACK BACON application to the department RESOLUTION ENDORSED of highways to place 'no park- Council endorsed a resolution Whitby 668-5897 ing" signs on Highway 2 be- tween Sheppard Avenue and from the Township of Sandwich the Rouge River bridge. The move was made to dis-| >| courage roadside pediars and vehicles stopping to shop along the highway. Police Chief Reg. Parker suggested the signs! read: "no stopping or stand- ing." | | Fearman's | Fearman's | Swift's Premium Bol | POLISH -- SIDE ologna | COIL | BACON te 39: 89! 53° Fancy Iced Roast Turkey Donuts DINNER Mashed potatoes, buttered K-MART C DOZ. | 409 BROCK, ST. S. -- WHITBY -- 668-2721 || @ TAKE HOME SPECIALS @ | T-BONE STEAK DINNER .......... 1,99 RIB-EYE STEAK DINNER ......... 1,49 Family Chicken Boat--Southern Style 4,95 20 Pieces of Chicken, Serves 7 to 8 people. Chips -- Cole Slaw -- Buttered Buns, CHICKEN BOAT -- 4 pes. Serves 1 ...... 1.15 CHICKEN BOAT -- 8 pes. Serves 2 to 3 2.25 CHICKEN BOAT -- 12 pes. Serves 3 to 4... 3.45 || CHICKEN BOAT -- 16 pcs. Serves 5to 6 .. 3.90 | @ SEA FOOD SPECIALS @ 21 SHRIMP IN A BASKET ............. 1.25 SCALLOP DINNERS ..... Oy eee 2 2 SHRIMP DINNERS 00.6 cose ce sce ees - oe OYSTER DINNERS oo oc ieee ccceees sO | RED WING ORCHARDS COLD STORAGE OPEN 8 A.M. to 5 P.M, -- DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY Come out and pick up @ fresh supply of crisp juicy epplies. Located 2% Miles West of Whitby On No. 2 Highway ct the "BIG RED APPLES" PHONE 668-3311 WINTER CLEARING @ VIYELLA SHIRTS 20% OFF @ COATS -- JACKETS -- PARKAS 25% OFF Special Prices on Odd Articles pale. pon USS EEVE'S vegetables, roll and butter 79: OUYANG "WOGNOT ~ SBNALYAA YOO Big ' HADDOCK DINNERS ......... phisios 620 By A prog! S SHOP HOME MAME SALADS .............; Ib. 45¢ rock St. S, Whitby 668-2091 Deiivery to Whitby, Ajax, Oshawa -- 25¢ | ay j i) : ! oe ee, "an - << - Peaepie - ae te ear : P ---- ee: